Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Oct 1907, p. 3

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FWZ°WM¢°°MWMMQ§ HEALTH t ‘3 a TYPIIOID FEVER. Typhoid fever is a preventable dis- case; so absolutely preventable, indeed, that It is no exaggeration to say that Somebody is to blame for every case that occurs, although. so devious are. the ways by which the germ travels from its aourcr: to its destination, it is often very diflieult to place the blame where it belongs. It is, broadly speak- ' ing, a country disease; that is, the first ' (Rises in an epidemic in a city are al- most always attributable to a contam‘ ination of the milk-supply, or of the water-supply at its origin or along its Course in the Country. After the dis- ease has got well under way it may be spread broadcast by other meansâ€" ‘flies, for example. In Certain parts of the country it usually prevails more or 1055 all the tune in the form of isolated cases, but in cities it often breaks out in epide» mic form. Apart from the water or milk contamination, typhoid fever is not infrequently carried to the city on salads and vegetables that are eaten raw. The disease begins in from to two weeks after the infecting material has hen taken into the stomach. The first symptoms are indefiniteâ€"headache, loss of appetite, sometimes slight chills, and a general listlessness and loss of strength. These symptoms increase in severity for a week. accompanied by steadily rising fever, higher in the even- ing than in the morning. Diarrhoea is frequent; the headache is often ex- ceedingly acute. As the disease progresses the physi- ca‘ forces are greatly depressed. The tongue and mouth are dry, there is ex- cessive thirst, and there may be deliri- um. In very severe cases the patient hes on his back. low in the bed, mut- tering indistinctly and plucking aim- lessly at the bedclothes. In favorable cases improvement comes in the third or fourth week. The fever declines. the tongue becomes moist, the patient takes an interest in his sur- roundings. and as convalescence is es- tablished, begins to clamor for food. In no disease is careful nursing to important as in typhoid fever. Indeed, in many cases it may be said the pati- ent owes his life more to the nurse than to the doctor, although with equal truth it may be said that in no disease is the constant watchfulncss of the phy- sician more needed. But the duties of the nurse are not confined to caring for the patient. She has the grave responsibility upon her of protecting others from contagion. The poison thrown oft in the discharges from the bowels and bladder, and these should be kept for at least two hours in a vessel containing an equal amount of some powerful dismfeclant before be- ing thrown away. They should never be thmwn on the ground in any place where the rain would wash them into a stream or well or cistern. They had better be thrown into a hole in which is put at the same time a quantity If ccppcras or unslaked lime. 6W! 6 W t To Cure Chapped Handsâ€"Have a (li‘uggist prepare a solution from equal parts of alcohol, glycerin, and witch hazel. Keep the preparation by the kitchen sink. and after washing the hands and wth they still are wet pcnr a little of the mixture into one palm. Itub over both hands and dry on the towel as usual. '1“o.Remove Rug from Ear.â€" pali- rnt lie down with bug side up. Then drop in waterza drop at a time. slowly. As the water rises the bug will work out unless filrmly held by wax, in which case a syringe or forceps may be necessary. Help for Insomniaâ€"“Wit a cloth .1- handkerchief in cold water and bind armuul the wrist. tucking the IOose end in securely. The cold cOols the blood lirfoi'c it. reaches the head and what- mer draws or cools the blood will re- lieve the brain. Plaster for Blll‘n.-CD\'QI' with sweet oil. then apply dough, made of flour and water. will draw out. the fire. Home Made Ilair 'l‘onic.â€"'l‘akc one ounce sage. steep in boiling water for half hour; strain and add two ounces glycerinc. quarter ouan DOthi‘I‘t‘tl borâ€" ax. quarter ounce lac sulphur, and a little perfume. An eminent doctor rcr-rnunernls the following as a cure for sore fret: Alum. three ounces; tannin. one ounce: brown (vinegar. one pint: rosewater. lildf a pint. Mix and apply a little as lotion after washing the feet. the burn cake 01' it M3...â€" FEATIIERS “‘EIIE PINNED 0N. Poultry Breeder “gsâ€"Sent to Prison for Cruelty. At. Sonneberg. Germany. the (lay a well known poultry tremlrr named Morgrnrvth. was scutcncrd ti ‘ L works~ lllllrl‘lN‘lillt'lll fur having; 1 :ted ter'rii rffrrin-gr en a num- ber of law‘s rxl' ed iv l1ini at tin; recent great (ltllilvlll lkl:l!:y Slit w hmi in that town. Ming-m. ‘l; h- gal tr sm'rr» f;"<t in (‘i‘l‘llull «f ll‘m !. ct st .'.,;~r. v“ 3} , . lll'yl\. Ill? l y film-l m f l l lvl' f oaks \\I r- ii-f 'l ‘ ' r ‘,i~ .t...t3'1.\ L‘ i, ll F I ‘ -' c. \_ H. ~. ‘ l th~ l .ls l ' \ g . r find: lllfr '1} l . [V \1 l f 'l. \‘ _\' ‘. c :1. r . \\ r s r 'r in ‘~ i. 'l ” s . 1 Di . t :c' . r 5i l \i gtnnom attached them to wire clamps, driven l‘nto the flesh of the birds. So Indignant were the judges that they gave Morgenroth a severe thrash- ing before handing him over to the police. abâ€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" SERIOI'P‘ CONSEQI'ENCES \VERE AVERTED .t'l‘ KINGSTON BY ZAltl-BL'K. Illood poison might have proved seri- ous in the case of Mr. Thos. Foster (,f Kingston, had it not been for Zam-Buk. Mr. Foster says>â€"~ “Last fall I had a nasty sore on my foot caused by the irritation from a pro- jecting eyelet in my Shoe. Before I was aware of it the colored sock I wore had poisoned the flesh and I suffered much in consequence. I tried a good many salvcs rind ointments yet there was no improvement until I began with Zarn-Buk. This ointment drew out all the inflammation and poisonous irrat- ter and healed the sore in several days after applying." All skin diseases quickly yield to Zuni-link. Sold by all Gtores and medi- cine vendors at rifle. a lox. or post free from Zarn-Buk 00., 'f‘m'onto, 3 boxes $1.25. ._.x.__ __ A writer says that whipping a boy may make him stupid. it may be. but i‘. is more likely to male: him smart. Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that causes illâ€"health. One great causn of disease in children is worms. Re- iove them with Mother Graves’ \Vorm Exterminator. It never fails. Mr. I’lardnp (entering the nursery)â€" ”Why. what are all you children hid- ing for?" Small Boyâ€"J‘Please, papa, T-mmy's the bill collector, and he‘s called with an account." Nearly all infants are more or less subject to diarrhoea and sncli corn- plaints while teething and as this period of their lives is the most critical, mo- thers should not be without 0 bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's ITIysentery Cor- dial. This medicine is a specific for such complaints and is highly spoken of by those who have used it. The proprietors claim it will cure any case of cholera or summer (bmplaint. (Sheâ€"“I can‘t see why, because a. woman marries a man, she should take h‘s name.” lieâ€"“Just so. The poor fellow ought to be allowed to keep something he could call his own!" ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- lord's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. I I A crank is a man who knows all about a subject which you know nothing til-out. A Good Medicine requires little ad- vertising. Dr. Thomas’ Iiclectric Oil gained the god name it now enjoys, not through elaborate advertising, brrt or. its great merit as a remedy for bod- Ely pains and ailments of the respira- tcr'y organs. It has carried its fame with it wherever it has gone: and it is prize/j at the antipodes as well as at home. Dose small, effect sure. Customerâ€"“look here! All the but- fcns came off this coat the first time I wore it.” Aaronheimer (the tailor)â€" “ies? So many beople admire dat coat daf you shwell init pride and burst disc buttons off.” \Veak Ind Slckly People envy those in robust health. No need to stay sick when by the use 0! the but tom'c, " Formv1m,".you can get rich blood and renewed strength 'end Vigor Richieâ€"“Look at me! Twenty years ago a ponr boy. working,r like a dog, and nowâ€"~look at me! See what I have made myself.” SmarteA‘Wes, sir. llo ycu Is this meant as a warning JI' an example?" You cannot be happy while you have eorns. Then do not delay in grtting a bottle of llolloway's (for-n (iure. It rc- rnovcs all kinds of cor-us without .pain. Failure with it is unknown. HEAL'I‘II IIINTS. Leckjaw Balletâ€"Warm a small quan- tin of spirits of turpentine and pour upon the wound. ltclief will follow in lt‘.\‘5 than a minute. l-‘or (tinder in the Eye.7\\'hen a cili- der flies into one eye immediately close the other eye, put finger on it to keep it closed. Then keep injured eye open as far as possible. Don't give in, but limp it up. Cmup Ill-lief.v_\f«,lt a small lump of butter in a serving spoon over the lamp. Add a lullSllmrllflll 0f cnrnmou coal oil and [mind sl-rw‘ly down the llll'utlt. 'l'li’s gives instant relief. Ed. .hllc V‘“ .- Iéil’l? NO. ’dlr 07. A man was deeply in love with a “lady fair." He met her one evening.' at a crowded ball. and, as he could not get. an oppertunity of talking to lift. he contrived to slip into her hand a piece of papl r, with the two words, “\Vill you " written upon It. The reply was equally brief, ”\\'on't I!" To Those of Sedrnlary Occupation.â€" Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them of fresh air and exercise, are more prone to disorders of the livr-r and kidneys than those who lead active. outdoor lives. The former will Illltl in Parmelee‘s \‘egc- table Pills a restorative without quesâ€" tion the mast efficacious on the mar- ket They are easily procurable, easily taken. act expeditiously, and they are surprisineg cheap considering their excellence. “You should never take anything that doesn't agree with you," the physician told Mr. Marks. “If I had always fol- lowed that rule, Maria," he remarked to his who, "where would you be?" You are right In regardfn erysf elm as a dangerous disease. Annoint t is swo Ien, itching skin With Weaver's Comte: And take Weaver's Syrup internally. l A NE\V IGNITION BATTERY. Owing to the constantly increasing Stt't‘rlty‘ of the ignition problem, the NA'I‘IONM. (‘AltltON (COMPANY, Clt> Vt land, Ohio, tlt‘l'fllt'd it advisable to de‘ sign a battery espclrinllp for this class of work. The (kllurnbia lgnilor "Red Top" Dry (Zell which is the result of their experiments is without question the highest type of ignition battery (in the niorkct to-day. These cells give a hot snappy spark, recuperate rapidly and have long life. They are made in three sixes. This company will be p'HlSCtI to send their booklet “I(inks.’ which treats on all Gas Engine trou- bles, free to owners of automobiles, Launches, Gas Engines, etc. ALWAYS WON. Jacbâ€""Ilow did you make your for- tune?" Isaacâ€"“0n horse-racing.” .lac<rbâ€"”\\'liatl I never belted?" lsaar “I didn't. I started a pawn- shop jllsl opposite the entrance to the rarrcourse. for the accommodation of purple who wanted to get borne when :31» races were over." knew you Molng I cleaning! In no "u hello“ you van to no “ Ill‘l‘lIll AIERIDAH 3'1"“ 00." baht-anthmunn. "main-d. Montreal, Toronto. Ottawa, Quota! Tom Smith was walking down the street accompanied by his dog, whOse tair he had recently "bobbed," when he met \Vlll Scudd. The latter. seeing the stunted tail. pointed to it, and laughineg saidzu “\\'hy. Tom. I never saw that before.“ “Of course not," re plied ’l‘om; “dogs” tails are always bc~ hind.” A Sure Cure for lleadache.â€"â€"Rfltous headache. to which women are more subject than men. becomes so acute in Seine subjects that. they are utterly pros- trated. The stomach refuses food, rind there is a constant and distressing ef- fort to free the. stomach from bile which has become unduly secreted there. Par- niclce‘s Vegetable Pills are a speedy altrative, and in neutralizing the effects of the intruding bile relieves the pres- sureon the nervrs which cause the hcad~ ache. Try them. matched anywhere else. very nice piano oughly guaranteed. price $375.00. special at . PRINCE â€" Beautiful Boston fall, 3 pedals, thoroughly with being only slightly shouworn. Iar price, $550.03. soecial at panics each instrument. MASON 8: RISCH-Upright Piano, with 7 octaves, hand- carved panels in top door with nicely turned trusses. a. in first-class condition. thoroughly overhauled in our factory. fully guaranteed. Regular price $375.00, special at KILGOUR â€" Cabinet Grand. 3 panels in top door, music rack. full scale, rosewood case. A 1 coudition‘and is an Instrument that will give every possible satisfaction. and is particularly good value at STANDARD ~Toronto, full size Cabinet Grand, in wal- nut case. Boston fall. beautifully decorated top door. 71-3 pctaves 3 pedals. practically as good as new and thor- This is an elegant instrument, and one that will give every possible satisfaction. walnut case. with music rack. nicely decorated top door, with 7 1-3 octaves. overhauled first-class condition. fully guaranteed, special at $235.00 MENDELSSOHN. Torontoâ€"Beautiful upright walnut case. full-length music rack. nicely decorated top door. handsome trusses and pilasters. 3 pedals, elegant. piano and while advertised as second-hand is practically new. Fully guaranteed. Ream- MENDELSSOHN. Torontoâ€"Reautflul “splint” “mahogany case. with full-length music rack, nicely decorated top Pianos under $250.00~$10.00 cash and $6.00 per month. terly or half-yearly payments can be arranged if desired. our expense, and the piano will be held until arrangements can be made by letter. Freight prepaid to any point in Ontario. and reasonable arrangements to other points. Ye Olde Firme of Heintzman & C0,, Limited. door, having been practically . $225.00 swing This piano Is In ruck. beet instruments. $229.00 GOU RLAY dads, Including Regular banjo, mnndoli n . $231.00 lull-length year guarantee. and in octaves. at . 5239.00 guaranteed. EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. YE DLDE FIRME 0F Heintzman 8: Ca, Il5-Il7 King St. West, Toronto. Canada. handsome trusses and pilasters, 3 pedals; an ele- gant piano, and vihile advertised now, being only slightly shop-worn. Iar price $375.00, special at UXBRIDGE â€" Upright Cabinet Grand, beautiful mahog- any case. with Boston fall, three panels, 7 1-3 octaves. 3 pedals. in overhauled and fully guaranteed. Upright. Cabinet Grand. with 7 1-3 octaves, Boston full. nicely decorated top door, used about one year, In flrat‘claas condition. and special at WORMWITH a Stir-Cabinet Grand: 7 1-3 octaves. 3 pe- orchestral und harp effects. nicely decorated top door, In elegant condition. Special at NEWGOMBE A GO.-Parlor Grand lition and a. piano that will give every satisfaction. 71-3 very suitable for a. musician or concert hall. Thoroughly guaranteed. STEINWAY & SON, New Yorkâ€" Grand Piano, with beau- tiful rosewood ease. overstrung scale, etc. :9” a guarantee that the article in first-class. thoroughly overhauled, and is in A 1 condition, Regular price $1,200. special at. Grand pianos. $25.00 cash and $10.00 per month. If special terms are required wire your selection. at Established 50 Years. Wonderful Bargains IN UPRIGHT PIANos. Act on the Motto, Thostutrement is plain and bold, because absolutely correct, that. here we ofl'eabargams in fine well-made, good condition upright; dianos that; cannot be “Do It Now” is Regu- . $243.80 as second-baud handsomely carved music One of their thoroughly Special at .. .3245.” first-class condition, .,....S265.00 attachment. susceptible to practically brand new, five- . $287.00 Piano. in elegant con- special $450.00 Regular price $800.00. handsomely carved legs and lyre, The make of this piano is in it- Has been fully 8500.00 Quar- A handsome stool accom- Limited, 8‘0 wrong. shedding on any Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner’s shears,~â€"can’t They lock on all four sides, are self-draining and water- roof with three or STEEL painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first: cost; far chea er in the long run. “Oshawa ” Ga vanized Steel Shinâ€" more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire-proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28- gauge toughened sheet steelâ€"only one quality used and that the bestâ€" bent cold and double-galvanized. Last longer with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily- gles cost only $4.50 a square, 10 ft. x 10 it. Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it: With the cheapest roof you can really afford to buy. Let us send you FREE booklet about this roofing questionâ€"tells some things you may not know. run -:-, a». rfimm Send for FREE --. Books Shingles are GUARANTEED in , every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought: to Last a Century "Roofing Right " Get Our Otter Before You Reof a Rang 1:: in “"l sands 2‘3 Address on:- norm. EAL roam: y,-,.-;NNEEG VAHCOUWR Nearest Warehouse: 321-3 Craig St. . Ii Ct" ' F 3,11,: 3.:â€" >,~,i !.,.._,d,fl.l. 7 - EWHEPM'§EI.%K ' r M" ' ' ‘ '7 J I

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