RICHMOND HILL. ' The names of the successful candi- dates throughout the leince have been publishtd this Week. The mis- ing of the standard has cullsed a hug- er numher of failm-es than formu- yeurs. We give below those who panned in the Uuumy nf Yul'k. J UNIOR M ATRICULA'HUN S. H. Amos. D. Algvr. E. V. Arm- strong. \V. J. Bulb)“, H. E. Bruwn, L. O. Bugart. A. J. V\'. Broth. K. Byrum. IN. Brown. A. G. Udlllel‘l'l). B. Chapman, J. T. Uuyler. E. R. Undv. R. U. Collins. G. \V. Culletnn. W. (3. Davidson, M. Donnell, F. K. Fisher. D. Fuirles. E. M. Hutchisnn. G. Hoov- er. A. Knights. J. H. S. Lt-uty. R. E. Mair, J. Muirhead. E. M. Murray. \V. P. McGowan. L. H. Millar, W. Main- prize. A. R. Mann, N. MuMnhnu, E. S. Mun-tin, U. S. McBurnie, H. L. Mc- Clellund, T. H. McKillip. H. C. Mur- chy. R. E. L. May. G. E. H. Pugh. G. R. Pluyter. B. M. Press, M. J. Qumnz L. Redmnn. K. Rehe, G. Rvesur. L. J. Robinsth U. \V. Robb. M. Sung-H913 I). Sewell. V. Shephzu-d. B. Smut. H. B. Spnuldmg. L. V. Sunles. M. H. Switzer. J. G. A. M. Sciller. H. Von- b'zvliscn. H. G. Tuule. M. B. Webb, L. J. White. S. A. \Vulkvr. A. H. “’iltnn J. E. \Vax-d, G. R. Wilson. R. l. \Vil- ROI). J vmon TEACHERS S. U. Amos (lmnnrs), R. Armstrong, F. A. D. Anderson (honors), L. 0. BO- gutumum-s). A. W. Burt, (humn-s). . Uhnpuum (honors), A. M. Curtis. E. R. (Jody, \V. A. M. Cody (hunnrs). G. \V. Cau-letun \hunm-s). \V. C. DaVid- son, M. DOIHW“ (honors). L. M. For- sythe. E. S. Farr. E. M. Hutchimm, (honors), l. O. Hallett (honors). M, G. Hamilton. M. L. Jarvis(honors). A. {{nightslhdnors), O. Kean) (honors). J. H. S. Leuty. J: McOaHnm (honors), R. E. Muir. J. Muirheud (tumors). J. M. McClellan. R. A. Marsh. L. Mc- DunaldUmnm-s), M. A. Milligan, H. L. McUlelland (honors). A. McLellun (humus). I. M. Oldham. F. R. Pullnck (honors). L. M. PhillipsUmnors). V. G. Peters (honors). J. E. Rannsden, 0. Hprule (honors). V. Sheppard, B. Scott E. Smith. H. B. Spuulding (honors). L. V. Snnlvs. E. T. Shnnk. M. E. Sil.» ('luir. H..V. Tool. E. A. Truth. R. TuleUmunrs). L. J. VVhiu- (honors), B. F. \\’ylie(bnnm-s), S. A. \Vulker \huuurs), \V. L. \Villsou. R. “'iluon. SENIOR TEACHERS. G. Bruwn. PHI". 1.: F. H. Burkth- vr. purt 11.; B. \V. Clark. part 11.; T. G. 0001:. part 11.; G. H. Dickensun. part 1.; part, 11.; honors; \V. Harwund partlh \V. S. Jenkins, part 1.. hnn- ors; S. A. Kennedy. part, 1.; H. C. Kin< nee. part 1., A. P. MncMi‘nlun. part 1.. 0. A. McCunzlghy. part. 1.. tumors: M. A. Milne. part 1.: L. E. Nay. part 1.; H. Pilkoy, putt 1.; B. R. Siewart, part I. To tho Editor of THE LIBERAL SIR.â€"In your issue 01 the 8th inst. is the fullmviug extract from the 0rm_1ge S‘entinf-lzâ€" n . g N j “EEquii-er" is sadly astray in rvgard tn “Pr-ep-n‘day Boys." The "buys" are said to have heen Roman Catho- lics. The Orange Ordor was introduc- ed into Canada in l831 by the late Ogle R. anan. T119 ï¬rst, warrant was issued for Brockville L. 0. L. Nu. 1 in the your named. but the warrant was r9~issned in 1845. Nassau Lodge No. 4, Turnntn, was instituted under a warrant issued in'1831. and re-issued in 188-1.â€"-Ed." Hero is the evidence of a Protestant, hi<t()i'i:li::- W. C. Taylor, Esq.. B. A., nfTrinity College, Dublin. in his History of Ire- land says: "In 1795, a Protestant han- t!itli. Calling [he-mSelves Peep-ufâ€"day- days, serwd notice on most uf me Catholics in the Canary 0f Armagh to quit their farms before a. certain day. thwatening destructinn of pm- peity. and even loss of life in case of disuhedience. T0 oppose this associa- tion. the Catholics fox-med that of Dr- fenders, which soon overspread the vountry. Towards the clusu of that, yvar. the Pm-pâ€"of-day-huys fl‘l'llH‘d themselves intu an Orange Associa- [10â€. RESULTS FOR YORK COUNTY. ENQI’IRER Richmond Hill. August 9, )907. California see-(led raisins. Mt. Humil- tnn Brand. full 16~uz. [\Rvknge, 10c.: R, m's Horn Brand. full 16-112. pack- (\L't', 1151-. Atkinson & Swilzm‘. ORANGEISM IN CANADA- Own. Aull- 15' 1907 ï¬ns Recently Compicted Ms First Success- ful year.â€"â€"Tutul Assets Now Amount to About $3,500,000. (Stalf Correspondent-v. Mercantile and Financial Times.) The nctivu and prosperin conditinn of alfuirs nnw so nppnrent throughout the Dunnininn of Canada is making its influence strongly felt in Mary (le- pm'Lun‘nt of ï¬nancial and industrinl activity and it. is gratifying lu nlmcrve that the prevailing prosperity st'cnls destined tn uonLinue l‘nr many years to cnme. Here in Toronto the sub- ntnntiul success achieved by the Ster- ling Bank of Canada since it, was es- tablished April 30, lUU'd, is a: signiï¬cant illustration of the activity so apparent on every hand. . .t I. . ,- THE STERLING BARK OF CANADA. At this clusc of its that ï¬scle year. April 30 last, the bunk made u. must gratifying showing for the (“'t‘h'e prr- ceding munths. Uf \he Hthhi'l'Lt‘d capital of $1,000,000, “775,000 hus hes-n paid in. The deposits now amount to over $2,000.01â€, while a reserve fund of nearly $175,000 pnwides ample 50 curity Lu depusiLm-s. Such a highly satisfactory cunditiun (If affairs cun- uut, prm'e nlhei- than glatifying Lu dcâ€" pusan-s and stockholders "like who have every reason to I’m-l assured that. their interests me being ndmncud and promoted in euwy possible llmlluvl'. On May 1st. the Sterling Bunk dvchu- I'd its ï¬ist dividend of It pl'l' cent" from ‘he earnings (If the pie-viuus three months, being at. the raw uf ï¬x e pey cent. per unnnui. ‘ m , ,.A Kn r__ V, In :lddiiion tn the head 0mm in, 50 Ynnge street, 'l‘m-untn, and an nflice and lu-nm-h in Montreal. [he Sin-ling Bunk maintains 39 branches in import-mt cuumwrciul ceques throughout, ()nlm-iu. of which three are lucmed in TUI'UHLU, and the general facilities at, cummand are of [he most. complete and advantage-nus charm-Lev. Notably contributing to the succe ss and prosperity Hf this institution has been the wisdum and cnnsmvnlism displayvd in the adminism'ntiun of its impurtam, affairs. The executive and ofï¬cial slufl" is cmnpusod of Messrs. G. V\ . I). Dim-9n, Juhn C. Eaton, Sitlm-y June-s, Noel Mzushall. U. W. Spt-nwr. and J. H. Tildvn, whn are all \virlrly and favnrahly known in ï¬nnm-inl and business circles in rash-m (humdu. To the progressive, yet consorvntiw, unmagement uf General Manager Bruughall and an active Bamld uf Directors lunch of the suhsmnllal measure of SUCCESS of the SLBI'ling Bank is directly mn-ilmtulxle. Mr. Brunghull having her-n pl'hnllm'lllly identiï¬ed with banking pursuits in the Dulniuion for many years past and his varied experiencv has hvon uf the most valuable and practical charâ€" acter. 'l‘. SUIHL‘I'S. President: \V. K. Genl'gt‘, Vice-President. and F. \V. Umughnll. General Manager. while the Bumrd of Directors includes the alu-ve grinde- men and H. \V. Aikins. M. l)..F.B.U.S.. Our readers will recall that in Or- tohor 1213! there appeared in the columns of the “Financial Times" an extended article nu the. Sterling Bunk of Canada culling attentiun tn the pm- gx-ess that had been made. up tn that time in the development, of the, hank‘s business and the pl'odicuun was made that it, was bound to make its in- fluence strongly felt, in lanudiun banking circles. That this predictinn Was fully justiï¬ed and :uuply fulï¬lled will be seen from the foregning ï¬gure-s and it is certain that the bank will continue to add Ln its prrstigm and in- crease its ï¬eld of usefulness in the years to come. Free samples of “ Prevenhcs" and a booklet on Colds will be gladly mailed you, on reunSb. by Dr. Slump. Racine, VVis.. simply to prove merit. Pre- ventics are littln lungly Cold Cure tablets. Nu Quininr, “no Laxative, nothingharmfulwhatever. Preventics prevents cnldsâ€"as the name impliesâ€"A when taken early. or at the “Sneeze SLagv." Fur a seated cnld (‘1' La Grippe. hunk it up safely and quickly with Pl‘e’eutics. Sold by \V. A, Sunâ€" den-son. The annual excursion and picnic of the Methodist, Sabbath School tn Bond Lake (In Tuesday afternoon was a success in every particular. Ahnm, 200 went up nu the MeLI-npulitan Railâ€" way. and a must enjoyable afternoon Was spvnt in hunting. playing games, racing, etc. About 6 u’oluck :1 good tea was served in the pavilinn, and all returned home without, an accident of any kind. about 8u'clock. The fulluw- ing are the prize winners in the excit- ing unntmtszâ€" BU_\'b‘ Race. uudm‘ tvn. 50 yds.-â€"- Turner \Yilvy, Cluylm‘. vauon, Geo. Giant. Gilb‘ Race, under Wm 50 yds.â€"â€" Mulwl Hill, Kathleen Riley, Ruby Alice Stl Stqfllenm Ludies’ \V. A. \A. \VIigl Sloan. ‘ Ladies Hill V‘igivlrl'l‘it'sv Race, open to all, 100 yards-«- Miss A. Mm-tsun. Miss Mabel Smith. Miss Nnru McMahon. Standing Jumpâ€"“7. Patton. A. Stephenson, G. Smiles. Running Jumpâ€"\V. Patton. 11., Hamilton, A. Stephvnsnn. \Vheelh-u-mw Rnceâ€"Grnwloy and A. Stephenson. Culley and H. Sim-phon- sun. Patton and Slum). (iii-ls" Race. under 8, 40~yQS.â€"â€"G-mcic Hr] l n: Buys alum “Wight Bout Raceâ€"Gardnu Suules, Karl ill, Frank Ere-din. Married Lndies‘ Race. 50 yds.â€"â€"Mrs. Palaver. Mrs. J. Glass, Mrs. D. METHODIST S. S. PICNIC. {:ncn. Karl m Race. spuon and Will?!“- light, Mrs. J. Palmer. over ten, 100 wishâ€"1):. Hiâ€. Murray Pahx m'er ten. 75 yardsâ€"â€" Olive Darling. Ethel . . 50 an Mus. M rs. leunn. May Gibbs. Vme PF Buys' Race. under S. 40 yds m- \\'ilL-V, M. Ruck'wrll, U. PM Three-legged race. 50 yards- ;lnd Slmm. Hill and Nuughtm ensnn and Crmvley. Girls' Rucv. 50 yds.â€"â€"-D:~H:L Ethel Stephensun, Uiive Durli Huyn' Race, run and cmry and PnLhm. Stvphensun and L (imut and Palmer. nun-u. In... - n...“ V Thl- cmnmittee in charge wish Ln thunk thuse \vhn cuntrihuted tn the pliZP list. The teachers nml ufï¬cers vol-y much uppn-ciute their kimlnpss. and. indeed. their gmu‘ful thanks :u'v lende-rvd Lu all (hum- who hulpl‘tl Ln make le day :1 success. thus giving lhl' Childl'PII a good time which will lung lm reuwmhelvd hy chum. TuImRDAY. Aug. 22â€"Am-lhm Sull‘ of 35 head of cattlr. m, the lernpnli- tun Hmel. King (My. flu- pl'npl'l‘Ly hf Ed. Brillinger. Sula at 2.150. Terms, 3 munths. D. G. Bluugh, :lll‘tL. FRIDAY, August ‘23 â€"â€" AncL'mn sale 0f 18 fl'PSh milk cmw. at the Puhm-r House. the prnpm-ty uf Messrs. Hon- 0 u pt‘l‘. Patton and Uumim. th- M ‘ ‘ ‘ "" " 7 AI- ~ u . . For sale at the C. N. 0. Station, or delivered in the villagerâ€"'- STEAM COAL Also file. N UT, STOVE, FU RV ACE A quantity of hvmlnck lumber and law at the saw-mill. Bt'thf‘sda. J. COLLARD. Between Mr. Jm-x-y Smith‘s jewelry Shire and Mr. 311389 Grant's residvmw. on Thursday. August 1. a lady’s watch fuh. two ribbons and Sqlmre lucket. Reward at, Jerry Smith’s jewelry tor-v. Ono copy of W'ehster‘s IntPl-nutionnl Dictionmy. new. with supplement of nmv \w‘nrds. sheep. marble edgv. puh- lislwd by the G.& C. Merl'iamUmnpnny. Regular- price $13. \Vill be sold at half pricv. Enquire. at M--H r ~nnn A v nnmvnn 'THE \Vest; half of lot 67. lst concession King Township, is for 52119. On thv farm is a brick house and good frame outbuildings, with u never-fail- ing well on pluce. Apply -__ _- -- A VVA‘IMA‘V Stmyod from the premises of the undexsignod. on or about, the l7Lh of July. twn Shropshire vwm. mm with long tail. buth marked with red paint. Any pmsml giving inâ€" formation leading to the recovery will be suitably rewarded. GLASS BROS. House. the-i;x~;)1);'1:t'y uf Messrs. Hon- pur. Patton and Uuuwine. th- at 2 u‘cluck. Terms 3 months. Sfligt'nll & McEwen. Auctiuncex-s. House, burns. and ten acres nf land. 0n Mill st, in Richmnnd Hill. The house is a solid brick, and contains six large rooms. 0n the premises :u‘v also two barns and stable, u gum! orchard 0f apples, pmrs. plum and cherry trves. The suil is the wry host and in a high state uf cultivutlnn. An idoul spnb for a market garden or heu- nerv. 3-t f HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEVVISON RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Cans from a distance promptly attended to. COAL Farm For Sale . H. RAME R For threshing engines. Best Scranton coal. S uhSOR'ibo for LUMBER AND LATH ’Auctlon Sales. For Sale THE LIBERAL 0171:1013. For Sale Appl):_tn For Sale Strayed ASpIy J HN MCNAUGHTON. Maple P. 0.. Ont. Lost 111 A. NICHOLLS. Real Estate Ag:-nt. LIBERAL «Dvlln Snu‘em Darling. cm ryâ€"Hunlvs and U: nwlt-V. :u’dsâ€" zhtun I'c-amrd. 1 a (is â€"â€"l‘urxr ] Palm: 1'. “~th n... Slunh- Butchm's. Sh Prop. «mm 1-1)!)- LOCAL SALES'MAN "CANADA'S GREATEST NURSER IE5.†A permanent sil nation for the right man, fur whum the. teu'iLury will be reserved. an Weekly; frn-e equip- ment. \Vrile fur particulars. STONE 8: WELLINGTON TORONTO 1-4111 Course in Grammar. How to increase One’s Vocabulary. The Art of Conversation. Shall and \Vill; Should and \Vould: How tn use them. l’i'nnunciutiuns (Cumin-y Dictionary) Gun-ch English in the Hume. (‘m‘mct English in the School. “'lmt to say and “'hnt Not to Say. Cnursv in Letter-\Vriting and. Punctu ntiun. TweuLy Daily Drills. BuisiueSs English for the-Business Mun. Compound \Vordsz. How u: W‘I-i‘t-o Them. Studies in English Literature. And adjoining country. to wpre-sent “ï¬rrrrf @uglia‘h- in mm it.†Agents Wanted. SLOO a year, Send [0 cents ion Single Copy, 3 CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston, m. ‘ A MONTnii MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE USE or ENGLISH. :- INTERESTING â€"â€".FORâ€"â€" RICHMOND HILL FONTHILL NURSERIES You can save time and make money by riding a JOSEPHINE TL'RCK BAKER, EditOI. A Wheel is good for the busy man, and for the men of leisure. If you are in need of a good Wheel get prices from the local representative VVau t ed SLR/BEAM} icycég (Over 800 Acres) Partial contents. T. F. McMahon INSTRUCTIVE ONT. THE WEEKLY MAiL AND EMPIRE AND THE LIBERAL mailed tn .mv address. pustnge paid. in Canada. or (h-oat Britain until Jan- uarv lst, 1908, fur Eighty Cents: The \Vm-Kly Mail and Empire during the snmmm- mnnths will unquestion- ably he one. nf thn greatest \wekly publicatinns whirl) enter Uzmzulinn homes. All the lwws publisth in it is carefully selected to meet, the wait-(1 tastes of NIH readers. The GPIH‘l'le News Sectinn will con- tnin the fullvst and must umnplete in- formation nf the events tran<piring in all parts of the world. Particular attentinn will he given to cable and provincial news. The Agricultural Section will llt' wplrte with infill-{nation fur the general advancement of agri~ cultural sch-nee. Conh-lhutms tn tlu- Section will be men eminent in tllt‘ important industry. The Magazine Section will alsn lw a mine of infmm- atiun upon suhjmrts which are at present attracting pnhlic albvntiun. Many uf thv articles will he brightened by illnstrntitmm Altngethvr the ill ham-s. which 06‘th- prise The \Vw-kly Mail and Elnpirr. urv a library in thmnsvlws. the Iegular prire for whirh i~' Om- I)nllar a year. SEND ORDER TO OFFICE OF THIS PAPER. Notice to Creditâ€" the said L15 ,utm's will ass‘vts‘of Ll pa rtiesent only fur th lht'll have] (Grin. 5:411†tfm> sum G 01' their cl; secm'ity if And Ink In the mat Dated this 17th (1 1907. Special ()fl'or. M ugethel- the 21 pngr-s. which N‘hl- The \VH-kly Mail and Empiw. library in thwnselves. the regular for whit-1) is One Dullur ;\ year. \VILLI u-kh‘ [11119 Liberal Oï¬ice I] V in [h linker n 111 ml the "at hf‘ll] Ivy th‘ hm- Imtice ‘xliuned (M ed tn dis 1 deceased the ‘OOK. n- fur the Executor. 1y of July, D., “mice that Hfth :ned date the Fawn tn distribute the w-c-asod, umnng the H-Lo. having regard hf which they shah HOLiCO. UN L21 sa wn pun-«taut tn I-stntv nf Gem-g9 19 Township nf Lhnuuty ut' Yuk. ). Sec. 38. and pvrsmns‘ having; no uf khe mm! d (m or about, 1907 :ll'P requir- rw l‘nr-lï¬th day my Heise. Vi(‘â€". 1e Exvcucurs of .1 full stuteuwnb enalnre 0f the y then). '