. f + t E + + + + + 4.. + + + + + + + : + + + + + + i + + + + I + 1 "‘+Â¥++“+‘+'+'Hi++++ 0R, ARABELLA The last notes of the bell which duly summoned to their task the pupils of Madame Duvant's fashionable seminary had ceased, and in tho schoolroom, recently so silent, was heard the low hum of voices, interspersed occasionally 'with a suppressed titter from some girl more mischievous than her companions. Very complacently Madame Duvant looked over the group of young faces, :mentally estimating the probable gain she should receive from each, for this was the first day or the term ; then with a few low-spoken words to the row of careworn, paleâ€"faced teachers, sho :smoothcd down the folds of her heavy gray satin and left the room, just as a handsome travelling carriage stopped before the door. , The new arrival proved to be a fash- i’mablydmssed woman, who, with an .air of extreme hauteur, swept into the arlor, followed by two young girls, one pparentiy sixteen and the other four- Oecn years of age. The younger and, as some would call her, the plainer looking of the two, was unmistakeably a “poor a relation,†for her face bore the mock, patient. look of a dependent, while the proud, black eyes and scornfully curved lip of the other marked her as the daughter of the lady. who, after glanc- ing about the room and satisfying her- self that the chairs tables, and so forth were refined, gave her name as “Mrs. Greenleaf, wife of the Hon. Mr. Greenâ€" Ieaf, of Herkimer County, New York." “I have come," said she, apparently speaking to Madame Duvant. but looking straight at the window, “I’ve come to place my daughter Arabella under your charge, and if she is pleased with your discipline she will ï¬nish her education hereâ€"graduateâ€"though I care but little for that, except that it sounds well. She is our Only child, and, of course, a thorough education in the lower Eng- ' ilish branches is not at all necessary. I (wish her to be highly accomplished in flench, Italian, music, drawing, paint- ing, dancing, and, perhaps, learn some- thing of the old poets, so as to be able to talk about them a little, if necessary; but as for the other branches, such as geography, history, arithmetic, gram- mar, and the like she can learn them by herself, and it is not my wish that she should waste her time over any- thing so common. These will do for Mil- ' dred." and-she glanced toward the poor relation, whose eyes were bent upon the carpet. “She is the child of my husband's sis- ter, and we have concluded to educate her for a teacher, so I wish you to be very thorough with her in all those stu- pid things study.†Madame Duvant bow-0d, and Mrs. Greenlcaf continued. “Last term they were at Bloomington Seminary, and, if you'll believe it, the principal insisted upon putting Arabella into the spelling- cluss, just because she didn‘t chance to spell every word of her first composi- ‘tion correctly! I dare say it was more _l\1ildrcd's fault than hers, for she ac- knowledged to me that ’lwas one of Mildrcd's old pieces that she found and 00pm ." , I An angry flash of Arabella‘s large black eyes and a bright red spot on Mildred’s check were the only emotions manifested by the young girls, and Mrs. Grecnlcaf proceeded: “Of course, i wouldn't submit to itâ€"â€"my daughter spelling ‘baker,’ and all that nonsense, so I took her away at once. It was my wish that. Mildred should remain, but husband, who is peculiar, wouldn't hear of it, and said she should go where Araâ€" bella did, so I've brought them both.“ After a little further conversation it was arranged that Miss Arabella should go through a course of merely fashion- able accomplishments, Madame Duvant assuring her mother that neither spell- ing-book nor dictionary should in any way annoy her. Mildred, on the con- trary, was to be thoroughly drilled inl everything nocegary for a teacher tot know, Mts. Giccnleaf hinting that the! sooner her education was completed the better she would be pleased. for it Cost a great. deal to clothe, feed. and school her. Madame Duvant. promised to cXtL cute the wishes of her patron. “hm , gathered up her flowing robes. and withi a dozen or more kisses for her daughter and a nod of her head for Mildred. slopâ€" ped into her carriage and was driven rapidly away. I which Arabella is not to . n g n o . 0 Just. across the spacious grounds of: 1b.» Duvant Seminary, and dividcd froini them by a wall which it sccmcd ulmmti impossible to scale. stood a huge stonc. building. whose. hurde walls. burc} 001's. and dingy WilltIOWSkIl'wlll whirhl were frctptcntly suslx‘ndcd a cap. a pair? of trousers. or a boy"; to 'â€".~tumpcd it! at once as “The tiollcgc. the \cricstt post in the world. as .\lud:imc liuvani‘ called it. when. with all the vigilance,E both of licrscif and Argusâ€"cth irzu'hâ€"i (TS. sh.c failed to ktcp hvr youn;r ludirsT front making the ithuaintan-ï¬u‘ of the! students. who wiukcd at ihrm nil church. bowcd to thcm in the >Il‘.‘i‘i.‘.l tit-d notes to stoncs and thrvw thnin tn\t‘[‘ the piihicrdus “all, \vhiic tlic guts: \vavrd lhrir handkcrchi-fs from tin-irf windows and in various titlnvi- “xiv-cl eluded the \vatrlifllIiK-xs of thcir niacin-{x} A gitwt acquisition to thc fun-lovmgi _ Bad Spelling ; assesses PERFIDY. '(iii GREENLEAF’S ++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ members of the seminary was Arabella Greenleaf, and she had scarcely been there six weeks ere she was perfectly well acquainted with every student whom she considered at all worth know- ing. But upon only one were her brightest glances and her most win- :vuno smiles lavished, and that was Gem-go Clayton. a young man from South Carolina, who was said to to very wealthy. He was too honorable to join in the intrigues of his companions, and when at last he became attracted by the witching eyes and dashing manners of Arabella Groenleaf, he went. boldly to Madame Duvant and asked permission to see the young lady in the parlor. I-Iis request was granted, and during thc two years he remained at college he continued occasionally to call upon Ara- bella, who, each time that» he saw her, sec-mod more pleasing, for she beautiful, and when she chose to be so was very courteous and agreeable. One evening when George called as usual and asked to see her, he waited a long time, and was about making up his mind to leave, when a fair, delicate look- ing girl, with deep blue eyes and auburn hair, entered the room, inlroducing her- self as Miss Graham, the cousin of Ara- bella, who, she said. was indisposed and unable to come down. “She bade me say that she was very sorry not to see you," added Mildred, for she it was, blushing deeply as she met the eager, admiring eye of George Clay- ton. Gladly would he have detained her, but with a polite goodevening she left um in a perfect state of bewilderment. “Strange that I never observed her be- fore, for i must have seen her often," he thought, as he slowly wand-ed his way back to his rooms, “and stranger still that Arabella never told me that she had a cousin here.†The next time he met. Arabella his ï¬rst inquiry was for her cousin, and why she had never mentioned her. Willi a heightened color Arabella answered, “Oh, she's a little body, who never cares to be knownâ€"a perfect bookworm and manhaler." The words bookwcrm and manhater produced upon 'Goorge Clayton a far different effect from what Arabella had intended, and he often found himself thinking of the soft blue eyes of Mildred Graham. Unlike some men, there was nothing terrible to him in a bookish wo- man, and he might, perhaps. have sought another interview with Mildred but for a circumstance which threw her entirely in the shade. The annual examination of Madame Duvant‘s seminary was drawing near. Arabella was to graduate, while both she and Mildred were competitors for a prize offered for the best composition. There was a look of wonder on Mildrcd‘s face when she saw her cousin‘s name among the list, for composition was something in which Arabella did not ex- cel. Greatly then did Mildred march when day after day she found her, pen.- cil in hand. apparently lost in thought, as she ï¬lled one sheet. after another, until at last it was done. “Now, Milly," said Arabella. “you cor- rect the spelling and copy it for meâ€"â€" that‘s a good girl." Mildred had acted in this capacity too often to refuse, and with a marlyr‘s patience she corrected and copied the manuscript, wondering the white from whence came the sudden inspiration which had so brightened Arabella's ideas. But if she had any suspicions of the truth she kept them to herself, handing her own composition in with that of her cousin, and calmly waiting tin: result. \ (To be continued). _____.)._.._._ I‘OI‘NTED PARAG RAPI IS. ’I‘oothlcss dogs have soft snaps. The beauty of some women is only cosmetic deep. Just as long as there's a case there wih be a woman in it. \\'hrn all is lost. save honor a man tries to stand on his dignity. It's surprising how well most shiftlcss pcoplc manage to gct along. A woman is ncver surprist when she Iis handed a compliment. \\’ilh thc cxn-ptiun of those that are stillâ€"born. kind words ncvcr dic. If :1 criminal has moncy us Why to convince his~ luwycr that he is lllllui‘«‘lll_ One way to sidetrnck popularity is to insist on having your own way at all times. Many a man would never amount to icm. 1mm in ,, “pm-wk of “ms mmnem anything if he didn't have a wife to push him. .\ glance at the divorce statistics should bu sufï¬cient proof that this is the IiilitI MI “10 Il‘t‘v‘. .\ girl with sinu- mun cvcn if she isn't sure which man he is. If mrn wcrc to writc their own cpi- Illidb mrul'la- cutters would bc ("fillllN‘IIt‘vI tr \\ul‘I\' overtime. ANN (uh-llrutingr the tw.‘nly-lifth nnni. \‘tisury «'I hcr firth. the average wo- man's chici aim in life is to not look hcr 1: :0. v .p_. _ 'l‘iitéc gets away from an .jd .'t as quickly as mom-y gvts awztv hum a y« mi; one. ' was i< always sure shc is in lovc‘ ichinun-v" cinrty int-i thi IIIII'I'vA‘C streets t l l civilization. civilized Korea in the twelfth century B C. WOMAN TilE BURDEN BEARER. Korea has been under the suzcrainty 0." China from earliest times, except for a brief period between 1602 and .1698, when it was under Japanese protection, until 1876, when Japan signed a treaty ic-vontidt- win-n the g4 Md \vivps ghtI‘I the r , swiiIt’N man i lrndwn “IIERMIT KINGDOM" IS A mmmsn or omens. ._.._ Bullocks and Dogs Are Commonâ€" Scoul, the Capital, ls Rich In Fleas. Korea, called by outsiders the “Hermit Kingdom," is known to its own people as (Jltescn, meaning, “morning calm," or “morning freshness," It comprises a peninsula of Asia. north-east of (lhina, Gull 'nilcs long, 135 miles broad and including an arm of about. 83.000 squa‘re miles. The populaâ€" tion is estimated at from eight to six- teen million people, including foreigners,- of whom the greater number are Japan- ese. There are about 1504) Americans resident. in the country. The Koreans are of Mongolian origin, tall, robust, and rather preymsscssing in appearance. Their language is polly- syllabic. In dress, customs and archi- tecture they show the inuence of Chinese The Chinese claim to have recognizing it' as an independent nation. The burdens of life fall more heavily upon the women of Korea than in most countries, even in the Orient. indeed, it would be difï¬cult to point, to any naâ€" tion where the lot. of woman is more completely tin-enviable than in Korea. The male Korean, cxccpt in the highest classes, regards his wife as the burden bearer of the family. Curiously enough, however, the male Korean does not attain to the full dig- nity of man's estate until he marries. Nu matter how long he may defer that event, he is compelled to go bare-headed and to wear his hair in a pig-tail until his wedding. He is treated as a boy, ex- cluded from the councils of men and is a person of no consequence during the pig-tail period of his life. pulverized horns of a fawn, macerated spiders and similar mixtures are con- sumed in great quantities with trust and confidence in their virtues. 1n surgery their practice is limited to the crudcst operations. ,_ Religion in Korea, as far as there may be said to be any, is modeled on Chinese patterns with such results as might be expected. Law and the administration of justioeaare utterly feeble and rocking with corruption. C The reins of government, asgin China, are in the hands of a class which, by family tradition, lives by the shameless oppression and robbery of the poor. Koreans are passionately devoted to flowers, although comparatively few have the means to indulge their taste in tin; direction. NEVER USE MILK. ‘ QUEER MEDICINE. Korea is the paradise of quacks. As medicine the ground skull of a tiger is high in favor for all ills, whit-e ginseng, The land is generously blessed with animal life. There are no oxen, how- ever, and Koreans never use milk or any of its products. The work is all done by bullocks, which usually attain magnifb cent. development. \Vitliout his bullock the Korean would be helpless, and this fact is cited to prove that. the Koreans have never been a nomadic people. Korea produces no sheep, but none in that country is so poor as not to own at least one dog. No family would be comâ€" plete without a dog. Koreans, unlike the Japanese, love a good fire when the chill blasts of winter sweep across the barren country. This fondness for warmth is the cause of that barren appearance which so often has been referred to by travellers. Thc Koreans keep their forests cut to the quick to provide fuel. while the canny .laps let their forests grow and shiver. EVERYBODY SMOKES. Everyone smokes in Korca. Both men and women use pipes with a tiny metal bowl and stems so long that generally assistance must be asked to light them. As lhcy are inveterate smokers, the gicalcr part of the Koreans day is con- sumed in loading and lightingr pipes. The Koreans are. essentially. an agri- cultural peoplc. They come from a stock entirely different from their two great, neighbors, China the merchant nation. and Japan the fighting people. They arc undoubtedly of 'l‘uranian origin with 2‘ strong admixture of Chinese and Man- chu blood. The Koreans are a pruccful and hosâ€" pitable pmph‘. though tin-y have fought “I.†and bruvcly when they have had it light. They seem to lack the strain of lightingr Malay blood which is so strong iv nun-kcd in uic composition of the war- likc .lupanmv. l-‘t’ill'l‘ll’lED BY SMELLS. Smut. the capital. is an ancient walled mile from the sea. It is fortified in the strongest fashion by ,1 system “I snzclls that would drive any but an Asiatic army gasping int.) 111,) gm. I Smul is poor in appearance, but mph, in nous (in autumn nights tigers and; Min": boasts HI pl‘cy fi‘ullh‘liiiy "oiiltxtf inn right of way with I‘E‘I‘dtci ti'uvrilci‘sl in tho sti'ccts 'I'Eu‘ \I‘Iil Smut is one of appalling monotony. lions-dope: of; All} :i “russ the ,-.|:~.nt I\\n fcct Ir-un the ground. and :it fires the putt of smoke and ashes that upon tho town would liz‘iiiv‘ :ii to: in l-i‘h' like it N‘Wi-Wn o.’ in» ciruhun l=i-.' ‘. The one advantage of IEir' 5:21. 10- rvil with a Gaelic guide. "l‘schaikowsk y's .Ili fares. CITY OF MOUBNERS. Seoul is the home or mourners. In- deed it may be said literally with the Scriptures that “the mouincrs go about the streets." When a. Korcan is be. rcaved by the death of a close relative be is cntitlcd to mourn his loss for a period of tin-co years, and during this time he is not expected to perform any labor. As the average male Korean pro- fesses a lofty scorn for labor at any time, it is quite to be expected that tho period 0'. woe is accepted with resignation if not embraced with joy by ncurly all. The wall surrounding Scout, from which kites fly perennially, is a small option of the great, Chinese wall. The traveller is welcomed at the west gate, but, should unfortunate chance delay him until the sun has disappeared and a big ball booms its warning note, he must prepare to camp in the open until the morn brings the gatckccpcr back to his duty. IIOW BAKING IS DONE. Barring an occasional court pageant, Scout is singularly free from sights to interest the tourist. A Seoul bakcshop is. a triumph of clcanliness and altogether a unique in- stitution. Of course there is an oven. liico flour is dampened and kneaded into dough. This mass is spread upon a block and two lusty men proceed to treat it to a pounding process with heavy wooden mauLs. While this is being done an elderly assistant dips his hand into water and performs the somewhat hazardous feat of keeping the dough moist by putting it between the blows of the others. The oven crowns the work. . g.._____ PERSONAL PARAGBAPIIS. . A Few Interesting Facts About Seine “tell-known Peeplc. Earl Roberts, who fifty years ago was fighting in the Indian Mutiny before Delhi, where he encountered his first bullet, which fortunately was stopped by his cartridge pouch and did no harm, has just made an interesting confession. "I have. kept myself young on purpose," says this seventy-four year old \'.C. hero. “I have not drunk or smoked, and I am really not a day older than after Majuba in 1880." It is over ï¬fty-ï¬ve years since the sprightly Earl first be- came a soldier. Sir Edwin Elgar, the eminent musical conductor, while in New York a few weeks ago, was aroused from his slum- bcrs, after midnight, in a hotel by an irrepressible would-be interviewer, who, while knocking violently at the musi- cian's door, exclaimed : “I represent. the Sun." Sir Edwin made reply : “Go and represent the moon; it isniorc suitable at this hour of the night I" All the same, a column “interview†appeared the fol- lowing morning. When once touring in Scotland, Mr. Beerbolnn Tree got into conversation “And what, may you do for a living ‘2" asked the old fel- low. “If? said the actor, a little taken aback. “Oh! I‘m on the stage.†“(Lin cm or hand-bell ringing?" asked the guide next. Tree hastened to explain that he did neither, and added, “my work is more serious than that.†The man eyed him doubtfully. “Ah, wool," he said at length, in a tone of disap- pointment, “it seems too me yc‘re nae muckle better than a mecnistcr.†Many stories are being told of Dr. ltichlcr, who has just celebrated his thirtieth year as a musician in England. Recently, when rehearsing (1 Mozart symphony, he stopped the band and ex- claimed! “Please, gentlemen, more pianissimo. I want you to play like Queen Mab, not like suffragettcs.†On another occasion, when going through “Romeo and Juliet" scenes, he pulled up the orchestra and remarked: “You all play like married men, not like lovcrs." Dr. Richter is certainly at the top of his profession, for to obtains sums from £1.00 to £300 for conducting,r a single concert. The finest private residence in the world and the largest in Grmit Britain is that possessed by the Marquess of Rule, in :vIount Stuart, lioihesay. Every- thing, from a dining-room to an aquar- ium. is to be seen there, and among other things are three libraries, up-to- date swimming amt Turkish baths, avian-ins, a billiard-room, and a dining- r«.oin which will it"coinmodato 300 visi- LA N D 0F 0†S Ill “II‘OI: ptli‘c‘iu *tfl+ tttt+ tttt+ f +‘+‘+‘+ti tors. The mansion Cost smoothed. I-iarl F'tzwilliam owns the lincst ling» liin house. Surrounded by 1.5m acres of beautiful park lands, the mansion (Went- worth House) stands Gilt) feet in length. The hall alone is 60 fret by 40 foot, from which can be, gathcrcd a good idca 11:; to the size of the othcr rooms. Anothcr famous residonor. is l-‘hlon Hall, which tin: Duke of \\'cstminstm' owns. Ovcr fifty suitcs of rooms are set. aside for gucsls, while the length of the house is nearly 500 fcct. Chatsworth I'Iousc pos- sesses grounds nine miles in circum- fcrcncc. The Duke of Newcastle. who rccmltiy returned to England from the l'nib-d States. has a great admiration for Ann-n. and Americans. the C'I‘uSM‘s in.» it. luntic ncurly cvcry your. and slmtnis some weeks \\‘i|.. his man). frit-nds in the, l'nilr-d States. who tll‘u mostly lcud- or»: in the rchgious world. )1“; nonv- HI the. tildes that might be Itn‘kt‘vI tril‘ Ill till†\\‘iii {19"llph‘s‘ >llt'h :m «null-NI >!iillwll Ill life. in slutm‘n. he has slr.\‘.'n Ii-J Lult‘vcr iu' spurt, Il tI' is he rt such-t}: winch-n in lifc. bring :in odvuncd laitnulid and one of liu- nth >liit)i4il'ls': admit-mi Church party in llr' Tin" lluch « of .\'v\‘.'- if tir- Il‘ ll\-‘ of Innis. mle It=\""~ ~purt just us nun-h :1; lm-l Lusimiii tirf ‘s‘ l". SIIE‘ Iillllt< tIlll'tli;_’ nu. i‘u- \v I“ of Ill“ M‘Hw'iil. drivw ( n. it._\'. and :< n iu'md 'r: d :i judg- d tI‘ \‘hc was Miss km in ' ' '~-i l‘.-‘ I" 3.- ln l‘\t'. >iiv: ....ilv. The Duke. Small and slight: :iifwliin. i. tihurrh matters are fig supp“,- 1 l'l‘i‘ll hurt- About the Farm ‘ u++++++++++s+++++++++ DAIRY FARMING IN DENMARK. ++++++++o t + t, :t In Dcnmark a system of highly tintcn- sitii'd farming prevails in all parts of ‘thc country. More than 71) pcr cent of' all thc farming land is undcr cultivation melt your, leaving less than 30 per cent. for grass and hay purposrs. A seven; 'ytars rotation of crops is in very gen- crai practice, and the land is utilized in much the following manner: First year rye; second year, roots; third year bar-. lcv sown with clover and grass; fourth year, clover and grass; fifth year, grass f-u- grazing purposes; six year, oats; and seventh year, a system of fodder crops for summer feeding. The rye is cut grovn in the month of May, and used for feeding purposes. In this man- nrr the rye furnishes an early form of glean food, which is very helpful in maintaining the milky supply before the other forms of green feed are avail- It is the prevailing custom to stable, ‘ttc. cows about eight months out of each year, and the feeding of'some form! of soiling crop is practised during the. remaining four monllis. While about oneâ€"seventh of each farm is devoted to; grass, the cows are seldom allowed free access to the same. In some instances‘ these grass lots are cut and the pro-I duce from the same is fed to the cows l'i the stables or open paddocks. The, 'most prevalent practice, however, is to] ’tcther the cows in rows by means of ropes, and allow them a new feeding "ground each day. This svslcm is rc- ‘garded as being very economical on. grass. as it allows each strip of land, several days’ rest, during which time it makes a rapid growth. In this man- nor the Danish farmers claim to get much more feed from a given area of ground than would be possible under conditions where the cows have free acccss to the entire area at. will. The, cows always receive additional food,E either in the form of green fodder crops or some form of concentrated feeding stuff; in fact. the best farmers generally furnish some of each. The main object of the grass is to afford a means. of supplying exercise and fresh air, both of which are so beneï¬cial to the health and vigor of the cow. Some farmers who do not deem it profitable to set, aside land for grazing purposes have; open paddocks in conjunction with the stables, where the cows spend scverala hours each day for the purpose of an,- plying fresh air and sunshine. in Some instances a part of the It .t-dcr is fed in these paddocks. ’ SKIMMILK AS A FERTILIZER. Skimmilk as a fertilizer for crops is interesting the farmers in the vicinity (f ilalsey. N. J., and several declare that astonishing results have come from its use. Several weeks ago a creamery of that. place had a lot of skinunilk that onuld not be used. W. Clark Mains and John A. chtcr, farmers, took the milk and poured it on their lands as an exâ€" periment. Mains emptied seventy-ï¬ve cans on a timothy sod lot. chlcr emp~ bed 150 cans on a picce of meadow land. Remarkable results have been obtained. Thcir grass is now seven times as vigorous as on adjoining ï¬elds where, the milk was not used, but which were: covered with commercial fcrtilizers. The farmch .predict that milk will be used henceforth. There is no reason. practical or thco~ rctical, why skiimnilk should not make a good fertilizer. Analysis shch that each hundred pound contains seven (tints Worth of plant food. in the best. possible condition for immediate use by the plant. But it is hardly a proï¬table proposition to use milk in this way as it is worth from 15 to 30 cents per hun- dred when fed to young stock. The above is an interesting experiment, but not one that is profitable. if the milk can be USCd in any other way. ‘ FARM NOTES. Nitrate of sida is being used on grass land with great success. CIldl'CutlI given to animals, especially to poultry and swine. acts upon the, blood as a puriï¬er, often being found rf beneï¬t when there is no deï¬nite dis- ‘casc. Do not let the little pigs got too far, This may cause them to have thumps. chp lhcm growing nicely and see that thcy get plenty of fresh water and ex- crcése. If yotll‘ ï¬elds show any signs of the, l)le‘4.‘ll(‘4j of nuistzu‘d. do not throw pp, vmir hand» in dcspuir. but spray it with l‘hmslnnn and pull and burn what may, 1r lvil. \Ills’urd is one of the womb \\'1’t Us in this Culllitl')’. but its destruc- limit is not impissiblc. \\'hcn a pcrsun buy: an animal that is Claimed to l.«- registcrcd llzc purchas- ‘i-r should demand the ccrtifi-rutc of rcg~ NW and haw the trunst’u‘r -;,f uwni-rship made with ]It'Il and int: t n the bile of 't‘i-x turtllimlc. This transfer should ‘LS.\'«* tliv mun/- vi the purchaser and Thur- (.i u» transaction, and strand be >);_'lll"AI Ii\‘ llh- N‘Ili‘l‘. Suit is'rss't'nliul I'l th-- h--‘i‘.ll'i Of all tax ~i‘.<. li-i n-rt s‘iut ilu- suit. supply, l» vour critt‘ x1. .1, and hugs. but give tidy†in“ ~ l-i tlir- salt li"k. Your ‘huruw w.',i ’nj-y salt in their grain In W and 'tï¬'iiii. l-‘rcc zit-cow t. . salt. and ital ' i pure water will iueiiilalc the ‘7 in All milk. Those things are knwvn to most f 'sunra .\ frw . and thr-rw 1.. l. tum-15a, to the i'i’mzndd cf thm: ' Ml; } L ’4 .2 ‘4