LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. VOL. XXX. Is PUBLISHED EVERY .L‘HURSDAY MORNING Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. ‘1‘ . F . Me M A H O N, 5mm. H. W} ANDERSON, 1)entisst, Cur. Carlton and Ynnge Sts., Torunto \Vill be in Richmond Hill on \Ved- nesduy of each week. Ofï¬ce, next, dour north of Stand- ard Bank. Oiï¬cu Hoursâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Wm‘m calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. Licenaeu Auctioneer tor the County of Yo k Guuds sold on consignment Genera.) sales awe etc promptly attended“) at, rensonunlr rates Residence Uniouvillo G R Gouhlmg, Newton Brook. agam for the above Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishing ‘ kept at both places J. H. SANDERSDN. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL License Auctioneex 10': ï¬lm County of Yor { re- pg-wmlly solgoxbs you;- patronage and friendly Pupil of A. S. Vogt, MUS. Dnc. (Piano) and J. H. Anger, F. R. C. O. (Theury). Having a, complete X-my and static electricity apparatus, I am able to locate foreign bodies in the body. and examine fractures of bones. Also to treat NERVOUS DISEASES. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, Momnn GROWTES, such as Cancers, etc. Being a. graduate of Moorfleld's Eye Hospital. England, I am prepared to examine the interior of the eyes for disease, and test fux‘ glasses. If a. patient should require glasses I Oldel‘ them for him. 132.59 and throat work a. specialty. __ 'nfluancé sales “Evade-d on cheushaï¬Ã©uc nobicé ud at reasonabemtea. P. 0. address Kim: 46 tr: ‘ 'THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Money to 10qu interest on ï¬r: property. L _ Apply $1 per annum, in advance. caused ‘6 .kSS £553 nable T Saigeon. Mapie OHN R. CAMPBELL, Underlnkors & Emhnluners, J. EARLE NEWTON ~ Pianist Instruction in Piunnâ€"pluying and Theory Money to Loan. BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY SURGEON, ETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HI LL. ONTARIO who WRIGHT BROS, gaon. J K McEwen Maple \Veahuu Saigeon a; RlcEwen. Xuctioneers fox-the Conuzy of York udadso on shortastnotioeand a. tea taxes Patronage solicited EDITOR .2: Pnormm'ca l‘i'noruhill. J. H. P: entice. D. G. BLOUGH, u‘flchulc: U1 Inlllra. [lL‘U L\l COMMISSIONER coxv ‘ N . . RV’UUS DISEASES, CHRONIC ’ EXA OER ETC #1531, Moan GROWTES, AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH =1ncers. etc. AMERICA ASS. COS. graduate of MOOl‘fleld's Eye 1317: A 7 man. A mm 'mrnr! . S. J. BOYD to 1mm. at ï¬ve per cent on ï¬rst, mm-tgageâ€"fax-n‘ 351 tummy AT THE ï¬ibmi BARRISTER, Soucrron, No'u RY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce. 33 Richmond St. “712.3% \Ves!ey_l_3_g_ildipg_s. Richmond ' Hill Office, Standard Bank Building, every Saturday after- 1mm]. Mousv to loan on land :Lnduhamol maximises“ lowest rams Auroranï¬iceâ€"«Removeu to the old post $1116., one door was: of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarkeypï¬lceâ€"Three doors south 0! the T 11173213153: Lï¬xyqox 6 51V Mommy: Aurora. New: LENNOX & MORGAN Muplv, Thursday aftvrnmm. Money t_o [mm at, Five Per Cent (53; Barristers, Snlictnrs, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E., TORONTO, Canada FRANK BENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULOCK BOULTBEF Mulock, Lee, Milliken & Clark G G S Lindaoy.K C A G I“ Lawrence WRidout Wadsworth DOMINION BANE CHAMBERS, S. \V. Corner King & Yunge Stu-ck Private Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. south-east cor- ner of Lurne Bldg., every Thursday afternoon. JAS. NEWTON coumsaxonnmran HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . I‘JONRY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES NOTA RY PUBLIC, Every accommodation for the travelling public. Good rooms for Commercial Travellers. Attentive stublemzm. Harry Wrig Danton. Dunn & Boultbee Phone Main 311 ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN 131114] 15353 H. A, NICHOLLS Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Barristers and Sonicuors. Commissioner, Cnnveyancer. etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTA THE PALMER HOUSE EICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1.907 J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC REAL Esu-ATE, ETC. THORNZEâ€"IILL Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth, past mime ‘m'ontu Ofï¬ce, 36 Toronto street. BE. r NOTARY PUBLIC inh WILLIAM COOK Bm'ristel Solicitors, Etc. J. M. LAING and Trust, Funds to loan at, lowest current rates. mono Hill TORONTO. £25m. lil In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in alltlzings, Charity." PROPRIETOR. Phone Main 2984 Newmarke‘ Free (Ton late fur lust week.) }I}ll'\‘PSL thanksgiving sol vices were held in St. Su‘phvn‘s church on Sun- day. Special music was wndm'Pd by the choir, and the church was suitably decorated. odist, S. Addresses were gium hy members of the solmnl and uthrns. and a proï¬table- time was spent. After a asturntv hero, of seven years, Rev. \ . G. Buck has rr-sigzwd. to lICCPpl’, an invitation frum the Prvs- hyn-rian cnngwgntinn at Eglintnn. and will rrumve from here in the nmr futnrp. The funeral uf the lute Mrs. Wm. Slmnk. and .:f Mr. John Lahmvr took place last Thursday and were quite largely attended. A memorial service for the former was held in the Meth- odist church. Mrs. J. H. Kirby and children arâ€" rivcd home on Sunday aftm- spvnding lhftpast tlnee urnqnitjhs _in Vunjgpuver. Mia. \Vm. and Miss Bessie Thnmas of Han returned on Saturday from a. two months†visit to friends in Mani- tuba. Mrs. (D:.) Logan has gone on a visit to her nld hump at Tivm'tun. Mus. Goo. Smith of Toronto visited on-r Sunday at Mrs. L. Richardson’s. Miss L. anes of Buffalu is visiting at Mr. J. ('raddnck’s. M r. F. \Vilsie (if Tnmnfo visitvd from Saturday till Mnuduy with his friend Mr. F. Richardson. ’l‘ocheck a. cold quickly. get from your druggist some little Candy Cold 'l‘nhlrts (:nllrd Prvvontics. Druggists vvmywbvrem-e now dispensing Pre- ventives. for they are not only safe, but dvcidedly certain 51nd prompt. I’rnventics contain no Quininv, no laxative, nothing harsh nur sickening, Tukvn at the “sneeze stugv" Preven- tics will prevent, Pneumonia, an- chitis, Lu Gz-ippe, etc. Hence the. name, Preventive. Gund for fovm-ish rhildren. 48 Preventu:s25 (-15. Trial BuXPsScents. Sold by “V. A. Sun- (lei-son. 0n \Vednesday m‘vning, Oct. 9th, :I, prett lumsn wedding Was solem- nized when one uf nm- most. popular young Indies. Miss Mabel Bmves, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Bowes, was united in nmrriagzw to Mr. Fred Ecklund. On the Friday evening previnus ï¬fteen of hu- young Indy friends, in a body, visited the pro- spoctire bride, and gave her a Kitchen shower, as n. slight tuken of their lt‘ckluml. Un the Friday evening previnus ï¬fteen of her young lady friends, in a body, visited the pro- spuctire bride, and gave her a Kitchen Shower, as n. slight token of their good-will and esteem. Quite a, number from this village attended Markham Fair. Thurnhill Division of the Sons of Temperance will meet F1 iday evening, Oct. ll. All members are requested to attend. ' The weekly services of the dist Chuxch will commence p. >l_u. igstgaï¬ of 8.00 p: m. - Mr. CullJzuues paid a visit, to the City Saturday evening. Anniversary summons will be held in the Methodist Church (m Sunday. the 20th (if October. Sex-mans will be preacth at 2.30 and 7 p. m., by Rev. B. W. Dean of Frvd Victor Mission. Tux-onto. Music will he furnished by the choir assists-d by Mrs. J. E. Holl- ingshond and Mr. Young of Newmnr- kct. and Mr. Hartley Galloway uf To- mnto. A free-Will nï¬'ering will be taken up at each service in aid of the church funds. A well-known druggist here in town is authority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a. bottle. This mixture has a. peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kid- ney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst form of Rheu- matism in just a. little while. This mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and cure the Rheumatism by forcing the Kidneys to ï¬lter and strain from the blood and system all uric acid and foul, decomposed waste matter. which cause these afflictions. Tryitif you aren‘t well. Save the prescription. paper. that, it will relieve almost any case of Kidney trouble if taken before the stage at Bright’s disease. He states that such symptoms as pain in back, pain in the side, frequent. desire to urinate, especially at night; pain- ful and discolored urination. are read- ily overcome. Here is the receipe; try it: Hm‘e is a. simple home-made mixâ€" ture as given by an eminent. authority on Kidney disease, who makes the statement in a Ngw York duin news- Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon. one ounce; Compound Syrup Sax-suparillu, three ounces. Takea teaspoon after each meal and at- bedtime. Rally (11 SAVE THIS AN YWAY. was nhsvrved in the Mt-th- Addresses were gium hy the schmwl and uthvrs. and Thornhill. Carrville. Maple. at 7.30 Methn- During the past few years there has i been u great. advance in the movement ifurhur-mmn ulmliticn by the Local ‘Optinn Method in the Province of Ontario. Within the past six years, 109 municipalities have pulled a. ma- jority for Local Option By-Laws. Last year the three-ï¬fths requirement. lprevented coming into force 44 of these municipalities, and in some oLhcr places the By-Laws were quashed in the courts, but. (here are ‘ at present. in the Province 153 muni- Cipnlities in which the law is operative and there uro 133 other municipalities in the Province in which no licences are granted for various reasons. 1 . H (T Junior IV.â€"â€"â€"Edna Watson, Lester \Vuikl'r. Svnim‘ III.â€"â€"Gortio Windas, Edith Cimnvnt, Pickering McQuurrie. Junin’r III.â€"~Maud Jones, Fannie Gray. Johnnie Orr, Wilfred Windas. Form II. senior)â€"Deila Wade, Burlhu Loon-e, ‘iossie Watson. Emma. Gray, Sidney Jones, Roy Espey, Alvin Walker. Annie O’Brie-n. Part. II. (soniur)â€"Vera Orr, Victor 011‘, Pearl JUHVS, May Jones. Pin-t, II. (jnuixil-Flvsanc McQuarrie, Eurnie \Viudas, Hudwen McQuavx-ie, Lizzy 301198. Sv'uinr I.â€"â€"A1bert O’Brien, Willie Jolie‘s! Rn_ssel_ Espey‘.‘ Jun'ior I.-â€"J am'es'Gmy. Mav Judges, Johnnie VViudas,Mary Burns, Tommy Burns, Marjorie Watson, Irene VVat- son. Purity and perfection in foodstuffs Atkinson & Switzer. Frnm rope! ts received at the oï¬ice of the Ontario Brunch of the Domin- ion Alliance in Toronto. it. is learned that then: is likely to be another Loâ€" (‘nl Option campaign in the Province of Ontario this full and winter. The Secretary of the Alhnnce, Rev. Ben. E. Spence. has handed out a. list. of eighty-nine [municipalities in which campaigns are more or less advanced, and it is likely that, this list will yet .be added [-0. According to ï¬gures furnished by the Alliance Secretary, a. striking fea- ture of the Local Option movement is that when Local Option By-Luws are passed in a municipality they stay passed. There seems to be an almost unanimous approle of the measure by municipalities that have adopted it. Last year there were 31 municipalities where By-ans had been in force for three years or more, and where, therefore a repeal \ote could have been brought. on. In 8 places repeal was tried, but in only one instance was it successful, and there, (the Town of Steelton), the temperance people claim that the circumstances were exceptional. During the past six years out of 150 chnnces to repeal Locnl Option By- Laws by a simple majority vote. there has been only one successful. and that Stcelton. 0n the face of it, there would there- fore, seem to be good ground for a. Contention that the condition of Local Option is a much more pennanth one than that of license. The Alliance ofï¬cials are making prepurntions for a. big cmnpaign. There is 31 large staff of workers in the oï¬ice, and the services of many very prominent, speakers have been secured. One feature of this Fall‘s campaigns is the large number of in- Corporath towns ztntt villages 'in which avote lS being taken. of the 89 placesin which caunprtigns are in progress, 35 ore incorporated towns or villages. There are at present 297 licenses granted in these 89 municipal- ities. “Wevbelieve that. soil loves to eat, as well as its owner, and ought, there- fore, to be liberally fed. “We believe in large crops, which leave the land better than they found itâ€"making the farmer and the farm both glad at once. “We believe in going to the bottom of things, and, therefore, in deep pImV» ing and enough of it. All the butter Don’t wait. till it rains before you think of those umbrellas at Atkinson &Switzer‘s. The following farmer’s creed, fo'rm- ulated nearly three-quarters of a cen- tury ago by Henry Ward Beecher, the famous patriotic and pulpit. orutur and one of the ï¬rst editors of the ln- diam). Farmer, holds good to-day us Well as then :â€" “We believe in small farms and thorough qultivation. Number on the rnli, 42. Average atten’flnflce. 28. LOCAL OPTION CAMPAIGN. S. S. No. 6, Vaughan- FARMER‘S CREED. C. MORKMAN. Teacher. with a. suhsnil plow. "\Ve believe that, every farm should own a gnqd farmer; “\Ve believe that the best fertilizer for any soil is a spirit, of industry. en- terprise nnd' intelligence. Without this, lime and gypsmn, hone and green manure, man and guano. will be of little use. "We believe in good fences. good barns, gnod farmhouses. good stock. good m-chm-ds. and children enough to gather the; fruit. "\Velneliere in a. clean kitchen. a neat, wife in it, a clean cuphoard,a clean dun-v, and a) clean conscxgnce. “W'e ï¬rmly disbelieve in farmers that will not. improve; in farms that grow poor-er every year; in starving cattle; in fumers‘ boys turning into clerks and merchants; in farmera’ daughters unwilling to work, and in all farmers ashamed of their vocation, nr who drink whiskey until honest people are ashamed of them."~â€"G leen’u Fruit-gruwer. ! London and 1Lanoashire Ass. ‘ Co. 3 The London Mut- ual and British :AmericaFire Ins. t Cos. ET“ The Story of a, Medicine. Nearly forty years ago, Dr. Pierce dio- oovered that he could, by the use of pure,' trlple-reï¬ned glycerlne, aided by a. cer- tain degree of constantly malntalned! heat and wlth the aid of apparatus andl appllances designed {or that purpose, eh? tract from our most valuable native meâ€"I dlcinal roots their curative properties, much better than by the use of alcohol, so generally employed. So the now world-1 tamed "Goldm Malical Discovery,†(on the cure of weak stomach, indigestion. or d s psla. torpld llver, or-bllioï¬sness may kfngfed derangements was ï¬rst made, got klhaiedva' ï¬lthi; ï¬nirsyvvvasr ï¬rst, made,rn‘[ It. ever sin 6 has n, without a. pamnlaf; of alcoholi mi). J ~ A glancn Ist of Its lngredln" eats. prln’ e botuequapperJ' will show that n. is valuable medicinal In our American {ores e‘ï¬'ou‘l1 the m‘ostr Gun grow ‘ ALtrhese 135' Its nameâ€"“Golden Medical Discovery“ was suggested by one of its most Import- an: and valuable ingredients â€" Golden Seal root. c 's " m te oo oi t. esee orsemen 3 been com iled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buï¬alo, . Y., and will be mailed free to any one asking same b postal card, or letter addressed to the tor as above. From mesa endorsements, copied tram standard medical books of all th differ- (mt. schools of practice, it will found that. the ingredients composing the " Gold- on Medics. Discover †are advised um qpiy for time‘cure oi t. e_ above mgntipned diseaSes, but also for the cure of all ca- tan‘hal, bronchial and throat, affections, accompained with canarrhal discharges, hoarseness, sore throat, lingering, or hang-on-oou ha, and all those wastin aflectlons w ich, if not promptly an goperly treated are liable to terminate consumption. Take Dr. Pierce’s Dis~ covery in time and persevere in its use until you give it. a. fair trial and it is not likely to dis‘apgoim. _Too"nmchl musg not be exrac'ted of It. It will not perform mime es. It. will not cure oonsumptiop In Its advanced stages. No medicine will. It will cum the aï¬ections that lead up no commuption, if taken m m. RICHMON Farm Implements DEERIN G [Single copies, 3 cts. A GENT FOR {y ." I5