Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Oct 1907, p. 5

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()x-msby, Mimich ;’ Vice~Preside McUurdick, RuachL-‘a Point: pnnding Secretary. Mk: \Viley mzmd Hill: Recmding Secretm- C. M. Hughes, N‘ewmarket; 'I 91'. Mrs. Abbott, Toronto June: Harvest thanksgiving services he held in SS. John’s Church. Y Mills, Ehursdny. Oct. 3. at 8 p. m., on Sunday. Oct. 6, at, 11 a. m., 3 7 p. 11). Special preachers are: Th day. Rev. “7. H. Vance, rector of Church of the Ascension. Toronto; Sunday, at, 11 a. m., the Rev. A. Griffin of St. Clement’s Church, “Mon: at 7 p. u1., the Rev. Ha) McGausland of St. Augustine‘s Chm Toronto. A Harvest. Festival Sem‘ice will he hl'ld in St. John's Church. Jefferson, un \Veduesdny evening. 9th inst, nt. 8 o’clock. The sermon will he preach- ed hv the Rev. R. N. Millman. M.A.. of St. Ann’s Church, Toronto. A heady invitation is given to the public. William Beatty, who reside the greater part, of his life. new German Mills. east; of Thornhill. died at the General Hnspitnl on Wednesday of last» week. The funeral took place on Friday to Thoruhin cemetery. De- ceased was a Conservative in pnlitics. He was seventy years of age and was unmarried. The Epworth League will hold its monthly cnusecmtiou meeting and roll call on Mundny evening. Oct. 7th. Mr. A. J. Hume will give an address on “Righteousness of the Law.” It is hoped we will have a. large attendence of members and friends. It is exppcted that Rev. Mr. Logan. who preached in the MeLhodichhuI-ch last, Sunday evening, will preach next, Sunday morning. In the evening Rev. A. P. Brace will take as his sub- ject: “The Voices of Octobm-, the Ev- anescent and the Eternal." If you want a snap in good reading matter call at THE LIBERAL office. The Weekly Globe and Canada Funnâ€" er. with its-illustrated edition will he sent, to any address in Canada. till January 1. 1909â€"15 nmntvhsâ€" for 50 cents. Men’s silk lined tweed caps, nice stock at 35c I-vgulzu-5Uc value. Men’s fineuegligee shirts. separate cuffs at $1.001-9guhn- $1.25 value. Men’s hi1) overalls and pants at, $1.00 pair, full 8 oz. cloth. Atkinson & Switzer. The Annule Fall Exhibition of Al- bion and Bultnn Agricultural Society will he held at Bolton on Tuesday and \Vudnesday. the 8th and 9th of Oct“. ber. The directors are looking for- ward to an excellent exhibition. The village Council have hoen fax-- tnnute in getting six mute curs nf gruvelfrmnbhe pits of the 3. N. O. Unmpany. This with what. they pre- viously secured should put, Cvnue St. to the sLntinn in gnod shape. Lloyd and (‘ml Hill have dispOSE‘d uf the numb-mu] nen'spapm- agency to- gether with their good-will to Gux-dnn Sloan. The new firm started business an ‘Lhn first 01' October. The {\1 ship Hf \‘L luval ( 5L! the J The teachers and studvnts of the- High Schmll haw rented :1 new pinnn from a annnto firm. and are starting :1 Lil-entry Snuie‘uy in connection] with their studies. The call fwm l “lunch tn Rev. ‘ was sustaian by nu Tuwdny, and Mr. Back. The October meeting of the \Vnm- :m'n Missiuuary bouinty will he held at, the heme uf Mrs. Stu-ling tu-duy l'l‘hursday), at 3 p. m. The Trustees 0f the Methodist (,‘hun-h Imu- givvu instructth tn Inn's :l furnace- plewvd umlerthc schva 11mm this: full. Division (‘uurr m n'ruw, (Friday Markham Fair day and Ffidnv‘ Mr. T. M. Hwn-y‘ B. A... and family have mun-d into [by hrivk I'vsidvm-L‘ l‘vtu'mly \ncnlt-d by Mr. James Hill. and {Wu Markham & successful convex unty \Y. C. T. U. was :r-.mum- \\‘.n.~, lunuguu at \i \n-ning. ‘ll'l'i g e n ' \Vednesdfiiv Week. The [{{L‘HMUND HILY. \‘e huggic lwu mu elected :â€" P1 ', Mimics: ;' Vice ick, Ruacbe‘a I ,' Secretary. Mi: ,ill: Recmzlingl .ughos, N'ewma F; 4) (3‘ specially intral T. M. H hmicipztl Uuumzil (If the Town- Ym'k will he usle tn submit- ‘npliun Ivy-Luv Lu lhu electurs hmunl'v Hwtim). Ill frnm Egliulnn [’umhytorinn to Rev. \V'. G. Back of Maple mine-11 by 'l‘monlu Presbytery any, and it, was :lccupLod by \ :1 a. m., the Rev. A. R. . Clement’s Church. Eg- p. UL, the Rev. Harold )fSt. Augustine‘s Church, (I! innervating sovinl pm- giH-n by Llu- Epwm-[h Lorin Square mu '1 uvsaluy *l's hft yt-slmdny“ fun lihitiun frum ‘l‘l‘t'nlzh's conveminn of York U. was held at Min)- wy and Thursday of a following are the - Prvsident. Mrs. (‘Vice~PL-esident, Mrs he‘s Point: Corres- (. Mk: \Viley, Rich- Lwn mmkut wagons \Vpdnuxdu fthis wvvk will ha fifisrai Sec1‘etzfi-y, Mrs arket ; Treasur‘ ONTV. On ; sex-vices will Church. Ym‘k at. 8 p. m., and l a. m., 3 and m are: Thurs- Id ln-l'e Ln- Thu: the (In 1907 lets. Pam simply means Cungesli undue blood: pressing at the p where pain exists. Dr. Shnop’s H ache Tablets quickly equalize this natural blnud [um-salve, and pain nmdiately departs. \inte Dr. Sh Racine, \Vis., and got a free trial n t'um anyw painful peril all gains can :1 thornng Xv Tablet where WlSllPS mm-snccow 11) his new As an evidence of friendship will :1 number of farmers we to bring their mums and n furniture and hnusuhnld elfe G. T. R. station. and Mrs. Hi were equally thoughtful in her in packing her dishes articles. Theix" many _friox have preferred tn have the in this place. but their remo other remimlvr that "th friends must, pzu-t.“ Mr. and Mrs. James Hill and family left here Monday after a. residence of a number of years. Mr. Hill has purchased a general store in the thriving village uf Elmvule. He umde many friends while in the firm of D. Hill 6: 00., and everyone wishes him-531cm“ in his nmv \‘untma nrd. The first wedding in the new Meth- odist church since its dedication was celebrated there quietly at seven o‘clock last. evening when James A. Wright. 8. member of the firm of Wright Bros., and a. prominent, busi- ness man. was unith in nmrringe to Miss Teasdale of Toronto. The bridc mrived by the morning train ycstexu day and put up at then Kings. whence the party proccedcd last, night to the church for Rev. C. \V. Brown to per- form the ceremony. Only a few of the intimate friends oi the contracting pm‘Lie-s were prcsent. and following the cexemnny dinner was taken at the Kings. Lute-r in- the evening they roceedcd‘ to Mr. \Vright’s home on ewdncy streetâ€"Regina Daily Stand- Mr. Bert Hopper had two valuable milch cows injured by the 7.45 Metro- politan car going south on Tuesday morning. The car had stopped at Hill’s bakery for passengers. Mr. Hopper not knowing that a car was approaching drove four head of cattle out from his stables. Two of the aniâ€" mals got over the track safe, but the, car caught the other two. One cow was so badly injured she. had to be killed. the other was also consider- ably damaged. The point where the accident occurred is about 60 yards south of stop No. 50 at the, bakery. A wesz Stomach, causing dyspepsia, a. weak heart with palpitutvion or inter- mittent pulse, always mean weak Stomach nerves. or Weak ‘Hpait names. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Slinop’s Restorative and see how quickly these ailments disappear. Dr. Shonp of Racine, “NS” will mail samples free. \Vrite fur them. A test will tell. Yum-health is certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by \V. A. Sander- son. nui- rllgnacumu With a cupy (if the magnificent, Adar; iL hasju‘st published. The Wurk is large, clear, and complvtp in evm-y particular. showing not, only tho farts usually gin-n in such kaS, but also, [he geulngical structure of the difi'ere-nt parts of om- fair Dnmin- ion, the tux-e555, arable lauds, the in. crease in various products, eXports, imports, etc. A vast. mmnunt of use ful information is attractively pieâ€" sentod to the eye. “'9 me pie-(med to- hem. thnt the fhnnini'un Government has presented mu- H_igh Schm'd \yit_»h q cnpy_ {2f_ the NE\V ATLAS FOR HIGH SCHOOL. Brown 13115.;‘15. O. Browns Nurs- eries, Ont. 11-4 Canadian rural life is presvn .‘I. l't-HHSLH: and whuivsmne w Anisnn Ninth in "Uill‘lllit‘llnl-‘l notableCanadian slnry of the puhlicutiun uf which as n SH'iul i Fun-inns Advocate and Hume zinv."uf Lundnn. Out, is just, hvguu. lls rmndvrs mo, tn h: gi-nluluted upun the litrrary trt store fux them. Scientific [n-uscripiil gists m‘vrywhm't- us m-rh Remedy. sum 3U” T1 in! Cuturrh.tH-ntmems are hong mailcdmlt from on lt-quost. by Dr. Slump, Racine. \Vis. 'J‘stv tests are prm ing to thu- pvnplvâ€"wilhnut a pm. nx's (:usLâ€"un- gym”: Value of lhia REMOV ED T0 ELM VA LE. \‘v’RI GHTâ€"TEASDALE. CANADIAN RURAL LIFE -TH E HOME JOURNAL HERBERT RASPBERRY. CATTLE RUN OVER. rurul life is presvntml in and \vhulvsmne way by 1th in “ ‘1runirh:wl." the- - many friends to have them I m their removal '1‘ than "the l: m. Out, is jnsf. ln-i'l’ng rumors were pleased us and remove his t-hhld elfects t0 the (1 Mrs. Hill‘s friends ghtvful in assisting: ,' dishes and small sing at the point Dr. Shnop’s Head. ' equalize this un- n-e, and pain im~ \Vlite Dr. Shnnp, ‘t free trial pm :tsâ€" Drqujs , and everyone his new venture. ndship and good nu. Value of Ibis :1 knuwn In dxug- Ur. Simup's (‘ul- by “I A. Snudela in the head a, tonthnche [C [U he Cull- rary treat, in enmin : year. In “The Magnâ€" imam. SAVAGE; +++++++$++++++++++++++++++ Yes. 100,000 tim4 '5 Does it send out or bad blood? Y‘ Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for n, good blood is good health; ‘l bad blood, had health. And gyou know precisely what to x take for bad blood~â€"Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. gYes. 100,000 times ca'ch day. BANNANâ€"At Thnrnhil]. cm Monday, Sept. 30, Patrick Batman, aged 77 years. Interment in Thornhill R. C. Cem- etery \Vodnvsduy morning. Oct. 2. WRIGHT;TEASDALmâ€"In the Methodâ€" ist chngh, Regina. by Rev. (1. W. Brown; an the 25th Septemlwr, Mar- garet Teasdale of Toronto. daughtm- «If the late Gen. Teasdale of Head- fmd. in James A. \Vx-ight. of the firm of Wright Bros, formerly of Richmond Hill. is essential to success in the luminesw world of 30-day. The srhool that provides the best training along these lines is the British American Business College YONQB & MCGILL STS . TORONTO Superior comâ€"sax: in all subjocm. Stmlenta assisted tu posiciuufi. liner any Mme. Write for catalogue againet the sun and the neighbor. Shipping hills wm-v produced showing that, nbnut 60 shipments had been made over the Mt-ti'opulitun Railway. The magistrute-s first spuke of a fine of $40, but affor- a strong plea by Mr. Hm‘ersrm the fine was made $20 and costs. the lnwest that. can be imposed. The seized liquor Was ordered to he re- turned hy Mr. Eyvr to the firm in T0- nmto where it had been purchased. The min-9 goods we sell the cheaper we sell them. As our business in- crensos mu- customs-rs got, the hmwfit of lower prim-s. Atkinson & Switzer. BLANCHARDâ€"Afr Richmond Hill, Or:- tohm- 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blanchard, a daughter. Practical Education Early in the month of Augustswu-rh was made at a illlllfll‘ near Cusgrnve-‘s Hutvl, Elgin Mills. and a quantity ut‘ intoxicating liquur was wind. The: liquor “'ns taRt-n chm-g9 of by County Cnnstalvle \Valu-r Eyer. Churgus were laid against the pmprivtnr hf the hotel, his sun. and the neighbor whore- lhe iiqtlul‘ was found. for branch (If the local option hy-luw. ’l‘hv case came up for hearing at, the court, mum hl‘l'e last Friday, hr'fure Justices .l. Hendcrsun, Tm'untn. and J. H. Sand- erson. Mr. James Havel-son. K. 0.. was prosth on behalf of the del‘Dd- ants. Mr. Aym‘st, Inspector of Imeul Optinn districts. was also pH-‘SOnt. Mr. llaversnn admitted the charge mi lit-half uf Mr. Frank Cnagrm‘e. The (ltllt’t' charges were the-n withdrawn One fra uem cause of had blood in a nugghh fiver. Th 8 produces con-tipstion. Poisonou- substancea are then Absorbed into the bloom K ep the bowels open with Ayer’l Pun. HAIR VHSOR. V 7 iyers We have no secrets! W0 pubu-h the tormuLu o! .11 our medicines. SUB [H Rfi‘gfififi FINED $20 AND COSTS. Mldo b J'. 0. Ayes! 00.. A no mammal-a of Lowe 11,- 196.. f} IE1 ESI‘JMQHF MARRIAGES. ‘T. M. WATSON, Principal DEATHS. BIRTHS. mom] su BJSINESS COL“ Matriculation. Y BY MAIE House to Rent '5' a~++++++++++4»:-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~M++++ +-Z-+Ԥv‘%~-}-++â€"E-++++ ++++++'§-+++~fi ++++++++++++++M+HWÂ¥ +++++++H++++++++++++ ’§'+++ €~+€~§++ For Sale, And assure you satisfaction m quallty and price. Tinssnzithing-in :1“ its branches. Sept. 26, 1907. Richmond Hm Hamware Sim Atkmwn 8: Switzer Gent's grey tWeed fall caps, silk lined, regu- ular See. for 35¢. Gent’s Black Cashmere Hose. regular 25 for 18 cents. Gent’s Brown Corduroy Vests at $1.68. Gent’s heavy tweed working vests at 90c. Crum’s best prints, 12c. yd.; 30-inch shaker, Saxony, pink or white, IOC. yd. k House We solicit your order for Tempting Sweeping Bargain Landslide 'Applyatg has struck all our Sum- mer Goodsâ€"- mowing down~ shattering prices right and leftâ€"cut- ting wide and deep in- to former prices-turning up bargain chance worthy oi the biggest September crowd we ever had. Type can- not do justice to the real merit of our offers. Investigate. An in- vestigation will never pay you better. The following are very low prices on trustworthy goods. Sample line of pocket cutlc_ry at cost. ppl'y C. SOULES Rages and; “'31. BO , TORosTu, Przmticnl An] uvprpugn Sum-thud, Commerciai. and A. free. 500 railway I'm-e mud u' tbxs paper mnnuoued. Address FAROLIHARSON. B.A.. Yong: and Bloor 5:9,. Toronto. full GLAS BR I TISH YCANADIAN with large Brood .1 number 0 For Sale or Sale +++' H+ +++++++++++$+€ tie pi F. ELLIOTT AT COLLEGE of Y( .z-MMM-HMM mug ELL'I S Markh . (Jon. 2. Markham due 0c

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