Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 May 1907, p. 5

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nu-g. \m '20515 by illegally prclnis 1 Patrons uf the Filil he surv to gvt plenty rm the grounds fur I‘his is us it shnuld be local upliun is suppus. 3A nun jlcnmpvl On a change pl'vfi Donald Mm‘kvnzip. the 1’2: 'culmm 0n hum] sugar. 1 sugar, 5 ‘\\'ill l Inn-«tin w vuin Mr. J. H. Sandbreon, \\'hii has lweu purclmsing lmrsvs fur :l, ’l‘onmln {in In. luuk :\ trip tn Bunie- last Saturday and stem“! uunllwx- valuable beau. «‘l l‘€ 30c the (1-H gund lin the 24H: humu- lw 10m 01‘ ViL-I sunug Mundic Mon f1 :11] {mum-11L Mr. Uial Servicvs will I) 'y in the sclnml “t. church. He reach in the '90p Vir'tm-iu IT ,. ‘w day Vuldt'?‘ lax-k (-t. .‘h‘. ; (h-l'dml Sumhy tun 'l'hm funeral (I Mr. tmv n writ in mulici will p nus» l'e-puiutt mpmving its um Everyone iling doom Hhe Mutlu '(‘l‘t‘ huld In: 'ill be lwldf he puintrrs nsilv ongn urch. Fl idny l“. Mm race :11; pl izes are 3f Maple. Miss Jt'lll (if Muph‘, “ill! 11m 01‘ uiv. Lots of .‘lvthodist 'unms Ln» Hg meals Miss Am. day after a friends In \ The Juuful "('le Mulldu 1hr,- muLhms u) lulu-h ; ’x'iends m Mr. Gm dr. MCN: Imp \\ hk \Ve understand that armors and fun-mvm’ mining fm- the thinh «0e :11; the Fair m-I Mr. and Mrs. El lnnday after 5pc elutives and frien tuufi‘villo. Mrs. Th ursdu wilzt Rlcuuuxn HILI Full sh Snuwflnkr's w ill rm Mmulay Don't \VIH M r. I‘HHS [tun ‘ll'a The “pix-t M 1‘s M iSsvs 'l‘ln id (K \'(’l Victoria Day?" I?) \V. S. Irwin will pm hmnud Hing nnw at L. .. ( Atkiumun K Swine: Illl 111; puwderud sugn extra granulated yellow sugarâ€"m) I'll) is given hen-(J. (‘h I) Tl) M ' Pulict kwpiu; l'lflllt’lll L Cowie has ur the house :1) he bus ncn [0 1w :huld [he 27le inst. im- the st! his exams Hislop (If Hmldfm d, Mrs. A. 1nd Miss Mumlie went Ln yestexdav to attend the f Mrs. lJuughm-ty. u niece of :p and Mrs. Moudiv. :. and J [um-1'0“: at. 11mm ll rvudy Ll d come. uh] gin III] 1H dot-r11 1g seems tn be ready for quormw. The spm-Ls will with a fnnlhall tournament. of .teams are (-xpectexl u. ' the rush pzizu Of $22. HI ()illl in! MI M .twu Hum ml wth \‘VH L bnu' t n by M1 :l n )UH J( m'mliau refine-d W h :no gathvwng l 's in :IIILil‘iana lw MHI'V-UU-Rt If. nl Hum luml flit 1H" thin mnrni M a gristm liquor fm the and d th unilt ylv rt-lm'm-d rxmnlhs‘ \‘is se {Ind 411:» ccupiud fm \vie is l‘mv lll lir hme-rmv will V of purest water 1‘ man and lwnsL w, in it tnwn \vhén- d to be in force. 1d s puycl} an't w hen the] mm. B: ll) gs to l shytm-l [llk‘ L gnml Br. buy thv lu'u ' ., 01' [he to-nn in Lh th Lime rut it of ml sugar. mi “1d the higgw '6'. Alkmsun HI 1hr"; m'xL l'lllmll U1 wk. wh Ln IJe' pr I lum ‘numto 1mm Ml m1 L'illf th second th ut 17H >Ill in Hie of Mn numlwr of ms are it: xâ€"xnile fm-t- ‘n-nw. 'l‘hv Richardmm Blil lll illlllL Sunday in en‘le m" (-ndml hlâ€"‘l‘ sixti- ufle-nmu Miss Kin us lqu hi ext Sm Mt‘Lhmi 'im‘r the hm-wisc regul; Muudn \V will rthduy und out Eli. lvhru [v in the mm it mu we from smith PYC‘I al w i ll \th lCill n his mond ynur spent spent [huh 1907 P?!“ [SH- lvln (H [H'- iLll (m t1) $l fut iln “'(‘I'L‘ suld. Thu ffll mnnd Hill and Tuml nnw it is 26 cents, cent-s, if huught Return tickets betw Thurnhill will he 2 Anmm, 85 vents; '1“ market. $1.00. p. In L'hl'di. Many penple will regret to learn IhaL Mr. \Vm. Shrppnrd who has had (-hul'gt- 0f 1114‘ Mvtrupulitnn stutinn and \Vuiling Hunll) lM'I‘e‘ fur the past qu yvars has handml in his resiglmtiun. All things being considervd. the- pnsiliun is not an easy one to fill. but Mr. Slr-ppurd. while lnnking sharply :uftm‘ Llw cnmpany‘s business, has been ulvliging and vunrteuns to all who do hushwss (n’m- the line. srhi (M’ISUII nnLhing prevenl when t; I'm Inclnhms :21 lwll said lh nwnt l]l1>Silll|(‘l :Iltl-l llUI‘I S W [IN MI llll Ill”) luvmnlv. Hm huh and will In rippv, lm iLh I’m-w ntin Of‘fi M 11min 3' A. \V.( The \Y. M 'l‘ht- "S lllt 'uplt- Syrll] muva syn 'l‘ln' (lll‘ (ml ‘ht pm 1 Hill will) H MR. SHEPPARD QUITS I‘RAYELI I ml 501d Hill )lh FRACT U RED “'HIST l1 invitatiuu )w in force- '(‘lm-n tick: munth Du: l‘t Read of Victoria Square, ntvnding High School hen-n d with an H(‘l'i(1(’l)t lust Fri ing the mum lmur. H9 jump :L Mutt-upnlitnn car when [ht IS moving rapidly duwn grzum Gunpany‘s business, has been and vuurteuus to all who do (wm- the line. 1st DINNER AND TEA llllll .qu Ill) HI!) 1V0 Qnmim- u-mfnl Wham» :nldsâ€"~~:LS the elling nu) Ll Sistin; (k Ml muplwll, Esq, Ontario Unlu- ul' Guud Knudé, yesterday 'weuL nn‘r Ut‘llLl't‘ firm-L Rvmo Pugsk-y and ntlwr :f the Guuncil. Mr. Campâ€" )“ that thing to he dune tn mm} LU the U. N. U. sLuLiun ughly drain it. This. (hp hung. ul'tm- which the mud ‘m- :1 Sen,th *ak it up safely mics. Sold by NE\V RATES. yupâ€"'1'th Is 21 mg (1r mu ‘yxnp at. Atkinson &. Bw quality and |)li(‘('ill‘('1‘ixl ‘5, ~31le uml jznx 2.7m: \Vim- quark, 240.; in bu [he (in the Mntn‘pnlit ht they :nmiw-x dist, (-hul-ch. Ills; Toronto and Inn ll('( - of “ Prvventms” and :1 ds will lw gladly Innilvd »L. by Dr. Sllnop. aninv, to prove Invril. Prr- itlh- Candy Gold Cure Ill! Ih OPENING ladies of the Fund Ind lehndist chm Hut Dinm-r. and T1 1fr'w more evenmgs in 15mm! is requested to urvLings the lwsL of the te- :1 [ew (lays ago. lif‘ts will he suld. n‘lSt only single Lir fare between P ‘umutn was ‘23 c ts, return ticket ht at the stat wtwveu 'I‘nmnm he 35; Toronto m- somivv “ill! um as usual (-n 9 Fair on .tlw 24th nf ill he served in the «win church frum ll , and tml from 5 to 7 25 and 15 vents. A l'lli‘ md 1‘1 :n'ict l‘lt'k‘till Di§lrict will If’llh nf Mn} deng :il'efllny mmilng l mu m [mu-n uf this week. Llic It 1h's time of the Tho: Ind nu F. M( hmivers 1 ht'lll u ight shufis and unilh and Mr. prose-ht [I‘th lbs. in: n‘nl'y has lawn le- Educntinn lM‘pnlt- 19 hunks (If ficmm, m1. histm-v. e-U‘. llll md 15 vents mended to a] )Hllll'l', an iv on 11w: LIBRARY Inn, and fract- He afterwards ffice \vhex'v lhu Thv Injured st, of several in\ ite usinn. name illlplivs at the “Sm-(v sen-(11 hi (1 ML Vivlurin was ‘DUSILPIVIIVIVI'll :I I [ Ug‘ Swit tm-s frr: HO Mall old (’1' Mid qm big: (1 ML: Hamil 10‘ m Sm LI LU Mini '4'lln- m Rail 1X 53 will w h 111 in St ltiVI mtic i] w M s 50 (ms. and held Mi thl trh In L11: In ‘(11' m HI ‘3‘ Ill I'K'EU’MMER SESSION ue Ibaol uleu sure FRISBY-A1 Victurin Square, Friday, May 17. Pearl Spryâ€"Frishy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Frishy, ang 13 STEPHENSONâ€"0:1 the 4th con. Mark hum, Saturday, May 18, Geurgw Gm-nett, Shll of “'alLe-r Stephenson aged] 2 years, 6 months, 19 (in, June 5. This is the first, vxcuwion on the Canadian Ntrl-thvrn and will affnrd the ponplv of this sortion 2L splx-ndid opportunity of viewing [hp wanle of the- fzuufnnwd Muskuka distrivt‘. Fare from Rll'lllllhlld Hill $1.85; childwn, 95 Lwnts. PETER MCM ILLAN, Sec‘y. Rev. A 5th Vim- EXCURSEON T0 PARRY SOUND. Don't, fail tu go to} the Bemwrtun SHIN League Lwrnilvg )enl ml Rally. appoint-l Young J (:nufm-m comm-ence- gnu“ an Inspiring address an “Epwm‘l’h Lr-ngue Ideals.” Fivv hwmln-rs nm'lh (-f the City \verv giwn plum-s m) the District. executixe as 26, 2nd (1111)., Vunglmlfiin M: lilLun B. Sax-ago, :1 danghhe ‘inte fur my Shnnp's Restm Sanderson. fullmvs Mr. \‘ th Restorative, and my Book on vilhm‘ Dysprpsin, The Hmn't. m- the Kidnvys. Afidrvss uw, Dr. Slump, Racine, “'is. 'l‘rnuhlvs of the Stomach, Ht‘ill't m- Kidnoys, me merely symptoms uf :L deeper ailment. Dun‘t, make the cmumun vrmr of troutng symptnms only. Symptnm treatment is‘ tn-uting the 113111! of ymw :Iihm'nt. and not the musv. “7er StuInm-h nn-rvosâ€"the cuntuh end suspendFI-a, at 25c. pair; the fine. randy-made Regent suit clothes. at $12.00. Atkinsvu & Swit- Zel'. May. '1 vasie ' ('ntI-ul'lui runtn, c dunver: rumic v‘ Turman Kid]. '1 (-ntH-tuiner; Miss Eva ( rum“. costume chat-ante) dunner: Mr. Bert, Hm-v rumic vocalist: Mr. G90. Tuman inst: unwnLnlist.; Rit'h. '1‘mwnw.-piuno sul cmnpanist. Unurs open u A ghllurc' at, the printed pl'Ugl‘ would indicate an enjuyulllt! L the coucm-L to he give-u in “H cultural Hull, Friday evening. May. ’l‘hnse to take part un- vazsie Irving. qunillou. rvm‘ in m men-it ll] UI is held BUSINE firm "I i SAVAGEâ€"On FriHay, May 10‘ Mr. R.- Shaw 03.. Miss. Deg Miss Hattie sidt- nm V( ‘53. ul\\‘:\\' h View Prvs., Jnninr LPHglll‘ D Miss L. Davis, DavisVille, Sm: hwys insid (rlh l1 um We hive no secrets! We publiah the {annulus of an out medicines. h s. and you inM'iLulxlv have w'r‘nlr organs. an» is whme D1' is Restorative has made- its fume le' re-n‘wdy (Wt-1- ('lnilns to Hem inside nm-vvs.” Alsu fur Mont vilinusnoss, had Inna-11h or com lll‘ mu mni] sampll-s at tlw BRITISH AMERICAN SS COLLEGE, TORONTO, dur- Iy and August. Students ‘u'ull unv liuw with equal age. \Vritn £u1- catalogue wcinl summer rate of this ilsnn 90p]! (uni ll E. L- OFFICERS THE CONCE mnil ll( plvs (If my Dr. Slump , and my Book on vitlu I‘lw va't. m- the Kidnny |, Dr. Slump. Racine, “'i mv frum the U) thv‘ C DEATHS. summer st school BIRTHS. pt, SLUInm-l means St And UK [have [In :Iintm‘l Richmond {iseln'nng‘ln Newton ’x‘vs” Litvrury Dvpt. ncv, Richmunll Hi”. minr Lenguv Dept. had [mu-11h or com Shmvp's lit-sturntiu‘ five Bunk nmv, Dr ,ivv. Sold by W. A ‘nrl‘e. hm than Hr? Soon ‘rk luv the City \Vodnosd k 10 the Turn: Epwmvth Lvng Bartlett. rocenl T50 lh‘ nry Sound with Hf Scotland 011 st, I‘X(?lll"~‘i(>ll (In frve rendm' nth bt‘l't, vocalist Prinz mh 2nd ICC tn» >prm: must, mu 'l‘m-mm' Smedley Epwnrth 0, at Int, md Mrs. art. and “trolling rocelil 1v 1m 1pm: {dd} ‘ornntt mum llH' H «tux-y ipal I I \\' P H 4th thesé w‘mul ll( +++++++~z~ +++++~M~+ +++++++++++ +++++++++++H++++W+H F544"!-+++++++++++++++++%++++'§'+++++++++++%+++*Â¥++‘; ++++++++ +++++++++M+++++++ +4-4~++ If you are preparing to build, prepared to serve you with the latest Golden Syrup. in five-1h. tin pails, Edwardsan-gh Brand. 230.; Maple Syrup. in gem jars, syrup and jar. 250,; Golden Dates, Sic. lh.; Choice Figs, 5c. 11).; Lit-g9, Flvshy Prunes. 7(1. “0.; Polished Rangoon Rice, 50. "3.; Carolina. Rice, 10c. 1b.; California Seeded Raisins, full 16 oz. Weight. 10v. package; 3 cans good Corn, for 25c.; 3 cans gnod Our prices are to your interest. Get them before buying. We also stock Washers, VVringers, VVheelbarrows, Wire (annealed, steel, or copper), Paints, Oils, Varnishes. \Ve guarantee you a mechanical job on Eavetroughing, Roofing, and General Tin- smithing. We sell for cash only Prunes. Tc. I Rice, 101;. lb. 10v. package Peas for 250. Richmond Hiil Hardware Siam Priced extremely easy and interesting 1nchned. A Magnificent Line Of Gent’s Furnishings and that 15 why we can make such interest- ing reductions in our Nlodel (}I'O- Gory Deparunent. Compare these prices. In dependable, seasonable merchandise await you here. Men’s Fine Negligee Shirts, sizes 14%. 15. 15%, and 16, 700. Four-ply Linen Collars, all sizes, 2 for 236. May 16, 1907 Needed “Things” Afidnson & Switzer firmly a ++++++++++++++++~z~+r++++++++++ 1~+++++++++++++++ The latest in hats, caps, shirts, collars. 'l‘he l3usv Big‘ Stor B uilders’ Hardwvare RECHMGND HILL . SGULES 3 THE low to make buying for the economically- Having a complete X-ruy and static electricity apparatus, I am able to lncute foreign bodies in the body, and examine fractures of bones. Also to treat NERVOUS DISEASES, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, MORBID GROWTHS, suchas Cancers. etc. iBeing a graduate of Mom-field's Eye RICH MOND HILL, ONTARIO S ubscribe for DR. S. J. BOYD 1. England, I am prepared 2 the interior of the eyes and test for glzlssca. I should require glasses I 01 r him. and throat work a specialty convenient to [he Metmp C. N. 0.7 Railway stations. i-+++-§“§-+++++ LIBE R; we are +++++++ Older

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