Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jul 1907, p. 1

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03113,. by telephone from Richmond -' Hill charged to me. Vv’ill occupy his p'redetmsmn-‘s office and is prepared to (In anw-ul practice and RM: to twat uyv, our, nose and throat. diu‘eases. . License A110 ones: {or theCounty of Yor re- pa'mmHy schema your unmanage and friendly influence sullen attrnded on the shortest notice and at reasonabemtes. P. 0. address Kins: VVilI he ‘EERAL PRINTING ¢ PUBLISHING HOUSI RICHMOND HILL, our. Licensed J :zctioneer for the County of Y0 k Goods Sold 0:1 consignmugt Gamma] sales atuc etc m‘omptiy “tended to at reasongnh games HesidnnceUnionville Licensed auction/customize Countyuf York. Hxleswtenrledhoon«shortesmoticcaud a. rest- sonablre ratea Patronage solicited DR. H. W. ANDERSON, IWentist, calls by day and night; promptly at- ' tended to. 3' T Sugenn, Mamie G R Gauldmg. Nquon Brook. agent for the above JOHN R. CAMPBELL, J. H. SANDERSON. Office hours: Tuesdays, 8â€"12 9.. 111.; 7 ‘5 p.‘ m. RICHMDN T) HILL 8: THURNHLL Full line of Funeral Furnishings alâ€" szys in stock. 0 rs PUBLISHEDEVEBY Eli URSDAY MORNING Dr. E. J. ‘Voods DENTIST, Office Hoursâ€"8.30 21,. m. m 5 p. m " “E5112 CEibml ” Francis Block, THORNHILL, Ont- VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Um! «Makers 5: Elliblklh‘lei‘s, Toronto Office, 450 CHURCH ST. . F. McMAHO Toronto ill be in Richmond Hill on Wed nt-sdny of each week. Office, next dnnr north of Stand- ard Bunk. M» R. (L 8.: L. R. P., Eng. (SUCCESSOR T0 DR. DEAN) liichtnond 171 ill ,largc'vflnr‘k of Funnm? Fhrnishings kept at both pEaces DR. S. BUSINESS CARDS. V ETERINARY SURGEON, ’Ehornhill. Jul‘ Ripaus Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tnbules: at drugglsts. Under vkexs and Emlmlmex-s igenn, J K McEwen Mamie Weston Saigon“ dc McEwen. VVRIGH'I' BROS, Knight & Lawrie . EDITOR J; Paomm’ron. Carlton and Yonge Sts , J. II. P: entice. D. G‘ BLOUGH, annum, in advance.] wetniuaw 3m ‘dieat. J. BOYD, M. B. AT THE fleutal. Mamie BARRIETEIL, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tux-unto Office, 33 Richmond St. ‘Vffit: \Vesl_(2y_I_3}rlAildings. Richmond “ Hill ()ffiée, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- “UH”. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E.. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK BENTON, K. (.7. . HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK 130171111121? anlo, Thursday aftermmn. Muney to hum at, Five Per Cent (57). Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, S. \V. Comer King & Yonge Streets, TORONTO. G G S Lindsey.K O A G F Lawrence W Ridout Wadsworth Private and Trth Funds to 1mm ax lowest current, rates. Barristers,301icitors, Notaries, in}. Home Life Building (formerly Free hold Loan Bldg), Cm. Adelaide & Victoria, SL3" Toronto. Monev to loan on land andchuttel mortgagesat lowest rates Aurornnmceâ€"Removed to the old post office one door west of the enm’ance to the Ontario BILL-k wazunrket Glaceâ€"Three doors south of the push office '1‘ HERBERTLENNOX (i S'rV MORGAN Aux-0m. Newmnrkpf LENNOX & MORGAN Richmond Hill Office. south-vast (-01-- ner of Lorne Bldg, every Thursday afternoon. Toronto Office, 36 Toronto street. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST RA'rws JAS. N E‘WTON HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E11ۤrIN E1114] AS M. 'I‘EIL' FY. NOTA RY PUBLIC Richmonu Hill AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. 00$. REAL ESTATE, ETC. Every accomnmdation for the travelling public. .GUUd rooms for Commercial Travellers. Attentlve stablemun. Harry Wright PROPRIETOR. Phone Main 311 COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. H. A. NICH(V)LLS Barrister, Solicitor, Etc anton. Dunn & 30311969} Commissiunex, Cnnveyancer, «to Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer nf Marriage Licenses, J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC THE PALMER HOUSE REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORN HILL Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. Barristers and Solicitors. N OTARY PUBLIC Barristers, Snlictm‘s, Etc. WILLIAM COOK Burristexs. Snlicitnrs, Etc. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1.907 J. M. LAING OOMMXKSIONER IN THE final. “In Essentialc, Unity; in Nonâ€"Essantials, Liberty ;. in all things, Charity.” LOWEST RATES Phone Main 2984 Newnmrket The names are arranged in order of merit:â€" senior IV.~â€"â€"H. Stephenson, A. Stephenson, L. lnnes, N. Boyle (rec), “"i Patton hoe.) Junior lV.â€"G. Sluan. S. Mc- Uonaghy, R. Grunt. E. Palmer, W. Nunghtun, G. Bull, 0. Darling. A. Boyle, M. Allan, H. Kerswell. N. Mackio. L. Hill (rem), E. Hoppm-(rmJ. Senim-III.â€"G. Bredin. R. Reddifb, G. Gowie, D. Snulvs, G. Hal-(1mg. F. Blfldin, H. Mackiv, H. Grunt. (rec). Junior I”.â€"â€"M. Wright. I. Mr:- Mahm). E. Stephenslm, B. Redditt. G. Harding, E. Mortsm). M. Kirkland. L. Bruce. M. Palmer, I. \rVuIdm-s, W. Vandvrhux'gh. G. Robinson, V. Met,- cagf (req.).__ _ __ __ Senior II.â€"L. Stephens-(m, N. Mc- Conaghy, G. Grant, R. Den-ling. B. Ransom. B. Harding, L. Beusnn, M. Hill, V. Smith, E. Gibbs. Jamvs Kers- well, 8. Ransom (we), J.‘ Beynnn.“ Junior ILâ€"J. McDonald, J. Darling. T. \Viley, C. Uowie. A. Robinson and D. Harding (equal), B. Gould. W. Mackie. L. Hal-ding. G. Blanchard. G. Palmer, J. McKay, C. Beynon (mun) K. Riley (rec) The following is the school report, for June:â€" ' ' Senior IV.â€"Mm-y Lowery, Alice Pa 9. Emily Rankin, Garland Laugâ€" sta . Auhrvy Nicol. Junior IV.â€"â€"Elgin Nicol. Senior III.-Stewart Paar, Nellie Page, Irene Clmpmzm, Lizzie Rankin. Nathan Chapman. Junim- III.â€"â€"Ka.tie Chapnm n. Svnim‘ ILâ€"Leslie Richards, Kath- leen Rankin. ' Junior lI.â€"Alma Nicol, Austin Bukm', Ellswm'th VVeldrick. Senior Pal-t, ILâ€"Dennis \Vhite. Junior ILâ€"Lm-ne \Veldrick, Elva. VVvldrick, Georgie Langstui’f, Dudley White. Seniur Part. Lâ€"Ethel Banks, John Runkin. Annivm'snry services were held here last,Slmday. The Rev. J. E. VVilsnn prvm-hvd at 2.80 and Rev. Mr. Back at. 7 u’cluck, p. In. Mr. Alf. Smith of the Tnmnto Post Ofiive has been holidaying here. Junior Part. I.â€"'Infl VVeIdz-ick, Ida. Richmds. Juhunie \Vhite. Miss Mabel Dunn of Tumnm. spent a couple of days hole last, week with hor- gmndparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thompson. Drm’l furng the strawberry festival on the 9th of July. It‘will be held on Mr. John Hngg’s grounds. Mr. 'VV. Antler-sun lost another horse last. week. That. is the secund one this summer. Schnol closed on Friday for the sum- mer vacation. The following is the repnrb for June: Senior lV.â€"-Rnland Ket’fer. Junior lV.â€"Com- Locke, 70m Jack- son, Russ Kofier, Edna Reed. Elwood Robb. Senior III.â€"â€"F1~:mk Morton. Junior lII.~â€"-W:u'r(-n Whitmnrm Sid Smith, ank Smith, Frank Locke, Renb. VVhitmm'e, Laura Morton, Jim Aiming, Edgar Williams. Don’t let the children wmr out their school Shnes now; send them up L0 Naughmn’s at the Elgin for a pair to knock :u-nund home with. They cnn buy them as cheap as you can your- self at that store. Senim‘ 11. -R053 Anderson, Alvin Robb, Roy Wm'ley, Howard Thinnâ€" back. GUI'dOn Anderson, Norman Williams. Junior ILâ€"Edgnr Anning. Senim- Part, ILâ€"Elsworth Kefi'er, Roy Kefl’er. Form I. to Form II.â€"~Zell Bull, Maud Ball, May Clement, Clara Cus- grove, Hannah Chapman, Florence Farr, Gladys Grice, Minnie Huuck, Edna Hnuck, Adele Jackson, Leela Kofl’er, Laura. Nanghton, Ella. Quantz. Lavina. Rankin, Bella. Read, Muriel Risebmugh. Joan Seoul, Louie Mc- Donald, Ethel MOI'LSOI), Fri-d B10013 Sohn Breakey Jessie Bowes, Newton Brydon, Harry Buse, Lorne Gnodcrâ€" ham, Charlie Hoover, Fred Hicks,R0y Jackson, Adrian Killough, Reginald Little, Hex-herb Loushy, Gordon Max-sh, Harland Palmer, Murray Vandal-burgh. Ruginald Wilson, Har- old Smith. Names of successful candidatps at. the High School promotion examina- tions, June, 1907::- Form II. to Form III.~â€"M:u'jm~ie Boyle, Ada. Calhoun. Ella. Cosgmve, Hannah Hislnp, Norma Morgan, Eva Watson. Maud Watson, Everett Cox, Willie Ground, Percy Hugemmn, Herbert Kelly, Olarksnn McDonald, Harry Naughton, \Vilfrid Rndditt. EDGELY SCHOOL REPORT. P. S. PROMOTION. R. H. HIGH SCHOOL. Langstafi. Edgely. Seldom has it been our duty to re- cord so sudden it deuthns that of Mrs. Harry Blanchard, who passed away Monday evening after a few minutes illness. Deceased, with her sister, Mrs. Mncleod, had spent part of the day‘ut the honw of their father, Mr. Chas. Kirkland. Returning home 0 towards evening, Mrs. Blanchard walked up to the Dr's oflice and got a. bottle of medicine, she having been truuhled with a weak heart. On her way hump. past the baker",v she found ; herself getting weak and called furl assistance. Mr. Hill assisted her into ' his house and the Dr. was immediate- ly summoned. A stimulant was ad- ministered, but she sunk into unconâ€" seiousness and newer mllied. Her bus- band was sent for but he arrived just as she passed away. The sudden death cast a gloom over the village, and the husband and relatives have the syn)- pathy of all in their great bereave- ment. The funeral takes place this aiternoun at 2.30 to the village cem- etery. i During the sturm on Monday a bulb of lightning struck Mr. G90. Higb’s House. and did some damage to the exterior. Some of the members of the famin experienced at slight, shock at, the time. Little Wilfred Smith had a narrow escape' from dmwning on Monday afbernoon. He was fishing at Patten son’s pond and fell into waternbnnt twenty feet. deep. He. was rescued by some parties who Were near. Rev: Jus. E. Wilson, with his fam- ily left. on Wednesday for Mimico, his new field of labor. A large number of visitors from T0- routo and other places spent, the holi- day with frien_ds here. A On Mundny afternoon at, Vellm-e, our team defeated the Thm-nhill and Testun teams. In the first match with Thm'nhill Maple scored one gum], and just, us tlw whistle blew agoul was scored by Thnrnhill but; was not alluwod by the referee, In thv second game hetwven Maple and Testun the game was 1 m 0. Mr. Allan Knight left on Monday for Toronto where he has secured a. position in Neshit. and Auld’s whole- sale dry goods house. Last Saturday evening a. football match was plude hem between the Tbnrnhill and Maple to»?! ms, resulting in a. victory for Thurnhill by 2 goals to 1. Two large loads from Thornhill and many others witnessed the: game. Full stnck nf calmed good ~â€" s~u~dines. kipperod herrings, salmun. roast beef, corned beef, chipped dried heef. veal 10M, etc” for the picnic season. Atkinson & Switzer. The regular meeting of the coul‘cil was held on Tuesday, July 2, in the clerk’sufficv. All the nwmbers pros« eut. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Letters were read from the Medical Hemth Office: asking that the council define his duties; fi-mu Mr. 0. 8011193, asking that his dog tax hE‘ struck 011‘ his assessment, as he does not now own a dog; and from the Bethesda and Stuuifville Telephone Company asking permission to place poles for telephnne service on the streets of the \illnge. ‘ The ()ntmio Lime Association, sewer pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12 00 T. & Y. R. R., freight . . . . . . . . ‘ 1 02 J. Simpkins, draining . . . . . . . . . 8 00 Jos. machard, draining . . . . . 10 00 H. Blanchard, work on streets.. 73 28 J. T. Stan-1:11p, work on streets .. 46 15 J. T. Startup. 2nd quarter’s sal- I a1 . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . A. E. H. Pearson, fencing nn Centre street east . . . . . . . . . . T._I_“. McMahon,_ Egintipg, ftc .. M 1-. Pehrson‘s account was laid over until the fence 18 measured. The On- tario Lime Association accmmt and the T. & Y. R. R. account fur freight were ordered to be paid. Also J. ’1‘. Stan [u ’3 account for 2nd quarter sal- ary, os. Blanchard’s accmmt for draining, and '1‘. _ F. McMahon‘s acâ€" count for printing, etc., were ordered tc be paid. Payment was ordered 01 H. Blanchard’s and J. Simpkin’s ac- cdunts, and also of J. T. Stm-tup’s ac- count for work to June 29. Mr. C. Soules’ request re dog tax was granted. Dr. Boyd's letter was laid over for considemtion by the Board of Health. Mr. Bruce and Mr. Scott, represent- ing the B. and S. Te]. 00., Were pres- ent and addressed the council in refer- enc to the apphcation contained in their letter. After hearing the gentlemen, the council passed a resnlntion granting the company the privilege asked fur, subject to conditions to he mutually agreed upon lqter. Council adjourned. SUDDEN DEATH. VILLAGE COUNCIL. »â€"â€"o o oâ€"â€"-- M aple. ..131 19 Free samples of “ Prevenhcs" and a. booklet, on Colds will he ludly mailed you, on requvst, by Dr. S 00p. Racine, Wis.. simply to prove merit. Preâ€" ventics are little- Candy Cold Gme tablvts. N0 Quinine, no Laxative, nothing harmfulwhatevar. Prevenbics prevents coldsâ€"as the name im liesâ€"- when taken early, or at. the “ neoze Stage.” For a sentvd cnld or La. Grippe, break it up safely and qmckly with Preventics. Suld by W. A. Snu- dersnn. Do you feel weak, tired, despondent. have frequent headaches, coated tongue, bitter or bad teste in morning, “heart- burn,” belching of gas, acid rising: in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, ioul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? 1! yo ve any considerable number oi toms you on suflering liver with indi» ’8 Golden wIf“: a mos'1 efliclent.‘ liver invigorawr. stomach wnic, bowel regulator and npr_v_e strengthener. me; lgai science for m The “Golden Medical Discovery ” is not I. patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at its formula will show that. It contains no alcohol, or harmful habitâ€"forming drugs. It is a. fluid extract. made with pure, triple-refined glycerlne, of proper strength, from the roots of the following namlve American forest plants, “viz, Golden Seal root, Stone root, Black Cherrybark, Queen’s root, Bloodroot, and Mandrake root. Binders Rake-s Instruc‘tion in Piano-playing and Theory ' Pupil Of A. S. 'Vogt, Mus. Dnc. (Piano). and J. H. Anger, F. R. C. 0. (Theory). Wednesdays and Saturdays, Room 11 Omitun Chambers, cor. Carlton and Yonge Stan, Toronto. The following leading medical authorities. among a. host of others. ext/o] the foregoing roots for the cure of inst such ailments as the above symptoms indicate: Prof. R. Bartholow. M. D.. of Jeii'erson Med. College. Phila- Prof. H. C. Wood. M. D.. of Univ.ot PIL; Pmi.inwin M. Hale. M. D.. of Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago: Prof. John Kiring M. D.. Authu' of American Dispensatm'y: rot. Jno. M. Saud- der. M. 1).. Author of Specific Medicines;_Prot. Laurence Johnson. M. D.. Med. Dept. Univ. of N.Y.: Prof Finley Ellingqu ' D.,'Authox' of Mabel-in Medica and Prof ~ non. godl- cai College, Chicago. Sen ~' fid" dress on Postal Card to Dr. " V Buf- falo. N. Y" and receiv free ‘ l -; giving extracts from writings of all the efii~ cal authors and many others endorsihls‘in the strongest possible terms. each and e gradient, of which “Golden Medical erg”1590mnos§£l ' . no“ _A‘ ..-.....1- Tedders Agent RICHMOND HILL FOR LIGHT DRAFT, N 1 C E WORKING, AND DURABILITY THEY H A V E N o EQUAL. , N. J. Glass JD \luLuyv. u. UIJ 7v ,- . Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulatei ' invigorate stomach. liver and bowels. Th , may be used in conjunction with “GoldenW Medical Discovery” 1! bowels are much con-l cupamd. They’re tiny and sonar-coated. flab! i l J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist BUY THE [Single copies, 3 cts. What Ail: You! and mi meme; m , .11 the : _mefiif , rs endorsfilrin the xllets regalatei and bowels. Th "Jon with “Golda mla mm much Mm» “knoan

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