STRANGLED DY INDIANS Sick Squaw Was Slain by Indian Medicine Man. Ottawa, Aug. Fidler, the chief and the medicine man (1 the Sandy Lake Crces, are under liliest at Norway House on the charge of murdering a squaw. The woman, who is of the same name and blood as the two piiwners. tell Sick tn the Sprint.r and became deliriâ€" cus. The Indians of this district be- lieve that when a sick person becomes delirious a spirit or “\‘t’endigo" has en- tered them, and that if the person dies naturally the Wendigo escapes to the woods, pursues and frightens away the game, and famine follows. Therefore, Lie band assembled, and, according to the custom, appointed their chief and medicine man to the’high honor cf choking the sick squaw, that the spirit might not escape with the passing of breath, bttt might remain imprisoned in the dead body. In the presence (1 the band, the ctiief and medicine man carried out the instructions. A piece 1.â€"Joseph and Jack of canvas was placrd about the squaw‘s neck and then the noose of a rope. This tring tightened by the two leaders (I lhi land. the rating of the were stopped, th~ mil spirit was impris- «ned and the game pi-i-seiwed. this pim- .f tat-barisin was executed within two hundred miles of Kcnora. \\‘ord (f it reached the authorities, and the arrests followed. The I-‘idlers asked the ofticials not be too severe with them. as they had no idea that they were dom;r wrong. They were merely doing their (tnly by the band. and followingr the custom of their fathers. The execu- tion of this duty was a high honor, and, according to custom, the execu- II(IlCl'S were handsomely fed by the parents of the victim. The Justico Department is to decide whether it will be better to send a judge to Norway 1101150 to try the case (r bring the prisoners and witnesses to it; LEADING MARKETS .____. Toronto, Aug. G.â€"Ontario Wheat â€"â€"- Practically nominal; No. 2 white, 87%c to 880. Manitoba Wheatâ€"Steady; No. 1 north- ern, 700; No. 2 northern, 95c. Cornâ€"No. 2 yellow, 01%c to 62c. Barleyâ€"Nominal. Oatsâ€"Ontario, dull; No. 2 white, 43%c to 440, outside. Manitobaâ€"No. 2 white, 44%0 on track at elevator. Peasâ€"Nominal. Ryeâ€"Nominal. Flourâ€"Ontarioâ€"QO per cent. patents, {13.35 bid, $3.40 asked; Manitoba ï¬rst patents, $5 to $5.20; seconds, $4.40 to $4.50; strong bakersâ€, $4.20 to $4.30. Branâ€"$16 to $17, bulk, outside; shorts, in demand, about $19 to $20, outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butlerâ€"There is a good supply cf both creamcry and dairy, but the form- cr is in better demand. Prices are steady. Creamery prints do solids Dairy prints . . . . . . . . .. 1701.0ch 'do solids .. 17010180 Cheeseâ€"Quiet at 12c to 12%c for large and 12,14c for twins, in job lots here. Eggsâ€"Prices continue very firm at izcxc to 180, with the bulksclling at Beansâ€"$1.65 to $1.70 for hand-picked and $1.50 to $1.55 for primes. Potatoesâ€"Eastern. dull and almost over-quotedat 800 to 90c per bag; new potatoes firm at $3 to $3.25 per barrel, tn car 1015 on track. Baled Hayâ€"Quiet at $14 to $15 for No. 1 timothy; new hay, uncertain, $12.- 50 to $13. Rated Strawâ€"$7.25 to $7.50 per ton, In car lots on track here. . .. 2fcto‘23c 19cfo21c PROVISIONS. Dressed [logsâ€"$0.75 for lightweights and $0.25 for heavies. Porkâ€"Short cut, $22.75 to $23 per bar- rel, mess, $21 to $21.50. Smoked and Dry Salted Meatsâ€"Long clear bacon, lie to 11%0 for tons and cases; hams, medium and light, 15%c lo 166; heavy, 14%c to 15c; backs, 10%0 to 17c; shoulders, 10%c to lie; rolls, 1I%(‘; out of pickle, 1c lcSS than smoked. Lardâ€"Steady; tierccs, 12c; tubs, 12%c; pails, 12%c. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Aug. 0.â€"Oatsâ€"Business in cats remains slow and sales of car lots of Manitoba No. 2 white were made at 450 per bushel ex-store. Flourâ€"Choice spring wheat patents, $5.10 to $5.20; seconds. $4.50 to $4.00; winter wheat patents, 4.65 to $4.75; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.35; do., in bags, $1.95 to $2.10; extras, $1.65 to $1.75. Millfeedâ€"Manitoba bran in bags, $20; shorts, $23 to $25 per ton; Ontario bran in bags, 10 to $19.50; shorts, $22.- 50 to $23; milled mouille. $24 to $28 [(1‘ ton; straight grain, $30 to $32. Rolled Oatsâ€"Continue quiet at $2.25 per bag. Cornmealâ€"Is steady at $1.45 to $1.50. Hayâ€"Balcd hay is steady under a (air local demand; No. 1. $10 to $10.50; No. 2, $15 to $15.50; clever, $13.50 to $14, and clover mixed, $12.50 to $13 per ton in ear lots. Butferâ€"'l‘ownships. 21%c to 22c; Que- bec. 20% to 21c. Receipts were 3,403 packages. Cheeseâ€"Ontario, 1103c to 10%c; cast- erns, 1 age to 10%c. Eggsâ€"Sales of selected in single cas~ es were made at. 20c. and round lots of straight. receipts at 10-3; No. 1 candied at 17c; N0. 2 candied at 14c, and No. 2 straight at. 1214c per dozen. vaisionsâ€"Barrels short cut mess, {it to $22.50; half barrels. $11.25 to $11.75: clear fat backs, $23.50 to $24.50; long cut. heavy mess. $20.50 to $21.50; half barrels (10., $10.75 to $11.50; dry salted long clear bacon. 10c to 1135c; barrels plate ieef, $14 to $10: half bar- rels do.. $7.50 to $3.25; barrels heavy mess beef. $10; half barrels do., $5.50; (‘Ulllptillflti lard. 10,1.(c to 1104c: pure lard 1131-: to 1211c: kettle rendered. 13c to 13%c; hams 12}§c to 1541.3. according to size; breakfast bacon, 13341: to Lie; Editionton for trial. Windsor bacon. 15c to 15541:; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $0.75 to $10, alive, $7.25 to $7.40. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo, Aug. G.â€"Flourâ€"Dull. \Vhent â€"Spring quiet; No. 1 Northern, $1.03X; Winter quiet; No. 2 red, 95c. Cornâ€" Steady; No. 2 yellow, 59%;; No. 2 mix- ed, 57% to 58%c. Oatsâ€"Strong; No. 2 white, 4991c; No. 2 mixed, 470. Bar- leyâ€"Nominal. Canal freightsâ€"Unchang- ell. NEW YORK \\"IIEAT MARKET. New York. Aug..6.â€"â€"Spot easy; No. :1 red. 98%0 elevator; No. 2 red. 08%0 f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 51.08% f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 98%c f.o.b. afloat. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, Aug. 6. â€" There were no choice exporters offered, and quotations were nominal. Top quality, $5.25 to $5.50; medium heavy. $4.75 to $5; bulls and cows, $3.75 to $4.75. Butcher cattle were not offered very freely. Choice stock was quoted from $4.75 to $4.00; medium, $4.25 to $4.50. Cows were about the only grade to show any improvement, choice selling up. to $4.10, with the range from $3.50, A bid of $3 on a bunch of slackers of 800 to 000 lbs. was refused. and buyers were not willing to go higher. Choice an worth from $3.25 to $3.75. and com- mon to medium from $2.50 to $3, Mitch cows continued dull. Quotations unchanged at $35 to $50 for choice and $20 to $30 for common. Veal calves were steady and slightly higher at BC to Sc per lb. Ewes sold at $4.25 to $4.50; bucks and culls at $3 to $3.50; Iambssold from $0.50 to $7.50. Hogs held steady on a comparatively heavy run. Selects were quoted at $0.90. .*______ BOY FELL THREE STOREYS. Miraculous Escape of a Lad at Queen's Hotel, Toronto. A dcspafch from Toronto says: To fal‘ from a threestorey window with a hard cinder path beneath and escape uninjured is an experience which comes to few. Such was .what happened to Master Bucll, a lad _of 8 years old from Rochester. N. Y., at the Queen‘s Hotel Friday morning. The boy was leaning out of a win~ dew on the east side when he lost his balance and fell out. Luckily for him. an awning projected out from the wall about ï¬fteen feet front the ground. Master Bucll struck the awning broad- side on and rolled off to the ground. He escaped without any injury what- ever. â€"_â€"â€"â€"'.OX¢_. FIVE DRO‘VNED IN LAUNCH. Engine Broke Down and Boat Went Over a Dam. A dcspatch from Otlumwa. Iowa, says : Five. people were drowned Thurs- day night by the capsizing of a launch in the Des Moincs River, near this city. The drowned arc:â€"\\'ni. ll. Powell, wife and son llallie, Mrs. J. 1’. Stevens and baby. The boat had started out on ’1 pleasure trip. The boat became unâ€" manageable in the strong current, due to the high water, and finally the. en. gine broke down altogether. The boat, with its helpless occupants, then drifted over the dam and crashed into the necks below. -..I_____ BOLT S'I‘Rl‘CK: CHILDREN GONE. Miraculous Escape of Sfrafford Family I‘rom Lightning. A despatch from Slratford, Ont., says: Miraculous was the escape of Mrs. l’red Struthers and family during I-‘riday nights electrical storm. Mrs. Strutheis occupies apartments in the Old Strafford Hotel. The children could not sleep and were removed from the. bedroom to the kitchen. lmmmliately afterwards a bolt of lightning entered the bed-room, de- stroying the furniture and ï¬xtures. \\'ti[ll.’tll‘ I COSTLY FIRE IN NORTH BAY. tBusincss Section of Town Badly Daniâ€" aged. A despatch from Ncrth Ray says: While a fierce gate of wind was raging a fire broke out on Friday morning 'n m.- tailor sture (it '1‘. n. (inmrl‘ril. the second SIAvI'C‘ of the (iilmonr block, and. sprendzng with startling rapidity, was not cheek-ed until one o‘clock. when the (iitliulll' and Re-hardson blocks were smoldering heaps pf deliis. The. lire ( riginated from gasoline used in clean- mg garnantx and .\tr. (ianiplvell was striously burned, his clothing being l',_'< ntcd. The firemen worked lierotrnlty it the blinding smoke and blisteringr twat and suceeedcd in preventing the flames from spreading to the l‘nrvis blot-k adjoining. In tItlS they were as- ttx-ck the attack of the flames. J. \\'. Iln’liardsun’s large brick block, occupied by him entirely as a hardware store. \\’£t> the first building to fall. (If the (himour lilork adjoining only a few Ivlit'Iv'S remain of the front. The rapid spread of the flames prevented Jllltt‘Il salvage and the stocks in the burned Sitit'L‘x‘ are almost total losses. tine man was arrested for stealing while the fire was in progress and an- other, an intoxicated man, was placed E1 the lockup for safekeeping, having been rescued by the [ht-men from at- temptingr to climb along a narrow ledge on the set-0nd storey. The Richardson block was valued 1.1. 90.000. with $4.000 insurance, divile between the Liverpool and London and (Eitilic. the tinion and the North llrit- lei. and Mercantile (kittipanies. J. W. Richardson’s hardware stock was valued at $25.000, the insurance being 5314.360, divided between the Guardian, Canadian Sun, Commercial Union, Ottawa, Norwich Union, Home. Montreal, Canada, North British and Mercantile and the Atlas. The Gilmour block, owned by J. E. Gilmour. was valued at $0,000; insur- ance $3.000, in Monarch London Mutual and Standard Companies. Total loss. Mr. T. 11. Campbell carried insurance of $700 on household effects and piano. Very little saved, J. \V. Smith, drug- gist, carried a stock valued at $3.000, iii- surance $1.000. Part of the stock saved. T. M. Mulligan, clothing merchant, stock $5,000, insurance $3,000. .__-â€" :[wâ€" NO CHEAP RATES YET. .__ Grand Trunk Railway Gives Notice of Appeal. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Grand Trunk Railway Company has lost no time in notifying the Railway Com- mission that it is its intention to appeal to the Supreme Court against the judg- ment of the board compelling it to issue pennyâ€"aâ€"mile tickets and attach car- riages for third-class passengers on one train each day between Montreal and Toronto. The appeal will be taken at once. It will come before the Supreme Court. at its next sitting. No doubt the case will be taken to the Imperial Privy Council, should the decision be against the company. This means that the order of the board will not go into effect for some time to come. __.__..__$â€"â€"â€"â€". MOTHER PLUNGED AFTER SON. “'oman and Her Four-year-old Child Drowned. A despach from Caron, Sask., says. On the homestead of John Slack, near here, his widowed sister, Mrs. Recson and her four-yearold son were drowned 0-,) Friday. The little fellow was carry- ing water in a small pail, and on his be ing missed, his eight-yearbld brother went in search of him. The pail and his hat were seen floating on the pond, and when the mother was called she dashed into the. water, which was seven feet deep, and sank. The bodies were recovered twenty minutes later. ___.x.__.__ NEARLY FIVE MILLIONS. Increase in the Customs Revenue for Four Months. A despalch from Ottawa says: For the first four months of the present ï¬scal year to July 31 the customs revenue shows an increase of almost thirty per cent. Collections during the four months amounted to $20,565,004. In the same four months in the your previous the C(dlcctions totalled $15.721.080. The in. crease amounted to $4.844.014. For the month of July customs collections to- talled $5.442.001. beingr an increase If $1,880,222 over July of the year before. kâ€"â€"- INSANE, BURNED FATHER‘S BARN. Serious Loss Through the Act of a “'el- land “'oman. A despatch from Welland says 1 Mar- garet Hoover, a demented woman, aged thirty-four years, on \\'ednesday set fire to her father's barn. which was com- pletely destroyed, including the contents. 50 tons of buy. a quantity of grain and house, but was prevented. \\'ednesday she took advantage of the absence of the men in the fields and Set fire to the barn. By the time the alarm was given it was impossible to save anything. \\'hile attention was directed to the burning barn she again tried to set fire to the, house, but her (ffort was frus- trated. Local authorities placed Miss Hoover in custody and she will be re- moved to an asylum. .1.._.._.. Lord Strathcona arrived at Montreal, and speaks in wartn terms of the bene- ï¬ts Canada will reCeive if the all-red line is carried through. sisted by a fire wall, which helped to. a bull. On Sunday she tried to burn the, adv L...~., HOLY WAR 1N MDkDCâ€"CN Europeans Are Warned Not to- Leave the Towns. A despatch frcm Tangier says: Moâ€" liatitmed-elll‘orrcs. tknimissioner ‘ot‘ I" reign Affairs. has notified the formgn rejiresentatives here that the 7,;111' and other tribes are in a state of unrest ow- ing the intcnentiin of the I“l't‘llt_‘Il Comptroller in the Moorish customs. lie \\'tllll.\ linroprans not to quit the town. mentioning.r especially Rabat. The steamer (libel Musa, from (Insa- lilania. reports that when she left that port the l<‘.iiropeans there were held as hostages by the natives, who feared bombardment. It reported that the natives at Sam are preparing to emulate those at Casablanca. There are many rumors of an im- pending holy war and a general mas- sacre of all Christians in Moroccn. but there is no conï¬rmation of these alarm- is! stories, which are of a kind frequent. icre. I (1 IS Rt‘SIIING \\'ARSIIII‘S. A despatch from Madrid says: .\s one and perhaps two Spaniards were nutr- dered at Casablanca. Spain has decided to cooperate with I-‘ranee in exacting satisfaction. This is in accordance with the agreement Covering such cas- es. The cruiser Infanta Isabel. has I‘tOII ordered to join the French cruiser t'ialilee at Casablanca. The Governfl Inenf has suit a stroin.r note to Moham-I navd-el-’l‘orri-< asking that immediate at" tuition Le paid to it. FRANCE SENDS \\'ARSIIIPS. A despatch front Paris says: The war.y ship (Vonde Duchayla has been ordered, to sail from Toulon and to join the_ (aililee at (lasablanca as soon as pos.l sible. The Desaix. fiassini and LaI ltire have been ordered .to be in rcadl-i hers to sail if they are needed. CONDENSED NEWS ITEM HAPPENINGS FROM ALL oven TIIE having practised GLOBE. Telegraph Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Harvesting has started in Lethbridgc district. - James Smith committed suicide near \\'<mdstock by hanging. The army cut worm is ravaging the gardens in London district. Montreal's customs collections for Jt‘ly were $1,189,012, the highest yet. Five sustained injuries in a rear-end collision at. Glen Grove on the Metropoli- tan Railway. Three residencc buildings in connec- tion with the University of Toronto will be erected, at a total cast of $150000. The body of Harry l’ember, the little boy who disappeared from 10 Napier A\ cnuc, Toronto. was found in the Don. Sir Thomas Shaughncesy is pleased with the result of his inspection of the new (1.1’.R. lines in Ontario. Marshall Townsend. a diver, was suf- focated in thirty feet of water in Lake Clair by the air hose. breaking. The Harbor Connnissioners’ elevator at Montreal has been pronounced dan- gerous. A Judges' squabble has caused a small deadlock in the British Columbia Su- p:emc Court. " Joseph Grau fell off the Quebec bridge into the water, a distance of 180 feet, and escaped with a broken rib. The Ontario Government may estab- lish a number of permanent emigration ofï¬ces in Great Britain and Ireland. The C. 1’. R. engineers have asked for a conference with the company to deal with questions of wages and hours. Rev. Dr. R. I’. McKay of Toronto writes from abroad that the treatment ct‘ Cot-cans by Japanese is scarcely less atrocious than the horrors of the Congo. the at North Bay destroyed the Oil- mour and Richardson blocks and caused a loss of about fifty thousand dollars. A man named Galley climbed on the tail of a boat at Chatham, N-. 13., while intoxicated, fell overboard and we}; drowned. Hon. W. 'I‘. Finlay, Minister of Agri culture in Alberta, has just. inherited $70,000 through the death of a brother ii Ireland. A Montreal carter has been charged with revolting cruelty to a horse. lie drove the animal into a ditch and then attacked it with a pitchfork. Only eighteen hundred miles of the National Transcontinental Railway re- mains to be contracted for, and work on the big undertaking is being vig- orously pushed. On behalf of Mrs. Lillian M. Smith, widow of C. F. Smith. killed in the Ciystal Hall disaster in London, a writ has been issued claiming $15,000 dam- ages from \V. J. Reid. Robert Thompson, a leading fruit grower of St. Catharines, denies the statement of the City Clerk Pay that two-thirds of the peach trees are win- ter killed. U N ITED STATES. Judge Wood of Boise. Idaho, has re- fused to grant. bail to l’ctfibone. Ileavy damage has been caused in southern Michigan by hail storms. l’ive. persons were drowned on l’riday by the capsizing of a launch in the Des Monies River. Commander Robert. Peary hopes to >IEII'I within a week on another trip in search ltI tIIO North Pole. Burglars at Chester. N. Y.. stole. a cow, killed it at a slaughter house and carried off the meat in bags. Jzime< ll. Morey. aged 74. of Ringâ€" l:r:mton. .\'. Y.. was drowned in the Sizsquchana River, six cf water. Clarence \\'. Ryrne. a New York sales. man, was sent to jail for allowing his daughter to die of pneumonia without medical attendance. in inches had been strangled to death was foundi on Thursday in an east side tenement-i in New York. Charles liogge, who has confessed to- forgery for fifteen years, has been sent to the penitenti~ ary for a long term in Colorado. Orchard’s wife. Mrs. Albert E. Hors- ley, of Norfhumberland County, Ont.,i Briefs From Our Own and claims an interest in the Hercules mine,‘ is the story now told in Boise. GREAT BRITAIN. The British Medical Association has suggested that sick persons be freatedi at the State's expense. Britain and Russia have amicably adâ€"I justed all outstanding differences regard-l ing the Indian and Persian frontiers. The British House of Commons has passed the third reading of the bill es.- tablishing a Court of Criminal Appeal. GENERAL. Eight Europeans have been killed ir. an Arab rising at Casablanca, Morocco. Germany‘s grain ï¬elds have been damaged by floods for hundreds of miles. The. French resident at Annam has locked the, King up in his palace and established a regency. _.._.._.x..- ..._._. CROP OUTLOOK IMPROVED. in the “test Ideal for the Growing Grain. A despatch from Winnipeg says: The weekly crop report which was handed out by the C.P.R. on Thursday shows that the outlook is far more favorable than was expected three weeks ago. Thu weather has been ideal for the growing grain, and the prospects are now brighter than was ever dreamed of a short time ago. There have been timely showers in southern Manitoba, with the result that the reports front that district are greatly improved. The wheat is now rapidly heading out. In a number of districts, in Saskatchewan particularly, there has been heavy damage from hail, but in most sections the damage has been light front storms. _+â€"_ 7,000,000 ROLLING STOCK. Weather Grand Trunk “'ill Have Ready for the Fall. A despatch from Montreal says: The Grand Trunk on Wednesday announced that it will have ready in September for Fall traffic $7.000,000 worth of roll- ing. stock. which has been under con-. struction for some time. So far 4,500 freight cars. out of‘ 5.200, have been dc.l Iivered, which at $850 makes $4,420,000. 05 the sixty passenger coaches. thirty have been delivered, a total of $720000, and of 100 engines, sixty have been to- ceived, amounting to $1,500,000. â€"-i TIIE PEOPLE‘S RAILROAD. and Disbursements of Temis- kaming Commission. New Cars Receipts A dcspatch from Toronto says: Re. ceipts of the Temiskaming & Northemi Ontario Railway for May were $77,041; disbursements, 351.406; net revenue, $25545. The disbursements include, $3.512 paid for insurance, which might' have been spread over the whole year. Passenger traffic accounted for 540.027,I and freight. $110842 of the total receipts.l During May 138.0 miles were in opera-‘ lion, as compared with 112 miles in‘ May, 1000. The passenger traffic shows a large increase over the corresponding month of last year. â€"-Iu- mu.on I.\' Cl‘STOM DUTIES. Collections at Tomnto for July Show Rig Increase. A dispatch from Toronto says: For- eign IIIIIJHI‘IS at Toronto still continue on the increase. The total duties coi- 1(r;l((l at this port during July were Si.055.t~53.27. For July last year the total (‘tiIIi't'tiOtN were 3761332907, and therefore this .luty was greater than the same month last year by, the substan- The bcdy of an cight-yearâ€"old girl who hat sum of $280,523.30.