Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Aug 1907, p. 8

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Village Directory. Poultry N Church 01' Englandâ€"-Servioea at 3p. m. 1st. 2nd and 4th Sunday. Wednesday evening. Third Sunday at 11 a. m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 e. 111.. and 7 p. in. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting nealed; Roman catholic Churchâ€"Services on altar. Lete Sundays MO 3.. 111.5116 10.30 0.. m. Methodist Church vâ€"Sorvicos at 10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. in. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M -â€"Meets Mon- day on or before full moon Court Richmond,A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and mirth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 U VIIâ€"«Meets third Wednesday c: each month Camp Elam. S 0 S â€"-Meets second and fourth Wednesday R T of ’l‘emperence-â€"Mcels first Wednesday of each month Fire Brigeddâ€"Mcets first Monday of every month Public Library and Reading Room-Open 1 nesdny. and Suturdm’ evenings. Eoworth Loafingâ€"Meets evmv Monday Junior Epwurth League meets every 0 1y attornoon at 4. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post 011100 as follows:- ' MORNING ..... .. 8 35 EVA-JNING ......... .. ..6.35 MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING EVENING N.B.â€"Reaistoredlettors must be handed in at least Fifteen \{inutes earlier than the above murtioneu hours {or closrng. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Mon- A- ’l‘oronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Summer ' Time. Table 1907 GOING NORTH C. P. R. Crossing (Toronto). Leave, â€"â€"A. M. 6.00. 7.001. 8.00, 9.00. 10.00. 11.00. 12.00. P. M. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.001} 7.00. 8.00. 9.00. Thornhill A. M. 6.35. 7.35. 8.35. 9.35, 10.35. 11.35. P. M. 1‘ .135. 2.35, 3.35. 4.35. 5.35. 0.35. 7.35. 8.3;). 9.35. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.50. 7.45, 8.50, 0.45. 10.50, 11.45. 1’. M. 12.50. 1.50. 2.50, 3.50. 4.45. 5.50, 6.45. 7.50. 8.45. 9.50. Bond Lakc Junction A. M. 7.05. 8.05, i 0.05. 10.05. 11.05. P. M. 12.05, 1.05.205. 3.05. 4.05. 5.05, 0.05. 7.05. 8.05. 0.05. 10.05. Aurora. A. M. 7.20, 8.10, 0.20. 10.10, 11.20. P. M. 12.10. 1.20. 2.20. 3.20, 4.20. 5.10. 6.20. 7.10. 8.20, 9.10, 10.20. Newrnurkct A. M. 7.40, 8.30. 9.40, 10.30, 11.40. P. M. 12.30, 1.40, 2.40, 3.40. 4.40, 5.30, 0.40, 7.30, 8.40, 9.30, 10.40. Jackson’s Point Arrive A. M. 9.40. 11.40. P. M. 1.40, 6.40, 8.40. 10.40. GOING SOUTH. Jackson's Point A. M. 6.00, 8.00, 10.00. P. M. 3.00, 5.001, 7.00. ~. Newmarket. A. M.. 6.00, 7.00. 8.001, 9.00, 10.00. 11.00. 12.00. P. M. 1.00. '300, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00. 6.00’r, 7.00, 8.00, .00. - Aurora A. M. 6.15, 7.15. 8.15. 9.15, 10.15, 11.15. P. M. 12.15. 1.15,, 4.15, 5.15. 6.15, 7.15. 8.15. 9.15. Bond Lake Junction A. M. 6.30. 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30. 11.30. P. M. 12.30. 1.30, 2.30. 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, 6.30, 9.30. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45. 10.45, 11.45. P. M. 12.45. 1.45. 2.45. 3.45. 4.45. 5.45. 6.45. 7.45, 8.45, 9.45. Thornhill A. M. (5.55. 7.55. 8.55. 9.55, 10.55. 11.55. 1’. M. 12.55.1553. 2.55, 3.55, 4.55, 5.55. 6.55. 7.55. 8.55. 9.55. C. P. R. Crossing. Arrive, A. M. 7.40. 8.40. 0.40, 10.40, 11.40. P. M. 12.40 1.40, 2.40, 3.40, 4.40, 5.40, 6.40, 7.40, 8.4.0, 9.40, 10.40. “’cdnesduy and Saturday evenings it lute cur loaves C. 1’. R. Crossng for chnmrkct and inteimcdiutc points at Il.3 p. in. Every \Vcdnesdny and Saturday night it late our will leave Newmzirkot for Toronto and intermediate points at 10.45 p. or. 11101111000 with Schomhcrg & Aurora Railway. _ Special Limited Cur, in addition to the regular service, leaving North To- ronto for JackSon‘s Point cvei y Sutur- duy at 2 p.m. In addition to regular sorvice. :1 our will leuvo Jucksmr‘s Prith for Toron- to on Suturduy only :it 6 p.111. Also Sportial Lllllltg‘k’l \vill louvc for Toronto I every Monday at. 731.1". \V. H. MOOR E. Manager My Stock 01 VVoolcns for SPRING AND SUMMER is now complete comprising Black and Blue Worsted} Twills. Scotch 'I‘weeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoating, etc. I l UANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY Best quality. Low prices A. J. HUME, Tailor, Richmond Hill thing in season at reasonable prices. ' Eavetroughing and Tinsmi’ohing of Garden Tools of all kinds; Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes; every- ‘ .0130, oiled .fia“ also Galvanized Wire, Rakes, all kinds attended to. U -to To turn out good harness it is necessary to employ uplo-rluto methods, We have now the latest and best in ever respect. Come in and see our new and up-to-date methods of turning out the best. har~ ness it is possible to produce. and be convinced that we are now able to give you anything you need in our line, from the cheapest up to the very best grade possible to be turned out in any shop. both in ideas and tools. All our work guaranteed to be the best that can be produced for the prior. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill iiiEEiAllEil issue a policy free from restrictions, with guarantee values and with protection and investment all combined. :0... nan... E 13300 nxecideni I301icies from $1.00 per year up» wards. This IS what every man should have. Fire Insurance Mercantile, W'cstern, Norwich Union, and York Fire. All business will have my prompt attention. rates and literature. B G. free. full information about. work which ! {Loy con do. and live at home,lhnt will my 4- llwl‘n From $510 $15 per day. Some Love urned ovur $30 in a day Eixhrr :03. young or old. Copunl nor require 1. You are started {1 ea Those who slim at one: no absolutely sun; of sung little fortunes. All 11 our. fields I'c acavce. hut those who write Sunson A: Co..1’or\lnnd. Mninrnvill receive C .E .h .a 52¢ .. U_ . :3 :10? .. 5 T (EDA v4 . 5‘ E <1 2 1 .5 . . - as: - ; r$~!.-‘n:rc a C“ ’- zfi: HG; ,; . ,.. is Vac-:2 ; 05" [5 ~ Q >= .5 _ ' ,3 Z 55 dWILVScllszfl‘ {I} a a. A D L .. a a: . Cg. ,... Z in °m 8 91:55 .2. w H 25¢ . .,_.._. . . "" “‘ so...) :- '<,_:5 1â€"4 '13 5-4 9:. L. “ a - ‘1 D xxz .5 23:; M '- ... mm ' .-‘.< H ~ , _,-â€"r v J45.“ r3 5’4 >4 34:22 O} - :5 E gr. 7 - > 1 d : w 1. n :3 s r a 9" :- 3 :n ~_. Time Table :1 condensed tinue lublc of the Ho and Parry Sound:- â€" :i V r. I Lunch Uouu tori l‘lxprcuu l’h‘fl)‘. No. 5 E 3 O :1 1,91: . "rat >2 1».__-:: :l EL::fi-"- 1 ‘55: 2' é‘ :3z;»4 'I: .:.‘:.;â€"E -a “5'3; .3 “a :2 3 :5? r, as ..-_:‘-~ 0 ‘ v.5: z 3 .:3 L: i ’34 in ._. >â€" L .x Ripans Tnbules cure biiiousness. dipans Tabular: for sour stomach. i {hue-.11 \Vrite for RICHMOND HILL arm Laborers and-Domestms I have been appointed by the Do- minion (lovormne-ut to place Immiâ€" grants from the United Kingdom in positions us form laborers or Llo- mestic sci-vunls in this vicinity. Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully tho kind of hpr required. when Wanted, and wugr-s ofi‘vred. Tho numer 01‘- living may not be. sufficient, to supply all requests but evmy rti‘urt will be made to provide each applicant. with l hclp required. | r ’1‘. F. MUMAHON. Canadian Governiin-nt Employment Agent. Richmond Hill. Ont. iii-if 113 '2‘: .u r (v. if. gigs .m an: NuTTe .oro. I’os; l is. in it. .‘tlu' (airline. or lL-nrt .‘ir-IW rll'IInllfllluhu11101531. luv-1:11:01": tr-nll‘ltlliilg, more go '.:1‘.h~>lhu.t "'1‘! ('UI. Elioop‘i Ilcslomti vv 1 ' 1111111111101! 1‘ ‘ ul'nll 112i. 1m; lwurt «1' popular in .. wm': and 1 g m '1 (Mum‘s. It 5m Lilliâ€"us; i1 Min-m ml, :2. uuinel If you would lunn 51mm; Hunt: ‘ " gvgtion. sin-1112:1181 tin-.0 licl'VQdâ€" Irwinbiirji 1 them as nccdcd, “th l E, . a s: :1£,.E§-‘K:‘:::w . S l Head Office Bank deposits. ESTABLISHED 1873 THE SWEARD BANK ' OF CANADA m I. 1 OTOELO The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. ID RICEIB‘iQND HELL BRANCH EL. 1151’. Byrno, Elisnag'er I BRANCREES [1.1.543 1V1? PXAPLE, MxkEl-KEIAM AND I S’I‘OU‘FFVJILLE Km? -m‘r . . THEV LAKESHORE EXPRESS FAST 'l‘il AIN I90 11 Muskoka. Lakes Leia/es Toronto 10 51,.1’11. (1| Joseph Hula l'ulk :iml lmln‘ Muskoku Nuv. t‘o. Steamers arrive Ht‘ulllllill is 2.15 p. 111., I’m-t Uockliiu'n 3.00 p. 111.. Port Sund- iiold 3.30, p. m., lloyul Mu<l1oku 4.30 p. 111., other points in proportion. nnmrting :it “it h Offices streets and l'uion Station, Main 500'.)- 5179. 2,7 â€"07 corner King and Toronto 50 YEARo" . EXPEREENCE TRADE MARKS Dsoisus Commons arc. Anyonr- sending a 51101011 and desorption may quickly nsrorinin our opinion free whnther an invention is probably putontnlyle. (‘mnmnnicn- tionsstrictlyconfidential. Handbook on Pnionta sent free. (ilrlfrst agency for Slu‘lll’lllu put oms. Patents taken through Munn .v. Co. reculvo Spt‘l’ldl notice, without charge in tho $090006: financial. A handsomely illusfmfr‘d Inrnnat .- oulutiou of any scientifi- ‘ . 'l‘PTIIL‘. a your: four months. $1. D . .l newleml .. 0550&80fi“mrMaheniul Brunch Oilice. 6‘25 11‘ SL. “laslllr’lgliln. D. (I. LiVERY COAL. , A ‘WOOO Coal and Wood Deliverer‘. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Threshors‘ Cool on lmnd. Michael Bros... Riclunond 11111111 Feb. 7, 1907 01.12.1151 lirunir’ "FARM Tho proprietor of Pleasant View Herd HolstPiu t‘ultlo :md Broodor of Improved Cl]',‘$l(‘l' “'hi'to Ilogs. Lot 29. 1st COIL, Vaughan (Thornhill) has for sule sonu- good young slot-k. Thoroughbred bull and hog kept. for service on the promises. I). (i. UOODERIIAM. Proprietor Willi” “SI 1301 a." 4.1 g Municipality of tho Township of MARKHAM‘ County of York Notice i< hm-vby givou that I have transmitted or dolivcrnd to the prrsmis montionvd in Sections Eight and Nine of the Ontario “Von-15’ List Act" the copies rcquirod by said soothing to be so transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act of all per- sons appearing by Hi» hut Revised As- senior-11Llinllol'lli~<:.iiimunicipality to be entitled to Vult’ in lllt‘ said mulliâ€" cipolity at l‘TlL-riioin for Mruibvrs of liuâ€" lu-uhhth e .\\Sl‘llllll}'.:lll(li|t3111111- cipal lilac-rims: and [1141’ the Sultl List ‘ \\'.'i.~; first pmiml up at my office at the Village of l’uionvilh‘ on the Cltllh day (it July. 1007. Hill] rcmziius [ht-re for inspoction. Idler-1:115:11»: cullvd llpl-ll to examine; ilic suid List uiul if any ommisions or any other oirors urc iouud therein to , tuko immulizuc- prom-miings to how- the said crrorx I.‘H1‘1'i*(‘lL"\l according to law. (‘11. S'I‘IVER. (‘lrrk of 1111- said Municipality. Dated this Slh day of Augusl. 11307. 'J I.) S YNOI‘SIS OI" CANADIAN NORTH-WEST 110M ICS'I‘I'IA I) 11 Ft} I.'I..’\’I‘IONS , NY vvi-n llllllllwll’d 3(1'11011 ol' 1\ Dominion lmods in Munitnlm. Huskurrhownn illlil Albmtu. oxw'plinp: o mini 20, not re-sr-rvod. may \lt‘ homo- :xlvmlml by any [H'l'sull “ho is lln- soli- lll‘Eltltlfilllillllll)'.t\1‘illl)' lll-‘llt' oH-i IS yr'uls of ugh, to tho t'th’lll, of 0111'- quurtor sr-ction of 160 uni-1.x, more or less. Entry must. be made personally at tlw local land otflicr- for the: district in , which the lurid is siliinto. Tha- bomn-stoudcr is l't'llllll't‘tl to porâ€" loi'm thr- conditions (rounoctml illt‘l'l'- ‘l \virh undoi ow- of tlu- following; plans: (I) At loust six months’ irsii‘lvnm' upon and cultivation of tho loud in much your for tlin-o yours. (2) If tho futhr'r (or mother, if tho futbor is (it-roused) of tho homostrndor rosidr-s upon a farm in the vicinity of tho lund (-ntc-rrd for, the requiionwnm :is to rosidonco muy br- snti~iird by such porson raiding with tho falhrr or mothr-r. l (3) If the sctllé‘r has his pmnium'nt, 1, rrsidvnco upon farming hind owned liV him in Ihr- \irinity of his homestead, the roquiroim-nts us to I'L‘Sltltfllt't‘ may , bu satisfied by residence upon the suid luiul. Six months’ notice in writing should 1 1w given to the (‘oumiissionor of Do- ‘ minion Lands at Ottowa of intention to zipply for patent. \V. \‘i'. CORY. Di-puty Ministor of tho Intm ior. N. 13,7l'nonthorizml ruiblicution of this :ulvcrtiu-mout will not, ho puirl for. 3-1-0111 ’ -2«z~-:~+++-z~~:»:w:«l»:~§o+~:~:<++++~s~++++~r .g. ~5- Get "Genuine" Business Education 2,: now, than wish you had aiterwards. f“ .5. Fall term from Sept. 3. Attend the + .1. .;. /"‘ ._, ., ‘ a. ,. lot-1.152723%?” ., .. L. «affix/F,” , ,r l ,I v _. I ‘/:', v ,0 a/ .3/5 [fig/C [1“7'511 {t‘or Yonge and Ah-xuudcr sis.) and you will undoubtedly get “genuine” business truining,~â€" not. the “imitation” kind. Out. of two hundrcd and fifty calls for bookkeepers. stenogrnplu-rs. etc, “'1: llllctl only fifteen of the positions. Had no' one also gromly which calls Ave-re received. Yrs. it pays to attend thisscbool. it double pays. Catalogue free. “+15 +i'++'i"i‘++-!'=?+++++++-I W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. J I t. .1- +++*++$++++++++++++++'1- Ȥo 4. 1%.}. 9".+U:O >3. .1. .2.+.§..}. .4}. .§. .;2 .5. .i. 4. .z- .1. .z. .z. a. ~20 coir sEST WITH F's”: r _ ’5 ‘5 ‘ anfiutl New W- ms ‘ New Gazetteer of {110 Il’oz'ld “’llll mun: than 5: " J tztlcs. 111581} 01:93:20 '- Lilth ;» .5 rc‘ . -' ('3 of ovv-r 1 100 ncitcd "' -.’-u'.'n. " I':.I§.I“,:.T\.. 1.7.3,. ,, CSL'Jlummjluuuz‘uL Lducatam. r20 Pages . 0.3!. Rich Bindings. . (av-d 1:3 Evoryflome ‘5'. "111.". , K (:3 1 v. i: C. K’ublisbsrs. Snz-lzgfield. Masa- 3 ,. .a-r -; 1

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