AT THE “‘EERAL PRmTlNG do PUBLISIHNG HOUSE RICHMOND tum,om. VOL. XXX. 04113 by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. E. F. McMAHUN, U-rr. Quito†and Yungo Sts 'l‘m-unlu \\'ill be in Richmuml Hill on \Vc'l- nesday uf each wvvk. Ulï¬ce, next door nnrth (If Stand- :u-d Bank. 03$. :0. Hnurs-S.30;L. m. m 5 r m. IS PUULISBEI: EVERY pa URSDAY M‘ORN INC} Licensed lufl’ioneers foi- the County of Hues tuneudeflho on ahertaamntir-(nml a. Insole rates Plurouase soiicited 1mm! Ally solicms your patroxm; ializnuce , sales uttmded on the and a: rausonaberatea. P. 0. mi RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Lin‘en'se A‘mtioneex {or theCa-m: .4 VIL'I'; is. 'i‘np 5231‘ Pupil of A. S. \v'ngt,‘ Mus. Dnc. (Piano) and J. H. Anger, F. R. C. 0. (Theory) Having a complete Xâ€"ruy and static electricity appurutus. I am able to locate foreign bodies in the body, and examine fractures 0f hunes. Also tn treat. NERVOUS DISEASES. ï¬nuoxm RHEUMATISM, Monsm Gnowras. such as Cancers. etc. Being a. graduate of Mom-ï¬eld's Eye Hospital. England, I am prepared to examine the interior of the eyes for disease. and test. for glasses. If a patient should require glasses I Older thvm for him. Nose and thrnat Work :1 specialty. Oflice (‘onveuient tn the Metropoli- tzm and C. N. 0. Railway stations. 35.1 per annum, in advance.) H Money to 103.11, at ï¬ve per cent. interest. on ï¬rst, mox‘tgugeâ€"~f.u-m pmpex‘py. _ Undertaken-s & Embnlmors, J. EAR‘LE NEWTON Bianist u'ge stock of kept at Instruction in Piann-phlying and Thom-y BUSINESS CA 8; VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. ï¬ngeon. Map a H. SANDERSDN, ETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Money to Loan. 01 DR. S. J. BOYD RICH MOND HILL, ONTA RIO by day and night prompt! tended to. igeon. J K McEwen Map a Weston Szugcoan a; NlcEwen. @112 flii‘uemi 31mm. i1.â€" tvkaï¬Ã©R’S’O’éï¬, A'ppl): Ramon J; Paovmnron J. H. [’1 entice. I)€!lhti§$n D. G. BLOK‘G“, RIGH «‘E’etcrinnry ’THE LIBERAL OFFICE Funeral Furni both places T BROS, f Mom-ï¬eld‘s Eye i am prepared to - of the eyes for u- glass“. If a a)» FEDS. or Yor mt nc King smug Mmer to loan uulund andchaue, mortgagee“. lowest rufes Aux-om nfliceâ€"Hemuveé to the old post oil-ca one door west of the euuance ta the Ontario Bunk Newmarket uï¬iceâ€"Three ducts south of the p pat mï¬ce ’1' Exaazzm LENNOX (i 81“ Momma HARRISTL‘H, Somm'mk, NOTARY. I‘ Tumult.†()fl‘h'v‘ 33 Richmond “'vst. \Yeslny Buildingï¬. Riuhmund Hill Urï¬zze. Stand. Bank Building. eu-n' Suturduv :11‘ LEN NUX & MORGAN NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2".) KING ST. E, TORONTO, (‘unndm FRANK BENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. Dru): Halo-“1:, Lee, Milliken Clark G. G SL'mdsey,K C A G F Lawrence W Ridou-t. Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrer. W adswcrth. Barristersjclicitors. Feta: Home Life Building (form bum Loan Bldg.). Cm. Ad‘ Richmund Hill Oï¬.‘ n 01 MONEY DI. 'l‘iCEEP‘E’. NOTARY PUBLIC, commxsexosznxs THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Hf)". Muplv, '1‘ un-sdny : Ium'y to lnnn at F Danton, Dunn & Boult'bee RiohmOnQ Hill COMMISSIONER, CONVEYAXCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. C08. Phono Main 311 Every accom‘ travelling public Commercial Tr stablemun ISSUERMARRIA Har ‘rivute and Trust Funds to loan at lowest cunem rates. Bax-vistas. Solicitors, Etc. DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS .‘3 14(3} H. A. NICHULLS \V. Um-nux‘ King & Yunge Streets Toronto Otï¬c AS. N E\V'I‘ON Barrixu-rs a nd solicitors. Cummissinner, Cnnveyancer, e'tc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC THE PALMER HOUSE EUEI‘ OI Marrlage 141061151 mcrmoxp lxILL POST OFFICE. ‘IllIlP‘ Emu p; RICHMOND HILL. ONT†THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1.907: J. M. LAING arrister, Solicitor, Etc NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers., Etc. WILLIAM COOK W. MULUCK BUI‘LTBEF rry 'W right dome blag afterr Building (formerly Fri-e Bldg), Cm. Adelaide & m'iu. Sts.. Toronto. TORONTO ccommod: 2:7 at mm. “In Essarztialc, Unity; in Norz~Essentials, Liberty; is: all things, Charity. E S'i‘ , 36 Toronto street STATE. ETC avellex-s in .T LOWEST RAT flewmmn. \u [’01- Cont ( 55 LICENSES, MILLS “'3‘ Auenuvei Inqun‘y at. the drug ELDPPS of this ‘- neighhnx-hood elicits the infux-nmnun that, these drugs are harnï¬esa and um I he bought separately or the drnggists I here will mix the prescription fer Uil‘c renders if asked :n. "right PRO PF. 1 ETOR. :9. Standard Iturduy nflvr- out h-oast cor ex'y Thuxsdu] ud rooms for Phone Main 2954 Ul’) aries, &'c Nov market. Attentive for the St TC :xy : Seniur H.â€"-Nm-umn \Villizuns, Ed- ! gar Anniug‘ Gmdon Anderan Jnnihr ILâ€"Adu Ruhh, Lilly Lyon. L Roy Kuï¬'vr. Elswmth Ke-tft-r, Joe Kaf- ' m, mum Thm'nlmck. ; I’urt H.â€"Victor Hngg. Jue Golden, ‘ \Yillnie Ruhb. Alhm Smith, Max 1 Smith. Hazel Morton, lam-a Anuing, 1 Harold \Villinms. I _ Pin-L I. (n)â€"â€"Alburt Gibbons, Juhn § Snider 1 Pill L Kvï¬'m- Tho fulluwing is the school ropm-t fun September:â€" Svnim- lV.â€"-(‘-m-u Locke. (30m JML‘R‘ sun. Edna. Rear-d. Russ Keffx-x'. Juniur IV.-â€"EXW(md Rubh, Frank Mc-rtnn. Snnim- III. â€" Frank LUE'LP, Sid Smith. \\ :u-I-en \Vhitmme. Juninr III.â€"I.nm-u Morton, Edgar Williums. Russ Anderan. Helfln‘VhH- Innw. Jim Anning. Alvin Robb, Huw- m-d Thul‘lllulck. I Rev. 1’. Jones in the Methodist, lust. IV. Class. vagraphy (max. 85)â€" (Iimmie (Ensgrove 72. Gertie Cnsgmvr‘ 60. \Vrsley Hor. \‘er58. Currie \‘Villizuns 47. Allik‘ Reid (absent). Svniur III.â€"Pe:xr1 Hunt. Juniur III.â€"-Ism1c High, Mm-y Fin- ley. Reuben Homer. The following is the temlwrcâ€" Senior 11.. Dictation (max. 50)â€" Erx-ic Hunt 50. Ruth Hoover 49, John ML-Cngne 49. Heller McUngue 49, Elsie Donm' 48. Eva Conner 48. Fred Coa- gx-(we 47. Douglas Read 3], Bussie Fin~ Key 30, Russell Pethick 0. Part, II.â€"â€"Guurge Bend, Goldcm Read. l. Classâ€"Russ Bake-r, Geo. Finley, Hamid Puthick. Phunic Classâ€"Russell B-.ynton, Al- vin Beatty, Allan Hum-or, .Elmm- Hot-nun, Leulla Finley, Margaret Mcâ€" Cugm'. Verna. Finley. Numbu- on 1-01}, 31. Aver-ng nttendnncv. 23. _ The following were present Every Mrs. Vim. Thomas. accompanied by he: dnghn-x- Bessie, has returned humenftcr spending 2; two months' \‘iSlL with friends in the noth-west provinces. Miss Martha, Cook is spending a week under the pm-Pntnl roof here. 3118.105913]) Lund of Chiuagu, has returned home after spending u. cnupleuf months visiting friends in this neighhmhoud. ‘ Mr. Gen. (300k und famin spent, Sunday evvn‘ing with Mr. \‘V. '1‘. Unuk of Pleasant Valley Fen-m. Miss Hurrirt. Judges is spending a fow days with Mrs. \V. :5. Rumble of Patna-sun. Slmnnch troubles, Hem-t and Kidâ€" m-y ailments, can be quick}; corrected wix-h a. prescription knnwn to drug- gists everywhue as Dr. Shnnp’s Re- storative. The prompt and surpris- ing relief which this x‘mnedy imme- dintely brings is emirer due tons Re- storative action upon the controlling nerwsnfthe Stnnmch, etc. ‘u’. .A. Sunduson. ~ matism gives the readers} of a large New York daily paper the follnwiug \‘nlualnle. ye‘l .simple and harmless prvscx-iptinn, which anyone can easily pl'Ppau-H nt homeâ€"â€" Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half ounce: Compound ngon, one ounce; Cnmp‘ound Syrup Sarsupux-illn, three ounces. ' Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and Luke :1 teaspmmful after each meal xmd at lwdtium. He states that lhe ingredients can he obtained from any good prescripâ€" Limx pharmacy at a small cust. andJIe- ing of vegutabie exix'actiun, au-e harm- less' to tukv. This pleasant mixture. if tnkc‘n rep,- ulnily for a few days, is snid ‘ng (wer- cum»: almost any case of Rheumatism. The pain and swelling, if any, dimin- ishes with eagh giosg until permanent The pain and swelling, if any, dimin- ishes with each dose, until permanent IPSU'IS are obtained, and without in- juring tl’w stomach. \Vhile there are many so-called Rheumatism remedies. patent medicine-3. stem eume of which du give relief, few really give pn‘nm- nenb results. and the ubuve will, rm dnubt. be greatly appreciated by many suï¬erex-s hex-e at this time. u)’: J.,Unsgro;"9. E. H-Imt, D. Read, '. C(mgrm‘e. G. Read, R. Buynton. Lows L. NICEOLLB, Teacher. A well-known authority on Rhon- , I. (b)â€"Vinln “'hitmm'v. May . Hazel Thumns, Edwin Ewing, wing. S. S. No. 4, MARKEAM. TELLS HOW TO Mix ET. Edgeley .ract Dandelion, one half pound ngon, (me ounce; Syrup Sarsupux-illn. three HOPE. occupied the pulpit Chm-ch on Sunday antler; of a large per the follnwiug 1e and harmless anyone can easily repmt for Sep- The council met In the council chumhor on Tuesday. Oct. 1. Present: the roe-V0, :mgl Councillors Trench. Niclmlls, and Sanderson. Minutes of previous meetings read and (mnï¬rmvd. The following accounts were pre- sented and payment, ordered of the sumo :â€" The Cnnudnm Northern Ontm-io Railway, grave) . . . . . . . . . . a The T. 8: Y. R. R.. fzvigbt . . ‘ . . ‘ '1‘. F. McMahon, printing. etc. H J. T. Smx'mp, wm-k . . . . . . . . . . A l'mu) the Canadian phone Association was read, which nu action WHB taken. IV. Classâ€" Ada. Farr. Norman Francis. Velma Grice, Gladys Ball, Flori-(we Gundex‘ha‘m. Frances 00):, CwiIoPeuz-son, Btu-ham Duff. Tessie Hnmn, lun Francis, Stanley Pear- son. UL Clnssâ€" Frances Carleton, Amy Ball, Violet, Cusely, Eliza Muldoon, Jennie Senger‘. Murie Muldoon, Nor- mnn McDmm‘ld,’ Edgfr Snngatsfi Sen. ILâ€" Mildred Durnforvd, Vern- nn Forbes, Cecil Henricks, Frank Charlton, Winnie Cousins, Bruce Stephenson, Arthur Von-ville. Jim. ILâ€"I Mex-lyn Phillips, Stuart, Chm-hon, Vante-r Duff, Martha Chap- man, gem-g9, _V_Va_t_ts, )Villig Chjlpgym. Pt. lI.â€"â€"Stella. Hughes, Aggié Hor~ am, Joe Amynt, W'illie Amyot. , Son. 1â€" Glenny Rubinson, Marjory Phillips. Jun: I.â€" \Villie Wnrville, Nelson Forbes. Jimmie Dnï¬â€™, Marjorie Farr, Mg}! Campben, Freuyses Hughqs._ Must regular uud punctual in ac- tuudnnceâ€" Stuart, Charlton, Frank Chmltun, Cecil Henrirks, May Camp- bell. M. E. MCGREGOR, Teacher. The success of the Limerick Com- petition, which has been running for the past few weeks in the Toronto Mail and Empire, has been so phenom~ enal that they have decided to raise the amount of prize money in the con- test, which commenced Friday, Sept. 27. to $100.00. The person who sends in the best, suggestion for the last line of the incomplete Limerick Will re- ceive $30. The other prizes are as fol- lows: the second, $20; the third and foulth. $10 ezu-li; the ï¬fth and sixth, $5 each, und ten consolation prizes at $2 each. It is prolmhle thut these contests will he continued from week to week, and the conditions govern- ing them will he found in both The Daily and \Veekly Mail and Empire. After November 1 the retnï¬ price uf milk in Toronto will he 9 cents a quart fur bottled and 8 cents for louse milk. The Dominion hye~electinns in Lon- don, North \Velliugton and East Nor- thumberlund will he held on Oct. 29, nominations a week earlier. Hon. Rodolphe Lemirux, Postmar- tarâ€"General stated at. Montreal that he is preparing a. bill m give a n'neâ€" cent rate on dropJeHex-s in cities and towns th‘I‘e free dvlivvry prevuils. The sum of $51,784, which was con- uibnted by 15 estates. was received during September in the successii-n duty department. The tnml receipts 101‘ the nine elapsed months nf the present year exceed $750.000, against 001. Maithesnn’s budget. estimate for the entire year. $700,000. TlieQTi-ibune of Toronto J‘nnCtinn.hf-.S been pnrchnsvd by A. W. Law, wlw amine yems ago was cmmncied with The Munetzu-y Times, and “‘hll until i-ecmitly necupimi the position uf lins- iness manage-1- uf the Canadian Cour- ier. This week’s issue of the Tribune will be under Mr. Law‘s editiox-inl and business management. Class IV. Spelling 50 mnrksâ€" Edith Appleton 50, iNithgxkt-r 2UE I::}l|}':n Appletor. 50, bum linker 2U. Lnum Prentice 48, Lynn \Vingel- 48. Maiy Blake 46, Margaret Prunlice 44. Min- nie Schen 38, Gussie Prentice 34, hint» e1 Prentice 32. Chmlie Hunt. 12. Class I'Lâ€" Sammy Winger 38. Ag- gie Paterson 34. Minnie Dunk 32, Viv- tm-in Hunt. 26. Minnie Rmmmn 26. “'ellingtou Muukmzm 26. Byron Ap‘ pleum 22, SmnleyNVuud. Sr. II.â€"Elsie l‘rentice 35. May Bak- "Jr. II.~Mabel Line3& Gladys Lane 28, Russel Munkman 14. Ge'ul‘gie Hunt 10. Leslie Baker 8. Br. I.â€"â€" szum Tyndnil 50, Orvii Gx-a’inger 2B, Flnssie Hop}; ins an Stella. Hopkins, absent. Class I.â€"Lillian Cunk 24. Jr. I.â€"- Mm-y Ham 3, Irene Bat.- 24, Zoie Prentina and Eruxy Wingr absent Cash for Mai! and Empire Reoéers. CARRVILLE SCHOOL REP UMERECK COMPETITEON. Thumb“! Public School. VlLLAGE COUNCIL. N ews N ones. A. J. HUME, Clerk. i1 50. Orviile Hopkins and $210 00 ‘ . 3 29 .. 24 50 . 63 96 n Tele- .. upuu 0R7 School report for Septemberkf-l lV.â€"Aubroy Nicol, Elgin Nicol. Senim- III.â€"Winnie Simpeun, 329w- art Pu e (eqnnl), Fred Simpson, Nellie Page, izzie Rankin, Irene Chapman. Junior III.â€"Kntie Chapman. Senior 1Lâ€"Kathleen, Rankin. Leslie Richm‘ds. ' , "Jim-81‘5" ILâ€"Eneworth Wéldrlci. Alma. Nicol, Austin Baker. Pm IIIâ€"Elm ' Weldrick,' Lorne Weldx-ick. Nelson Simpson, Dudley White, Dennis White, Georgi’e‘Lnng- stnï¬â€. Part I.»(c), Ethel Banks, Johnnie Rankin; (b), Inn W'eldrick. 1. Rich- ards, Johnnie White; (u), Wesley Thompson, Edgm- Simpson. Raisins and currents are oing to be high in pxice fur hpst qua‘igy; we, have placed an order for full supply when prices Were lowest. Atkinson 6:. Switzer. no Yam Think 5 The London Mut~ ï¬nal and British .AmericaFire Ins. 5 Cos. Dine you oven sonv mouth like a you? in] gulp down whawvar food or m, a be offered you 2' n intelllgum mums woman. ‘ 1’ from wmnmmela.‘ ‘ painnndau e heathenlzmeansmnchio W ’ «1mm wibld ' The makers of Dr. Plereo’a Favorite P2?. 1 scflptlon. for the cure of weak, mom. run- * down overworked, debilitated, pun-tacked ] women, knowing thlsmodiclne to be-mde no I of inmdlenm. every ans of which has the: strongest possible lndm‘sement of the 15mins ,‘ and standard authorities of the several 1' schools or practice. are perfectly winging, and I intact, amonkymsladwnrmgumosmf the formula. 01' list. of Mean of which ' worm ltmcomposeilmpwmmon even; warm-upper. The formula 01 Dr. Plerce’s Favonm Psi?- scriptlon will bear the most. critical ‘ Hon of medical experts, for It 0011mm no alcohol. narcotics. harmful. m- habit-formant drugs, and no agent amen Into It. mu 1: not highly recommended by the mast. shamed and leading medlcal teachers and am ï¬nes of their several schools of practice. {Dress auggï¬lesrricommmd the ingredients care 013:} w 1*» Vb #1 It '; No other medicine for woman’s me has 3357 j such professional endorsement as Dr. name’s 7 Favorite Prescription haemcerved. 1n thonnâ€" } qualiï¬ed recommendation of each 0: na seven! ingrediants by scores of lemme msdb cal men of all the schools of practice. 15 : such an endorsemenz not worthy of you: consideration ? ‘ London and Lancashire Ass. Co. A booklet of mmdlents, with um anthomuve professional endomme by an leading medical authm-ltia at this country. mnbemafled'fred to any one sending name and addmsa with mm for ma Adda-ass In. B. V. Plema. Bnflalo. N. Y. V Glass. RICHMOND HILL HERE Harm Implements if} DEERIN Gr [Single copies, 3 cte. A GENT FOR 1.. angstaï¬. ngoflte Few Wmeï¬‚ï¬ â€˜P E I‘aneAE ndvisjoat and of wfmï¬m‘] â€"~â€"-w- . nifmen 14