Mrs. \V.n. P‘ \"H'ning rulnï¬ve at High; Mills. tunes Miss “Mary Trench is at, prvsout tmrhing in um- uf the Tumnm schnuls‘, rupplyiug fur a Lmu-hm- wh.) i-' ill. Tho svvnnd form of (In; High Suhonl (lrl‘e-nmd (hr ï¬rst form in a fuullmll mun-h Monday (EH-Hing hy u sum-e of Hu- lnhur (f you- erh (Mr N!» Atkinsmn & Swizm R‘xczuu‘rxo HILL, 0mm, J 'l‘hP latvst Lnlh-d n. fr" Miss M. Mun-RM Miss ‘1. 'l‘hmnus gin-its at, Mi. J. H Mrs. Cum-tirv. Miss Countin- and Miss Elsie l’ulme r. Tux-unto, spent. yrs- tm‘duy uva1 uuon will) Mrs. \Vm. l’ulmcr. Fuur Mx-tu-pnlilun duiiy vmrh way MM.“ Jucksun's 1’4 mum] trip is lh'll' Thn Entrance Exmuinulvinns will he lwki in thv High Sch-ml here on \Vc-d- m-sduy. 'l‘hm'sduy and Friday. the 215m, 27â€) and 25ch June. The fabric, the shape, the style, finish and mnkv up of “111' made-tu- Im-naurvsuitx stamp thvm pun-feet :15 mm he made hy human hands. VALkinsun & Switzvr. E7112 Mr. \Nln. Morris and his grand- duughtr-r, little Miss Bl'uice Patton are visiting in St. Mary’s with Mrs Sampson, the funnel-Ks sistm: The Aurora Funtlulll Tcum will go In 'lfhnrnhill Friday owning of this \ka to play a match with the local le-um. Gnme will be called at 6.30. Miss Templemnn from Newfound- land who is amending Hu’u-rgu l‘nllogc‘, Tnnmto. mule up with Misst Olive and Haze-l Switzer and remained uu-t Sunday. A meeting to xe-m-sxnnizo the Tennis (‘Iuh will he hvld lesday evening lH‘XLRLSU‘clUCk an the (:nurts in the punk. All memlu-I's and others in- terested please he on hund. Hpeci=LIâ€"â€"Abmlt 80 Prunelh Slippers, St and her}, putt-nt- the c: n-gulnl- 50c.. fur 15c. p at. unft The Gnvenm- Gem-ral‘s Body Guard assembled here '1‘1wsduv on their way In thvix- annual drill at, Niagara Camp. The men, all moumvd. are in charge of Mr. T. H. Lennux and \Lieub. O. E. Ml New bevy. Mr. F. van. il grnduuh- nf Vit‘fm in dirgo, spvnt nu-r Sunday whh his u-nd, Mr. \\'. L. Trench. At a meeting of the Board of Edn- cation yesterday a resululiun was passed (‘ifering Miss Mun-den and Miss Edwm-ds an advance in salarv 0f $50 9:011. 1‘18}; Mr. Sturtup, caretaker, advance of $25. ()xw Jnseph Tait, Esq.y will preach anni- versary sermons at, Victoria. Square next Sunday. June 16. at 2.15 and 7 u‘clwsk. Music will be furnished by the Joy sisters and Master Hurry Hunter of Newnmrkel. age we. mm s u package 100.. 16 Atkinson & Swibze Messrs J. A. E. Switzw and Gen. (‘we wexe appointed hy the district meeting us Lay Duh-gates from the circuit to attend the conference which n «mad this muruing in Elm street Methodist, church, Tol‘nlllu. Seeded Ruisins»â€"C:xlifm‘nin seeded 511.. Hamilton lmmd. full 10 ()2. pack- age 1%. mum’s hum hmud, 12 oz. package 100.. 16 oz. package llï¬c. {mu A. J. Paul, B.A.. 8.1). of Allan- dule. «will preach in the Methudisb church here next. Sunday morning and swelling. and at Patter-sou in the afterâ€" uuon. Rev. \V. S. lx-win is taking Mr. Paul’s wnrk on {but occasion. (l Ill nu r'nnuy 9v H. A. Niuhul will pay :1. nccasmu, an served at. the requested to Free. for Cntun-h, jn<t to prove merit. uTlinl sizv Box uf Dr. Slmup‘s Uumrrh Rvmedy. Let me svnd it now. It. is :1 snow-whiten crHuny, now. lb 15 :1 Slln\\-\\ulu'. hmliug. antispulic balm. (‘01 such healing iugrodiz-nts Eucaliptus, Thymnl. Monllml. gives instant. and lasting r ('utau-I-h uf the Museum] lhmut the free test and see fur yumm this pnrpumtiun can and will plish. Address Dr. Slump, \\'i<, Largo: ialrs 30 cents. 1 IJ()(3‘ A ihe Elgin. . A. E’. Emma \V. S 'I‘I-muth an » .‘n‘tvndiz renm- in the eiiy. ‘uurt Richmond Friday evmï¬ng l uhnllr‘. Di: 1g (lunmy m1 Monday. “Ct vaull, of \Virmipeg. is ivos and fnuuds here and nae d n int md ,mnedy. Let me is u snow-whiten Igispelic balm. (‘1 [lug mgrvdu-nts . I‘hymnl. Mmllm ant. and lasting lntemvnt vunuhl nuHify yen-s. That's why Wt- ;uhertising nurruwly bunt 80 pairs \Vomen‘s ppers, solid leather sole rut- the cup, in size 30nly. fur 15c. pair. I‘qughtun';~ 3. ()0 phnm unnd A. O. 112, will meet ï¬xing of this \\'l‘k‘k. Bu». >‘. District (‘hic-f Ranger, | nfliciul visit vn that '1 refreshmmts will he ("It-50K All nn-mlwlslare lltk'hd Friday evening. llpï¬ Ilium curs now run bebwven Tun-(mm and . The fare for thv t-nch is at, prvst-ut the Tumnm schnuls‘, :u-hm- wh.) i-' ill. m and her frivud, hf 'l‘m'untu. ware Rama‘s un Sutur- xmuinnlvinns will he m- harp. was in- :Igu in Mr. Juhn -y is: this “7ka Council which [win and Methodist - 13, 1907 crmuny. umimng as Oil nml um [\t‘ M b2 Make what H I) To avoid the rush m) the morning of the 19â€: tickets may be procured frulu the socrrtmv. Mr. H. A. Nichnlls at his “flit-e :my time previuus‘ lu that, dune 01- {mm Mr. McDel-mnlt. the U. N. U. ugmn whn will annin at, the station until um u‘cluck the night, bufow (hr excursion. MUSICAL. Hamihmx's Orchestra and Male Qmu-tmce lurnish le wry latest music for gal-urn [)ill‘UPs. excursimw. picnics, emu: fur prices. Lesbimunidls. dates. Addrrss. 1’. Il. Hamilton, Box 482, Tumnu» JuncLiun Mr. and Mrs. J. H. anrr :1 Rainer attended the “midi: llieltP. Miss Flm-vm'u Bvutrice in Sluufl'villt‘. 1m \anwsdny \\‘P(‘k. Th" gmum wax: Mr. 1‘ SLqufrillP. Mrs. Runner vi Clulenuml :Ind (-UH'I' plucu: returning home. Alderman A. I). “Eight, of Regina. is spunding a fnv «lays wilh his ielutives hvl‘e‘. Mr. “’right has hem nu a delegation tn wish-HI puints Lurking iutn street puvvuu-ms. the Pit)! nf Rr-gilm having or. Lhu 7th of June pane-(1:1 hy-lnw authorizing thy expenditure uf $425,000 ()n impxme- lucnls. Ewrybudy svenm tn be busy those days around the stuLiun, and large shipments, in and um. are being mudo. Mes-us. Skin-r and anm- have about cmnplotcd their large 00:11 sheds, the‘y haVe alw vrvctrd \vvig‘n scales. and Lhoy are now l't-auly to shove nlnng the cunslructim) «If the grain elevator. At a unwting of the Ymtk County Bveâ€"Keopm‘s Association hvid at Mark- lmm :L rvsnlution moved by Mr. “Mitt-‘1' Srntt, was carried. urging the Ontario Depau-tnwub ut Agriculture Ln strivtly enful‘m‘ the regulatinns regardâ€" ing lhe stumping nut nf fnnl immd. Thvt'ivubiun ul' uflicm-s rpsulted us fulâ€" luw<z P1 Psident. Arlbm- lentz, Lung- stuf‘f; Vice Puma. John MCGillivmy; Aldennun A s spandng Native-s hvrv. .u u delegut making iuln Src‘y-Tl-Pus.. J. L. var, Markham. \Ve are (lfft'lillg [his \vvvk un assort- ed 10L nf Vme-n‘s Dungnla Oxfords in all sizes, mgnlarly 1250 La 2.00. for $1.00 puil'. Eeltrrsee thm. Naughâ€" imx’s AL \hu Elgin. The Secretary has recv-ived a letter frum the Pun-y Suuml ()mumittee that they inLPml to do all they can to make it, inIm-nsxing fur members of the exvlusiun on the 19111. There will he :1 lacrosse mum-h and other spurts during the nftm‘noun in the Park and this with the beautiful scenery around the Sound ought, to prove :I vvry pleasant day to the many who will doubtless go on the excursion. I'll stop yuur pain free. To Show ynu ï¬rst-~lwfm9 you spend a pennyâ€"â€" what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail ynu free. a Trial Package of themâ€"Dr. Slmup’s Hmduclw Tablets. Neui-algia, Headache. Toothache, Period pains. etc. are (luv alone to blood congestion. Dr. Slinnp’s Headâ€" ache Table-ts simply kill pain by cnnx- ing away tlw unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Addwss Dr. Slump. Racine. “'is. Sold by \V. A. Sandi-r- son. VICTORIA SQUARE. 1‘ Thf're are few districts in anki County that are nut usually iepl'esenc- 1 ed at the annual Garden Party and Field Day in cunnectinn with the Vicâ€" ‘ turin Square Sahhail‘h School. Ar- mngmenta on :1 lurge scale are being Completed for the event which mm place on Saturday of this week. l5th iiist.. on the gi-nunds of Mr. Ross Nichols. At 1.30 p. m., a. juvenile fantlmll tournament will take place. in which Richmond Hill Public Scbnol. Buttonvilh: Puhlic School, and Vicâ€" tni-iu Squaxe will take part. At 3 n’clnck a fnnthull tournament fur senior teams will commence. The fulâ€" lnwing teams are expecti-d: Green- Wood Clippers. Alum-a, Maple, and angmve. There will also he a howl- ing tournament lnetWePn Uniunville lillld Slouihille. Tea. will he served ‘frmn 4 to 8 o’clock. Admissziun, 25 and 15 cents. Good talent, has hes-n svcured for the cnncm-t to he hPld in the evening. Ice creamâ€. lemonade, etc., will he sold at, the bomb after- noon and evening. Sumt’fville Band iwill play during the afternnon, and 1 will also assist at, the concert. This was ovethnnl in Rirhmnnd Hi“ the ()tlwx‘ evening: “Hvllo Chm-lie! pretty nice pair patent leathers yuu’re wearing: Wth uu- Hwy, :1 $5 tnuvh?" "Nth'. $3.25." “5:†2-")! where on earl h AGRICULTURAL EXCURSION. Row A. P. Brace [nu-sided at the weekly meeting uf the Epwm-th Leugup Mummy evening. Rppm'ts were gin-n by ouch 0f the retiring “Him-rs. after which the fnllmving uflicexs ware i‘leclvd for the- ensuing ~ve-ur:-~ Endeavm- D and Vino-l ianux y l‘mpt 3rd Vim-~11 Dept. AT THE Hun "Hit Rev} Missiunal ssistuut U rusm ( I): nist. Miss Ida. G1 EPVYORTU LE m- Dept Junim I‘VS Miss TN 135.. Mrs‘ Mr. Clm ksun McDonald \‘lrs. Switzr‘r. Mr. Lnrns PALLPI'SOD. N. 0. STATION H. Rnxnrr and Miss the wedding of :l bl'u Hist, Miss E. Bal‘kt‘l Mr. R. Shaw, Missâ€" ‘ P. Brucs‘, BIX Iu-h. Sh m n. Christin.» ‘ice \Vhite, thy of lns‘ FPI‘I'P“ of visith in [(108 before AG .‘lub Miss Olivc ,h literary Smith, READâ€"At Victoria. Square. Monday. June 10. to Mr. and Mrs. ’l‘hos. Read, It SUI). ATKINSONâ€"At Elgin Mills, early Wed- m-dny morning. June 12. Jacob AL- kinsnn. in his 80“) year. Fumrul to Oak Ridges Cemetery to- day, at 2 u’clnck. Thn Mel hndist, Sunday Schme intend bulding thir unmml picnic on the grnunda of Mr. James Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Helmkuy were Visiting friends at Hespeler over Sun- day. u.._,. Mira Ré‘tn LePk is visiting with her shah-1' M rs. Tripp, Tor-unto. Miss Mirrs was the guest of Miss M. Bzu‘kvx‘ over Sunday. We are very sm-rv to hear that Mr. Brndie‘s Inn:in have the measles and are shut in frum uur midst. Mrs. Llnyd of Mt. AIM-rt was visitâ€" ing at her sister’s, Mrs. G. Leek. Head- ing 2 ful (l “70 are glad to soe Mr. George Dean‘s new building progressing so nicvly. Th'm'e are qui‘ citizens unt . put on the excursion. {liï¬d Mrs; W. Trasdale spent Sunday with his brotlwr Mr. Henry Tt‘asdnls- of Kipg.» Ettendo'd the wedding uf her friend Miss Margaret Henncks uf Toronto. forum-fly of Headfm'gl. ““‘ .‘-‘ " __v 0‘ u u n u - Miss Malwl Barker Is \‘xsltmg a sick relative in Aurora. u. 1v†.., -V-“ Th? lmselmll clubs of the north and smth intended holding a match on Thulsdny evening at the schunl gruunds. Maple Syrupâ€"Extra ï¬ne quality maple syrup in qmu-t gem jars, jurand syrup 25c.. in sealed quart, tins, wme nwasure 240., in bqu imperial gum-L 25c. Atkinson & Switzer. MUNN a: C0.. nf‘tne Sme'rmc AMERICAS. can (Inna 1.0 mm us Sullciturs fur l'atpnw. Caveats Trad: Marks. Cnnyrlszhts fur the Dune-I States. (5311363. England. France. ermnny. etc. IIam‘l Book ubom Yo: “La «out (we: fl‘hirtyâ€"sev 'cxueriepce. ++4-+++++++++++++++++++++++ @%?ER§“§“§ Patenfabl33uilxa1i (Emu-1K MUNNX‘. Cll it .notioeh la the SPIISNTU-‘lQ An {CANLUIG larges must rudely mumm scientiï¬c paper. $3.20!) yezu' womfly. Bplundld engravings and lnteygstinz In. 'nrmutlun. Specimen many of the scientiï¬c Amer- Irnn 59m. (roe. Address MUNN Q .70.. SCIENTIPH unmetâ€: omen. 201 Broadway. new YorL Buy Hair (22“ Auction? At any rate, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principles: “going, going, gâ€"oâ€"n-e!†Stop the auction with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it’s nature’s way. éul~++++++°i from the best makers in Can- ada. All shirts a perfect ï¬t. The new designed Coat Shirtâ€"- ask to see them. Full line of .U.Ay1 *' ' MobiJ m W’s BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE v. M. c. A. BUILDING. TORONTO The school that gives the best husinoss and shorthand twining. Special rate fur the SUMMER TERM. Privileges of Y. M. G. A. free to our students. DI-np card for catalogue. T. M. WATSON, PrinpraI é++++++++++++++++++++++++a See OurWindow this week for a good assortment of ' FINE SHIRTS The best kind of a. testimonial â€"â€" “ Sold for over sixty years.†and all up-to date on sale Saturday. prices from 10.00 to 1 Nine Sampie Suitsi grain All kinds of repairing done and I boots made to order. ++ ARM. SAVAGE GENT’S FURNISHINGS menyJ BOOTS AND SHOES Headford. Tnese_are a special b DEATHS. BIRTHS. quite a number of mu muting a pleasant trip Richmond Hill SARSAPARDJA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL Regular Will‘- ++++++++++++++++HM+M+++WMH+++++' Â¥++++++++++++++ +++++*M' Yoch and Moor 51:. Toronto fl :IE n1nn ulnnUflNflF magma; ' , v..." ,, i um and L' L'NT‘P, ¥§â€"'.~~:~~:~++++++++++M +++++++++++ +M+++WH+HW++ SummerSchool Complete Shornmnd Course (our (4) ++++++H++++++++++++++HM ++i++++++++++++++++f #44“? ++++$+M+++++M+++M+H+++++++++++$+++++++~§I British Ca R. A. Farquharson, Complete Bhorthand Course {our (4) aonths. with books. May to August. in- lusive, $34.00; or three» months. 530.00- ?o'npl Me Com menial Course, books in- :Xuded. to: four months as above, $37.00; r three months. $33 00. Oï¬er good nly for summer months. Write DJ. nco. Mail coursea at special rates. Atkinson & Switzer RICHMOND HILL ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬cflf’ iTHE -- LIBERAL Summer Hats Popular Prices Christys’ Nobby Designs Very special value in Men’s Black Cashmere Socks at 20, 25, and 300. pair. J nne 6, 190"! Richmond Hill Hardware Store If you are preparing to build, we are prepared to serve you with the latest Builders’ Hardware Our prices are to your interest. Get them before buying. We also stocx Washers, VVringers, VVheelbarrows, Wire (annealed, steel, or copper), Paints, Oils, Varnishes. We guarantee you a mechanical job on Eavetroughing, Rooï¬ng, and General Tin- smithing. Absolutely correct and ex- clusive styles in Summer Felts and Straw flats anadian Business Coll. Men’s 4-ply Linen Collars, all sizes, at 2 for 23c. Men’s Coat-style Shirts, W. G. & R. make, at $1.00. Regent Suits at $11.00, $12.00, and and $14.50. . SOULES For Gentlemen Having a. complete X-my and statil electricity apparatus, I am able t: lncate foreign bodies in the body, and examine fractures of bones. Also t: n-ent NERVOUS DISEASES, 0312mm REEDM’USM. Moms“) GROWTHB such as Cancel-s. etc. __- nun n Being a graduate of Moorfleld’s 1 Hospital, England, I am prepared examine the interior of the eyes disease, and test for glasses. I patient should require glasses I 01 them for him. Nose and throat, work a. specialty Ofl’xce convenient to the Men-op tan and U. N. 0. Railway stations. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 5311135016100 for .S.J.BOYD ;e~r: If as I oxde red it“ as fox )0