Nurses‘ & Mothers’ Treasure -â€"moat reliable medicine {or baby. Used over 50 can. Fint com by Dr. P. E. l’iuul! in l655. Makes Baby Strong Restore: the little organs to perlect health. Gives wund sleep, without resort to opium or other in' union: drugn. Al drueaim'. lie. 6 hot! I $l.25. Nlï¬onnl DruaAt Chemiul Co. Ltd. Manual ook into thié roofin question . Get: book on " R o of in 2 Right†and see how little risk you take when you r o o f a n y building with M 1 t . r""“ltIllllllllllllll|"' I r) _ . .ll'h‘.1'l. {now trail passcs. winding foothills mid l streams wcrc beginning to run wntcr. A! clear creek thc \vntcr was (1 foot and 1 a half dccp und 2011 foot widr: There was n( way to make the croSSing but to S\\'llIl the dogs. Th0 mtrcyud mnnheiï¬ wrapped hL~t wifc carcfnlly in cunvuï¬i and madc tht- binding .51- that bhc “an. virtually 111 a lurgc canvas bag. 'l‘hcn; thv dogs wcrt- givcn thc la<h and hmdod ‘ toward thc oppoeitc shorc. Galbraith man lIC‘llllKl. but thr- (lop had to .~w'.1n and draw the slvigh. 'l'hc old faithfulk' did thr-ir work spicu- (iidly and mono out panting.r on tho shore almokt ('xhnustml, lud Sir-111 hnd thou“ limih and \\1'1'~~ again hot fnohn;_r it’ down thc hail. tinllundh houndnmr :dong‘ lwhnnl lifting h1< IT'S lv4lllll«l\tlll1’l drying. ln‘ wrl 1-\h'1~m|t11v~ lgv vigor of l1i> (‘M‘l‘ huh and ln~ lumk 1‘ll'i‘lllillltrll. lit-twvcn. \hlJumtrn 11nd lhphct. thc Inw (iu\1‘i'n-‘ mvnt hail ~11t last full. was the" (‘ulli‘st' of Had it not bccn hmlt thcrc would hnvc lwcu no 1111'11113 of gcttmg to lluwson and n dcalh In’illitlm would hang {.1 br- rcr‘ordul trm'uusc of thc l'llltdcttl: lsllltlllUll of this [Jill'llt'lilfll‘ scnmn. Through thc ll('ill‘l of :1 dt-cii forcst thik among tlw nbovc thc gulvhm nnd Underwear madc-toâ€"order, for you couldn't possibly excel in lit nor equal in value PENrANGLE Guarante ed Underwear Can't shrink Inor stretch nor bind nor bulge; outâ€" lasts other kinds; and is sold with a guarantee that insures you against any possible fault. Trade-marked like this in red as urc sign of Made in many fabrics and styles, at value. various prices. in form- ï¬tling sizes for women. men and children. JAPANESE RO‘IANCE. l’athcr Finds Daughter l‘ndcr Strangc Circumstances, 'I‘hcn \‘anixhcs Again. A rmnancc of Japanr-si- hf 1> rcport- at from (balm. whom a young wnnnn wn> suddwuly (lf‘t'lltll on tho cvc (f lmr cxiiuctcd nmrriaigc. ’l‘hc lipitivc lll‘itln"i.(l'(n1!il loft in (‘\lll1'lll(tlliill.\ what- PYt'l'. but insh'nd a C( indictable Milli (1i moncy to bc u dt \\r_\‘ fur ln-r “lull she Mind anolhcr é\\t‘lllt'1ll'l to hcr lzkluu. Thu man whosc name i\ givcn 11.: Saâ€" kunnlo, was if yours old. whilc thc y1 1111;; woman was only 20. 'I’lns (hsr Purity of nutâ€- “(1.x ut tir>t twin-\cd to to thc causc of his (lmvppcnrancc. ln- \u~hgalion. howcver. showcd thut ho had a much niurc Scrious rvawn. ll wa> diSt-ovcrt-d that Sukmnolo wa< ‘. rrigiiiully n \\r-ll to do mcrchant tn (Hiku. llc inarricd and apparently hvcd hnppily \\llll l1l< wife Until a duughtcr wu» born to thcm. 'l‘hcn hc suddcnly turned all his pro- pr-rly into czlsh. (lt‘St'l'lt‘d his family and \'[tlll.\l1(‘tl. No truce could bc found of lillll nnd prcscntly his nifc sickcncd and dwd. ’l'hcn thc girl baby was The starch that needn't be cooked. .that won’t: stick. .that gives a bril- liant gloss with almost no iron-eflort..len’t that the etuch ou ought to have them use on your clothes? Buy it by name. your dealer sells it. ('rI-cks. and 1t \\’Z|.\ whilc pnxsmg through thin rt-molc \vildci‘lK‘SS that dH-p haying of 11 hand of wolvcs was l1('2tl(l by Mr. . v takvn in by anothcr couplc and brought up a< thcir own child. <4 “OSHAWA†‘ GALVANIZED STEEL _ SHINGLES ' - Soldunderaplaln GUARANTEE 4’, that kee a your roof good for 25 _ Wi decent care, an Oshawa- hlngled roof will last a CENTURY. ‘b h L'. 11 ,.t. 1.. t. 1 ft 1.1 . o \wriii lfillzlc Alioetiiifi‘n Gigich {With a hammer and a snips 1 :(tinners’ shears anybody can Gcrmane cal. morn brood than any “t 0mm " €9,221..35133‘12‘.1‘.8v"‘;.'2,; 11(112001-(i51i1iml . c » ~ g 1 ‘- i hingle? on "‘1' . wcck. or more than 011c~third grcatcr erfeCt 37' ‘ ' than ours. ked on - 'f‘QgJILII/fl n 11 f 0 u r _ Many Thlnkure due from the proprietors of ' d _ Slde ' Weaver's Comte to lriends who have written to B l e 8 see ock l tell of the Cerate‘s good word in curing scrolulous the side lock? \ humor-s, scald head and other skin diseases. It drains the shingles so that water can’t see under. Top loc (see belowg makes h whole roo practi- * cally one piece and sheds water quick. Made in one grade 9 onl â€"28- uage semi-toughened steel, don leâ€"g vanized (saves painting). t Wind- water-and - fir er PROOF. Keep buildings - - safe from ‘ 'ghtni 3 cat oi-ify 4.50 a square (10 . ftxlOft.)l Send for book- let and learn; how little 8. RIGHT roof costs. Address‘ 9 The EDLAR ‘ l l 1 o n- PEOPLE .. Of Oshawa " Montreal Ottawa ’ 1 321-3 Craig St. W. I23 Sussex 8t. . Toronto london 1b llOolborne St. as Dundu St. {1 Wlnnlpeg Vancouver 1 1 768‘! Lombard St. 615 Ponder St. , . l 1 l 1 l l’l-lllll.()l'h‘ ARCTIC JOl'ltNEY. Scttlcr‘s Long Dog Sled Drive to Save llis “'ifc‘s Lifc. Down from the north nontoQ anothcr1 of thc tinc >llil'it'5 of lovc and enduranct‘l that loud to thc >ilcnt northcrn plum-st Mich worm hnnnm intcrcst. says lhc‘ \‘l’innipci.r corri-slmndcnt of thc 9t. Puull Dispatch. 'l‘ht- .~tory is of one Jmncs l’. (:ulhraith. who brought his sick wifcj into I‘lawmn by dog: tcznn from thc Dun-'1 can dix‘trictma di~tanco of 17:3 milciy Mrs. Galbraith lu‘nftlllit‘ H'l‘h’disl)‘ ill some wccks ago. 'l‘hcrc “11> not a dot-tor any- whcrc in thc rcmotu camp. and licmici stops wcrc iicct-«sury. Galbraith was not 3 a man to hcsitatc lN‘v‘fllmO of distance m“ obslndm‘. SccurinnV the best tcain ofi traincd dogs in thc camp. hc carcinllyl placcd Mrs. Galbraith in thc haskct slcigh. and with thc crack of thc whip‘ was off in thc 1011;: run curly in the.“ t c morning. The first day out thcy mado .8le)". milcs. ll wa< a fairly good ll‘ail. but 110-: thingr comfortath or Omoynl-lc for a1 woman suffvrinp thc hangs of Illnc<<. 'l‘hc dogs did nolly and trotth along cycry nhnmt stop (if the way. The: 11nd Mrs. Galbraith. allowcd to tarry lhcn and thcy scarccly nH-dcd drivcr and fccblc sntfvrcr. duy out sixty lllll('> morc was madc. and that brought thc tl‘uvcllers to Dominion (ircck. and Dawson was reached. curc a bottle and tukc it home. how much longer are \vc going to wait [it this station? i already." lscn. 'cst running. .known virtue in the ticutmcnt. of livcr :wcll known to all those whp have uscd Tho dogs’ wcrc not : the anxioux'. The second thr‘ warning of From them it was a good road, Exterminator; nothing equals it. I‘ro- Havc you tried llolloway‘s Corn Cur»? It has no equal for rcniovhn.r thcso troublcsomc cxcrcscncns as many hare lcstiï¬cd who have tricd it. Boy Passcngcr (to portcrlâ€"“l say. l'vc bccn hcrc an hour Porterâ€"“That's nothing. my I‘ve been licrc tittccn years.†A MACHINE FOR “OMEN Should bc thc bcst obtainable. The Singcr and \\’hcclcr & \\'il.<on sewing machincs arc arlmowlcdgcd the light- most durable and convcni- cut of any. Look for the Itcd S. Singcr Scwin;r Machian (‘10. Write us at Man- ning Chainbcrs, Toronto, for set of Bird Cards free. A\\‘I"L' L. Mrs. 'I‘nlkative: “Mrs. Chatter is a drcadful gossip." Mrs. linger: “Is she?" Mrs. Talkativc: “ch. indccd. \\'hy you can't tell hcr anything.r scandalom about anybody that she docm‘t know nlrcznly.†A I‘urcly \‘cgclalilc l‘ill.â€"Pzn-mclr»c's \‘(gctablc l’ills arc Compoundcd horn 1-1 ots. herbs and solid extracts of and kidncy complaints and in givingr toxic to the system whcthcr cnt’ccblcd liy overwork or deranged through 9x- Ccs<cs in living. They require no tasti- moninl. Thcir cxccllcnt qualities irc tncm and they connncnd themselves to dyspnptics and those subjcct to bilious- ncs< who are in quest. of a bcnclicizil medicine. ___..â€" CANT AFFORD IT. Gusâ€"You look great in a silk hat. \\'hy don‘t you \war one oftener‘? JfllllSâ€"ll's too cxpcnsivc. EVcry time I have one on somebody touchcs me for a loan. A Gun! Combinatlon. "Ferroviui " the but 1, tonic is. It should be taken I) all invalids, by all who are run down or out o sorts. It builds up, gives new life. llO\‘\~ MARlild-ZS ARE MADE. Most of tho stonc marlch u<cd by toys arc inadc in Germany. The rctusc only of thc iiiarlilc and aga'tc quarrh-.~ i> cmploycd. and this is trcatcd in such :1 why thnl there is practicality ito wastc. Wu and boys are cmydoyul t- ‘lrcak tho rcftbc blullC into >Yl|illl culws. i and with thcir 1111mmch they ucquir.H a ninrvi-llcus dcxtrrity. 'l‘hr- littlv cullcs arc thcn thrown into a mill c011- Rnting «f :1 grcmcd lu‘tlb'wllt‘ and u re- ‘rdvmp rumnr. \\'zit(-r is ch to the 111.11 and thc runncr is rapidly I‘M‘Ochd wh.l«- the flucton (le thc rust. .n. “hail an h‘ur the de is whim-d und‘ :1 lubln-l (r 54. of l)(‘l'erli_\' ianndml ‘marhlcs nrc tnk~'-n out. The nhclc pro 05> «gods the incrcsl trifle. Young: S‘am was ncvcr at a loss at hnddig. anything to do or shiny-thin: h. amuw Linwh. when ln< fathvr1 shut him up in thc t'l-iil-Cé-dnr fir lt'lil‘illg iviTON's ~PADS â€"- BOLD BV â€" i DRUGOISTS, GROCERS AND GENERAL STORES 10¢. per pucket, or 8 packet. for 25¢. wlll last a whole omen. One packet h-o actually klllod a buohel } of ï¬loo. .â€" ROBSON The Cream of the KOOTENAY If you are interested in Fruit Llndl write (or our booklet. Its FREE. l'chERMlD& flcHARDY. Nellon. B.C. WANTED. FIFTY SMART GIRLS {or our spinning, winding and wenvin rooms. Good wages. steady employmen and lomant surroundings. Fares paid. App y, giving lull particulars, to TORONTO CARPET MFG. (‘0, Toronto. UUiBiESliiMSHIPiflMPANY LIMITED. __â€" River and Gulf of St. tawrenca Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 33. “ Camper-a," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern contorta. SAILS ROM MONTREAL 0N MOND YS AI 4 p.m., Er Ind 17th June lit. 15th Ind 2†Jul]. mb tnd 28th August, 0th nnd 23rd September, i and lortni htly thereafter for l’lotou. N.S., calli l in; at ungoo (Dupe, Mill Bay Pei-co, Cope Cove, 1 Gnud irer bummenide, ROLL, and Chm-Iota ‘ totown, RE. BERMUDA r xcurslonl, 885, by the new Twln 35:33:}. Ellormudlun", 5.500 tone. Selling 5th gnd 19th June, 3rd, 17th and Slat July, Nth and 96th Au ust Ith, nth And 96th so umber. 5th 16th an 26th Ootober, 6th. 16th Lid 7th Novel-4 her. Temperature cooled by sea breeze: uldou the: above so dell-en. The ï¬nest trips of t “mom ERN. Secretary, Quobecal ARTHUR AH A. E. OUTERBRIDGE a co., Agents. 20 Broadway, New York. MIGHT HELP SOME. discovcrcd n he neuron for health and I “Bodkin says he has now asthma cure." “llc ought to cxpcrimcnt with it on romc of tho.~c \vhcczy old jokt‘: of his." 'l‘hcy chcr Know l-‘ailurnâ€"(iarcful ol'iscrvation of thc cffccts of l’urinclcc‘s chctnhlc Pills has shown that they act imincdintcly on the discascd organs (it the systcm and stimulate them to hcalthy action. 'l'hm‘c may he 0851‘s in which the (lisanC ha< boon long M-tll- c-t and docs not czhily yield to mcdi» (llli'. but cvcn in such CiiN’N tilt-go Pins 'have been known to brim: rulicf whcn at othcr bo-L-zillcd rcmrdh-s have lélllt'ul. 'l‘hcsc zis.\1-1‘tioii< can llc by many \\'ll<1 haw uscd thc Hits. and nudicul mcn speak highly of lhvir quai- l.liL’:. “You certainly look butter: you must tin-r 11113>11_'i1111." ITCII. Mango. PrairLc Swan'th nnd cvcry lill'lllOlCFIlllilfl111U\ 1th in human (1' nninnd< ('lll‘t'tl in 30 1n;nutc.< liy \\'.l l. rd': Sanitary Lotion. lt ncvcr huh. I51. ld ivy till drugghlx tho lolly \\'llli the l‘ll\lllt1\\ 0nd of a 11in. ‘ cunnmg Samuc‘. fyund .5! nictlnng to d... hgld li.> hunt. “or n nihic llii- (‘r-llnr wu< (l'..~‘l (nnugh: lull 111'. v-ntly Saml kin-loaf 2d thc di or. Illul crhd (“if “ l dcn't want tr arm-r “I. 51;“... hunt! the lair l'z.r‘1‘(-l and ldl'llul 1.;1 x! n l .-\.1~'r.'.»ll.mgary has 1.. frwtr illm. fif- twn « mm! iziCt'N with.n hcr l‘ ltlf‘i‘i. in .»\i;~t..:1 1‘»in nrc ovrr lituu’mum 1‘..-1~. mam. and j' \ thm‘ '1.1'~t.'..‘_\' to ll‘.‘.l‘.â€" gory that hymns thc :.'.uat.~,n >13 duly gcrcus. .11} 1111': gent. in fig". and 111. If“ than . ll Jilin 'l‘hme i; 5 pcrc»*11t.r,f\v:1t(r in \11;.r.:-. '.'l {or rent. in Ciil‘lmgn. k-d \\.th «hit-r21 1' r surruxrr 'l.l| l. ' 91"" .8llulll,l1ltr\1\_\\llâ€> cow, 'l‘ia w “.l.- h. 'i‘ (rd 1|.Id'...1;~n~ my .2 .: ‘~ p:(::'.;:‘.}', a ll{‘\{'l' fans to ell‘Ii a 1'1.- .ough tine. Sulwtantiatcd i havc followed my advice and had a. changc." “ice. (loctor. 80 l havc." “\\’hcrc did you gt?†“I wont to and. Aflcr two ycarx Hukainoto rcturncd hi» nahvc town and prcwntly made thc acquaintui'n'c of thc inimiy into which his daughter had bccn adopted. Ag soon as hp saw her. it appears. he dcvclopml an uttw-tton for hcr which he mixlook for matrimonial inclination. As soon. howcvcr. as lhc bethrothril to thc girl bcl‘umc gcncrally known sonic old tinicr< camc to tho front and cxplaincd thc situation to him, whch upon hc coucludcd that thc lcnst embar- rassing thing.r to do was to disappear again. making.' hnndwmc provision for lllS daughtcr. howcvcr, br-fore he left. llis whcrcabouts has not. been discov- nrcd. though his daughtcr is eager to bu rcunitcd with him in thcir trnc rc- lntions. and scarch has bccn mndc for turn. If is helicvcd that he has sailed for the United States. +__'â€"â€"â€" It. Will Pmlong Lifeâ€"Dc 9.1m. the Spaniard. lost his lifc in the \\'ll(lS (f Florida. whithI-r hc wr-nt for thc pur- pose of discovcring the lcgcndary x. it “Fountain of pcrpctunl youth." 51nd V . wrist. in that thou unknown country. \\'hilc Dr. Thomus’ l'iclcctric (111 will not pcrpetuntc youth. it. will rcnmve thc bodily pains which make the young old before their time and harass the aged into untimely graves. "â€" Mnnr: m A pure: hard 3 , Manitoba ’3 , flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformiE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH noun. AND FEED. *‘wmn: us. we ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN (NY! A BL£ND£D noun THAT HAS CAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR. " "CAMPBELL MILL-mm. ORONTOIJUNCTION,1;. I“ 1.;0erf‘f.’ f1, ‘ ESTERN BUSINESS â€" IF YOU . want 11 western business wrttA us; large lists; hotels. livery stables stores. and others. The Minion Mansfll Co., business brokers. Saskatoon. YOUR OVEROOATS Ind faded Butte would loolr buttevd ed. If no “a I! "lulu your Low, write dlreot onlrell, Box I BRITISH AMERICAN DVIINO 00. ~CANADA Complete Launches CTFMFoRTAEE wn HAMILTON i MOTOR WORKS. Ltd. HAMILTON. ONT. AT COMFORTABLE PRICES. Pâ€"‘NONE SO GOOD FOR COMFORT AND WEAR.“ TO THE FORE AI Good no Ever. around you. It‘s Here. Canada Cycle and Toronto Junctlon, f1 1" MON EV TO LOAN ALLTIMES‘ With Cushion Frame and Coaster Brake, On all sides you hear: “Is the bicycle coming back?†BALANCES 0N SAWNGS ACCOUNTS ‘ WHEN KEPT WITH US DRAW ACCOUNTSl. ' INIEREST AT FOUR PER CENT EXECUTORS PER ANNUM. QUARTERLY,- ANDARE AT SbBJECT 10 CHEQUE. AI Popular an Ever. The Cleveland, Massey “Sllver Rlbbon", Perfect. Brantford, lmperlal. Rambler and Blue Flyer “MADE TO SERVE AND SATISFY." The answer is all ’More wheels sold already this scasonthan the last two seasons together. Motor 00., Limited. “ MAKERS OF THE “'0 “LBS BEST BICYCLES." Canada, Branches zâ€"Wlnnlpcg, Vancouver, Melbourne, Aust. DTRUSTEE ARESPECIALLY ‘ INVITED - COMPOUNDED- 'ï¬