frills! Cthr -EICHMOND HILL. ONT.. May [907 ,’ MAKING CANADIAN HISTORY. ; The week last past will prove a! memorable one for Canada. It saw , the conclusion 'of the Colonial Con-l ference in London, at which Canada’s gifted premier, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, was honored upon every occasron, who so ably represented Great Britain’s greatest colony and upheld the best ofCanada's traditions; , It saw the ï¬rst step accomplished towards the establishments of a new fast mail service between England," Australia and New Zealand, via‘ Canada. It gave to the country the latest in- - formation with respect to the cost, and route of that great nationali undertaking, the Georgian Bay Canal, of which Sir Wilfrid is on. record as saying, “ It shall be built." It saw publication of figures which : prove that the trade of Canada has‘ increased by the enormous sum of' 892,128,995 during the past year. It permitted the ï¬nance depart- ment to announce that the ï¬scal returns for the year last past would show a surplus of $18,000,000 after paying off nearly $10,000,000 of the public debt. It Welcomed the announcement by the premier that the home govern- ment should seriously consider the injustice to Canadian interests by reason of the cattle embargo which obtained in England against Can- adian cattle. and the response by Mr. Asquith, chancellor of the exchequer, that the question should be seriously considered by' the Board of Agri- culture. It saw general contentment, honest administration of public affairs, a condition of prosperity which makes of Canada the most desirable ï¬eld for immigration, and immigrants arriving by the thousand. It saw the settlement of the most distressing of the industrial disputes between employer and employed, and a disposition to obey the law with respect to the less diï¬â€˜ciences which have arisen in some localities. _â€" That the proposal to raise a fund for the education of Longboat, the Indian, who ran the greatest race on record, should end in failure, does not do credit to the citizens of Toron- to. and especially to the class known as “sports.†Dr. Oronhyatekha, who passed away a few months ago,| ‘would. in all probability, not have proven a credit to his race and country had he not been assistedl when a boy by the then Prince of Wales, our present king. Longhi at has shown to the world that his feet are thoroughly educated. Toronto,.' his present home, should not miss the chance of educating his head. â€"â€"*.oâ€"â€" A number of the City papers seem ' to take a delight in casting reflections , on the character of the farmers in| this community. A few weeks ago The Word had a serious of articles. the object of which seemed to be to belittle the tillers of the soil. And last Saturday's Globe in referring to the large number of British immi grants now arriving, spoke dispara- gingly of farmers who tried to take,. advantage of the newcomers. If it! can be sh0wn that any particular; farmerâ€"say John Smith or William Jones-ill-treats or mis-uses his farm hands or domestics it is proper toi expose him, but to speak slightingly ' Without discrimination about the‘ farmers as a body is a poor piece of 1 business. Both The World and The? Globe must know‘that lzundreds 0fI open for farm laborers, but the latter t good homes in this county are now would prefer working in shops and factories. l .a- ,of deaf children The editor of The Canadian Mute, a paper published at Bollcville, wishes to get the nainesaiid addresses in this Province who are not attending the Deaf and Dumb institution in that City. The following sentences are contained in the appeal. Those interested will kindly assist the edlIOI'i “ We are desirous of obtaining the names and addresses of the parents of all such children, and we earnestly appeal to the readers of these lines to assist us in securing this information. Clci'gyiiieii of all denominations, phy- sicians, assessors, iiispoctois of schools and public school teachers are in an especially favorable position to assist us in this direction, and by so doing they would be conferring an inesti~ iiiable boon to these silent iiieiiibci's of the community. Our desire is to enter into correspondence with the parents oi'all deaf children with the hope ofiiiduciiig them to send them to ‘ our school at Belleville. where they may receive such training and iii- struction as will ï¬t them to become l useful, self-supporting and respected citizens. It is a lamentable thing that any deaf boy or girl should be deprived of the advantages of such an education when it is freely pro- vided for them by the Province.†A correspondent writes: "Never was there ii more (log in the inaiigi-r policy than that adopted by the Moiâ€" ropolitan Railway: tlwy cnnuot charge what they wish and llIGl't‘fiii'e [buy won‘t let all ride who would. Tlicy absolutely refuse to give- an excursion rate on any occasion. thus robbing their own coffers. Not only have they refused rates for 24th of May and other holidays, but when there are religious and other conventions they prefer to carry six at [\vo cents a mile where they could curry SCUI'HS without an extra car by giving a special rate. It is very siiggest‘iie of the fable of the man who warmed tho fiozcn ser- pent in his breast only to be rewarded by his poisonous fangs.†Carrville. Mrs. J. Tyndall and little daughter Annie spout a few days visiting in Toronto last, Week. Mr. Milton Gordon left last week for a trip to the west. Miss Ethel Paterson has accepted a position in Toronto with the T. Eaton ‘o. Inspector Mulloy visited our school recently and found everything in good ordcrand expressed himself as being well pleased with the progress of the pupils. Mrs. \Vin. Cook is visiting friends in Toronto this week. “"0. are pleased to hear that Mr. Harry Graham w ho Wasratlior seriously injured some time ago in an accident on the G. T. R. is recovering and expects soon to be able to leave the hospital. A Children‘s Flower service will be held a week from next Sunday oven- ing in the Cari-ville Methodist church conductor] by Rev. \V. E. Galloway. Appropriate music will be furnishin by the children of the Sunday School. â€".o.â€"â€"â€" TIIE RACE WEEK ATTRACTION. The Toronto Press Club has a Strong Production. The theatrical attraction that will draw most attention in Torontoduring the spring race meet is the production of “ The Importance of Being Earnest" an English comedy that is to be seen at the Princess on May 30, 31 and Juno 1st. The Toronto Press Club is producing the play with Mr. Douglas A. Patterson and Mr. Robert Stuart Pigott as the leading men. Both are seasoned actors of romiueiice on till" American stage an are supported by a very competent Cast including Miss Berenice Parker. a well-known artist. The place play will be preceded by “ Griiigoire. the Ballad Monger a clever lavlet illustrating the times of Louis [of France. theatrical performance has boa-onyx .. social function of great importance in Toronto and the coming production promises to exceed its predecessors in artistic quality. On Friday night. the oï¬â€˜icers of the Canadian Press Association will receive their fellow craftsman from all over the Province. â€"QOGâ€"-â€"- EXHIBTTION PRIZE LIST. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS. In Horse Section Canadian Breeder put on Fair Footing with Importer. The prize list of the Canadian Na- tionaJ Exhibition of Toronto is just out. Many changes are made, making it more convenient for reference by exhibitors, The regulations are changed so that all animals exhibited in the live stock sections must be registered in the Canadian Iii-rd Book registers. ‘ In the horse section the Canadian bleeds-r is put on :1. fair footing with the importer. The directors have on- deavored in every way to protect and encourage Canadian-bred horses. The plIZCS in the breeding classes of the horse section have been increased over $600. Several new classes have been added. especially the one for strings of Leo horses, which is expected to be one of the features of this vear‘s vxliibit. In the harness. hunter and Jumping classes the prize list reiiiains= the same as last year, including the iof the prizes is $30,000, iioi King Edward Hoth Cup. \\‘lll( ll is again being given for the best llIilN' Ili Llo' runabout class. In the Spi‘t'll division tiii- iii-:zi-s lmvr been llllfl‘Pilï¬t-tl by $1,000. .2. i. w on.“ had been adili-il, providing for litilai-Y Il‘iul ni'i- not fast I’lltlllgll llll' iliv “l-ll‘lh for-all," lilll, Iliul are to siim-ily i'iii llii~ 2.31) classes. The coiiilitmns Mo 1111‘ same. In the rattlo Ft'cliovil A. 'l‘. (imili'lir of C(iiilbst'nlisvwmy. Scotland. has I'l-ll- sound to jllllgl' llll‘ hlioi-lliui-iis. which is the lnigosl class in [lll\ svi-l i: ii. llii» prizes in thr- lli-i-i'l'oi-ils and ll)" llol- isteins have boon considornlily increasâ€" ed. The general :iri-nngomoii: throughout thi- piizo list this your is :nlpbulwiirnl, so that the finding oi" any N1 rlii-ii ls lllilIlU cosy. 'l‘lii- “gull-guilt- :inoiuiil lll"lll(llllg the $3,000 gheu in [llt' spI-i-il Ill'llull- input. This is Illt‘ lurgust [iuii-ly agricultural prize list on tho Ainv-rii'iiu Continent. ~.~7 on.- A, Lot iiw si-nil you iron, for (‘ntoii-li just in pi-ou- its iiii-i-ii. :i iiinl \i/o box ‘ of Dr. hlioop‘s t‘iiiiari-b lli-iiii-ily. 11 is ii. snow \vliito (-i-oiiiny. limiliug :inli- septic balm. irigi-i-dioiils as Oil EiiI-nlipl us. Tbynioi, Monlliol. otI:.. it gin-s instant and l.i:i.- ing I'Pllt‘f to (liilzii-i-h of tho iiosi- and throat. Mako tho fi-(‘o lost and soc lor yourself what. this preparation can and will accomplish. Address l)i. Slim-p Riir‘iuo, \Vis. Largo jar-3 {)0 (‘t'lll.\'. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. <----.. SLitlldill‘d Coi ii. 4 Calls for 24".: Stunn- niil l’oiis. A1 cans for 2.30. Atkinson & Switzrr. Auction Sales. WEDNESDAY. .luuc 5â€"Ai.(-tion sale (if l'i'osli milirh cows and llill'st‘r, at the Pilllllt'l‘ Houso Yards. b’ali' at Z p.iii. Terms 3 months. Siiigcoii k l‘II'ILk'Il. auctioneers. â€"-â€"â€"¢..â€"â€" Piles got. quick and (.‘t'l'lilll‘l l‘t‘llt‘f from Dr. Slioop‘s Magic Uinliiont. Pleziso note it is iiiiide alone for piles. and its action is positivo and ('I‘Iiillll. Itching. painful. protruding or bliiiil piles disappear like iiiagir by its uso. Laigo nickel cappod glass jar 50 routs. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. . - n.3,... . The Pi ( ss Club’s annual J Stallion Register Horsemen grtling bills or cards pi-iiitml at THE LIBERAL Oflii-c will receive a free notice during the season as follows:â€" LEGAL DIRECTâ€"Roadster stallion. the properly (if \V. G. Ellis. Bodf-ird Park. \Vill stand at his own stivblo. Terms made known on application. LAIRD MACQUEENâ€"Ulydvstlnlc. thi- prnpi'lty of \V. J. \Volls. Homi- stable. Tellll‘It'l'illlct‘Vlllt‘. \Vill be :it Kettleby, Nobleton, Vollorc, King City. Tor-ins $10. COLIN MACQUEENâ€"Clydesdale. the properly of Vt’. .l. \Vi'lls. Homo stable, Temporaucvville. \Vill be at. Ballati-ac. Aurora, Victoria Square, Elgin Mills. Terms $10. MARQUIS OF COWAL â€" Imported Clydesdale. the property of I). C. Steele. \\'ill go to Headford. Dollar. Patterson. Oak Ridges, Victoria Square, Elgin Mills. Home stable, Richmond Hill. Tor-ms $14. ROYAL I-lA'rT0):~â€"fiiipor-tod Clydes- dale, the property of l). G. Blough. \Vill bl’ at Maple. Richmond Hill. Elgin Mills, Oilk Ridgos, Aurora. Kettleby. Home stable, King City. Terms $12. Gowa CONQUEROR â€"â€" Clydesdale stallion, the property of J. E. 'l‘eeson. \Vill stand at his own stable. Sunny- side Farm, lot 32. con. 1. Markham, near- Thoriihill. Terms $11. M ACQUEEN‘S CHAMPIONâ€"Clydosdale, the property of Joseph Burnett. Elgiii Mills, will go to Testou, Vellore. Maple. Home from Thursday till Tuesday. Terms $10. LORD HAMILTONâ€"Clydesdalo, the property of T. H. Legge. 'I‘ensporanco- ville. W'ill travel through VVliit- church, Oak Ridges, King City. III one from Friday till Tuesday. Terms $10. PRIDE 0F VAUGHANâ€"Clydesdalo, the property of Ross J. Bowes, Con- cord. \Vill stand at his own stable. Terms $9. PRINCE DRUIDâ€"Iinported Clydes- dale. the property of John Palmer, Richmond Hill. Will stand at the Palmer House. Terms $13. DUKE on YORKâ€"Clydesdale. the property of W. \V. Hudgin. Home stable, Summit House. Oak Ridges. \Vill be at Elgin Mills, Carrvillo, New- ton Brook, Millikou. Unioiivillo. Vic- toria Square, Vaiidorf, Aurora. Terms $11. SIIIPMATEâ€"Carriage stallion, the property \V. \V. Hudgin. Home stable, Summit House, Oak Ridges. Will he at Evorslcy. King City, Aurora, Richmond Hill, Unionvillc, Victoria Square. Tor-ms $11. MINTO CHIMESâ€"Trotting-brod stalâ€" lion, the property of \Vni. Gould. Home stable, Palmer House, Richâ€" mond Hill. \Vill bo/iit King City. Nobleton. Purploville, Maple, Clierry‘s Hotel. Terms $10. TIMOTHY FESTIVAL â€" Tli.ii'o’-bred registered stallion. the property of . \Vni. \Vnshington. \Vill stand at his own stable. lot 30. con. 2, Vaughan, Elgiu Mills. Terms $7.00. ROMEOâ€"Roadser stallion. the prop- erty of J. A. Mul‘tiDl). lot 21. ('011. 2. evening of each work. Terms $10. Money to Lean. at live 1001‘ cont. iiioi-tgagcâ€"farin to loan. first Money I interest on ,‘ pi'operl y. Apmv ~16 Lf 'THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Containing siii-li llt‘Illlllgi (lziiiiiod (lovii and l‘iv;isâ€"\VI-lliiigti-ii , Pi'i-soiwilig Unfs grinds. (lll'1llly gnu ', , < -m‘ ‘ A. v Vaughan, will be :it Maple \Vi-diios- . day evening, and Elgin Mills Saturday ‘ l l i i l l ++++++++++++$++M+++++ S1. iiiliid Importin lit‘gislt‘i‘l‘ll Trollingr Stallion "Hutll lil"1\\'ll. 1.71 li iiids, \\'('i;:ll.\ :ib nil 1300. Siri-d by \Vilkio ('ollins. lli‘ by (looigi- \‘v'ilki-s. l):ini by Slit-i'hmcl by (Imirgc ‘Vilkvs. lloroi-il 2.2â€}. 'l‘rlnl 3.17. Qiiarii-is in :1 l'.‘ll7(' in 211.1. s‘r-I'ulils‘. :i 1.55 gait. 'l‘ltE DUKE is oiic of the largest. (mo of tho Iii-st; broil, :iiiil oiio of" the IlliI'E‘! ti'o ling stallions and stock lioi'si-s iii (‘niinil :. Tlib‘llUKleorvcd123mar-mlastyinirniolowinglotli--iii-g-ili-niiiiilfni: his si-rvii-i-s this your lll‘Hl’ Toronto \\'.- iniiniol sonil ll‘lh liilli-‘i- iioi'Lli llniu 'l‘lioi iiliill wliori- wr- expect to moot all our l'oriiiwiv [LII runs from tho districts of Ricliiiioiiil Hill and Aurora. Monday noon 'l‘llE 1H: K B will be :it lluglii-r: llotrl, 'l‘horiiliill. and :il 3 o'<~lock at I'Illllt‘ly, and Honda): night. \\'o' ilbi'idgi' House. “'niiilbi-irlgiu Satin-days he will be :it Black lIi/i'si- Hob-l. Toronto. The rush of tho. \voek he will be West of Toronto. $15 insures a living colt. payablo10daysnft~riiiaio fr.;il<. Ii" Pull com-is (lt‘ffllllll‘d or dies Within that tiiiii- iiii i'lrnrgi- wlmlmi-r will b»- lllrllll‘. “till; your mares to one of the above places and binod 1o lhi- lino-s1 lirii'si- 111 Canada. \V. J. LAING. 1“..Il.1ll'1\'.\’fllil)‘~'. Manager. 77 Vil'ilil'lil $1.. 'l‘oroii‘io. 4-1-10 lss'srsouoi s oars-oars! It is not Often that these two qualities go hand inland. Strength presupposes 6X6r1‘1~(-’,, and there is no better, no more pleasant, and convenient exeiii e to d iy than bicycling. You can get your exercise and fresh an ‘vl‘l‘il': and from your daily duties. going; to In this way you reserve vonr strength. oi build up vour constitution, while at the Sims time. you are up tO-date for the bicycle has come in earnest, on the broad business basis of UTILITY H EALTH PLEASURE and in the van is plainly seen rThe Massey “SILVER RIBBON†CANADA CYCLE& MOTOR CO. LTD. “Makers of the \Vorld‘s Bust Bicyclrs." 'l‘oi-oiito Junction, Canada. Branches: \Viuni cg, Vancouver, Melboni'nc, Australia. Local RopresontativoJ. EYER dz 501 . F r ti"?+6ï¬~+é++++++++++++++++€r++ O ' NOW is a GOOD TIME ‘3‘ ~§> to enter the well-known vi. Childys carriage, almost new. Cheap. .9 + DOMINI )N HOUSE, 4‘ .1. 46-2 Richmond niii. } EELIOTT r " Vï¬â€"Dâ€"rm r Aflâ€"‘d‘ f!/ / //' i / +++++++++++++++++W+++M~~k+ (/ ./ i‘ . A v - ' : EURGINTO. GET. 4‘ . . + - - V Canada's High Grade Commercral + Flne light summer i and Shorthand School. Our grad- : I IJIIIIIPS‘ are always successful. I ' . ‘ ' ‘ icir superior train iiigr enables ' U nder“ ear" 1 n ï¬â€˜e S h’ then) to get and hold ’oxcollent positions. The pupils who graduate from our school are in the Highest and best sense trained for business life. No mentions. (Iiiiiiiiii-iicc now. Catalogue fl't‘t‘. brown and white. Suits from 80c. to SI 50. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. I'd-+4"! +++~N++++++t++++a (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) «rww++++++++++M+++++++ v | +¢++i°++++°9++++++++++++ Latest in Straw Hats, .p .}. .1..;..§..{~.g. .g. 4.. .p .3..z_..;..;.+.;..§..;..;. +.g..§..§..g..;.- WFor Sale.â€" A quantity of good seer} potatoes, “ Early \anltl(‘l'f|1l."' F. ELLIOTT. 46-2 Lot 21. con. 2, Mcirkhmii. ML 0st Two Dorset Ewes strayed from tho promises of tho undorsigueil, lot :31. ’2nd con. Vaughan, on or about tho Iï¬lll (if Aluy, 1907. Any person giving inforiiintion icâ€". guiding thorn \vill bo rewarded. J. A. MORTSON, 47-2 Richmond Hill P. O. Boots, Shoes, and Cloth- ' 4‘ ++++++$ï¬+++é++++¢i mg. Aria. Savage +++++++++ee+++++t++s+t+++ ++-§~++H+++++¢+++++++++++++ + ++ ï¬-