VOL. XXX Licensed. (hides-m RICHMDN IS PUHLISUEDEVERT EHURSDAY MORNIL‘ Pupil of and J. H \VFdne-St A. large RICHMOND HILL, 0 Having a complete X-m electricity apparatus. 1 lncutefm-eign bodies in Lh examine fractures of hnw treat NERVOUS DISEASE RHEUMATISM, MORBID such as Cancers. 1-10. Being a. graduate of Mum-ï¬eld’s Ey Hospital. “.nglund. I um prepared t examine the interior of the eyes fk disease, and test for glasses‘. If patient. should require glasses 1 Unit them for him. Nose and thmut \an'k :L specialty. Ofï¬ce convenient to the Ml‘tl'OpOl tam and U. N. 0. Railway stations. A gray Cow. with s( points of horns sawed from the prmnises of the Patten-sou. Reward. 3.113 by I per annum, in advance (6 J. EARLE NEWTU ll'ltnn Instnu range A :hfnlly s BUSINESS CARDS. RIC Estray Notice hv RICHMOND Hifaï¬x ,ON'I‘ N R. CAM Sunox NTING RI I‘MO ,IGHT‘ BROS, Ra's & Emhalmfl's, D HIL‘L & THURNHILL Pianist Mu M A H 0 N NARY SU \I 0f W. dmu- nm-th of S Lml Bank. Tux-amt AT THE £2“sz hm (lf1 w a; ll 6 E war. is (If hung: DISEASES MORBID I'M} I. BOYD JAM ES KEITH. Riuhnwnd Hill Paupmzron 243311915311 {Y SURGEI ND HILL PUBLISHING HOUSE RNDERSON DERSGN rom 1 to me Hill ‘ PBELL. uflfl strayed undersigned, lying ltO Furnish y and static am able to 9. body, and as. Also to S, CHRONIC- GRO“‘THS, u-ltt TARIO m1 Sts , 3 p. m DE 11701] C ()ln NG [K Lnd I HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE .' Issuer of Marriage Lice: T'HI- LENA’QX 65 MORGAN BA] N OTA RY AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA A88. 008. Cmmnercial stublenmn Harry Wright PROPRIETO R. travelling public M ox JAS. NE\VTON ISSUER MARRIAGE L Dam in DOMINION \V. Uurm'r hul )0!) Maple, Th ul-sd Every accommodation mv to l THE PALMER HOUSE J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC {lch moud nk Buildin IATIONA L TI KING ST. E. THORNHII RICHMOND HII 'm-un tn Barrislt-rs a nd Solicitors. enton, Dunn Barrister Solicitc I '0 [‘0 n mum" L L A‘. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC I11. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer 0f Maniage Licenses. Bun-isle) STER, SOLICI’P( WILLIAM c0012 U'l DENTUN \V. )II‘I COMMISSIONER IN THE 1H 0m mono. Hill M. LAIN ,‘ King & 1' TORONTO )AN Build Hill if at tanl. HMOND HILL, ONT†THURSDAY, JULY 925, 1.007 W 9.14: View; .53. Travellers Tl R'IIA Of} :d and .1 651 ram T0,l '1‘1age 1410611385. LL POST OFFICE. G 81“? annoyance]: etc r'llguis Pm, rut (:(m 'r LOWEST R ftcmoon T CHAMBERS {ONTQ Canada 1tm~ CHAMBERS Jutbe ma old Boultbee mtn street th uance t r,1+_!‘tc I’DDDIS CER )LIC Attentive Thursday Standard ENSES, oxtgo nan the at. Tho anniversary dx'cw’s (‘hmch l:th attended. va. .Pd two (*lnquont S Inn-air.- was n-ndore kin of \Vuudhridgé‘. isfclt, fur Mr. \\'i!su duughtexs and fnur lit loss of a devoted \vifv Nu 0m- nvod lw hehi going tn \K'nl'k :15 [I'm- 119 on Mr. Pollock‘s qnih- husim‘ss like. Miss Mmguret .Iuhn spunL sevorul (luvs Miss Etta Rivhnrd'sun then M r Miss M. McKiu visiting at Dr. Log The hvn'y seam with the Lewm. am tel-s, Mrs Mills and nepho .v. bury; \Villim Ricinuond Hi Count-y. The late Mr. Miller “as a. justice of the peace. and for six years a member of Scurbnru vanship cuun- cil. He is survived by a. widow, two sons and three daughters. They are \Villiam on the homestead, and Hem-y 0f Unionviile. The surviving daugh- ters rue Mrs. Francis of'l‘hurnhiil, and Rebeceu and Edith at houw. In pn- lixical life the late Mr. Miller was an enthusiastic Liberal and prominently identiï¬ed with the Presbyterian church of whiuhhe was an ofï¬cial.†The fu- nerle took place on the following Tues- day morning 10 Knox Church Cemeâ€" tery at Agincoux-l, the family burial ground. 1112â€) nvee’n the “Peop-u’-dny Buys" and the “Defwlders†at, a place culled “Tm Diamum †in the cunnty of Al-mngh The victorious faction found it, necos sax y to change its name from Lhe Peep (f-day Boys to that of “01':111gc-xuen“~ hence the origin Lf the Orange Assn ciation in Ireland. But, why and b3 1t, Drnytun whom it was impmted :0 Canada, is question worthy of answer. Can an of the “brethren†giue the require information? Spncial:â€"â€" Only 300 lbs. left purest of pule Paris Gwen to 30¢ 1h. \Ve lmx-antee it, pure. tun B1125. “lgin Mills. of the late Simon Miller, brother of M r. ilrnry Miller 'of this village, is taken from the \Vurld of Monday:â€" “The death of Simon Millar, one of the Oldest, and most respected residents 0f»Union\'ille, wok place he“: Sunday morning, July 21. Deceased was in his Slst yczu', and has. resided here some 20 veaus. conning: from Scnrlmro annâ€" burn on Ship, ‘hq. mp {endng from a distant lath-es who \vme pl'e liuwsz~his son \Valtex daughter from (71m lChu [Elie death of Simon Miller, one or e Oldest, and most respected residents ~Unionville, wok place he“: Sunday nrning, July 21. Deceased was in his st year, and has resided here some [ years. coming from Scarier annâ€" l ip. The late Mr. Miller has been in â€"health for some time and his demise is not unexpected. Deceased was an on 'lot, 28, con. 4 Scurbm-u Town- ip, iimr )lillikt-n’s Corxwrs and was sun uf Henry Milier, whose father I me from Penusyh ania, U. S. in A- il of1793,_m;e of the pioneers of York i A large number of stone, g1 gumml accounts were passed dam} to he paid. On motion 0f Messrs Nigh : Mr. Padgett was appointed :1, i look after the working of the in the West half Of the tufan Mr. Marxism) comi'. fur the 4 Mr Padget, was appointed a examine culvert opp. Int, 48, c to open (“bah at same plane). A grant of $75 was made York and Markham Agrich iely to assist, in paying for pe DEATH OF S {hen and by v hm) Upper 1 out Of u fut en the “Peop- efwnders†at he following: ldt‘m‘t penbur mtere Edmund Brown \ uf McKu-spo heir sister, Mls. £51 NomEsseutials, Liberty oud Hill, 191 nd w RANS at, Dr. Lugan won-y sensnn (-vmy yrmniw T. nm‘ Mud “1‘ Ie- origin Lf the Owl'ng A in Ireland. But, why and , was impunuted t0 Canida. inughteruf Mr. Thus. Han- »dhridué‘. Much sympathy Mr. \Viis-‘n, and hix' Lwn tmd fmxrlinln hays in the voted with and mother. Pod lw behind time nuw in n :n. ln-nlin 1- Albert, Toron- ster. Mrs. Blake. and daugh- Lu Junction. Other mem- family are Frank in Sud: inâ€) in th‘fnlo;'1‘x-umzm in Hill ; and Hattie. at home. n fuctk Peep-0’4 Headford. 'ellul I-nnu :Iuadfmd f‘ Highly res v carried on but of late in fruit. um Maple. Kiumm ESM IN CANAE Au L'Alllot I‘ SIMON MILLER. gnu-(rum, of Lhudoam )0!) Miller, brother of He] 'of this \‘iHuge, is : \Vurld of Monday:â€" Simon Millet, one of must x-vsnected residents ‘y Sf'l‘Yit‘PS at St. An- -'t, Sunday were well 311'. Hm-hisun prvach- SH‘IIIUIIS and special ‘e-(l lny the vhnir. t-hv hue. Mrs. J. R. hnst Illill gm: Ill mk The lnili m H md Miss I ,0†Hi I'm-r ilh hex fri purpose lmld on the chum-I of this week. mth welcome .1; of the (7mm siti 1t 11 openrjd a nd old friend: . The new! ant, were a; wife and lit 11‘1 Tux-nut PM znm 1-5 of York let \VilS a. Bail )07 hm Bvx-tit visiting tn 1795 be md the l “The l'lljng'h. of th 59“ n w his unds Sun by is a «m Miss Keith Hill is visiting Ont. Mr. and Mrs. to spend a wee gmw t1 mun t hs Miss Bmli has hm‘n the Harris this \ spent a ing his B to upon flinch at same plume. A grant of $75 was made the East York and Markham Agricnhurul Soc- iety to assisb in paying for permanent impmvvments on the fair grounds. . Mr. Paldget, was appuinted a cumi'. tn repair gum-d rails and ï¬ll in Wash- out opp. lots 20 & 21, con. 3. Mr. Morrison was appointed a comr. to have cedar bushes removed from side “frond opp. lot26 con. 8 as they were considered a serious obstrucciun to the view; also to have ditch opened on can. 8, opp. Int 26. Mr. anp. was appointed a cnmr. to put in new culvert on con. 8 facing sideline between lots 5 & 6. Mr. Nigh was appointed a comr. Lu open dil-uh on can. 9 opp. lot 28. ‘muncii adjourned till Satm Aug. 10, at 2 o‘clock. “'éls dug qum fthe Mr. “'m Ml Mr. and Mrs nto. \ isitod Ruddiu and My M Ml M 1-. Nelm On 1H; “"1 i .Hl ARKEAM 'fOWNS 291. 11 the momh€ nwotiug hf uril held ur. mvme. mmunic ud all things, Charity.†Smith has he Slinov (l wm-d \few days broth (‘I‘S‘ PERSONALS. Mmng mn-s Hill is spvnding a few 11 his parents nt his old home Ime. on Ill ll] get, was appointed a cumr. to :ulvort opp. Int, 48, cnn.l and Lab at same place. of $75 was made the East Man-khan) Agricunux'al Soc- ;isL in paying for penngment 5 this we H} L Martin and with ill Jf cmmci Rainvy Davis of =. Jnlnr-s :1 month viciniby. on Lerhmn, are spending Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill Crunn of Qm-vnm'ine, lest, of Miss Gvnevieve :ldey of Tm‘tmt lay of Peter-hum r. and Mrs. D. } ms were ant to E an n.- dug upquth palymg for permanent n the fairgrounds. . tsrgxppuiinted a cumr. On m Palm ‘rishy n ppni nt Pubiic ile-V of 0 here lust M TOLL! l‘ H t is of Aurora, upent e-k with Miss Lor- f'l‘mnntn is spendv her HH)Lht‘X', Mrs {turd mmto, and spent Sat nmmd lilll.‘ n in t Redd mdnv V HEP CDUNCH ()X illm-s was 1' 1 two wee City, HI!) 4t Sund Satin family have the smnmvr ed Principal Schnul. l1) ( ru'nntu wiLh h the hi of 91- have gone n‘s [’uint. t0 «Ill a t M l‘ the nday ‘ M 1*. W {H £0 I fu xvs; fro" M vtrupul \V \shlp am east half mvul and and or- 1nd Lzlpp Cnmr. to Ev amt t, ‘nwns wuline tux-day and at 11116 nfre Booth » visit- M 1-! 85d“ iH us :nmz half- Ind ent h 01' and HE it )(l I m“. m iï¬akes Itdnvs nut pay to :udvm'tise say smuemorchants who have done but little of it, and that withuut kvrpin it up. The incident. of [he lmy an tlw pump illustrates thv math-r very \vvll. The Imy was sent. nftvr 'a pail of water. Hv poured in the primmg and poured out as much ilS‘ he pom-Ml in. Then he- sruppL-d (n rest and llw priming Inn down. Aftm- sonw tinm prnmng ml of “lull-mm concludvd i quit. in dis; vorrh Agent {Y‘- int). 50. H»; um I Atkinson «54v Switze Tedders of die glyceric extracts of naflve medici: na] roots found in our forests and con- tains not. a. drop of alcohol or harmful, or habit-forming drugs. Its ingredients are 9.]! printed on the bottle-wrapper and at.â€" tested under oath as correct. mgr-mm A Woman’s Back Has many aches and pains caused by weaknesses and falling, or other displace- ment, of the pelvic organs. other symp- toms of female weakness are frequent. headache, dizziness, imaginary specks or dark spots floating before the eyes, gnaw- ing sensation in stomach, dragging .or bearing down in lower abdominal or pelvic region, disagreeable drains from pelvic organs, faint spells with general weakness. If any considerable nuinber of the above symptgms are present there is no remedyl Every ingredient entering into “F8:- vorite Prescription" has the written en- dorsement of the most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of prac- tice-more valuable than any amount of non-professional testimonialsâ€"though the latter are not lacking, having been con~ tributed voluntarily by grateful patients in numbers to exceed the endorsements given to any other medicine extant for the cure of woman’s ills. You cannot afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute lor this well proven remedy OP KNOWN COMPOSITION, even though the dealer may make a little more proï¬t thereby. Your interest in regaining health is paramount to any selï¬sh interest of his and it is an insult to your intelligence for him to try to palm of? upon you a substitute. You know what you want and it is his busi- ness to supply the article calledifor. Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Pellets are the original “Little Liver Pills †first put up by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ago, much imitated but never equaled. Little sugar-coated granulesâ€"easy to take *9 candy. ‘ __, ...r-\.___, _.y r. .... - .V ... ..., --m_J 3h t w. glve quicker relie! or a more per~ ma ent than Dr. Pierce’s Favorite t has a record of over forty It is the mast. potenj years of our vine know 'n m medical t. is made J. Glagg FOR LIGHT DRAFT. N I C E WORKING, AND DURABILITY THEY H A V E N O EQUAL. Imt flamers of cum BUY THE “’11 Y ADVERTISE ? [Single copies, 3 cts. Iml UH [.0 pumping and r1 it did no! pay ln 1: sgnst. Thv mow) wlivu- in :ulw'rliï¬il n‘ did tlu- humming RICHMOND HILL In lh Ind pumping Lrl 1f, ('5 afh-I- ';1 pm?! the priming s he pnurml vst and the mu tunes, Ill rostng pump |pl)ml :Id ul- hu