Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Aug 1907, p. 4

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RICHMOND HILL. ONT" “HAIL TO THE CHIEF.” Expressions of admiration for Sir Wilfrid Laurier as a. spazesman and as a citizen generally, come from all parts of Canada. It is not. often, however, that such complimentary things are said in a. Conservative newspaper as recently appeared in the Toronto World. The following paragraph relating to Canada‘s premier appeared in Monday’s World:â€" “Sir Wilfrid Laurier, as a Cuna- dian looming large in the eyes of the world, deserves the heart- iest possible reception from his fellow- countrymen. Abroad he has acquit- ted himself well. Wish a sure hand @119 iiiheral. he directed his course at the colonial conference, and whether we aglce with him or not, we must all confess that he held himself with the dignity, with the grand air, and with the di- rectness of tile experienced states- man. In manner, in mind and in personality, he appealed to the im- aginaliun of the people of the old land and he returns to Canada the biggest Canadian they have ever seen. Upv nn hie n-wm his: hold is strong. Cab- on his party his hold is strong. Cab- inet Ministers, Membot s of Parliament and party managers fondly speak of him as The Chief. And their chief he isI towering head and shoulders above them in all that makes for statesmanship. In fact where in Canada shall we find a bigger man than Sir Wilfred Lam‘ier? Yet there are Canadians who believe that the great crisis of his public career has come. In is as he decides and acts now that the real bigness of his life must; be estimated. He has the affection of his followers: he may have Lheaf‘fection of all Canadians if he removes the shame from Can- adian politics. It is in him to com- pel recognition as The Chief from all true Canadians.” We have known teachers to tell their school scholars that for some alleged misdemeanor the latter would have to w1‘1te ten thousand lines. The punishmentwas unreas- onable and was scarcely ever on- t‘orced. Had the penalty been fi'fty lines the boy or girl would probably V have got busy and finished the task. Afewfdays ago one of the Uniled States judges placed a fine of $29; l 240,000 on John D’. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company for alleg- ' ed crookedness in their dealings ‘ with railroad companies. The di- mensions of the fine imposed seem} absurd. Had the fine been a few 1 thousand dollars it might have been i paid, bul_twenty-nine millions, nev-ll er. To send a man to jail for 30 . days may seem reasonable; to make the sentence 1,000 years turns in into ridicule. Residents of Western Canada will not soon forget the cold season of 1907 when for weeks at a time thev were practically without, coal, and many people without iuel of any kind. Naturally these same people are a. little nervous when reports are spread that the prospects for a full supply of fuel are not bright for the coming cold season. If wood could be secured for fuel, the outlook would not be so dark but wood is also said to be scarce. Less wood was out last winter on account of the depth of the snow, besides there is a shortage in cars on the different railroads. And as strikes in coal mines at any time are among the possibilities it behuves not only residents in the North-West but also in our own Pro- vince, Ontario, to prepare for the cold season of 1908. Miss L. Harrison. Toronto, was home for Civic Holiday. Miss Comrie Brown is with friends in Milton for a few days. Miss Hazel Smith is spending a week with friends in Torontn. Miss Cnsely nf Stoufiville is spending :1 few days at MI. E. Barker's. Mirs Drury of anontn spent over Sund -y with the Misses Barker. PERSONALS. Aug. 8, 1907 Mus. Ruberb Hall of throit has been visiting at, Mr. Joseph Hull‘s. Miss Olive Mortson has returned "flex a pleasnnt‘ visit at Lake Simrut‘. Mr. Stun- McMuhnn left yesterday to spend u few weeks at El ieuu. Lake Erie. Little Miss Aline Storey is Rppnding purth her holidays with Irene Mt Mahun. Misses May and Brian Henry of PE terhm-n :ue visiting fur a couple ‘ \vvvks with their aunt, Mrs. Davi Hill. Mr. Alex. Boy]? in the nffivv of the C. P. IL, has I'vtm'ned to Montreal ilfLPl‘ a week‘s lmlidnvs here. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kline of Town- tu .lumrLiun spent Saturday with Mr. R. Kinnev, the latter’s father. Mr. Frank Dennis (If the Standard Bank staff, has gone to his home at Uhnthmn fm- twu weeks” holidays. Mr. Frank Mchnnld of tho Stand- ard Bunk staff in Stnufi‘ville is lmme for a couple of weeks’ holidays. Mr. Norman Thompson, teller in the Sovereign Bank. Turontn. visited over Sunday with Mr. Frank McDon- ald. Mr. \VycTrench. B.A.. has accepted a. pusitiun in the High schnul at North Bay, and will cummeucv duties after the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. \VaI-ron Hewismi visit- ed at Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn \Villiams‘, the Iuttm-‘s parents. Sutton, from Sat- urday till Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert- Duvis. Miss Humennd Miss May Jackson. all of Toronto spent from Saturday over the holiday at Mr. A. J. Hume‘s. Mr. and Mx's. Edward Bl'itnoll and childi-vn 0f Toronto camp up Sutur- dnyevening and remained with Mr. J. P. Glass [ill Monday evening. Mr. G. A. Lucmuhe, fun-man in The FI'L'P Press office, at, Forest. who was camping 3. week 01' MW» at Bond Lake ullod on THE LIBERAL stutf last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Northgmro nf’I‘nronto drove out frnm the City Friday, spent the might at MIS. J. Mol‘tsun’s. and p1 oceeded to Keswick Saturday and remained over the holiday. Mr. and Miss \Vhite of Eglintun. Mr. and Miss Hem-icks. Toronto, and Mr. McKenzie of Dundus spvnt the holiday at “Hillsdale” the hnme of Mr. Albert, Helmkuy. Mrs. N. D. Beck of Edmonton is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Teefy. She is accompanied by Mr. Beck‘s two young sons who are on their way to Montreal to College. Mr. and Mrs. James Cmvie, Toronto spent from Saturday till Monday with Mr. G90. Cowie. Mr. Dawdson and Mv. Richardson also spent Toronv to’s Civic Holiday at Mr. Ouwie‘s. Miss Bessie Robinson, daughter of Mr. \Vulkington Robinson of Buffalo. left Tuesdzgyrfqr Tm-pn_t_o_.qfter‘mg‘lgiqg Rash at Richmond um and Elgiii Mills. She was the guest, of Miss A'n- ua. Kerswill. Mr. J. Earle Newton has been ap- pointed teacher in the Piano Depart- ment of the Mndel Schoul of Music, Beverley St. Toronto, for the season of 1907-8. M 1-. Newton will, huwever, accept pupils. as before, at his home in Richmond Hill. Miss B. Moodie of Richmond Hill, Miss Lawson of Hamilton, and Miss Burkhuldm- of mayhem graduates of the General HospiLnl, Toronto, are lenvingon the 7th of August tn take up the Work in Good Samaritan Hospital. Dawson City, Yukon. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Wright and daughter of Regina, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Robinson of Toronto, called at Mr. Ashfm‘d \Vright’s last; Thursday, on their “uy to Newmarket. The two families are spending a. month in Mr. Robinson's cottage at Beaverton. My. Karl Storey, a clerk in the To- ronto Post. Office for the past two years, has been promuted to a. more lucx-atiye pnsitinn in the department at Vancouver, B. 0.. and left for that, city Monday. He came up Saturday afternoon and said good-bye to relax. tives and friends. M r. A. F ' Subscribe for THE - LIBERAL *. A. F. Tcefy of Chicago is spend- the summer vacation with his spending Dav id STEAM COAL For threshing enqin For sale at the C. N Station, or delivsred in village:â€" Also I 1M1) it the shw-mili. Bvlhosrln. J. COLLA RD FRIDAY. August 23â€" Auction sale of 18f1~esh milk cmvs. at the Pnhnm‘ Hallie. the pmpm-ty of Messrs. Hun- per, Pannn and Cuusins. Sale. at 2 o‘clock. Terms 3 Inuuths. Suigmm &: Ric-Ewen. Auctioneers. A good price will he paid fox 2 of THE LIBERAL of let, of DEC? 1905, by leaving HI} 9 us, day, NUT, STOVE, FURVACE thwoen Mr. Jerry Smith's jt-‘W store and Mr. Jessa), Grant's miside- (m Thursday, August, 1, a. lady’s w fnh, two liblmns and square 1m Reward at, Jeny Smith's jen store. One copy of \Vehster’s Intox-nntimml Dicbimuny. new, with supplement. of nvw words. sin-op. nmrhle Pdge. pub- lished by the G.& U. Merriam Company. {egulnr price $13. \Vill be said a: half price. / Inquire at ...-.. _ -nfin . r Ann‘nn VVesr. half of lot (i7. 181: concvssinn King 'l‘uwnship. i: for sale. On the farm is :1 luick house. and gund frauw outbuildings, with it never-failâ€" Stmyed from the promises of the undersigned, on or about the 17Lh of July. two Shropshire ewes. one with long tail, huth marked with red paint. Any per-son giving in- formation lezxding to the recovery will be suitably rewarded. House, barns, and ten acres of land, on Mill $1.. in Richmond Hill. The house is a solid brick, and ('utLLaius six large rooms. On the premises are also two burns and stable, a good orchard of apples, pP‘dI‘S, plum and cherry trees. The soil is the very best and in a. high state nf cultivation. An ideal spot for a. market garden 0|: hen- net-y. 3-t f HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEVVISON Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMON D HILL $ATE%?§ HUN): 3; C0.. of the Summit: AHERICAN'. con- tinue to not us Souoimm for l’ntgma. (nth: Trude Marks. Co yflubls. for the Umled Buttes. (,anudn. England. ‘mnce. Gemnmy. etc. Hand Bonk about Patents sent fnw. _Th|rt -sevnn years' experience. Patents obtainud tnrnuu I MUN N & C0. arv noticed lathe SCI RNTIPK‘ Ammxc . the largest. hess. and mast wide-l): (‘er fed sale :iflo pageg'. ‘ 8.20:: year A quaptity uf ljgmltwk lumber and Yul-mutton. than sent 1' “SRICAN Lax-ets 5 Farm For Sale COAL Best Scranton coal. LUMBER AND LATII Last Dog For Sale Auction Sales Wanted Far Sale I‘HE LIBERAL OFFlCT we. v gimme-s" M URN EV 30.7.7 SC (mice. 25] Broadwuy. New York‘ Applxfio For Sale THE LIBERAL OFF Strayed JOHN MCNAUGIITON, . BAKER Lost GLASS BROS. '1-1. A. NICHOLLS. Real Estate Agent. r;;&‘§§2°¥2;rf$fi;:Â¥a‘;rs Agents “med- mdwuy.h'cw York. _|$L00 a year_ Send cents f0] C Sweet to Eat 5mg” cop-W ACandyBomlefln CORRECT ENGLISH. Evanston, 111. Maple P. 0., Ont '3}an lntnrmatlui: in- he Scientific Amer- SNfi 30.. sewn-mo Butchers ’l-np cm mln the ‘ph y ncv, atch ‘kct. vlry P .V 0-1 LOCAL SALESMAN “CANADA’S G REATEST NURSER- IE5." A permanent situatinn for the right man, for Whom the ten-iboI-y will be reserved. Pztv weekly; free equip- ment. \Vl'ite for purticu‘nars. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO 1-4111 Course in Gramumv.. How to increase One's Vocabulary. The Art of Conversation. Shall and \Vill; Should and XVOL Them. Studies in English Literature Shall and \Vill; Should and ‘Vould: How to use them. Prmymcintions (C(‘ntux'y Dictionary) Correct English in the Home. lorrect English in the School. \leat to say and Vtht Not to Say. Course in Lottero‘Vriting and Punctu abiun. Twenty Daily Drills. Business English for the Business Man. Compound “Wards: How to \Vx-ite “@nrrett @zzglifihâ€" ‘Z‘finw in H5» it.” And adjoining country, to x'epresent A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE USE OF ENGLISH. RICHMOND HILL FONTHILL NURSERIES (Over 800 Acres) JOSEPHlNE TURCK BAKER. Edltm. INTERESTING You can save time andmak money by riding a A. Wheel is good for the busy mam, and for the man of leisure. ‘ If you are in need of a good Wheel get prices from the local representative ‘VV an t e d QLEVEEAEQ Partial contents“ FC )R INSTRUCTWE. mm ONT. smoN fiafiabm Especial Ofl'er. THE WEEKLY DEMâ€"L AND EMPIRE AND mailed to any address. postage paid. in Canada 01- Great Britain untvil Jan~ llarv lst‘, 1.908, for Eighty Gents._ The \Veckly Mail and Empire during the summer months will unquestion- ably he one of the greatest weele publications which enter ,‘rzmadian homes. All the news published in it is carefully selected to meet the varied tastes of the readers. The General NeWs Section will con- tain the fullest and most Complete in- formation of the events transpiring in all parts of the world. Particular attention will he gian to cable and provincial neWS. Tho Agricultural Section wilth replete with information for the general advancement of agriâ€" cultural science. Contributors to the Section'will'be men eminent in the important industry. The Magazine Section will also he a mine of inform- ation upon subjects which are at present attracting public attention. Many of the articles will he brightened by illustrations. Altugethm‘ the 24 pngps. which com- prise The Weekly Mail and Empire‘. are a library in themselves. the regular price for which is One Dollar a year. SEND ORDER TO OFFICE OF THIS PAPER. FRAME Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897. Chap. 129. Sec. 38, and amending acts that all persons having; claims against the estate of the Suki George Baker who died on or about the 20th day 01" April 1907 are requir- ed to send an 01- before the 15th day of August next to Henry Heise, Vic- toria. Square. (me of the Executnrs of- the said George Baker a full statement of their claims and the nature of the security if any, held by them. And take furthpr notice that after the said last mentioned date the Expoâ€" utm's will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceassrd, among the pa. rties entitled thereto, having regard only for the claims of which they shall then have receivud until-9. Notice to Credit“. ors. Dated this 17th day of 1907. In the matter of the estate of George Baker late of the Township of Markham. in the Cuunty of York. Farmer, deceased. WILLIAM ( Liberal THE LEBERAL itm nut} July $11109 EX? >cutor

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