Summer Excursioln, 836. by the new Twin Screw SS. "Bermudian", 5,500 tons. Sailing (st-h (l 19th June, 8rd, 17th and 31:: July. 14th and th Au us 4th, 14th and 25th Septembox‘ Mb am an 26th October. 6th, mm and 27m Novem- r. Temperature cooled by sea breeze: seldom an; 89°'°.89 519:1“.‘31, ,A.~__. L, L‘AVAI. .,‘ ."T'ï¬euéégtviï¬â€"ï¬gbffhe season for health and comfort. ‘ ARTHUR AHLRN. Secretary, Quebec. A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CO.. Agents, 2') Bmadway, New York. l p.ln,, 8rd and 17th June. In, lath and 20th July, 12th and 26“! August, 92h and 23rd September. und fortnightly thereaftor for Piclnu, N \2. call- Lng at uol‘ee, Gaspe. Mal Bay, Pure. Cape Cove, Grand iver. Summonldo, P.E.I., and Charlot- tetown, P.E.I. BERMUDA Twin Screw Iron SS. “ Campnna," with electric lights, electric bells and all uodarn comforts. DUEHEESTEAMSHIPEUMPANY River and Gulf of St. lawrence [-1 men and brakemen; experience un- necessary; over 500 positions open at the resent time; high wages; rapid promo- Eon to engineers and conductors; $75 to 200 per month; instructions by mail at your home without interruption with resent occupation; we assist each stu- ï¬ent in securing a posQion; don’t delay; write to-day for free cataiogue, instruc- ions and application blank. National ailway Training School, Inc., V132 K.‘ Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn. , U.S.A. “Permit. me," said the judge, loud enough to attract. the attention of the ,whole company, among whom was the {barrister in question. “Permit me to tell ‘you a. little story: My father, when he lived in the country, had a dogâ€"a mere puppy. I may say. Well, this puppy 1 After the adjournment. for the day, tand when at] were assembled at. the lhote] where the judge and many of the "oourt folk had their refreshments, some- one asked the judge why he did not, re- tbuke the imperunent, fellow. A certain well-known judge was once ‘violenlly attacked by a young and very {impudent counsel To the surprise of ieveryone. the judge heard him right. hhmugh. unconscious of what was said ’by “.1059 Present, and made no reply. tnegret Over Resignation oi the “Maker†0! the Country. ‘ The resignation of herd Cromer has been received with a universal cry of re- lgret. He was the Consul-General in Egypt. and as such wielded as much ower as a sovereign ruler. it was the ate Lord Salisbury who once summed yup Lcrd Cromer‘s character in this sen- ttence: “He always carries an ultima- Etum up his sleeve.†This was in allusion fto the many occasions on which the Khe- {dive had to be brought to see sense by strong action. At a crisis some years ago, Lord Cromer ordered the Khedive to dismiss his Prime Minister within lltwentq-four hours. sent to Malta for a ifew thousand troops to be in readiness lto support him if necessary, and then wvent and filled in an hour or two by playing lawn tennis. l Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes SAILS FROM MONTREAL ox MONDAYS at Write us for full information aboutcrops, climate and special railroad rates. Telfer & ngood Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat ï¬elds, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Local representative wanted in each county. :(‘5 CORISTINE BUILDING, MONTREAL. OUNG MEN \VANTEDâ€"FOR FIRE INORD CROMER AND EGYPT. ONE FOR THE BARRISTER Eastern Selling Agents, {SSl‘E .‘x‘O LIMITED. I-Iolloway's Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts. root and branch. \th then would endure them with such a cheap and eflectual remedy within reach? It’s an undisputed fact. do not have an): more 5 get married than they were born. Much dren is Graves’ Harv west. 0 in the 91000 5 Much distress and sickness in chil- dren is caused by worms. Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator gives re- lief by removing the cause. Give it a trial and be convinced. I 'The commissary is still puzzled and has ordered a doctor to examine the slrange trio. ‘ V TONS OF IRON consumed each year in medi- cine. In "Iv‘errovim." the best tonic. it is so cleverly manipulategl that the weak and sickly get, a.“ possible nounshment and beneï¬t from it. Booker: “No; my wife is busy decid ing lhe places where I sha’n‘t g0.†It takes eleven complete processes to make a needle. The ï¬rst is gauging the wire. and the last are drilling the eyes, ï¬nishing the points. and papei‘ing. Each noodle will pass through the hands of over a some of workmen. The Caspian Sea is the largest, inland body of waler in the world. it is 740 miles long, and its area is about. 140,000 square miles. It is at present rapidly diminishing in size. them. My brother and son suffer in the same way.†This last statement was too much for magisterial credulity, so both men were fetched from their work and examined. They described their symptoms, which “(we identical with the woman’s and added that they, too. felt quite well out- side of the house. The son, who works in an ofï¬ce. pointed to corns on the palms of his hands. the consequence 0’ the frequency of this eccentric form of daily exercise. Additional ,proof was furnished by all three afflicted persons making the circuit of the room several times on their hands. “I thank you, madam, for your hospi- talily. Your kindness brings tears of gratitude to my eyes. ’Tis a hard, cruel world, and l, a harmless member of society, am hunted down by its mynni- dons of the law simply because I bear a resemblance to a balloon.†“A bal- loon! I fail to see the resemblance, my man.†“Probably so, madam; but you see, like the balloon, I have no visible means of support 1" Knicker : the suman the old feeling comes over me. My hands are attracth toward the door as if by some magnetic force. As soon as my hands come in contact. with the floor I feel myself compelled to walk upon them. My brother and son suffer in the “It is an awful affliction.†she said, "My health has given way under it. Outside the house I am all right, but us soon as I set foot inside the door the old feeling comes over me. Mv ; The olher day Mme. Bleroti, who is a hard-working woman of 50, went, H is said, with tears in ’her eyes to beg lhe local police commissary to suggest. SIJH‘le remedy by which she might be cured of her propensity for hand-walk- ing. The ofï¬cial, suspecting that he had a lunatic to deal with, had her Kept under observalion while he made en- quiries. The neighbors all replied that there was no doubt of the woman‘s sanity. Strange: Mflicl‘ion to \Vhich French Family is Subject: According to the newspapers, 8 fam- ily living in a suburban quarter of Paris, France. is amicled with a curi- ous maladyâ€"an irresistible desire to walk on their hands. We would go out every moonlight nighl. and bark at the moon for hours together.†The judge paused as if he had finished. “Well, what of that?" exclaimed half- a-dozen of the audience at. once. “Oh, nothingâ€"nothing; but. the moon kept on §hining just as if nothing had happened \\\\\\\ when e Uni stude‘ “’ALK ON THEIR HANDS. H it hsek. 204 CelluloidStarchneeds no cookingâ€"just cold water and ’tls ready. ’Twon’tstick, yet gives a better gloss with less iron- rubbi’n , than any stare you know. Its price is little. Your dealer sells it. Try it this week. 204 TIIE \VAY OF IT “Are your plans made for ispuled fact. that some anx more sense when than they did when nd. ates sitah'on in sayin s Dysenlery Con [6 best. medicine n 163( There are 'ee miles niversity me the the I and butter, but I A Successful Medicine. â€" Everyone wishes to be successful in any under- taking in which he may engage. It is therefore, extremely gratifying to the proprietors of Parmclee’s Vegetable Pills to know that their efforts to com- pound a medicine which would provea blessing to mankind have been success- tn' beyond their expectations. The en- dorsation of these Pills by the public is a guarantee that a pill has been pro- duced which‘ will fulï¬l everything claimed for it. A Reduisite for the Rancher.â€"0n the cattle ranges of the West. where men and stock are far from doctors and apo« thecuries, Dr. Thomas’ Eclectrie Oil is kf‘pt on hand by the intelligent as a ready made medicine, not only for many humgn ills, but as a horse and cattle medicine of surpassing merit. A horse and cattle rancher will ï¬nd matters greatly simplified by using this Oil. lTCH. Mange, Prairie Scrath and every IOI‘m or contagious Itch on human rr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. A Carefully Prepared Pi]l.â€"Much time and attention were expended in the exâ€" perimenting with the ingredients that enter into the composition of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills before they were brought to the state in which they were ï¬rst (,I- iered to the public. Whatever other [ills may be, Parmelee‘s Vegetable Pills are the result of much expert study, and all persons stuttering from dyspep- sia or disordered liver and kidneys may conï¬dently accept them as being what they are represented to he. LAZY pLD SORES, painful and disï¬guï¬n . will not 1m er long aftor treatment with “’eaverg’s Comte has een begun: Also, cleanse the blood with Weaver's Syrup. “Now that Grindle has mad( 2 has joined the church." "Wonder why he didn’t join “He didn't want anything to with his business.†Money is believed to have been ï¬rst coined in Aigina about 895 BC. “Ah ! change “What a change a woman can make in a man’s life l" She: “No one knows what I’ve gone lhmugh since I mam‘ied you.†He: “Well, if there’s anything that you haven’t gone through it. must be my pyjamas, and they have‘ no pockets." "I hope that all who are afflicted with the same symptoms will take Peruna, as it has certainly cured me.†The above is only one of hundreds who have written similar letters to Dr. Hartman. Just one such case as this entities Peruna to the candid consider- ation of every one similarly afflicted. If this be true of the testimony of one person what, ought. to be the testimony of hundreds, yes thousands, of honest, sincere people. We have in our til-es a great many other testimonials. Mr. Pedagog: “Obsequies areâ€"well now, if I should meet with a fatal accl dent, what would we have 7" Chorus (joyfully: “A holiday I†MRS. LENORA BODENHAMER. Mrs. Lenora Bodenhamer, FLF. D. 1., Box 90, Kei‘nei‘svilto, N. C., writes: “I suffered with stomach trouble and Indigestion for some time, and nothing that, I ate agreed with me. I was very nervous and experienced a continual feeling of uneasiness and fear. I took medicine from the doctor, but it, did me no good. “I found in one of your Peruna books a description of my symptoms. 1 then wrote to Dr. Hartman for advice. He said I had catarrh of the stomach. I took Peruna and Manalln and followed his directions and can now say that I feel as well as I ever did. ' yes, And what an awful lot, of she requires while doing it !†ON SAMI UNHAMPERED THEN TIME FOR ,CHEERS. SINEWS OF \VAR. DIGGING. 1n ma‘am. love pie. '81] PRINCIPLE :an you like’ and int( CXI bread Then rally round the olden flag! The loved red, white and blue: Let traitors scheme. or boasters brag To Canada prove true. has never been and never can be replaced. It occupies a unique and secure place in the world of hygienics. sports and utilities. It produces red blood. bright eyes and a quick brainâ€"necessities for enjoyment oi liie and success IT IS HEALTHY, will prolong your liie, save doctors' bills, keep you out of doors, cure insomnia, aid digestion increase your appetite and improve you morally and mentally. IT IS ECONOiVilCALâ€"saves time. car~iare and shoe leather; is your friend, won’t run away, is always ready, neither eats hay nor grain, needs no whipping. costs little, is a good investment, valuable in emergencies, and makes you independent oi electric cars. steam roads or horses. CLEVELAND, MASSEY SILVER RIBBON. BRANTFORD, PERFECT, RAM- ei BLER. IMPERIAL and BLUE FLYER bicycles are not excelled by any in the world. They are made in Cushion Frame nnd Rigid Frame models. Dmop not. 0 peerless standard! 0 loya1 henrls and true! Forget not ye the olden land Though chorishing the new. Forget not. hearts and hopes are one From Britain’s sen-gin Isles. To whore. beyond the Rocky steep, The broad Paciï¬c smiles. Wave on. 0 flag of Empire vasu O‘er mountain, rock and stream: Where wholesome realty rests secure, ‘Benealh thy fervent gleam. For. should the tramp of hostile feet Amuse our peaceful shore, Britannia’s conquering sword would flash Through Canada once more. " “How is it, Tommy ‘1†asked the man- ager one day as he whittled his pencil With a knife borrow/ed from the junior ofï¬ce boy, “that you always have your knife with you, and the other boys haven‘t?" V “The Wages I get aren’t enough for me to afford more than one pair of pants." Float on. 0 flag of Empire vast! Long may those colors wave O’or many a blond»bought hemtage; O’er many a hero's grave. The grandeur of thy fame doth light The ï¬elds our fathers won; The noblest gift which valiant sire Could e’cr bequeath his son. Tommy hesitated for a moment, then, ggmering couriage.’ said V:‘â€" Then rally round the olden flag! The loved red, white and blue‘; Let traitors schema or boasters brag, To Canada prove true. (By Mrs. Elizabeth S. MacLeod. author of “Carols of Canada!) Raise high the royal standard! Shame not thy myal birth; The pmlige of thy might sustain. Thou noblest. of the earth! Great Canada, thou fair. free land] A world looks forth to thee; Nr. alien hand thy hand shall lead; Thou’lt how no servile knee. Handsome Catalogue for each line. Write for the one of your choice. RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHEQUE ALLOWS FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON BALANCES v“ & COMPOUNDS IT QUARTERLY "7' THE BIOYCLE CANADA GYELE MAKERS OF THE “"0 “LBS BEST BICYCLES‘ Toronto Junction, - Gan Branches zâ€"Winnipcg, Vancouver, Melbourne, Au“. THE OLDEN FLAG. PROMOTED THEN. HAMELTON MOTOR WORKS. Ltd. MADE IN CANADA 83 5. 00 TO $65.00. HAMILTON. ONT. AND MOTOR 00., UMITED. yelng I cleaning! Mutton],Toroum. Ottawa, Que! Trude mind thul in a ï¬nely of uylu, fabric: and prices for women. men and chiMrcn. Form Filled. Dealer: are lulho ed to ltplucaimlnlly an at out can. y Penâ€"Ange w" men! luer in mnme 0: In a k I n a. 200 !B E ' E R‘ A UNI)†, ,yVEAR “The M ark That Tells in; stï¬itliycologï¬hhdwaï¬ â€˜ SW Ram. In ‘noun A no rumgguufys. v: Auo MAKE man crrw A music [mun mu ms cuum onuv nvon As A awn/u. Housman) mu. muposw noun. Tag, 4» ’ v' “turns uxnkuzns flnul Ann I'I'ln, Il‘l’t u: for “:0 Mr, Dunn! you: not! to n. " IIIITIIII AMERICAN IYIINO 00.“ [no] In In“ In your town. or and III-u. Canada, mark (in red) 0d every Pen-Angle arment, tells you It will ï¬tand Won'l shrink, â€" you! 0 w n d e a l or so guarantees it. Underwear thus trademarked is softer, warmer, m o r e flexible, b e tte r wearing. Pen-Angle