“‘Pooh!‘ says the cheerful man, ,‘what‘s that?‘ and he actually taughs at this little picayune trouble. and just brushes it. away and forgets it, making [the faint hearted to laugh and forget t, too; and in time he may bring the easily discouraged man to acquire the blessed habit o! laughing at. all the petty troubles that pop out at. us on the mad of life. and so driving them away, instead of gloomily letting them climb on him to ride on his back. Good man to have amund is the cheerful man. . “‘I haven’t caught a fish toâ€"day.‘ says the disappointedman .in. the ï¬shing tparty, and you‘d :think from his 'g'en- teral castdownness that catching fish was the main object of life, and that if lynu didn’t catch any life, was a failure. ‘ ‘\Vell, I haven't caught any. either,’ ‘says the cheerful man. ‘but I've had a ‘damed good time and I’ve caught anl appetite like a team of horses, and évshat. I want new is to get back to where they cook these ï¬sh the way they cook "cm here, and it I don‘t eat. seventeen of ‘em I miss my guess.’ Does the ‘ .“Didn‘t you feel that breeze?’ says the cheerful man, smiling, and as a matter l0t fact there was the faintest flicker of ,a movement in the air just at that mo- ment, and he. caught it, because he 18 receptive to all good things; and he magnified it to all his hearers by his breczy chECrInlness. “The cheerful man for me every time yâ€"ho makes lite worth living; and I like. especially to see him anonnd in hot and humid weather. But. he’s helpful at all times. “So many people are so easily do- pressed; gabd people, but with only a narrow margin of courage; so that ii any little thing goes wrong they think {Lat everything‘s going to pieces and the world is coming to an end, but tt-henâ€" There are not quite 41,000,000 persons Iin the United Kingdom, but they an- nually spend for spirituous liquors a tsum equal to 1% times the national rev- enue, or to all the rents of all the homes and [arms in the country, says the Craftsman. The public-house, the Eng- lish name for the saloon with its bur- tlnaid, is us much a national institution 5 the house oi Parliament. There IS tum public-house to every 300 inhabi- qnnts in England and Wales;' in Scot- -and, one to every 566 persons; in Ire- 71mm, one to every 271. - ‘As a rule, the omnibus, the favorite British mode of local transportation, has stopping places in front of publicâ€" huuses. From an outside. seat on the bus top. especially in London and other cities, it full view may be had of the nterior of the public-house. crowded lways. and on Saturday nights jammed to the point of suffocation. Old women, young women, girls are there; mothers with infants in arms, and not uncom- monly with other children tugging at their skirtsâ€"little ones whose Ii'etful cries are stilled by sips from mother's glass of gin. ‘ Workingmen drink just as much as the working women. ,A manufacturer, \an employer of hundreds of men, was ‘asked if English manufacturers ever made any restrictions about drinking when taking on new men. His reply was, “No, for it would be impossible to carry on business if such conditions were imposed.†He was almost in- credulous when told of the strict regu- lations in regard to drinking that ob- tain in some of America’s largest busi- ness establishments. Al meal times, throughout the United Kingdom a procession of women with pitchers, buckets or cans may be seen going to some one of the many public- ,houses, never more than a stone’s throw flrom their homes, and often not so far. 'cm here, of '0m l cheerful m Why, sure of Ihos-c [is "is Praises Sung in Cheerful Tone by Cheerful Mr. Knozzlelon. “I like the Cheerful man,“ said Mr. Knozzlelon. "lho man who refuses to be cast‘down, but lakes always a cheer- ful view. “'D'you ever see such weather as .lllis?‘ says the dismal man, weurily, shl‘ddlng more sultrincss all around. ‘ Whereas, in the dnys of our {ore- .{uthers, the worst drinking was among flue nobility and gentry, today the poor 31nd working classes are by far the ï¬nest. jnteniperate. 'mc fact that. drink- l'ng is habitual among the women (f this grade as we†as the men is the most serious feature. for when women do go to the dogs the very uttermost Icphts of degradation are usually reach- td before the end comes. Great Brilnin Spends Sum livery MILLIONS F0" LIQUOR. THE CIIEERFUL MAN. an 1 pork 111 and what inside of livery Your. them time. the whole party? they've got u few am" they all think fish 10â€"day! says in_ the ï¬shing Tremendous There is some pleasant reading for Londoners in the report of the Medical Oflicer of Health at Portsmouth. He states that there has been a systematic trade in diseased animals, principally tuberculosis cows, carried on in cer- tain country markets in Hampshire and Sussex, but. that owing to the system of inspection that has been adopted the meat no longer .inds its way to Ports- mouth. Tho carcasses, it seems, are now usually sent to London, and from the number of cows that are sold in the markets at prices ranging from 55. to 65s. each it is obvious that there must be regular channels through which suCh teat. can be readily disposed of. Occa- sionally one reads of the conviction in London of some farmer or butcher en- gaged in this filthy and dangerous irat- flc. But there is little doubt that in spite of the vigilance ot the inspectors a good deal of diseased meat is brought into London wd sold tor human con- sumution. They Advertise Themselves. â€" Im- mediately they were offered to the pub- lic, Parmelee‘s Vegetable Pills became p( pular because 01 the good report they made for themselves. That reputation has grown, and they now rank among the first medicines for use in allacks ol dyspepsia and biliousness. com- plaints of the liver and kidneys, rheu- matism, fever and ugue and lhe innum- erable complications to which these uil- moms give rise. THE ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAND “Mrs. Sandys," said the grumbling boarder. "I am going to write to the town clerk.†- Mrs. Sandys: "Indeed, sir! What about?†“About. the quality of the water. it"s disgraqetul. Why, I detected a distinct avor of coffee in it. this morning.†Experiments lndicating That They Don‘t Depend on Smell. The old theory that ants could not see and were guided entirely by sense 0! smell has been demolished by a series of experiments reported in the Revue Scientiï¬que. A little platform of card- For use on Sowing machines, Liâ€" cycles and all purposes requiring a ï¬ne lulmicant, the best is cheapest. in the end. Genuine Singer oil can only be obtained at Singer stores. Look 101' the ï¬nd S. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Write us at Manning Chambers, Toron- to, (or set of Bird Cards (rec. th£ me destination without tall. This was re- garded as establishing some form of vision. Finally, an electric bulb was set. up near one entrance to the nest. It seomlxi t) have on immediate, attraction for the ants, as they ui‘ianiinously used the en- trunco on that side coming to and go- ing them the nest. Then it was channg over to the other side, causing great excitement apparently among the in sects, which ended in their changing over to the newly illuminated way. “I thought I must no on suffering from piles until I died,†says Mrs. 15. Reed. of Slcenburg, -(Ont.). “but Zam- BU-lt has cured me! For years I en- t‘ured agony, could hardly walk about, and lost all my strength. Everything I tried seemed useless. Then ang Buk was rccommended, and I blessthe day! It has cured me completely.“ “It isn’t till a Miss gets marries that we ï¬nd out how much we have Mr." “Yes, and then we wonder if she also Mrs. us !†Mrs. Hastymalch: “I had a dozen pro- posals Lefch yours. All from smarter men than you, too I" Mr. Hastymatch: “They'must have been. How did they manage to crawl out of it?†The next, slep was to mark S( the ants wiih 11 view to seeing \V each individual always used “102 path and the same entrance to hi 1!, was found that no such thing v case. ‘ They all seemed to know all the en- trends and to have a sense of their diractjon. They struck out new paths for themselves and always reached their Changes in the brilliancy ot the light. seemed to have no perceptible effect on the ants, but they never failed to detect the change of direction. All possible precautions were taken to prevent the heat from the lump from reaching them, so that it is regarded as certain that they perceived the light. that. they scent but some olh The ne The superiorin of Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottle and give it a ma]. bum. eczema, etc.» 500., all stores. Zam-Buk 00., Toronto. 3 for $1.25 they look no nouct mentors then tw: around so that the : to the nest cnlrancc Without. he‘silatio using tho 0k] plane one. showing conch Buk was rccommended, and I bless1he day! It has cured me completely.†an-Buk is the ï¬nest household Lalm known. not only for piles, but all skin troubles and disoasesâ€"cuts, bruises, sore feet, insect stings, sun- any SENSE 0F SIGHT IN ANTS. ZAM-BL’K Cl‘nES FILES. DON‘T USE POOR OIL. 3nd in pposik at urde , : inclined m-yinn the \VCI'( \VCI‘( 501150- Lclina e sid< notio twisted the second no and i( clusively )t follow Ming the {On upon th utos the but, u plane {trance to his nos! such thing was th( f UK at it dim;r ane and at, gs down it u the me “‘85 mark some of seeing whether ants ceased )ok 10 the new , it is argued. ing a trail by :jr bearings by th of the light. bio effect on led to detect All possible ntfom The c: 1m om), but 3 experi- platform 5 pointed set up seemed for the the en- 1me "Papa. didn’t you wpr me once for biting baby ‘3" “Yes, my child, you hurt him very much." “Then. papa, you ought to whip mat gentleman who is in the parlor. for X saw him bite sister right on the lips; and I know it hurt her, for I saw her put. her nrms round his neck and try to choke him." The University of Paris is the largest second. with Berlin a good third. Dr.‘ J. D. Kellogg‘s Dysentery Cordial is :1 speedy cure for dysentery, diar- rhma, cholera. summer complaint, sea sicl<ncs< and complaints incidental 'to children teething. It gives immediate relief to those suffering from the effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit, cucumbers, etc. It. acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear cholera if they have a bottle of this medicine Con- venicnt. “That's right." rejoined the man who had been married so long that he had 10 comb his hair- wilh a towel; “she only says what she thinks she thinks.†France grows 1.600.000 tons of apples yfï¬lrly, and makes 240 million gallons or c: er. A more whiff 0! al‘sine-gns will prove fatal in from three to eight days. This gas killed ils discoverer, Adolph Geblen. During the next four months a great many of our readers will be looking around for changes in location, some desiring a change of climate, others wishing to go where they can obtain more land for themselves and their sons. The attention of those intent on making a change is directed to the ad- vertisement in this issue of the Land Department of the Union Trust Com- Pnny, Toronto, who are offering irri~ gated lands in Southern Alberta and British Columbia. Read their advertise- ment and it you write them. kindly mention this paper. “A woman," remarked bachelor, “seldom say: thinks.†L10! CURTAINS IIITIIII AIIRIOAN DYIINQ 00.. IO! '58. Mantra!) Stops Colic Nurses’ and Molhers’ Treasure --25c.â€"6 bottles $l.25. National Dnm & Chemical Co" Limited 48 I Mowâ€!- VROOF four ti b flYears to Comeï¬ 10¢. per packet, or 3 packets for 25¢. wlll loot u when cannon. F LY PADS â€" sou: av .â€" DRUGGISTS, cnocms Ann GENERAL STORES OHENILLE CURTAINS Just one ro‘of is GUARANTEED in writing to be good for 25 years and is really good for I hundred. That’s a roofof Put them on yourselfâ€"common sense and a hammer and snip! does it. The building they cover is proof 3 ainstlightning. ï¬re, wind. rain and mow. 'fhc)’ cost less because they're made better. and of better material. Write us and learn about R 00 F I No R XG H T. Address :05 ’I'L- urn! AD Dnnnl- (EmI The PEDLAR People ‘352 01mm loam) Ottawa Toronto London \Vlnnlpcg “OSHAWA†GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES WILSON'S And I" Had: of house Hunxlnu. Also IRRIGATED LANDS. ESSL'E N0. 3-07. \NHAT HE SAYS. DYEEIKSAB gLnlwAfllb Write to In thank. you". â€"-and a“ stomach use. (or i and bowel (imam A Make: puny babies ump and my. Proved y Soxean' Iuccesuful Sue: :k your km the cynical says what she Klll them all. No dead ï¬le- lylng about whorl used :0 dlroctod. guy-gem. Simple gray, qn the con- trary. make: a very conspicueusuni- form amid the Sam surroundings. Ad- dilionul tests are to be made to deter- mine the best color for wink? wear, and especially amid snow-covered The German war department has taken much pains to select a color for uniforms lo be used in active service which will prove as inconspicuous as possible in the ï¬eld. As a means of concealing operations in battle, in these days of longâ€"range guns, an "invisible" uniform for infantry ranks with smoke- less powder. The German experimenls have demonstrated that the color which comes nearest to making soldiers in- v;slble in an unï¬nary landscape is guy-gem. Simple gray, on the con- trary. makes a very conspicuousuni- Nestling in a frame of beautifully wooded shores lies a series of beautiful lakes 145 miles north of the City of Toronto. Ontario, and known as the “ Lake of Bays Region.†A chain of seven lakes studded with lovely islands, with hotels throughout the district and a good steamboat service to all points attracts the tourist, angler and sports- man. Just the out-oi-thr-way sort of place to visit during the summer months. For all particulars and tree illustrated publication apply to J. D. McDonald, Union station, Toronto, Ont. and csp0< landscapes. A good policeman will do more w keep a community righteous than ten moralists. sh< A Soothingr Oil.â€"T0 thmw oil upon the, troubled waters means to subdue I'o calmness the most. boisterous sou. To apply Dr Thomas’ Eclectric Oil to the troubled body when it Is racked with pain means speedy subjugation of the most refractory‘elements. It. cures pain, heals bruises, takes the fire from turns, and as a general household meâ€" dicine is useful in many ailments. it. is worth much. The value of a man’s memory de- pends on whether he is recalling his own good ‘-deeds or those 01 his neigh- hers. “Does your wife ever go through your pockets 7†“No; she wouldn’t dare i†“Wouldn't dare ?" “Wouldn't dare to do anything that savored so much of idiotic hopelessness 2" Dublin Castle. The impecunim man, it is suggested, obtained 1 My possession of the key and duplicate made of it. This havir (tone. the rest. was as easy as Jack Robinson, that is to say, {1 (no [staying within the castle No one now expects that the Corns cause intolerabEe pain way's Cam Cure removes the Try it, and see what amount, is saved. Absent Minded Professorâ€"“l always target to put a handkm‘chlef im my coat. I really must make a knot in it [a remind myself." ll] NO one now expCCLS that the will ever be traced after having month’s start before the theft, \v covered. lTCll, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by W0]- fm‘d‘s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. Modesty is another 'term for the way a man acts when he gets found out do- ing somebhing he ought to be doing. lee a bad hablt a. skin disease grows. Scrotu- lous humor: eczema. and all eruptions may be cured with Weaver's Comte, Inflated internally by Weaver’s Syrup. All Drugzist: They Cleanse the System Thorough- ly. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills clear the slomach and bowels of bilious mutter, cause the excretory vessels to lhmw off impurities from lhe blood into the buvols and expel the (lelolorlous muss Imagination is thinking you are having a good time when you are only spend- wife to go back to her mother again to live. A A Rumor That They Were Stolen by a Society Woman. stomach and bowels of bilious matter, cause the excretory vessels to thmw all impurities from the blood into the buvols and expel the deleterious mass from the body. They do this without. pain or inconvenience to the patient, who speedily realizes their good ofï¬ces us'they begin to take effect. They have strong recommendations from all kinds of people. There Is no such (hlng as a harmless con h The trouble oes from bad to worse unless chec - ed. Allen's ung Balsam cures the worst colds. It allays inflammation and clears the ail passages uth< There is going wier an amaz THE KILLARNEY OF AMERICA. THE COLOR THAT CONCEALS amoon w them led, all donc l in Iiltl DUBLIN CASTLE JE\\'ELS. 11 ms seem ssary and ’II‘ 11' g lh zing I in ns in Ireland that [he to think precautions is everyone knows things try slipshod manner M The impecuniougs wk)- Isted, obtained tempor- f the key and had a f it. This having been zas as easy as saying hat is to say. for any- lh $15 suggested one 0rd Aberdeen 5] wels. He readily wels. He mg with were kept mired, 1m I‘ bridge debts ha mulnling and 1t lently threatened appears that wh ling th round of London rumor anent the aff Aber 1o knows :1 states that house party him to [he After hav- gcms were which was W615 locus Hollo- trouble. of pain walls. culprit. had a as dis- from THE FINEST TRIP ON THE CONTINENT. The Ridcau Lake Twln Screw Iron 83. " Campuna," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. SAILS FROM MONTREAL 0N MONDAYS AI ( p.m., 8rd and 17th Jun. lat, 15th and 29th July, 12th And 26th August. “h and 23rd Septembor, and tonnl holy thoroaflor (or Piotou, N‘s†call- In; at us ca, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Porco, Cape Con, Grand ivor, Summerside, P.E.I., and Charloï¬ â€œGown, P.E.I. BERMUDA grand scenery, and passed by daylight. The oommodious steamers “Rideau King" and “Rideau Queen.†leave King- sion every Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday at 6 am, Icave 0t- lnwa every Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Friday at 2 p.m. Connection: at Kingston with Grand Trunk, Kingston and Pembroke Railway and Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co., at Ottawa with G. 'I‘. R, C. P. R., 0. and N. Y. Ry,, O. R. Nav. 00., and 0. F. Co. For guide book wriie D. NOONANi V. P. and G. M., Kingston. Ont. QUEBEESTEAMSHIPCUMPANY This trip is without doubt one o! the most enjoyable in Canada. The cele- truled Hideau Lakes, noted for their grand scenery, and passed by daylight. River and Gulf of St. lamence Bummer Excursions, 336. by the new Twln Bcrew SS. "Bermudian". 6,500 tons. Sailing 5th sud 19611 Jun, 8rd, 17th and am July, 14th And 20th Align" 1th, um and 25th Sep‘ombor. Ml: 1am ma 26th October, em, 16m and 27th Novom- bor. Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 510gre_eq._ I, LunL __A use: nuv ' v uv u-.. V--. The ï¬nest trips of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & C0.,_Agents. 207 Bnoadway. New York. Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Lmrran SOLE DEALERS, 9 Jordan St. Toronto NEWSOME & GILBERT, D (ANGLE £3... A4 A Lake and Island Paradise. ILLUSTRA'J‘ED CATALOGUE FREE ETTER buy an L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPE- WRITER now than be sorry afterwards. Every useful device In- built not patched on. WRITING ENTIRELY â€"â€"â€"IN SIGHTâ€"â€" 'What you spend for under- Wear buy: most real value in ï¬t, comfort, advice- only when each gar- ment bears the . I had: mark in red that guarantees . you satisfaction or your m o n c y back. HALIFAX. N. S. MONTREAL. l. C. SMITH 8A BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. THE PEOPLE'S MACHINE. Route. LIMITED.