Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Oct 1907, p. 3

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THIS IS SAID TO HELP MANY. Get from any prescription pharmaa cist the following: Fluid Extract. Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; (Linpound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take a iteaspoonfut dose after each meal and at bedtime. The above is considered by an emin- ent authority. who writes in a New York daily paper, as the finest prescrip- Ilion ever written to relieve. Rackaclic, Kidney Trouble, Weak Bladder and all .forms of Urinary difficulties. This mix- ture acts promptly on the eliniinative tissues of the Kidneys, enabling them to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which causes Rheumatism. Some persons who suffer with the afflictions may not feel inclined to place rmuch confidence in this simple mixture, |yet those who have tried it say the re- sults are simply surprising. the relief theing effected without the slightest in- fiiiry to the stomach or other organs. Mix some and give it a trial. It cer- tainly comes highly recommended. It Is the prescription of an eminent au- thority, whose entire reputation, it is said. was established by it. A druggist here at. home when asked stated that he. could either supply the ingredients or mix the prescription for our readers, also recommends it as harmless. __ -ioâ€" PHYSICIAN OUT\VITTED ROBBER. Backed Ilim Out of the House “‘ith an Empty Revolver. Prof. Kovaevsky, the principal body physician, was the hero of a start- ling and curious adventure a few days ago at Kislovodsk. Russia, where he is spending his holiday. He was sitting in the study waiting for visitors when a strange man entered and presented him with a paper which made a peremptory demand for 30,000 roubles. The profes- sor handed the paper back, Saying that even had he the money he would not give it to such a scoundrel. “We shall see about that,” said the robber. coolly, as he leveled a revolver at the professor‘s head. “Shall we ?" replied the professor, drawing his pistol in turn. So the pair stood for at least two min- utes. Then the robber slowly lowered his gun, smiled. and said graciously: “1’11 do you no harm,” as he backed out of the room and the house. “But,” asked a friend to whom the professor was relating the story, “why div: you not accompany him to the door and give the alarm 1’” "I would probably have done so," he replied. nonchalantly, “had my revol- ver been loaded.” ___.x.__.__ ORGANIST‘S TRIBUTE TO ZAM-BUK. II. E. Jenner. organist of Carman. (Mam), writeszâ€"“Somc little time ago I burned my thumb severely. I had some Zamâ€"Buk handy and applied It. The Zamâ€"Buk took the fire out of the wound almost instantly and eased the pain. It penetrated to the very seat of the Injury and gave quick relief. I was very glad of this. because I had an en- gagement to play at an organ recital a few days later. Thanks to Zam-Buk I was able to keep the appointment. Zam-Buk heals quickly all skin in- juries and diseases. Of all stores and druggists at 50 cents. or from Zam- Euk 00., Toronto, for price. 3 boxes for £1.25. Jo__ A EARTH IS IIOLLO\\". Ithode Island Professor Says It Is Also Inhabiled Inside. Dr. Orville Livingston Leach. scien- tist and investigator, of Auburn, ltliodc Island. says the earth is hollow. To get to this place. which is a land of great beauty, you have but to sail to one or the other of the poles. and quite without knowing it. your ship may go into an opening as if into a gaslight. globe and come upon a convex land. Once there it maybe that you'll never come back. The professor doesn't say much about that. Arctic explorers who have never rc- tin‘ned from the land of ice, lllil)'lltlp, are now sailing around in the sea that lines the inner side of the earth. They may have found a port and dropped anchor and gone ashore. “The possibilities of a land inside the was first brought to my attention when I picked up a grade on the shores of the great lakes. The geodc is a spher- ical and apparently solid stone, but when broken is found to be hollow and coated with crystals. The earth is only a larger form of a geode and the law‘- that created the. geodc in its hollow term, inidoiibtedly fashioned the earth in the same way. “hr. Kane, the Arctic explorer. found evidence of animal life that Could not be accounted for. These. I am t‘eiivin-er. came. from the unexplored Country reached only from the poles, \\‘li~'!lcc come the Northern lights." As a matter of fact. this inner worn theory {IS t‘xt‘ilvltl‘il liy lt’ZUt. 1.11.31 (1') old one. It came into litlllii 11‘ prominence early in the Lew-'1 when a man. name! .\“ I‘OsltlL‘nt of I Culcd it So pct lil‘nZWll and l imixi in .- x l i. 1. dual. ‘1 'i‘ X” 11-." \i“'-‘ i- X 't e ' ’ je up w\: till‘l‘ 5 'II. I‘ u_,' i' “3.1 . s fig; .. l|~‘-.. l 1" -.: ‘ \ *1 it wiie‘ i-ir‘a next 1~lI-.‘ al' t . t HOLYHEAD BESI roiiTASHORT HISTORY. ill at he was "soiiiethii‘ig of an authority MAY BECOME THE ENGLISH PORT FOII OCEAN MAILS. American Postal Official Regards Iloly- Iiead as Best Port in United Kingdom. In the race with the mails across the Atlantic, in the present age of rush, every second saved is precious. and ocean post-«itilecs are the very latest time-saving device. Special offices have now been estab- lished on many steamers. where marine postal clerks sort the mail at sea. and have it ready immediately on the ar- rnal of the boat. This saves from twenty-four to fortyeight hours’ work for the clerks ashore. The whole question of accelerating ll-e mail services on the liners is now being carefully considered by the inter- national postal authorities. J. T. .\fct‘.leary. an assistant post- master of the United States. has just r(turncd to New York after a round trip to England and back on the \\'hilo Star liner ficltic. and has ieported (II It ~2 working of the new system. In his rciiort- just. issued. Mr. Mc- flieary expresses his opinion that IIon- head is the best English port for ocean postomces to touch. as he considers it to be the best distribution point in this country. QUEENSTOVVN'S FATE. This decision, if acted on, will spell the doom of Queenstown as the mail port of call. and put Plymouth also out cf the running in the mail race of the future. \\‘hen the Atlantic boats were slower and the mails smaller the, disembarking of the American mails at. Quecnstown accelerated their delivery throughout the United Kingdom. Now. however, *t is found that the time spent in six bandlings of the letters. between Queensâ€" !mvu and London is so great that no- thing is saved by using the old port. It is quite common now for vessels which have dropped American mails at Queenstown to come up to the Channel past Holyhead an hour or two before the mails~which have been travelling across Ireland by train and the chau- nc' by fast boatâ€"have arrived. Mr. McCleary estimates that if the mail steamers passed Queenstown and went direct to Ifolyhead with the bags it would improve the present time by at least six hours. On the outward journey a steamer leaving Liverpool has to wait a con- siderable time at. Queenstown for the extra mails, and this unduly lengthens the lell'lIC)’. The Cunard Line intends to make an .‘u‘crcsfing experiment this month. They will run one boat direct from Liverpool to New York, and she will le followed by a sister ship of similar speeJ, which will pick up the mails at Queenstown and show the exact loss of time entailed. TIME LOST. The landing of the eastbound mails at I’liymoiith instead of Queenstown or Liverpool suits London, but it means a considerable loss of time in delivery in other parts of the Kingdom. Ireland and North Scotland being the chief sufferers. The only lines which at present run ecean ,postofl‘iecs are the White Star, the North German Lloyd and the Ham- Lurg-American. .\Ir. McCleai-y hopes to have the ex- periment tried on as many vessels as possible. A sum of 8125.000 has been devoted by the United States Government to the ocean postoch scheme for experi- mental purposes. and the time already saved has aSsured the success of the innovation. “*â€" BRIIIEIIY AN INSI'LT. Manager and Buyer of Berlin Factory Sentenced to Heavy Fines. The manager and buyer of a large factory at Berlin, Germany, have been sentenced to heavy lines for an attempt a; bribe two railwoy officials. The fac. lei-y in question made a number of ar. ticles used on the Prussian State rail. ways. and the railway officials had been entrusted with the duty of examining the goods before they were received, They at once reported the matter to their superhirs, and action was taken, the factory people being charged with in- suiting Government officials. The railway Muii>lcr at i-nce issued a circular to all railway employcs ex" pressing his belief that none of them \vvuld accept presents in any shape. .»\»,rcptanee would. of course. bring in. slant (ll\llll5>fll and imprisonnientiand any firm attempting to bribe officiale \uuld not inly be lu.:i\'ll_\' tilted. but [..1-evcr excluded from supplying the railways. "FREE INFORMATION.” 'l‘ is \\'l‘.'ll oil-Hf the must Ll‘éiflllrb -:iit ;l " ll< -'.' today 3.3.“- 'l" ,2 ti (illm'c‘ - 1' xv. -’ ' l i . i f . ii- . . > . l' .w 1 ’ \1'.‘ . f v\-it.-‘vr ii ' it . e . '1 \. x e 'i _ ti, -‘ x- \ '1 l ' _ s ti \ ‘ . e, . A s K’ k ‘ , _tl4 . i.._~ mug six-Ir oiiu i1.A,\ed .x.‘l,CLLLCI' at home. ‘ Gradual/y Overcome By Pe-ru-na. , f A Serious Case of Chronic Catarrh nArihurTrembla v MR. ARTHUR TREMRIAY. 8 St. James street, Mont Pleasant. Que, Can.. writes: “About three years ago, cafarrh its most serious form assailed me. “I consulted a specialist who pre- scribed medicines as constitutional ticatment and a liquid to use locally. “This gave me relief for a time, but soon afterwards the disease returned. “I was then suffering very much, my appetite had left me and I was growing weaker. “I had frequently read pamphlets re- garding the cures made‘hy Peruna. and although somewhat dubious as to its doing me any good, I decided-to try a few bottles. “I had not taken Pcruna for more than two weeks before a marked ini- pri'ivenient was perceptible. “As I continued taking the remedy, Inc disease gradually disappeared and in a few months I was entirely rid of the nauseous malady.” in ......- ._-,I.._ The country grocer was issuing in- structions to his new assistant. “It's only by looking closely after trifles,' said the proprietor, “that a profit can be made in these days of close competi- tion.” “Yessir,” came from the boy. “For example.” continued the grocer, “when you pick the flies out of the sugar don't throw them away. Put ’em among the curranls.” .___.... Cholera morbus, cramps and kindred complaints annually made their appear- ance at the same time as the hot wea- ther, green fruit, cucumbers. melons. etc.. and many persons are debarred from eating these tempting things, but they need not abstain if they have Dr. it. D. Kellogg‘s Dysentery Cordial and take a few drops in water. It cures the, cramps and cholera in a remark- able manner and is sure to check every disturbance of the bowels. Hewitt: “Don’t you believe that a man should practise what he, preaches?" .lcavitt: “It depends upon what he preaches.” The Flagging EnergICS Revivedâ€"Con- stant application to business is a tax uron the energies. and if there be not relaxation, Iassitude and depression are sure to intervene. These came from stomach troubles. The want of exer- cise brings on nervous irregularities.‘ and the stomach ceases to assimilate feod properly. In this condition ’ar- melee‘s Vegetable I‘ills will be fuond a reeiqerative of rare power, restoring the organs to healthful action. dispelâ€" ling depression, and reviving the flag- ging energies. a. A ' \vonsmr on THE RIVER. It is Still Adliered to by the Orthodox Hindus. The Time: of India prints hn inter- esting story Slantllg that the worship of the river IN Hill iniperathe to the orthdox Hindu. and that the rite is sometimes employed for other than rc- iligious pinpusis. f It related that some time ago a twelbknown citizen appealed t.) .1 “Wm. tvehimh" to profit-cl an old man who was itaiil in the lapping waters of the river. 1,0 \\‘f[~lltf(l away as the tide rose. 'iis mrivs meanwhile living stifled with mirt.‘ [tut tlt.‘ p ii-iindn objected to interfere, l5 i. :1 ‘hi iiii‘l that it was a rul: iCinl- :1. if 1 "entry. The pap-1- g: s. 1.11 5.. >Ji_\' a slirri time fifty ‘hu tlili’lili‘lll the 1" ‘ «f a \lllt- :' Elinlz': ‘ l"ll;:a ll ;.‘ 1 ‘tllt tad been Careful to do this he had not iSittIl ,qiiick I thou INFLUENZA AND DRY FEET. Ileci-ntlv a correSpondent, who stated on grip." Still a communication to the l. nd‘in Times saying that the only sure \-.:iytoavoidtaking the disease. was to keep the Let dry. In corroboration of point he mrntioned that since he had it; while before observing the pre- caution he had it four years in sueecs- and got. it “every time through lll.\ fret.” \\'hi‘reupon. another corre- syondeut comes out with the staggering statement. that he knows a man “who has had grip tiw years in succession; and he has two wooden legs." Hard and soft corns cannot withstand Iti‘lloway's Corn Cure: it. is effectual every‘tune. Get a bottle at once and Le happy. TOO LAZY TO \VORK. Little Williei“Say, pa. what‘s ennui?" l‘:i»~“l".nniii. my son. is the feeling that comes our a non when he gets tco lazy to work.” ITCII. Mange. Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human rr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford‘s Sanitary Lotion. It. never fails. Sold by all druggists. Ethel: “What a finely-ehiselled mouth you have! It ought o be on a girl's face.” .faek: “Well, I sildoui miss an oppor- tunity." One trial of Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator will convince you that it has no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see if it does not please you. Jonesâ€"“That was a scathing sermon on mean men the. pat-son gave us last Sunday. Wonder what Smith thought about it?" lli'o\\'n#“.\‘ingularl I met Smith yesterday, and he said he'd like to know your opinion on it.” After Wasting Pevers hasten recovery to health by the use of “Ferrovim.,' It is the best tonic. It; builds, strengthens and ives uew Vitality. Try it, it will nuke you feel 5 roafi. bless him! ltc in me when the cieuds were dark and threatening.‘ Wilsonâ€"“In what way?" Jackson â€" “Ilc lent me an umbrella." Jacksonfi‘TIeaven showed confidence “Man is Filled With .\Iisery."â€"â€"This is not true of all men. The well. sound of lung. clear of eye, elert and liney- ant with health, are not miserable, whatever be the social condition. To be well is to be happy. and we can all be well by getting and keeping our bodies in‘a healthful state. Dr. Thomas‘ Eelcctric Oil will help all to do this. The parson's wife had sent an order for a leg of mutton, and received in re- ply the following note: “Dear Madani.-~ I have not killed myself this week. but can get a leg off my brother, if that will do.â€"\'our affectionate butcher, Jchn Sirloin." Tlny tubercles on the skin of scrofulous pea. Ie produce the hideous disease called lupus. Veaver's Cerate. used in time, will save the skin from destruction. A ply to all affected parts. Cleanse the blood wit. Weaver's Syrup. “\Vaiter," called the customer in the restaurant where an orchestra was playâ€" ing “Yes. sir.” “Kindly tell the leader of the orchestra to play something sad and low while I dine. I want to see it i‘. won‘t have a softening influence on this steak." Sleeplessness.â€"\V'hen the nerves are unstriing and the whole body given up to wretfchdt-ness. when the mind is filled with gloom and dismal forcbodings. the result of derangement of the digestive (again, sheplessnrss comes to add to the distress. If only lln} subject could sleep. there would lie oblivion for a while and lcmiorary relief. I’ainne- lcc's Vegetable l’ills will not only in- (litCC Slt'c‘l. bill \\‘ill (let. so beneficial- lv that the subject will wake refreshed and restored to happiness. Bachelors who are looking for trouble should get married. PAT \VAS GOING SOME. An Englishman. an‘ Irishman mp1 ,1 Scotctunan \toic one day a going a. to which of the llll'tt‘ countrics poop...“ t=;.- ttl>lv5t trains. “\\rll." said the I'm-ii ill one of our trains will lope graph [bibs liayi- lweii lilac :. hrdgufi' “tilt’ llti" Illlti‘I‘t‘llv‘r‘ tilipi'ilt‘ like ltilltl' said the Suit. l-Iiiglishnxiii. “I‘ve , . .‘iff‘II PINK" - yziblwrs‘.” saiil l"al. “l wn: ans {1”}. in a train in my .oniu'y. and \\-.. paggwd r. llt‘ltl of tlll‘lllpr' and :i fie-5t of amuz-‘ also :z livid of calling? and [itlt~li't'_ a iond of water. and \'.'~~ \‘m‘lH yam; (rt. 5.. {hr-11 .- II t it was a biolii.” fut ‘ â€"â€"and all stomach and bowel disoldexs. Makes puny babies plump and may. Proved y SOKcuu' successful Stops Colic .3. t Nurses’ and Mothers’ Treasure â€"25c.-6 bottle. $1.25. V National Drug a Cheated (10.. Lida! DOIIB’I‘FUI.. “flow about this young man who is paying attention to Ethel? Are his con- nections good?” “I don't know. Irlc began life as a plumber." Churches and Schools Juut one Ceiling ilidenl for churchel and school]. to: its beauty. clunth. economyâ€"for its unitary perfection (.no mum to catch din)â€"Ior it: file-proof qualities Above 2.000 modm'i desigm in every nylept good artâ€"aide-w-lls to match In harmony WIII‘I interior schemaâ€"adapted to any colorâ€"scheme or architectural motive. Allow in to lend you Illustrated detail: and quote DI'IOOI- ddqu 209 The PEDLAR People [Em Olhawa Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Wlnnlpsl ’Ready Made Show Cards The retailer always has one subject of supreme interest to himselfâ€"flow can I make more sales? We can help by supplying you with our ready-made Aitistic Show Cards. These cards are made on strong cardboard, It by 14 inches. with white letters on blacloblue or red background. We carry in stock d complete assortment of over 500 dif- ferent designs, cards for any business. Catalogue and price list mailed on re- quest. BL‘SINESS SIGNS, Guelph, Ont. FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling andxtd Gloves cleaned Thou can be sent. by post, to per oz. the best. place In BRITISH AMERIGAN DYEING 00. MONTREAL MAGHINEIIG FOR SAL‘; DYNAMO 300 lights. firstclass order. Will be sold cheap and must be gotten out. of the way owing to GOO-light machine taking its place. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. fl.__ FAN BLOWER Buffalo make, number four, 9-inch ver- tical discharge, 24 inches high; perfect condition. Superintendent, Truth Bltlld' trig, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. .â€" . EvaryWeiaa 1| interested and mould know ' ‘ about the wonderful “ MARVELWhIrIInES ray The new Vast-a! yr ago. Beauâ€"M on conven- lant. It chum filgyourdruggt‘ “flu-{1:1, - e <2 mm mpp e MAR%EL aeczpt no other-.1114 can Item“? for I Instruct». book-44c ed. It give! It annulus and directions In- . valu leto Iadi . " " WINDSOR BU PL? (30.. Windsor Ont. General Agents for Cana a. He can't gel away beamin- NEWHOUSE TRAP. Rum-Ynnmmmmmpnmwu Mu-pnuumnwumumm . 0- u'l “wanna-mummy» no .u- Intuit - ' . aâ€" un n ONFJ m commumfv, uh. Ills-n Fab. 0-1. UUIttttSlEtMtht’tllltPtttl LIMITED. River and Gulf Bl St. lattftltltt Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes . _ 'l “in Screw Iron 5'4. "t‘unpaim." with e'ei‘tvril ,Iigms, E-CCIFIC bells .III’I 'ill Inw tern c trui new ? SAIL“ :mi .‘\!f\\"l’I: “.m- fif'iIVI)\\’~' at 4 l \ejateni’. till :11: Orbiter: amt It lit'y th- e I'll-twu. N, 5.. calla in; ’1: t c ’ixipv. l’cicr. ( It r. nut-amoebic, l'.IZ.I,, .Llll (Lh u. .2: etuwu, 1’.L.I. .‘-.i‘.’l’ll"ll ,\lltili,\'. S :‘-"” “2637' A. E. t’iUi’iztll‘fll 23 Broadway, Ne

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