Lilia: .igï¬ihcmld lixmnnxn HILL. 0NT.. Aug “M: vamd Brynn pruvnvlwd very arm-ptfldy \n u gum] (‘ngl‘L‘Qnt‘inn in Ht. .Inhn‘s clu'lrch, ()uk Ridge-s. last Sunday. Mr. “'nru-n I'll-wisun is armltly im- proving Lh- appau'uvnov of. Mr. Jewry Smith's rr-Ni‘lr-nue and j -\\'cly stun-u Ivy GU tn A‘kinsnn & SWHW hast, pure spit-9s. Hu- lu-st, \im-gars. the best. value “ma 1*P;H'lld7{;l'y:nl px-n: [mn‘ing Smith‘s a Hut (1 Nov, Marshal P. 'l‘ullingz. naming, \vvll rucmnnwndml. will Hm'upv thr- pulpit uf thw PI‘I's‘hytl-xinn vhnrvhes, Hiuhumnd Hill and 'l‘hm-uhill. fur Llw m'xt‘ three muullw. ‘ Amgr‘cmmt nf tha- disus‘h'mw dynn‘ mm Pxp‘nrzinn M Esst (Jenn-v last Saturday is gin-n in mm- of the insidv pngt-s uf this pnpvr. The Slltu'k \\'a~‘ plainly f9." in the city of Detroit, 17 .In'Ih-s ilistunt. The M uf fnnciv v'n nature h] the Huntvr Elm-k, Unlmlt. nu the lllth t-t' Augmt. An m-(‘lwstl'a gun- :I mush-u] [)varnmuw frum 3 p. m. Lill midnight. “is H. E. \Vlnitv and danghlvr uf Binninghmn, Em:th \vhu has huen visiting hm sister. Mrs. S. Kirkland. and friends in anunlo. smilml fur homoun ‘he Empress ut' Ireland on Fx'iduy lust. Thâ€! n‘nfll [HUHHIH t9: ivhm Ind Hill here SM,†\' LU. A (-iz-rnlur Ln hand I'm-mall npvujngyf l’rm. \V ( Mr. J. 11. Sundorsnn ru gram u fvw days n31 lui uvws of the (lvnth of Mrs. funnvrly Miss h‘lvllu Sh: dnuglnvr of Mr. Charles l‘nlgary. A disputt‘ ner between two neigh- huI-sâ€"-Fulcnld and Junvsâ€"ut Elgin Mills on Monday, wth the hum- snuuk the fnnm-r. Mr. Sundm-Snnn. J. P.. impnsvd :1 ï¬rm of $3 and coats, mnunnting :Illugethvr tn $7.50. hum? The dmxhle hunse wh'wh was hurle I'm {114' ground Snlurdny. \\';IS fm nu-rly the old Tempvmnce Hall which slnnd nu Yunge Su-evt. un Dr. Lunglnt‘f’s property. Nutnmny the {date was "dry" and 5mm burned down. “'th you huy here yuu he‘liewe yuu me 3: .mu 8: Switzoz. Lpslie Eln‘I-rth. 9 yen-us 0M, \rhn “‘(‘llt to line with Thomas Riddvll. was retmued m Tumulu by m-dvr nt J. J. Kelso. Supt. NPglt-(‘led Children. ’l‘hn m-der cuml- In J. H. Samlm‘snn. and \V. Eyer “turned the buy Lu the Uitv. 'l‘hnt, “nmgniï¬cent: 01d oIIn“ about which so muvh has recently been said and written. gob n. prefly severe sx-nrching at. the ï¬w lust Satin-day. If the grand old pinnem- survix Hi we pmmiso never ln say anything naughâ€" Ly about that tree again. The village council lmvu started grm‘ellin Centre street oust lvnding tn the. U. . 0. station. F'ne carluuds mrivvd Mnndny from Peï¬â€™exluw, and it is huped ulme will be px-nculvd in a few days. The gravel is of thm qual- ity. and umka a mad vquul w macad- «In. There is no llil‘ talking; if you want to \vurl; you luu'P to he (-luthml propel- Iy. Jut nmr tho smuck and m‘erulls are the, correct thing. “’0 carry practically m‘urything in uvvmlls mud». and have thu host, wearing smuck we run svcuw. Overalls from 500. up. Nunghtnn Brns.. Elgin Mills. Everyhndy seems pleased that a subscription list is being circulated (in lwhuif of Mrs. Mnva \vhn lost, all hex furniture, cluthmg and about. $75 in muney in Saturday‘s lil't‘. There is prubnhly no person in the village who has liven nmre- industrious. and is man) deserving uf assistance than Mrs. Everyhndy seems subscription list is m \whulf uf Mrs. anv: furniture, cluthmg :1 munpy in Sentm-dny‘ prubnhly no person i has liven mum: int more deserving nf us: Mupes. Rowe Pngshy has purchased two hds fluun the Crushy survey. and h» Ivmls mm'ing upon them the nld Mnudy hnnwstoud whirl) he has 0h- luilwd {rum llw Metrupnlitnn Rail- way. Mr. Nivlmlls. agent fur [his property, infnrms us he still has a few luOrP desuvdfle lots fur sale on tlï¬s survey. “00V? Pngsh luls fruln the ( Ivmls Inm'ing Mnudv hnnwst ruins after tlw til-e, Saturday mun-- nmm. Mnst Ulmencv I’nhnm‘ tumbl- ed in. Mns‘m' Fx-uuk Brediu who was with him, h-t down a rnpe which (‘lm-enco clung to until Mr. Frunk Dulnn nrrivvd and drew [hr boy out. 'l‘hm'e was between four and ï¬ve feet, of water in UN cistern. mu l'll stop ymu pain freo. To Show yuu ï¬rst-«bvfulo youspv‘ml a pennyâ€" \\'lmk my Pink Pu'm Tablaï¬s can do, I will mail you free. :1 Trial Package of thawâ€"Dr. Shuop's Headuch:> Tablets. leu‘ulgia. Headache, Toothache, Pol-ind pains. etc" are due. alnne to Muud congestion. Dr. Shoop’s Head- uclw Tablets simply kill «in by coax- ing away the unnatural b and pressure. 'l‘hnt is an“. Address Dr. Sbonp. Ravine. \Vis. Sold} by \V. A. Sander- 0f paint “'hilt‘ louking -st. nf staples and the: prth ivst s are how. Atkinson &S\\'it- thi< stnrn yuuv shu-vuf Atkinson .K' Switzvr Indorsnn rum-h Pd a ter- uys "gt in inging the sad mth of Mrs. Gq-n. Fudge-r, ;Stelln Shvppmd, (“Idva 1r. Charles Sheppard. in :intn :1 ciste-I-n near the fire, Saturday nftmr- lul HICP I’nlmpr tumbl- s‘x-unk Brediu who was dnwn n. rune which to until Mr; Frunk which was burned day. was fm uu-rly Hall which stnml m Dr. Lnnglnff‘s L‘Un’s new wham- 1‘ Bh-uk, Unhult. a All m-t‘lwstI-a unuw from 3 p. WI'I'm‘hm‘ \‘E'y ugrvqut‘lnn u um 11 ’fvnlvd rduy m vhiug yfuu gvt what Hing. ALkmâ€" r‘s for H)“ qlmlity of in sugar. tn the H307 To Show mnk nul- Nt‘VPl' be afraid tu as]: to be shown gnufl_sâ€":if we (unlldn‘r. shmv Knnds We Couldn‘t sell them zer. Mr. Dnuglus [)r-rl'y. traveller fur Miokluhnruugh. Muhhew & Um, was fortunate in l-M'Hpillg injurivsx frqu Lllu- dynmuitv. I-xplusiun M, Esau-X (Ivntn- lam, Sulurduy murning. He- wus nu the way [u rhv railway Stalin†with his trunk hf ï¬nmplcs, and was unly u milv distant when the cur ut nit rwglyuprine vxpluded an the- stutiun vmuingjnss of life and much damage to pl'hpcl ty. Yin-eve Pngslvy is rallng n public muong tu he held igl (he Lox-1w Hull next Monday mvning. munmencing at 8 u'(-lnck. The idem is tn discuss :1 wry important quostiun â€"()ur \Vuter SnppIy. Salllndzgy‘s ï¬re was a. re- mindvr that RichmI-nd Hill wnnld he much hnndivnmwd fur want nf wutg-r in :I sI-rimls ï¬l'l‘. even if \(‘P hiltle mur‘h hetu‘r c-ugino Hum “‘0‘ hnvuL LPL \huse who have suggvsl‘lous he prepared to gin: them Monday evenâ€" iug. Dmï¬i OF DR. McLELLAN. Dr. J. A. McLPlluu. the veteran 9d- ucnliunis‘t nf this: province. lute prin- cipal of LhP Nm-mnl Cnllvge at, Haunil- tun, pusSed away at, his home in Tu- ann Smwd :uy (waning. aged 75 years. Dr. McLellun has H-(‘eivvd thudrgrees of B. A.. M. A.. L. L. 8.. L. L. 1).. and was the amber uf umny Vulnahlv \vurks, principally un Mathematical tupics. [nu-rum tnnk place in Muunb Pleasant, Cvnwtery )‘t‘SLt‘l‘dHV. De- ceased was a bruther uf Mrs. G. Wiley 01“ this \ illage. Just, to handâ€"J’uncy Biscuits as ful- luws: Sugar Brittle), Cocoa Bar. Jelly Lunch, Swvet “'inv. Cunkies. \Vutvr lcu. Jvlly Rulls. Atkinson k Swuzer. DOUBLE HOUSE BURNED. Richmond Hill has been singularly free. fiuln ï¬res fur a number of years. Our citizens \vere startled last Sutur- day, hmvever, hy the ringing of the hell ahnut ten a. In. It was soon learned that. the double house on Centre street east, nwned hy MI. James Newtnn and occupied by Mrs. Mapes and Mr. Deadman. was (in ï¬re. M rs. Manes. whn lived in the west end, had made a ï¬re in the hack kitchen Store and want to a, neighbor's for a pail of water. She had only heen out a few minutes when another neighhur discovered the hunse on ï¬re. It is snppuserl that a $park blow on some dry \vm-d clns: by. which ignited, when the ï¬re spread rapidly. The house ï¬lled with smoke and scarcely anything of value was saved. The ï¬remen and villagers worked hard. but it was iinpnssihle te save thehuild- ing. The shed at the rear caught ï¬re several times. but the building Was saved. Jnseph Blanchaid’s house. directly tn the cast, was also in dan- ger, but the roof was kept damp, and no damage. resulted. Most of the furniture and effects helunging to Mr. Deadman were saved. Mrs. Mapes was most unfortunate. Brsiiles the best nf her huusehuld eï¬â€™ects she lust must of bar own as wall as her sun‘s wearing apparel and $74.96 in money. The ï¬remen and others wmked well. but the supply of water fur the engine was quite limited. The building was ensured. hut We helieve then: was nothing on the contents. ' Win-y. t Mrs. H. Juhn ' ind her unclv, ' 'l'uscdny. I MKS Muriel 5 l ! spnding at Wed; EV" Hopper, KLINCKâ€"AL Vic August 11. tn Klinck, a sun. SUCUESSB‘U L STUDENTS Mr. Alhprt Glass is taking holidays at. vauubm-st and vicinity. Miss Kathlr'en Pmctur. is spvnding :1 Couple of \vevks of hex- hulidnys hero. _ Mr. Henry Shim-k. late of NP\\' Mex- lcnds un it Visit In his sister. Mrs. lszmc \Vuldev. Mr. ThUS. Maihnny‘ from Fun Arumr nu mouth. Miss Bum-n and Miss F. M. Brown went to the L‘in yesterday for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan of To routus ant. yesterday with Mr. and. M15. W. A. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. B. Reid of Toronto. are visiting for a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. (h Savagm M15: Mar}: um Kyk fewdnys with [MT Fitulmr MEETING. BERSONALS. Ilmsnn nf “Hulk clv. Mr. lecol) BIRTHS. Atkirmm 8: Swit tuna Square. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russ Kyk Imp tm vellvr 1p nf Toronto. 15 hher cuusin, Miss Toronto. Sp nunt. Mrs. hof, is hnme \ Visit. for a rune Eyer Mr. Nmman J. Glass shuts to-duy for a \VH-k’s trip to Ningma Falls, St. UaLhnl ines and ulhvr warm. Ctmkstnwn Aduwatoâ€"Jliss Ida Glass of Richnmnd Hm. is visiting her sister, Mrs. \V. E. Smddal-t. Miss Rnhinmun i-f Tnl‘nntu. and Mr. Fka Ulnllllhi spx-ut \V'Pdm-sday \\_'ith Ali-3.11. 11. anper, the lulter's slsLt-l'. Mr. J. Oshm'lw, manager ()f theStxm- nrd Bunk at Uuhalt. is spending his holidays with friends in Richumnd Hill and vicinity. Mr. Alf. Mnhnny from Tm-ontn. with his wife and twn children, was hnnw (u sve his fatheraud mother from Sat‘ m-duv [ill 'l‘ue-s‘duy. Mr. S. G. Baker and little snn Hur- nld, of Buffalo. N. Y. are spending a f('\V “nu-ks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alcmnhrm:k. \‘is Mrs. J. Mm-tsrm and Mics Olive Murtsnn went to Pictnu. Prince Ed- ward Cnnnly. Suulrdny, and will be away for n cmnple of Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and children. of Chimn-n awn, Tor-unto, SanL sum.- day at the lmme of Mr. F. Elliott, “The! \Villmvs," Jeï¬H-sun. Mrs. W. R. Prnctm‘ of Turnntn, and Mr. anuJ Prucmr, who has returned frqu CD‘an fur a few \vm-ks. were ï¬shing relativvs here yesteerduy. Messrs. Jnnws and Hmry Graham nf l’lnshurg. Pm, me spuuding el fmv days at the Immune of lllt'il' unvlv. Mr, Mr. James Graham, Richmond Hill. Rev. R. Godfrey and daughter. Mrs. Pnrtvr (u‘rihsml uf Sask.. who “‘t‘l't- visiting friends in 'I‘urnnlo. spent m'er Sunday at “The \Villuws,†Jeï¬exsuu. Mr. and Mrs. Clms. Hnlmes of New Yurk are inking holidays and am- stuying fnl‘ :1 tinw at. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker‘san the Holmes fax-m. Cm-r- \‘illv. Mr. J. H. N. Mm‘gan. [olivr in the Standard Bank of Canada, Lindsay. spvnb :1 portion (:fhis hnlidays visiting hix‘ grandmntlwr. Mrs. Nicholls, and other friends here. - Mr. Jnseph Al'nuld nf Memphisfl‘en- "95599. whn was visibng a sister, Mrs. R. Ne'whery. in Aurora. called an Messrs. Junan and Andrew Newton one day Inst Week. Mrs. Aflvy, hvr son \Villinm and dullghtm' Mm-gueritv. “150 Mrs. Hnly- nuke of 'l‘urnnto, spvut over Sunday and wrre guests uf Mr. and the Misses Elliott, "The \Villows.†Mr. Dunnld Atkinwn, a former pu- pil uf unr High Schlml. but who at- Iended Hm-hm-d Collegiate Institute tlw past _\‘l~*:l‘l', has puiwd parts I and II for Senior 'l‘euchH-s‘ certiï¬cates. ++++++++++++++é++++++++++f Then it’s time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi- ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. it makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else. It’s nature’s way. When the Hair Falls A GREAT BLEARING SALE The best kind of a. testimonislâ€" “ Sold for over aixty you-J: . 6min}; burly and get your size. A sorted gaps and Straw Hats. Your chemo o! a. Fancy Vest tor $1.20. Limith amount Of‘I‘Dun] fm-ces 'hh snlo. Fall seock to arrive 5001]. ARM. SAVAGE m+++++~z Men's Fme Balbriugan Underwear. A rl| hiZkFi regular $1.75 suit. {or 1.35 m pink and tan; regular $1.25 suit n- 9k. in flesh color; regular :51 unit. fox in. xu flzs‘n cnlor. -\ nrkiug Shins. 500, each. Lurga .-\ rsnxtment of Ties to clean Men's Suits. regular $18.50 for $15.00. " " “ $12.50 for $10 0L. " " " $10.00 [or $8.50. Everything has to g». La-iies‘ Tau Shoes. regu‘ar $2.50 for :2. Ladses' wmm Cauvnl, regular 61.40 11’ $1.10; Misses‘ White Canvas. regular 115 for ~34; Children's White Canvas. again 31 im- 75°. Lamiteri nqmber o! CLOTHING MEN‘S FURNISHINGS and BOOTS and SHOES Made 2!. this month in b .1. c. Aye? 00.. uranium; A In maneuvers of Glass stm ts to-d‘q y SARSAPAIILIJ. PILLS. CHERRY Pm ++4-+-:«:<+oz~~:-+++++++++++ ..;.. +.= . x . .3. I 4.: ,+.;..;..;..u . ++++++++++++++++++++++ Mi"? +4-444-+++++++++++~§++é Laxaets 5 .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"r BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TQRONTO Oldest, in Canada, most, “wrong: and pracLicul Courses; uneq facilities for good Work. - ~â€"h-â€" a-.. num- FALL _ Reasonable m7 was: from 8:25 Var-1*†++++++++++++++++++++++§+++++++++++++++++++~i BY MAIL of Businesx Always Ahead Dry Goods Clothing FOR THE FRUIT SEASON CAnada Refined Sugars Pure Spices Vinegars Dixun make. 301:. per gallon. Long Puint Cider Vinegar, very special, 30c. gal. Atkinson & Switler Aug. 8. 1907 Richmond Hill Hardware Store Pure Paris Green “Peerless†Machine 011 “Farmers†Binder Twine Screen Doors andWindows We also have 'a few Lawn Mowers left The latter we wiil seH at cost. .Edliégiioil tree; The best XXX \thte “'ine Vinegar, Budgerow & ~:--:«:~+-} +++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ )LLEGE. TORONTO. Practical and thorpugu Shorthand. (‘nmmerciaL and Y'. M. (1. A. tree. 53.00 mimay fare mm u this Duper mentioned. Addmss R. A. FARQL’HARSON. B.A.. Yong: and moor 55.. Toronto. 5m, .. Les; enter any tima. FALL H 3. Capaloguo and Joann! of the rest, and we propose to stay there if Good Goods, 3 lot of them, polite and courteOus attention, and best values count ior anything. It is a lnCt that we are here to please the public and to sell goods. \Ve have the best quality of every- thing: that is needed. C Sweet to Eat A Cand" Bowel main. I wnsou, Prmcwal . SGULES are our specialties. ++++++r++++++++++~ Â¥+~§~++++++++++4~++ BRITISHï¬CANADlAN We have in stock Groceries lBIVISIGH - EMT. The Next Sitting of Divxsion Court to: No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. Friday, October 4, 1907 Crockery RICHMOND HILL -033. Commencing at 10 a. m. '1‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK Fruit Jars AT COLLEGE