Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Aug 1907, p. 4

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@112 flihrrai. RICHMOND HILL. ___, .1 __Â¥ _ ._â€"_â€".rn_â€"_.~.i- V“ The Mathematical Master at Mark- Spent DVN‘ Sunduy with rcluth cs lit-re. sung“. u” “w prunfiapg. ham applied for the principalship of the Sydenham High school and re- ceived the appointment all a salary ' silion as Watchnmki-r with Mr. Jerry of $1.100. He then laid the mattert before the Markham board who rais- , ed his salary from $900 to $1,000? and the teacher decided to remain in Markham. That appears to be the easiest way to get one‘s salary raised now-a-days. # A petition has been circulated in Markham asking the Council to pass a by-law compelling all store in the village to close at 6 o'clock three nights a week. We do not like the word "Compelling," yet it is unrea- souable to ask storekeepers and their clerks to remain in their shops from morning till 10 or 11 o‘clock at night. We know that farmers at this season of the year have to do their shopping in the evening, yet every other night in the week should answer every purpose either in Msrkh‘am or any other village. _____-â€"--_-:â€"â€"'__/â€"" W. D. Haywood, Secretary-Treas- urer of the Western Federation of miners who was tried in the state of . Idaho for conspiracy in the murder l oi‘ Governor Steunenburg. has been set at liberty! The verdict does not mean that the juryrnen thought the defendent to be innocent of the crime but that they did “0" Wish to hang 3' Richmond Hill professionally on \Vedâ€" man on uncorroborated circumstan- tial evidence of Harry Orchard, the self-confessed murderer. in his evidence lasting five days swore mat EaYWOOd and M‘Wer in' Brace will be nbsent two Sundays. spired his crimes and paid him for hisfiendish work. M The News very properly drawa at- tention to the announcement that the coming Labor Day procession will proceed to the Exhibition grounds by way of Yonge, Queen, and Dufi‘erin Streets, and that there is great dan- , gcr of another street car blockade. It is to be hoped the Police Commis- sioneis will consult with the com- mittee in charge and endeavor to _ __._,__r..,â€" ._.« 0NT.. Aug- 1. 1907 Wei-ks at Jackson‘s Point and vicinity. 1‘ -‘- - The latter for zi Well-enrued holiday. \ take the Mackinaw tripund will spend r’ERSON [1145. Miss Velma Brydou leave-s Fiidoyii to spend two weeks in Montiezil. , Miss Ida Glass is spending :1 fi-w 'l‘lu- proprietor of Pleasant View , l'll‘l'll lll'lfill‘lll (luttlo ulnl Brewlvr of ‘ llll])l’ll\‘i'(l UllI'SU‘l' “'liili‘ Hogs. Lot} ""l lst (‘on.. Vaughan ('l‘liornliilll has for sole sumo good young rum-k. ’ 'l“""l”l"i 'l‘boiouglibrcd hull and hog iii-pl for ’ Mr. H eni-y McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. J. PGlziss and rbilrlrnn D' G‘ GOUDEIHIAN' l ropru [or spent over Sunday at Jnckson's l’oinl. » - _ r r 1 7 r _‘ Mr. A. Cavnna hue ucceplcd a po- Suiith. _..._... Rev. Father Tepfy and Miss Alice Ono copyof \Vchstor's international Teefy spent Thui-sdiiy lost at Jile- Dictionuiy. new. with supplement. of soii's Point. ll4'\\' words. Hlim'p. ninrlilo bilge. pub- . lislwd by tho G.& U. Morrioin(‘onipanin Mr. und Mrs. J. l]. Sunrli'rson spent .. ‘ . _. ’ _ , , ) V : over Sunday ulr Buliiiy Bench with {‘lifilllsi'cplnl“ 3‘1"" “ “l l" 5"“ “' Mrs. Seurle and family. E'nq‘gim “’t Miss Hazel Swilzrr has gone to THE LIBERALOFFlCl‘}. make a visit. with her fi-ieiid,;\liss Nor- wâ€"< ~â€"â€"â€"- - r 4* ma Gould. in Port “"9” Mr. Win. \Viley and two daughters. of Toronto. spent Saturday afternoon . \vithJ-elutives and friends llelt‘. \Vest li'llf of lot. (57. lst concession King Township, is for sale. 0n tlu- farm is a brick house and good Mr. Charles Chamberlain of \Vinni- P93, SPP'“ a few days “We lhl?‘ “W'k friiuie outbuildings. with u never-fail- and sun ted home by way of Gliic:igo. mg “.8” 0., p1“... Mr. Vantcr McLean, Principal of APl’lfi 7 V Mount Pleszmnt Public School. Duo. 7 JOHN McNAliGHTON. ’ 4 Maple P. 0.. Out. ham County. has been making a riSit i" at Elms Len. ' Little Evzi Kline and Muster George Kline of Toronto Junction are visiting fora month with their grandfather. Mr. R. Kinnee. Muster Newton Brydon will be home Saturday. after spending tho past two works in the City with his sister, Mrs. Tho House and Blurksniith Shop at Elgin Mills. An excellent stand for .1 practical 1min. w. . . . , _ Ari”.V t" B Gdldnt‘l‘ CHAS. KERR‘VILL. Neumurkpt Expl'essFMrs. H. l“. l-tf “55 5)'\l9“hm“ *t’" Hopper and Mrs. P. \Viley. of Rich- mond Hill. spent “'(Idnesdny with Mrs. \V. E. \Viley. Mr. A. J. Home assisted New- market Military Band at the North York Consm-vntive picnic at Jackson‘s Point on Friday. Mrs. Thompson. with her two little sons. John and Clarence, is making a week’s visit with hergruiidfnther. Mr. John Kennersley. Dr. Anderson. dentist. who visits- Toronto. For Sale The West half of lot 9. in the socoiid conm-ssion of Vaughan. containing one hundred acres. more or loss. Soil. clay loam, well under-drained. in good state of cultivation, good brick house, barns and stables; plvuiy of Water. For further particulars. apply in MRS. J. PAGE. Richmond Hill. 4 1 i) a. i a waor Sale House, burns, and ten acres of l:lll(l. on Mill 51.. in Richmond Hill. The house is :1 solid brick. and contains six larve rooms. On the- rcinisos are Ml" "Dd Ml's' \V'Q- MCD‘mul‘l and also trivo burns and si‘;ilile. a good baby Dlll'Qt'th (ff Pl‘mce Alllm'l'safl‘u orchard of apples, pears. plum and 5W8 0“ 'd “SW With Ml'S' ‘B; MUDUW‘ld- chm-ry trees. The soil is the very lwsb the fill'lnf’l"=‘ “will”? (“Us is M‘- MU' and in :i liivh state of cultivation. An Donald’s first \‘iSit home in 1.3 years. id...“ Spot fin. a mdrkut garden 0,. he” Rev. A. 1’. Bruce and Mr. R. Show “WY- attcnded 2i Mission Study Conference in Elm St. church. Toronto, where plans were laid for normal mission study Work throughout Toronto (lon- lral District. during the coming fall nesdny of each week. is on a Vacation till \Vednesdoy, the 219i. of August. Rev. A. P. Brace. i3. 1).. left'l‘uvsduy He will some time on Manitoulin Island. Mr. Apply to H. A. NICHOLIS. Real Estate Agiiil. 3.3 r__ $01150“. Mr. Edwin Bi-oivn and Miss Bertha. The next meeting ofthc (‘ounrilof the Munici- Brown of MCI{E‘PS])nl't, Pm. Miss pong 04V“:llllgxl{ntlrl) '{rlll‘lle held in Henry of Beamsfillo. :ind Mis. Uns- ° 0‘ u ‘ B'Uw'm‘ Toronto. are spending their vacation at. Leiellzinds. the home of Mr. ntha.m. make an arrangement by which the danger of a conflict will be removed. The city, the Toronto Street Railway , Company and the Labor party should avoid if possible a repetition of the trouble which occurred on the 12th of July. It is proper that men should march in a body if they can do so without annoying others, but it is more important to keep the street cars running for the conven- ience of the public. W Free. for Cutarrli, just to prove merit, it Trial size Box of Dr. Slioop’s Catorrh Remedy. Let me send it now. It is it snow-white. crenniy. healing. nntispetic lnilui. Containing such healing ingredients as Oil Eucnliptus.Thymol. Menthol. etc., it gives instant and lusting relief to dumb of the noseund throat. Make the tree test and see for yourSelf what this preparation can and will :iccom- plixh. Address Dr. Slioop, Racine. Wis. Large jzirs '50 ceuls. Sold by ‘V. A. Sanderson. .__â€"â€"â€".o._aâ€"â€"â€"â€" ZN ews Notes. The Aurora cricket team defeated the Aurn. Lee team of Toronto. on Sutâ€" urd iy. July 20. by ii snore of 1-58 to 55. The nlutt'll was played in Aurora. For the home Lenin Pearson made 60, Mi: Douuld 52. and Burnett 41. At the Island. Saturday. was seen one of the greatest lur‘roSse strugng . seen in this country in recent years. After a slim-p contest between giuut lacrosse players the SliziuirOckS defeat- ed the Tecumsehs by a score of l to 3. John A. Steel. son of the late Mark Steel of \Vhitchureh. died in. Pontiac, Mich. on the 27th of July. The re- mains were taken to the residence of his brother. 0. \V. Steel. Toronto. and interment took place in Aurora. ' Cemetery Tuesday afternoon. MOO;â€" LOV E is KING. Love is the grent dissipliiiziiiuu. the supremeliermonizer. the true penceâ€" umkvr. It is tho great balm for all that liliglitsli-xppiness or broods dis~ Duncan. .5. l3. McLEAN, Clerk Wig ltfl’NN .t' C0.,‘of the SCIENTIFIPAMTâ€"IHH‘AY. con- tinual toret 1'.“ scum-n in: l more. 'I‘r'uli: It must have been no unupprcciri- tive Grit who, in referring to the speeches of the Conservative speakers at Jackson's Point last Friday. said that. the only good point. they made was Jackson's Point, and Some of them didn't even make that. Piill:iii3oht.riiin d tlir. I: ...â€". â€".v s links. Cox rilthifl. for the Lunar! Suites. Comma. Engiund. From-o. (dummy. Ho. Hand Bonknhont Pair-ms soot true. ’l‘h l'iVâ€"“In'l'n )'l‘1tl'\, experience. i M LINN .v (.‘0. arr-noticed worth and Miss Helen Unswortli. of AUGI 13} ____,___.A.~,, __~. in in? Siliiâ€"l l‘lFli‘ Am i'mi‘ The largest. best, and was wn \; ' l lll:£!.L‘d « "Lil . .30 paper. $’i.‘.£lln your qulon SaISS- “Jacxiy. udri or." voice and intonation lu- VVEDNESDAY. August 7-Auctiou sole of fresh milk cows. springers, young cattle. horses. and pigs. nt the Palmer House Yards, Richmond Hill. Sale ut two o’clock. Terms, 3 months. Suigeon & McEwen, Auctioneers. l Recently Enlarged l mm 3 . New Gazetteer of the W'orid , ‘ laicst census returna- pcigons. date cf birth. death, etc. 1'.“ 1*.ch v W. ’l‘. 1! Al :iilS.Ph.D.. 2:30 (i *arto Pages ‘15-,» \‘-";‘b:£&r’s Collegiate Dictionary 1 a mo liluamtltz‘. ion 7310125,; inchcl. 8 11:61:14?- c Edition E.:;x5‘ix\'~j in. Trinizd from u. (n Lihlo paper. 2 buntiffl Lizu‘lcgl. ing; or ‘, venture you are in- .: “FOREST AND STREAM,” or send i. large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, = ‘- ment has to : do With the surroundings. Terms: $4 “’3 send free on reâ€" - t h e b e s t __ books on outdoor hie and mutation. pcrienccs of anglers, shoot- I; ers and campers, or yacht- , f 0 terested in country life ' ask your newsdealcr foi' us twenty-five cents for four Weeks trial trip. A i ' fishing, natural hi5â€" ; tory and yachting. A ’5 i, new depart- i, C o u n t r y ' Home andiis nyear, $2 for ‘ so: months. = quest 0 u r . catalogue of FOREST AND STREAM PUB. co. 346 Broadway, New York. - . Eiabnuy‘n‘r-nkles." Illa-:rswd pamphlék C. G C. MERRIAM CO... 'ubiishere. Springfield. Muse. 25,090 New Vl’orcis I wl' h more than 25,033 titles. on tho 1 m - - u cw Biographical Dictionary . containing the names of over 10.000 noted v 1:...Lulb‘iiitc3Corr .iisslouerof Education. A ‘ng 11:115. {it} lactating “lKh findings ghee-(led in Everyflome ' a E h s. F n-rnmtion. Sm men copy oi the Kcic-iilllic Amer- in")! sent free. Andros MUN}! & 30.. SCIENTIFIC Luminous unice. 2:31 Broadway. New York. l l L'Ulllt‘lll. It is :i sovereign pnuiim u for; ’ 'i ~. 3' '|:;“‘ and "ll "in lllllldl ”"“ ‘ l ~. . 7‘7 7! i ‘I > I 1‘ I , . ‘ - ... . '7‘~\1\Ii(\: aura Aivwinpgs. l 8(111S01'].1)0 l*.i|'.' . :- iv. ..i: A i-. -r . (.‘nrroct English in the Home. 1 (‘orroct English in the School. ' 1 ‘.Vh:,it to say and “hat No! to Soy. ifé‘n L'AZKE s'i 5:1 A Wheel is good for the busy man, and for the men of leisure. If you are in need of a. good Wheel get prices from the local representative “if. E“. Ericlidehen i ’ Liberal once Bipeeial {)fl'elu CAL SALtsiiANl VVanted RlCHTdâ€"ONDleLL And adjoining country, to represent THE WEEKLY MAN. AND EMPIRE AND THE LlBERAL mailed to any address. postage paid, in Unnudu or Grout Britain until Jun- uary lsr. 1908, for Eighty Gents. The \Veekly Mail and Empire din ing the summer months will unquestion- i-bly be one of the greatest weekly “CANADA’S GREATEST NURSER. publications which enter . Uniiardiuii 1E5_n homes. All the lit‘WS published in it is carefully selected to meet the varied tastes of lllt' renders. “z ' i7 'il "rht . A paw “1th Sim mun f0! ‘9 “g The lil’nl’l‘nl News Section will con- iuent. \Vrite for particulars. all parts of the world. Pill'tlculnl‘ FONTHILLNURSERIES for the grnernl zidrunu'oniriit of :Lgri liiiportuut indium-y. The Moguzino l-lni present attracting public attention. g msTRUCTWE 'Allogetln'r tln- 2i pugr-s. which ('oni- priue- for which is Unr- Dollar :1 your. In J I"â€"- I A MONTHLY incisz DEVOTED T0 "NOblCe t0 Gred1t~ “1“”. f‘” “'lmm “‘6 tell'itmy will .l’e tuin the fullest and most Complete in- reserved. Puv weekly; free uquip- formation of the events trunspiring in attention will be given to cable and i provincial news. The Arri-icullurnl E & W l\ Section will be replete with inhforniatiou Cultural science. (‘vontributms to the (Ova-800 Acres) section will be lllt‘ll eminent in the â€" Sci-[ion will also lll‘ :i mine of inform- :ition upon subji-cts which are zit ______ . Many of the articles will be brightened ,. l'.l."i.l\'. ? INTERESTING )V ilusti itu n prise The \Veehly )laiil and Empire, 0 ' are a library in lllt'lll’ik‘lVeS Llie l9'Ylllzlt' u = w _ 1 r: . , .. (ileum @119, ntâ€" SEND ORDER TO OFFICE OF This 0 y ' H i PAPER. . some it use If. i . . . wwfw- THE USE OF ENGLlSH. A. icssrnmt rrRCii BAKER. Editox. orb- -â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"' fl, ,. Partial content5_ .‘ in llll‘ ninth-r of the Hamli- of Georgia- Likin- lsitt- oi thi- lownsliii or Markham. in the (lounly of York. For rncr. (lt‘t‘t‘llSL‘tl. Course in Grammar. How to int-reuse Ono‘s Vocabulary. The Art of (.itllll'Cl'Silllllll. Q ‘ NUHC" i‘. lmmhy gimm pursuant m Shall and \\'ill: Should and \\ U‘ll'li ll. S. 0. l‘i‘fi‘. Chap. '13.). SW. 38. and I1t\\vltill$u thrill. lqlhlcllillll}: ilL‘IS [llul illl poi-sons linviiit: Dictionary: lClHlillS :igiinst the «stun,- of the said (Emir-go liziki-r who div-ll on or about 1 iii” Z'ltll day of .\p!'il 11)“? are rwinir- .i-d in mud on or before the 15th ‘(ln‘V ,uf August next to llr-ni'y llriso, Viv- ’oriu Square. or.“ of the EXHCUUDI'C of {he sold (il‘lll'lzl‘ Biker :i full statement .ftlii-ir (~l:iini.~i and the nnture of ill" \jr'tilll‘lly ii any, hold by then]. And lulu.- flll‘illt‘l‘ llnili‘v" that after l’rmiunriutionc il'riii iii}- Course in Letter-\Vriting and l’un.-:u I :ilioli. Twenty Duin Drills. lillSlllt‘Sn English for the Bionic» .\l. n. , ‘ Compound “Lids: How It ‘VILL‘.’ , the 5:1lil l.l~'l. nil-utioii-ui ll'lli‘ [he Exw- 'l‘heiii. â€" more will pro-rod to ili~Li iliulo tiiu Studies in English Litt'rutllw’. , New“? 0f ill“ Ml'l ‘l“‘»'*""'"'lv "W'mt' ll“ __ ' pi rues entitled tlwn-::-. hiring i-m-gru-d only for the L‘lytlllls or which they :ii iii lll"ll llHVl‘ inL'g-lko-ri 1.: Ii w \Vl Li 1 \ll FOLK. Agents Wanted. $1.00 a year. Send 10 com; .rl- ‘ommr.

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