\VIIITE PLAGUE IN FRANCE. Prevalence of Tuberculosis in Bakeries and Laundries. Oflieial reports show that 1:70.000 per- sons. dio of fuhenculosis in Franco every year. Among 2.37 workmen kept under the careful observation and all living under practically the same conditions. the mortality from tuberculosis amount- ed to more. than do per cent. Laundry workers, however. were found to be. the most serioi'isly affeefml. From statistics made. at certain districts .in the neighborhood of l‘aris where laun- dries abound. the mortality from tuber- culosis totalled 7:3 per cent. The Paris bakers a few Weeks ago formed an organization for the improve ment. of the, conditions under whieh they have to work. It is stated authoritative- -Iy. says What to fiat. that. despite the Governmental inspection of bakeries and ' V'IltO most modern hygienic apparatus. out of 400.000 bakers in Paris 240,000 suffet from tuberculosis. tlv__ ___. A PROGRESSIVE INSTITUTION. Elsewhere in this paper will be found the ï¬nancial s'afemcnf, which was sub- mit-fed to the shareholders of the Imâ€" perial Bank at the annual meeting held on the 22nd of May. These statements were received with the greatest satis- faction, inasmuch as they reflected un- mistakoably the solidify attained and the progress achieved. The Bank now stands very high among our Canadian Banks, but it has not. yet achieved that point of increased usefulness to all of which the directors are evidently determined it. shall attain. This was shown by the. recommendation emâ€" bodied in the report. that the subscribed capital of the Bank be increased fnom $5,000,000 to 310000.000. which will face it on a par wit-h the Canadiam ank of Commerce, the Bank of Toronto and the Royal Bank or Canada, all if which follow the Bank of Montreal. The. new capital stock will not be is- sued at once. but only as the directors may hereafter determine. We heartily agree with the statement, contained in the rqporf, that. "the rapid development of the country necessitates increased banking facilities, which Can be most economically and at. the same time pro- fitably supplied by the banks which are now in existence.†In this connection we may urge upon Parliament that there is no necessity for new banks. and that. all applications for incorpora- tion should be absolutely refused. Willi the provision to increase the Bank's capital from time to time. as it may be needed: it. will be in a position to meet all public requirements, and to keep pace with the general improvement and development which is apparent at], over the Dominion. It is cause for regret that the experienced and able general manager did not. give an extensive re- view of the country‘s trade prospects. for these are always received with thr- greafcst attention. Such a review would have been highly appreciated. but those who were wont. to rely upon it. as a guide and ï¬nger post will have to trust. for better things next year. In the meantime. the Bank. which has a reserve fund equal to its total paid-up capital of $t.773.0/i»8, will continue to enjoy and grow in the conï¬dence (f the public to such an extent. that its total authorized capital will be. paid up to meet the increasing demands upon its usefulneSs. The extent to which it enjoys public confidence is seen in the fact that its deposits amount to the large sum of 5831.928090. These are pro- tected by RSSC'fS amounting to iii/15.641.» 257. Of the latter no less a sum than that. of $8,878.04? are readily available. The financial statements will be read with renewed interest, in view of the forward steps which the Bank has under consideration. â€"â€"-â€">Zs LOF’I‘IEST OF MINES. It is thought that the old Caylloma silver-mines in Peru are probably situ- ated at. a greater elevation than any other considerable mines in the world. Their altitude varies between 14.000 and 17,000 feet. They \yire worked by the Spaniards in} the filth Century. and be- fore that, it._is believed, by the Incas. Ar. Engliin company is now yu'eparing a hydroelectric plant for them. This plant will be situated at an altitude of between 15.000 and 16,000 feet. It. will derive its power from a waterfall on the Santiago lliver. and in a dry sea- son from Lake Iluaillaeho. one of the Seurecs of the Amazon. The power will be transmitted by cable about three miles. At the highest mines the pr. . sure of the atmosphere is only pounds per square inch. and water boils 24° below the ordinary boiling- point. Customer (to watchmakerlâ€"“I told you that my watch lost luilf~an-hcur every day. and now that you've repair- ed it. it. gains half-an-hcur." Watch- makerâ€"“Well. don't complain. It's only working to cateh up lost time." The frigate bird of the tropics has a spread of wing of 10 feet to 12 feet. can travel 100 miles an hour. and is said tv Mr. J. [.aneasb-r to be able to re main on wing for a week at a flare. June‘s {with indignationfâ€"“l hadn‘: been talking to that man Brown ten minutes when he called me a fur.“ Suuthâ€"“Ahl 'l‘w'ik him ten minutes to find it out. did it?" The Indian raiways are lbw the cheapest in the word. The max-age charge for passengers is int-:thh «f a penny per mile. and f<r goods a half- ,genny a ton per mile. “This watch will last a lifetime." re- arked the jeweller. as he handed the mun to the customer. '.\'onisenser" preterm the other. “Can‘t I see for my- self that its hours are numbered?" Teething Babie are saved sufferingâ€"and mothers given restâ€"when one mes Nurses’ and Mothers’ Treasure : Quickly relieves-regulates the ; bowels â€" prevents convulsions. " Used 50 years. Absolutely safe. A! drug-stores. 25c. 6 bottles. 01:25.. & Chemical C0,, Limited, National Drug r5,l\lontrcn1. 4t _ _____â€"__â€"â€"â€"- STAMI’ SPOILED CARI-Eli“. Inspector Groves Has a Remarkable Experience. After an honorable service of nine years in the police force of Monmouth- .\llll'(‘. England. risen from the position of “unstable to that of inspector. George thrives has jllrl been forced to resign and finds his offi- .-ial career at an end, and the cause of ll at! is a penny stamp. Inspector (irovcs joined the. mouthshire joliee in 1896. and for the last. four years has been stationed at Aberrant. a mining,' district which is by no means ea~ily managed. lly tact and wourlesy. limvever, (Iroves won the wholehearted confidence and esteem of fh.x inhabitants. and feeling amongst. them is intense over his degradation for that. \Vlilf'll is regarded as a trifling maf- fer. The penny stamp which made all the trouble was used by the inspector in posting a swineâ€"fever license. to one Stuart. Ileaton, of Hall Farm, Worsley, near Manchester. This lleaton asked for te enable him to remove a pig to Black- wood. and as there was no stamped en- velope enclosed in his letter, Groves asked, in forwarding the order. that. the farmer should return a stamp to cover the postage. as he (Groves) had no other means of recovering the cost. Shortly afterward he received a letter from llcaton saying that. the chief con- stable was legally bound to defray all expenses of that kind. and that be was forwarding the. letter to the board of agriculture. A little later Groves was asked to explain on whose authority and by what. order. he. had his name printed on the departmental paperand why he hadasked for the return of the stamp. He explained that the paper had been printed six years ago and that he did not know if. was wrong to have his name and rank thereon. He also stated that he was under the impression that he could not charge the postage to the county under the circumstances. On Friday of last. work he was ordeed 1:: attend Superintendent Porter’s ofllcc a: Itisra. and was. then told that the chief constable gave him the option of resign- ing. but if he declined he would be dis- missed, and in either case his uniform must be sent. in to the chief constables othce that day. He sent in his resigna- lttvll. ‘ At a protest. meeting held at Aberrarn 't was stated that Inspector Groves had to leave his house at once. and the meetâ€" ing unanimously decided to provide him with another house to live in. __ __._.;.____. DON’T USE POOR OIL. For use on sewing machines. bicycles and all purposes requiring a ï¬ne lub- ricant. the best is cheapest in the end. Genuine Singer oil can only be obtaincd at Singer stores. Look for the [led S. Singer Sewing Machine (So. “The as at Manning Chamber. Toronto. for set of Bird Cards free. INFORMATION. lttiffkinsâ€"“What would you do if I was to call you a liar?†Biffkinsâ€"“l'd mention your indiscre- lion to the coroner at the inquest. A Quick Recovery from Fever and all sick- ness is always the case when †Ferrovim †the best tom's is used. It builds, ti, strengthens, it: gives new life. Try it. Mrs. Iiuickerâ€"“Does Bridget sing at lcr work?“ Mrs. Brockerâ€"“Yes; but she doesn't work enough to annoy us.†When all other corn preparations fail. try llolloway's Corn Cure. No pain whatever. and no mconvcniencc in using it. “IS GOOD FORTUNE I’A'I‘AL. It is possible. to live long in melancholy and to die swiftly from joy. So it. has pyoecd with a Paris carpenter named Fer-met. He had worked for years in a chronic state of melancholy. aggravated by want of money. and all the circum- stanres seemed to point to a long con- tinuance of this condition of things. when suddenly. and quite outside the poor fellows expectations. there came to him flu;- ncws the other mvrniug that ho was the possess-or by bequest of the. to him large sum of Shinto I-‘crmet al~ most went. frantic with delight. Ilis nerves stood the recurrence of thrills all day, but. in the evening he got among the lxvugchamps cafes, and was relating his luck for about the twentieth time when he fell dead. ISSUE NO. 26â€"07. during whitli be has, Mon- Y . V This cold-water starch gets ironing-day over quicker, with less wear on the ironer’s muscles and far . less on the starched pieces. I . Gives a beautiful gloss. ‘ Needn’tbeboiled..yet cannot . stick. It’s a starch you’ll like. ANTEDâ€"IF YOU ARE AN AGENT OR mean to become one, send me your ad» lrcu, and I will semi you one of my Inudsome Inhmakable Magnetic (Tombs Free. Greatest. l‘omb ever made; sells to almost. everyone. Magnetic Comb 00., Ht. Thomas, Out. ESTERN BUSINESS L tr YOU want. a western business write us; stores, and others. large lists; hotels, livery stables, Tho Minion Mansell Co.. business brokers, Saskatoon. OHENILLE CURTAINS Ind all kinds of house flinging; nlno HUI CURTAIN “"3" & OLEANI LIKE NEW. Write to 1" shout youn. nmu AIIIBIOAII DVEIIIO 00.. I91 168. Montreal WANTED. FIFTY SMART GIRLS for our a inning, winding and weavln rooms. and wages, steady employmen and leasant surroundings. Fares paid. App y, giving full particulars, to TORONTO CARPET MFG. CO., Toronto. Iâ€"‘Iâ€"vhnw_.’rrI-1 youâ€"- .. .A i ! ROBSON The Cream of the KOOTENAY If you are interested in Fruit Lands write for our booklet. Its FREE. l’IcDERMID & l'IcHARDY. Nelson, 8.0. . A pure, hard t Manitoba ‘ ‘ . » flour for bakers and others demand- ' ing strength, color and uniformity. Slllflllf} anilTE AT YOUR GROCERS ~ DEALERS EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR AND FEEDLWRITE us. ' WE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN ClTY.‘ A BLENDED FLOUR THAT HAS CAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL .f' HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSES' FLOUR._ MEAT EXTRA. “Waiter,†called a tourist in France, indignant at the discovery of a fly in the soup. “Waiterâ€"" “Hush,†interposed his friend. “What ever you do don’t mention the fly; they’ll charge it extra in the bill." A Pleasant Medicine.~Thcre are some pills which have no other purpose evidently than to beget painful infernal disturbances in the patient, adding to his troubles and perplexifics ratl'ierthan diminishing them. One might. as well swallow some corrosive, material. Par- disagrieable and injurious property. melee‘s Vegetable Pills have not this They are easy to take, are not unplea- sant to the taste, and their action is mild and scouting. A trial of them will prove this. 'l‘hey offer peace to the dyspeptic. VERY MUCH. “By the way. sir.“ asked the waiter, “how would you like to have your steak?†“Very much. indeed," replied the mild man. who had been patiently waiting for twenty minutes. ITCII, Mange. Prairie Scratches and every form of contagieus Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by \\'ol- frrd‘s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. TO Ill? EXACT. Binks {who 01‘41"t‘ed a pancake half an hour agelâ€"“Ei‘-l~sayl \\'ill that pan- cakc be long?" Waitressâ€"“No. sir: it will be round." Then he waited patiently another half hour. l Great 'I‘lrlngs. from little Causes ~ .m.\v.~lt takes very little to dcrance the stomach. The Cdth may be slight. a cold. seine-thing eaten or drunk. anx- ,i. ty. v.1 rry. < r some r. flier simple caus'e. Rut if precauti. us be not taken. this 'siinpie cause may have most srrinus causeq‘zen‘es. \lauy a chronically de- ti». thile c‘tllls'i’ula n til-day Gives li> (te- to [h c Sfl".lv‘fi~ft Simple {. lief dealt “rm in t†. Keep the digntive appara- tu~ :n healthy Cl’lll(ltll4'll and all will be \yid'. l‘armelee's Vegetable l‘ills are better than any other for the purpose. LION I’IGIIT TO TIII’. DEATH. \‘oung Surgeon Killed Beast. then Suc- cumbed to His Own \Vounds. A young naval slll'gNtll. belonging to l gunlioaf on Lake Nyassa. has recently .ost his life after a sewre struggle with ill infuriated lion. fining out in search of elephants“. whr-h had been reportfll u the neighlmhood. he came upon two 'ious. a male and a female. sleeping ,mder the shade of a large mo} aui free. \\'ifh a double .500 t'XlJI‘(‘.\\ he fired at the hole. \vouuding it severely. whereupon ;.oth retreated into high grass. \\'ifh~ out taking the lll't‘f’illllif'll to reload the discharged l'arrel he sei’ms to have folâ€" le.\\'w| them. and in a few yards almost <fiunbled upon the one he had hit. 'l‘ak- ing a hurried aim at the massive looking head. he fired an ineffectual shot. the bullet. as it was afterwards ascertained, merely penetrating fllt‘ root (if the ani- mal’s ear. \\'ith a roar and a bound the lion was upon him. and. fixingr his teeth in his shoulder, endeavored to lv(‘ill’ him to the ground. The surgeon. however, a man of very powerful physique, pluckily en- deavored to keep his antagonist at arm‘s leigfh. but. maintaining its hold on the now ll>l‘lf‘SS shoulder. the lion with its hind claws literally fore the flesh from its opponent's lower limbs. They finally sank down together. and the. lion. evi- dently very sick from the effects of the first wound. staggered off a short way and lay down. The unfortunate surgeon, rapidly bleeding to death. now called up his terror-stricken gunbearcr. and. mak- ing him kneel to form a rest for the second rifle. actually shot the lion dead. succumbing himself almost. immediater to torn arteries. The two dead bodies were found lying within a few yards of each other. .n A No pcrsnn should go from home with- out a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial in their possession, as change of water, cooking. climate, etc., frequently brings on summer coni- plaint. and there is nothing like being ready with a sure remedy at hand, which oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently valuable lives. This Cordial has gained for itself a wide« spread reputation for affording prompt. relief from all summer complaints. The most brilliantly-colored quad- ruped is the mandrill baboon. Its nose is brilliant azure and scarlet, and other parts of the animal show- fiery red and purple. bltes you don‘t. be scared. Bathe the . h cold water and cover It, With a cloth on which Weaver’s Cerate has been freely 9 read. The Comte relieves the pain caused by t. a sting of insects. II I doF wound w t; In Turin a paper used to appear eight years ago which was printed in luminous ink, so that it could be read in the dark. It Is an Elixir of Lifeâ€"Since forgo!- ten time, men have been seeking for the Elixir of Life. which li‘tltlllt'rll says once existed. Dr. 'l‘homas‘ Eclectrie Oil is an Elixir. before which pain can~ not live. It made up of six essen~ tial oils, carefully blended so thattheir curative properties are concentrated in one. It. has no equal in the treatment of lumbago, rheumatism, and all bod- ily pains. MADE IN 2 m6 4 Cycle the appalling hemorrhage from hisl 6D , t. The underwear that ï¬ts perfectly, wears out slowest, and neither shrinks nor stretches, is named PEN-ANGLE. and bears this trade mark in recl. Who sells it, guarantees it, in the AM maker's name. Made ’ in many fabrics and styles. at various prices, in form-ï¬tting sizes for women, men and children. PEN-ANGLE. Guar- anteed Underwear wears best 211213, I; â€" new ‘0‘ : rv‘vi‘vs spans â€" SOLD BY â€" f. DRUGDISTS, (ROGERS Alla GENERAL STIIRES - f: 10:. par paokct. or 3 packets for 250- V ’ wlll last a whole coo-on. ON'S Klll ihom all. No dead ï¬lo. lylng about when used Q. dlrootod. : To ï¬nd a. man or woman In every town who wants to make 85,000 in cash in thonext 90 days without. the investment of a. cent. Do you? If :0 write to-day for our propoaibton and “The Story of Big Bon and Sam. Others" which we will mail you free and propnid. SOVEREIGN SECURITIES, Limited, Tradars Bank Building, Toronto, Canada f._._____.____.__â€"â€" HAMILTON 'MOTOR WORKS. Ltd. HAMILTON. ONT. flUilttSithSfltPffle’fftl River and fluff of St. tawrenca Bummer Cruises in 0001 Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 85. “ Cnmpnna," with eloolrk lights, electric balls and all modern comforts. BAILS ROM MONTREAL 0N MOND Y5 c .m.,8r Lndl7th Juno lit, MI: IE 2% J I! h and 26 h August, 0th an 23rd 9);") and for nl% tly thereafter for Plot". . ., l t at Ciao ec,Guspo,Ma1Bny erco, page Grand ttver Summorside, Pd}. ., an arc “town, P.E.I. Summor Excursions, 835, by the no Twi Screw SS. “Bermudianâ€, 6,500 Sana. But in; it and filth June, 3rd, 17th and lists July, Utah “1 16th Au use 4th, 14th and 25th Septorlgr, 6t , cm a. 26th October, 16th and an on a 1 Temperature cooled by sea. breeze: neldanl bur. b. 10 80 de rooa. [riil‘ohaafldest trips8 of the season for haalth and ' comfort ‘ ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebegj A. E. OUTERBRIDGE a C0.. Agentsi 2’.) Broadway, New York. CANADA Complete Launche- Bc Strong! Bc Up-to-Datct It is not. often that these qualities go hand in hand. supposes exercise to-day, and there convenient exercise than bicycling, fresh air while going to and fro on Strength pre- is no better, no more pleasant and , and you can get your exercise and. ' your daily dutia. 'ï¬a‘. In this way you reserve your strength and build up your consti- tution, while at the same time you are up to date. for the bicycle has come back in earnest. on the broad business basis of t UTILITY H EALTH PLEASU RE, and in the van are plainly seen The Cleveland, Massey "Silver Ribbonâ€, Perfect, Brantford. Imperial, Rambler and Blue Flyer Canada Cycle and Motor 00., Limited,j " MAKERS OF THE “'0 [ILD’S BEST BICYCLES." Taranto Junction, Canada, Branches:â€"\\'innipeg. Vancouver, Melboume, Aunt.