9.45 9.00, 2.00, 9.00. 10.30 3.40, 10.40. 10. 1 10.3.7 4.35. )wu'm :ltl .y ~ 0‘ will In I Sm: 11.00 5.0“, thv-I'ï¬ l‘nllh' day at Summer Time Tabie 1907 GOING NORTH at 10. L3 qum Rilil\VH night :I of each month Camp EMAILS O S â€"-Meets second and louxth Wednesan B T of ’l‘empomnceâ€"Meats ï¬rst Wednesday of each mourn Flra Brigadeâ€"Mama ï¬rst Monday of every month Pubiie Inbrury and Reading Room~0pun Tuesday. and Suturdnv evenings. Envgarth Lunaticâ€"Macks evrrv Monday Jamar Epwurnh League meets every Mon- flay afternoon at. 4. sham Fm“. mentioned L Church of England-Services Map. to. lab. and and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at. n a m. Plesbyherian Churchâ€"Services at. 11 a. m..u.nri 'l p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Service! on alter- nute Sundays M9 :1. LL]. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Church -Servicos (1.010.210 e. 111., and 7 g. m. Sunday School 2132.30. Genera.) prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richumnd budge. A F and A M â€"Meeta Mon- dgy on or before full moon Conn Richmond, A 0 F ~Meeta second and Dutch Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Moets third Wednesday of each moutbi - ._ _- . , .A__‘ :....n. Toronto 84 York Radial Railway Co. METROPOLITAN DIVISION Until furtbnr native Malls will be closed at the Richmond Bill Puss ()mco as follows:â€" MORNINI}.... EVILNING. . . 3.31). 9 L3H. 2. v.30. Rioh 1t MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" “()RNXNH . ‘ 'l‘l \ In M POST OFFICE NOTICE 1nd P. R. Crassng (Toronto). Leave. M. (LOU. 7.1Kâ€. 8.00, 9.00‘ 10.00. , 13.00. P. M. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00, 4.00, 5.0Kâ€. 7.00. 8.00. 9.00. urnlnll A. M. 6.35. 7.3:}. 8.35. 9.35, . 11.35. 1’. M. 12.3 1.33. 2.35, 3.35, “Hill!†A ,H.3.'). 1 5.3."), :hl‘mnd 1 Tailor, Richmond Hill 11 OFFICE C 40 00, 5.001- Imrkel .1 Village Directory. ll 3( '. >0 p. m 6,35. 7.35. 8.35, 9.35. md Hill A. M. 6.50. 7.45. l, 11.45. P. M. 12.50.13)“, 10 \le :6! A. M.. 6.00, 7.00. 8.00+, 11.00. 12.00. P. M. 1.00. 4.0â€. 5.00, 6.001; 7.00, 8,00, imitvd (Mr. in St‘l‘ViCP. le:l\ in cksnu's PuiuL ING- with Schmnbm 1, (5.45, 7,50, 8.45, 9.50. ullmctinn A. M. 7.05, Hill )ING SOUTH. ’nint A. M. (3.00, 8.00, 10.00. KY hint Al‘rivn A. M. 9.40. 1.40, 6.40. 8.40. 10.40. in! into: n nut it :1) 10.10. 11.40. J. 4. 40, 5.40, 8.00 ..600 1 letters mush bu handed in mules earlier than the above Jr closing. LOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY. Postmaster u regular sm un's only m] Saturday s (‘. P. R. U] 11.34). P. {0, 5.30, 6.31 5. 6.45 A. M. 6.45 P. M. P. M. 12.05, |. 7.0.3. 8.05. 9.05. 10.05. LA. 8.10, 9.20. 10.10, . 1.)â€, 2.20. 3.20. 4.20, inLe r. in addition (,0 nung N’th Tu- 'uinL even 3‘ SnLurâ€" 1nd ‘ 9.55. Arrix 30. if" 1.3. M. 4 d. u), Saturday \vxmu'kut ac puints 30, .40, 10, A. M. .\l. 12.40 H), 7.40. Aurora ‘5 8-45! onings Hg ' fur points 9.15, 3.15, 0 I1 29 Al 8. 50, 8.05, X'nn 30, 30, 30. 40‘ issue a policy free lrom restrictions, with guarantee values and with protection and 111vestment all combined. Mercantile, Western, Norwich Union, and York Fire All business will have my prompt attention. Write for rates and literature. P. G: SAVAGE Uume in and see our new and up-tnâ€"dute methods of turning out the best har- ness it is possible to px-oducv. and be convinced that, we are nnw nhle m give you anything you lived in our line. from the cheapest up to the very best grade possible to he turned out, in any shop. To turn out good harness it is necessary to emplny np-todute nu-thnGs, both in ideas and tmfls. \Ve have now the latest and host in M'er re<pect. GEO. MCDOEALD, Richmond Eill AGENT eurrrnned m'ev $‘-‘h‘a’}lay her! no! require-I. Ynu are stnrlell freo \n nbsuluw: run: of sung man i‘ ï¬t \. Ire Snnemn .i ! frzc, {um I L! lIn-v mm d mam Iron Eavetroughing and Tinsmithing of all kinds attended to. Poultry Netting, oiled and anâ€" nealed; also Galvanized Wire, Garden Tools of all kinds; Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes; every thing in season at reasonable prices. GflflFEBEEMEW WE ASSQSEMEW Up-to-dafw ï¬amess Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. flipanu Tabulcs: for sour stomach. All our work guaranteed to be the best that can be px-nduced for the price. b ‘iC l inform an. and 1i hon about work which we at bome.le will pay '15 per tiny. Some buv. Lx. young or old. Capivnl Those who sun In: one. ‘nuDCL All in new. hm than who write :lond, Mniue.will rocyciv‘a i i‘(§ In s urance HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE Lax-as 5 W. HEWESQN ï¬mgï¬g them as ucudeé. with Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. W. A. SANDERSON. RICHMOND HILI RICHMOND HILL (3 Sweet to Eat A cm" Bowel Laxative. st rong di. xsmblish :licine. Dr. v‘ so much rught The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Ilvlstpin Cattle and BI-vvder of Improved Cht-storï¬vmle Hogs. Lot 29. lst (30"., Vaughan (Thm-nhill) has fur snlu some gon‘i young stuck. A permanent situatiun fur the right, mun, fur whom the touritm'y wiH be reserved. Pew weekly: free equip- ment. \Vrite fur particulars. Th0mughhxÂ¥d bdl] and hug kept fm service on the Brogn' TORONTO l-4m C. PRiC "CANADA‘S G REATEST NURSER IE5.†STD As we have now after many im- provements, a capacity ufabout$3,000 gals. uf cider. boiled into jelly and ap- ple butter per day, we hope to give our customers every satisfaction. Customers are respectfully requested to do business on the. above mention- ed days as we live a distance fL-mn the factory and customers coming any ether day Would ï¬nd it very inconvenâ€" lent. \Ve hnpe to 509 all mu 01d custnm- l Tummy ors back again this season as usual with as many more us pussible. Thunking the general public fur Post Off past favors, we solicit. a continuance Brm of the same in the future. 1 1:23 Lake Joseph - - 3.85 Burton Skiing - Parry Sound - 4 50 Soulhfvlngunemwa Waubami: - 5.05 NermMnganemm SH“ Rircr - - 57:20 Special Trains to Maganetawan and Rivers, Oct. 29, 30, 3!. I907 V \‘Vl'ibf‘ fur,an particulars and copy of Big Game Hunting “ith C(nnplclu map. PLEASANT VIEW FARM Starting Monday, Sept. 30, will run ï¬rst two days of each week dur- ing October and November, up to and including Nov. 19, 1907. \Vill buy .1 fe\;’.pevling apples only. NUA cider apples Wanted: in connection with [0 (Un. Stn.)921m SHORT LINE T0 MUSKOKA anJ MAGANETAWAN RIVER Ragged Rapids - $3.00 Bala Park - - 3.4:) Foote‘s Buy - - 3.75 Lake Joseph - - 3.85 Parry Sound - 4 50 Waubnmi: - 5.05 LOCAL SALESMAN EDGELJSY CIDER (NELLY MILL w SINGLE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRiP Oct. 24 to Nov. 5. Good to rem-.1 until Dec. 7, 1907. ,7â€"(‘7 And udjuimng country, to represent ROUND TRIP Rates from Toronto to Principal Points Savings Bank Department in Connection wkh a" Brandles. \Vill run on Cusmm work dm-in Octobvr and November as follu“ THE SWDARD BANK J. WINGER Subscribe for :E GREEN V.‘.\1.PHILL Passanger Agent Gen. [’assengc Canadian Northcrn Buliding. Toronto FONTHILL NURSE NE 8; WEL LINGTON â€"â€"-FORâ€" RICHMQND HILL The Stanï¬ard Bank pays interest four times a year on a†Saving5 Bank deposits. BRA \V’aut ed (Over 800 Acres) HUNTERS’ EXCURSION i). G. G()0DERH.-\m, Propl'ivtm RICHMOND EIILL BRANCH E. M. Byx-ne, Manager NCEiES ALSO AT FKAPLE, DIAREKiAM .AND SSTOULV‘FVIL LE OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Shawanagn - Gnoss‘wek - Bulger Lake - Burton smug - Souuuluganemwan Norlhflnganemmm - $7120 ‘uin fmm Toron- WM. NHLUPS Gen. Passenger Agent RIBS ESTABLISH ED 1673 ONT. Sti and 9.9 t [he Postmaster-General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa. until noon, on Fri- day, the 25th October. 1907, fur Lhc conveyance of His Majesty‘s Mails, 0:) a propnsed Contract fut four years, 18 times per week each way hetwwn Isliugton and the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Station, from the lst of Jan- uary next. ‘ Printed notic information as posed contract I forms of TFndk the Post Ofï¬ce ( Ofï¬ce nf the P( +++++++++++++++++++++++ Twn gund Mom} sows, due tn Oct. 1. Apply 13-2 One copy of VVehstel-‘s International Dictionuy. now, with supplmuvnb vf nnw \vnrds, Shl'l‘p. marble mlgn. pnlr- “5th by the G.& U. Men-lam Umnpa ll_‘". Regular price $13. \Vill be sold at half price. Enquire alt Half mile south of Riulnnond «m Mill Road. Situated on the p' ty is a. Solid Bllck Hume. 7 r also stable and other (Illthlllll There are a number of 1': Hit tree Sisting (If pears. plums and :1 also some small f1 uit. Land under cultivatinn ur- in pa Sin-um uf fresh water runs Lll the property. Apply to Ill likiiér: My Hui he sold One thm'nug Mulev Unw bu 14~2 14-tf PENNYROYAL WAFERS. ++++++izv++++~z~+++++++++++++-:‘ supply. Edurate for husim-ss positions and ynn wiil get Llwmv but the education must he ï¬rst" class. Students are admitted at any time. \VI-ite for catulugm‘. Hundreds of Students of the pcpular and successful Dcumnd is fur greater Have secured positinns t Ofï¬ce Department. MailConLl-w Branch, Ottawa, 11th Sept... 1907 whito hruod saw. about :1 a. half «1111. Left the premises un. 2, Mmkhnm. MAIL CG :“arm F01“ Sale )1- Yunge and Alexandex TORONTO. ONT. Id fluW 2 yu-nrs il‘el‘ one 1. App THE LIBERAL OFFICP For Sara For Sale FGI‘ Sale NATHANIEL BAKER Elgin Mills F W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Ooh? Alpodflc mamth medicine for hulls! to restore ud Ngulm tha manna: producing tree, tummy and pnukm alumni-gm No uha or pain: on up Teach How and by our 30.0w Mm mused wmmngaln. Invlzomto. (new organs. Buy or your drugs†only those with our slznuure u: have! [Abel Avoid lumtum go“ “:“m?-':‘°£uâ€&£afl age-1.10%; 'H. AINI'CHOLLh‘, Real Estate Agpm Richmond 1 'oronto hhrod [h in (‘il l‘ R. 0. HA RYE 3 CHAS. ROLLIN Trent-h St m or in pus water runs Lln PP‘YIEL _ _ ‘d Jempy (Jaw, ) calf and nuw milk. One J: In calf. and (me 1' year old. J containing fur1 Cunditiuns of j 7 be seen and I)! [my be ohminm sliugton and at, Oï¬ice Inspecto “TRACT AN ERSON S n pgrrirngond H) pH lpplrs [h U her