We take it for granted that put-’r bats are as much if not . weren‘inter- cated‘ipï¬teir childer at school as are the tenement, and no teacher takes delight in a phyil‘a failure. It should do no harmnt this season of the year to ejlll“ the attention rofgï¬ie nare‘uts to the facts of‘the case. and tagged} request that nothing be allowed to interfere with the pro~ gress of theirchildren in school wank... High ,School latudents who fail at their examinations by a. few marks are often kept at home for. the flrpt termaï¬er their failurek Their cuts are of the opinion that their sons on._daoghtera. should pass suc- oeesfuflgsthe fellow-lug year by at- tending ehhoolwthe last few months previous to the enihinations. Suelm students. are generally doomed to- failure when the time comes. A far safer way is to start school at once and [emevero until the examinations mo over. ‘ is.,vory céjmnp‘nd the public shows knerxcitcment, all - depending upon thfriondehip. justiceï¬nd fair play OI, the government‘nanq pepplg of Canada._ and ‘21199 {folly expecting. that the very best measure will be taken by the authoricies for the pro- tection of Japanese lives and proper- ty and tho reaching 9f lau amicable catchment; 9t? the troublh A cable rims-beewreoeived' by Hon; '1& Home, Ottawa. Japanese consul-1 genemi Srom Tokio, giving him in- hrmaiion on ther attitude of the pub- lu; in; regard to the “weaver dia- Mrbanoe.‘ It says; “The feeling†hyspiw oi, Qhk‘hharaoler or the dis- turbanijo being much graver than that of San Francisco, is throughout,, most friendly to Canada. While ggoatly regretting that thliaydepiors, thin incident occurred within . a. do-: minion of the British Empire, whose ally Japan is,.tho tone of the press At‘ a thug, \VhQDLthB loader - ofï¬n- poiiticzil partyis touring the country and inviting people to piano the government in its hands, one is in- ciined to reflect upon the general‘ condition of the pulniin welfare and iqnim whether. abirxam distress- ing or the reverse. Them does not appear to beany masoh®ba 01131335 65 government, ayatrï¬ntirniy from the undesirabio alternative of turn- ing: aiï¬ii‘snvcr to a party whose former- (word is not yet forgotten. The revenuw of the country. we steadily on the iacmase.icxports are gmwing linger.- the buik: of business transacted is gubater than ever. and' a certainty of good crops indicate a healthy conditibn Mraï¬'aira in the westâ€"41100. why should them be a changenfgwcmmbnt? Tho Liber 81' Government has improved the regulations towiï¬ng tit? admiuutrn- tiou of the pntm'c dbnnin. TN sur- vey in“ have. been Njiï¬cd‘ and aimpiiï¬C‘d. nud‘ innd‘ihws are admin- 1-;c-md ii: the intescutni‘the occupant The Bishop or London was the guest of the Canadian Club on Mon- day. He delivered an address in which he dealt with the secrets of a man's influence over his follows, and furnished the key to his oWn remark- able individuality. The Bishop stated he was speaking from his own experience, and the personal remin~ iscencee which led him on to his suby iect were asentertaining aytlie~mer-. -'a.1"of his address was inspiring and impressive. The secrets of a man's influence over his fellow be de- ï¬ned as absolute atraightness, the avoidance of frills and ,coneeit and I sense of humor. sympathy and} ï¬ith. The speaker showed himself tolbo breadminded: and his address dude an exeellent impression on the Me hundred people who were pres- ent at the luneheon.‘ R-wumoun HILL. @112 flihcwl. Own. prt. 119,, 1907 Mr. Culv'erhouae of Toronto visited at the home of his~ sowin‘luw Mr. O: -'uum-. over'Sundky. Mr. J. Bastard visited his brnther Ruben ofIstisville. who has bbeu; quite an of the land. Encouragement is giv~ en to those who manufacture the raw material, and the farmer's interests andrwelfare are consulted by the Agricultural" Department in a- man» ner never before equalled. Mr. nnd'Mrs. Farr, tlieir son Percy. und‘duughter Edna. of Eglintnn. and Miss Uptergmve of London. spent Sunday with the Misses Elliott. The monthly meeting of the “’nm- enlu‘ Auxiliary of St. Andrew's-church wasabeldmt the Mans? (m \Veduesdayx of IM- week. The W. M. S-‘~ held‘ theh monthly» meeting at the puxson- age this wet-k; vRev. W. G. Back preached in East. Toronto on Sundaz last. His pulpit heye was occupied y Rev. Mr. Must- Rev. Robb. and Mrs. Ockley visited at Mr. J. Uoombs' last week. A number of our citizens are having mi walks from Lti’eiv heuses- to true upper. The last meeting of the \Vnmen's Institute was held in the Masonic Hall. Next month Lhe members ex- pect to visit the brunch of the society at \Voudhridge and provide the pro- S‘EPE'meL“ . _ “Mite Olive Kinnee of Richmond Ema wns~ sgending. a few days with fï¬Ã©ndi Here. Mrs. J. Melluchy nf Purpleville spent the greater pint of last, week with her aunt Mrs. J. McDonald. Rev. \V. Gallnwav exchanged pul- it- with Rev. Mr. Walker of King, «31 Suhndpy. _ _ __ _ We are showing epocial value in men's black bib-overalls. black drill pants, blue bib-ovelalls, mule pants. cuttonnde' pants,‘ tweed pants. . cordu- roy vests. tweed'vests. wnol'sucks. and lined and unlined smocks. Ab- kinson dc Switzer. Miu Rilla. Bhrker has been' visiting at Headford for a week. Mrs. E. Jay of Midland was a. guest at Mrs. D. Sloan's on Tuesday. Mrs. W. Cooper and Mrs. R. Wilson, IanLQnYilited‘nh‘p. J_. Hallou Tues- Mrs. Spence Pickering of Parkdale. was thrguelt of Mr. and Mrs. J. Best- u‘d last week. Mr. Floyd White of Whitevale Spent Tuesday night and Wednesday with Mr. J. S. Rainer. Mina Lorine VVrigbt is attending the Normal Bbhool in Toronto. The term opened Tuesday of this week. Mr. Hoskins. proprietor of the Rich- mond Bil creamer], leaves to-dny on Tug!) to London And Brighton. Eng. an . Kn cm; Mu. A. Dr “’right and Malian)!†oP-‘Rbï¬iua, Sank... are unï¬hg a Visit with re. “fright and family. ' Miss Lizzie B‘mwn nfRichmond Hm. apgpt {day with-the _Mi_sses_Ellint_t.. Mr. Rutherford and daughter. Mrs. Husband. of Duvisville. spent: a day or two' at the home of Mr. F. Elliott, “The Wilhws." Mr. Frank Stiver of Stouflville via- iQed Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ramon Mrs. '1‘. Mitchell of Toronto. visited {Yin and» fMls‘ Bastard on Tuesday. “at. ',.Mw J‘en'r Robinson of’New York Gay: visited his brothers here last we . Mr. and Mrs. Watson and ham suns. McIntyre and Elliott. of Butfaln, and Mn.E|liott, of Toronto;‘spvnt a day 01‘ hv‘rati We flame of Mir: F‘. Efliuttr. Mr. \Wiflmot and his daughter. libs W‘Hlmot. of’lbrcmto. speth \Ved‘ neoday with Miss Leek. Rem F. Elliott was taken suddenly Wuï¬'l‘hursday night with a severe atMï¬Ã©ï¬h-Grippe, and is slowly vet covering Mrs. Harmon. Mm‘Baiiéy, andMn. “'nilace and little daughter Margaret} visited at Mr. D. Blgan’a Friday and Saturday. . Mr. A. J. Hume will assist the New- market Military Band at the Now- marketzF‘air this week} The fair clos- es tu-day». P‘ure Prepared Isiarzd €533: 5 _ Pamm Always reliable, economical aud‘dumblo. “7 ill not crack, peel or chalk. Superior to axy‘ocher'mimd paints on tha' market. ‘ TIMNZ) CITY†FLOUR PflINTJ" 2 Require only 8 hours to dry. Think of it, Island City Enamals, Liquid Gold and Aluminum. Islhnd’ City varnish Stains, Gloss Carriage Paints. F03 Sum Br PERSON ALS. JEFFERSON. . N‘ICH‘OLLS, Richmond Hill Maple. Stomslch. troubles. Heart, and Kid- nev ailments, can he'qmcllly correct,- ed with a pzescriptiun known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr. Shnop’s Re- stnrative. The. prompt and surprising relief which this remedy immediately brings is entirely due to its Restoraâ€" tive action nan the controlling nerves of the Stomach. etc. A weak _St6mach; causingdyspepsia. a. weak Heart with'wpalpitutiun 0r intermit- tent pulse. always means weak stom- Mch nerves or weak heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop’s restorative and see flew quickly: these ailments disappear. Dr. Shoo uf‘chineJVisn will mail samples ree. Write for them. A test will tell. Ybur health is certainly worth this sample trial. Sold by W. A. Sandi-21909.. Mr. Thomas Rnbinson of Chicago, accompanied hy his friend. Mr. George T, Morrison, spent Sunday with his sister. Mrs. George A. MetenH. Mr. and Mrs. Egart nï¬i’l‘urnntn. also spent Sunday with Mrs. Mecca“; Unnkstown Advncateâ€" Mr. \V. E. Stoddau't. has taken into pultnership in the auctioneering businPSS Ml. J. T. Saigeon of Maple. Mr. Saigeon has had a long. varied. exmwienne in auctiuneering and has made for him- self A reputation as an auctioneer sec- ond to none. If we enuld sveure a better boot for fkll'und w'mter work on-t-h't- farm than our $2.50 English Kip we would get; it. This boot, is unade from full stock. solid leather throughout, p1 actically waterproof and we guarantee the wearing quality. (This price for lim- ited time only.) Naughtun Bros., Elgin Mills. Electors are called upon to éxa‘mine the said List and if any omissims’orâ€" any other errors are found therein to stake.»immediate proceeding: to have the said- Errors corrected according to aw. Mr. and Mrs. David Benson of this place. Mrs. Rohelt Benson of St. Louis and Miss E. Benson of Tumntu. spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ruben, Agar of Markham. They alsn visited with Mr. Jawdâ€" Black at Holland Handing on Tuesday. Netice is hereby givemthat I-have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in the Eighth and Ninth Sections of {The Voters‘ List Act" the copies required by said Sec~ tion to be £0 transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act and amendments thereto of all per- sons appearing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipal- iï¬y‘toheentitled to vote in the said aniéi iity atrElectiuns for Members of the Ifgislative Assembly ané tit-Mu. nicipai Elections; and that said List was FIRST POSTEDJIPSt my ofï¬ce at the Viilageof Maple on the THIR- TEENTH DAY OF. SEPTEMBER. Mr. W. Hamilton. Postmaster of Uxhridge. visin at his sister‘s Mrs. D. Sloan’s and returning took his muther Mrs;.-Hainilt0uzfui- a visit at. his home. Mr. J. P. Glass left Saturday for a Week or ten days' visit at Anwlius. Burg, Prince Edwm‘dt County. where his wife and two children have been for the past few weeks. Voters’ List, 1907 Mr. Matthew Patton 19ft Tumday fun Bmcehvidge to attend the fum-ml nï¬ a brntHPI-ih-HHV... M‘r. John Au- drews, who died Monday. SATURDAY. Sept. 21â€"Auction sale of house-bald effects. the property of Mrs. E. Gaby.. ut the residence, Richmond Stu, Richmond Hill. Sale .. at l'o'clbck. Terms cash. The house is tolet. J. H. Prentice. Auntiun- eer. SATURDAY. Sept. 28â€"Auction sale of horses. cow. implements. harness etc. lot 43. 0011.1, Vaughan. (near Richmond Hill) the property of Rob el't Bowen. Terms 3 months. Sale atl _o'clock. Saigeon & McEwen. Rev. A. Benrsn'amf two grandchil dren. of Ridgeway. Ont. spvnb 'Ines day night with his old friend. Mr John Besmrd. 19m. and remains rthiererfor ihspection. ‘ , OlexE 5:11;; Qiaiilduicipuli‘. Datigghis 16111 day of Sept. 1907. auctioneers. VAUGHAN Municipality of the Township of Auction Sales. County of York. J. B. MCLEAN. TUESDAY. OCT. ‘1 Your Local Weekly and 0&6 of the“ Best Agricultural Daily Newspaw pens-in Canada. almos: given away? The Local Newspaper is part of every househoid. It is your friend and benefactor. E’mme. All the men love the old farm, “it‘s stock; its fruit, its-1 vegetables, its-dairy, or its iorestsâ€"in’i‘hct‘a’lbve otthe farm: lies deep in very heart. The World is up-to-date as a. (arm dailjp. Special pages are given t3? Agriculture twice’ e; ch week. Subscribe at The Liberal'Ofï¬ce, and MRS. S. S‘HUTE‘R 0¢§N6§NO¢¢Q¢¢M¢+L 2‘ In fact SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster-G'éxleral, will be re« ceived at Ounwatunt‘il noon, 0!) Fri- day, the 25th October. 1907, for the conveyance of His-Majesty‘s Mails, on a proposed Contmwt for four years, 18 times per Weekneach way hotwven Isliugton and tin: Canadian Paciï¬c Railwny Station, fi'om (he lst of Jun- xuary next. Printed noticesx containing further information as to conditions of pro. posed contract may be seen and blank forms of Ténder may be obtained at the Post Oï¬ice of Islingtnn and at the Ofï¬ce of the Post, Oflce Inspector at. Toronto. C._ ANDERSON, ‘ ‘ Superintendent. Post. Ofï¬ce Depretmut. Mail Contract llBBx-anchp Ottawa, 11ch Sept, 1907. N9 Q‘NҤWN¢OM§¢§ Tamma ï¬aï¬y gamma. fggiï¬iuerg Till January 1, 1908. £911 60 cents MAIL CONTRACT THURNHILL \Vill commence Eta is part of every dis-play of m3 Liba‘mi DO IT EQ-W’ \ND THE The proprietor of Pleasant View Hprd Hols‘u-‘m Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chester “Ibiza Hogs. Lot 29.'-'13t. Com, Vaughnn£Thornhi1Dhas fogs-ale some good ypung stack. Calls from a distance promptly amended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL PLEASANT VIEW FARM the HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Papero Hanger. [ax-6&5 5E For sale- at the C. Station, or delivered village:â€" abreast of the times. HEWISOM NUT, STOVE, FU RVACE Best Stanton coal‘ All kinds of grain bought and highest] possible prices paid at the Elevator. STEAM‘COAL Also file. Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. J. H“ RA'MER horouzhb The U1in paper from the- GOAL centres is necessary to man who wants to be For threshing engines. hog kept for )ERHAm. Propricmr in the‘