A solemn and impressive warmng against the evils of intemperance was sounded by Rev. Canon Welch in the sermon he preached to the troops of the local garrison and the Anclent and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts at the service held in the Massey Hall on Sunday. Canon Welch quoted tig- Whom the Chief Constable's re- port showing mat the arrests for drunkenness in Toronto had more than doubled. within the past sixi years, and described the growth of intemperanee as an alarming feature of Canadian life. He commented upon the grave amount of excessive drinking among women, and re- marked that it was not an unknown thing- for members of Toronto society to drink themselves at dances and entertainments into a state in which they were unï¬t for the company of mspectable women. That, he main- tained, could be stopped by the womâ€" an of society if they chose. For the sake of the homes, for the sake of the children. for the sake of humanity, may the women of Toronto take» a cue from Canon Welch's solemn words of warning, and guard against intemperance as a sin against God and society. The tribune, published at Toron- to Junction, eame out last week un- der its new management. with Mr. A. W. Law as editor and manager. The ï¬rst. number in the new series is verv creditable, and reads more like the paper did when in was in the hands of Mr. A. B. Rice who be- came Collector of Customs in 1904. RICHMOND HILL. Mr. A. E. Donovan. Conservative, was elected in Brockville on Monday at a bye-election for the Local House By a majority of over 300. Many reasons are now given fol" the mm- uvor, Mr. Donovan being the ï¬rst Conservative to represent the riding for many years. I; may be than the personality of the member-elect vhad something to do with the result. The electors may have been influ- enced by a promised expenditure of $75,900 on the Brockville asylum during the coming year. It may be that the people are not; inclined to interfere at present with the Whit- ney Government. But it cannot be denied that agood many Liberals in. various parts of the Province are just. now feeling a little sore because the late loader of the Opposition was translated from a position where he was very much needed to a seat in the Dominion Cabinet which might have been satisfactorily ï¬lled by some other worthy statesman. Copied from the (211512111411 Laws. Revised twu yum-3' imprisonment, and to a ï¬ne nut, exceeding two hundred dollars whoâ€"- Chapmr 143. â€"Evcry one is guilty of an imiicwhic 08:6ch and rliablew to Ra) umkee, prints. advertises or pub- limes. or causes 01 procures to be made. pxintcd. advertised or publish- ed, any. proposal. scheme 01' plan for advancing. lending. giving. selling or in any way disposing of any property by luts. cards. tickets. or any mode of (-huuco whatsoever; ur (h) sells, bzll'temexchmgea or other- wise. disposes of, or cxuses or pxucums, 01‘ aids or assists in, Um sale, barter 01-. c-xclumge. any ht, card. ticket; or ntlu-r means or device (01 advancing, lL-nding. giving, gelling or otherwise disposing of any property, by lot, Lick~ 9L5 ur any mode of cbauoe whnmuevur, 2. Every one is g run] liuhlu (m smut. p-chLy of twcuby Hikes or n-ceives : hr other dm ice as Gambling» cogied flu: ï¬ihcmi. :) conduds or manages any scheme, allivmxcc or operation of any kind (.hc purpose nf determining who. the holders of mint lnts, tickets. :uhi-rs or chances, am L139 winners hrzpter y property 50 pi‘opused [.0 be ad- ed. loaned, Tiwen, sold ordispus zone is guilty of an ofl‘ence on mmmmry conviction (.0 a f tweuby dollars, who bug's. L-ceives any such lot. ticket mice as ufomsaid. » copied from the Criminal LOTTERIES. Law. 1906. 1487 Every one is guilty of (905. ONT" Oct. 10. 1907 warning an indiumhle offence and liuhle to 0110 year‘s imprisonment who keeps auv common gumng house or other place, as deï¬nefl‘. S. 229â€"Every one who plays or looks on while any other person is pluying in a. common gaming house 01- other place is guilty of an oil’ence and liable. on summary cunviction befure two justices to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars and not less than twenty dnllzu-s, and in defnnlt nf pnyâ€" ment to two umnths’ imprisomnent. Pain anywhere. pain in the head, painful periods, Neuralginw tnntlmt-ho. all pains can be prnmptly stupde by a thoroughly safe little Pink Cunay Tablet, known by Di uggists away- where as Dr, Shnnp‘s Headache Tah- lets. Pain simply means congestionâ€"- undue blood pressing at the point WhEl'P pain exists. Dr. Shnop’s Head- ache Tablets quickly equalize this un- natural blood pressure. and pain im- medizltelv departs. VVt'ite Dr. Shoop, Racine, \‘Visq and get a free trial pack- .age. Large lmx 25¢ts.â€" Druggists. W. A. Sanderson. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kid- ney ailments, can he quickly corrected with a prescription known to drug- glsts evelywheie as Dr. Slmnp’s Re- storative. The prompt and surpris- ing relief which this remedy imme- diately brings is entirely due to its Re- storativeartion upon the controlling nervvsofthe Stomach, etc. \\'. A. Sanderson. If you love, love more. If you hate, hate less. Life is to short to spend in hating anyone. Why war against a. mortal who is going the same mud with us? Why not expand the flower of life und happiness by learning to love. by teaching those who are near and dear the beautiful lesson? Your hands may he hard but, your heart need not lw. Your fox-m may be bent or ugly, but do you know that the most, bountiful flowers grow. in the most rugged; unsbeltered places? The palace for care, the cottage for love. Not that, there is no love in a. mansion; but somehow if we are not very care- fulI husineih- will crowd all there is of beauty on; of the heart. That is why God has given the thhaths and Sutâ€" urday nights. that we may leave hus- iness and have a little heart, cleaning. l 626 Only three cases came up fm‘ hem-â€" ing betore Judge Morgan at Division Court here last. Friday. V ‘ ‘Irnwn Bank vs. Killips 8: Muldoon, $41.33. Verdict, for plaintiff. Nico!_& Nicnl vs. Glass & Glass, $65.- 32. C(nnmittal 40 days stayed on pay- ment of a rensnnuble amount month- iy; _- - i . mnâ€" n~ IV Cooper vs. McIntosh, $95.87. Com- mitml 0f 30 days stayed on payment of a reasonable amount, monthly. NexL com-t Navember 23‘; Yumwill go hfmither ant} save Atkinson & Switzer. King Council met at Harris’s Hotel. Schomherg. un Saturday. Sept. 28, 1907. Membersall present. The following bills were presented and ordered [0 he paid :â€"â€"â€" Joseph Billings, mdnths’ salury.$33 33 Thus. Hall. reps to culverts . .. 9 50 Francis Allridge, reps to brid e. 3} 90 " “ reps to gut er and lumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luke Lyons. hauling gravel etc R. Hughey‘ road work . . . . . . . Bert, Mahlev, road work . . . . . . Nelson Simpson, reps to bridge R. J. Bret. cement 2§ hhls .. .. Fred Graham, hauling gmvel . Phillipsâ€"‘Deaconâ€" that the Reeve Dep. Reeve and Councillor Burns be acommittee to consider and approve of the bonds of the collectors when properly executed. .- ‘r u , m|,.4. ‘17... ‘ P‘hilli'psâ€"Mchlc W'illiams be paid account. H. A. NICHOLLS, Richmond Hill journn ljp's AH Always reliable, economical and durable peel or chalk. Superior to any 0th 1* mi market. G00 5 Barley . _ . . Oats . . . . . . . Pease . . . ‘ . Rye . . . . . . Buckwheat. “up. “vu- IJ‘Lfl'ND CITY FLOOR PflINTJ‘ 2 Require only 8 hours to dry. Think of it. Island City Enamels. Liquid Gold and flluminum. Island City varnish Stains, Gloss Carriage Paints. FOR SALE BY Deac )l 1i .11 “3 THE BEAUTIFUL LESSON ‘ou 9am Division Court. King Council. |â€"Burnsâ€"â€" That the follow- fencP bonus be paidâ€" Isaac bend $4.16 Pure Prepared Mchluxchyâ€" That Wm. a paid-the sum of $750001) Burns m( f Council to 1 King City c 011d uarnc b Tin moved the ad u Satrurc less. Phil OCTOBER CANADIAN MAGAZINE. The part, that, Lord and Lady Duff- eriu («ink in Canadian affairs during the time that His Excvllency was Governor-General here should he 'fuâ€" miliur to all Canadians, and thm-wfure an article entitle-d “The Dufl’wrin F‘mn- ily." bv Margin-ct, Eadie Henderson, in the October Canadinn Magazine. is nfunusunl interest. Miss anders'nn tells about incidents in the life of this distinguished Irish family quite npail from what; might be regarded as their purely public affairs. The Octme number contains other important. crm~ trilmlions. Prof. Adan Shurtt lirl> an article entitlvd “A Pvrsm‘mlity in Journalism." heng rm ;lppl‘P(‘l&lLl(vll of Journalism.†heng nu :Ipprwmurm m Mr. J. A. MacDonald. Editor of TM Tm-nntu Globe. The fullnwiug Cunni- hutiuns are also includvd in the num- ber: “Canadian A11; and Its Critics," by J. A. Radford. illustrated : “Th: Deer of British Columbia, by Allan Brnnks," illustrated; “Canadians ll Telephone Development.†by Run- dnlph Carlyle. illustrated ; “le Ix-um of British rule in India.†by Saint N Sing. besides a. number of other mt;- icles and ï¬ve short stories. TUESDAY. Oct. 15â€"Auctiun 3:110 < implements, hoxses. 9th., at Bvdfnx' Park, Ynnge street. the prupvrty ( James Mannnvghen. Sale at o’clock. Terms. three munth. . For sale at the C. N. 0 Station, or delivered in m village:â€" Ld durable. \Viil not; crack, y other mixed points on the STEAM COAL NUT, STOVE, FURVACE Best Scranton coal Also file. cattle and hogs. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator ' MUNN & 00.. of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, con- tinue to not us Solicitors fur Patents. CHVL’uls,‘ l‘rutke Banks. Go yï¬ghls. {or the Unlted Slam-n. Lanndn. Engiund. u-auce. Germany. etc. Band 13mm about Parents sent tree. Thin â€"sevon yeura' expcrionco. Patents obtained throuu l MUNN & CO. are noticed In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, the largest. host. and most widely circulated 'scienufle pa er. $32011. yum Weekly. S Iendid engravings an lnfgresting In- mrmatlon. Deuimen copy of the Ecleuuï¬c Amer- Imu sent tree. Address MUNN A: 30.. SCIENTIFIC Anna-low Oriï¬ce. 261 Broadwny. New York. *ï¬?EW PENNYROYAL WAFERS. o’clock. Terms. H. Prentice, auct. ' Egg ï¬lï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚é. ' Anyuuu uuuxuus a. pawn... u..- “w-..r V, 7 _ quickly “certain our opimon {nee whether an ipvenuon u prob ably patenmble. Communica- tmna 3mm, conï¬dential. Handbook on Patent: cent. Me. Oldest ency for securing patents. P5331115 taken mu 1: Munn a; Ca. receive mega! notice, without 4.- me in the r . u _ , A £md50me1y illustrated week}! Largest cir- culation of any acientl, unmnl. Terms. $3 3 gr laughs. 5L (1 by nlLPewsdï¬nlers's. m'flï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬bféhï¬wfléw Yer Branch Ofï¬ee. 825 F St.. \Yuhiuglom D. C. J. H. RAME R Bran and Victor Feed far §éféï¬ï¬ï¬â‚¬ 'E'merican.‘ COAL For threshing engines $1.93} I?! Auction Sales. Alpednc manly modkino tar indies to restore fum regular; m; mules “mm “7‘, w NJ PM alum Ito aches or pins on 37 ptoach New and byoveraomom 0000an Immmm. hummus: thgortmmmy ot_yaur mega! ell - on our ngnnxure 3m moorlsbel. mom-umde Sealed uJu-smanm It M DE 8319†mm summï¬zmlca 0011mm Dmou. ma. ABVAFSC gal-(led t. The Och important mu Shunt PI‘I'SUI‘IHHt C AMERICANI COIL Ms. Caveats,‘ l‘rutte» ed Slam-a. Lamme Hand Bnok ybout ‘ yeurs' cxpvncnce. N a CO. are noticed 9 largest heut.amd pa er. $3.20". ya: at! _lnhgresti)m In- an Your Local “Weekly a Best Agricultural Dz pars in Canada 3.111105 Tomam Ba]: part of is your friend and benefactor home. In fact vegetables, its (1 lies deep in every heart iarm daily. Special pa‘ e; ch week. Subscribe Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken at “The Liberal†Oï¬oe. Note the following-- Weekly G's-lobe, with illustrated edi- tion,tillJe11. 1, 1909 c The Daily "Mail and pire, one year The Home Journal} year The Next Sitting of Div No. 3, County of York in the Court R BNESEUN Saturday, No§/. The Till All the men 1 RICHMOND Local every househol mmencmg $anua @bfl. Tm Libem‘jg )Ell't axr HILL )VC WET†per AND THE Daily "'6; S are tore Id @338. for 69 Gems the man who wants to be abrc tam-x, Hill World is up-t eral Ofï¬ce, and in tact a love of the farm en to Agriculture twice nd one of the Lily Newspa- 1; given away. ts stock, its fruit, its heap. éppli' to E‘nm Q For Sale the timem :arn, and stable,_with two i, on Mill street. Richmond 3. A very desirable prop- GEE" tO-G rICHOLLS. 1 Estate Agent RAL OFFICE from the ate as 21 in good