.. "VOL. XXX. LIBERAL PRINTING <59 PUBLISHING HGUSE RIOHMONDHILL,ONT. l l (falls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Lloonienl Auctioneers for the County of York. 33163 “handed to on shoxcesmotir eaud a. tea.- sonable rates Pntronage aolicitod Licensed Auctionepr for the County of Yo k goods sold on oonsngnment General snug stoc etc promptly attended so at reasonable rates Res'dence Qnionvill‘g .1 D "A. ,1 Liana e Auctionem to: me County 01 Yor‘: re- pacunlly 301mm; your patn'onaga and frinndly influence 83168 qzsnnded on the shortest notice and st reasonaberuas. P. 0. address King xs PUBLISHED EVERY L'HURSDAY IVTORNII ‘i‘. F . Mo M A 3' '1‘ Baigeon, \ Man's A huge stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places M'ill be V G R 658131;;Eggéï¬lgruokmgcutforthe above JOHN R, CAMPBELL, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL genial. 13h. H. ‘WI'iNbEé‘s‘O’ï¬, J. H. SANDERSON". mlls by day and night prompt/1y at tended to. Pupil of A. S. Vogt. Mus. Doc. (Piano), Bud J. H. Anger, F. R. 0. 0. (Theory). RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Having a. complete X-ray and static electricity apparatus. I am able to locate foreign bodies in the body. and examine fractures «)f huues. Also to treat NERVOUS DISEASES, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, MORBID GROWTES, such as Cancers. etc. such as Uamcex's. etc. Being a. graduate of Moorfleld‘s Eye Hospiml. Enghmd, I run prepared to qumine the interior of the eyes for diseasa, and test for glasses. If a. patient, should require glasses 1 01 del- them for him. Nose and throat. work a specialty. Ofï¬ce convenient. tn the Metropoli- tan and C. N. 0. Railway stations. 46 bf Money to loan. at. ï¬ve per cent. interest; on ï¬rst. mortgage.-me properpy. _ $1 perannum, in advance.] "‘ W12 @ihtml Our. (Lu-non and Yonge 835 Tom D t (1 Kill be in Richmond Hill on “70 . nusday of each week. Ofï¬ce, next door nurth of Stand- ard Bank. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. 1 Undertaken-s a: Embalmers VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist instruction in Piano-playing and Theory Money to Loan. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhiu. BUSINE SS CARD S, Sulgeon _&: Mel-I‘ve". WRIGHT BROS DR. S. J. BOYD A'pplx Emma ch Pnovmmon 1. El. [:1 entice. Dentist, D. G. BLOUGII, Wetertuum 'THE LIBERAL OFFICE AT THE AHGN, WWW-WWW J K McEwen Weston NG Mulock FR A N K D G G Lindsey}: C A G 1" Lawrence W Ridout Wausworth Money to loan onland andchnuei mortgages at lowest rates Auroraofliueâ€"nomoved to the old post omea one door west or the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket oEceâ€"Three doors aunt): of the p )SL ofï¬ce '1‘ HEBBEB'XLENNOX G Br" Manon: Alum-s. Newmarkat Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, Richmnnd Hill Ofï¬ce. south-vast (171*- nor of Lorne Bldg†every Thursday afternoon. UARRIBTER, SULICI’I‘OR, NOTARY Tnmntn Ofï¬ce, Richnmni \Vest, Wesley Buildings. Richmond" Hill Uflice, Sm Bunk Building, every Saturday Dom). LENL‘ anh", Thursday afternoon. Money’to 1mm at Five Per Cent (6%). eoumsszomznm ran HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. RICHMOND HELL, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1.907 Richmonc. Hill Commerc COMMISSXONER. CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. stablemm) travelling pub! Harry W’right PROPRIETOR U‘Jll VJ MONEY To LOAN NOTARY PUBLIC. JAS. N E\VTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EEIJGIN 3311141 ’53? DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS \V. Cox-nor King & Yunge Sta-cc TORONTO. hold H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Every accommodation for the Toronto Ofï¬ce, 36 Toronto sï¬rcot REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHELL Commissioner, CnnVeynncer, etc, Insurance. and Rm] Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THE PALMER HOUSE J. EDWARD FRM NOTARY PUBLIC Lindsey. Lawrenqe w adsworth. Barristers, Sclicitors. Notaries; 85:. 139 Life Building (formerly Free 0112 Loan Bldg.). 001'. Adelaide ‘8: Victoria 518.. Toronto. no Mn DI. 'FEEFY. HE TIONAL TRUST CHAMBT NU ST. E. TOEOE‘T'O. (‘u' ura-isters and solicitors. WILLIAM £00K Pn, Dunn Sc Boultbee N 0X & MORGAN u-ristexs J. M. LAiNG and IUWL BI KYLOCK BU l'LTBEF Tux. K. G. tors, S-zlfctnrs, Etc Trust FEE-N15 to st current, rates. Lee, Millikcn Clark Ecgnl. JLICI’I‘OR, NOTARY, ETC. if ,__ Richmond .St. Trafellers In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity Solicitors. Etc. TOEWCTO, (‘atmzdal .a'r LOWEST RATES Uflice, Standard '3' Saturday after- .r'onc Phone Main 2984 NCIS Streets, TERS ttentive! ms for a t On Thursday evening, Mr. Stewart. who lives on the Rn-yumnd farm. went out to do chores. and placr'd his Inn- tern on {he sule rake while. he went up in We muw to get sume (mt yrsheuvvs. Pigs came. in and mnnnzvd ltu shake the lantern off the rake. The i'Pbll‘t was a ï¬n- whicb spread an mpidiy Lhnt hrful'k’ Mr Stewan could ggl‘t down the blaze was past, cnnh-nl. i The barn, umL-uiklings, season’s um), and sz-mv implvuwnts wax? destroyed. ‘but the buggy, wagon. and team uf horses were snh‘d. The han? lit, up th cunnir} 433(k- fm' miles, and u large (-mwd of sightsvvrs 8mm cunt-(fled. Mr. Stewart‘s lnss is very hem‘y. uilhnugh thz-re is some insurance un the cnnlx‘lns. Th9 ham is alsn insur- .vd. Much sym uLhy is extended to Mr. Stewart, “£0 had just commenc :ed flinging. Mr. R. Agar has hnd a great turn- out (If ulsike clover. Frnm eighteen acres; the yield WM) 131 husheia of chain» seed. Mr. Agar sold the se-ed to smpr Bros†Unkmvillu. at the handsome prive of $8 per husht-l. Mr. J. H. Trudgeun and Mr. J. 11. \Vinkler of Markham). (hove lover to Mr. J. H. Tl'udg V’Vinkler of Mark! church on Sunday. Mr. James Carver of Minneapolis, and Mr. McCrown of E:st Toronto. were visiting Mr. Cal vt-r‘s sister, Mrs. W. G. Dannie, on Sunday. Jim was fnrmclly u lesident, in this neighbor'- hund. Mrs. .105. Ellerby. Carl-ville, buss been visiting the Misses Huppm- and other friends. I Master L. Bruce nf Richmond Hill, spent Sunday at, Mr. T. Frishy’s. Mus. R035 Nichnlls and Miss Alice Luuuu me at present at Charlton. New Ontario, where they went to M» tgnd the wedding of Mrs. Nichols’ 515:â€. Mr. W'atson and Miss Watson of Vvaford, were the guests of their Mster, Mrs. Lou. Stout‘euhurgh. Sun- day, Mr. T. Juhnstun of Edgeley, has ronbud the fur!!! r9c~utly purchased by Mr. L. B. Heise from the Ansm) SwuL- oxlbpx‘gligstate: _ V _ u TheUVanen’s Institute will hold their momhiy meeting at, the home of Miss H. Hopper nn W'ednesdzrxy,‘I Sept. 25, at, 2.30. “Division of our \Veek’s \Vox'k,†by Mrs. Thomas Kï¬nck. A good programme providâ€"‘I ed. All welcome. The presidentl Wight-s all those who attend the meet- ing to bring for exchange a. favorite! xu-cipv. It is the man who is outside must of thc time who will know what a, good bunt means from now till next A 1'“. Our Leather Lined \Vaterprouf out at $3.00 is simply perfection for keep~ iug your feet dry and warm in Web and slushy weather. \V’e also early a. ï¬ner shue in a leather-lined Box-Calf Blutchex with wnterpruuf sole. at. $4.00 Nuughlon Bins†Elgin Mills. Trial Catm-rh txeatments are being mailed um free. on x-equrst. by Dr. Shonp. Racine, Wis. These tests are proving m the peopleâ€"«without. a. pen- ny’s costâ€"the great. value of this scimx- tiï¬c prescription known to druggisls anywhere as Dr. Shoup‘s ()Htal'rh Remedy. Suld by \V. A. Sanderson. Piex‘ennics contain no Quinine: no 1135- E The Bureau of Colonization has sent ative, nothing harsh nor sickening. to Liverpool for distribution by Pro- Taken at the “sneeze stage" Prevent- I vincial agents there 5,000 copies of Mr. ics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchibâ€" ' EdWiLl'd Barris’ pamphlet, "Canada. is, LuGrippe, etc. Hence the name the Making of a. Nation." There is Preventics. Good for feverish chil~, niso in course of preparation a hand- dren. 4S Preventics 25 cents. Trial; book of Ontario. thousands of copies Boxes, Sets. Sold by “K A. Sanderp' of which will be sent to Britain for son. I distribution. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggisc some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggsts everywhere are now dispensing re. ventics, for they are not, only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Pl‘evenbics cuntaiu no Quinine. no la:- ative, nothing harsh BOP _sigkening. The annual meeting of the “7. C. T. U. was held Mt. the Parsonage on Tues- dny aftelnonn. Reports were given by the superintendean 0f the various departments, showing that much good Work had been done durin the year. The nflicers and snperinteu ents elect- ed for the coming year are as follows: President. Mrs. Switzer. Vice»Px-osident, Mrs. (Rem) Brace. Serrc-tm-y. Miss \Viley. Tx ensure-r, Mrs. J. H. Sanderson. Superintendents of Departments. Evangelistic. Mrs. Sloan. lowm', Fruit and Delicacy, Mrs. Harris, Lumber Camps, Mrs. Mason. Narcotics, Mrs. Bmce. Juvenile und Sunday Schools. Misses \Viley and Rumblg. Puiity and Mothers‘ Meetings, Mrs. Switzer. Parlor Meetings, Mrs. S. H. Sander- SCH. Mrs. Sloan, Mrs. Mason, and Mrs. Sanderson Were appointed delegates to represent the Union at the County Cunventiun to be held in Mimico, Sept. 25 and 26. $9 " Victoria Square. ANNUAL MEETING. â€"Cm~ried. \Villinms -Tbnmnsâ€"-That the treas- ' urex- he and is hereby authorized to pay the fullnwing accounts:â€" Hnrt & Riddt-ll, 1 minute hook. .$ 6 25 ; Ruht. Train and Alex. Houston, | for burial of “’m. \Vood, in- guan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 The above council met at the Town- ship Hall, Tuesday, Sept. 10, Members present: [same Davina, roeve: D. C. Lnnghnuse, lst deputy- rc-uve; J. A. (hunnron, \V. Thomas, and Jacob \Villiums, councillors. Minutes of last, meeting rend and approved. Cameron â€"- Longhcmse â€" That, the treasurer hennd is hereby avut'hm-ized to pay the following road accounts:â€" Hvln'v Rumhle, 28 luuds gravel .$ 2 8f] 'Cumernn â€"- Longhtmse â€" Tlmm the treasurer bennd is hereby a-ut'hm-ized to pay the following mad accounts:â€" anl'y Rumble, 2810::(13 gravel .$ 2 80 J. J. (Junk, 53 loads gravel . . . . 5 30 \Vm. Hubinsnn, hauling plank and repairing culvert. at El- giu Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 34 L. A. "\Vbilmnre, matnrinl for hrilge on 4th c0n., 10:8 . . . . 39 10 Ruhr. Sa mlnn. 3 days putting in culvert on Edgoley sidmlino. 4 50 John Snider. 2 days repairing bridge, lots 5 and 6. own. 8 .. 4 50 John Snider, .3 days with team nn Edgelvy sidé-line . . . . .. 9 50 Henry Kmnee. repairing two culverts... ., . .. 75 Janws Devins. 2 ddys repairing bridge, con. 8 . . . . . l . . . . . . . . 3 00 Thus. Gray, 1 day repairing bridge, cnn. 8 .... .. Tbos. Brmvnlee. 2 days hauling lumber for Maple . . . . . . . . 6 00 Jnhn L. Gaul, 240 feet, plank 6 84 Adam Dalziel, lumber, cedar V pasts, etc. 27 G5 Joswph Parr, cedar posts, hm- hm', etc. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 66 (Half to be paid by Toronto Gore). Yonge St. Account, half to be paid by Mnrkhnm. B. Grady, 63 days at $1.50. . . . .310 00 Jns. Murphy. éday at, $1.50 .. . . 75 Jug. Murphy. 2 days with team†7 00 JOhn Nanghtnn. 31h days . . . . . . . 5 ’75 \V. Chatterley, 4 days . . . . . . . . . 6 00 Maple Statute Labnr Account. Wm. Knight, 21; lbs. nails $ A. Killuugh. hauling 13 loads g1 avel , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Crnddnck, 3 days. 9 hours, on sidewalks at. $1.75 . . . . . . . . A. Duffy, 3 days on sidewalks .. A. Duffy, 8;} lmurs with horse and wngun . . U -â€"Carried. The following by-Iaws Were then pnflsedjj ’ No. 837, assessing the several schools in the township in accordance with the requisitions of the various boards of trustees. N0. 838, appointing Thos. A.Cuusins of Maple, and Duguld McDonan of Veilnre, collectors of taxes for 1907. The annual report of the C. P. shows gross earnings of $72.2l7,000, Major Frederick Manley, M. A.. fnrmerly Principal of the Jarvis Street, Collegiate Institute, died on Friday. The council adjourned to meet Tues- day, October 8, 391118: In. Itis said the Ontario Government my establish an institution for the care of feeble-minded women and girls. Addressing the Canadian Club. the Bishop of London dealt wxlh the se- crets of a. man's influence over his fellows. Two pickpockets with long criminal records, Harry Cox and George Ross. were heavily sentenced by the Police Magistrate. Au Orangoville deputation com- plaiupd to the Attorney-General that the administration of justice was lax in Dufl‘erin county. Mr. Hamar Greenwood, M. P.. be- fore the Empire Club, speaking on the Japanese trouble, advised Canadians to rely upon the British Foreign Sec- retnry. October ‘7 has been ï¬xed for the bye- election in Bruckville to fill the vacan- cy in the Legislature caused by the translation of Hun. G. P. Graham to the Dommiun House. Bell Telephone ofï¬cials refused to discuss the ï¬nding“ of the "If‘glepholle (lathrï¬risrsion, but. Mr. J. \V. Curf'y, K. 0., whu acted for the operators, stated that it. was a Win for the girls. That, moving certain classes of goods on Sunday is an act of necessity was the defence set up by the Grand Trunk in an action taken against it for al- legeJ violation of the Lord’s Day Act. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. N ews N ones. J. B. MCLEAN, Clerk. $057 2.0 82 5 5 650 75 “From eight. cents :1 quart to nine lcents Illuy he the chnnge in the lpricp of =ruilk in Tm-unbo, an and I “1191' Nm‘emhex- 1. Thiaés it probable , result of the dociaion of the pl'OdllCt'PS Ito advanceth price. A nweting of illle retailers will be held to cunsidar . the situation. Dr. A. Jnhnsnn, Chief Coroner of the city of ’I‘m-nntu, was in consulta- tinn Monday afternoon wiib ofï¬cials of the Attm’ney-Geneml‘a Department in reference to the evidence in can» nectinn with the Caledun wreck inâ€" quvst. which he is conducting. AmePLing of the Executive Oom- miHe-e of the Ontario Association of Fairs and Exhibitiuns was! hold recnn t~ ly in the ofï¬ce of Mr. J. Lockie Wil- son. superintendent, of Agricultural Such-ties. Tax-mum. The principal business was the drawing up of .‘l. pm» gramme for the Amnml convention in he held in Tnl'nnto on \Vednesdny and Thursday. the 19th and 20th uf F‘ï¬hrl‘lnf‘y. Nursing Mothers and in all stations of life. whose vigor and vitality may have been undermined and broken -down by over-work, exacting social duties, the too frequent bearing of children, or other causes, will ï¬nd in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription the most potent, invigorating restorative strength- giver ever devised for their special bene- ï¬t. Nursing others w: ï¬nd it especialâ€" ly valuable liaitaining and promoting n a undant urishmenn for the child. xp ctan wili ï¬nd it a priceless sgstem for baby’s comin t e ordeal comparative y painless. o _ ' an state or eonditi n of tEe female sysfem. London and Lancasgire Ass 0. TheLondon Mut~ ual and British AmericaFire Ins. Cos. Uéhcate. ‘ne*‘rv'ou§'w. eak women. who suï¬er from fr uent eadaches. back ache, dr ging own d stress low down in the a omen, or from painful or irreg- ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis» tre$ed sensation in stomach. dizzy or faint spells, see imaginary specks or s [is floating before eyes, have disagrees. 1e, pelvic catarrhal drain‘ prolapsns, ante~ version or retro-version or other dis lace ments of woman] organs from wea ne’sa of parts will, ‘w ether they experience many or on a. few of the above symp toms. ï¬nd re ief and a. permanent-cure by nsln faithfully and ail-1y persistently Dr. ieree’s Favorite Prespription. This world-famed speciï¬c for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ailments is a pure glyceric extract of the choicest W tive medicinal roots without a drop of alcohol in its make-11%;). All its ingredi- ents printed in plain ngiish on its bottle wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus invnes the fullest investiggg (.10 of his formula. knowing that it win he ound to contain only the best agents known to the no t advanced medical science of all the di erent. schools of prac- tice for the cure of woman'o peculiar weaknesses and ailments. If you want to know more about the composition and rofesslonal endorse- men: oi the “Favor w Preserlptlon " send ta] card magnet to Dr. R. V. Plot'er uflalo, N. Y.. for his free booklet traw- inï¬ of same. ’ou can’t. afford to. accept as a what!» mm for this remedy Mwumm a secret nostrum 0 Wm new “on. Don'tdolt; ,.o _- RICHMOND HILL Farm Implements DEERING [Single,copies, 3 cts. A GENT FOR Overâ€"burdened Women and I2