Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Aug 1907, p. 1

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“In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all thing VOL. XXX. 3, Charity.” -. . r. . . . .. .. RICHMOND HILL. ONT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, l.907 “ “Lillie gibsml ” IS PUBLISHIED EVERY EHURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING &. PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL.0NT. 1‘. F. Mel/IAHON. E arm); .53 PROPRIETOB. ileum. Dd. H. W. AN DERSDN, l)es1tis4t, Unr. Gwrlton and Yongc Sis , Toronto \\'ill be in Richmond Hill on “'etl- ncsday of ouch Week. Chico, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Office Hoursâ€"+8.30 a. m. tog p. m. m ‘ wetsuit-M1! JOHN R. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, ' fi‘i'nornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. i, H. SANBERS'UT. VETERINARY SURGEON R'ECEENLOND HILL sills by day and night promptly at- tended to. .1. H. Prentice, Licensed inctioneer for the County of Y0 k Goods sold on consignment General sales Moe etc prompt-1y i-ttsndadto at remsormblt “has Residence Uniouville Gr R o’rouliling, Newton lirook.s.genlfor tho above . . J '1‘ Saigevin, J K McEwen M49 6 Weston Salgcou as McEwen. [ficonsed \imtinnsers fortha Countyof York.\GfiOJldelltO021Sh‘)!’§estllo:l(‘t&nd a. tea- mumbli- rates Patronage solicited D. G. RLflUGfl, License Auctionsei fortheCountyonor- re- pe-icfully solicits your pntrannvne and friendly influence sules :ttzn‘ided on tlie'sLortest notice and at rmsonn‘oemtcs. P. 0. address King Victoria Sts.. Toronto. gran-l .... . . ., . ._ . . . . 45 50 ‘ _ -. W. H. Rogers. 418 yds. grai el . l I. and opening pit . . . . . . . . . . 43 55 l [\S. N E N Goo. Case. road \iork . . . . _ . . . 8 5:0 . . _ L ll. A. Evans, rcpiiirs to culvert. 4 III) ‘ [Cr S Ed. Oivmis, drawin-r stone . . . . . till 7-?) WRIGHT B1108, F R IN? V LN ES’ Biodie A: Ilogvrs, giant. .. l .. 151 10 1 7‘ \Vm. Gould, hardware am rc- Uiidermlicrs a Emhalmors, A J' R114} “:3 poirslograder .. .. 5 (30‘ m' " "s " ~~ w- F. Mills. road work . . . . . . 8 50 D 8f RE. ’1‘E41EFSV‘ Miss 'l‘inliiie, 20 yds. gravel Z 00 \Valtcr 1’: ll icr, 1505 S. 1.. re.- g \I'O'l‘ {V tuincd‘ .l .. . . . . . . .. 150 L ‘ b - ’9 Wm. Sfrwait, Sllll\'f‘llllg gravel 75 ooxmssxonznm Tax Grip. Burrows, HS yds. gravrl .. 16 6!) HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE 620 J. D. McCalliiunopcrziting grad~ Z ( . __ ‘ ' or ., ‘0) Issuer 0f1£a_rr1age 1410311595. ! J.”I‘m-ry. repairs in bridge . . . . . . 24 30 W in. Brown, road work . . . . . . . 3 75 A large stock of Funcral Furnishin kept {.13 both places ‘ - «xvi. \nkfi-fi-um; .: sax-gem». w."- r ‘r 6.711 "5"; .39. l. EARLENEWTON Pianist Instruction ir’il‘lll’tigpyplayiug and Pupil of A. S. Vogt, Mus. Doc. (Piano), and J. 11. Auger, F. R. C. 0. (Theory). DR. S. J. BOYD RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Having; a coniplotc X-ray and static electricity apparatus. I am able to locate foreign hodii-s in the body. and examine fractures of hours. Also to treat. NEuvoUs Disn-isns, CHRONIC RHEUMA’I‘ISM. Monum Gnowrus, such as Gancvrs. ctc. Bring a graduate of Moorfield‘s Eye Hospital. England, 1 am prepared to cxuminc the interior of the eyes for diSeasc, and test for glasses. If a. patient should require glasses I Older the-u) for him. Nose and throat work u. specialty. Office convenient to the Metropoli- tan and G. N. 0. Railway stations. i Money to Loan. 1' Money to loan. at five per com. interest on first iimrtg:igeâ€"â€"farm ' property. I ppb‘ is N THE LlBERAL OFFICE. l l y 35min. Maple. l V " ' “ "‘ s The monthly iiiecling of the‘ J. DI. “'oinrn‘s institute will he hold on i \‘Vi-(lni-sday, 14th instn on 1)r.'I.ogan‘s , Barrister Solicitor Etc lawn. It is PXpr‘ll‘Il that pupm's on i y ‘ ' dill‘i-ront topics will he read by Mis. - Rirlimond Hill Office, southeast (my. ‘ N. C. “'ulliwe, Miss Lillian McNeil of nor of Lorne Bldg, every Thursday I \Vondhridgc, and Mrs. Duncan of uftcrnoon. [Enn-ry. After the programme tea will he surved. Qiiai-tvi-Iy service’s \vr-rc lll'ld in Ihc 5 Mrthodisl chum-h on Sunday last. l The public school will he clcun and wholcsoine for tcaclicrs and pupils when School i-o-opcns, 513 it is bring;’ cleaned and paintcd. Ilul'vé‘al is well imdi'i‘ way around Toronto Ofiicc, 36 Toronto strcct. Momw T0 LOAN AT LO“’EST RATES. ’WiLLiAM 1200K BAniiISTER, Soucrroii, NOTARY, ETC. T I. I t . . .. . l](‘l"P. most of thod'arnicfs having large “7‘11;Q¢Ls$§§§lhlgglglfmhnmnd bt' quantilii‘s of grain cut. ‘ Richmond Hill Office Standard 1h”qu mi mms‘m-H‘v huge num- -. - - s ’ ‘ hvrof visitors in the Villa re ovrr the 3,; ~ . i . . y . r ._ . b mun:- Building, ei eiy b Illllt‘lrl} dftt i hollda‘n Mr. ‘1‘. F. McMahon and family of Richmond Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Saigon“ on Sunday, and remained for church Sunday evening. ~~~â€"~¢.n* AA) I Maple, Thursday afternoon. Money to loan at Five Per Cent (5%). ' LEN NOX & MORGAN, :u‘rlslel‘s and Solicitors. throw to loan on land sudfliattel mortgagesnt (in to /\ll.insi~n & Switzvr‘s for the right. style and host \ziliiv in gcnt-‘s fine, shirts, rollais, culls and ties. lowest rates ~â€"~H>â€"â€"â€" Aurora nfliceâ€"Ilomovnd to the old post oflicu 1‘ ' i ‘ one door west of the ennanne to the E1931) MLlS‘ l Ontario Bunk V â€" Newmarkei ofléceâ€"Three doors south of the Mr. Goo. Wallace of \Vondhi-idgo, spvnr 'I‘ui-sday of last Week with Mrs. pustoifice T HEBBERTLENNOX G STV MORGAN Jul”, Bumpy,“ have Quito a {cw young people here «'It‘ Aurora Newinarliei li‘lldI‘d lliv “hop” llt‘lll in the now Danton, Dunn & lrarn of Mr. .1. Ash of \Vilcox Lako, I , on Friday evsiiing last. All i-i-pcrtid Barristers, Solictors, Etc. :1 good limo. H Miss Anna KI'I'SW'F‘ll is spciiding a NAIIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS few days with friends in the lily. ‘ 20 KING ST. TORONTO, Canada. M“ w‘ ‘l"-""“' "n “1‘1 “gm “ms FRANK DENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN huy, spvnl a (:IiuplP of works with his W. MLjLocK BOULTBEF aunt. Mrs. J. Nanghton. Misses BirSsic and Ill-len Roliiiisrrn of Bulfalo, made a visit with Miss An- na Keiswrll last wrvk. ' Miss Irene Murphy of Coiling/Wood, spvnt a couple of wu-ks with her cousin, Miss Slella llluipliy, at Clair- \'icw Farm. Ilarvcst is in full swing and every- lmdy i'PporIS a. good yield. Evon the amp of suimnrr boarders appears to he hotter than_c\ or. Tho boys here have fnl'lllf‘d a chili and purchasod it hasclnill outfit. If noise assnrrs its success it will certain- Phono Main 311. Mulock, Lee, Millikan & Clark Barristcis. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, 3 w', Cm.nex.}{ing& Yunge Streets ly succrcd. as the players‘ vocal TOROVTO ’ I organs are very much in use every ‘ ‘ ' ’ night. Mr. 11. D. Hardtman of the Traders Bank, Sclionihcig, ninde a short visit with Mr. J. Nauglitun on Saturday last. ' Private and Trust Funds to loan at lowest current rates. («1 G S Lindseyfi C A G F Lawrence W Eldon-t Wadsworth Linisey. Lawrence & W adsworth. Bari‘isterr,Solicitors. thariss, lac. Home Life Building (iormrrly Fr??? hold Loan Bldg), Um. Adelaide db ‘.>____.._ King Council. Phone Main 298-; The above- Council met at ilk-Bride’s Ilntel,1{iiig station, July 27. Mom- liers all prcsvnt. The following hills were presented? and oidvrcd to he paid :â€" Joscph Billings, month’s mini-51333 33 Geo. Jvl’l‘crsnn. road work and l RXOHMONDHILL POSTOFFIUE- ’ Joseph Jvnnings, term on grade 31 50 . _ ’ â€"*-~ ‘ Thus. \Villianison, road Work... 3 50 1.1 A NICPIOLI S Geo. Blockhurn, gravr-l . . . . . . 15 10 ’ ° " J JRIHI‘S Thompson, road work .. 27 (ll) NOTARY PUBLIC Myron Dove. giant . . . . . . . 78 2 5 , , ‘ , \Yollington [love road wurk.. .. 19 60 Cmnmissmnei, bunveyancm‘, etc. ? Aux hurls, 1m], nu gum: , _ . _ , , 4; 50 Insurance, and Real Estate \V-dlim- B(,\-uh-_ 19% s. L, 1-9. I‘SUH' “f mal'l'lllgc LlCU‘SCS- turnrd . .. . . . . . . _ ,,,. 5 HO ' - Samin Hiighc-y, .53 yds. grmrl 5 2i) RthmOnQ l Richaid I’Izu‘lzi'dll, operating grader .... . . . . . .. . . . . . 12 20 Rolit. Ki’lly road Wnr C . . . . , . 9 5 ill 31lohb Itohli, repairs to culvert. . 7 50, PUBLIC 5 MuMurchyrâ€"durns. lhat the fol- ‘lnw'ing sheep claims he paid, lieing 't\\'()~ill‘1.ll5 value of minimâ€"“7m. Bro- v die $7.143, Gun. Skinner $13.35. Burns» Mulliirchy. That the 101-! ' lowing named persons he paid the 3 some opposite their respective names . for the erection of wire fences along l l the highway :â€" l COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL gcfii. I'lluthcrfoid . . . . . . . . . i . :l l . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ ’ “ Ira B.u§li:i\\' . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . 2 16' P 'John Thompson 9 22 On motion of Connrillor Burns I -, Council adjourned to meet at Temper- L Every accommodation for the I ance Hall, Kcttlehymn Saturdny Aug. 1 . - : l 3lst. travelling public. Good rooms for ' (ornmercxul Travellers. Attentive sped“ mme now i“ mews Black. stableman. DiillPants, fullS oz. goods at $1.00 per pair. Black Urill Bib overalls full 8 oz. goods at $1.00 per pair, and harry , inole pants at $1.00 per pair. Atkin- I son 6; Sn itzer. Harry Wright PROPRIETOR. . ‘Ci mmillcc be :IuthOriSHl to expend plish. l \V. A. Sanderson. The Public Lihiary Board met in Mr. lliiiiic‘s office Monday evening, August 5, 1007. I’roscntw Mossvs. P. G. Savage, A. J. Home. .1. ll. lilydnn, W. A. Band- erson, W. 11. l’iigsloy, ’1‘. F. McMahon. . Also the Lihmrian Mr. Goo. (,lowiu. A statement by the Treasurer show- cd that the- amount receide from the Gth-l‘llnlt‘llb on last year‘s purchase of hooks was $17.66, being 50 per cent l of tho outlay. Also that there was a small balance (in hand after paying all liabilities. Brydrm ~Humeâ€" That the village (loom-ii he rrqucstml to levy $101) for Public Library purposvs.-â€" Carried. Hunmâ€"Brydonâ€" That the Book this full $90.00 for the purchase of books, magazines and iicwspapcrs.â€"â€" Carried. It was suggested that the Book Committee purchase the new books as early as possible, and that citizens . he rcqucsted to hand to the secretary tho unions of any hooks or magazines thvy \viviild wish to sec in the Library. The Board adjnuvnrd. , __.....â€"â€"â€"_ I’ll stop your pain free. To show you fil'Stâ€"-l>(’f(ll? you spend a. pennyâ€" wliai my Pink Pain Tahluts can do, I will mail you fren. a Trial Package of themâ€"Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tahlels. Neurnlgia, Headache, Toothache), Pcriod pains, etc., are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop’s IIcad- ache Tablets simply kill pain by coax- iiigr away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Slioop, Rat-inc. \‘Vis. Sold by \V. A. Sanderâ€" son. ¢..â€"â€"__ ORANGEISM 1N CANABA. 1n n recvnt, numher of THE LIBERAL “Enquircr” statss that Orangcism originated in Ireland out of a faction fight in 1795 lictivvcu the "Pi-cppâ€"day Boys” and "The Dcfcndcrs" and asks if any of the “brethren” can tell Why and by whom it was imported to Car.â€" ada. Last wcck The Orange Scrutiny] publisth in Toronto, answered the question but snid that. thi-“Pch-oâ€"day Boys” were Catholics. The editor of The Sciilinel says :â€" “Enquirer” is sadly astray in regard to “Pvrp-o-day Boys.” The “boys” are said to have been Roman Catho- lics. The Orange Order was introduc- ed into Canada in 1831 hy the late Ogle It. GUWHII. The first warrant was is- sued from Bror'kville L. O. L. No. 1 in the year named, but the warrant was l(‘-lSSll£‘d in 1842. Nassau L. O. I... No. 1, Toronto, was instituted undrr a. warrant issued in 1837, and re~issucd It‘llâ€"Ed.” â€"-â€"-ooc>â€"-â€"â€" Extra Granulated Sugar, Fruit 0r powdered Sugar, Paris Lump Sugar. Icing Sugar, Yellow Sugar. in full stock and price favorable to customch at Atkinson & S\vitzurs. «as- VlLLAGE COUNCIL. The re ular meeting of the counril was livlr. on Tuesday, July (3. All iiioinhci-s prescnt. Minutes of pre- vious meeting read and confirmed. The following accounts were order- rd to he paid:â€" A. E. H. Pearson. fencing $131 93 J. T. lp'tartup, ivork.. . . . . . . . . . 2 35 ll. .‘vlackie, stone . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ()1) l .1. Slivarduwn, Work to date . 10:5 (3.") l). Blanchard, repairing wind- mill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51) Jus. Blanchard, work . . . . . . 3 60 J. Kll'llellkl, draining. . . , . . . . 15 “(I G. Ne-whcry, posts . . . . . , 2 2i) 1 \‘v’. R. Caprll. grading . . . . . 1.? IN 1 Stii'cr & liainur, tile . . . . . . . . . 1:) . Mr. liotche of the Toronto “'orldl was present, and addressed tln- coun- : cil with n view to producing an illus- trate-d write-up of the village: in the Sunday edition of that pzipvr. Aftvr 1 hearing Mr. Lrlclic the CnlillL‘ll gave! him an £l$<lllillli‘l‘ [hut tiwy would; triki- Ilii- matter inlo consideration. On motion, tlii‘ clerk was instructed to notify nil parlics who have broken tho sidewalks fol drainage purposvs, that the same must be put in rrpair~ without delay. , Councillor Sandcrsnn gave notiz-e ‘ that he would. at the. iii-xi. meeting of ~ council, introduce a hy-law Lo :llIiL‘lld the prusent Pound lIy-lziw, in order to l prohibit the. pasturing and herding of Cattle on the public streets. After discussion as to necessary rrpairs to I Sltll‘\VillkS the council adjourned to ‘ meet at the cull of the rel-w. A. J. “05:22, Clerk. . Free, for Catarrh, just to prove ‘ llli‘l'lt, a. Trial sizc Box of Dr. Shoop‘s r Untnrrli le-iiiedy. Let me send it} now. It is a. snowâ€"white. crcamy, healing, .‘iiitispctic halni. Containing, such healing ingredients as Oil} Eucaliptus, Thymol, Menthol. etc, it gives instant and lasting l'i‘licf to [ Cnizu‘rh of the nose and throat. Makn V the fire test and sec. for yoursrlf “y‘ll‘ll. " this preparation can and will ilCC‘llllâ€" ‘ Address Dr. Shoop, Rat-inn, \Vis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by [Single copies, 3 cts. M sws Notes. The town council of North Toronto will discuss this evening the advisabil- ity of cstahlisliiiig a. High school in that place. \Vrsinn will hold the smiii-cviitviini'y of ill" High Schoolpn Thursday. the 29th of August. The school hogan iii 1857, known at that lime as tho “7031' on County Grammarschool. Tho pros- ont building was (‘l'enlt’d in 1875. 'l‘heoldcstpupil is said to he Jacob Bullof “'oston who amount-ll in 1857. Thu lain V. C. \Vallatt’ litlcndcd lon. -' there in 1863. Women Who Wear Well. It is astonishing how great a. change If few years of married life often make in the appearance and diSposition of many women. The freshness, the charm. the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a. peach which is rudely handled. The‘ matron Is only a dim shadow, a. faint echo of the charming maiden. There are two 1 reasons for this change, ignorance and neglect. Few young women appreciate the shock to the system through the change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many neglect to deal with the unpleasant pelvic drains and weakâ€" nesses which too often come with mar- riage and motherhood, not understanding that this secret drain Is robbing the cheek of its freshness and the form of its fairness. . As surely as the general health suffers when there is de sextant of the health. of the delicate woma. organs, so surely. tablished in ca witness. V2.0 the act. in Egarly‘ g million women have found health gm: happiness in the 9g of lzr. Pierce’s Fa: _vorite rescrigtiog. It makesweak warm on strong and sick women well. Ingredi~ ents on labelâ€"contains no alcohol or harmful habit-forming drugs. Made Wholly of those native, American. modic- inal roots most highly recommended by leading medical wthorities of all the sev- eral schools of practice for the cure of woman’s peculiar ailments. For nursing mothers,or for those broken- down in hea th by too frequent bearing of children, also for the expectant. mothers, to prepare the system for the coming of baby and making its advent easy and. almost a-inless, there is no medicine qmte so go as “Favorite Prescription." It can do no harm in any condition of the system. It is a. most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine nicely adapted to woman’s delicate system by a. physician of large experience in the treat- ment of woman’s peculiar ailments. Dr. Pierce ma. be consulted by letter {we of char 6. ddress Dr. R. V. Pierce. nvallds’ otel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N. Y. \ my run i; ‘ U,“ 9. in? 52.“ «.3 sites and W73 may; .. and ms FOR LIGHT DRAFT, NICE WORKING, AND DURABILITY THEY HAVE NO EQUAL. hi. 3. Glass RICHMON D HILL Agent 2 “22%;.” ' $1.93 ill AllJAEiGE.

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