Just a mmuent!â€"~Ladies‘ Strap Sli - pans. in dainty Persian kid. in [m f sizes, from size 2} tn 7, regularly $1.50, for $1.25. Size 3.13 only in Ludios‘ Don- gnlu Oxfords. regular, $2, for $1 pair. ‘Nuughtou’s at the Elgin. Seventy-eight candidate-s are writ- ing at the Entrance Examinations lit-re. Mr. Shaw. plincipul «if the High Sl‘hOO]. and Mr. Thom )sun. principal uf the Aumm Public bchuul. are the presiding examiners. Mr. T. A. anon is presiding in Schumbei-g. Maple Syrupâ€"Gmd quality maple syrup has sold Hwy freely here: good stock on hand yot: in wine-measme gum jars. jar and syrup. 250.: in sea]- e-d tins. wine nwusule. 24m; in bulk. imperial measure, quult. 254:. Atkin- son & Switzer. TUI‘ODtO Dally Starâ€"M r. Jumps Carnegie of Richmond Hill, brought a. few stems of \Vtht U The Shu- ofï¬ce Monday morning. picked {mm a ï¬eld nvur the turn. It. measured 43 mcbes in height. The wheat crop in that, section he reports gund. The farm of the late A. F. Stouten- hurgh m, Vich-ia Square. containing 99 acres. was 501d by Auctioneer SH:- gvon. to Mr. L. B. Heise. on Tuesday of this week. The price is $7.500. The uppuintmont 01 Cnunty Council- Inr '1'. J. \Voodcock of Newnmrket. as l’ulim- Magistrate for Nnrth York. exclusive of Newmnrket. was gazetted Suuuday morning. This is :1 new jul is- diction. A special Tompumnce Session will he held at the Methodist S. S. on Sunday. By request va. A. P. Brace will ad- dress Lhuse present. A hearty invita- tion is extended Ln all. Mr. and Mus. J. MCLHH‘I nf Mt. Pleasant. Durham (:uunLY. attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Miss Ella Mmsh, to Mr. F. H. Todd. on Tuesday. APatriutic Service will he hpld at the Methodist r‘hurch nn Sunday even- ing. Mr. Brace will speak on “God‘s Nation." Thu choir will give special appropriate music. ,â€" Guod prunes. 4c. lh.; thP large-st prunes, lZéc. ll»; seeded raisins. Mt. qunilfon Brawl. lq-Sm. papkage, 10g; Mr. VValtH- Eyer and Mr. Jush Horne-r, whu went on the oxcnrsiun to Purl Cockhum (m ’I‘uo-sday. plllpUSt‘ romainng a week dmung the Muskoku Lakes. very ï¬ne quality cider lvineg: gallon. Atkinson & Switzer. Mnnduy next being Dominion Day, the day will he gem-rally nhswrved as :l holiday. It is expw-Led that Richâ€" mond Hill will he quieter than usual. The Presbyterian Sabbath Schoul and other friends sp: M, a plonsanl :lftvI-noon and awning at their annual picnic at, Lake VVichyx last Saturday. Posh-rs WI†be out, in day or twn giving full particulars of the Fire uwn‘s Exr-msiun Lo Jncksnn's Paint an the hub uf July. fluid on t,†a gund (hng whm) you ï¬nd it. That, is why so many uf Al~ kins-mu & Switzm-‘s unstmnoxs are oh] friHuls. A large number of pvnple enjr;yvd the ice‘ ream Mnmlay evvning nn th: vhurch lawn. in connection with lhv I‘Ipwm'th Lenguv. R. \Vm'. Bru. H. A. Nivhulls and \Vur. Bl'l‘. G. B. Nuwlwrv insLnHI-d Un- nï¬â€˜icu-rs nf Richmuml Lodge. A. F. G; A. M. Munduy evening. Nrwnnu'ke-L Expross-valdâ€"M:s. Brmvn und Misx Blown of Richmond Hill. visit-ml Mrs. Unumhs fl'JIII Friday 11“ Mundny. A gang nf men (-(nnnwm-(‘d “'nrk _\'PSL(‘I'(|£I._V on the‘switch leading frmn Ynnge street, to the U. N. 0. stutiun here. Mr. AhIU'l' Melcnlf. who has spvnl the winter and spring months at [mn- dun, is hnuu: for u (:uuplu of months. The. lmn-r slurry of the grain ele- vnrm- at. the U. N. 0. station was mis- cd Tuesday afternuun. Y.:n wuu‘L ft‘r‘l unple-usunuy "dom- llp“ if yml \VI,‘:ll' Atkinsnn 81 Swilzen's unmfnrmhk- cwubstylu negligee shirte. Miss N. lluppl-r but. WN‘k visiting Vrulhul'lw of Dull.†A 10ml nf Fu-vnmsnns frmn this place nth-mlvd (“Vilu' svu’icu in Aurora, Sunday PVt'Hillg. MIS. “PM†(If Pul'kdnlv Mr. and Mrs 'I‘hv Baptist Cummil uxpvllml frmn Hu- ministry Rm‘. .\1. I). Unlunan fm- ituumxal cm'uluct. Buy minim-<1 (0 Ivan) th p1 hminess. Apply at. THE LIBER ï¬t». Mrs. Swiucr :Illmulml the closing uxx-rcisvs at Han‘vrgul Uullegu un Tuesâ€" dny uf this wet-k. Mt flihrrni. Be sure yuu price got-r15 whun uwuy :(vm luwn; lhml you will m-mo hmne ml {rude will) Atkineun & Hwinv‘r. Kacumvxp HILL, 0.\'T.. Jum- 27, 1007 mick-clad hunse lur rule. See adv. I.(')(7 Al4ï¬. :nul lwn little daughters spvnl‘. mur Sunday with Juhu Harris. Swan! :1 fuw days l’H'l' fliuml. Miss N. [sign-n ghv printing *ga'u; 30c. {AL On Sunday, July 7. there will he re- npening services at, the Mothndist chmcl). Sermons will he preached. morning,r at 10.30 and evening at 7. by the Rev. J. C. Speer. D. D.. an old past/01‘, who has this year received the highest honm- in the gift, of the Toron- ln Cnnfvrence being elvnted its presi- dent. Special music will ht rendered ' bv thP (‘hnir at each servicv. AL the close of the morning service a special l fs-llowsllip sex-Vice will lm hold. r-nndnct- ed. it is expected. by a former p;wtnr. At the close of tho Pvenimz service the Sacrament nf the Lord‘s “uppn' , will be. administered. 'l‘ho :Itfnlr was very succvss the crowd was fm-ced to an fux' :1 time in the drill 'I to the heavy rain. AM es were delivered by H. AyYeswm'Lh. Mini<tvr of Jâ€.- R. Lennimlx, Puwtnmste Hon. G. 1". Graham, Lilian Ontmio: Mr. Fred. Um). rt. G. Inwnnd, Secretary Gene: Associxtion of Ontario, A Mr. H. S. Cane of Newmml ed. . The pivnic held in the town park, Aurora. Friday afternoon lush in sur- pnrt of the candidature: hf Mr. F‘Ivd. ['ndvrhill for a seat in {hr [aqgislature as representative uf Nmrh You R. was :lM‘d‘llde by a large number nf pn-plr. Tho affair was very successful thmxgh The-re is mm sort of man then- ia no plac:a for in the universe. and that, is the wnhhlvrâ€"the man on the fauna. who new-1' knows where he stands. who is always slipping "bout. dreum- ing. npningizing, novel- daring to Lulu- ». ï¬rm stand un anything. Evm'yhndy dpspises him. He is n Weakling. Bet- tur a. thuusund times haw the reputa- tion of beng vccentric. peculiar. and cranky even. than newer to stand for anythingâ€"Success Magazine. The Mthndist S. S. Anniversary will he held at Testnn. Sunday, June 30. RQ'V. J. T. Caldwell will preach at 10.30 and 7 o’clock. S. S. Mass meet- ing at; 3 p. m. On the fullnwing Thursday. July 4. the annual straw- berry festival will he held, cmmnenc- ing at 6 o‘clock. Entertainment. in the evening. Thnre will be u fuuthall match between Vollore and Teston cummvncing at 6 o’clock. Doctor- Jame's Ric-hurdsun 0f 'I‘m-nn- to. with his daughter. \‘isitvd Mr. 'l‘evfy and family lust \vr-Pk. Thu d rcLor and Mr. Teefy atlvndvd tl 8 Buy Stroet, Acadvmy seventy-threw yen-s ago. The academy Was und 1' the lmumgenwnt Of Mr. John Boyd. father of Chancellor Sir John A. Boyd. Quite a nnmlwr uf our lusty ritizens attendwd the raising of M r‘. Geo. Dvan's new hunk hum npm- Heudfnm Saturday afternoon. 'l‘lw frame wm k “ms in Charge of Mr. Ridrlell uf Thm-n- hill. Th9 captains Saturday we" Mr. Ed. Lynvtt and Mr. Albert, “'illinms. The former. with his men, was the ï¬rst to sur‘I-numl the refrvshment table». It. will he rpmmnhered that the former harm on this farm was lmrned by lighting in March uf this year.‘ Always ï¬rst tn shnw N0\'eltie=, \VP like opposition. We dvfy onmpe-tilinn, Un ler nu (-nnditinn. \Vill we budge from nur pneitinn. A7- wuys handing the leaders. Atkin- snn & Switzer. On Friday last the Rr-v. Dr. 'l‘eefy. acnmnpnniPd by the Very RM'. N. Durand. Snpm'im' Genvrnl of the Bmiliuns. thel Vary va. Fatlwr Roche. Snpr-rinr nf St. Mir-hnvl‘s (Tol- Ivgv. and RM". A. A. VusI-lmldr‘, visit,- od Mr. and Mrs. Towfy. The Supvriur Gvnvral intmnds tn rvtm-n hunw In Flam-v in tho ('umse (If :1 few Weeks. The special r-P-npvning SPI‘ViCPS nf the Methodist, church will pnrtnke of u very unique Chillflcié’l'. It, will he With a Dinnde and Siin'l'Jllhiiil’P. The Diamond Juhilve‘ of the arm-Linn nf the first distinvtiveiy Methndist church in this place in 1847: the Silu'r Juhih-e uf the prs-svnt siruutuw whirl] was dedicatc-d and occupied 25 years ago last yt-auâ€"‘in 1881. The sen-1mm will lw pH'RClH’d lly Ilm'. Dr. MttNair (If Oukville. Mr. McNuir will ulsu prem-h in the vvi-mng at 7 o'clock. anpzu‘ntm'y Service will he lll'lll Friday mening. June 38, m, 8 u’cluuk. Rc-V. J. A. Glant. pustm of the Prc-aI-ylm-inn chm-uh. ht-pvs tn assist in the Cummlmiun SH‘\iC(B in the 'hm-uh hou- m-xf Sabbath "turning. Cunï¬clmlce in this slow. in the- qualâ€" ity uf the Int-v-clnuldiso, th‘ lmv px-icvs, [he athvlule assurance that if the gnnds fail tn plvusa Llwy may be H» lurmd. all conï¬rm Hm I-OplIL:|Liun nf [he- UUIHII'I‘U‘, Huusv as the must snlist‘nctury shopping centre in this vicinity. Mr. A‘ I. Mmtmn (If Hurstuw, who Cullw home tn sue. his nmLhc-I'. win: is dnnga-ruusly ill at, Humilu-n, spent- :A f(-\\' days here with his siSLr-r, M rs. \V. \Vnshington jr.. and ()Lllvr relatives. Mr. Mun-L50â€. win) is agvnl. for the Big Valle-y lrrigutiuu Ct... hzld nut prev- iously lm-n hnnle for 16 years. The Metropolitan R. R. merits the thanks uf Lln‘ Agricultuml Buuiety for waiting hvre fur the oxcnl'siunists from Parry Sound [HI dhuut l a. ll). \Vudnenday evening nf lust week. That Llu- excursimnists did nut urn-he ti“ 5 u‘ulnck “ms nu fault of the Meb rupnlitan management. T‘VO OLD SCHOOL-FELLO “'S. NORTH YORK LI HERA DISTINGUISHED VISITOR. DON’T ‘VABBLE. T ES TON. l|(‘ :prvices nf partake of It, will he M'm‘ + i- ’ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ï¬â€˜ éARM. SAVAGE BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Y. M. c. A. BUILDING. TORONTO The school thaL gives the best businvss and shm‘llmnd training. Sppcinl rats: fur the SUMMER TERM. -_ Pl'iVilI‘gE’S (If Y. M. C. A. free tanur ‘ students. Drop curd fur catalogue. f+++++++++++++++++++++ï¬++ uchn Tnhlvts simply kill pnin hy lex- ing away the unnatural blond pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shtmp. Racine. \Vis. Sold by W. A. Sunder- Sun. I‘ll slnp your pain free. To Show yqu ï¬rstâ€"wa'mo ynu spend a pennyâ€"â€" what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you fren. a Trial Package of lhmnâ€"Dr. Shnup’s Headache Tablets. Neurnlgia. Hmulaclw. Touthache. Poriud pains. etc., are due alone to hlmul congestion. Dr. Shrmp’s Hend- Label-ruin June Duneun uf Buttun- \‘illv. ' TODD «MARSHâ€"On Tuesday. June 25, at Prl-shyterinu church. Richmnnd Hill. by Rev. James A. Grant, assist,- vd by Rev. J. Andmsun. Ella Adel- inmfiuughtm‘nl‘ \Villizun G. Marsh of Elms Lvu, Richmond Hill, [,0 Frank H. 'I‘udd. eldest son of Hu'hvrt Todd of Leeds. Ynl'ksnin‘, England. VVALKERâ€"At Vandal-f. on June 17, NUT. Ann \Vulker, Wife (If Hugh L. \anker. age-(174 years. 9 months, and Zï¬'dsnys. STIYER â€" DUNCAN â€" Al: 38 Charles sum-t. Tut-unlu.m1 \Vt-dnvsduy. June 19. 1907. by the Rev. Dr. Mc'l‘m'ish, Heuhvn L. Stivor of Uniunvillv, tn A mam nnw-zl-duys mny us well be our, uf business ultugethr if he- does not kc-ep up with the times. Mr. (it-o. ’ McDonald cnme to that conclusion, so ‘ purchased a lutesL-ilnpl-an-d Pq-nrsnn ' luck-stitrh wax-thread sewing IIIIL- 1 thin", which will du work vquul to the - best Land work, and much hatter than I the ordinary hiU'HOSS-nlflkt‘l‘ of [0-day } Hm do. if the right kind of le-nther is I med. and the machine pr-nperly handl- mL For the best class of wurk. eiLhPr light or heavy, Lhr- machine will do it, lu-ttev und neuter in every \vuy than can [In dune by the hand. Mr. Mc- Dnnnld will he planar-d to show those whu cull at. his shop what the new nmchine can do. A gnod intelligent buy to learn the inning business. Apply -t f “THE LIBERAL" OFFICth Don’t have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you! Then what? That would mean thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home! Fasten it tightly to your scalp! You can easilydo it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress- ing. It is a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. Full and complete is our stock of Boots and Shoes lor men, women and children. PllCCS that will suit anyone. Fine Gent’s Furnishings also Suits made to order. We carry a full and complete stock of My Hair Ran 4999 loaning. Pressing Lndieu’ and Gent‘s Suits. The best kind 0! a. testimonialâ€" “ Sold for over sixty years." AN L‘P-TO-DA'I‘E MACHINE. Boy Wanted Mb 3.13.] "‘0 ..1. Nun. ï¬lo m‘é’gotgnnozrl' 9 SARSAPARILLA. :ygerszmy WL Ready-to wear nd Shoes repaired Clothing MARRIAGES. T. M. WATSON, Principal DEATHS. Richmond Hi“ i i'+-H-++++++H++++HH++++++§++++++M+'1" $+++++++++++++++ ' ++++++++++++++e+++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Summer Tenn. July :5. Fall Term, sept. 11. Among: many advantages an}: about posmuns. lure. cash disceunu. etc.. or Y. M. C. A. prhlleges. Find 1: out. now. V Prlnctpnl British Canadian Business Coll. Yong: and Bloor St; COURSES ‘+-:-+ ++++++++++++M++++++++++++++++++++++++~z~+++Â¥ ++++++++++++++++++H++ ++++ +++ MEXTIOS THIS PAPER by mail or at college . Farquharson, 3. A: Our prices are to your interest. Get them before buying. We also stock Washers, \Nrinqers, Wheelbarrows, Wire (annealed, steel, or copper), Paints, Oils, Varnishes. If you are preparing to build, we are prepared to serve you with the latest We guarantee you a mechanical job on Eavetroughing, Rooï¬ng, and General Tin- smithing. ' Richmond Hill Hardware Stare June 6, 1907 Popular Prices Christys’ Nobby Designs Very special value in Summer Hats Atkinson 8: Switzer RICHMOND HILL and Builder-8‘ Plardxvare C. SOULES Men’s Black Cashmere Socks at 20, 25, and 300. pair. Men’s 4-ply Linen Collars, all sizes, at 2 for 23c. Men‘s Coat-style Shirts, W. G. & K. make, at $1.00. Regent Suits at $11.00, $12.00, and and $14.50. Absolutely correct and ex- clusive styles in Summer Felts Straw Hats Toronto For Gentlemen Bring a. graduate of M( Hospiunl‘ England, I am examine the interior of disease, and test for )1 patient should require g1; them for him. Nose and throat work :1 Ofï¬ce convenient tn 111 tan and U. N. 0. Railway Having 9. complete quy and static Plc-ctv-icity apparatus, I am able to locate foreign bodies in the body. and examine fractures nf bones. Also tn treat; NERVOUS DISEASES, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, mem GROWTH-‘1, such as Unncel's. etc. PENNYROYA RICH MOND H I LL, ONTARIO DR. S. J. BOYD ++++++++++++ ++++++ | box. Adamâ€, EUREKA WICM. ‘ to! ANY. DWELIJU.‘ kl. WAFERS. mtth mw‘lirine {or 1111.11.51 nu n-gulnw {no muse: e, Raunchy nag! punks) :1 by our momma n: ngnln. Invigomk , uy of your drug-gin! our signature Mm m muueuua, Sanka! 1w 'Meu'obc y stations. porï¬e? P"?! the 4: 01 dr ed Itâ€