‘ Rxcuuorm HILL. 0mm. June 27. 1907 The British House of Commons, a few days ago, by a vote of 207 to 12. passed 8. bill giving municipali~ ties power to regulate or suppress what is known as the poster or bill- board nuisance. In the discussion which preceded the vote it was pointed out that many a beautiful landscape was disï¬gured by the sign (1‘ poster of some quack doctor draw- ing attention to the imperfections of a man's liver. Such a law as the above might be useful in many Can~ adian towns. Even our own pretty town is sometimes disï¬gured by the handiwork of the careless bill poster. It is right and proper to hang in score windows, or tack up. bills tel!- ing the hungry man where he can get a “Hot Dinner and Tea" on the ï¬lth of May, but the practice of past ing these bills on the sides of build- ings, telegraph poles, etc.. so that they cannot be even scraped off dur- ing the next six months should not be followed. There is no prettier little town in the province than Rich- mond Hill, but it could be made to look more beautiful by a little thoughtfulness and watchfnlncss. Toronto Saturday Night Speaks sl‘ghtingly of the efforts now being put forth by representatives from various countries looking to- wards the goal of universal peace. The editor says: “A lot of insincere people gathered from many countries are having an enjoyable outing at The Hague just now." The sending of delegates is referred to as a “hum- bug." and it is euggt‘Sted that the delegates have no desire that war shall cease. Surely it is not wise to look with suspicion on the motives of men who are endeavoring to solve the problem of cruel warfare. They are engaged in a difï¬cult wk, and the goal so much to be desired may never be reached, but we can at least give them credit for sincerity. The Canadian Magazine for July ranks the foxtipul nunivorsary uf Confederation with the pulilicnliun (If a number of articles in lire-ping with the signiï¬cance of the “C(‘ilï¬il'll. Mr. Jutm Lewis. Editm-inâ€"Ghicf of the T0â€" ) onto Star. contributes un excellenlly- written article entitlvd "The mums ulf C(mfedcrutiun." and there. ewe sew «ml other articles along the saulo line, fur instance. "The Vicuruim-s uf Oun- ada."hy H. V. Russ; “Journalism at llmfedwaliou.†by J. E. B. Mch-udy. and “Canada’s Possibilities and l’eiils." by John Mucleam. The uum~ lk‘l' contains (.en articles. some nf thmu well illustrated. and four slmrl stories, besides the usu.ll depai taunts of con» mum many cases where it can be shown that an employe's judgment is better than his employer's. That is no reason, however why the latter's orders should not be obeyed. It is an old saying and a true oneâ€""it is bmar to be well pleased than to be well served." It is learned through the British press that Lord Dundunald has re- signed from the British army. He Mites by way of explanation that since he was recalled from Canada after his dispute with the Canadian Government; he has received no ap- pointment of any kind. What a useful lesson the Dundonald inci- dent should teach. Here was a gcnfleman ï¬lling an honorable poai- mm as Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian forces. He differed with his employersâ€"the Dominion Gov- ernmentâ€"but instead of acting on the instructions of the Minister of Militia, he chose to tell his grievances we lot ot young fellows at a public banquet. And well may we say: "Save us from our friends"â€"so call- ed friends. Had the general's polit- ical friends advised h I†st-nstbly he might still he doing good work in this country. But they encourngcd him“ to oppose the Government, and we know the result. There are @119 iwrl‘al. JULY CANADIAN MAGAZINE The Weekly Mail and Empire dm ing the summer months will nnqueatiun- ably he one nf the greatest WI)?le rublicntions which enter Canadian mmes. All the news published in it is carefully selected to meet, the Turin] castes uf the vendors. The General News Section will con- tnin the fullest and must complete in- formation of the events transpiring in all parts of the world. Particular attention will be given to cable and provincial news. The Agricultural Section will he replete with information for the geneml advancement nf agri- cultural science. lnntributms to the acction will be men eminent in the important industry. The Magazine Sectiun will also he :1 mine of inform- ation upon subjects which are at present attracting public attention. Many of the articles will be brightened by_i_llubtrntions. 29. ‘ [st 001)., Vaughan (Thuruhill) has for sale sumo good young sun-k. Thoroughbred hull and hug kept for service no the premisvs. D. G. GOODERH A M. THE WEEKLY MML AND EMPIRE AND THE LIBERAL SEND ORDER TO OFFICE OF THIS PAPER. 5 73 mailed to any nddrvss, pnstnge paid, in Canada or Great Britain until Janâ€" ual'v lat. 1908, f(_nr_EighLy Ce}1ts._ Altogether the 24 pages, which cnm- prise The Weekly Mail and Empire, are a library in themselves, the regular price for which is One Dollar :1 your. The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Hoists-in Cattle and Brm‘dm-nf {gup‘rm‘eff} Cl]f§‘(‘l'_“rhi3‘€" Eggs. Lot Toronto and York Radial Railway SPEC-[AL HOLIDAY SERVICE. SGEIOMBERG & AURORA RAIL- \VAY. ON SATURDAY. June 29. a special limited car will leave Tumuto fur Juï¬ksoq's Point at,_2.00_p: ‘m. Regular cars at, 7 :md‘ 11 a. m. and 4 and 8 p. m. SPECIAL SERVICE TO BOND LAKE. NEVVMARKET AND JACK- SON'S POINT. Lntel‘nr lelwés Newmu-lket for T0- runtu "[1045 p._yx. _ _ _ _ A _ ON TUESDAY. JULY 2. an van-Iv car will leave Jackaon's I’uiut at 6.30 a. m. fur Tuumtn. \VEDNESDAY. July 3â€"Aur‘tinn Sfllt‘ nf fresh milk cnws, springers. and ynung Cattle, at thP Pulnwr House Yards. Richmond Hill. Sal» at 1 o'cluck. Terms. thrve months. Saigvun A; McEm-n. nut-ts. SATURDAY. July 13â€"~Auctinn sale of 2| store at Sherwund. tht- prupe-I-ty of Price Evans. Sale at l. J. H. Prx-utice, auct. Two ewes. came to the promiss-sz nf tho undelsigned on ur :Ilmnt thv' first week in June. The uwner may haw» the same by prm'ing pn-pvrly and paying expenses. JOHN RUMBLE. Lnto Cur leaves Turunuv for New- mm-ka-t and intermediate points (In Mguduy. Jtfly I, n_t_ll.30 pi m. r On Mmuhy, Duminiun Buy. ‘2. extra. trips will hv run leaving Schnmbm'g at, )2 (won and 10.15 p. m. On these trips Lmin lvuves S. & A. Junuinn m, l p. m. and 12.30 midnight, to connect. with late can from Toronto. “Tag L}! 3523.214, ’ $1.00 IN ADVANCE. PLEASANT VIEW FARM mains rmched her mother’s home at, Elgin Mills Tuesday. and yvslt-rduy aftelnnnn the funeral funk plume tn the. Richnmnd llill Celnvtei'y. provi- nus to which H m-rvice was ('mulucte-d by Rev. A. 1’. Bruce. Sincere sympa- thyis felt fur the aged mnthl-r and loving relatives in their sad and smi- de-n herenvmnent. Thv family drain-s to thank the uoighhm-s fur the kind- ness shuwn in tlw hnnr of trial. A tvlegnun arriw-d Saturday mnrn- inghennng the sad news that Miss Jessie- Humiltnn. dnughtpr of Mrs. John Humiltun of Elgin Mills. had died in New Ym'k City whom.- she hud resided fur several years past. Mr. Albert Hamilton. a nuphew, slzu-m-d latvr in the day fur New York. and Ieal‘nedlhnt deceased bud dim] sud- denly of hmrt, failan at (h? hnmu uf MrsiO‘Neill. 220 w. 22nd St. The Our postmaster is in pnssvssinu of a beautifully-executed hran medal. nu (mu side of which is a life-Ink? hint of Voltaire. The diameter is twu and mwâ€"hulf inchvs: it weighs three ounces. On the reverse sidv is the representation of n tuhh-t. un which (in Flench, is the fnllnwing. as transn- lntvd: "Taken from nature :It Lhk‘ last]? of Ferney. G. G. ‘Vm‘chtt-l'. M DUCLXX." IL is a rare sum n-nir of the eighteenth cenlury. History 11-- c ~rds Voltaire as an apnstntp. a cynic and am Atheist. His writings (run- trihutvd hugely to bring ulumt the French revolution in 1789. He died in 1778. Special () fl'or. VOLTAIRE MEDAL DOMINION DAY SUDDEN DEATH Auction Sales. Strayed CHAS. L. WILSON, Assistant, Manager. U M ELF}. Patten-sun. PM vpl'it'tnl' re, ROMEOâ€"Roadster slnniun. the prop- Prty of J. A. Murtsnn. lot, 24. (-011. 2. Vaughan. will he at Maplv \Vednes- day evvning. and Elgin Mills Saturday evening 01' each week. 'T‘m-nw $10. MINTO CmMEs~TmLtiunan-vd stHL lion, the property of \Vm. Gould. Home stable, Palmnr Hons», Rich- mnnd Hull. Will Im at King City, Nubletun. Purplevillv, Maple. Uhen'y‘s Hntvl. Terms $I0. TIMOTHY FESTIVAL 'I‘Iwro’-bred registered stallion, the pxwpr’l‘ty of Wm. W'ashington. \Vill stand at, his own Stnhlt‘. Int, 30. con. :2. Vaughan. Elgin Mills. TH'II)S $7.00. PRINCE DRUIDâ€"[mpth Clyde dale, the prupmly (If .lulm Pulmf’l‘. Richmond Hill. Will sluml at the: Palmer House. Terms $13. DUKE 0F YORKâ€"Clytlewal-nle. thc' prnperty of \V. \V. Hndgin. Hunu- stuhlo, Summit Hunsv. Dal; Ridges. “'ill be at, Elgin Mills. (Yuri-ville. New- tun Brook. Milllken. Unit‘un‘ill". Vic- turiu Square, Vamlm-f. Aurora. Terms: $11. SHIPMATEn-Cal'ringv stuninn, tho pl'npm'tvy \V. \V. Hudgin. Home stahlo, Summit Huusu. Oak Rridgvs. \Vill be at, E\‘PI'SI(‘)'. King City, Aurora, Riclmmnd Hill. Uniunville. Victnria Square. To-nm $H. COLIN MACQUEENâ€"Clydvsdule. the pl‘nperly of \V. .l. \Vells. Home stable, ’I‘empernncevillo. Will lu- at Bullntrzw, Aurum. Vil7U>liil Square, Elgin Mills. 'l‘H-ms $10. MARQUIS 0F Gown. -â€" Impnl‘lvd Clydesdale. the pl‘npvl'ly of D. (3. Steele. \Vill gu to HPudanl, Dollar. Pattersnn. ()nk Ridges. Viutuliu Square, Elgin Mills. H:va stable, Richmond Hill. Trrms $14. ROYAL HATTONâ€"[mpurU-Ll Clydes- dale. the property of l). G. Bluugh. \Vill bu at Maple, Richmmnl Hill. Elgin Mills. Oak Ridgvs, Aurnm. Kettle-by. Home stable, King City. Terms $12. GOLDEN UONQUEROR â€"~- Clydesdale stallinn. tho pl'UpPl'lV uf .l. E. 'I‘eeSnn. \Vill stand at his nwn stub)“. Sunny- side Farm. Int 32. con. 1. Markham, near Thurnhill. 'l‘r-I'ln< $11. MACQUEEN'S CIIAMPIU.\‘â€"-(ledvsï¬nle. the property nf th'vph Bmm-tt. Elgin Mills, will gm t0 Tvstmu. Vb-llm'f‘. Maple. Home frum Thursday ti†Tuesday. Terms $10. Tuesday. Terms $lU. LORD HAMILTON~â€"('l)‘(l(-<(l.IIn, lhl‘ pmporty of '1‘. H. Lugg“. 'l'u-mpurunvo- ville. \Vill trawl through \Vhit- church, Ouk Ridge-s. King: City. Hume fmm Friday til} Tuesday. Terms $10. PRIDE 0F VAUGHAN~4W§Y105dulU the pl'npel'ty 0f Russ .l. Bun-(w, Cu†curd. \Vill stand at his mvu stnhla Terms $9. prnpe-Ity uf \V. J. \Vt stable. Tempm-ancm'ilhn Kettlehy, Nuhlvzun. V( Uity. Terms $10. Howl-men getting hills m curds printml at THE LIBERAL ()fï¬ve will recvive n. free notice during 1le scasqm as fulluws:â€"- ’ LEGAL DxREm‘â€"~Rundï¬tvl' stullinn. the pmpvrly of \V. G. Ellis. Bvdful'd Park. \Vill Stslml ML his (mu stublv. Terms nmdt' knnwn nn npplir-ltiun. LAIRD MACQUEEN~UIyvaduIn. thn- I will mail yun frvv. to prun- merit. sample-ant my Dr. Shuip's B"5tnmtivr-, and my Bunk 0n eitherl)yspo1)siu, 'l‘lw Hmn-t nr The Kidm-ys. ’l‘n-uhleu Hf the Stnmach, Heart. or Kidru-ya. arr. merely symptmus of u (h (-pur ailuu-nb. Don't make the common error uf heating aymptums nuly. Symptum ("ailment is treating lhv lesult. nf ynur ailment. and not the cansv. VVeuk Stomach nervvsâ€"lhe insidv nvi-\‘esâ€"â€"-mean Stunmch \W'nknl‘ï¬s, always. And the heart. mnl Kidneys as wvll, have thvil cunti'ulling nr inside I nerves. \Veaken these nm-w-s, and ynu inevitably han- \Vl'nk \‘ltul nrgans. I Here is where Dr. Shunp's Medina-aha has made its fanw. Nu ()[hl‘l' remedy even claims [to U'PHL the “ insidi- nerves." Also fur blunting. billions- mess. bald breath m- Cnlnplvxinn, use Dr. Shunp's Restoraliu-. \‘Vrite me- tn-duy fm- sample and fer Blank. Dr. Shnnp. Racine. \Vis. The livslnmlive is sold by W. A. Sundui-mn. must win upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. A. H. Sayce. LLD., D.D., of Oxford University, h‘n land. has recently said of it: It is iudcc a. mnrvelouswork: itis dimcult to conceive of a. dictionarv more exhaustive and complete. Bveryï¬xlng is in it â€"not only what. we might expect to ï¬nd in such a work. but also what few of us would QVQI‘ have t hqughtof logkjug for. FREEâ€"“A Teeth: Pronunciation." in- structive and entertaining for the whole family. Also a illustrated pamphlet. mu“ A supplement to the new edition has brought, it fully up to dme. I have been looking through 1 xe latter with a feelin of astonishment at its completeness. an plate gmouuc of labor that has been put, m o n. (the highest award)was given 20 1hr.- In- ternational at the \Vorld'a Fair, St. Louis. G. 81. C. MERRIAM 00., PUBLISHERS. SPRINGFIELD. MASS. ALL 6000 THINGS THE GRAND PRIZE Stallion Regisner lls, Houn- VYill h.- at “me. King I-nle. thk' :. Hunu- Ridges. Hvaw- . Elgin 7vllm'9. 1y ti†Subsvribo for Tm; - LIBER A1 :{ivaun Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabuloa. Ripans Tabules cure bilxousneae. SLmdmd Impnrtvd Rug? weing about, 1300. Sire-d by Shr'rmzwl by Gem-Re ‘Vilkvs. 29; m-cumh. :l 1.58 gait. THE DUKE is nnv of the, lnrgnst. um- of llw best lu’ml, and one Of the ï¬nmt LI'I'Hlllg stallions aml stuck ll1)l'sl‘,\lll (lamuln. THH DUKE served 123 nun-as lust, ywu- and owing tn the lnrgu deman for his st-rvice-s this yvm' nn-nx' annntn Wu (‘nmmt send hm: fun-Lhur HUI'UI llmu Thm nhill when-v \Vv vxm-ct. tn mPM :Ill nur furlnnr purrurw fun!) the districts (If Richumnd Hill and Alum-n. Mnndny noun TH E DUKE will he at Hughes Hutvl. 'l‘hurnhill, and at 3n'l-lnck at Ellzely, and Mnnday night \Vondbridge Hunsv. Wnudln-idgv. Saturdays he will he at, Black Hut-5c HuLel. Toronto. The rest, of the week he- will he m-st nf’l‘m-nntn. $l5 insure-s :1 living cult. puynhle ll) days lift/(’1‘ Imu'v fml‘x. lf r‘nlt comm; dofm'nwrl m- dies within that linw mu thargv wlmh-vel- will he made. Brng your mares to une- of the nlmve plum-s and In PPd [01.1w ï¬nvst, horse in Canada. \V. J. I. on 9 y 44-10 :;A I NG. 7 Manager. A Wheel is good for the busy man, and for the man of leisure. If you are in need of a good Wheel get prices from the local representative You can save time andmake money by riding a, THE DUKE T. F. McMahon Biaycie {mm} Trntting \\'ilkie Uullhm, Reunrd 2.239}. 2.29;} A ï¬lSt-Huk‘.‘ md a. beauty r and owing tn thy Iul'gl- demand for mumnt. sum] him farthur nurth llmu furmnr putrurw fI-nm the districts of I‘H E DUKE will he at Hughes Hutel. Mnnday night \Vondbridge Homer. rk Hul'sc HuLel. Toronto. The rest E. R. REYNOLDS, 77 Victoria St, Toronto. Shillinno IN by (RM Tridl BOX 103‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce :n‘w vnl brown, 16} hand“, Gem-g» \Vilkvs. Dull) by 2.17. Qum-Lm s in a mum in fresh milch r _ Amy. Aurora.