Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Sep 1907, p. 8

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Village Directory. Church of Englandâ€"Services at an. 11:. 1st, find and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at ll s. m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"services st 11 s. in..s.nd "l’vp. in. Sunday School “2.30. Prayer meeting ednesdsy evening. _ Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Servxces on liter- nate Sundays at!) a..m.snd 10.30 5. m. , ‘ Methodist. Churchâ€"Services at 10.150 3.. m., and 7 p. in. Sunday School at 2&0. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- do. on or before full moon (.yourt‘mchmond, A O Fâ€"Meets second and ourth Friday ' Ivy Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"Mests third Wednesday of each month Comp Elam, S O ~Meets second and louzth Wodimslltw ~ - H. '1‘ of Temperance-Meets first Wednesday n! such month Fire Brigsdeâ€"Meets first Monday of every month Public Library and Bending Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday awnings. ' Enworth Leagueâ€"Meats every Monday Junior Epwnrth League meets every Mon- day Afternoon at 4. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further nntloe Mails will he closed at the Richmond Bill Post ()llicu as follows:â€" MORNING .. .835 EVEQNING .. ..fl.35 MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing, Money Orders:â€" hiORNING ....,F.00 EVENING . ....................... 600 N. B.â€"Registered letters must/ be handed in at least Fifteen liinutes ourlier than the above mentioned hours for olosmg. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 I‘. M. 111. TEEFY. Postmgstor Toronto & York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Summer Time Table 1907 GOING NORTH C. P. R. Urossing(Toronto). Leave, â€"â€"-A. 51. 0.00, 7.001: 8.00, 9.00, 10.00. 11.00, 12.00. P. M. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, (5.0013 7.00, 8.00, 9.00. 'Thm‘llhill A. M. 0.35. 7.35, 8.35, 9.35, 10.35, 11.35. P. M. 12.35,].35, 2.35, 3.35, 4.35, 5.35, 6.35, 7.35, 8.35, 9.35. Up-to-date Earness both in ideas and tools. Poultry Netting, oiled. and anâ€"' nealed; ' also Galvanized Wire, Garden'Tools of all kinds; Rakes Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes; every- ‘thing in season at reasonable prices. 1 ( EaVetroughing and Tinsmithing of 5 all kinds attended to. To turn ‘out good harness it is necessary to employ lip-todnto nwthods. “’0. have now the latest and host, in oven y respect. Come in and see our new and lip-toâ€"dute methods of turning out the best hm» 6A FefigliBéiEQND E ESTABLISHED 1 973 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ’ Head Office - - - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. DepOSits of$l and upw_ards are received, ' on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals interest added four times a year Sayings Bank Department in Connection with all Brandies. 311341.. i.$f=‘..’?;l€€3§§ E. 3‘ . lays-:23, I‘iamnffier BRAtHCZiES 4131.450 AT EEJLPLE, ZfigkRHXifi.)/E A...L STDUFF‘JKLfiE ,. nudists W EXCURSION -. I SINGLE FARE FOR Till} ROUND Till? ROUND TRil’ Rates from Toronto to Principal Points Hills Park - - 3.10 (ions-meek - 0.. roote'silav- - 3.75 undertake - r513 LakeJnscph - - 1&5 11011005111111)? - 6.41 Parry Sound - 450 Sentinganemwan 5.50 \Vaubamic - 5.05 Northhingsnetswsn 6.8;. Still Rircr » ~ 3720 Special Trains to Binganctawrtn and Still 1‘ Rivers, Oct. 29, 30. 31, 1907 in connection with brain from Toron- to (Cu. Sin.) 9 n in. \Vrit for full puriivrulurs and Copy of Big; map. v Richmond Hill A. M. (5-50. 7.4.5,. 8-50. ness it is possible to produce, and be convinced that we are now able to giro c Pm“, GREEN w“ MHHPS 0.45, 10.50, 11.45. P. M. 12.50. 1.50, 2.50, 3.50, 4.45. 5.50, 6.15, 7.50, 8.45, 9.50. Bond Luke Junction A. M. 7.05, 8.05, 9.05, 10.05, 11.05. 1’. M. 12.05, 1.052.115. 3.05, 4105. 5.05, 6.05. 7.05, 8.05, 9.0.3. 10.05. Aurm'u A. M. 7.20, 8.10, 0.20. 10.10, 11.20. 1’. M. 12.10. 1.20, 2.20. 3.20. 4.20, 5.10. 6.20, 7.10.8120, 9.10. 10.20. Newmmzket A. M. 7.40, 8.30, 9.40, 10.30. 11.40. 1’. M. 12.30, 1.40, 2.40. 3.40, 4.40, 5.30, 6.40, 7.30, 8.10, 0.80, 10.40. Jackson‘s Point- Arrive A. M. 9.40, 11.40. P. M. 1.40, 6.40, 8.40, 10.40. GOING SOUTH. ' Jackson’s Point A. 31.0.00, 8.00, 10.00. ‘P. M.‘, 7.0:). Newlnnrket. A. M., 6.00. 7.00, 8.001", 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00. P. M. 1.00, 3.1] 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.001”, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00. AuroruA. M. 6.153 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, 11.15. 1). M. 12.15, 1.15, 2.153.153, 4.15, 5.15. 0.1:"), 7.15, 8.15, 9.15. Bond Luke .1 uuctiou A. M. 6.30, 7.30, 9.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11.30. 1’. M. 12.3 , 1.30, 2.30, 3.30, 1.30. 5.30, 6.30, 7.308.230, 0.30. Richmond Hill A. M. 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10.45, 11.45. P. M. 12.45, 1.45, 2.45. 3.45, 4.45, 5.45, 0.45. 7.45, 8.45, 9.45. Thornllill A. M. 0.5:"), 7.55. 8.55, 9.55, 10.55, 11.55. 1’. .11. 1' 5,1.55, 2.55, 3.55. 4.55, 5.55. 0.55. 7.575. 8.515. 0.0;). C. P. R. Crossing, Arrive, A. M. 7.‘ 0, 8,40, 0.40, 10.40, 11.10. -1’. M. 12.40 1.40. 2.10, 3.10, 4.40, 5.10, 0.410, 7.40, 8.40.040, 10.10. \Vodnvsdny and Saturday ovrnings a 1:110 (‘nl' loan-s (7. I". Ii. Crossing for Nowmurket and iutmmrtiinte points :lt11.30 p. in. Every \\'(-dnosd:1y and Saturday night :1 Into our will louu- Ni-wmzn-kot 101' Toronto and intermodiuto points 01.10.4511. m. 'l'iionuvct. with Schomlmrg & Aurora Railway. Special Limitud Gnl‘, in addition In the rozulur srrvice, Iran lug North ’I‘o- ronto for Jackson‘s Point (W01 y Sutur- day at 2 pun. In ndditilm lo l'l‘qlll'll'<“1'\'ll'(‘ n "-n l â€" 4 ‘l' ‘ h ' 421%; will inure .Iuckson‘s Point for Toron- v to on Saturday only :11 0 p.m. Also Special Limited will loitvu for Toronto ovary Monday at 7 :I.m. , \V. H. MOORE, Manager Voters’ List, i907 ' Mimi ‘ipulity of the 'i‘owuship of VAUGHAN‘ County of York. Notice is hereby qivon that I have transmitted or delivered to tho por- sms mentioned in 1110 Eighth :Iml Ninth Soriions of "Tho Votors' List Art" tho oopivs inquired by said Sow tion to ho so transmitted or (lrlivurod of the List mudv pursuant to mid Act. and nuwuduwiils thmolo of .‘III pr-p. sons npponring by the lust Rovisod Assessment Roll of thcsnid Municipal. ity to be entitled to vote in the said Municipulily :lt Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at \iu~ llicipul Elections: and [but snid List was FIRST POSTED UP at my office at tho Village of Mnle on the THIR- TEEXTH DAY (11’ SEPTEMBER, 1907. and rmuuins thorn for inspection. Ele-clors are called upon to examine lho said List and if :my omissions or :my other arrow zuv found there-in to lake iuluwdiato proceedings to have tho snid errors corrected according to Luv. NAD LAN NUM'JJELERN ONTARIO RAILWAY J. B. “CLEAN. Clmk of the said .‘IIIllIl‘llelly. Dated this 16th day of Sept. 1007. 12-2 wards. '33: . Some hlve your: or old. Capital eslsnwi free. Those w‘nonlnri at DIICI 1 sun: little formuu. A11 11 new. only No.8 11111611111. No. 6 9.50 p.m. 8.55 8.16 1’sgr. 7 :10 Lake Shore D1v.ex.b‘st. Sunday and Sun. 4.0) 16.59 0.9.1 atom-20 15:40 A1120 [112.30 x11.30 mm. «1.50 No 4 SOUTHBOUND (Read up) idxpresm \Vm PHILLIPS, G. P. A. " 1’sgr..\'o.2 x 5.00 ...x1145 11.111. x 4.55 p.m. ..lllchnoml Hill fl Sundnv only. Time Table is a condensed timt- table of the ()nuadian Northern Ontario Toronto and Parry Soundrw . Toronto . ,I’nrry Bound. ‘1 Lunch Counter hula Purkl Wlinri) Mike Jouoph (“1.) ...Mount Alber .. Shore l'ixpresu Pagr. No, 5 No. II Luke x1000 mm. Kl x 320 you anything you need in our line, from the cheapest up to the \‘rry host grade possible to be turned out in any shop. illEEilil’lfiFEtSllllliil Till issue a policy free irom restrictions, with guarantee values d with protection and investment all combined. niccident 1301icies from $1.00 per year up- Thi51s what every man should have. Ii‘ire Insurance Mercantile, Western, Norwich Union, and York Fire. All business will have my prompt attention. \Nrile for rates and literature. P G. SAVAQE RICHMOND HILL‘ nfi - He'd: no source. but these woo wife Sunson ,k C.)..Portlnml, Mninexill receive free, full information about work which they can do, and lire :sl homc,lhnt will wry lhem from 8’1 lo 82'» per day. man.- I ox\.‘| $5111“ :1 day Eiihnr sex. nil 'rvjn-e-l. You in us stool-sun} sure 0 5 (1:01:13 malarial: W. newasou HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. 1 ‘zmn round a tried and tested cure for Rheu- -n.i'.ism! biota rrmedy that will straighten the ‘ivwru ‘. 11.1.; of chronic cripples, nor tum bony .rthizs hack to flush again. That is impossible. .u‘. l LEI) now surely kill the pains and pangs oi " K‘- ilk-:1itlr-Illiv: disease. In 1: -":m:‘.yâ€"\v1th s Chemist in the Cily'oi ..:r '.~‘n»lt-â€" 1 iound the lust ingredient with ' 'Tr. Shoop‘s Rheumatic Remedy was nmdo vt- vl. 'JCIM'LI'ilhlblr: pro rirtion. Without [211.1 sucrrs. lily treated many. I‘ll‘fliiSIl‘. ' hutliow, 9.1.1351. ituui- .ihlr (‘35:: of this r.-totc:e ‘fi>l:. Thu-lo sand-lilo: granular .‘ I". 1..1.113111111111!‘1iI()Od,S€Cm wdissolve - :y Lillie! tho union 01' this remedy us - < srcnr wh-rn added to pure miter. .: x hm dissolved. these poisonous ’r-vly 9.x.“ from the systv‘m. and the cause oi -Li::i: is gone forever. There is now no u e41-â€"no actual excuse to sufior longer with- :n. n01... We 3,11, and in confidence recommend 'I‘he followingr Railway lwtwc-u-n UA NUICI‘HBOUNI) (Road down) i‘Jiifi p.m. 9.45 1.00 x 2.00 10.30 x Daily. except nun (my. 1 8.00 am. Psgr. No. I 1 8.57 l l I l l I l l l Rinans Tabnles cure biliousness. rlipans Tshulee: for sour stomach. iiioop’s ZJ Q Remedy. ‘ W. A. SANDERSON. Passenger Agent Gem-Pusscngcr Agent _ Canadian Northern Building, Toronto ,7-07 1 yr All our work guaranteed to be the best that (run he produced for the price. L {17/1 A GEO. Mel) ONALD, Richmond Hill V 7:111th â€"~â€"FOR RICHMOND HILL And adjoining country, to represent “CANA ilA‘S G RFEATES' ‘ NURSER- 1E5." A pormanont situation for 1119 right mvm, for whom the. territory will be reserved. an weekly; free i-quip- lnpnt. \Vrite for particulars. STONE & WEI LINGTON i-‘ON'I‘HILL NURSERIES (Over 800 Acres) TORONTO â€" ONT. lâ€"4m m. r V " ... s ‘ . «aaififm MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS :ldtllossocl to the Postnoisier-General, will 1)t' ro- ceivcd at Ottawa until noon, on Fri- day, the 25th October, 1907, for the convoyunco of His Majesty‘s Mulls, on a. proposed Contract fol four yours, 1b" timrs per week t‘iil'll wuy botwron 1>Iington and the Canadian Pacific Rnilwny Station, from the lst of Jun~ uni-y next. I’rintc-d notices containing furthrr information us to conditions of pro- pose-:1 Contract umy ho soon and blank forms of 'i'onder may be- ubinim-d ut the Post Oiiiu- of Isiiugton and at. tho Oliieo of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto. G. C. ANDERSON, Supori llti‘nlli’lll. Post Dilicv Departnn’nt, Mull Uoutl not Blunrh, Ottawa, lllh Swim, 1007. 12-3 1 §+¢ §§Q¢¢§§¢¢§O§¢§+¢Q¢+OO¢O THORNHIH. u“â€" \Vill commence display of ; gunman Elgilliuerg On I ITUESDAY. OCT. 1 I I §§§+¢§+§§¢§O§§O§§§OH§Q§§§ 1 121-2 SHORT LINE T0 NIUSKCKAI and MAGANETAWAN RIVER Ragged Rapids - $3.00 Shawnnagi - $5.00 umo Hunting, with cmuplutv] ins. SHUTER Wizmimrnmmmm Wimm-I ~2-+~:~++ +++++++++++++++~l~~l~l~+++ ‘1' 4- :: Hundreds of Students of the popular and successful ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. '1‘ 1‘ '1‘ . . . + :- Iiul'e sooured positionsth-s your. -§- 3: Dblmmd is far groatm' thnn the i _ . + 1+- snpply. Educate- fur lllls‘lllt’SS,‘l‘ . . "1' 3 positions and you will gvt them, i but the education must in: first i class. Students are :lt i any time. \Vl'ito for catalogue. 'l- . . i \V. .1. ELLIOTT, Principal i. 4. I (Col-Yongo and .LUe-xumlorsis.) + a. J- -:â€" .++++~r-z--r~r~:-+++~z~+-z.+-i‘+ «:«++++ For Sale " A Cool Sinvf‘, Parlor Cook, in good I'Ppuil' Apply ut 1341 TH E LIBERAL OFFICE. For Sai- 6 Two guml brood sows, due to fun-ow Oct. 1. Apply R. O. HARVEY. 132 Laskn'y. For gale One copy of \Vehstcr‘s Intrrnutionnl Dictionulyx now, with suppluuent, of 111‘\V\\'Hl'(l\', shw'p. mullle Higo, pub- lished by low (i..\: (I.Ml-I'X‘Iulll(‘(llllP:ll1\'. iiogulur I‘ll-‘1’ 512;. \\'iii he sold in half prim; Ellqllixo :lt 'l‘iiE LIBERAL ()FF1CF. Lost Sll'uyr-ll or slolvn from the undor- Signa'tl. lol 10, ('Hll. 2, Markham, on or :ilMllIlNIllllilJylilglli,5nlll(.21.3(lili‘k snlilo (Tl'lllU ling. one your will, nPL'l; hulf whit.» and whitv iii-oust, while flll'l' logs, long bushy tail. Any poison lira-ping; this (log after this £14130. will be I)I‘(l<r't'illl‘1l. 11111011” ll‘\‘.'.'/\l'l1. JONATHAN Bi’tl LLINGEH. liil'hnmlld Hill. 13-‘3 also ttiiiii‘. The Next, Sitting of Divwiou Court in: No. 3, County of York, will he lli’lll 11111.19 Court Room, RICHMOND HILL _()N_ Friday, October 4,. 1907 (lormnencinq at 10 a. m. '1‘. F. MCMAHON.UI.1.'RK My Stock oi VVooIens for FALL AND WINTER is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxsted Twills. Scotch 'I‘weeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoating, etc. Best quality. Low prices A. J. HUME, Tailor, Richmond Hill in

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