Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jul 1907, p. 4

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- v 5 ‘ - r ammmwum:‘mefiargm‘ymsamwzmeww chutrouniiirnn. 0x12, July 25, 1907 LOWER THE RATES. We understand the Metropolitan RaiIWay management have under consideration a new commutation ticket to be known as the working man's ticket. This looks like a move in the right direction. A few weeks ago the price of commutation tickets between Richmond Hill and Toronto was raised from $4.50 to $6.00 for 15 round trips. In raising the rates the company acted within their legal rights, but that they show- ed wisdom is open to doubt. From a newspaper view it would seem that in order to make money -the desire of the Railway Company should be to induce people to move out of the city into the various villages and towns along the route of the railway. Country people are sure to make fre- quent trips to the city, but only oc- casionally do Toronto citizens find their way into the country. To build up the outside places, therefore, is to put money into the pockets of the Railway. It is safe to say that a large number of eonnnercial travellers and others came out from the city and bought homes in Richmond Hill and other places who would not be here today if the present rates for commutation tickets had been anticipated. To those who go to Toronto only a few times in the year it matters little whether the rate is two cents a mile orthree cents a mile, but those who travel up and down nearly every day in the week are the men from whom the company gets the most money. It is to be hoped the‘ Metropolitan management will make a rate which will induce travellers and working- men to move their families out of the crowded city. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-.o.â€"â€"â€"- Sir Wilfred Laurier has returned to Canada, and is being greeted on all sides by admiring citizens. .While in Britain he was one of the” prominent premiers at the Colonial Conference, and now that he is again on Canadian soil the various cities. through which he has passed have vied with one another in their ex- pressions of honor and good-will. It is gratifying to know that Canada’s - first citizen returns to his laborsin the best of health and spirits. The World of yesterday gave a twoâ€"column article bearing on Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Welcome Home. The World points out that the de- monstrations everywhere in Quebec were magnificent, and after asking the question "What does it all mean?", that journal frankly answers in these words; “It means unmistakably that Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier still has the Province." _â€"â€"- Recent dispatches say that Hon. Edward Blake has resigned his seat in the British House of Commons he~ cause of ill health. Mr. B124; has been member of Parliament for South Longford for the past fifteen years, the main object of his crossing the ocean being to assist in securing an Irish Parliament in Ireland. Doubt- less he feels disappointed that his efi'orts have not been altogether suc- cessful although much has been done since Mr. Blake left Canada, to bring the English and the Irish people . l closer togther. Mr. Blake has always l been a. gentleman of, high ideals,‘ clean in politics and private life, and while many will regret that the task i ofsccuring Home Rule for Ireland has not been accomplished they are pleased to welcome him back to the land of his birth. Mr. Blake, like other good and great men, will get 1 credit by the historian, if not for what they accomplished, then for ! what they honestly endeavored to do. ' . 9"?!) There seems to be a movement all over the country against auto- mobiles, or, more strictly speaking, against the drivers of automobiles. The law allows a speed of fifteen miles an hour on country roads, ten miles an hour in towns and villages, the speed to be lessened when meet- ing vehicles. The spirit of the law is not so much opposed to fast driv- ing on country roads when no other vehicles are in sight as it is against carelessness in passing horses which may be frightened by the motors. It is said that owing to so much carelessness drastic legislation will be asked for at the next session of the Legislature. For this, chafl‘curs have themselves to blame. It is a com- mon practice with some horsemen to drive their horses slowly when no person is in sight, but to “touch them up" on entering a town or village in order to show their speeding propen- sities. With many of the automobil- ists it is much the same. They pre- fer to do their “scorching” in front of the grand stand. “’hen you come in for your foot- wear bring a list of your grocery wants with you :-â€"â€" 7 bars Eclipse or Star Laundry Soap 25c. Beans good Sal mon 250. 4 cans Corn 25c. 3 Bottles John Bull Pickles 25c. Zpkgs. Seeded Raisins 25c. 6 lbs. Best Rice 250. Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. 0C>â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" I'll stop your pain free. To show you first-before you spend a pennyâ€"- what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free. a Trial Package of themâ€"Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets. Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains. etc., are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop’s Head- ache Tablets simply kill pain by coax- ing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Slroop, Racine. \Vis. Sold lry \V. A. Sandor- son. â€"-â€"â€"â€"-Oo MUSIC AT TORONTO EXHIBITION. The. Canadian National Exhibition will this year be strong in the matter of music. Besides one of the finest of the British Military Bands, a large number of musical organizations be- longing to Canada have been engaged, a. number of which will play in a Tat- too following the spectacle every night in front of the Grand Stand. A- mong the Bands favored with an en- gagement outside those of Toronto are: The 27th Battallion Baud. Peterâ€" boro : the 91st and 13th bands of Ham- ilton: the 19th of St. Catharines; Pres- ton Silver Band and the Band of the “’ater-loo Musical Society. ‘â€"â€"00 Free samples of “ Prevenfircs" and a booklet on Colds will be gladly mailed you, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis, simply to prove merit. Prr- v.entic's are little Candy Cold Cure tablets. kNo Quinirw, no Laxative. nothing harmfulwhatevcr. Preventics prevents coldsâ€"as the name impliesâ€"- when taken early, or at the “Sneeze Stage." For a seated cold or La Grippe, break it up safely and qurckly with Pro rentics. Sold by \V. A. San- derson. , -0 News Notes. Mrs. Orr, wife of Dr. J. O. Orr, man- agcr of the Toronto Exhibition, died suddenly Thursday morning in Vanâ€" couver. The deceased lady. formerly Miss Georgina. Platt, was 40 years of age. Tor-onto baseball team has climbed to the top of the Eastern League. Yesterday’s record showed them to have won 43 games. lost. 29. giving them a. percentage .806. Buffalo came next with a percentage .605. Five members of the oounterfeitinur baud under arrest at. Lindsay, pleaded" guilty before Magistrates Jacksmr and Moore on Monday, and were remandg. ed until Friday for sentence. Their name-s are Charles Burke, Robert Logic. John Eveleigh, Richard \Vynn, and Archibald Boyeau.‘ â€"â€"q..-â€" I will mail you free, to prove merit. samples of my Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or The Kidneys. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. are merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment; is treating the result of your ailment. and not the cause. \Veak Stomach nervesâ€"the. inside nervesâ€"mean Stomach weakness, always. Antithe heart. and Kidneys as Well, have their controlling orinside nerves. \Veaken these nerve-s, and youiurvitably have weak vital organs. Here is; where I?:-. Slzpop‘s Restorative has made its fun)». No other remedy claims to treat the “inside nerves." ness, bad lll't‘uiil or cor‘xiplcxion, rise Dr. Shoop's Restorative. \Vrlte mo to-day for sample and free Book. in. Shoop. Racine, \Vis. The Restorative is sold by \V. A. Sanderson. _s .m -7..,AMA.-_.. ‘.' T i T A " PENNYRO {AL Vb thRS. Aspect}: month‘ ‘ to rest; re and prolu dag free, _ \ urg'u. ho acid-s or yarns (-11 up . pron-h Sow used ivyr.~*er:o,1001utliv‘s «Inc: used wuiusengarn. lurigorntm these organs. Buy of your druglzlr-C only those. with our signature Acme! {nuptials-l. Avon: SL‘l‘Sill‘lllt-S. Sealed rticulnh mull'd :0 stamp. 31.01 pp.- ..-r .mumu. EUKLKA CHkZL-IECAL 0021mm”. Dinon'. 11c: " ' etc. Lost l Taken from the pavilion at Bondl , Lake, Saturday, Jilly 20,;1 lady's fawn l coat. Reward at TH E LIBERAL OFFICE. To Bladdeâ€"rs a \Vm. (Kn-ruthcrs. stone and brick builder, is prepared to undertake all kinds of work. Spi-cialty#s:init:uy drainage. chimneys. and repairs. ()rdcrs left at the Palmer House will be promptly attended to. ‘ Brooch Lost ’â€" I'lithor in thc Methodist church. Richmond Ilill. July 7. or on Ynligo Street. betrvcon Richmond Hill and Newton Brook, :1 solid gold brooch. Reward at 32 THE LIBERAL OFFICE. PLEASANT VIEW FARM I The proprietor of Pleasant View lie-rd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of 1' ‘1 Improved (llwster \Vhite Hogs. Ilol , r v ' «, wiu‘ w 29, 13!. Con., Vaughan ('1‘horuhill)b:rs 351‘ â€"#:jflfi“$mflth‘nfmw‘ Av W“ ' ‘v for sale some good young stock. I In the matter of the estate of George Also for bloating, billions... Thoroughbred bull and hog kept, for service on the promises. I). G. GOODERIIAM, For Sale mt) ~19 .( a a One copy of “'obstor's International Dictionary. new, with supplement. of new words, sheep. marblepcdgo, pubâ€" 1 lished by the G.& C. Merriam Cmnpany. Regular price $13. \Vill be sold at half price. Enquire at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. emu-s .i‘. Sluwluril Importml llvgisiorr'd 'l‘inlliirg Niallii ll ~ Honl lu-qun. ll}: hard», “xi-ERIN .'.lh()l|i liillll. Sim-(l l y \‘- liltil' ('i-llilh, ill‘ by Hourgt- \Vilkos, Dull) iv Slrvrmm-l by (loorgv ‘Nilkos‘. llocoid 2.30;. Tl'iul 2.17. Quarters in a 1‘ui't‘ ill 239.1, soconrls, u 1.53 gait. THE DUK E is ono of the largest ono of the host, broil, and mm of tho finest trotting stallions and stm k horses in Canada. Til 1'3 DUK E served 12311141123: lush ynaruynl owing to (he largo demand fr 1- his SPI‘VlCPS this your near Toronto \Vo cannot srrnl him farthvr- north than Thor nhill \vhr-ro \vr expect to rum-l all our i'ornrwr nitrous from the districts u-l Richmond Hill and Aurora. Monday noon 'l'lllt illiKlC will be at Hughes llotol. Tliornbill. and at 3 o‘clock at Edg‘t'ly, and Monday night \Voodbridgo Honso. Voodbridgv. Saturdays in» will ln' at lilack Horse lIolol. Toronto. "The rest of the wool; he will be west of Toronto, $123 insures a living colt, payable 14) days after mare fools. deformed or dies within that limo no charge whatever will be made. For Bale or To Rent The House and Blacksmith Shop at Elgin Mills. An excellent stand for a. practical man. Apply to CHAS. KERS\VILI., 4421’ 166 Sydcnharu 51‘... Toronto. Logging Chain Taken The undersigned. lot 47. con. 1, f Markham, on Tuesday evening, July 2, left 3. Logging Chain on Centre St... east of his farm gate. 0n returning for it he found the chain had been taken away. Tire large book was stamped with a heart. Will the per- son who took it kindly return it totbc ;, owner. 6-, ROBERT MACKIE. 2-3 Richmond Hill. Thresher Cutfit For Sale Traction engine, separator with self- fccder and blower, clover mill self- feeder and blower, ensilage cutter Climax A. circular saw, tank pump, tanks, belting, and other ap liances necessary for a complete out '6. The whole is nearly new and in first-class running order. Route, on either side of Yonge street from lot 40 to Bond If colt, corn“: Brim: your mire-s to one of the above plqu and blood to the lint-st. horse in Canada. \V. J. LAING, Ma nagor. E. R. ll ICYNOLDS, 77 Victoria. St. Toronto. m_, 1m...“ ("fig-(W. m You can save time andmake- money by riding a . . QLEyé Lake. Last season tlircshed over six months. Good reasons for selling. Apply to 3-2 H. A. NICHOLLS. _ Dissolution of: Partnership... Notice is hereby given that; the partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of .David Hill & Co., and made up of David Hill and James Hill, isthisday dissolved by mutual consent. The said David Hill will asâ€" sume all liabilities of said firm and collect all accounts owing said firm. All parties concerned Will please gov- ern themselves acoordingly. (Signed) DAVID HILL. (Signed) JAMES HILL. Richmond Hill, July 8, 1907. 2â€"‘3‘ Notice to Creditâ€" ors. A Wheel is good for the lousy man, and for the man of leisure. If youare in need of a. good wheel get prices from the local representative Baker late of the Townshi of Markham, in the County of ork, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, and amending acts that all persons having claims against the estate of_ the said George Baker who died on or about. the 20th day of April 1907 are requiru ed to send on or before the 15m day l of August next to Henry Heise, Vic- toria. Square, one of the Executor-s of the said George Baker a full statement of their claims and the nature of the T a u . - security if any, held-by them. And take further notice that after V r . "l..’\ ...7',,., the said last mentioned date line EXA'Oâ€" j V, A . - .. For Sale utorswiil proceed, to distribute. the ; At borne every 'oili‘iahon assets of tho said doceasrd, among the I pa. rtresentiried thereto. having regard only for the claims of which they shall i lhrll have received notice. i i Estray l Strayed from the )remises of Hon \VILIJAM COOK. A driver tor sale. undersigned, lot 21, con. 4, Markham, the first week in June, two ewes and Solicitor for the Executor. ' Friday. VIQS BAT T ( ne M b Pp v Id ' if " i ' f , A. D.,i u A. . A I. I 'm . t r a' . . Ddtpd H} 5 ha} d I) 0 me . 3“ Richmond Hill. i243 V7. F. NICHOLS. 1907. 3-4

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