Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Oct 1907, p. 7

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.And Many Also Injured on the Balti- more and Ohio Railroad. A despatch from Wheeling. \\'est. \‘ir- ginia. says: Fifteen people were killed and fiftcen injured in a wreck one mile from Bellair Junction, Ohio, on Satur- .duy. caused by the headon collision he- tween Chicago Express No. it of the Baltimore and Ohio line and a freight train that had been given a siding to allow a clear track for the passenger train. The Chicago express. which was 3}; hours late, and was due here at 11.30 a.m.. was running at about forty miles an hour, under signals for it clear track ahead, when it entered the Beltair Junc- tion yards at. Shick‘s Station, a mile from the Bellair Depot. A west-bound freight had been given a siding at .Shick‘s Station to await the express. but through negligence the operator at the signal tower had failed to close the trucks between the east-bound track. on which the express was travelling, and the track on which the freight was standing. The engine of the express. following the line of the open switch, suddenly veered off. and before the brakes could be applied the. engines of the, pussungcr and the freight came to- gather. (Icrcd (I 1"" \\'m :onam 10h in in Spain. A (lespalch from Madrid says: Unpre- ((-dcnlod rains in Andalusia caused im- mense destruction of life and properly. The Guudalnmdinu River has been con- w .lod into a raging ldrronl lhroe miles wide, and ln'idgas. houses and oven Pu. tirc villages have been swept nwny. The sheets in the lower purl of Malngu have Croat Destruction 0! I. wide, and mid; tirc villages hm sheets in the lc hem Inundnlod Doctors Saved the Life oi Decapitated. A REMARKABLE flPEflATMN 'A dcspalch from Campbelllon, N. B.. says: From Bonaventure comes a tale of cruelly that would seem incredith but for [he teslunony (If eyewitnessvs. ‘Thc viclim is a young German, :1an his oppressors were. it is alleged. (Inju- tuin K. S. [{lislianscn of the Norwegian burque Agut and the first mule OI the same vessel. The Agat arrived at Donâ€" nwenlure on September 1, and finished loading on September 13. The cruel hes cnme undér the Ohsel‘valion 4.! .Slevedox'e Gallagher and his men a day -Ol‘ two ul‘ler lhey begun lending. 0m- mornlug they found the lmy Hod lo :1 ring bolt on deck. Both his hands and feet were tied. und he Could scarcely move half a foot. He was kepl in this i‘Gsilion for days. it is alleged. and A Young German Ship Apprentice Bru- tally Treated. MGST REVflLTING URUELTY Fll-‘TEICN [‘ElllSH IN TRAIN “'RECK. TO\\'.\'S S\\'EPT A\\'.\ Y 31110 at ‘im is a young Gornmn, nml ‘cssors were, it is allognd. (Inp- l. Kl'islianscn of the Norwnginn \gut and the first mate of inc 5501. The Agat arrived at Ban~ on Sepiember 1, and finished on September 18. The cx'uelA t Mn] 20, 13 1 13 at Colemnr, (11 places in the val 3 been swcpl nwuy. var part of Malagn and many familios Thirty persons 8:18 Qilc and Properly ‘ul'C atlachod io side of the “mos into rought out. ren “’0!” bout Twrnly Armed Men Found in Woods Near Potcrhol. A (lespatch from Cologne says: The St l‘r‘lnrsburg correspondent of the Mngdohurg Znilung slntes that tho (los~ sucks on gunrd over the l’clel'liol l‘alnre surprisotl on Tuesday night twenty tli'lllt‘d rumnns. twelve of them wearing military uniforms. in the woods near l‘câ€"torlml. It is supposed that they in- tended to attack the imperial palace. Plan to Slop Japanese Immigrasion from Hawaii. .A dcsputch from Vancouver says: The Dominion immigration agent. hr. Monâ€" roe. has notified all steamship and transmutation companies Carrying .la~ pnnose to this city that no Japanese will he admittod to Canada unless they carry pnsspm‘ls mnde out specifically to (Ian- ntln. This stops the dumping of ans in British Columbia from the Hawaiian Islands. Prisoners at Porlagc la Prairie Caught After Breaking Out. A despalch from Portage la Prairie‘ Man. says: Joseph Wynn, Dauphin. Man, who is awaillng his trial in the local jail on a charge of having nllc-mp- It” 10 murder Joseph Storey, at Grand \‘1ew, made a hold bid for liberty on Wednesday afternoon. In the absence of the guard he by main strength forced of the guard he by main strength forced apart two iron hai‘s guarding the win- de. Tearing some sheets inlo strips a serviceable rope was manufactured. and by 1his means he lowered himself within twelve fuel of the ground, dropping the rcmainder of the distance. His absence was quickly noticed, l]0\VeV(‘l“ and the officials started off in hot pursuit, and were successful in capturing the. man within an hour. This is Wynn‘s second escape, us he got away after his arrest a: Dauphin. ashore fuels real. the m which he said had been inflicted by lhc mute with :1 red-hot iron. Mr. Smith remonstruled with thr- cap- tain for treating the boy as he did saying that. the boy could not under- stand his orders. The second mute. il is snid. was about. the only memhcr Of the crow who sympathized with the toy. He told Second Stcvedore Gar- rult that if he was treated the way the luov was he would kill every mun Mr. Smith ronu min for [routing saying that the slum] his orders. is said. was My alien 'I'O ATTACK (ll \R'S PALACE ML'ST ll.\ \‘l-Z PASSPORTS. BOLD BID FOR LIBERTY. Man Almost \\' O\'(‘[‘ 31‘ \ (3 I‘)‘ Smoked and Dry Sn Clear bacon. llc Lo 11 cases; hams. medium 13%6; hcnvy‘ my; to to 17c; shoulders, 10f ch; out of pickle. 1c ' Oakâ€"Manila Sic, No. 3 at 5‘ and N0. 3 at 5 $6.70; (10.. in 1;: [1115. $1.00 to 82 (meowâ€"Films! 12%c; townships Hes at 1234c 11) $1] D11 Montreal. Oct. 1 ha)" $14 10 $11.50; 5"}; clover. mixed, clnver at $11.50 to (JhrcsLL-Lm' lmns at 13% Hugsâ€"30¢ h (‘ul'n~1<‘u‘m; N0. 2 g Chickens and 9’40 t. weight. Ducks are ll] “'(GL Oat LEADING MARKET Dressed Hogsâ€"$8.75 for and $8.25 for hcuvios. Parkâ€"Short cut. $22.75 t 1&1‘9 (3‘ salt I arrol: pl (when ( Pouler OUR Eggsâ€"Sales of so ude m 23a to 240: E‘ Cunds at 160 (0 16} I’mrvisionsâ€"Bzu‘rels '2 14) $22 )0: half Butter Fluu1'â€" ;.r(); 59 Butler Wheatâ€"N0. ‘CHIYIC N [‘2 \ 11 'nlatoestntnrios 700 per bag. Dolt '0 ran [0 a] 11‘ ‘ KT “nu half {In 1n {or prices are:â€" intcr Wheatâ€"No l 01‘ mixed. 910. ll \â€"Sh‘ “195$. MM pund 1C LIVE STOCK prints 60‘ râ€"Doliverios equal to the MONTR EA L MA RK ETS firm ‘6 To mm to Strawâ€"$9.50 to $10.50 on track Firm; tiercos X05 H {f} BL'I’FAI .0 .\[.\RI\'F COUNTRY I’BODL YORK \\'IH"..\'I' 'ul' 1 ut h ham 11k Ch )1: l Whatâ€"No $1.13: N0. 2. 3 Oct. 1.â€"-Branâ€"$‘25 d bulk Tomnto. ~‘0. 2 white. 95c bid 1|: $10 2 WI utsid to $5. 10‘ 30 ll PROVISIONS [at 11 Imck. $16.50 be 021 . I.â€"\\'hcat lhcrn. $1.1M RY)‘ mixed. 50‘ )f selected stock won 240: N0. 1 at 103 lo 20c 10( ; (10.. our bnc 0f, SH to $8.2 half 10%( are quoted in job lots 10, with the sales at 200‘ . N0. 2 white. sold at . Quebec N0. 2 at 520 per bushel, ex store. spring wheat patents, $5.30; winter wheat 5.10; straight. rollers, gs, $2.15 [0 $2.25; ex- 1L itc western 1 oil/n I‘ 12%0 lo 12%(‘; One- ZC, and undergrudeé Receipts 10â€"day were l1] yellow‘ 6€ 0 100 {01‘ a quoted NU. $12 $12 are steady at 65‘ warm, 7":c per bu; cady at present demand. MARKET 15340; In $0 to $9 110d Monkâ€"Long VJ? (or 10115 and and light. 15c to 15“: bucks. 16%0 ‘ZC to 110; mils. less than smoked. $1.10. lake ,ports No. 3 extra. 62c $10.75 to $11.50 T011, 100 to 11%.; to $16; half bar for, finest cream short cul moss )urrols, $ll.25 :( . $23.50 lo S24. ;5. $20.50 in $21.- 31055 to $11.50 whan lk; N<' )1] wth 1n to 823 for bar American MA RKIC'I .l l‘I't crop No. 1 $13 to $13.- $12.50. and ton, in car lightweighls R 3 (ubs patent, $5 3 bid Mont n t, hen [or choiu 940; N0. 5 pm 0311 Id .35: a1 northern 19c 10 208 13c. and 01/ Cal" $1.16 $l.01 31 Du HHX( 1‘ pr 10 mix ‘irlu ll‘l live ll \'_\' 0P9 ll nt which com] Manitoba 1' wheat. Th Iish wheat Manitoba N Over Six Hundred Perished. With Much Damage to Property. l'rol. McBride ot McGilt Reports Cam- bridge Experiments Suecesslul. A despatch from Montreal says: No tessor McBride of McGilt University has just returned from Cambridge Univer- sity, where he investigated the new pro- cess of wheat crossing. lie Laetievm that the question has been solved. He claims that the qualities of certain kinds of wheat are due to heredity and are not {111* “It Arrivals at Vancouver Must Have Them Direct From Japan. A dospalch from Vancouver says: Dr. Monro, Dominion immigration ofliocr at 1111:; port, stated on Saturday evening that he had received instructions from Um- si‘uL of government not to allow any more Japanese 10 land hero without hav- ing passports direct from Japan in (Zan- ndu. Further than 11ml. he, stated that he had notified Hie slrzunhonl and trans. pm-tation companies to that effect. Dr. Monro received his inslruclions on Sat- urday. A despatch from Ottawa says: Hugh Hayes, York Street, Ottawa. lost his life 0.1 Saturday night hy a rear-end colti- sion between two Britannia Street ears. Hayes was a motm'man on one of the cars and was not of long experience. By some inadvertence he tailed to stop his care in time. and it. crashed into the car ahead, which was titled with passen- gers, but which fortunately was little damaged.’ Hayes‘ car was badly smashed and Hayes himself was so seri- ously injured that he died in the hospi- tal at noon on Sunday. Luckily there was no one on the car but himself and the conductor. Hugh Hayes at Ottawa Ran Ilis Car Into One Ahead. an‘ {I n l.h( The main body of the cyclone mean- while went furlher east and slightly ncrlh and burst. over the 3311111 of France Friday morning unheralded by 31mm signs. There the Centre of the disturbance seems to have halter], and lhe downpour continued on Sunday. The damage. to the vintage in the Deâ€" partment of Heroult is now enormous. The valleys are flooded and whole lowns are under water. Some of the rivers lxnw: risen twelve feet, and where they have receded human bodies have been found in the. branches of trees. Presi- dent Fullieres is visiting the stricken dislrieis. Rain and thunder continue incessantly. A despatch [POI land, which has September from money of the wt ing: reports of a v f-«cling Western slcnmship passcng 111(‘h worse 0x1 me! with by {he I and even 0: the Moorish camp wes w The main while wont and I Whole Towns Under Water in the South‘ of France. CYCLONE SWEEPS EUROPE at are due to heredi result of the climate. ross-hreoa‘ng he has thun‘ 'avcn 1n Di CROSSING THE “HEAT. J \l’.\NliSli PASSPORTS. ‘ whh Jdinn MOTORMAN KILLED. mhinc hard 1 soulhwar extended ‘ aim of Plorensac, near Mont- 1‘8 Presidan Fallieres arriv- day night. over 2,000 vint- 1. women. and children. ‘eing grapes, when panting i a vast cyclone, chiefly af- slorn Europe. Atlantic sscngem bring accounts at experiences than those “19 Lusitania's passenger's. ovm‘swcpt by wind. rain from London says: Eng- hns suffered throughout “’1 ll hen t )ast, where ked Thursd iy of the a} m with the oxaggor miner 1h uh "If fly. The 101 slriking Mal Casablanca, ere the Fre is now 1 _\' ads of gun“! 1031 p1 qualitic clone menn- 1nd slightly 9 sauth cl pm pr0< flu 9n eiv \\'f 11.01100 111111031. 1m was past 111d. It “110, which was hundas Electric 01011in insulnled largely contribuu A dospatch nel Sutton we wire which down the ma day evening. A despatch from London says: At a meeting of the Provision Trade Associa- tion, at Liverpool, J. E. \\'orrall. intro- ducing Mr. Ruddick. Canadian Dairy Commissioner, said the United States was becoming less and less an export- ing country, so they must look to the colonies for their increase of food sup- plies. He hoped Mr. Rudtlick would tell all Canadian shippers that Liverpool importers were in a position and deter~ mined to do business. Mr. Rnddick, in the course of his ad- dress. dealt with various matters of technical interest to the provision trade. Hu was convinced the fallingr off in shipments of butter from Canada was only temporary. and when prices of cheese and butter became better a large quantity of milk could be turned into butter instead of cheese. Bacon ship- ments would also become greater as the known resident. from I-‘I‘collon, 011‘ HO was an cmpk Multing Company. years of ago. [19 gown-up [umi]y. m the evening In A dos meeting hon, at ducng 1110an would also Government wcr: thins from Canada Ll\‘(‘l‘p00| Merchants Hear the Canadian Conunissionors. twenty men (m farm house, wl hirty-six hours engineers in [x scouring: the d Toulnn has also suffered. and com. municution is broken. There have been many deaths. but the precise number cannot be ascertained yet. There were terrcntial rains in Lislron on the oc- casion of the return of the Crown Prince from his African tour. Nevertheless the Queen ran out from a pavillion and embraced him under the deluge. Onc- quarter of Lisbon is inundated. Light- ning struck the operating room of St. Joseph's Hospital, and two patients died of fright. At the theatres, where rehearsals were proceeding. the artists f<ll on their knees and offered wild prayers. Many of them were in such a condition that the performance had to be canceled. The damage at Malaga is placed at $000.00. Parties of immigrants, who neared l‘he Rivc lhc entil :(‘ndm‘lm Run to: ugh gm? LOOK T0 (?.\N.\D4\ FOR Sl'l'PLY. KILLED RY FALLEN “'IRE. hu\' 00. Parties of immigrants, who waiting to embark. have disap- ,. and there is no trace of them. round, a swirlin resident. ollon, (ml. an employ .' ya: 2nd rushed your liw 1d, and i1 MANY DEATHS plain imm H is (‘11 DID. 1 imprisom mlt. which n of Amie. Ill d in loss lhan Ion min- nmss (If \vniex‘ swept 1. Thirty women and k refuge in one small ere they remained ’or without food. Military inloons and boats are [strict remung people )m puny and f0 them were in e pcrfornmncc I”? :ome gr‘ 355mm when prices of nme holler a large Id be lurned inlo (‘30. Bacon ship- nme greater as the assisting exporta- ul aid was Sum- nlcly. hul lhe nmn :god that. the fallen *rvioe wire of the mny. was insuffi- [l for that reason the fatality. Lves n v 3 light I‘.‘ the w [uken lo an whvr :11 (Jill Holy, bu 111 has n" inlernali 1h ill l'is 1ys

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