th Elli 1905 arra nich 111 e ’by l \\' I Girl‘s Body Smlon From (1 Puh ori/vd. Cucumbers and melons are “forbid- den fruit" to many persons so consti- tuted that the least indulgence is fol- lowed by attacks of cholena, dysentery, griping, etc. These persons are not aware that they can indulge to their heart's content if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kelh'igg‘s Dysentery Cordial, a medicine that will give im- mediate relief, und is a sure cure for all summer complaints. 31' ‘en lll A woman derives more satisfaction om the things she suspects than from we things she is sumoi. The ing ‘8 Sum! ~0dc¢t regulator for baby. Prevents colic 1nd «mutinyâ€"gives healthqu rest M diarrhoea without the harmful dean of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. 4'; 25C.â€"ct druI-dorel. National & cm- “3112st led. Diarrhoea mm, lit bdiérf mp1 01’ Oahawa Xhl 111 \\' The. 7 Nurses' and Mothers’ Treasure \Vl'l‘Clltil‘XF'l' l\'l1.'l :55“; NO J) 1‘1 was I. Toronto London 11 Calhoun 6'9 Dundu Winn! Vancouver '6 140m 615 Fender )1] B \V m ed there in 11115 later i pal Council is ghastly crime )1115 in a cem- I‘ll *nvo, Bones 11' \\' the m On the other hand. the women, unlike their Westem sisters, do not consider age a thing to be ashamed of, and un- blushingly admit, in some cases. quite ten years more than possibly is their age. The harems have been another obstacle to the completeness of the cen- sus. and in many instances the inspec- tors have had warm quarters for an hour with the surly and unwilling eunuchs ‘who guard those portions of the Easterner's domicile. A miner, accompanied by his mate. who was rather deal, was walking along the railway line the other day near Ottawa. A train approached, and on nearing the men it gave forth an ear- piercing shriek. A smile broke over the deal man‘s face. “Man,†he said, “that’s the ï¬rst robin I've heard this spring." Mrs. McDquâ€"“This paper says that. mice are attracted by music, but I don’t believe it." McDuffâ€"“Why not?" Mrs. McDuffâ€"“Bocause I never see any mice around when I play the piano." McDuff â€"“Well, that‘s no reason for doubting â€"“Well, that‘s ‘no_ re the paper’s statement pains in the body or for aï¬ections of the respiratory organs and for house- hold use generally. He will also ï¬nd it a convenient friend in treating Zn- jured horses, cattle, etc., or relieving them when attacked by colds, coughs or any kindred ailments to which they are subject. A young man who had a silent ad- miration tor a young lady went with the intention of proposing to her one night. He sat gazing into her face for a long while. but. at last, looking down sudden- ly. he exclaimed :â€"“There's a feather on your dress, Mary 1" “No wonder," she said: “I‘ve been sitting next. a goose all night Fever the Curse of the Tro lcs- In the slow aim redial; recoveries from t is and all other seaso “ errovim " is the best tonic. B - box the name, “ FERROVIM." emem It is the Farmer's Friendâ€"The farm er will ï¬nd in Dr. Thomas’ Ecleclm OH a potent rr-emedy for wounds 01 A Cure for Costivenrss.â€"Costiveness comes from the refusal of the excretory organs to perform their duties regularly from contributing causes usually dis- ordered digestion. Parmel-ee's Vege- table Pills. prepared on scientiï¬c prin- ciples. are so compounded that certain ingredients in them pass through the stomach and act upon the bowels so as to remove their torpor and arouse them to proper action. Many thou- sands are prepared to bear testimony to their power in this respect. Altogether the lot of a census inspec- tor is by no means a happy one, and it cannot be wondered at that many of them ï¬ght shy of the job. The task re~ quires no end of tact, patience and per- suasive power. and, considering the difï¬culties in the way and the fact that the inspectors are empowered to hale recalcitrant inhabitants before the near- est magistrate or mamour, it speaks volumes for the able manner in which tha inspectors have tackled their delicate task that. very few cases have been re- ported. A Dellcate Task in Egyptâ€"Discovering Secrets ol the Harem. Egypt has been going through a series of questions and answers. it is the per- iod of the decennial census. At home the ‘taking of the census is a comparatively easy matter. Every householder has his or her sheet to fill up on a certain night and the collector fetches it on his rounds, and there the matter ends. But in Egypt there are insuperable difficulties in the way of such simple methods. To begin with, as the illiterate class is large. it is manifestly impossible to get the forms ï¬lled in. writes a Cairo corres- pendent of the Pall Mall Gazette. So the Government has had to nominate an army of inspectors, who have been going from house to house and have powers to penetrate to the inner apartments in order to obtain full details. Of course in a number of cases the nea lives. not understanding the cause, re-i sent this intrusion, and some of the in- cidents have been most awkward. Moreover, very few of the fellaheen really know their ages, their ideas of time being fixed by events. Thus one man's reply to the questioner was that he was 6. boy working in his father's field when Alexandria was bombarded, and another that he remembered seeing the "malike. fransawiya." evidently the Empress Eugenie, at the Opening of the Suez Canal. Ends of E makes it s‘ makes it still stronger in service. It. stays main. Painted WHITE I THE PAGE_WIRE FENCE COMPANY. DlFFlCl'LT CENSUS TAKING. o.â€"we'll grove it: to you. COILEDâ€"m service. t: sLays taut. Pnnted W} ITCH. Mange. Prairie Scratches and every Iorm of contagious ILcn on human rr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. Bystander: “Should you say that (me was taken from life?" Critic don't know; but the world wouldn't to: if the artist was.†th “Do you ï¬nd it more economical to do your own ppoking?" Mr. Nurich (engaging valet): “I warn you that I am frequently ill-tempered and gruff." Valet (cheerfully): “That's all right, sir; so am I!" Mirrors are I nuisance in the house of a. man whose face is branded with eczema. His own reflection shames him. Let him anuoint his skin with Weaver’s Carats and purify his blood with Weaver's Symp' lh is 5111 __u “Oh, yes. My huEband doesn't eat half so much as he used 101" In Nature’s Storehouse There are Cures. â€" Medical experiments have shown conclusively that there are medi- cinal virtues in even ordinary plants growing up around us which give them a value that cannot be estimated. It is held by some that Nuthre provides a cure for every disease which neglect and ignorance have visited upon man. However. this may be, it is well known that, Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills, distilled from roots and herbs, are a sovereign remedy in curing all disorders of the digestion. Thos. Sabin. of Egling have removed ten coms with Holloway‘s Com C1 g0 thou and do likewise. Bertie Father Theï¬ï¬hostriripiof the season for health and comfort. V’KRTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. A. E. OUTERBRIDGE a co.. Agents, 20 Bmadway, New York. Summer Excursions, 885, by the now Twin Screw SS. "Bermudian", 5,500 tons. bailing 15th And 19th June, 3rd, 17th and mat July, 14th and 26th Au an 4th. 14th and 25th September, 5th 16th an 26th Oobober, 8th, 16th and 27m Novem- ber. Temperature cooled by sea. breezes seldom rises above 80 degrepa.» SAILS FROM MONTREAL 0N MONDAYS :10 4 pm†8rd and 17th June, 15:, 15th and 29th July, 12th and 26th Augmt. 9th and 23rd September, and fortni htly thereafter for Pictnu, N,S.. call- lng at ue oo, Gaspe. Mal Bay, Perce, Ca. e Cove, Grand iver, Summon-side, P.E‘I., and Eben-lot- tetown, P.E.I. BERMUDA Twin Screw Iron SS. “ Campanu,†with electric lights, slectrlc bells and all modern comforzs. UUEBEESTEAMSHIPEUMPANY River and Gulf of 81. lawrence " want a western business write us; large lists; hotels, livery stables, storw. and others. The Minton Manse]! Co.. business brokers, Saskatoon. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING GO. MONTREAL W Clunlnc Ild Curling Ind Kld Glovel ole-nod The" onn be lent. by post. 10 pOl’ 0:. the best place ll FEATHER DYEING Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes 3 2 “IL w lump of art Ctr Fine musllns, dainty lin- erie, iron easier, look etter, last longer if the laundress uses the on! cold-water (no boilingl starch that real y saves work and really won't stick. Try it. Get :u‘t )I “He is a 1 er than an car, you an s the man mag zmyon STERN BUSINESS :â€" SAVES MONEY. ather 3! of Eglington, says: “I ten coms from my feet '5 Com Cure.†Reader, LIMITED. ‘, what is an egotist?" a man who thinks he anyone else." Mother are scarcely right. The in who says that he is Jone elseâ€"all men think n hav ‘\\v'l ll I‘OUII suf- YOU in manenl vision in 36 cases. In nine of the 36 cases the bit of iron was removrd from the viterous. in 27 from the re« line; 22 were fresh cases, and 14 were old. In 22 of the 64 cases the injured eye had to be taken out. lhe iron pieces being large or blood-poisoning following lhe injury. In four cases the magnet failed to remove the particles. In twenty-seven years Dr. J. Hirsch- berg, a German oculist, has used the magnet in 3T7 operations for removing particles from the eye. In the eight years ending 1903 he performed the op- eration 04 times. securing good and per- manent vision in 36 cases. In nine of the 36 cases the bit of inon was removed from the viterous, in 27 from the re- tina; 22 were fresh cases. and 14 were Husband: “My colleague is the most Insatiable man I ever saw. He wants everyihing he sees." Wire: “Can't you introduce our daughter to him?" GEVE ME STRENGTH “What is true of the boy sweeping the store is equally true of every other boy, in whatever work he may be doing, ab- solutely; for the whole secret of suc- cess lies in doing whatever your hands ï¬nd to do well and failhfully. “This is an old, old, oft-told story I know, but there's a fresh crop of boys coming into the ï¬eld daily. to whom. ever, it must be new. and it but one of each day's crop would take the old story tr heart, the world in general would be better off and the boy himself would pro- ï¬t by it. greatly." Cangda _Cy_cle__and Motor 00., leited. THE MASSEY “SILVER RIBBON"â€"CLEVELANDâ€"BRANTFORDâ€"PERFECT- lMl’lERIALâ€"RAMBLER and BLUE FLYER will keep you fit for daily rounds. Manufactured and guaranteed by chance mand greater positive help to the store allraci thr: atmosphere [a draw people repelled if not4 slackly kept. A boy keeps righ boy kee suppose the stuff The natural remodyathe practical means of \vithslandin t upon our safelyâ€" g hese inroads Take the ircsh air and sunshine when possible, that isâ€"when ' from workâ€" 00mg to and This is the cry in ihese strenuous days, when business makes such de- mands upon us. Exercise and fresh air are necessary if we would be strong. but the ten- dency of life today is towards conveniences and modes of living that, deprive us of the very means of keeping our strength and health unimpaired. We sit more, we sleep less, we eat richer and more artiï¬cial foods than formerly boy lllaL makes a good job of sweeping out the store, who is not satisï¬ed with giving it a lick and a promiseâ€"sweeping out the thick of it from the middle of ihe floorâ€"hut, who digs into the corners and sweeps clean along the edges and makes a. good. thorough, workmanhke job of “It's hard work," said the boss. “to get anybody to do even the simplest things really well and to keep on doing them so: and I do love to meet people who do the work they have to do. no matter Here Pointed Out More Especially to Boys. but the Road is Open to All. boy that male )ut the store, giving it a lid ml the thick < m all through. “Now, lhat sort of \sitive help to the 6 store allractlve. MAGNET IN EYE OPERATIONS M oney (0 Loan I'M-$16 Bay Sireei TEE WEN TBBST 53s SAFEï¬UMB Your SAVENGS only )re altractlve, it actually gets into mosphere of the place and helps w people who would as surely be d it not driven away, by a store ' kept. And now suppose this :eeps right on so, unflinchingly; :9 he shows that he's really got it! in him; why. he gets the tlrst I there is for a step up, for the do- for men who can do things is ‘ than the supply‘ and then if he 11y keep on doing things the way an, he's got his future in his own V galvanizingâ€"rust proof. Experienced dealers to erect it. Leads all in 209 â€"as in merit. Get illustrated booklet. and 1907 prices before bu Walkerville. Toronto. Montreal. St. John. Whnï¬. THE ROAD TO FORTUNE. Toronto Junction, Bram-hos RIDE A. BICYCLE. One dollar deposited each week will amount to $293 in ï¬ve years. and at the same time obtain 4 per cent. interest by opening an account by mail with : keep on doing them 3 to meet people who have to do, no matter lhoroughly, and who Write for Booklat, “Banking by Mall " mctlon, - Canada, Winnipeg. \‘un (‘mn'en Melbourne, Aust. of sweepin ness; i! I ï¬nally get: 3 gets the lï¬â€˜st up, for the de- do things is and who nerve to akos into elps FOR SALEâ€"GENERAL STORE BUSI-l NESS ln progressive town of Pow-l ussan; stock about $6,000; will eitherl sell or lease store. Apply Box 75. Pow-i nssan. Ont. you by ma sell at 101 liberml co Strathroy __ -~ - Ilul nmu W |que' markcd (as above) in mi. and guu'anteed to you by store: that sell it and the people who make it. Made in many fabrics and styles. at various prices. in form-ï¬tting dies for women. men and children. Look for the PEN-ANGLE. 9m Safety Deposit Vaults to Rent ROBSON I! you are interssted in Frult Lands write for our booklet~ Its FREE. flcDERMI06: “CHARDY. Nelson. B.C. DEALEM‘ svznkuenc' auéruéi mm SIRDNG &WHITE FLOUR AND FEED. any/RITE 0%. VB ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY! A BUNDED FLOUR THAT HAS CAINED GREAT FAVOR M A GENERAL HOUSINGâ€? 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR; OYS AND GIRLSâ€"SENQ NAME AND -4;,AA, , Van" Avrnl'All an address on drouécnrd and we will sex mail, poatpzxix . 25 stereoscopic vlews ween“ each, {or which we allow you commission. The Art Novaltv nnmnnn KOOTENAY AT YOUR GROCERS, Toronio, canada The Cream of the )n. ' The Ariï¬ï¬sny-éSmiï¬zzy: One kind of underwear. and only one, ï¬t: lighï¬ wean out slowest. and Ian}- ï¬cl you from the day you buy it. _Thal kind in trade- leitsd sale! ,ying will ma