. S 3 ME ‘2. r ,.-Elr. “41.; a, i’.:::a\to.\rn Hula, Oar. , .“v'vpt. 19. 1907 I 4 f ) C A. 14 $55 . Quality counts rrrest. Atkinson 36 SwitZel'. _The Junior- and Senior [prorth Leagues opened Monday of this week thh intr resting programmes. Miss Brown moved this week into the south part of Mr. Peter Bassrng- thwuite‘s residence, at the North End. Rev. A. P. Brace is billed to lecture orr Friday evening;r in (llaremout Methodist (llrureh, subject ; "KL-Lot‘s,- Trailers and Scrap." During the. next few \Vr‘t‘RS Mrs. Stong. of the Dominion House, will Serve Ice Cream only Saturday after- noons and Saturday evenings. Comparison of valuesvdirects the shopper here. Atkinson & Switzcr. Far-triers going to and from I'nnes' mill note“ with interest the healthy specirnens‘rrf adhesive shr‘trbberyâ€"vul- garly called burrsâ€"«growing.r on Mill street. The Epworth League of Victoria Square held its reopening service on 'l‘uesday evening. Rev. A.- P. Brace. gave a. Temperance address: “Is it worth while Working in this cause? " The brethren of Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A. M., have received" an inviâ€" tation to join with' the brethren of Markham Union Lodge, Markham. in attending divine service next Sunday afternoon. Besides the three delegates appoint- ed by the incal \V. U. T. U. to attend the conventiorbat Mirtrico nos-i5 week. Mrs. Switzer williattend as President and M-is‘s VYiley as Corresponding Secretary for York County. Many things are dear that are rated cheap. Atkinson & Switzer. Markham Village ratepayers will shortly vote on a by-law tr. issue de- bentures to the amount of $8,000 to Cover the cost of building' the bridge, grading the appmache’s. irn‘provenrent to electric light plant and/other items. .‘A hearty invitation' is extended to all to be present at- Epworth League next Monday evening at 8 o‘clock. in charge of Christian Endeavor Depart, urent. Subject: “Sowing and Reapâ€" ing." Address by the Rev. E. Harold ToyP. Mr. J. C.-Surithi- Toronto. and Mr. 8. H. Sliver of Unionville. took a bus- iness trip to this place yesterday. They Were much pleased with the iru~ provements around the O. N. 0. Sta- tion, more especially the elevator in which they are interested. Alsike clover is proving a. profitable crop in some sections this season. \lr. Robert Agar of Victoria Square from 19 acres, threshcd and sold 130 bushels at $8 a bushel, netting him $1040. And besides the above he retained sufï¬cient sced‘for next seas- o-rr‘s crop LOST. 0n Yonge St., between Newmarket and Toronto, Aug. 31. small generator for acetylene gas headlight. It isa brass tank about; ï¬ve inches square, and about. twelve inches long. Re- ward for return to thisoï¬â€˜rce. On Sunday next at. the Methodist Ghurch Rev. E. H. Toye will preach in the morning. subject: “A eriVer- sal Enquiry.†In the evening Rev. A. P. Brace will give the last of the ser- ies,“Tbe Larger Manhood" subject: "What have we forrud it to mean P Is is possible for us? " Everything here is bright. fresh, and seasonable. Atkinson & Switzer. Trial subscriptions for the \Veekly Globe for the balance of this will be received at THE' Lm'ERAL of?- ice for 15 cents. All previous clubbing rates have been cancelled. In future the \Veekly Globe and-Oamdian Far- mer will be $1.001; year. the balance of this year free to newâ€"subscribers. The annual convention of the York Uounty \Voman’s Christian Temper- ance Union will be‘heid in the Meth- adist church, Mrnrico, on the 25th and 20th of September. Three sessions u ill be held on the ï¬rst day. and two on the closing day. Addresses will be given Wednesday evening by Mr. Alex. Mills, K.- 0., and Rev. J. G. Miller. Knox- College. Toronto. Mr. Raymer has already purchased considerable grainiat the O. N. 0. station. He is paying from 89 to 91 cents for wheat, 58 to 60 cents for lull ley, 45 to 47 for outs, and 85 center for goose wheat and. 75 {and cents for pease. The machinery works srnoothlv, the grain is easy to unload and the. farmers ï¬nd the accommodaâ€" tion at. the elevator thoroughly .‘sat'rs factory. Straws in the trade wind indicate that u tton goods will go up ru price. .kminsen & Switzcr. There isa dearth of male teachers anstrarning-Lat the Provincial Normal islands, which opened another term 'luesday morning. At Toronto there are 180 females and five males: at London 150 females and thirteen rnnles WL‘ him 1'â€?! bE'eil appointed H pui8nel and at Ottawa 115 ft‘lllitlrh‘ and seven males. The opening of the schools has been delayed a week owing to some . alterations place. year that. have taken, , Rev. Geo. \V. ,Ilobinsou will preach to men. in the Methodist church, Thornlrill, on Sunday evening, 20th Septcrrrlrer. \Vlrere is the man so happy as the (me who applies lrirnseil to manual la‘lror? \Vlrere is the home so happy as the one \vln-r-e curb member of the ,‘housr'lrold fer-ls, at. the cit-50 of the day. that they have per l’orrirt'd‘s'ï¬rr‘e at, least ot the rn.r.ny duties devolving up- on them? May we all be laborers. ' and Useful laborers of one kind or an- } other. XXI White \Vine Vinegar, Badg- erow Style Dixon nrakc. 30c. per gal.: Long Point. cider \'iirr-5t2rr-,ver-)' special, 30c. per galâ€. Atkinson d: Switzer. Bay of your home merchants and you are increasing the value of your property. This is a fact,-the better the town the more demand there will be. for property. People may always be expected to go to the city for cer- tain articles of clothing where, there is :r larger assortment to choose from, but to go past our home, merchants Another lllt'gé‘ assortment of picture 1" post cards at 'l‘rrr-z LLBERAL offline. in- or grocerres and staple articles is al- most inexcusable. cluding views of the Richmond Hill Methodist Church, Bond Lake. and a Street scene in Richmond Hill. The cards bear the Union Jack and the larradiarr flag on one side, and on the opposite side is a. bunch of Maple lezwes. Eight local views arr- now in Slocll. They Will be mailed to utt?‘ address for 20 cents. HERBERT RASPBERRY. Something new in a Raspberry. “The best Red Raspberry tested here" writes Prof. Macorm, Ultatya. “The heaviest yieldcr among all Red Rasp- berries" writes Prof. H utt, Guelph. “’e have the only large supply in Can- ada to otter. Gplants $2.00. Express ,paid. Agent-s wanted to introduce this new specialty. H Brown Brosâ€"P. O. Bronr Nurs- eries. Ont. 11-4 Oru'stxzolris complete in all depart- †ment's. We have provided generously. at lowest price for ready cash. and are fully prepared to give. value as good as can be obtained in Ontario. Atkinson & Switzer. , Pain'anywhere‘} pain in the head, painful periods, Neuralgia, toothache, all pains can be promptly stopped by a. thoroughly safe little Pink Candy ,Tablet. known by Druggists everyâ€" ‘where as Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tab- lets. Pain simply Means congestionâ€"â€" undue blood& pressure at the point Where pain exists. Dr. Shoop‘s Head- ;ache Tablets quickly equalize this un- ‘natural blood pressure, and pain im- mediately departs. W’rite Dr. Shoop. Racine, Wis†and get a free trial )ackage. Large box, 250. Druggists. V. A. Sander-son. Let everyone keep hustling to im- prove the a pearance of their streets and lots. eep all kinds of rubbish off the streets and sidewalk. and see that your houses. fences; etc†are neatly painted. There‘is nothing that helps the looks of-a- town and induces newcomers to settle in it more than neatly-painted houses and fences, and fruit and shade trees on your dots. Bet us see What you will dO'fl)!‘ the beneï¬t of our progressive little’ town. MARKHAM Farr? The 55th annual exhibition of the East York and Markham Agricultural Society‘will be held at Markham Vil- lage on the 2nd, 8rd and 4th of Octo- ber. Large prizes are offered for horses, cattle fancy work. ete.etc.. and big purses for speeding in the ring. Some of' the fastest horses in America are expectid. There will be pony races, automobile races, and a sheep dog competition. Two bands will be in attendance, and concerts will be given in the Town Hall on the evenings of October 3rd and 4th. There will be a. merry-go-mund and side shows, and many other special attractions. HEAVY LOSS BY FIRE. A destructive flre occurred last Sat- urday about noon at Newton Brook, when the barn on Mr. Joseph Grain- ger’s farm was burned to the ground, With-the season's crop of hay and grit-in. Mr. Grainger had completed threshing in the _forenoon. The ï¬re broke out whilé they were at dinner. The feed cutting. box had been at- tachedâ€"to the‘ engine, and it is sup- posed that the binder twine in the straw twisted around the shafts of the cutting box causing the boxes to heat, and eventually to burst. into flame. The loss on the buildings is said to be 252,000. and on the contents $6,000. There. was n. lit-tie insurance but' the loss will be heavy. Mr. John Wine lont his threshing machine and‘ ensfl- age (utter in the ï¬re. California seeded raisins. full ldoz. package, Mount Hamilton Brand.10c.; 16oz. package Ram's Horn Brande 12c.; 12-02. Brand. 100. ese are special values. Atkinson & Switzer. A MAN OF THE DAY.‘ The announcement was made in yesterday's dailies that?- Mr. N. D. Beck. Ii. (3.. of Edmontrm, has been mode l’uisue‘ Judge of‘ the Supreme ‘Uorrr't of Alberta. Mi‘. BECK is 8. sonâ€"in-law of M. Teefy Esq. Under ; thr- above heading to‘day‘s Globe re» Item to Mr. Beck as*follows:â€" “Mr. ' Nicholas 1). Beck, K. O. of Edmonton. ; Judge of the Supreme Court of Alber- _ ta. was born at Oobourg and received [ his earlier education at Peterboro, ‘ where his father, Rev. J. iV. R. Rec was for many. years Anglican rectosu pzlchage Ram's Horn. T k,| iIIe was callcdto the Ontario Bar in I 1570 and two years later receiVed the 'degree L. L. P». from Tut't'nln Univer- sity. Mr. Berk practised his profes- ‘ sion successively at I’eter-boro.‘ \\'in- nipeg, Calgary and Edmonton. going to tlu latter place in [801 on his ap- pointment. as Crown prosecutor for- the district. In 1893 he was made. a Q. (l. by Lord Aberdeen. In Edi-hon too he took an active part. in the. town's affairs. acting for several years as town solicitor and as Chairrrmrr of the Board of Catholic Separate School Trustees. He has writtcn extensively for the Press. and in the early days of The Northwrst Catholic Review was a frequent contribute-v to its colimrns. He has taken a stand strongly in favor- of free trade, and just as strongly in favor of separate schools in the west- ern Provinces. MARRMGES. “’oonuflï¬â€™r'rnâ€" 0n \Vedne‘sday. Sept. 11, by 1 or. F. Elliott, at the home of Mrs. Storrrr, Gorm'ley‘. Mr. Arthur C. VVood, to Miss Bertha. Rosa Smith, both of Gorrnley. DEATHS.- use ded concession of near 'l'hor'niiill. - FrsrrEi’t-~Oir Markha n‘r'. er, aged 79 years. Funeral to Thornhill cemetery Fri~ day, at 2.30 There are four verses. Verse la" 5‘. res/ens H’air Vigor stops falling j hair. Verse 2. Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. Verse 3. Aycr’s Hair Vigor cures dandrufl'. Ver‘sc 4. scalp healthy, and keeps it so. . It is a regular hair-food; this _; is the real secret of its won- derful success. The mam 0! a tome “ Bold tor over sixty yam." lawnm- a! 1 mm. , II. I... mm. ‘- CSweettoEat BRITISH AMERICAN B US‘FN'E S S C 0 L'LE (i E TQRONTO Oldest in Canada. most, thorough - and practical cour-Ses; unequalled r facilities for good \Vor k. l Reasonable rates; enter nuv time. FALL . TERM/1mm Sept. a. Catalogue and Journal t of Business Education tree. 1?. ME wrrsom-rrrncrpar ‘;A‘ul.v- ! +MWH++++++HM+++ _To secure a Perfect Fit i'and‘ an up-to-date suit H++*++4‘++++M+++++++ ++++HH++H++++HH+ dri- ï¬â€˜ ask fOr the'Broadway. 3: __ - i Our Furnishings are 0 i the Finest Quality and 'l‘; lowest-prices. Hit Newest and Swellest line 01 Boots and Shoes. ARM. SAVAGE. OUTFITTER- + ~1- 4‘ .1. 4. ii 1“ l i 'I' .g. l l -r- r++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "may Ljï¬ï¬‚ï¬efléfl ‘ $1.03 awaits. . on . VVednr-‘sday. Sept. 18, \Villianr Fish< V Ayer‘s Hair Vigor makes the ‘ image-“Ha r Wi- +++++++++++++++b§++++ 'I'i-‘l-Mfl'H-l-H-II-l' +-ly++&+++-l~l'+*tafï¬m <~rr:-++»2-+++++-l'+~l;++++++++++- ++M§3H++++++++++++++++++-lv +++++++ir+++é+t++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++t++++++w+ - -< I ++47P++++H+++4€~+Mï¬++++++HN+++W+*#¢3§+M$§+%rï¬+%eï¬+++-b$+§ï¬++i=++H-lg+++ +*+++++++++++-H-+++++++++ 'H- ++++++++++H++++++il~$‘l-+++++H‘+++++++++° r+++ +++++++++++++++++~r~++++++++ ++oro+++++vr~++++~r+++w Peeling Satisfied. There is nothing like ieeling satisfied with yourself â€"â€" that the things you wear are correct; that you are well dressedâ€"that others in the same social scale as yourself are not wearing more up-to'Ldate V‘f'e care that feeling. We wouldn't let you go out of the store with out- effects. Come to us. habe’rdashery. r‘ uen‘t’s Fine Negligee Shirts, woven linesâ€,- biack and blue spots, at 83 cents each". Gent’s Fine Negligee Shirts, ï¬ne check patterns, at $1 Gent’s Fold Collars, 4-ply linen, latest style, 2 for 25: cents. Gent’s Fine Neckwearâ€"ascdt’, or tieâ€"rat 20, 25, 50, and 75 centsé Giant's; rarest Stiff and Soft Felt Hat‘s,- at $1.50, $1.73, and $21 .We will make to your measure Weight Scotch ’l‘weed Suit, ï¬r-st-clhss‘in‘ every particular, for $17.50. Atkinson & Switzer Sept. 12; 1907-. ++r~+++++“WWW-rmwwwiwflrmower _v | ..;.++.;..;..;.+.;.+. . a++++++++ 4: ++++++H++WW++++++ ++++++++++++m Mayra-r. .rt'sit'l'H-l‘ ++~r+++vae++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4- o ")i‘é-é'i'n'r-l‘i‘é‘d'i-i‘ ‘ v cl. J" ++fr++4x++++++ +++ chi"? :L g ofâ€"style light ground; light ground, each. Pour in hand, a gentthrc' wiirter' 1+“+++++r++++++++++-+tr++a+++++++++++++++swm+“HM-+44% ‘l‘ ‘ m m m H+++++++++H++~D +++++++++++ ++~HM3~3~+++++++++++WJ H0 in Richm 103 Any person having n-h’oï¬eé‘ to rent. tember, will kindly leave word at Richmnt‘ Hill hardware Start W6 solicit your order for Ranges anti. Heaters; Al‘nd assure you satisfaction rn quality and" price. Sample line of p‘oc‘lect' cutlery at‘ cost. ' Tfnsmithin’g in all its branches. 0. SOULE’S 2.-.. «Ir-n BUSINESS COLLEGE, TORONTO. Practlcnlnnd lunch;th shorthand, (gommeroial. and Mhtï¬culatitm. Y. H. C. A. tree. 33.00 railway hrs and it thru uapor martroued. Address R. A. FARQUHAISON. 3.1... Yonge m Bloor stun Toronm. . i. use Wants ‘1 and Hill by the end of Sep- THE LIBERAL OFFICE. RI House .toâ€" Rent Good 8 mond street. ill-t. .f» Friday, rick House to rent on Rich to A l ppg. E GLASS. ‘rrrrrsrai - tour... The I’Fe‘xtTS-itting of Diirtri'on Court for No. 3; Bounty of York, will be held in the Court Room. (EH-MONO HILL October 4, 1'90," Oomrnenclnq-at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAE‘ON, (711"?! -