Not a Nauseatlng Pithâ€"The excipient, DI a pill ts the substance which enfolds the ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is so compmmded as to preserve their moisture, and they can be carried into any latitude without impairing their strength. Many pills, in order to :eep them trom adhering. are rolled in mwdorg which prove nauseating to .he taste. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills he so prepared that they are agreeable to the most delicate. Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints. who might. have been saved if preper remedies had been used. If altacked do n01 delay in getiing a bottle of Dr. J. h Kellogg's Dysontery Cordial, the me- 'ï¬iclnc that never fails to (fleet a cure. Those who have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly gubdues the pain and disease. Teacher: "Now, Freddie, it‘s very wrong of you to quarrel with Billy Jones and to harbor such revengeful ‘feel‘mgs against him. Come. now. pro- gmise me met. when you meet Billy lo- >night you’ll forgive him.†Freddie: “Well, when I meet Billy to-night, if his big brother is with him I'll forgive him; Up to [he year 1873 the nonmmmis- sioned ofï¬cers and men 0! the British Army were allowed one penny per day beer-money. r 1)] g but out .The Algerian coral reefs are divided into ten portions, of which one only is ï¬nished yearly. Ten years is the time lot the proper growth of coral. A Liniment for the Logger.â€"â€"Loggers lend a. life which exposes them to many perils. Wounds, cuts and bruises can- not be allo eiher avoided in preparing limber for l 9 drive and in river work. where well and cold combined are of daily experience, coughs and colds and uscular pains cannot but ensue. Dr. homas’ Ecleclric Oil, when applied in lhe injured or administered to the all big, works wonders. One of the greatest. blessings to par- mls is Molher Graves’ Worm Exter- mlnator. ll effectually expels worms and gives health in a marvellous man- ner to the little one. A woman is apt to make some very striking remarks when she has occa- sion to hit her husband for a little pin money. chn. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious llch in human or animals cure am 30 minutes by Wol- tord‘s Sanitary Lotion. It never tails. Sold by all drugglsts. shot Germany's army bills have increased 160 per cent. in the past thirty years. THE CHAPEL 0F BONES. (By a Banker). One of the most valued gems of the British crown, and one of the most im- pregnable outposts oi her massive power, is the insigniï¬cant. island 0! Malta. 'Although but. a mere speck in the ocean, yet within her borders are clustered innumerable objects of notable interest. whether to the antiquarian, the historian, or the lover of the beautiful in art or in nature. Here are some of the finest. tapestries in the world; here, ir the palace of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. is probably the most mag- niï¬cent- collectton of armour existing; armour worn by those \‘nliant crusaders who for nearly a hundred years held the Holy (1in against all the attacks of the Saracens: gilded and emblazoned armor worn by dauntless knights in many a stnlely pageant or brilliant joust or tnnrner: or the less enriched morion 0r niflcenl. collection 01 armour worn by lhos who for nearly a hun Holy (lily against all Suracc “’Ol‘ll smlely (oume cnsque The cannonâ€"ball tree is a myrtle which rnows to a height of 80 fact. has pinkish lowers. and a fruit the size 0! a 32-115. ut if not, I’ll nearly walloï¬ the life of him.†.ldf ICCFI? N0. ‘21 51F HS at natur ltivaL speclade weird and ghastly‘ bgyond ex- pressiog. At the entrance to the chan- cel stand two partly draped skeletons, grasping a scythe to typify Time; the alcoves on which they stand being de- corated with, apparently, rib and wrist- bones, arranged in an artistic design. which, though on close approach grist and unuttcrnbly gruesome, from a dis- tance is really handsome and attractive. Round all the walls are arranged lines‘ at skulls. the intervening spaces being tilled in with geometric designs formed of every bone of the human body; the wide arches are bedizened with an am- besque design of thigh and other smaller bonw. and even the altar itselt is de- corated with various bones. the reredos being a ghastly work of art in a floral design surmounted with a sort of crown of glory of ï¬nger bones, flanked by two large flower-s made of shoulder blades. As there are no seats in the church it is to be hoped that no services are held there. Surely it would have been better ‘to have allowed these relics of poor humanity to rest. in their tombs until at the sound at the Archangel's trump they all rise again to lite. And then will the :angel's separate them into two classes those who have lived the lite oi the righteous, and whose sins are blotted out of the record by faith in the atonement made tor them by the Redeemer; and those who, alas, have forgotten their God! How to Cleanse the System. Parme- lee‘s Vegetable Pills are the result of scientific study of the effects of extracts 0t certain roots and herbs upon the di- gestive organs. Their use has demon- strated in many instances that they re- gulate the action at the liver and the kidneys, purify the blood. and carry off all morbid accumulations from the system, They are easy to take. and their action is mild and beneï¬cial. M AGE FENGES ado-of BEEP Carbon Wire.-â€"wo'll ran it to you. COILEDâ€"not crimped. This ‘ . galvanizingâ€"rust proof. make: it I stronger in service. I. stays taut. Painted “'HITE owr heavy 209 -â€"aa in merit. Get ill' ‘Tnn PAGE W133 FENCE COMPANY. LIMITED. 1 Wslkerville. Torontc. ! 1 l Only tho e who have had the experi- ence can tell the torture oorns came. Pain with your boots on. pain wilh them offâ€"pain night and day; but re- l€eI is sure to those who use Holloway's Corn Cure. A slox‘y is told of a man who was walking beside a railway line with a friend who was very hard of hearing. A’ train was approaching. and as it rcunded the curve the whistle gave one of those ear-destroying shrieks which seem to pierce high heaven. A smile broke over the deaf man's face. “John,’ said he, “mal's the ï¬rst robin I've heard MARK THIS DISTINCTION: A purely loot! dlsmo of the Sim, like barber's itch, s cured b Weubr's Corata alone. But where c 0 blood 5 loaded um: lupurlgy. flush as Salt Rheum, "U; WHAT DO PEOPLE NEED who an run down Inmnio‘ psle. listless? “ Ferrovim." the bee. tank. It builds. makes stron . it gives nsw 1115. Thus are many tonics but on y on. " Frerov'hn. There’s a lot. of brass in the composi- hon of a gilded youth. éiï¬ce Christmas I‘ nvmvu u..- ._ Weuor': Syrup nfsB-iil'éulrdrbe used. Gibraltar was ï¬rst fortiï¬ed in 711 A.D., when the Saracens made it a base for their operations against Spain. Boos will fly as far as 5 or even 6 miles from the hive lo gather honey it supplies are scanty nearer at hand, As a rule, three miles is their outside limit 0' flight. Higgins: “01d Millyuns is a distant relative o! yours. isn‘t he 7" Wiggins: "Yes; and the richer he becomes the The French possess four settlements in India. These are Chandemagore, Kari- l-'al. Yanon; and Mahe. Their combined area is 180 square miles, and population about 280,000. , Hungary uses more charcoal than any other European country. Its an- nual consumption is about 2,000,000 mone distant he is." tons. Smilhâ€"Jimson Is certainly a pro- progressive individual. Jane‘sâ€"Progressive! Why, he’s down- right lazy. - 'Ex-x-uith-lWeH, heԤ progressive enough lo have spring fevecr Iong before win- tu-r ends. KOX‘I'BBAK TORONTO. OTTAWA . QUEBEO " ’ v “ 35F ourmo I I a OUITO 0.- I» done pcrfOcUy by our hunch Frown. Try a III‘I’ISH AMEIIDAH DVIINO 0°. WALKIH. "0h, mother, Jack doesn‘t love me any more!†“What makes you think so, my dear?" “He ran out of mucilage and he want- ed to borrow some of that p-p-pudding sauce I made 10-day!†Stops Colic Nurses’ and Mothers' Treasure Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat ï¬elds, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Telfer & Osgood STRONG szHlTE Local representative wanted in each county. DEALERS EVERYWHERE IUPPLIID WITH noun AND Hamlin/mu vs. WE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY) A BLENle HDUR THAT‘HAS CAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL ‘_ HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSE? FLOUR. 205 ‘CORISTINE BUILDING, MONTREAL. UNFEELING MONSTER. AT YOUR GROCERS Eastern Selling Agems, -25c.â€"6 haul-I “.25. lion! Drug k Chuniml Ca. Linked Mauve-L niad ' . P ved Eggxcamuccgoful me. 5k your for itâ€" â€"and I“ nomad! and bowcldisoden. Makes pupy SPECIAL 60-DAY OFFER 28;; @ mm FACE mm 151-: sum? “Wunoï¬w partial-n: “mv f. :11‘3“. “55...... . O ‘ Effn' '1'! 'LANF‘BMiS. a; 5 .. DEPT.†w L 0n the appoinled day the women called again. but the doctor expressed regret, that ho had unfortunately mlslaid the papers cont lning their ages. For this reason a n w set would be requlr- ed. He added casually that they oughllo know thaltheoldest. of them mus1 allow herself to be burned for the good of the nst, as the basis for the remedy was humnn ash. Scheme of German Doctor More Suc- cesslul Than Satistactory. The British Medical Journal, 0! a re- cent. date, tells this story: A German doctor discovered a means of restoring lost youth to women which is more potent. than Cagliotro‘s famous pentacle rejuvencscence and advertised that he could in two days rejuvenate the most. decrepit hag. This brought a crowd of ancient demos to his home. At. the ï¬rst interview alter a careful auscultation he invited each patient to write her surname and Christian name and age on a piece of paper. The ages to which the women pleaded guilty varied. but all ruled high. The doctor undertook to give each patient. the prom- ised elixir the next day, but some time, hr said was required to adjust the hr said was required to adjust “11 strength to the individual power of re slstanm. The next. day the women brought back papers with their ages inscribed. It CUT YEARS OFF WOMEN’S AGES. Byouruvingaarodo sited when won't mummy unmadde mguntgyomgotnnu amt-lye bomotosptiohbtbopflndpdlod gtther interest. but cistern 0! BANKING BY All. Is as Sofa and Easy Your Money em up menacing THE UNION TRUST 60., Limited MONEY TO LOAN Interest is compounded qusthrly. Balsam are alway' lubioefl to m a If you visited the Union Truss Co'sofï¬oos in pawn. Wonï¬v' p e r c e n t. Interest on Deposits HAMILTON ‘MOTOR WORKS. Ltd. Temple Building, 174-176 Bay Street, W10 MADE IN CANADA To INTRODT'OE 2g}! LATEST 1. R93. P‘ AURHOIA’I‘AO TE SCOPE. WIT SOLAR! Band for W. "Banking by Md!" It vrc Get HAMILTON. ONT. , Montreal. 5.. John. Winnipeg was found that each had taken many ymrs all the age previously admitted. The doctor, pretending to have found the ï¬rst papers called them to witness 1h£ success of his invention. Compar- ing the lists. he showed that he had kept his word in regard to rejuvenatiqn, became in forly-eight hours they had all become many years younger. In I variety of styles. fabric: And prices. for women. ucn Ind children. Form-ï¬tted. Dealcn Ira luthorizcd Io rephcs instanlly and It our cot: any Pen- Angle garment faulty in material or mung. UNE ERWEAR PEN-ANGLE SAFET‘! DEpr VLUL†10 m Wï¬ï¬â€˜iâ€˜Ã©ï¬ Pen-Angle Under- wear is form-knit so it can't hekp ï¬tting your ï¬gure; â€"â€"it’a made of long - ï¬bred wool so it won't shrink â€"and it's guarano teed besides. Th. whole idea is to make it so good you can't afford not to buy by the trademark (in red) . 205