Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Aug 1907, p. 3

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C H I L D R E N ! Do you want a Painting Book ? It's FREE. Ask your mother to send us her name and address and we'll send you one of these splendid Painting Books with the colors all ready to use. We'll also send a uarter- ound ackage o Cellu- Foid tarch for your mother to try next ironing The Brunord Starcth Limited ’ Stamford. Canada zu IN MERRY on) ENGLANI) __ INEVVS BY MAIL ABOUT IOIIN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. the Land That “clam Supreme In the Commercial World. Occurrences In A woman inmate at the city work- house, London, is stated ‘to have cost the ratepayers £1,400. Travelling as the Countess of Killar- hey, the Princess of Wales left London for Dresden, where she will remain for a fortnight. Mrs. Hawkins, of 10 Portland place. London, has promised to subscribe £20.- 001: for the completion of the western towers and spires of Truro Cathedral. With his hands and feet inanacled. Prof. Jules Gautier, who, in July, 1904. ‘szam 10 miles under similar conditions, -will swim from Richmond to Putney. I “If a constable is in danger of being incapacitated for life he. should hit a man on the head. That is what I should do if 1 were a. constable,” said Sir E. Henry, Chicf Commissioner at the Police Commission. “It is evident she had been what is known in Cheshire as ‘neighbortng and drinking," said the coroner at a Nor- \vioh inquest on a woman who, after v1.51ting three houses and being servod with drink, fell into the river. Compensation to the extent. of £l0tl was awarded at Bristol to John Rolls, who lost an eye as the result of a motor car accident in April last. Several women have disappeared rc- contly from Birmingham, and now two Ashton girls, Lily Blyth and Dora Hock~ Icy, both agcd sixteen, are mISsing. By a gas explosion at Susanna Street, Poplar, where a» gaspipe in the road was being repaired, a house oppo- sne was wrecked, and three persons were injured by falling glass. Trafalgar Square’s fountains and ba- sms have just been cleaned out, and among the things found in them were cl". walking-sticks and umbrellas, boots, empty purses, pocket knives, and tobac- ca boxes. Charged at Salford with neglecting his two children, a man was stated to have locked the boys in a filthy room. padlockcd the doors, fed them on bread and water, and thrashed them with a whip. Miss Lydia Aikens, the fifteen-yearold daughter of 3 Leicester builder, caused great excitement. at LeiCestcr by climb- ing a chimney 150 feet high and walking finitnd the edge of the scaffolding at the p. The prize presented by the Queen for the best conducted pupil in the West Norfolk and King's Lynn School for Girls has been won by' Miss Coulton, of Lynn. . Doctors in Preston have decided to raise their ices for attending members of friendly societies from :25. (id. per annum to 1.5. per head for men, 3s. for women and 35. for children. ..._..â€"â€"l]‘_.____ FAN BATIIS FOR FEVER. New Method of Treating Patients Who Have Typhoid Fever. Fan baths is the latest rcmcdy employ- ed by the city hospital physicians .n ttuI treatmcnt of typhoid fever. Herc-i ,tx' fore the ice plunge was used. and a paticnt whose temperature had reached ,lhc danger point was souscd .n a ballr '~lut filled with broken icc until his tut-lb rattled. This treatment after a time was found to be too heroic. as the sho:k wak loos vcre and pneumonia sometimts developed. Then ice water sponge baths ’ wcrc substituttd. but the fan baths. the doctors declare. are just thc thing. The patient Ls spongcd off with ice ,water first, then a sheet that has icon soaked in ice water is wrapped about .lllfi’ body and more ice water is sprink- 'ied on the sheet. The current of an electric fan is then turned cu him in 'such a way that he gets the most benc- fit from the air that is stirred up. Re- ?) shepherds told thcir two dogs (in _-aelic) to Si‘l‘lll'illt‘ the shocp and bring their own flocks up to whcrc we wcre resting. There were a thousand shrep or more scattered ovcr tho moor. First rounding them all up in a bunch, the (logs collrictctt their own slimp together. driving away the strangvrs by barkingr and chasing flu-m, but not hurting thcin III the lcust. \\'ilhln an hour thcy had lh.‘ lwo flocks brlongillg to thcir inasâ€" tm's compactly gathered, and brought. them in two divisions, one on each side 0’ us. COMPRESSED I’IIIDSOPIIY. 'l‘hc man who has nothing for which to strive can find .no pleasure in this world. 'l'roublc is so pcrvcrsc that it ncwr conus lo the man who is fully prepared ltl' it. Many a man has failed because his (lcsirl‘ for famc did not equal his love of sleep. It takes a really great. man to come out bravcly and admit that he was in the wrong. I-‘cw mcn arc courageous enough to follow their own conscience if the Conscience of the world doesn’t agree with it. 'i‘bc danger of the delights of this world vanishing cven uflcr wc havc them, is what makes them so precious. Hostessâ€"“Mr. Smith. may I help you to another piece of pie?” GllPSlâ€""NO, hank you, Mrs. Jones; I really could not take any more.” Little Willie â€" "Then, me, you said I could have an- other piece if Mr. Smith left enough!" They arc a Powerful Nervinc.â€"Dys- pcpsia causes derangement of the ncrv- ous system, and nervous debility once crgendcred is difficult There are many testimonials as to the efficacy of Parmelee‘s Vegetable Pills in treating this disorder, showing that they never fail to produce results. By giv- ing proper tone to the digestive organs. they restore equilibrium lo the nerve centres. OUR RULE OF THREE. Three things to govern â€" temper, tongue, and conduct. Three things to cultivateâ€"courage, af- fcction, and gentleness. Thrco things to commandâ€"thrift, in- dustry, and promptness. Three things to despiseâ€"cruelty, arro- gance. and ingratitude. Three things to wish forâ€"health. friends and contentment. Three things to admireâ€"dignity, gracefulneSs and intellectual power. Thre things to giveâ€"aims to the needy, comfort to the sad, and appreci- ation to the worthy. SE\\'ING-.‘\IACIIINE NEEDLES. for all mach of machines at Five Cents per packagc. and everything else pct: tuning to sewing machines at greatly reduced prices. Look for the Itcd S. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Write us at Manning Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird Cards frec. NOW CACKLE. “Say, what's the best food for hens i” "What?" "Layer cake l” Mother Graves‘ Worm Exterminator is pleasant to take; sure and effectual in destroying worms. klany have tried it with best results. It’s all right to judge a man by the company he keeps, but it isn’t fair to judge a woman by the company she is forccd to entertain. Comfort by day and sound sleep by night fol- ’Iow the use of Weaver’s Comte, for skin troubles, no matter how tormenting they be. This oint- ment soothes and cleanses. The average than thinks he will have plenty of time for everything if he winds up his watch every day. ,Ccnt experiments have proved this mea- sure highly successful. ____.* lDOGS PICK MASTER‘S SHEEP ram; Tl’lOL'S.»\.\'l\.\‘. ' While on a walking ton- in s,:,-wzp,n,rj n the road to St. Col .v~i,,,.._ NH.“ Americans met two s: Mk: after some conversation. HM,“ h, Mm it‘l(l$. us a short cut over the nuois and slmw ‘ us the clever .way in which tin-tr worked. There were three it. on; ,4 sheep on the hills belonging do (lillt'l’l‘lll owners. Sitting down on the liills.dc, tle’q Why go limping and whining about y<ur corns when a 25 ccn‘ bottle cf Hrlloway's Corn Cure not remove them? Give it a trial and you will not regret it. In aftcr years a spinster may have cause. to congratulate herself on the number of times she didn't get married. to deal with” 3 Nothing you can wear costs you so little in real comfort, real service and real satisfaction as PenwAng'le Guaranteed Underwear Warranted to you by the dealer, by the maker to him. Form-fitted for comfort} sake: won't Itretch, won't shrink. Made in many fabrics and styles. at various prices. in form-fitting sue. for women. men and children. Trude-marked in red A: above. WILSON'S Ono packet hue actually klllod a tunnel of filoo. ‘ FLY PADS â€"â€" BOLD BY __ J DRUGGISTS, GROCERS Ann GENERAL STORES ‘ 10¢. per packet, or 3 packets for 25¢. wlll last a whole season. TIIE GREAT NORTH COUNTRY. Nimrod was a mighty hunter, but bad be hunted in the “’l‘emagami" re- gion he would have been a mighticr rne. Nimrod hunted for glory, but Ttmagamians hunt for game. ’l‘hosc Indians who made the first canoe of birch bark long ago. were our greatest benefactors. The children of these In- dians know the canoe, and they know licw to use it, and if you go to Temaâ€" gami this summer they will paddle your canoe in their own superb way. They will be the best guides you ever had. Students who camp in summcr along the Tcmagami lakes are able to do two years’ work in one. Finest of fishing and hunting. Easy of acccss by t'c Grand Trunk Railway Systcm. For information and beautiful chcriptlvc publication sent frcc apply to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. We have no hcsitation in saying that Di. J. I). Kellogg's Dysentcry Cordial i.) without doubt the best incdicinc ever introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera and all summer complaints, sea sickness. etc. It pi‘Omplly gives relief and ncvcr fails to effect. a positive cure. M< thch should never be without a bot- tle when their children are teething. “Maud. can‘t you play tennis without al that. m isc‘!” “Now, how do you sup- pose we are going to play tennis with- out. raising a racket?" l'I‘CH. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human rr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It. never fails Sold by all druggists. Three months after facing the parson together they were seated at the. tea table. “Do you love. me still?" queried tho young wife, after the manner of her kind. “Of couise, I love you still," it» answered. “Now keep still while I read the paper.” Mild in Their Action.â€"Parmelcc’s \‘t-gctablc Pills are Very mild in their acton. They do not cause griping in tho stomach or cause (llSllll'lile'lCt‘S there as so many pills do. Therefore. the most delicate can take them without fear of unpleasant results. They can. too, be administered to children Will]- out imposing the pcnaltics which fol- k w the use of pilLs not so carefully pl‘c- pared. Captain Sir Pieter Ram, Chairman of the London Executive of the South African Products Exhibition. has left {or The total wcalth of the l'nitod States is about equal to that of tho United Kingdom and llussm combincd, or to rather more than that of France and Germany together. In the new prcniisos of tho Platinum Substitutes Company in East [toad Hoxton. which l.fll'il Mayor fol‘uuillv opened l‘t‘t‘OIlll)‘. tho \\’1ll\' is to l-’- dun-i; liy cripples. it is «xiv-civil that Coll crippled girls will be cmpicyrd. 'LOâ€"Ifl ‘ON BLISS] South Africa. where he will convoy signed photographs of the King to the nuiyors of the capitals of the five South African colonic-s. The \Vretched Condition of thousands is due to the fact that they no loot. the simplest, care of their health. When in t is condition “ b'errovim" will build you up and give you strength, Young Bfll‘ll\l0l'â€"â€"~“.\ly dear, she isn't a sliophftcr. Slu- may ll(l\'t‘ been 5 rmi-i'ly. lint she has saxcd so much nancy in ll.c last tin years that she Eros lc-Qw mw a klcptcmaniac." It i< (102d frr .\f:in and RoastiV-l lily i.~ llr. ’l‘ht :ras‘ lit-irrtric Oil of in-: “ p'irul lc \'.l'.l:c in l'l'i houschx'id. but‘ the humor and stwkman \\lil find it_ L(l\',‘ vuilvlv‘ Lil the farm yard and - totfie range. tibii \zlving tic \' ’ i 1' a v-lufxau‘y 5 ii. In . 5‘« '.'l( aid in i «f t if ‘zlll: .1 edit L»; tls'd nzth g- td -f- Miro: ltd to do ml iI-itn-I ll.» yuar. S p”. f tip in v 2.. (.10 (l:,~\f.l.\" vd with 'l...\ v» ii:.' to ti>Ci]-1~Qilill,ill Willi brawnâ€"if tiny g-t titre. l l SHOULD THE DOCTOR TELL? to \\'helhcr Ilis Patient's Disease Is Fatal? In Regard “Ought the doctor to till his patient frankly what is the matter with him, own though the disease be a fatal one?" This question, I'fllot‘tl by the censure t-f a coroner's jury of a doctor whose pa- tieul. told that he had consumption, couunittrd suicidc. was discussed by a Ilarlcy struct, London physician lately. Speaking lo a London Ilaily Mail rcp- rr-scntativc. tic dividml patients info (It 'liose who want to know the truth. (2) those who all-catty know. but. hope to bc told that. things are not. so bad. and will gladly swallow a lie; and (3) those who do not want to know anything. “The majority of patients,” he said. “lravc thc doctor no altcrnative. ’I‘hcy dunand a ‘ycs‘ or ‘no.’ 'l‘ak'e heart disâ€" casc. The patient says: ‘ls my heart discascd‘f' lie is paying for your opin- ion. and you rt-ply: ‘Your heart is not sound; ‘it is weak. trains, and do not do this and tlmt!‘ “The Iroublc is that heart disease to the public means one thing only~ (truth. If it meant a varicty or more or less grave affcclions of the heart we should not perhaps have those ‘stand and dclivcr' questions. Another quesâ€" tion is: ‘Ilow long shall I livc‘l‘ No' doctor who knows his busineSS will set a limit by request on any paticnt’s (lays. Many a doctor has been borne to the grave followed by hate and hearty men that he ‘gave up’ years be fore.” . .___-p_ BOMBARDED WITII STONES. Experience of Thousand Troops at Field \Vork Exhibition. Several men of the 3rd Infantry Bri- gade were injured in the exploding of 'l mine on Faith Hill, one of the heights of Chobham Ridges, at Aldershot, Eng» land. The troops. some thousand in all, had been paraded to witncss the Royal Eriâ€" ginocrs of the brigade demolish a porâ€" tion of a field work by undermining and blowing up. Brigadier-General Camp- bcll, the officer in command, had the work explained to the men, who were drawn up about a thousand yards away, that. being considered a safe distance. For some inexplicable reason the force of the explosion, instead of being down- wards or upwards. as was expected, was expended in a lateral direction. The men suddenly found themselves bombarded with stoncs and debris of all descriptions. With great presence of mind some one gave the order to “Lie down.” 'i..o hoops obeyed instantly, just. as a second mine was sprung. This time the shower of missiles passed harm- lessly over their heads. When it was all over it was found that ten men were hurt. Two had to be removed to tho Connaught Military Hos- pital for treatment. Their injuries were chiefly confined to the legs and are not likely to prove dangerous. A supper in the entrenchments had his knoecap blown off. -35.â€" In the United States only one building in three thousand fireproof. Don't run to catch‘ is even nominally Teething Babie are med Initiatingâ€"9nd mothers given restâ€"when one use. Nurses’ma Mothers’ Treasure gutkly rdiev regulate. the ' â€"â€" provon ovum. Used 50 years. A. .t ode. sfidg’fuifi A do,- atom mémgfg’fii r1 ton. “on res . yolng I Gleanlngl For the van bolts-II you: work to no " IRI'I'IIII IflilIIOAII BYIIIIO 00-” [not ("whln your town, «mama. Montreal, Toronto. Ottawa, 01.5., There in one roof that saves money because it will last If!) ye re. Guaranteed in writing for years. “ OSHAWA" , GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES This roof save. you work because its so easy todput on (do it yourself wkh a hammer an sni I). and save you worry because they repmof, wind roof and weather-proof the building t cover. Write us about it and hear a about :07 ROOFING RIGHT. Address The PEDLAR People ‘i’a’a‘ifi Oshawa Montreal Ottawa. Toronto London Winnipeg QUEBECSTEIMSHIPCDMPANI LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. lattitiiltt Summer Cruises in 0001 Latitudes Twin Screw Iran 53. " Campus," with sleek“ lights, electric bells and all notion: comforts. SAILS FROM MONTREAL N MONDAYS c p.m., 3rd nd 11th Jun. 1st, thud- ): an 12th and 26 I August. 9th on 2336 e g): Pie . Y. new and Ioflnlghtlyghéroafioi; P 3.0!; .0311, l , u o. a or . iniqazd‘laivorsunu’ausido, P.E.I., and gha 0: storm, P31. ERMUDA ummer xourslons, 835, by tho ey‘ Tw Bosl'ew SS. Enemudian", 6,500 tons. Sailing 5 a 19th June, 3rd, 17th and am July, lath tot Au uni. 4th, ml: and 25th 0 umber, t mu: In mi: Oatdbor,ozh.16th an 1th love i bar. Temperature ooolod by an breezes with on: 80 do real. flai‘aholllnost brlpag of the season for health and comfort. ARTHUR AflERN, Secretary. Quebec; A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & co.. Agents. 29 Broadway, New York. Auction site of‘High-aiass Berkshires The Tops of the Berkshire World. Champions of Canada for the Past Five Years. Annual sale of highclass Berkshires to be held by W. H. Durham, at his home Islinglon, Ont, six miles west of Toronto, on THURSDAY, SEPT. 5131)., 1907 Sale to commence. at 1 p.m. sharp. and Canadian bred sows in, furrow. gills, English and Canadian Champions. this fall, don’t fail to attend this sale. The offering will consist of Imported and young boars, the blood of If you are in need of a good show animal Come and spend the day with us, and see one of the greatest. Berkshire herds on the American continent. Write for catalogue and further particulars toâ€" Anctlonurâ€"J. McBWEN. Weston. Ont. W. H. DURHAM. Box 105:. Toroto. Can. and stock raising districts of An acre of irrigatnd CIIOI’S N EVER FAIL. Immigration is pouring in; Exclusive .>\f"'lll in On‘arlrl. land in Southern the crop of the best. unurigatcd ERRIGATED FARMS AND lacks 9F LAND FOR SALE in size to suit purchasers, from 10 acres upwards, situated on or near railways in the famous wheat, root and vegetable growing ALBERTA AND RITISH COLUMBIA Prices. with water right, perpetual and unfailing, lower than thosc ever placed upon irrigated The quality of the land the finest. lands in the adjoining States. Alberta races twice land elSL‘VIlIE‘I‘fFlND TIIE This magnificent irrigation tract of 3,000,000 acres is without doubt the finest land proposition on the market. to-duy. values will soon be on the rise. Write us for intcrrsting and full printed information. The Land Department, Union Trust 00., Limited, I74 Bay St, Toronto Manitoba and the Mru'ilii'im Pro- vince; for the. t.,\.\-\I)I\.\ P\(ZII’IC IRRIGATION COLONIZATION COMPANY‘S ' lid lands. u‘A‘AAAA‘AAAAAAAAAA“;A_‘ . .

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