Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Sep 1907, p. 3

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A wealthy lady gave a reception in honor of her daughter's birthday: for :which music was furnished by a pop”. Ear orchcstm. The leader of lllLs orches. 1m was a violinist who 'llfld won sociul as well as professional success. and the hostess evidently wished to dbplay her Its Power“ Grow-s With Agraâ€"[low many medicines loudly blazoucd us pn- «nacous for all human ills have (‘OlllC and gone since Dr. Thoma-5‘ liclectric Oil was first .put upon the market? Yet it. remains. doing more good 10 human- lly than many a preparation more highly vaunted and extending its vir- tues wider and wider and in a largqr circle every year. It is the medicine nl the masses. hostess evidently wished to display her knowledge of this fact. When the even- Vmg was half over, the bulier approach- {ed the musicians, who were having a €122?” resL and in his ioflicst manner snid. referring to a paper in his hand:â€" “Tho violin calls in the dining-room; tie rest. of the instruments in the pan- try. The parrot. thaL garrulous pet, is generally supposed to have the mono- poly oi the power of talkim,r among birds, but, as a matter of fact. the par- .1'0t's voice is decidedly inferior to thut of UP." mynah. There are always exam- ,ples of these birds in the large aviary of the London Zoo. and they repeat various phrases with great, clearnoss of utter- ~ance. Curiously enough, the hen has a gruff voice. while the cock speaks in a :ctear, high tone like that of 21 child. T he mynahs can be easily provoked into showingott their power of speech, and will greet the visitor with “Good morn- ing" in response to his sotutations. ’t‘he mynah is a kind of starting, and this Ylatter bird is well known for its imitative apnwcrs. Are your cams hnrdcr to remove than ‘i-lrose that others have had? Have they not had the same kind? Have they not been cude by using Holloway's Corn (lure? Try a boltle. “Yes,” said Rivelts, “I went 1 o‘clock ton \n'th my wife yeslo "Gracious!" exclaimed Ch: “didn't, it nearly drive you crazy “on, no; I don‘t mind it. I < Iboiier shop, you know." Little Etholâ€"“Mamma. don‘t people ever get punished for telling the truth?” Mammaâ€"“NO, dear. Why do you ask?" Little Elhelâ€"“'Cuuse I just looked the last three tarts in {he pantry, and; I thought I'd better tell you!" ACCUSTOMED TO IT ISSUE NO. 31â€"07. O\\’11 a um "13‘ l1: “All that she looks to make her at- h'aclive is either beauty or munoy." _“Yes, and all that Switzerland lacks in “IL‘ way of a navy is a few seaports and lTCll, Mange. Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious llch in human or animals cured in 30 minules by \Vol- Irrd’s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggisls. the retraclory organs H and restoring 11mm to m m which condition only < ful‘m {heir duties properly chy find a puli sicmnchic il‘l‘egnlz purpose they can [ Lt‘l' than Parmnlc which will be [011 cine of surprising “Don’t, be afraid, Harold," the lady said; “lhnt lion is stuffed." “Yes.” said Harold. “but maybe- hc isn‘t sluflod so full that he couldn‘t find room [or a lillle boy like me.” “Bob, I promised you a bicycle it passed your examinations. and horn have failed completely. What in world have you been doing wilh ycur time?" “I've been learning to a bicycle, father!" The healthy glow disappearing from the cheek and moaning and restllcss- moss at night are sure symptoms of \urms in children, Do not fall to get a botlle of Molher Gravos' \\’orm Ex- terminator: it is an effectual medicine. won-kin HICY ll lfb spoon. in a cup of co SOON. For burns, lry Many of the birds were presented by patriotic pigeon owners. and under the direction of Captain Allutt interesting and valuable experiments have been curried on. The birds have now been sold and the lofts destroyed. In Germany and France the number of. pig-eons kept for military purposes was never greater than now, and the English naval authorities still maintain their lofts at Portsmouth and Devonport, under Lieutenant. Barrett. As it will be many years before small, scattered sections of an army ran carry their own wireless telegraph apparatus. it. is ditllcult to assign a reason for the action of the military authorities. If atlnckcd with cholera or summer complaint of any mud send at once [a a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg‘s Dy- senlery Cordial and use it according .0 mutations. It acts with wonderful sn- pid'uy in subdu'mg that dreadful disease mat weakens 1he strongest man and um destroys the young and dolicate. Those who have usod this C‘hOlCI‘i} me- dicine say it acts promptly and never fails to effect a thorough cure. “You‘re exiravagant." said the uncle. “These cigars are a lot better than the ones I smoked at you" age." “Yes,” muttered his nephew, in "1 ill-concvnh‘d aside. “they‘re a lot bone. \han those you smoke now." he Birds Sold and Lotls Destroyed by 0rdfl' 0! English War Office. For some reason as yet. unexplained “1‘: British War Depurtmt‘nt has abolish- ed its carrier pigeqns. AS scnllc their it. is Chemists :uch a. state aenoflt by it :ertoution h -t.rongtheus. M iss men yo u .' I’crL. you ‘2‘ llrat 11m The Spou 1nd blotchos on the face and neck are nftan merely signs of foul blood. ApFly Weaver's Comte to obtain immediate relie and take Weaver's Syrup to rid the blood of pollution. iir eat I arian v n \es. thinl- :n‘ always try to practice charity." said ["nssuy. “My mollo is, ‘Do unto all as you would have them do unto ’" “Gracious!” exclaimed Miss “You don't really kiss them, do Re boats ARM" PIGEONS ABOLISHED. you ‘ muc EMERGENCY REMEDIE mgnized R0guiutor.â€"To bring stivo organs inlo symmetrical is the uhn of physicians when d a pulient suffering from ic ii‘i‘egniarilrias, and for this they can prescribe nol'iiing hotâ€" I Parmr‘leo‘s \‘egeiabie l’ilis, I111 be found a pleasant medi- surprising virluc in bringing Iclory organs inio subjoclion it. has answer ‘ about. Hive ‘ that 1mm :11 m TIII {h In “I baon HIE borax and a \\‘ :n oil xich are known most em- 1 of ‘lhem CI‘C Trouble in the system “ Ferrovim," mn achiovod NERVOUS )m'ulsions warm baths the .11 ORDI mnkt ' {151' lhe 1nd dry flannel will 1e econo :pricc.” Ell 311d SW’a kcd gattin will a ’ the b: It b or salt, labl )rmul action an they per but keep the one V the 535mb. be st It builds 11L .vibh five iron 1n to ride *rvous alclu- 'n into ). and tom'b. Is and you you the all in d [mica Bulb! would look honor dyad‘ If an "an I! am In your town. write direct HonLrul, Box 15! Miss Passe: “You ask me :11. Can't you see my answ 0c?" The Hon. Algernon ( (0 HI: vary plain.” " oofin ‘ Right f? Eu’ivanized 3i:- " Q: 5 .' STEEL 2-: ‘ ' BRI7IBH AMERIOAM DYEINQ CO- MW 9311' . Address cévur -. mounts»; NP‘m‘rSt .31‘99013991 , :32” QWEQE YOUR OVERGDATS REAGII -â€" Rnsv‘wncd Square Piano, with (3% ccmves. in good conditon; good practice piano, for .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . BACON S; RAVENâ€"Rosewood Case Square Piano, with Octagon Icgs. 6%, octaves, in first-cluss' condi- tion for a practice piano. Special price of .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDWARDS â€"â€" Rosewood Case, carved logs. 6 oc- tario J. C. FOXâ€"Beautiful Rosnwood C1159. With carved legs and lyra, 7 ocl-uvos. overstrung penline base. in elegant condition, and a first-class piano at .. DECKER & (10 â€"B9auliful Rosewood Case, (‘d logs and Wm, nvcrslrung scale in first- class condi'l n Special ut . . . . . . (ml-LAT [MONâ€"Carved Logged Square P wood case, ovorstrung scale, serpvnlino h traves, in Megan-t Condition. This piano will give cxcellentsaiisfuction. Spcciul at EDWARDS â€"- Rosewood Case, carved legs, 6 oc- tm'vs, a nice rrrnc ice piano, in firsluclass condition. Elegant value at . . . . . . NITSCHKE. Londonâ€"Very handsome rosewood case square l’mno. wilh 7,14 octaves. overstrnng scale, in A1 condition; a piano tlmt will give good Enlis- taollon. and u firsl-class burgaln at ant", nn 75 cenis a week. $125 and un dcr, and $1 a week Other terms if desired. ' Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner’s shears,~can’t go wrong. They lock on all four sides, are self-draining and water- shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire-proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28- gauge toughened sheet steelâ€"only one quality used and that the best- bent cold and doubleâ€"galvanized. Last longer with no painting than ‘ any other metal shingles heavily- ‘ul Rosnwood C1159. with re. 7 ocl-uvos. overstrung egant condition, and to marry or in my absently) ‘ ‘cd Square Piano, rosn- serpentine base, 7 oc- on:- Io [iv Iwo furth victimq. Several ~211.1'1 n; to set hourly n The olh where a lnrgr ready for a 1 (if three broti who happenm was blown 10 were horribly joicmg. During last man! explosions were rm lessncss in the pro costing in each can one to five DOI‘SOI mm 0th Five Explosi'ons Occurred in Italy in One Month. Fatal accidents in fireworks factories are so alarmingly on the increase in Italy that. politicians are being inun- dated with petitions from all quarters to devise special preventive legislation. As is generally known, Italy has an enormous inland trade in fireworks, and in the southern pnovinccs and Sicily pyrotechnic displays form an indispen- sable item in every sorL of public re- w. 11 Gofimr'ngéfi 933nmiéfi £39,9undaSSb- Oshawa GalvaniZed Steel Shingles arg: QUARANTEED in every" way for Twenty-Five rYear: ought to Last a Century Send for FREE Bookâ€"“Roofing Right” Get Our 011:1- Bctore You Root 3 Thing EASY TERMS DISASTERS FROM FIRE\\'ORKS veral hu blew up 0 of Sain ..f‘." $105.00 1p] Ye Olde Flrme of I‘m last month a handsome scale, ser- with can $115.00 $119.00 $121'00 mile away. 1‘ disaster occurred at Leccc rgo consignment of firework: (1 popular festival, exploded roihors‘ partners in lhe firm nod 10 be standing near. om hundrodweighls p at a factory mishaps sw These To 015’ Are k Plenty fl Him [a] pk lrcd\veighls of gunpow- a factory in the com- Anlonio, in the suburbs ng three workmen and injuries on seven 10!] U1 [081011 BS s and lhé other two ‘alcd. Mono five 1e ded lhmugh s of manufa the lives of The 011191 llElN’l‘leAN S; (XLâ€"Square Piano, with four round corn-M‘s, 73/3 octaves, 11n- exira fine piano, with tricord iroble lop and bottom mouldings. serpentine base. carved legs and lyre. One of our best $600.00 square pianos. in elegant condition, and a piano that will give S'zlislacl'mi (or years lo come. Special at 'l‘liovoughly guummecd. .. .. HEINTZMAN & (IQâ€"Square Piano. rosewood case. 7% ocluves, owrstrung scale, carved legs and lyre, in elegant condition. ’1‘th is one of our own well- known make and a piano that will give satisfac- tion to any musician. Regular price $500.00. Spe- ciul at (thoroughly overhauled) . . , . . . 4.”, An KRANHIH & EACHâ€"Extra handsome rosewood case with four round comers. curvcd legs and lyres. over- strung scale. {up and bottom mouldings, a very nice toned piano nnd one that would satisfy the most ex- acting. Regumr price $700.00, and we consider 1!. ex- tra 00d value at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thorgughly guaranteed. DECKER BROS. New York.~!\1~ade by one of the best American manufacturers; rosmvood case, with '7 octaves, overstr-ung scale. thoroughly guaranteed. carved legs and lyre. a first-class piano in every way. [irgular price, $600.00. Special at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140.00 OF PAYMENT over um, price. Floight paid to any rpoint in an storage of he painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shin les in first cost; far cheaper in t e long run. “ Oshawa ” Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a square, 10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us the area. of any roof and hear our ternptmg offer for covering it w1th the cheapest roof you can really afford to buy. Let us send you FREE booklet ’ about this roofing questionâ€"tells some things you may not know. other day the list of n and seven terrific -rriblc care- ctu re. from 0110 mp Teething Babies: 10¢. per packet. or 8 packets for 25¢. will last a. whole coaaon. FLY PADS -â€" BOLD BY â€"-â€" DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND GENERAL STORES N urses’ana Mothers’ Treasure Quickly relievesâ€"regulatu the bowels â€"â€" prevents convukions. Used 50 years. Absolutely safe. At drug-stores, 25c. 8 bolt ct. $1.15. National Drug & Chcmicnl 0.. Limited, Bole Proprietors, Montreal. 41 are saved sufferingâ€"~and molhut given restâ€"when one uses WILSON'S 76 Lomhani St‘ Ono packet ha. nctually lulled a bushel of file.- of these $145.00

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