Nurses’ & lllotherS’ Treasure â€"most reliable medicine [or baby. Used over 50 can. Fin! «impounded by Dr. P. E Saul! in I856. akes Baby Strong Restore: the little organs to perled health. Give; sound sleep, without resort to opium or other In'uriom drugs. a 44 A! dniui-H, 25:. 6 bottLI SLZS. ‘ Nuï¬ounlDruldtCImiulCo. Ltd, Mouqu V ' t rd, and in about a year and a half after While a North British mail travelling over it. Bdwecn eighty lost IIll'll‘ Ii\ us. and apportionment of the blame. The. Irl rd n of this. and it proved Ito heavy I( r him. r;u‘ry he was dead-of a brokin heart. 1C vuld hardly bu too polite. Ilut he can: and tlu-rc is one looking for a job at , this pl‘tSClIt moment who knows it to ‘Iiis cost, To this last place came a ' lady customer, YOI'NG AND PRETTY. She bought freely, loo_ of furs, velvels, and other easily negotiable goods. ._ Again and again she, came. always i\\'IIII a bow and a smile to the oblig- mg shopwalker. And he, on bus part. not eonh'llt with nu‘rely showingr III'I' In the. department she wished to pat- rrnizv. piloch her all over the cstab~ Iislinicnt. Nor were his suspicions awakencd even when she Showe an nnfeminnu‘ euriositv regardingr hulls and liars, and the vari ins ways of ingress and egress It and from the premises. (mly whvn. later on, a gang of burglars IOHINI the [wince of some $00,000 worth of goods, did he realize how their feminine, con« federate had profited by his politeness. Similarly. tho unlucky sufferer in a recent notorious jewel robbery in Cler- kenwell, owed his misfortune to a like trait in his. character. The conspira- tors, who afterwards min-dermist as- saulted and noblu'd Illlll. Sent a decoy. it will be i‘einv‘nilwrcd. to prclcnil purchase a gold watch and diamond pendant out of business hours. Natural courtesy. rather than mercan- li'c zeal, compelled attention to the plausible rufl‘ian. and with disastrous Every packet wlll klll morofllooth-in 300 sheet. ' of otlcky paper : FLY PADS â€" BOLD BY â€"- DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND GENERAL STORES 10¢. per packet, or a packet. for 25¢. ' wlll last a whole omen. :UUEBEESIEIMSHIPCUMPINI LIMITED. liver and Bull of SI. lawrence Bummer Cruises in 0001 Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 55. “ Campunu," with oloctrfl Ilghu, electric bolls 1nd all modern comfort; suns mom MONTREAL on MOND vs a d .m., 3rd 3nd 17th Jane m, 15“: and am July, I ii and 6th August, all: ma "rd September. In I , i'esulls to the accommodating trader. if§::":§t,‘:§,‘fg§:;;Ԥlï¬$333222;$3302?“ The Russmn peasant has a saying Iomd fvoi- Bummer-Ida, REL. md hula which invariably puzzles the. foreigner: lotown,P.E.I. “'I‘oo polite. and die like Bekovitch." The proverb refers to one of the most tragic episodes in MUSCOVITE HISTORY. In the early Spring of 1717 Prince Ilekovifch Cheraski led an armed expe- dition consisting of 4,000 infantry and BERMUDA Bummer lxcnralons, 355, by the new Twirl Screw BS. "Bermudian", 5,600 tom. Slqu och .nd ml: June. 3rd. 17th and 815% July, 1m: and mm Au int “h, Nth and 25th September, “I: i uh an and: October, sch, mh and 27th Novarm ‘ Temperature ooolod by In broozu uldons . or. d 2000 cavalry into the then alnzosl un- ‘0 GI. . . ' ' . " ~ . mï¬o‘gggc mp1“; we "Hon 1" hum, no known interim of the bouth-(cntial “mum, ASlfl. Ilis ostcnSIbIe object was to open ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. A. E. OUTERBRIDGE a C0., Agents, l0 Broadway, New York. I POLITENESS THEIR RUIN DO\\'I\'I’A LL. up commercial relations with the Klians of Khiva and of Bolihara. His real one, to see if it were possible to invade India from the north. The Prince, with whom were many cflic‘ers of the Imperial Bodyguard, a brilliant company, marched his men ï¬tl‘uss the arid sleppcs with difliculty, and on August 1511i halted some eighty miles from the city of I\'hiva. The Iv'hivans, ignoring his professions of friendship. attacked the force; bill were easily defeated by the better armed and better disciplined soldiers of the Czar. Their Khan, thereupon resorted to diplomacy. He visited the Itussian camp in state. Explained that the at- tack delivered by his people was all a mistake. And invited Prince Bekovitch. and his principal ofllcers, to visit his capital as his guests. Two days later, at. a grand enterlan- ment. the Khan toasted his “friends the Russians,†and vowed eternal friend- ship. He also took the opportunity of rcquesting Prince Bekoviteh to divide hi~ army into small detachments for entertainment in the surrounding vil- lages. regretting the inability of his ea- pitol to entertain so many guests. The Russian commander polilcly agreed to fire politely preferred request, the Rus- sian force was broken up, and the Khan laughed sardonically. HIS TURN IIAD COME. Early next day he killed Rekovilch. and Picking up a Few Apples for a Poor Fruit \‘cndor Cost a Man His Life. There is a widow living erty in London lo-day, who might Ie .far otherwise but for an ill-timed act or courtesy on the part of him who was once her bread-winner. It was the afternoon or Tuesday, Sep- tcmbcr 3rd, 1878, and the pier at S’hccr- boss was crowded with boisterous excur- sionisls. Through them threaded “10 man in question with his wife, verv soon to be husbandlcss. An old app'e~ woman‘s stall was knocked down. The man stopped to render assistance, bid- ding his wife hurry on to the boat to convey them to London. He would fellow. . He did follow. But, too late. The vessel had gone; bearing his wife with in great. pov- fl; The no“ boat was the Princpss forwarded his head as a gift to the Khan Alice, which he caught. only ,0 be of Bokhara. Then he annihilated \hc drowned in the Thames, off Woonich. RUB-5m“ a"1113’- -wifh some 700 other unforlunafcs. And all through staying to gather up a few .applcs for a poor fruit vendor. \VIIY TIIE TAY BRIDGE FELL. Sir Thomas Beach, the eminent en- gineer. was one of the most cortcous Vand eonsidei'ate of men; and to these traits in his character was distinctly traceable the awful fragvdy that ter- minated alike his professional career and “his life. He had to grapple gli‘ms connected with the stability of the :III‘SI ’l‘ay Il‘ridgc, and at the same time keep in order an army of subordinates. isome of whom \\'l‘l'c cilicicnt and hon- keep the stomach and bowls free from test, and some of whom \veic not. The',<lll(‘trl'i01iQ matte". 'l'l‘lki‘ll “CU‘I‘UHII 10 itwo duties clashed. and IIL‘iIIfi‘I' was dim-lion they will ovci‘Coine dyspepsia, [performed properly. .‘lcroni-r, it h.»â€" ‘vi-adiealr- liilousncss. and have the di- 'canic known about the works that Sir m-slive Hagan.» healthy and strong fol .'l‘liomas was too good-natural to d»- pvifoi'ni IIil‘il' Illll'llt‘ll‘X Their iiii’i-‘ils miss an incompetent man. while his ‘ are wril-kimvn lu iii. 1l\.lliI> \\i.u kiuw by experience IwW twin-livid ‘lily arcl in giving tone to the syxï¬wm. â€"â€"-~»z< A f'latter 01 lm rtnnce to all those who are run down and ( ebilitated is the fact that " Ferrovrm " is the best tnm’c ever compounded. It gives strength and builds up the system. Ilc yelled at the top of his voice, for two hours and then stopped. “Well,†said his mother, “are you going to be good? Have you finished crying?†“N0,†said Tommy, “I have not finished; I'm only resting.†with vital prob- I(nown to Thousands. â€"~ Parniclcc‘s \Rgelable Pills regulate the action of tho secretions. purify the blood and .nafive politeness shrank from adiiiinis- tcring l‘L‘l‘l'Ucl even. t COLOSSAI. IDOL. As a consequence the bridge was bad- ly constructed as well as badly chIgn- viking “st opened for traffic it. collapsed train was ninety persons and with the passing of the first shock of horror came the un- happy engineer had to bear the chill \\ ilhin four months of the ad- verse verdict of the Iluard of Trade in- (me would imagine lhat a shopwzilker underwear. bu it. That Stzanofe The strongest wind that ever blew can't rip away a roof covered with self-locking “OSHAWA†GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Rain can't get throu h it in 25 years gguamntced in writing or that Ion â€"good or a century, rcally)â€"ï¬rc can t bot cr such a roofâ€"proof n ainst all the elementsâ€"the chea est. 6001? roof “1ch So. 4 Vritc us and we'll show you why it costs least. to root right. Just address (nt‘d ’ï¬ie PEDLAR People Oshaw- Montrczl Ottawa Toronto London Wlunlpeg YOUR SUMMER OUTING. It you are fond of fishing. canocing. camping or the study of wild animals, lcok up the Algonquin National Park of Ontario for your summer outing. A liin and game preserve of 2.000.000 acres interspersed with 1.200 lakes and rivers is awaiting you, offering all the attractions that Nature can bestow. Magnificent canoe trips. Altitude 2.000 ILCI above sea level. Pure and exhilar- ating atmosphere. Just the place for a yrung man to put in his summer holiâ€" days. An interesting and profusely il- lustrated descriptive publication tell- ing you all about it sent free on appliâ€" cation to J. I). McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. NO’I QUITE. “Have you any difï¬culty in getting the proper diet for the invalid?†“No, indeed; the doctor has ordered us to give some of that prepared (I050- crated food.†\‘ery many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved it proper I‘f‘lllt‘tIlt‘S had been used. If attackch do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. .I. D. Kellogg‘s Dysenfery Cordial, the medicine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who have used it say it acts promptly. and thoroughly subducs the pain and discasc. Brooks: “Where do people, get. th-n idea that two can live as cheaply as om. '2†Newton : “Perhaps it comes from fhc same source as the Idea that two hearts beat as one I†SE\\'ING MACHINES FOR RENT. by week or month, at low rates. The Singer. and Wheeler & W'ilson are acknowledged the lightest-running and nus! convenian of any. Try one and be convinced. Only at the Singer shirts. Look for the Red Singcr S wing Machine Co. “'rilc us at Man- ning Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird (‘ards free. Tougher: “Well, did you make him take his words back, as you said you were going.r to do '1" Meeker: “Yes, he took them back; but he used them over again more emphatically than he did beloi'e." lTCll. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious lien on human rr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- lord‘s Sanitary Lotion. It never lails. Sold by all druggists. “IIavr-nt I told you." askid the father, “always to fell the truth?†"Yes, you told nic that." the young man admitted; “Int another tinn- you told me never to I,’('{’('IIIU the slaw of a habit." A Sound Stomach Means a Clear Ill a-lf The high lllt“Slll'C of a nervous =l., wk i h Iill~lll|>5 men of the pro-sent Two miles from Kamaknra. and alont: :J from Yokohama, in Japan, on a ti-iz‘ race near the temple. sits the nuiin gigantic ItInI in the world. If. is fhc‘ Id‘tl/A'Il image .if a deity, and dates from,’ Iilv' reign of tlic l-Inipi‘ri r Rho inu. “‘Iiuf .. . .<~'l. are wiisli'aified It) Iivr- IllLtIvC‘! «Iltil:;.'I.I\‘ upon their \ilalilv highly detv ii-ivnlal to thcir health. It is only f_\‘ O n c k in d ol 3 n (I only one, ï¬ts right, wears out slowest, and satis- ï¬es you from the day you That kind Is trade- marked (as above) in r . and guaranteed to you by store: that sell it and the people who make IL I Made in many fabrics and styles, at various chine mindcrs came up they found anI prices, In form-ï¬ning Bllcs for women. awakened and much distressed soin- 5 men and children. Look to: the nainDnhst, who turned and ran tori PEN-ANGLE. 207 home while they unsyinpatheticallyl GHOST “'ORE PLI‘G IIA'I‘. “'as All in White Except the Head- (tear. A new ghost s‘ory is told by Lloyds Weekly, of London. ' A party of Norwood machine mind-l ers. going home in the early hours ot Saturday morning were suddenly scared by a ghostly figure racing past theinl to the railway station. I The apparilirn was clolhrd onlv In a white nightshirl and a silk huh-and under its arm carried a, lookâ€" and :1 folded newspaper. (inc of the work'- nien tried to slop the seeming phan-‘ loin, but it was too (pin-k for him. As1 it INCIIIIVIJ the railway station ‘ gurc stopped suddenly. the fl-1 \\?lien the ma- laugla d. 'F RAII.\\'AYS UNIQUE RECORD. The Highland iSi'ollandl Railway in one respect ocrnpuw a unique position in Iliilisli railway history. Alllionghl the first POI‘IIHI’] of the system was In- corporali-d so longr ago as 18.30. not a sniglc passenger was killed until 1804. The first poi-hon was opened in IRSR. so that for a period of thirty-six years not a solitary passenger lost his life in a train az'cidcnf, and although over ten years have elapsed since the fatality and many millions of passengeis have dur- ing that period travelled over the sys- tem the total of fatal train accidean to passengers yet remains at one, and may it long continue to do so. Tiinmins. who believes in the old say- ing. "See a pin. Illt'k it. up, and all (I:in long you'll have luck," one day saw a pm in lln- slrwt. llc'nding down In flt‘l. it has hat. tumbled off and rolled into the, glitter, his eyeglasses fell and broke on the pavement, his braces gavn way behind. ho liuist the butlonholc 0n the hack of his shirtcollar, and he all but lost his new false teeth. But he got the pin. Where, can I get some of Ilolloway‘s (‘crn (Zure? I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy and I wish Some more of it for my friends. Sol \‘Jl'llt'b‘ Mr. J. W. UFOWII, Chicago. "I don’t, believe I'm the only girl you ever loved. Fred!" “Why, dearest “Because you kiss as if you were used' to it." lee little volcanoes of disease. the eruption: of eczema. pour out discharges. Bad blood cause: the trouble. The local remedy is Weaver's Carma, and Weaver’s Syrup will drive the poison from the blood Jack: “You should have Riily. Her eyes flashed fire, and Arthur: “That's funny. You saidua lilo» ment ago that she froze you with a glance." seen Miss The World is Full of Pains,‘Tho aches and pains that afllicl humanity are many and constant. arising from a nnillitude of indistinguishable causes, lruf in the main owing in man's negli- gence in taking care of his hcallh. Dr. Thomas‘ Eeleetric (JII was the outcome of a universal cry for some specific which would speedily relieve, pain, and it has filled its mission to a remarkable degree. A COMPIIOXIISE. Old-fashioned Father (sternly): “-an your prospective wife make up a good batch of bread?" Trulhful Son (diplomatically): “Well. she can handle the, dough all right." Parents buy Mother (lraves‘ Worm Exterminator because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. of Bother The starch that needn't be cooked. .that won’t: stick. .thatgives a bril- liant gloss with almost 11 o Iron-effort. .Ia n ’ t that the starch ou ought to have tl'viem use on your clothes? Buy it: by name.. your“ dealer sells it. cismn d wagglli LADIES’ . . . ‘9‘ °.':.*.'.".' Du be don. perfectly by our I'th l'rooou. Try It Illfllfl AMERIOAN D‘IIINO 00. m Ion-mm. TORONTO, OTTAWA t QUEBIO fl: un't (a Ivay‘ hum. n'u Newnouse TM?) a...†u..." z 1 ONEIDA wmuun-v, at," ' ‘ Manage-t. ETTER buy an L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEâ€" WRITER now than be sorry aï¬erwards. Every useful device In: built not patched on. WRITING ENTIRELY â€"IN SIGHT ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE L. C. SMITH Si BROS. TYPEWRITER C0. THE PEOPLE’S MACHINE. _I NEWSOME & GILBERT: LIMITED SOLE DEALERS, _ , 9 Jordan St., Toronto: HALIFAX. N. S. MONTREAL. I ,i AN and stock raising districts or ALBERTA ANB BR those ever plaeod iiroii irrigated The quality of the land the ï¬nest, An acre, of irrigated land in the crop of the best uniirigatid the most careful treatment that they ai'u' to ki-ep IIIC‘IILM‘IH‘S afcz-t and acm ‘vc III their \‘aii 1:3 i_:i‘.!inL’~. many '1' “will kin \v thc (Ind .\. II. TIN‘. ‘I‘Iin‘ tIllllt'll~l(>tl~’ of tlitgjpingp H114 in ,(.L..,j,,,:,,L, H“, t.“ Him“ I “"1 M“ “ :‘H‘I‘y “55 11“gift. II: III IIlU .‘if‘uI 4.1!]:L‘q1h'liliy I Iit‘l'l‘dl‘s' ILL‘ In if I ii lzi~c if llm lotus-l2 an r upon winwh lic _j dy- ' I I“ 'I f" It? (I T I:-2.~I. I< (111‘, ' "‘ “" 1'†“1 “‘9'†“*1 ei'nini‘s inliiiiz'iioxs. \\ 1: 10 w:- ting I'Jiiillil it ‘x‘vtLI «1' n no I a naf \n , pm: if, ". ainl iu-i'vd II." - -" “ 'LI liwi idtw i‘ 1.1 Ill. 1.. . .' fiiirul that wa' ‘,~ \ .I.<I I ‘itrks‘ wtiu- vuv inw- ,n 'l,..l d. ‘5‘ DJI‘“ ‘: F: e ‘~l‘.- and that t was n~1ial m .i,d.:i‘_lv d» \'.I‘.C had I»« -.w:v;~i- .flhs [pl gu hr the: , r «2f f.i n 1 f h l mu. 513’ I“? 53 .V" kllt could snickc on the loin-hey. ' tl"jf‘ wt I’arnwlw‘s \'vâ€"‘ CROPS NEVER FAIL. doubt the finest land proposition Immigration is pouring in; v I Write us for interesting and f Excrtive Agent in Orin-air. vinccs COMPANY‘S ;rr;g.itrd lands. IRRIGATE FARMS, LOGKS or Lilia FOR SALE In size to suit purchasers, from 10 acres upwards, situated on‘or near railways in the famous wheat, root and vegetable growing Prices. with water righl, perpetual and unfailing. lower than This magnificent irrigation tract of 3.000.000 acres is without all printed informalcn. The Land Department, Union Trust Co., Limited, I74 Bay St., Toronto \lanilol-a and the Maritime Proâ€" for the (2.\.\'\lll\.\’ PACIFIC IRRIGATION COLUNIZATIOiY D ITISH caiuuém lands in the adjoining States. Alberta raises twice elsewhereâ€".‘LVD ’l'lIE Sou t hern Iilf'nl on the market to-day. alucs will soon be on the rise.