The Canadian Manufacturers have never euï¬â€˜ered from haehfnlnese, and their recent addresses indicate that they yet retain their nerve. Presi- Cockshntt apparently sees no .wemune Between loyalty to the 'm’flsg, and loyalty to Canadian manufacturers. in his annual ad~ dices on Tuesday of last week he advocated “lirnilv entrenching our- selves against foreign competition." Bis motto’wae “If you cannot get what you want at home buy within the British Empire." It is idle to endeavor to induce men to buy in the British market or in any other market if they can do better else- where. As long as the world stands men will buy in what they believe to be the cheapest market. Mr. J. W. Curry is making a nun.» ber of stirring addresses in support of his candidature for East York in the interest of the Liberal party. At Balmy Beach Saturday evening he advocated Government Ownership of the telegraph and telephone lines. and favored an export duty on pulp- wood. Mr. Curry reiterated his ex- pressed desire to have the campaign conducted on strictly honorable lines. Mr. Curry was prepared to give the Whitney Gorernment credit for their eï¬orts along the lines of cheap power for Ontario but he condemned the Government for shifting the set- tlement of many important matters upon the shoulders of a commission instead of grappling with these questions themselves. The Liberal candidate before closing his address paid warm tributes to Hon. A. G. flcKay and Sir Wilfl‘id Laurier. The Globe of Friday last demolish- ed Mr. Gurney'a anti-Yankee £51er in a féw :Selected extracts from scrip- ture, by which he appears to be plac- ed on the elevauon he proposes to erect for "Yankee" Mordecai. Senior IV.â€"Fred Thompson. Mau- jorie Forester, Annie Cuber, Harold flggezjman. Elsifle Cpl)“; _ Junior VIII.â€"Mary Cross. Flossy Wideman. Bessie Hagerman. Violet Lehman. Lewis VVideman. Senior 1!. â€" Ada. Conner. Ens Ground. W'Hsmx Johnson. Junior II. â€" Ernest, Widemau. Myrtle Empringham. Fred \Videman. vais Ground. Eliza chpr, Percy 00? her. Edna. VVideman. Viola. Thomp- sun. Mabel Hunt. “I would make the tarifl‘ as high as Earnan's gallows if it is to keep the Yankees out." Thus spoke Mr. Edward‘v Gurney to the Canadian Manufacturer? Association a few days ago in Toronto. Those may have been looked upon as golden words by some well-fed manufactur- em, but the practical farmer is more concerned abetâ€"t getting binders, m'owera, etc.. at (air prices than he is in “keeping the Yankees out." "Report for Septemhar. Ndmes are in order of merit:â€" 8311iox‘ III.â€"-Graham Farester. Ma- ble Snider. Annie Lever. Senior Part ILâ€"Perry Fax-metham- my Smith. Alfred- Sillibh, Frank 'IlgompsouLRusigï¬ei'ée,U To checka c016 quiuuy: get, fm your druggistsome Elttle Candy 00 Tablets called Pre‘ antics. Drugpys evexywhere are now ignanslng Pr ventics, for they are 23!. 00}? mi 'nut. decidedly certain and prom; SElxior Lâ€"Edna Empringham. Elva Heise. Beulah Stevens, Louisa Storm. Wesley Sider. Stella liaise, ‘ Leslie qudgrbuggh. Junior ITâ€"Jubnm'e £ Mum-by. Lydia Sider. Susan Storm. ' ’ ' Freveutics contain in Quimne. no laxative. nothing harsh nor sickening. Takenut the "511952? stage" Preven- ‘ucs will prevent Pneumonia. B‘JHIL chitis. L8. Grippv, etc Hence the nanme.-Preventics. Good in: fevvrish children. AS Preventch 25 us. Trial Buxchcents; Sold by “K A. Sanâ€" demo-u. iherni. Junior Part II»â€"C hug-th Eyanx-gjchxxgor. Rxcauoun HILL. 0:41.. S- S- No- 7, MARKHAM. HAMAN'S GALLOWS. y are cat. mi Certain and ] .n‘fn no Quin ; harsh nor sic nepze stage" m Pneumania pv. .12.. He Lâ€"Uliï¬om' and prompt. Qumine. no or gicgem‘ng. Oct. 3. 1907 xcngnhnsnn Gladys anaer- PFF- ‘mid Miss' Scanlon of Aurora, visited friends here last Week. Mr. W. H. Pug-sley and Mr. J. Palm- er were judges on horses M the Sutton Fair last, Friday. A brown October maid, matching the tints Bf the waning season. looks out from the coveruf the current is- sue of the Canadian Pictorial (142 St. Peter street, Montreal.) She is a. truly Canadian: healthy. ontmf-doors girl. and leaning on her rifle is proud of the trophies of the hunt which she has seemed. The Canadian public man of the month is the Hon. G. P. Graham, the new Minister of Rail- ways. As promised last month there are two pages of gems from the recent photo rnphic coingetitionh The ter- rible isaster near Quebec in which more than three score and ten men lost their lives, is strikingly illustrat- ed. The distorted ruins of the mass- ivé‘steel of which the hiidge was com- posed are shown with wonderful clear- ness. There is an intimate picture of the King as he is now and another taken in Canada forty-seven years ago. The riots in Belfast, the great pageants in England, and other cur- rent events are depicted. The wom- an's department includes seasonable furs, autumn millinery. rainy day dress, and many other interesting fen.- tures. The magazine has been en- lut‘ged considerably this month. Ten cents a copy. one dollar a. year post- paid to any part, of the world. Mr. D. M. Derry of Toronto, spent Saturday in the village. ‘Mr. Elmore Reamnn started Tues. day at, Victoria College. aï¬iliated with Toronto Umversity. The “'nmzm's Instiiute of Mupie met, the Indies 01 W'nndbi-idge Insti- tute at the beautiful home ('1‘ Mrs. Snider. \V’oudbridge. on Tuesday Oct. let. The program was furnished by theladiesuf Maple and Hope. Mrs. Horan Keth read a paper oanhe Home FluWex-Garden. Mrs..T.. Keys on the nutritive value oi‘, apples and how [u prepare them. Mus. Main tin on Thanksgiving and the Simplv life. Mrs. Dun \Vutanu nn Ways and means of entertaining young people in \Vintur evenings. Miss Bessie Nixâ€" (m on The Home. Misses Suigmm and Lloyd rendered two duet selvebinns (n) Pinno.aftm- which all purtnnk of a sumptuous repast. prepared py \Vood- bxidgejudios. The sunshine of life is made up of very little beams that, me blight all the time. In the nursery. on the play. ground and in the school rnomr, Lht-re is room all the time for little acts of kindnem £1183; cost nothing but are worth mme than gold and silver. To give up something when giving up will prevent unhappiness: in yield when gersisting will chafe and fret others; to go a little way nrnuud rather than come against anutlwr; to take an ill word or a cross lunk rather than to resent it: those are the ways in which clouds and storms are kept off and a pleasant. smiling sunshine seam-rd even in a humble home. among very poor people. as well as in families in higher station. Much that we term the miseries of life would be avoided by adopting this rule of conduct. Mrs. S. M. Brown. spent Fï¬day and Sum-day with her brother, Mr. Lehman‘ in Newmarket. Rumble have in~the city-for Mr Th? Maple Women's Institute meets at the home of Mrs. Geo. Gal-row on VVodncsduy. Oct. 91h at 2.31M). m. Miss Myrtle Saigeon spent, Sunday and Monday at the home of her pa.- rents. Miss Myrtle‘McCanum and Mr. Mel McGullum nf Laskay‘ spent Monday evening with Miss Daisy Saigenn. OCTOBER. C ANKLE! AN PICTORIAL Cl‘SOn new. MY}. aï¬d Mrs. .Cecil to spent‘a'few days I‘qx‘o‘um. spent. Misses L. and M Miss Annie Dun knurned to her In When You Paint Use The Best Paint: s g a -’ isé’airzd Ciféy are the best mixed paints on the market. Made in 60 different tints. Always ready for use. ISLAND CITY FLOOR Pï¬INTS dry hard in 8 hours. Always reliable, economical and durable. FOR SALE BY BE KIND IN LITTLE THINGS. W. Bland PERSONALS. . after spending two: ves and friends, here Ru . NICHOLLS, Richmond Hill swillpf Maplé Leaf Farm 21‘ fr Maple. In of Tomaha- is ‘elgg‘ holidgyg w: mMe and M Jeen visiting few days. 21nd Miss F. Clubine. ver Sunday with the Helmkay, “Hillsdale. " ecil Elliott of Toron- xys at the home of ‘The “’illoss's," Jeff- lap of SLCatJnm-ines, nme after mending .ieud,’vMiss H. Bur- yesterdimy for \VO U.) iss Lizzie relanves Bulbs nd __. .__ ,~‘.__.-,.â€"._. gï¬? MCNN t: 00.. n! the S (anus to act as Sanctum Mart: Ccoyruhu (or ‘ Kugzuni’Ftanfl‘. Germs Pa'ems mm hm. Thu P-uen'scbmmod thmn in. 2.2;.3 Scum-Inc Amen . 5' widen: cirx mated s V-‘eekly. boxcndid any "man! In. Specimen cox lam pent free: Adm-ea Paints Aids-rum!) A. D. “ \ Miss May ed yesterday for their hm Sash, after having spent mnnths in Ontario. Mr. O. E. Hopper, whn spent, the summer at Pitta-burg. returned lust, woe-k. and is now attending the School of Practical Science in Torunto. Rev. Dr. Norman. who pux-pnses 1-9- turning shortly tn Japan as u missinn- :u'y. spent Saturday at the Parsnnage and with RP\'. Mr. Brace Visited sev- eral relathes and friends. Mi. Albert Glass. Miss IdilGiu‘iS. and Mr. Hun-y Sanderson spent :1 ft\\' dnys this week. with Mr. and Mrs. R. \V. Glass and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stod- dart. and visited the Ouukstuwn Fair TUusday and \Vednusduy. Mrs. Juhn Graham and Mustvr George Graham Kirkhy of Tum-«mm. spent Monday after-"non ut the hnme of Mr. F. Elliott, Jetfexson. Mr. W. Schmidt, of Newton Brook, Wrote on his ï¬nal examination in nhe S. S. Teacher Training cumse hast Thursday at the Pnrsnnuge. Full “'heat Goose \Vbeut, Barley . . Oats . . . . . . . . For sale at the C. Station, or delivared village-â€" Miss Mny-Cmnerou, daughter of Rev. J. \V. Cameron of Nmth Morn- illgtgn. apd ;1_fnrrpey past_m- at" _the Pï¬ishytm'iun Church hen-'9, is making :1 Visit with Mrs. (D12) Boyd. Mrs. Geo. tephensnn of \Villmv- dale, spenta day with her son. Mr. Richard Staphenson. Mus. Gun. Dihh of Toronto. also made a 81mm Visit with her brother Mr. Stephenson. cattle and hogs. ‘ MI. and Mrs. Pauline have boon vis- lting friends here n-(wim-s L1) 11»an- ing to Arthur ’illnge Where they haw purchased a hmne. Newmnrket Eraâ€"Mrs. Jas Krys of Fisherville, Ml's. Anthony Bowcs 0f Oummrd. and Miss U. Hurrisun at Richmond Hill. were visiting with Mrs. A. Mosiel' during the Fair. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. STEAM CO Also Tile. TUESDAY. Oct. 8â€"Auction sale nf reg- istered Clyde men-es and spring ï¬llies. high-class road horses, grade cattle, sheep. pigs. implements, etc., on lut 10, cnn. 4, VVbiLchurch. the property of Fred Meyer. Implement. sale at 9.30 a. m. Stuck sale at 1 o‘clock. Lunch provided. Terms 12 months. N. E. Smith. Auctiaueer. NUT, STOVE, FURVACE Best Scranton coal. {Anus to an as Er-uciwrs for Patents. Caveats Trqda Mr: 3. cam-rum. m um United sum-e. dune: Buzzuni’Franfl‘. Germany. etc. Hand Book abou Pa'ems newt. (1%. Thin «w n years‘ experience. Pqueg'scbl-Rhlod throw: MEX)! a, C0. are noticed In. ac bQIF‘l‘r-inC‘AMERICAK. the largest. best.aud ’ w1q61iur .aced scientiï¬c paper. $.20: year 1y. bnmndm enmvin 'a and Interesting inf Mr BM) :n. Specunen copy of be Sclf'llliflc Amer- lcau rent. free. Address MUNN &. 30.. SCIENTUIO minim omega Broadway~New Ym‘ls. 'ease Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules: at drusglsts. Rzpaus Tabulea cure amines-e. Ripans Tabulea. J. H Bran and Victor Feed for Pure Prepared Richmond Hill Grain Market. COAL For threshing engines. Auction Sales. A. D. \Vright. Mr: Miss May \Vrighi, shut for their home in Hpgina RAM §%?§ AL 80 u n 95 85 3! ’75 the su Mme: ERICA chon in the to $0 96 “El'he Local Newspaper is paft of every household. I: is your fxieud and benefactor. In fact it is part of every Friday, October 4, 1907 Your Local Weekly and one of the Best Agricultural Daily Newspan pers in Canada almost given away. pire, one year The Home Journal, one home. 62 ch week. Subscriptions for weekly and. daily papers taken at “The Liberal" Ofï¬ce. Note the following-- Weekly Globe, with illustrated edi- tion, till Jan. 1, 1909 C The Daily Mail and Emâ€" fliViSiï¬Ã©" vegetables, its dairy, or its forests~â€"in fac‘c a love of the farm lies deep in every heart. {arm dai‘xv. £1 at 84mm Tomato Eafly Worm he Next Sitting No. 3, County < ' in the C Till January 1, 1908. for 60 seats RICHW All the ummenoinrz-dt 10 21. m. MOND HILL F. MEDIAHON The Libaaaai every heart. The World is up~to~date as 21- Special pages are given to Agriculture twice Eubscribe at; The Liberal Oéï¬ce, and u't 339 NOW [VaughaILflouncil I. k The next meetingo! the Cwunï¬!oft1’.a L'uniu. I g ‘r_, 2‘: H _ ‘heL-en in ‘d E ‘< '3 .-. < >- E g. p) n love the 0M fu‘m, its stock, its fruit, its Divxsion Couzxtvtoi 'ork. will be held awspwei's 9 the man who wants to be abreast of the times "I~ H E Dig centres is necessary UESDAY, OCT. 8, 1907 The D 1in paper from the For Sale @06 OFFICI