Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jun 1907, p. 1

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{IBERAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. “ @112 giberal ” IS PUBLISHEDEVERY EHURSDAY MORNING 1‘. F. McMAHON. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. \‘oxn XXIX. \Vill occupy his predecesmr‘s office and is‘ prepared to do general pruntic» and also to treat eye. ear, nose zmd th‘uut diseases. Our. Carlton and Yunge Sts , Toronto W'ill be in Richmond Hill on \Ved nesday of each week. Office, next dnnr north of Stand- ard Bank. Office Hours-$.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. DR. H. W. ANDERSON, Dentist, Licensed Auctionaer {or the County of Yo I; Goods sold on consignment Genera] sales Moo ate promptly Mtendedto at reasonauh nun ResidenceUnionville mills by day and night promptly at- tended to. J T anigeon. J K McEwen Maple Weswn Salgeon & McEwen. [doomed \uctloneeri tor the Countyof York. anhutnondedto on shortestuoticeand a. reu- nonnblo rates Pltmnago solicited G R uuul‘hng, Newton Brookmqent for the above License Auctioneox to: the County of York- ro- pwuully solicxts your pnsrouage and friendly influence sales extruded on the shortest notice 5nd Lt reuonaberates. P. 0.3ddress Kim! Francis Block. THORNHILL, Ont. Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 2.. In 7â€"8 p. m. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, J. H. SANDERSON. linden-takers a: Embnlmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Full line of Funeral Furnishings ways in stock. $1 per annum, in advance.] VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND BILL Ton-auto Office, 450 CHURCH ST‘ Riclunond 11 i ll DR. S. J'. BOYD. M. B. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. 31pm Tabulea: at drugglsts. BUSINESS CARDS . MLR. C. 8.: L. R. C. P.. Eng. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Undertakers and Embulmers Maple (SUCCEBSOR TO DR. DEANj WRIGHT BROS, Knight & Lawrie . E. J. ‘Voods DENTIST, Emma 34 Psormnron. .I. ll. Prentice. D. G. BLOUGH, Siftterinary mam. AT THE mum. 25mm. fifii’oc’k,‘ "Iiéé’ffi‘iiii‘k’éfé Clark DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS. S. \V. Conn-r King & Yunge Streets, G G 8 Lindsay}! C A G I“ L m ronce W deout Wadsworth Privutv and Trust Funds tn loan at luwcsk current, rates. Barristers,301icitors. Notaries, are. Home Life Building (formerly Frve bold [man Bldg). Um. Adelaide & Victoria. 818.. Toronto. Richmond Hill Oflice. south-Past (-nr- mu- of Lorne Bldg., every Thursday afternoon. LENNOX 8; MORGAN Money to loan onlandandehnnel mortgages“ lowest rates Auroraomceâ€"nemored to the old peat ome.‘ one door was: of the entrance to the‘ Ontario Bank 1 | 1 Newmarket omegaâ€"Three doors south of the post office '1‘ Human)“ LENNOX G BTV MORGAN Aurora Newmarket MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. BARHIBTER, SULICITOR, NOTARY, ETC‘ Tm'nnm Office. 33 Richmond St. Wfft: Wesley Buildings. Richmond ' HiumOFn'c'e, Standard Bank Building. every Suturde after- "OOH. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to hum at, Five Per Cent, (5%). Bnn-isters, Solictm‘s. Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. F... TORONTO. Canada. FRANK DENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. Muwcx Bowman:- JAS. N EVVTON HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN 311141155 NOTA RY PUBLIC. OOKXIHIOIIB IN THE Richmono Iâ€"Iill COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. REAL ESTATE. ETC. Every accommodation for the travelling public. Good moms for Commercial Travellers. Attentive stableman. Harry Wright PROPRIETOR. Phono Main 311. J. M. LAING Barrister, Solicitor. Etc Ton-unto Office, 36 Toronto street Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. Commissioner. Cnnveynncer. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC THE PALMER HOUSE REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL Barris‘lers and solicitors. enton. Dunn & Boultbee BI. 'l‘EE FEE. [. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Bun-isu'xs. Solicitors. Etc. RICHMOND HILL WILLIAM COOK TO RUN TO. In Essentials, Unity Phone Main 2984 EN YUHK Mr. Curry the Choice Large Convention Saturday. Good Speeches by Hon. G. P. Graham, Arch. Campbell, M. P., and others. At a large convention Ens‘ Yo.'k Liberals on Saturday selected J. “'alter Curt y, K. (1., exâ€"(lrown At‘or- ney of Toronto, as their candidate for the Legislature. The meeting was held in the, Y. M. U. A. Hull, East Toronto, and besides the business of nomination, features of the gathering were addresses by Hon‘ George 1’. Graham, Opposition leader. and Archi- hnid Gamphell. M.P. for Centre York. No fewer than nine names including Mr. ‘Valter Scott. the candidate at, the last election. were. put forwald for the candidate, hut all of those retired excepting Mr. W. H. Grant, of the law firm of Proudfoot, Duncan, Grant and Skeans, and Mr. Curry. A ballot was taken on these two. hut before any announcement was made it was decided to make the result unanimous in any event. The first huilot, gave Mr. Curry 70 votes and Mr. Grant 29. \Vhilc Mr. Grant is regarded an a. strong man, particularly in the Southern portion of the riding, and one who would well and honestly represent the constituency. yet the choice of the convention was admitted to he a most popular one in every direction, and there was general assur~ ance that the political fight in East York Would be both earliest and enthusiastic, with a Liberal victory to be chronicled at. the end. The meeting was presided over by the Presidan of the Associatiun, Mr. Jnhu F. Ross, while Mayor J. McP. Ross of East Toronto formally wel- comed the delegatvs. All the gentlemen nominated made Iu-ief speeches. Mr. Curry stating {but he \\ as prepared to go to work at (Ince if he were selected or if any other pm 50!] were chosen. He had no persmml interest in the mutter, he said. At next election he looked fur- ward tn East York and many other riQings returning Liberal majorities. Mr. Grant, opened up hV saying he did not think memlm-s did enough speaking in their constituencies. He objected to the Liberal party having: anything to do with the “ machine." and also to members being the ser- vants of corporations. In this latter Connection be revived the history of the York Radial bill. He stated his ()hjchions to the grunting of franchises to these corporations.’ All franchises, he Said. should he operated for the public gout]. and he thought a stutute should be made makingomnpanies live up to thelerms of existing frunchisgs. 'Mr. F. G. Inwood, Secretary of the General Refurm Association, briefly stated that the Libm'u] organization was clean and above board. He was willing to let, any person presentknmv all that had taken place in the last three yoaxg. \Vheu J. \Vulter Curry was an- nounced us the candidate there was prolonged applause. After thanking the delegates for the nomination, Mr. (Jun-y said he. desired the. electors to feel they could cull upon him at any time withr‘their wants. “I am y‘our servant,” he continued. "and 1 want to register your will in the Local Legislature. It is my wish that this next election he fought with that fairness and that cleanliness that all liberals are proud of. We would ruther lose the constituency than have a fight so unclean that you cannot tell your Chlllel) and your family all that you have had to do with it. If we are (going to win, we want to win cleu n. I ( 0 not want you to spend one dollar for a. vote, for the man who wins by buying votes does not truly represent any riding; he represvnts themnn who gave out the money.” ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1.907 in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” LIBERALS i Mr. Archibald Campbell, M.P., dealt more particularly with Federal issues. He said that ten years ago the foreign trade was $219,000,000. but this had now increased to $612.0(XLOOO. At, the end of this year the surplus would be $20.000,000. M 1‘. 0a m p hell 3.] so defended the G. T. P. hut-gain. He spake of the nevessity of gond work, and predicted a victury fm Mr. Cnn'y at the next electiun. pride of the Province. “Anything I think good I am going to favor, said Mr. Graham, "and if anything is wmng I am guing to dis- approve of it. True Liberalism is brunt] enough to let men differ in de- tails and still be true to Liberalism.” Mr. Graham attacks-d the (invern- ment‘s policy of appointing commissâ€" ions for almost everything, the license department, as well as other depart,- nu-nts. He took-up the educational qunstinn, amd gave an inspiring with-ms. Befure closing rousing cheers were given for the King. Sir W'ilfrid Lnnrivr. Hun. Mr. Graham. Mr. Camp- bell, and the candidate elect. If our citizens keep on building and repairing as they are doing at, present our tuwn will soon have quite a COS»- mopnlitan aspect. Among the latest. is D. Ken-swoll‘s fine new In ick residence which is practically completed. while Ulift’s Sons have had a new front put on_ their blacksmith shop. Mrs. E. Smart and 50;) arrived here from England last week. tn join her husband Mr. E.Smart who is employed by the Newton Tanning On. her». This is becoming quitga horse centre. Quite a. few deals have gone through recently. Mr. W. Cnszmve has dis- posed of his two chestnut drivers at tidy figures. one to Toronto and the other tn Unionville. Mr. Jacob Atkinson sufl’ered a. paralytic stroke one day last wevk and digd Tuesday night: Quite H. nmnherufmlr citizens intend to take in the Agricultural Society’s trip to Parry Sound on the 19th over the C. N: O. RaihYuy. Mr. Oswald Newbury of New Liskem-d, :1. Lieutenant, in the G. G. B. G. is at, his home here for a few days, on his way to the cmnpofhis regiment, at Niagara. on June 12th. The Ladies Guild of the Church of England metnt the home of Mrs. G. Ker-swell here last week and report the practical cmupletiun (If a fine lagge quilt. Miss (Hank and Mrs. Hugh Blain of Kewatin. Manitoba, and Mrs. John Mun-9n. Miss J. Blain and Mr. Thou. Bluin 0f Sault Ste. Marie :u'e spend- ing a few days as the homes of Mrs. C. Topper and Miss Blain of this place. The Count of Revision met, on Tues- day, June 4 in the Council Chamber at 8 p. m., to hear and determine ap- peuls against the assessment of the village and (whet-wise to revise the as- sesmwnt roll. Two ap eals Were pre- svnted. one by Mr. (-0. Robinson. and one by Mr. F. Gruinger, in both cases the complaint, being that the as- sessment. was too high. Mr. Rubin- sou being present, was heard, and stated that he was assessad for more land than he possessed Within the cur. puration. On motion of Mr. Nicholle seconded by Mr. Barker, Mr. Rubin- son’s assessment, was reduced from $200 to $150. On motion the assessmmit of Mr. Grainger‘s ruperty was left unalter~ ed. Mr. “9. C. Savage’s name was struck out as tenant, of lots 35, 36. on 46, and Mr. Hurry \Vright’s name was inserted in lieu Lhc‘reof. Mr. John Palmer’s name was struck out no owner of 10th on 47 and the name of Mr. W. 0. Savage inserted in lieu thereof. Mrs. H. F. Hupper‘s prop- erty having been sold to Mr. Thus; Boyntnn. his name was inserted as owner. Mr. Sterling's assessment, was increased to $300, he havmg pur- chased another Int since the assess- ment, was made. Mr. Geo. Uowie was marked as owner insieud of tenant. Nichollsâ€"Barkerâ€"That the assess- ment roll be now passed as finally re- vised and amended.â€"Cun-ied. Court adjourned. W. H. PUGSLEY, Chairman. A. J. HUME. Clerk. iichnllsâ€"Sanderm:nâ€"That Mr. J. T. Startup be appointed Truaut Officer. Council adjoumeq. The regular meeting of the council was held at the close uf the court. All the members present; minutes of last meeting read and canfirmed. The fol- lowing uccounts were rPse-nted and ordered to be paid: G. ewbel-y, posts, $3; Thus. Clark, moving building. $10.25; \V. H. Machell, tile, $41: L. Innes & Sons. lumber, $2190; T. & Y. Rafi», freight, ‘ The teen: stated that a. purchase:- had been found for the debenture that was Issued for the purpose of improv- ing Centre at: eet east. VILLAGE COUNCIL. Elgin Mills. A. J. HUME, Clerk Rev. Dr. Ohamhers. pastor of Parliaâ€" mont St. Methodist church, has hevn appointed Gnvennr of Toronto Jail, succm-dmg Mr. G. R. Vunzant who was dismisse-(l. Golden Syrupâ€"Edwardsbngh crown brand in 5 1h. tin pails 21m, in 2 ll. tins 100. Atkinson & Switzer. For the several ingredients of which Dr. Plerce’s medicines are composed, as given by leaders in all the several schools of medicine, should have far more weight than any amount of non-professional tee- timonials. Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescrib- tion has um BADGE or HONEBTY on every bottle-wrapper. in a full list of all its in- gredients printed l plain English. I! you are an in ld woman and sufler trom freq ent headache, backache‘ gnaw- in stomach.perlodical pains. e. catarrhal. pelvic drain. draggl down distress in lower abdomen or pelv , perhaps dark spots or specks denci 3 before the eyes. faint spells and ‘ sym toms caused by female weak- ness. 0 th derangement of the feminine organs. can not do better than take Dr. Pier e Favorite Prescription. I The h s ltal.surgeon'sknlie and open.- tlng ta may be avoided by the timely use oi avorite Prescription" In such cases. 'Iperebx the obgoxigug examln- W cmrse of snccessiuL treafmem, carriedW imm " Favbrité Prescription " w compose o e very best. native medicinal roots known to medical science for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments. contains no alcohol and no hajmful or habit-forming grugs.“ N. J. Glass physncuan cian'jq Do not. expect too mucfi from "Favorite Preseription; " it, will not. perform miraâ€" cles; it. will not. disolve or cure tumors. No medicine will. It. will do as much to establish vigorous health in most, weak- nesses and ailments peculiarly incident to women as an medicine can. It. must. be given a. (air c ance by perseverance in Ha usefor a r_easo_nab_ie length _oi time._ Deering Farm Im- plements Get my rates and prices before do- ing business else- Where. Fire and Life In- Instruction in Pinnu-pluying and Theory Pupil of A. S. Vogt, Mus. Doc. (Pinnn). and J. H. Anger. F. R. C. 0. (Theory. \Vednesduys and Saturdays, Rnum ll Cal-)um Chmuhms, cur. Carlton and Yonge Sts., Toronto. ion :3 gum a§ Richmond Hill Sick women are invited to consult. D11. Pierce, by letterjrce. All con-es nd» ence is guarded as sacredly secre and womanly confidencos are protected by rofessional rivacy Address Dr. R. V. ierce. Buffa o N. . Dr. Plerce‘s Pleasant Pellets the best laxative and regulator of the bowels. They invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. One a. laxative; two or three a cathartic. Easy to take as candy. J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist [Single copies, 3 cts. Words of Praise a su Estituw (or N eWS Notes. Agent for sumnce JOSItlQn Evadeid a‘nfi AND No 50 thgrgggfi amll

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