RwHMnNn HILL, 0x1, Aug E2119. iéiiihszmi. The season smne lymph: hu-n a LIBEI lnr-s in Rich: August. The p may he L‘OlllH m The examiners who have been read ing the pupurs :LL thn Ellucutiun Do‘ pm-tmeul f-u- (hr last few weeks emu plated thvir wmk nu Sulmdny. Tlu' results will he mmuuucwd about [ht Nth of August. [n the vi“ in the sham :md campus for return 1 The- Bunk Committee of the Public Library will be plensi-‘d m huvv sug- gPsLinns re-lntin- to (he purchasv of new bunks fur the Library. Those huving bunks to now-mnde will please? hand in ‘Lhe_unuwstu1,hc SPCI't‘lill’y at THE LIBERAL office. is h0th :u-i-nl will He given. mmnced next The annual dist SJLlJlHIlh to Band Ler Miss Scunlm iug Nm-nal Cu tion as tmclu ment in thy-I 1’ ing of the Bu: the pnsilinl) xx Trench at a s; HS Our group] In be-uvel'lm k’éepwr. \Vh mean 9110‘ fl'vsh‘gnada plicos. Fim it comes n Naughton B from :1 trip t when? hv fm' anm‘ (‘1' hmi wn's mums: where- minux The big and the small purchasers are equally welmme at uur store, re- ceive equal attention and l(':l\‘e equal- ly well pleased. Atkinson & Switzm‘. Mr. P. Park and Mr. Bl-ockel, men) hers of the Central 33.. M. C. A., ’i‘u 11mm, who were camping at Lakt (Muchiching. 10ft, that. plaut' Mondu§ uxux'ï¬ing tu walk to the city. The) hadrdinner at, Mr. J. H. Brydon’s yes lex‘day :md expoctvd to he in anonu by 6 o‘clock \Vednesday evening. Mr. \V. T. Robinson of Maple whn lmsheonin the coal business for a numberof years is notifying his pat- rons that he. has nnhnnd at Maple station Steam coal fill! threshing pur- poses. and Stove and Nut coal for d0~ mesticuse, all of the hesl, quality. Mr.Rnbinsnn will he in Maple 0n Monday Tuesday and Saturday of each wee-k. ~ A well studied. prayexful. sincere sermon will always help somebody. Ul‘lhm there is not a doubt. Some regard it As sound and thunder, and nLllex-s may feel in a genomlseuse that an Angel-spake, lm‘L some silent think- er is sure to go away Saying to him- snlf. surely that voice was for my suka-nlune. The world is not void and like water spilled upon the ground. Mr. (Tuwie. Librarian at the Public Library, slates that the “Juvenile†Lumkssnpplied by the travelling li- hrarym-e nnt’often asked for. This is to be regx'eited. The children‘s books have been carefully selected. and thoGnvernmout in sending out the tl‘aVPHing library requested that the, "Juvenile" books he circulurod as Mm-y Mager. wife of \Vnshingtnn Huger. laid a complaint before J. H. Sanderson. J. P.. yesterday, charging hex-husband will] assaulting hen-self and children. st Muger on oath swore to the charges. The defendant. made A statement, denying that he had done anything wrong. The lung- istrate after hearing the wife‘s ovi- ~deuce inflicted :1 ï¬ne of $5.00nnd costs. amounting altogether to $8.00. extensively as possible Fruit jars in sizes half gallon wine measure. Quart \Vine measure, Quart, Imperial meaam e, Pint. prerénl meas- ure at IUWest price. Atkins“) £2 Swib and little farms : more are the yuke of bondage inllicto: ilensmne debts: more are. lwc dependent mu‘h you: by mmfm-mble living for Iliei; mun-e are waking n to the of giving theirchilc ren bett LGnzll :zdvuntagns. and wit purity and cuntvnnuenb $901 \'.Ill thmuzlinut tliecnuntryn gfi'e'sï¬ still be our watchwn'd From every View point the farming 612185 (If this county is in better shape now than at any pxevitms period. May: people nwr. their own hmst M 1' tl-L 11¢)(3 A1495}. l. J. Kuhn, Superintendent. of Led Children. has returan trip to Moiitroal, and Ottawa, he found a slmng sentilmrnb in If having nne Judge for clnlxl~ Hurts am! to look after all cases minors are the prisoners. grom-ry counter is not, :1 phloe- verlnukudhy the careful houseâ€" . \thb we aim for this depart- n Sl)()\\' is quality, Cleanliness, nnd<, courtvsy and reasonable Find uutby a trile whether :95 up tn the mark or not. Lon Bros†Elgin Mills. FIXED FOR ASSAULT. mpr-r thng just ‘ found un Atkins: ERA]. Kuhn. Sup? Children. to Mohtl-oal unnd a shmx; Igf ongr H; 1 ‘nhlic-schnnl. At, a m in], Thulsrluy eveni was given to Miss M Jury of $375. . Suhu m XL Id pm “I mg n to rchilt reu ngns. um lLPntme-n 1r tlxecon ux' watch uxt, “'Nhle‘sduv Ang- pr-nglzuunw of sports fwd, fm which prizvs Particulars will be an- not, 5!) ‘nnhesiod LOST s'nprly of (1 Hill Sim H] w l sterduy. a s hum-L with rod (m it. . Nicholls. m purpose? attvnd- *. resigned the posi- the St‘CUHd dvpurt- chum]. At, a meet- .luy sure- ! Trading at the Public the “Juvenile†travelling Ii- ;Pd for. This The children‘s ’in pH unduy ping at Lake )laut' Monday 2 city.. They Brydun’s yes- :m in Tux-(mu; evening. fthe \ sczu‘f pin L1H rm in bvlts S witzer’s lple who ‘53 for a his pat- at Maple squm e {ewnrd u-d TL. MN I‘ 0"] 1907 ng. :u-y in in deuce Mncdnnnld, assist Ryersnn Suhunl, m u st‘udvnt at Km-x mume was nouid. pvo young men He 1An_l.1'_\,'_ing tn gavel child There twuen :I PM Tlvl'untu, lust'he-r lifv. The young lady was uuL lumLiug \viLli Mr. Neil S. Mncdzmnld, nsxistunt nmstvr at the Ryersnn Schunl. and Mr. Hugh Buin. :1 studvnt at Kin-x College, \vlwn the mume was :lL‘lfidt-‘Ilt.ilâ€_\' upset. The two young men nearly lust, the ir lives in trying to save the lifv nf Hwh' Indy flit-‘lltl. Mr. Mm-dmmld was funnel-1y principal of the Richmond iliil-l’ublic School. Annihm- now famous \Villimns time it is a cum! fun-plowing hunt pvggvd in gw-nd ll Bluti'her stvlv. “THE T\VO CO LONELS.†.Under the above lu-ading Mr. “’m. Hun-ism}, uurrfullmv-Ltnvnsman, has a \’l‘l'_\" inLPI'PSLing and 1n.<l.x_11utire alti- clo. in the August, numbn- nf lhe (lan- udiam Mugazinv. The uflicexswl‘errod Lu aw thP Jule Gnl. Mnndio, and ‘the late Co]. Bl idgfm'd. lmth fnr'mm- “resi- dents of Rim-huwnd Hill. le old Mou- div Hmnostead is still with us. but its mmtmnplntvd rmnnvnl to make way for :1 branch of the Metropolitan elec- tric railway tn cmmeut with the C.N.0. statiun in all pmbnhility prompted le’prpsenb artiva This historical it is hard t0 pivusu [ho neighbors living are "nivaing tho 1 cannot. slvvp at, nigl 0f the cutllo. Thvt 1y mukv less nuisu nllnwvd to remain have heard -uf_ (,‘l‘l wexe refel-I (‘d tn strwk 'nf Eh†cunnt: lhe park Seem tn be in}: class. A sad drowning accident occur-rod ut \Vï¬indvl-lnure on Tuesday when Miss Annie Murphy. :1 Htenugmphm‘ in the law office «If Mr. Edmund Blistnl, M. Mr. John McKimmn. late of the 7th concessinn of Vaughan, died at his home. 3rd cnncvs>iun, (m Tuesdav. August 6. Deceased was in his 85th year, and passed away just. ï¬ve weeks after the [nu-tum- uf his life. He was the oldest, son of lhm- lute Archibald McKimmn of Markham township. “The Modern Public Library" is an article of educational interest in the New Idea VVoman‘s Magazine. There is probably no other public institution which has undergone a greater awak- ening within the last twentyâ€"ï¬ve years and the writer gives an outline of the principal movements which have tak- en lace for the development of the mo ern library system. The methods which enable the introduction of the best reading matter into the remotest homes, as Well as the. many induce- ments which are made to young and old to become interested in good liter- ature, areth about. The children's story hour and the “gang rooms" for boys may not he found in every local- lty. lmt their value as an incentive to reading makes :1 universal anneal. Previous“ to mm‘ing tn the 3rd cnn. (.lf Vaughan last, spring, the. family had lived in Vaughan township for up- wards of 50 years. He was a staunch Fleshyteriam in religion, and had been :1 life-lung Liberal. The surviving members of the family are: James. in Michigan; John. at Huileyhury; Dun- cun: Hugh, in Mather, Mam; Archi- hald, in Torontuj and Maltin, at. home. The funeral will take place this (Thursday) afternm-n. hurl-1119116 in take place in St. Paul’s cemetery, 71h concussion uf Vaughan. THE MODERN PUBLIC LIBRARY. l‘h’f‘l'yunn nught In he i Hus account of «mo of the flucnces of our nmdex-n tin ly dreswd in white yuke and and hunt and wow white plumvs. sunburst, White slmosnnd gh bridesmaid. Miss! tor of the bride. Wu umvd in «El-mm lih lrlt't’ Yoke. and mu wife of Mr. \‘ The och-mun Philip Jl'm's. Maple (-Eronit “(la y e lwmd -(»f_ (:m e referu‘d tn ‘k 'nf thn (munt park Seem tn be class. l1"! 'lme m ‘IS “UL hmlLi mld, nsxisl n Suhunl, m nt at Km-x h( MARRIED AT MAPLE ED IN HIS 85TH YEAR. was a Nun’- Ncwnmka-L 'isite Conn, MIDNH uued. nr were 1m their Value as an incentive to mnkos :1 universal appeal. in nugbt- to be interested in mnt of mm of the g1 eatest in- (.‘n\V( vlughu illinms 1M the hidd hidden; the. pu tn have it, out, This summer mlv lhuught i I'NIUH 5U n lit-[p [hull l-L \gc , smnslnug 1L5 'vstihule. The rout the hmul conductqu had several wmnen e or less hurt. r11 ngz.†and say they 1L fur the lmwling vows would certain- if the valve-s wore with them. \Ve min animals that as “the laughing wy." The caulo in lung to the bellow- (M's \v if the with he ‘nsignme-nt ml in stud ttinn 1m!- wnd colliHinn he- ] and u Glengrove U. Murphy's n-si- 9.. North anuutn, Tho Nt'WIllul‘kCL n ullnw Mr. MUD sol y u}, d y. In Wu: L dnshfld 'ISlliDg its Inn-ht of the stm'k. This hum-ï¬st and stitched and HG nsoh'vs. Of nhjmtts. hut ‘ody. Eve-n m the park 1d say they ze Fulhm's w park to chaser he- md hnnl it however, , \vnuld he rutth- and Mob. The :msnn. sis- imily Cust- uine. with hat “‘H!‘ tin]. HI‘ wonder p1~iue.~« M ills. Cill' un- intu fon- IIIO- u ml his and samples nl’ my Dr. Shonp‘s Restorative, and my Bunk on either Dyspepsia. The lHl-art or The Kidneys. Troubles of lthe Stumach. Heart or Kidneys. are I rum-va symptoms of a deeper ailment. hnn‘l make the common error of ltieating,‘r symptoms only. Symptom ] I will mail you free, to prove merit. treatment is treating the result. of yuur ailment. and not the cause. \Veak Stomach nervesâ€"the inside nervesflmozm Stomach weakness, always. And the heart. and Kidneys ‘ as well. have their controlling orinside ‘ nerves. \Veakon these nerves, and l yml inevitath have weak vital organs. ' Here is where Dr. Showpls Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy ‘ even claims to treat the †inside nerves." Also ful‘ bloating, hilliuus- nose, had breath or complexion, use. ,l)r. Slmnp‘s Restorative. ‘Vrite me 'I tnâ€"duy fur sample and free Bunk. Dr. ; Slmnp. Ravine. \Vis. The Restorative l is sold by W. A. Sanderson. gloves. Mr. J. Arming. brother nf the groom, acted as grunmsmnn. ’l'he groom‘s gift, to the bridesmaid was a gnld bracelet and to thegmumm manasilk lll‘nld watch chain with gnld centre and gold fobs. Mr. and Mrs.Anning will reside in Edgely. Miss Johnson has been a. great help in church work and has taught, a class fol-bwuyeurs; she also sang in the chuir for three years and was always ready and them to do l‘lt'l' pru-L. \‘Ve nllwish Mr. and Mrs. Aiming long life and happiness. GRAHAMâ€"At- the residence of 1101' daughter, Mrs. Wm. Smith. :ILkae \Vilcox, on Friday. August 2, Mrs. Graham. aged '78 years. Interment, in the Aurora cemetery, Monday. August 5. ++++++ Stage.’ Grimw with P dcrsnu. +++~P§$M++$++++H+++++++M Free smnples of ‘9 PREYQIIUCS " and a. lmnklet on Unlds will be gladly mailed you, on reqm-st. by Dr. Shuup, Racine, \-Vis.. simply to prove merit. Pre- vemics are littlp )undy Cold Cure tablets. Nu. quinilw, no Lamxtive, nothing harmfu whatever. Prevanbics prevents coldsâ€"as the name‘impljesw when taken early, m- at, the “Sneeze Stage." For a seaer cold or La. G1‘i[,vp¢..hl'e:1k it up Safely und qulckly with Pre ‘enlics. Sold by \V. A. San- BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO OIdvsL in Canada. most thorough and px-nuLiqu courses: unequnfled fa_<;iIilies fm good \_vm k. A ansuuume raft-es; enter any time. FALL TERM from Sept. 3. Catalogue and Journal of ï¬nances Education free. Limith :unnunt of I‘Oulll fm't‘es this sale. Full stock to arrive soon. ARM. SAVAGE w++++é++ Everything has to g). Ladies' Tun Shoes. regular $250 for $2. Lathes' thte Canvas, regular «5 1.40 for $1.10; Misses' White Canvas. regular $1.15 for 51: Children's White Canvas. regular $1 Ior 750. Limited number 0! sizes; come early and get your sizer Assorted Caps and Straw Huts. Your choice of a Fancy Vest for $1.20. Men’s Fme Balbriggnn Underwear. in all sizns: regular 51.75 suit for 51.35 m pink and can; regular $1.25 ‘uit far 9!)â€. in flesh color; regular $1 suit or 750. m fleS-x culor. Working Shin-13.50:: each. Large A isnl‘tmonb of Ties to clear. Men‘s Suits. regular 518.50 gnu-$15.00. Ms 5 CLOTHING MEN’S FURNISHlNGS and BOOTS and SHOES +++++++++++++++++++++ this month in DEATHS. T. M. WATSON. Principal C Sweet to Eat A Cam!" Bowel Laxative,‘ ear-h. f Ties to ciear. $18.50 1m“ 5 25.00. $12.50 for $10 0L $1000 for 58.50. SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. +++++++++++++++++uv+ . l ‘. v a o++++++++ ++++++. . s-a‘ ++ “7m. Carmihers, stone and brick builder. is prepared to undertake all kinds of work. Specialtyâ€"sanitary drainago, chimnays. and repairs, ()rdm-s loft. at, the Palmer Hoils‘e '- E!l he promptly attended togâ€"r» home-Hf «MW- '8' ++++ +++~2~+++4 ++++~§~++4~+++ ++++++++++++++M+4+WM+ Raspberries B USINESH COLLEGE, TORONTO. Prfxcticnl‘and Ltgorpuen. Sbnrthand, Commercial. and Matriculation. Y. M, C. A. free. $3.00 runway lure Dmii 1! “us auger moutioued. Address BY MAIL ++++++++++++++M++++++ ++++ ++4~+++++++++++++ Raspberries To Builders Aiways Ahead Dry ï¬ends Clothing FOR THE FRUHT SEASGN CAnada Refined Sugars Pure Spices Vinegars Aug. 8. 1907 ' .uubux, u‘ Dixon make. 306.7[ZI’1‘én‘1AlZHV]. †“w Long Point Cider Vinegar, very special, 300 Mkmgm 6: Swï¬ï¬‚ea‘ Richmond Pï¬iii Hamware Sim Pure Paris Green “Peerless†Machine Oil “Farmers†Binder Twine Screen Doors andWindows We also have a few Lawn Mowers left The latter we will sell at cost. The best XXX \V'nite \Vine Kill 3’ AMOS VVRIG HTA ~:-++++++++++++++++M++â€":~~2- +++++++€4-++++++; R. A. FARQL'HARSON‘ B.A.. Yonge and Bloor 315., Toronto C. SGULES be now had :1 of the rest, and we propose to stay there if Good Goods, a lot of them, polite and courteous attention, and best values count for anything. It is a fact that we are here to please the public and to sell goods. We have the best quality of every- thing that is needed. BRTT’ISH’ 'CANADIAN are our specialties. We have in stock Groceries ' GGURT. “JEI‘E’ESEQN The Next Sitting 4:5 Di‘nsiou Court for No. 3, County of York, will he hc-Ed in the Court Room. Friday, October 4, I907 Vinegar, Budgerow 6: RICHMOND HILL .Inmmencing at 10 a. m. Crackery Fruit Jars T! F. MCMAIION CLER AT COLLEGE