6‘ f . am 8111111 11111118 Steamer Pioton Fire-Swept at Her Berth ' in Toronto Harbor. 'LEADING ‘A despateh from Toronto says: Two lives Wt’J'.‘ lost in a fire which broke out on Saturday afternoon on board of the 6101111101" l‘iclon as she lay at the Scott street slip, and several of the p:1.<>e11- gcrs and crew 111111 very narrow (*5- capes. The vessel llCl'S‘lI is badly 11am- agxl and is new little better than a 51.011. The two unfortunate persons who lost their lives in the fire are Miss Winnie llatch aged nineteen. of Mout- real, a passenger. and George Knis- lne. a fireman. aged about forty. The. outbreak came with such alarm‘ inr, suddenness that many of the pas- sengers were almost overcome by the smoke and fright. before they had time to reach the decks, and one man. the :night watclnnan. who was asleep at the time of the alarm. only saved his lift by leaping into the bay. The Pie- ton had booked forty passengers for the trip to Hamilton and carries a crew of forty-flvc. 11 was not until the fire had been got. under control. half an hour after the arrival of the fire bri- tâ€"‘flllf‘. that the woman was missed. and 111 searching 1111' 111-1" 1110 lmty 111 1110 1112111 w‘m observed. The body of Miss 111111311 was [11111111 in her cabin rolled in her 11-1113101111‘5. as it she had thus endeavored to ex: tiiiguish the flames. She, had been 511111 to enter the cabin five minutes be- f<re the fire broke 0111. Miss Hatch was engaged to be married to James McMillan. the steamer's cook, and was taking the trip on board his boat. The body of Gauge lileskie was re- (‘o\'(‘l‘€‘(l from the hold. ly'lrskie is a (l1rn1au, and stripped on board the steamer at Montreal about four months ego. His body was not burned. but he had apparently died from suffffoca< lion, though 501110 of the eyewitnesses tliouglit they detected signs of life as his body was brought ashore. A sad feature of ly'leskic‘s death is that he managed it leave a sick bed and es- cape from the burning veSSel when the alarm Sounded. but returned to the, boat and lost. his life in consequence. â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ .1 - _ TWO "OUTHS A‘WWEI‘ER INSANE FATHER KILLS (1mm. Brothers are Slain “'hile Hunting on "o Struck "or on the Head With a New Brunswich Border. mock 0‘ “00¢ A despatch from Woodstock, N. 13., A despaych Iron] Sp says: A double murder in which two 8::‘vs: With me arm-01 at tho “Hum it‘ys wcreehot by a boy companion h‘w on Wednesday night; of “(gnom “hue hummg in the “'OOdsi 100“ place 111aullou, a Freueh-(Zanadian farmer of John, N. B.. ' on Tuesday afternoon in the woods on the Maine border. The boys all live :11 this vicinity, and are sons of re- spectable farmers. Guy and Oscar Downing. brothers. were shot by Guy 'l'ardis, who was with his cousin Fred 'l‘ardis. As near as can be learned the ,IparIiculars are as followszâ€"The two parties met in the woods three or four times, and cacti time the quarrels beâ€" tween them grew worse. The dispute was as to the right of each party to hunt. in the woods near each others hcuses. Finally, Guy Downing stood hic rifle against the fence and order- ed Fred Turdis to do the same. The former then went 11p to the latter and seized him by the collar. Oscar Downâ€" Jr-g started toward Guy Turdis, who fired his gun. the bullet piercing Down- ing’s lung and coming out at the shoul- der blade. lle dropped dead instantâ€" ly. Guy Downing then ran, when Guy 'I‘ardis fired at him, striking him on the top of the head, the bullet plowing 1 its way through his brain and killing: him instantly also. The Tardis boys were arrested and will be arraigned before the magistrate here immediately. The boys were all about 17 or 18 years old _‘__....x._..__.... FATAL NEGLECT OF DUTY. Eleven Persons Killed and Twelve Hurt . showing Baker Lake, Madawaska County, came the story (11 a terrible crime. Last Sun- day morning. while in a state of frenzy, I‘scaulicu seized a heavy block of wood and struck his four-yenrâ€"old daughter a terrific blow on the head. killing her instantly. Beaulicu‘s wife and two men were present at the time and di- vmcd the crazed father‘s intention, but before they could disarm him the bleeding body of his child was stretch- ed at her feet. Beautieu, who is a comparatively young man, had been symptoms of insanity for some time, and had been kept under a cioso watch, although he had not given indications of a homicidal tendency preâ€" Vicusly. The unbalancing of the man‘s blind is attributed to excessive worry over business troubles. m ..__.z.__.___ DRANK STRYCIININE. Mistake Cost Two Lives at Great \‘il- lagc, Nova Scolih. A dcspalch from Halifax says: At (treat. Village on Friday occurred an accident which resulted in the death of Dr. Pcppard of that place and Samu- el Lindsay of Londondcrry station. The two men were working atathc grain in their fields, and, becoming thirsty, the doctor went into his office for a drink. by 130"" EXPIOSion- On a shelf were two bottles, one 0011- A despatch from Toluca, Mexico, Mining slrychnine and the other a says. Neglect of duty on the part of an I drink of some sort. After taking the employ“, 1.05,â€th in the m,th of 11 pm._t1lriiik the two went back to the flelds. .111 a few minutes Dr. Peppard fell off sons, probably mortal injury to three, 11‘ rake. Mrs. Peppard come running and serious injury to nine others, on}1 i _ _ Tuesday, through the explosion O! u out. but. before she could {155151. her hus- Nilm. in me Fen“. [downy at Asmmq band to the house V be was (lead. ‘Kamuel Lindsay took Sick shortly after dero. The authorities after an investiga-‘ * _ . lion declared that the explosion was due- “W (“Hahn from me "gift and die" 1 the following day at 5 oclock. to the neglect of an employe in allowing surplus steam to escape. __._.1\_ JAI‘ STEAMER DERIVED. .___.p___ STILL ANOTHER DREADNOL‘GIIT. Estimated that One Hundred Persons Orders for Vessel of Lost Their Lives. 19.300 Tons Re- ceived at Portsmouth. A dcspafclr from Shanghai says: The Japanese steamer Tafoo Maru has been n .. ., tan .s‘ivsz s ‘1 ' - burned three miles off (.hmg lxiang, ont d‘ “ “10 phi“ “I L.†Admiral†_ . , ,_ 1101- a new aiul larger \essel of tho the r1ght bank of the \anglse lviang, Dmmmounhl tins. have be†r . . . . . . , . t v forty-five miles from .\ankmg. ll .15 rc- ° H owned . at thx construction demrtiicn e" ported that one hundred lives were lost.! mmnipnmed m. “mpâ€! 1., 1...,â€EHELHI83 “"3 I‘lroo M311" {OI-mm.†the “Wig 1'1iilding the worship immediately. The lutuu, is of 1.1.15 ton.» 1111151121, was built1 displacement of W. M“. Wwfl M†M, )1. Japan, launched in 191111, and belongs . . . . _ . '2‘u300 tons. The Ship here will be to the Osaka Niosen l\illill.5llll\'l lyaislia 1. »( i . 1 .1 - “mummy Ur Omku‘ Japan. SM is 2â€â€ launched befire be 0111 to by built at I)1rvo11por1. orders for the construction u. ‘ . . _I , x .. .. _ V '7 “LI; 10"5' "‘L‘ ‘0 “CL mm†1â€â€œ them-51111 which were announced September 11,._. feel of water. 16. FATHER 11111 1111 11111111111 Bodies Were Found Clasped in Bach Other’s Arms. A despalch from Portsmouth. Eng- Ac they rrtiu n. 1* . . l\ .«1 1.".~",li 11 A {expa‘ch from Clarke‘s llarli'zllfl'. d‘Fi 1161 Nova S31 11:1. says: One 11 the :Ilille":‘ ‘1 H LOigllilx 1's went to 11‘ 1.1. :Ic-‘Ldents in 1111' 1:51.13» cf 11.3 13.0 ‘ 1; 1‘:I:,.‘.:‘U MM, {1 T (i- -*1‘rr1d after \1111-11 wn 1 :; \\'v111:-\1 y ' I l? H A ‘- 1, when 1:15111 .\.~k1-r~1'11 1112.1 ti< '1 1' 1.1 1- y \\'1t'c di" \\...'11 ‘y the (z. - -' 111;.[111 1111‘ 1:2.l'lxl. 11- l r l ‘ lune. \'..I\-"-\ ‘\ " w ' t. 11Ԡ1‘11'.'1;..,1 l‘E me wharf: y ' 11‘. .. i‘.’ ._. ,.\ 1-1.=<pateli 112.111 '1-‘1'1'111‘1 «age: ,\1r. '1': ~ 11.115 (i. 1':1ll.1=ori. l‘os1.:..1.\t<.r1fthc 1:!)‘15'1‘111cnfr. w':1 xiii. .pmuzr- ma {1 at ' ' .‘1'. , : 1 2511111 to Jail for Breaking Grand Trunk MABKE BRIZADSTL' F179. ' Tronto. Sept. 24f Wheat,Alanitrdmâ€" Steady; No. l northern, $1.07; No. 2 northern. $1.114Z. (21’11'11~.\'o. it yel airive; No. :1 mixed, 72%.: Ameriran 1111111 1-11.11. (151‘. lake and 12111 fi'r-igbk. llarleyr N0. 73. 571' 111 Gilt: NU. It (‘.\ll‘1'l, Tic 11.1 561‘: N13, 11. 52v: l0 53C. (lets .\'11. 2 \\'llll(‘. tinge to for .‘lamlobu; N11. 1’ white. 501' 11» 511“; N0. 11 while. 491‘ 111 3111:. lake ports. l‘CtlS~-.\\"I. 23. 731‘ til 79]. llyt‘i N11. 53 nominally 711C to 751‘. 1-‘11‘1111'ï¬Ontar111 very strong. (it) per 'c1111. patents 111 demand at $11.35; .\1am- l<11-'1. lirst patents, $5.25 to $71.10: see- oiids, $1.60 to $11.81); strong bakersâ€. $1110 111 $11.70. ‘ MillfeedMBran. $22 $211 to $27, outside. 1-. 111 to $25; shorts, COUNTRY PRODUCE. RuttervThe, demand continues sul- talent to take all the offerings of de- sirable stock. (lrcamcry. prints do solids Dairy, prints .. 2/1-e1021'1c 22010231: . 211T11122C d) Solids~ .. .. .. 1511:102th (Zhecsc~Largc quoted at 1:11: and twins at 13%1‘, in job lots here. l’oullry~Live chickens are steady at 111? to 12c. and llf‘ll.~‘ from 91: to ltlc; ducks. Re and turkeys tztc per lb. l‘ot:1t<»e<~f\farlu:l. prices 611" to 70c. Baled lltl‘YiPl‘lCOS are unchanged at $11 to $15, in car lots on track here. continue at PROVlSlONS. Drczsed Hogsâ€"$9.23 for lightweith and $8.75 for heavies. l‘orkâ€"R‘hort cut, $22.75 to $23 for bar- r(ls; meax. $21) to $21. Lardâ€"Firm; tierces, 1:20; tubs, 1‘2}{C; pails. 12%(3. Smoked and Dry Salted Meatsâ€"Long r-Ecar bacon, 11c to 11341: for tons and uses; hams, medium and light. 15c to 1:}gc; heavy. 14%1: to 15c: backs. lfil/zc tH 17c; shoulders. lflirje to lie; rolls. 114e, out, of pickle, to less than smok- co. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Sept. 21.â€"(‘.hoiec spring wheat patents. $5.75; seconds, $5.15; winter wheat patents. $1.65 to $1.75; straight rollers. $1.25 to $4.35; do in bags, $2 to $2.10; extras, $1.65 to 51.- It). Butterâ€"The butter market is very firm on account of the recent sharp a11- \ance in the country. and 10â€"day hold- ers are demanding 211: to 25%c, and sales wt‘rc made at these prices. Eggsâ€"Sales of selected stocks were made at 221: to 23c; No. l at 181; to 191:, seconds at 11c to tile, and straight gathered at 171‘ to 18c. Checscâ€"Qucbecs, 12%0 to 12%c; town- ships, 12% to 12%e; Ontarios, 12%1: to 12%c, with some holders asking a frac- tion more for colored. The local rc- recipts were 111,970 boxes. BUFFALO MARKETS. Buffalo, Sept. Elkâ€"Wheat â€" Spring, limits on the market; Winter, firm; No. 2 red, $1. Cornâ€"Strong; No. 2 yellow. 60%;: No. 2 white, 66%c. Oatsâ€"Firm; No. 2 white. 51 to 51%c; .10. 2 mixed. 50c. Barleyâ€"Nominal. Ryeâ€"North- \\'cs'.eru, No. 2 rye, 800. NFA‘V YORK \\'llEAT MARKET. New York. Sept. 21.~Spot steady: No. 3 red. 51.03% elevator; N11. ‘2 red, $1.â€" 111% 1.11.11. afloat; No. 1 northern. 1111- 111111. 351.18% f.o.b. afloat; l\'o. :2 hard winter, $1.01 1.0.11. afloat. CATTLE Memo-7r. 'l‘oronlo, Sept. classes remain about last. week's iiiarkels. Butchers liattle.-'1‘111-1'e is a good dc- 111a11d for all choice, which are light in; suppliy. \\'11at came showed up well 111; 1* unparison with recent offerings. Exportersi'l'here are no heavy ship- ments arriving 111 re or passing lliro11gli.1 the trade beingr down at its l(J\\'c.\l 1111111. Stockersâ€"The market saw a few more today owing to the padurcx having been improved by the heavy rain of the pint week. Shippers say tlure are not many choice in the cmmtry. 'llogsâ€"Tlie market in receipts was comparalively light, with demand equal 1(- all desirable shipments. 1‘1'1ces were a little CUMCY. Sheep and Landsâ€"Arrived a little more freely. the Slit]llll(‘1ll.~ being (time the average even for 'l‘hursdays mar- l.\L‘L. ilkâ€"Prices for all the same as at _.~ 41o...â€" MR. T. (I. PATTERSON DEAD “'as Postmaster of Toronto for Twenty- eight Years. NINE MONTHS I-‘OR IiNtilXIiICR. Trunk Rulcm tie :â€" ~ 1y 1 :1 the c:.: 9' 1...: 11:1“ 11f 1:11; 11.11“. \\'11> 1;. 'l'h‘:r>1,l:iy 1'- and rung seiitentw‘al t1 nine izitnlh< in yrm n. 1811111111113 T111111 111111111111 .. 7... .., Increases and Decreases for First Five Months. A despatch from Ottawa saw: The trade ligui-m of the Dominion for the live 11111111115 of the present fiscal year (“(1ng August show a total increase .11 imports, as compared with the, cor- r1 sparkling period of last year, amount- 111; to $1l(l.738,393. \\'hile the exports (\lmw a sight decrease of 3127.637. ex- clusive of coin and bullion. the total trad-e for five months was $265.867.031. The imports totalled $105,723,630 and exporta' $100,161.001. Exports (11 the‘ 11zinc increased about two milllons, ag- riculture six millions and manufactures a little over one hundred thousand. 011 111illions. forest exports decreaced about one million. and fisheries about three huudied and fifty thousand. The. re- turns for the month of Augu<t show that the falling off in exports notice- able during the earlier month< of the year is being rapidly made up. Exports far the month totalled $27.1152Jtil. an increase of $1,031,714?) ow 1‘ August last yLar. liiiports for August amounted to $35,019,621). an increase of $5.7lti.829. 'l‘hc» customs revenue for ï¬ve months was $25.97U.071, a gain of S5.‘25‘2.77r, or over one million per month. as com- pared with last year. For August the H'“ “um? “and, chXIrts of animals and increase was $1,037,342. the total duty their products decreased nearly seven Collected bang $5,571,337, "'â€"-'â€"â€"_â€"t:â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-_- _ _. , . OPERATOR DRUNK 0N DUTY. 1\'L‘\\' MILK REGI’LATIONS. And “'as Sentenced to Six Months. In They “in Form Basis for Future Prison. Regulations. A despalcll from Ottawa says: A A 111spat?h from Toronto says: The prosecution m<tituled by Mr. 11. B. werk of drafting a set of regulations Spencer. divisional superintendent of the (lanadian Pacific Railway, has resulted in A. .1. Ryan. an operator at Vanlcleck llill. being sent to jail for six months [1.1- being under the influence of liquor when on duty. It appears that a couple of nights ago the station agent found 1'1.- opcrator drunk, and immediately reported the matter to headquarters. A deteecive was sent down and Ryan was taken into custody. He was tried on for the better handling of milk in On- tarlo has been entrmlcd to Dr. Sheard’ as Chairman of the Provincial ltoard of Health, and Dr. llodgelts, Secretary of the board. The regulations are being framed with a view of providing a basis for legislation next scosion. Among the recommendations that have been made are proposals that no cow- hruse shall be permitted" unless proper other cases somewhat similar, but this drainage is provided; no building used for ordinary purposes shall be within 100 yards of marshy or stagnant water;‘ and no chicken coop. hog pen. privy or water closet shall be within 1001001 01' a building used for the keeping or hand-' ling of milk. Cleanliness and ventila- 'l‘hursday before a magiï¬trate at \‘an- kleek 11111, when the sentence above mentioned was imposed. The new law is very strict in its provisions against train hands and operators bcing under the influence of liquor when on duty, and when many lives are practically in her. are also to he insisted upon. Sick their hands, and the company is en- cows must be “coded out from the herd,†forcing it wherever a violation is rc- no feed stuffs that are likely to impart pol‘it‘d. a flavor to the milk must be given. cows- .__, __.x..- .__.. FINED FOR SHORT T“‘INE. The Dominion Inspector Was Busy in the “'cst. A (lespatch from Ottawa says: .1. 1.. llaycock. Dominion Inspector of Bin- der Twine, states that while in the West be imposed fines amounting to $3.1in for short twine. One American firm was ï¬ned $1,400, but, as an illus- liation of the forâ€"reaching results 121 such a fine, it actually cost the com- pany $12,000 by being forced to retag what was in the hands of the dealers. Some 251) tons had to bc .relagged. re- ducing its value $10 per ton. making a loss of about $101100. There were must not. be permitted to drink from stagnant pools, and pure water must be provided for their use. Cleanliness in respect to the utensils used and on the part of those engaged in the dairy busi~ ness is also to he insisted upon. mi “'EST NEEDS MORE POLICE. Not Enough Men to Supply Demand for New Posts. A despatch from Ottawa says: Lieut.-- (m. Fred. white. Comptroller of the Royal North-West Mounted Police, has returned from a tour of inspection in the West. Everything is working sat- isfactorily in the force. (101. White rc- porls. the only difficulty being to fur- nish the number of men required by the increase of population in the new provinces. where, the settlers are con- was the first. *â€" FOURTEEN KILLED IN MINE. A Cage Full of Men Dropped Down the Shaft. A despot/:11 from Marquette, Michi. gau. says: A car ï¬lled with men. while being lowered into a mine at Negati- nee. Mich., fell to the bottom of the shaft on Friday and fourteen men were killed and a number injured. The ac- cident ocrurred in the rolling mill mine. The steel cable broke and the cage dropped seven hundred feet. The bodies have been taken out and the in- jured are being cared for. _..._~_+- GREAT FIRES 1N ltl’SSlA. Destroying Timber Yards. A despalch from St. f’etersburg says- [Turing the past week a number of fires have occurred in the timber yards lilonging to the CrOwn, including the pleat works in the Busuluk Forest. Province of Samara. two works in the 1'1ovince of Nljnl Novgorod. and the large deposits in the Province of Owl and Olenelzk. The fires: are 1'1‘1101‘11‘11 to have been of lrit'elltlltll‘y origin. due in dissatisfaction with the intended in- timluclion of reforms in the timber yards, which it has been discovered 1’11'1' gravely mismanaged. 11 stated Itat the facts have so disgusted Prince \1'15\lll‘llll\'0ll. general director of font liganzaton and agriculture, that he in- tends to resign. the Crown IllSCndiill‘IBS jg tmually petitioning for the establish- ment of police posts. ___.5... III'JARTLESS MOTORISTS. They Frightened a Lad‘s Horse but Gave No Help. A despaleh from London, 0111.. says. frightened by an auto a h11rsedrivcn by Robbie Henderson, a ll-,\t‘i.ll'4.lltl boy. 1%.". away throwing the lad out and tin-akin}; hi< leg on \\’e1lnca‘1lay. In falling hie feet became entangled in the reins and lie was dragng along the ' road behind the galloping horse for over 1011 feet. The motor party wheeled right away, without stopping to help the boy. __,...._.x~ HACIIELORS, BE“ ARE! Thousand l'nmarried “'omen 5:111 for Canada on Baltic. ,‘\ 1le~paleh from Liverpool says: The r1~nu1rkahle exodus of marriageablc mung women from England to the ‘t’nited States and Canada is emphasiz- 111 by the departure of a thousand un- [harried women on the steamer Baltic, while several hundred more were ain’an the total (-1 5.000 passengers car- ried on the three stcumrs which sailed on 'l‘hur~day. 11111 1111 1111111111 11111111111 Conductor and Driver Have Been Arrested? Out on Ball. : . , 11W ndn ,v -. ' ..1~ tro- ; Hodge, ' nal. his“ ltclwr’. \‘.' Hilton. in. C. ltctinette appeared I