IN'ST. MAHY’SVUUURCH The English Church was well last evening, the occasion hein annual Thanksgiving service. chm-ch wus neatly decorated fruit-and grain and vines. an :1 print? seunon was preached by Canon Dixon. and excellent, was furnisde by the choir of T (.‘hurch, Turuntu. 0n Sr Thanks; Zion 3‘ and rve mmmm [JIIICS th‘l'y 2L 1] he. pro and colds that will he contracted this full will come from cold wet feet ? A ggmd substantial pair of boots are worth a. barrel ofmedicine afterwards. Put. those light, summer shoes away, drop into Nuughtnn’s at the Elgin and get. a good substantial pair at a price that will make you wear “that smile that wont came luff." The Epwm'th League service of Mnnduy next is under the cure hi the Literary Department. Rev. A. P. Bruce has consented to give his ad- dress on "The Great Nm-thiand with its Mines, Timber, Game and Indians.†Having been through the nmlh cunn- try a great deal. and heaving spent some years there as missionary, Mr. Brace. knuws whereof he speaks. A special prugrmnme of music is also hm mg prepared. All are invited of any creed or age. Mr. John Lzlhmer, formelly of Carl'- ville, died suddenly at Vine early 'l‘uusdaymurning. He was taken ill therduy before while assisting il, neigh- borin threshing and was not able to he removed to his home. The l-e- nmins are (-xpoctml down by this mornin train to Maple, and inter- ment wxll take place tu Lutheran cem- etery at Shel-Wood. Do you know thaitfggli’TEe coughs and colds that_\vill he contracted this x n _,,-n Rn W. Brn. Nit-[mils and Bro. Bymv Visited Markham (In Sundnv. and joinâ€" ed with the brethren of Markham Uniun Led-g», A. F. k A. 3]., in ut- wndiug divine service at Grace church. Rev. Urn. Barber of Sinutf- ville. preacth an excellent sen-mun nn “The Brotherhood of Man.†Some eiglhty brethren took part in the pa- uu e. The Tunker half-yeaer Communion meeting was hold at their church on Saturday and Sunday last and Was largely attended. Ministms and mem» bars from SLuyner, Ridgeway, and Ulzu-cm-e Centre N. Y., wvra present and added much u: the interest. of the meeting. Commencing Tuvsxlny Octnhm' lst, curs leaving an'Lh Tun-(mt!) for Jack» son’s Point at 9 :1. m. and 6 p, m.. and (tnrslwwing Jzutksun‘s Puim. fur TU- 1~untnat9u. m. and 3 p. m. will bv discontinued. Another Snap :â€"â€" About 30 pairs Child's boots in Nizes 9 and 10 only. in Dongnln. Boxâ€"Calf. Pebble. and Bus- i-nn Uulf regular $1.50 fur 70¢. Naugh- tun 31-05., Elgin Mills. Mr. Lvok and the Misges vak nf Ik-mfl'vrd. wish Lu (-xprPss their heart.- fult. thanks to the many kind and sym- pathizing flil'lli1> “lumss‘islt-d the-m in their wvenl, hm-vzuvuwnt. during the _illnoss and :xftm- the draih of their father, the late Jmmh chk. The “Gm'd Eslntv†on Mill St. lms been suld by Mr. II. A. NIL-hulls. le Estute agent. to Miss Nancy Brilliuga-r ut' Stephensvillp, \Vvlhnd Cnunbv. '1‘th pricv was $2,500. Miss Brillingvr will obtain pnsossion (m Nov. ISL. its illustth editinn will he [11511111] to any address in Canada frnm this (Mu: tn January 1, 15009. fur 50 (-ans. Gull fur u sample (.mpy uL this nï¬ixx‘. Next Sunday mmning in the 1 U'lirt ChllH‘h Rev. A. P. Bram give a missionary sun-mun, sn “Mark Time or Quick Mun-h?" ] pvt-hing RL-v. C. F. Logan, D. 1 Victoria Univm-sit-y. will preach. A rupm-Rontutivv of the ï¬rm of Mc- Clwllnnd (Y (hmrh-hild. Tux-nutâ€. was h~~n~ Hutuuluy and ï¬ilml an crdvr ful- hunks for the Public Liln-m-y. By leaving ynurnrrlm- :It Tm; LIB- {SHALOinCu Llw VVm-kly Glulw uith Tenders {m unretnking of the Math- (dist Chumh will he rvccivmi 4-" m- l-Pful'e the ï¬rst nf Othe-r. Spociï¬cn- tinns may he sot-n at {he ul‘ï¬ve Hf Mr. “'m. Hun-ism". secretary of Trust Hum-d. iii-he ï¬ihcmi. imam-ND HILL. 0N1, Sept. 26'. 1907 11 dd A gent new spat-i IJ()(Z‘AIJN. )L-CaCIwS ‘ at Uuin ain to h LSt Sum‘l m inn: 1 Uniunvi writes the only {BERT SUDDEN DEATH. ng new Red Ru: Ma r nun-yearly Uommnninn hold at their church on [1 Sunday last and Was "led. Ministms and memâ€" the occasion being the isgiving service. The neatly decorated with NOTICE nunnringjn _the Moth in the home 03 nvillc. Bultnm is mvn cnngreg ay 11 cummun membership at n church. .ll excellent: music choir of Trinity r [In- cure uf the r. Rev. A. P. to give his ad- Nm-thiand wiLh well ï¬lled an :lppm- chvs fum- morning 0 church. uuville at. megntion ‘lunirnnts u at Zion. snhjvct: In Llu- will Preventi "Live, n4 Taken at ics will u your dru Tablets (- 6\‘Pl'_\‘\\'h£ vonlics, 1m: (loci | \ W’illiam NlCh()llS, who was Well known by the old settlers in this sec- tion of the country, died very sudde‘n- ly at the home of his (laughter. Sarah J. George, at Sparks", Nevada, on Tuesday. the \10th of the present month. On the Monday evening be- fore his death he diner] with a friend at, Reno and on the Tuesday morning of his death rose early and took a walk down town. Upon returning he told his daughter he did not want any breakfast as he was sick and complain- ed of a terrible pain in his chest. She hurried out to prepare him a cup of Coffee and a moment later, hearing a ‘ noise, rushed back and found her father lying upon the floor dying, and ‘ before a doctor arrived had breathed 1his last. lie was buried at, W'ads- 3 Worth beside his wife on the \Vedues~ ‘day following under the auspices of 1the Knights of Pythias, and his reâ€" mains Were followed to their last rest- ing place by an immense concourse of puople. The floral offerings were so many they fornlgd a bank- complrtely covering the grave. The death of a lifeâ€"long iriendâ€"Andy Russell~a few days before caused him to remark "It is hard to tell who will be next." He said it in such a manner that he thought. he himself would be. and his words proved only too true. The late \Villiam Nicholls was born in Yorkâ€" shire, England, seventy-four years ago and when but a smalfboy came, to Canada with his family and settled in Richmond Hill. His boyhood days were spout in this neighborhood. the family Working the Bernard farm,and the boys afterwards branchingout into the brick-making business. In 1860 he left. here and went. to San Francis- (:0, and after a time spent in Stockton he went to Nevada and established the noted “Stockton Station." Stark- ton Station Was a stopping place for the famous Iii-mule ore teams from the mines. Here they stopped for water paying a hit for a dilllli and ï¬lled barrels to last. them till Ragtown was reached. Here he made one of the many fortunes he made and lost during his long life. He was joined by his wife and two small children, who went to Stockton Station by the ï¬rst main that reached that section. Shortl) after this he, with his family, removed to \Vadsworth, where he re- mained until shortly before his death. Of the two children who went: from here the youngerâ€"Frankieâ€"died, and the elder will he remembered as Mrs. Sarah George. who‘ visited hereflnot very long ago. The Rev. T. M. Bel- lam, who oï¬iciated sit, the funeral, spoke most beautifully of the life and deeds of the departed manâ€"“a man rare. in the quality of his goodness of heart."$ Mr. Nicholls’ wife was Agnes Trent-h. a sister to the late William Ti ent-h. and he himsvlt was an unrlc to L‘ountillor Xichulls, [he first wife of ex-Reeva' Na ' and th’va Wife of x\‘:-r - nf vx \Yiili n. vex: has ,2 “ California scvded l-uisil \‘nlue lmre at 10c. fur 12- Ham's Hm-n Brand, [Zn Ram’s Elm-n Brad, 100. for age Mt. Haulillun Blillld & b‘wit-zen Spr‘ciul vnhxei'n m:- 350. each. and hvuvy 500.0uch. Atkinson Pain anywhere, pain in the head, painful periods. Nunralgia, tnuLhauh». all pains can he pxmnptly stuppvd by a lhurnugllly snfv little Pink Uandy ‘alrll-L. klmwn by Draggists every- “‘hvl'f‘ as Dr. Slmup's Headache Tah- lels. Pain simply means CongrsLinnâ€" uuduv lrlmld pl-Pssmc :It. tln- mint where pain exists. Ur. Slmup‘s tlwul- uche Tablets quit-Hy equalize Lhis un- natural hlnud pl't'sslH'P, and [min im- mvdiutvly rle-parls. “’l-lto Dr. Slump. Rawinv, W'is.. and go-t, a free trial packugt'. Largv lmx,,‘.£z')c. Druggists. \V. A. Szmdvrsm). Thursday foii'nmm: Special :â€"â€"- Girls luct-d huots in sizes ll [02 in heavy loathe-r. smut .40le and leather lined right thrnugh. Hug- ularh’iléu while they last for 95 cls. Nuughum 13:113., Elgin Mills. VEI')‘ l DEATH 0F “'31. NIGHOLLS (1H3 nun-ilk rRH‘VU un Sh. «I GIVE US THE NEWS. raisins arr: extra )1‘ lZâ€"uz. package , 12¢. for 16-02. c. for lï¬-oz. puckâ€" ;umd. Atkinson n‘s tweed cups all. fur-linvd cups at. & Switzer. ++M+++M+++++++++++++n~+ Lax-ets 5 Si In variety and interest the Ochuhm- McCluros is rvmm-kahle. AflI‘l‘ a break of two months Ellenv Ternv ro- sunms her delightful Memoirs with :Ill account. of her dmnestic lifv c-xllml "My Children and I,†which-has mm-h amusing gmslp of Rnssetbi. Irving; Bernhardt. Charles Reade. and uthm- famous people. Nt-wmurkcts tax l-nte this year will In» 27 mills on the dullar, or 3 mills (Iver Hunt of lust. yvau'. At a meeting of the Cabinet. nn ur- dvr in Council was passed ï¬xing Thanksgiving Day for Thursday, 0c- tobex- 31. III.â€"â€"- Victm'iu. Hunt, 7."), Minnie Cook 73. Minnie Rmmmn 72, Sammy \Viugo-r 72, Agnes Patterson 68. Slan- lq-y \‘Vund 63. Byron Applemn 8S, \Vellingmn Monknmn absent. Vt-ry speciul value in men's blue and bruwn corduroy vests,$l.85. nnd men’s hmvy tweed vests at $1. Atkinson 8:, Switzer. Grmnmar. 8r. 1v.-. an-J Prl-ntiu- 9-5. Nita Bakm'84. Mnry BlnkP 65, Edith Ap- letnn 51. Margaret Prentice 48. Lmna Vingnr absent. Jr. IV.â€"- Mable Prentice 90, Gussie Prvntice 88. Minnie Sahel] 75. Reasonable Isles; enter 3er time. FAL TERM from Sept. 3. Catalogue and Jourm 0! Business Education free. BRITISH AMERICAN ‘ BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Oldest in Canada, most thawing: and practical courses; unequalln, facilities for good work. Our FurniShing the Finest‘gua lowest prices. To secure a Perfect Fit and an up-to-date suit ask for thevBroadway. +~§‘-{-+++++++++-§'++++++401"? TFITTER Carrville School Report. M. SAVAGE t and Swellest line ts and Shoes. N ews N ones. EH AQVÃ©ï¬ ,no milieï¬xu; 3f T. M. WATSON, Princip C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Lulu". HAIR V'IGOI. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORM. are and +++++++++++M~PH +++++++++++ +M‘++++++4~+ +++M+4 +++++++4~++++++++H++++++++P+++++HH+' 1-++++++++++++++'3‘ mg. BUSINESS COLLEGE, TORONTO. Pract Matriculation. Y‘ M. C. A. (me. 8300 railw BY MAIL ‘ou 31011348 '50 p+++~p+++++ ++++++++++HM ++H'++~P+M++ €<~P++4¢+++++i street +H+++W+H++++++H+HH ++€4++++H+H+ ++++++I Sept. 28, 1907. Aï¬kinsm} & gwiézw And assure you satisfactiun m quahty and price. Richmond Hill Gent’s Brown Corduroy Vests at $1.68. Gent’s heavy tweed working vests at 90c. Crum’s best prints, 12c. yd.; 30-inch shaker, Saxoriy, pink or white, IOC. yd. Gent’s grey tweed fall caps, silk lined, regu- ular 50c. for 35¢. Gent’s Black Cashmere Hose, regular 25 for 18 cents. Tinsmithing in all its branches. 5902* Sale Tempting Sweeping? Bargain Landsï¬de k House We solicit your order for V has struck all our Sum- mer Goodsâ€" mowing downâ€" shattering prices right and leftâ€"cut- ting wide and deep in- to former prices~turning up bargain chance Worthy oi the biggest September crowd We ever had. Type can- not do justice to the real merit of our offers. Investigate. An in- vestigation will never pay you better. The following are very low prices on trustworthy goods. Sample line of pocxet cutlery at cost. App}? JEGE, TORONTO. Practical and t , M. C. A. lree. 83,00 railway fare n R. A. FARQUHARSON. B.A., Yonge am C. SOE‘LE Rgeg am , full gxc Rem BRIf'iSH’ 'CANADIAr Rich wks {wig 1c- Sale AT COLLEGE ~i~l--5~W++ . and Axel-.5