Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Sep 1907, p. 5

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good families I like to locate ht the houses. '. means to do sn ‘ of a. number of paying invest m ,, _,__v._.‘- tlle'l‘oruntn Central District, will held in Elm St. Methodist. Church ThursdaySept. 19th commentsng 211.111. At the last meeting uf 1 Quarterly Board Mr. J. A. E. Swim was uppéintod tn accompany Ruv. Mr. Brace as My delegate to represent the Richmond Hill Circuit. ow «‘ Lon 80 Cl Houses are sour hardly a week p: are applimnts ful huuses. T he low good fumilirs on like to locate how influence be mised in I‘ They sufl'el and tbilst :u It will be seen by adven-Lisvmeqt on another page _the special (:M' which has been leaving Aurora and vamu 1-- ket every Saturday night for Jack- t‘son‘s Point has been cumwllvd. The special car “’11th has hvvn 192w- ing Jucksun's Point for Toronto evm y Monday morning at 7 o’clock will alsv be discontinued. Put-‘1 Spim-s: fur culnpunnds A big hen-w and we haw 1 sun 8; Switzox At the Methodist, Church noxt Sun- day, Rev. A. P. Bruce B. D., will Cunâ€" Linue his series (If Sermons 01)"le Larger Munhnnd,” Subject : “The Largest, Manhuod : or No Life without Death.” In the evening Rev. E. Hur- nld Toye will pl'vach, subject: “The Fearless Preacher and what he preached about.” was a reminder that need nf a. sidewalk station. A single pl‘ until the pu-mam-nl. vd. 0n Yonge St, bvtween Newmnrket and Tumntn, Aug. .31. sumll genm-atm- for acetylene gas headlight. It isn hmss tank about, five inches square. and about, twelve inches long. Ro- wan-d for return to this uffice. The Senior Epwm'lh Lpugue will hold its first regular meeting uf the season in the school mum of the Meth- odist, Church next Monday evening. le opening will be of :1 social char- acter and a god pi-ugram will be pre- sented. The {inst mvvling Inng NH. 23, A. F. <\' :mmmvr “mil nfi'" Munduy men-ng uexL um-e is n-quvsh d. Tho Jnninr Lt-ng'u" will cumuwnc its “pm-utiuns‘ fur Lhu Smlwm nu Mm day aflH-nmm nn-xt:1t4u‘clnr-l<. Evm' hwy and girl intvn alml is wqucbtvd 1* be on huml for (Anruliuwnt. Jacob Eym' & Son. in order tn gvt mure mom for their increasing busi- m-ss, are uddingmmlhm- stury Lu Uwir wulkshop. Hen-aftvr [he>milbing and repairing will he done upstuils. 'l‘he‘Srptmnbvr meeting of th: man’s Missiumu-y Suciety \vil place this (Thursday) ufternom o‘clock at the [mine l-f Mrs. Wright. A large attendance of hers and helpers desired. mun m1. Hmnmrxb HILL. ()x'r G51? m Hll Th9 Finunvial District; XXX \Vhim \Vinr- Th" \V :1 I-snlmg n'cluuk. The rain and the mml (m TUPSdny us :I- reminder that “'0 are greatly in 39d of a. sidewalk tn “1? U. N. O. Minn. A sing-1(- plank wuukl :mswor jLil the pu'mam-nt walk is complet- l‘hc “W HERE you [HOV YJ()(3‘1:XIJP~S Dixon make 30 Point, Cider viz: per gullun. A :1 M that Atkinson ll] FOR town loses eeu-h you here If the 110 ul 1t sum and alumnding goods bu sell. - l 7. will nun-pt at the uosdn)‘ afternnnn :Ll; MLLI‘ndleL't-E H'qm-SL- ling nf uld flm mnt b( n” m4- prim”: (-hm- tkinsnn S; Swit in our :5 but, t numhm Ill \vi wk 0 pIm-Iuims the iwilzu' can fix m- x inst ‘ng of the \‘V0- iety will take afternoon at, 3 If Mrs. Arm-s ulzxuce of mem- ll‘ :mcvlled. The 5 [won leav- Tm‘untn even y clock will aiso lh [‘KON n u m hm who \vm lw hl‘ld un full nth-ml- Meeting t0\\'n thu L pt Richmond , nftw- the 0 won] lld- fim (If the Switzel Badge gallo Ult trade Akin- 1907 )1] rod nn at of be n1 lie day The sto] \Ve‘v-e :1 but that was as truly as if you were itâ€"a hat exactly suited and the coanu' of your yalllc at $1.50. Atkinso The charge against him is th stole a quantity of copper wire.- v at, $200f1'mn (he Yul-k Radial puny fmm their store hnnse at It is :m npvn secret that :1 number ufpe-nple nut far from this village quite frequently expose themselves tn a fine or imprisnnmem for "Brnnch of the Lottery Act.” If they have an (:ld shotgun, :L graumphnne 01‘ a wm-nâ€"nut horse. they sevm to think the proper-way to dispnse of the ar- ticles is by the mid-time rafflng meth- od. “7en1igl1t. remind thvm that :1 fewdnywlgn a man named Tlmnms Banks had [only a fine in the Police Cum-t. Tm'nnto, for mffiiug a cow which hodid not, Want. Banks plead- ed guilty. and Col. Dennisnn imposed a fine of $5 and costs 01' 30 daVS. Tho :mmml Thunksgixing Snrvicos willhu lwld in St Mary‘s Church. Hiclimmul Hill. :mtl‘in Trinity Church 'l‘liornhill, on \Vediwsclay H'ening, the 25111 (If Svpfmnlwr, (-umnmncing "L8 n’cln-tk InSl. M:n~y'< Chm-ch ReV. Canon Dixon will Pl't‘nf'h the cernmn, :mdlln-nmsic will In: furnisth by Trinity Chm-ch, anunto. AI. Thorn- hill t-hesei‘mnn will be- preached by Rev. E. C. (Dayle-y, rectan- uf St. Si- mon’s Chlu'rh, and the choir of that, Church will provide the music. A onllvclion will be taken :11 vac-h service in aid nf the lmprovmneub Fund of c‘lnu-clws. dmwruf anhiun Mills, was cnugh‘ Thursday night holwevn [ht- gntv post and :1 prujnctiughound on his \vnggr-n ("Pd as :1 smut and jumme-d su that, his m-nk Wm; ln-nkvu. Fur thl‘é‘A'â€"QII:II‘L(‘I'S uf an hour hv was held in lhi< prusitim) while [he hurxn Stlmd slilL mmhle tn draw the u'nggnn further. Ho was fnlnul (lvad hy :1 nrighhm: Tho fu- mmll tnnk plum- Sutmdn’y nitex’nnnn. Dccmlsvd \vnsu nvphuw (If Mrs. \V. ‘n-h ing hnnw :lval- 1: prnduw- In the city. Ge lwmxty-oight ymrs 01d. dx‘ln'ruf anhiun Mill Thursday night holwev and u projecting.humu] Mod as u smut and iumn undue l whm'v p mzlm 'l‘nl lHltlll'nl YIH‘dinlm Rnc-inv, V. Pain nnywlu-w. painful [wn-inds, No all pains can hp pl u [hm-(mgth safe 'I‘uhlvt. knuuu by where "S Dr. KIN" lt‘kugr Ill THANKSGIVING SERV ARRESTED IN TORONTO (HI 1|le NE“ Sunday's: :L but that was made for you as if you were measured for exactly suited to your build :onbmu' of your fuse and gnod $1.50. Atkinson 81 Switzer. FA TA L A (70 [D EN’! th “Hwy 11”“: bridge wax near-- Mr. Arthur McArthul xe would bring the outfit, u- the bridge. In coming hill he lnsL cuntml of the en- ‘. On ill be \Vis Tuesday the ITlh A \VARNII‘K BAD MIX-I Ill ewmul-k ,’1‘". pain in’ tin) hr , Neurulgin, tm‘lhzu (1 promptly <anpu-d safe liltlv Pink L‘nl 10 SUH'P ha I'ieslivld found w "I In mffiing a cow Banks plead- \‘nn imposed 1' .30 days. (luulizé this un- '. and pain im- '1‘ite Dy. Slump.» (’1‘er heft i ll] ing 9 now 119- :ellent pm- rair to be osdzly and Md 1911] of d day the sitms at 9 n’s Urevk prohibit,- fiE-fd syn- '31' engine r) ln-mv of that he re.- valued inl Con» at Bond Chestnut the \Vil'f' arrested but he man an- \Villium ,lmrgod. :1 land ()f Atkinson. :kot 11.11-- ICES. Snrvicos Uh Huh. nng UOI- tect Iriill h". rum-4 Ayer’§ Pills increase the ’a’étiivity of the Inver, and thus ald recovery. f++++$+++++++§~i~+++++++++4"? Lax-e15 5 Heart with palpitatinn or intermit- te-ntpulsv. always nwans “‘Ouk stom- ach nm-vvs (\1‘ \wak hvart, nerves. Strength?" those inside or rmemiling nerves with Dr. Shnnp’s restorative and sm- hmv quickly those aiimonts disappear. Dr. Shnnp hf Rm‘inP,\Vis.. will man-samples fi't'O. “Him for Lhmn. A tPst. will tell. Yrvln‘ hi'fl‘lll is cm-tniniy Wurlh this Sauth trial. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Stumnch troubles, Hwn't nnd Kid- ney uilmvnts, can he qmckly correct- m‘l with a p: escriptinn knnwn to drug- gists ewn-rywhore as Dr. Slmnp’s Re- sthmtivv. The pmmpl. uni“. surprising rI-iie-f which this remedy imnwdinu-Iy brings is entirely due to its Rostma- tivp m-tinn npnn the Controlling nervvs nf the Stomach. Mr. A wvak Stomach. calming dyspepsia. u wvnk Heart with palpitntion or intermit- tye-ntpulsv. always nwans n‘nuk stum- nch inn-va m‘ wka hvm't, nerves. Strengthen those inside or (-unLroIling nPrves with Dr. Shnnp’s restorative and sm- hmv quickly those ailments Made by J’. C. Ay Alto mnnu yeré St. Lawrvnm- m‘ Redpulh Sugars. Paris Lump Sugar, Fruit Sugar, Extra Granulated Sugar. Icing Sugar. lelmv Sugars. 201118. Extm Granu- latI-d sugar fur $1. 19 lbs. Powdered Sugar fm- $1, Extra Granulated Sugar, in (‘mton-hm-d bags of 100 lbs., $4.75. Atkinxun & Switzer. tlu-mtusnppnrt the prepmvd plan. The [31me inturestr’d are vaumrlivt, Aurm'u, Richmond Hill. Tlmrnhill, Nun-[ll Toronto. East, Tmmntu, the Junction, Deer Park. Swansea. Mim. inn. and smaller places in tlw vivinity of these mme thickly-populuted dis.- tlicts. Itis said the solwmw, if cur- Hed uu-t. will entail un- exprndilnre of $1,500,000. BRITISH AMERWAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Oldest in Canada. mos: thorough and practical cuurSos: nnvqunlled facilities fm good wmk. Reasonable rates; enter my :nne‘ FALL TERM from Sept. 3. Catalogue and Journal of Business Eduou‘uinn fires. For Cougizs and Calds There is a remedy over sixty years oldâ€"Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it, probably have used it. Once in the family, it stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Ask your doctor about it. nd practical cuurs acilities for good w Reasonable rates; ente ERM from Sept. Cut: f business Educazinn fr T. M. W The best kind of a testimonialâ€" " Sold for over sixty years.” We have no secrets! We publilh the formula: of all our medicinal. by J. c. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Man. Also manufacturers or M. WATSON. Principal C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Laxative. SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. +++~x~+e~+++~z~z~+++++ -+++++++++++++++++++{+++ "- .+++++++4++++++++%++ .r MM++++Â¥9++++++++++HMMMM-é++++++§~+4uxuzwy+++ai f++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sept. 12, 1907. weight Scotch Tweed Shit, fiiébémg‘s‘ixi for $17.50. Aikinsm & gwémr There is nothing like leeling satisfied with yourself â€"â€" that the things you wear are correct; that you are well dressedwthat others in the same social scale as yourself are not wearing more upvto-date effects. We cure that feeling. Come to us. \Ve wouldn’t let you go out of the store with out-of-style Come to us. go out of the haberdashery. Gent’s Fine Negligee Shirts, light ground, woven lines, black and blue spots, at 85 cents each. Gent’s Fine Negligee Shirts, light ground, fine check patterns, at $1 each. Cent’s Fold Collars, Apply linen, latest style, 2 for 25 cents. , ‘ Gent’s Fine Neclxwearâ€"ascot, four in hand, or tieâ€"at 20, 25, 50, and 75 cents. Gent’s latest Stif}~ and Soft Felt Hats, at $1.50, $r.75, and $2. gishmonfi % Tinsnnithing in :11 its branches We solicit VVe will make to your nmasurc Sample line ofI If! R. A. FARQL‘ HARSO assure you satisfaction In quaht ‘MH>X-+++-}-+l~++++++~§~}+é~Â¥+€il{-§A<‘+4=4--:Ǥ-~}~++4“ BRITISH 'CANADIAN WWW “MW ent WWW?!" WP! your order for KQF‘Q -§- ++++++++++++++ +-:~~:-++4«. 5! Itler genuine winter every particular, +4“

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