Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Oct 1907, p. 5

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. ..,‘. ...._....-_... __..__._ »...A_..B..,___ ' 144â€")(7 Ala-‘55. Heliornberq Fair on Thursday Friday of this week. and Goods llt't'r‘tll’ltngTlTliii are all the go. Atkinson «K: SwitZt-r. The local \V. C. T. U. meet, of. Mrs. Mason’s next Tuesday at 3 p. in. Samples of J. Brillinger’a Northern Spy apples, in good condition. may be | Trial Catirrrh treatments are being [ nrailedor‘it free, on request. by Dr. Shoop, ltacine. \\'is. 'Jfbese tests are] pro\ ing to the [wopleâ€"AVithout a peri- ny's costâ€"the great value of -tliis scieiitltic prescription known to drug- giats everywhere as Dr. Shor.p‘s Cat- lil‘l‘h Remedy. Sold by \\'. A. Sander- 50H. “'()t)l)l§lilDGE FAIR. The usinil preparation is being made for the \Voodbridge Fair to be held on \\ ednesday and 'l‘bursday of next Week, the 10th and I7 inst. Good purses will be given for speeding con- tests. lint-class music liar-3 been pro- rider], and the fair will close by a lull!- quot to be held in the evening of the Second day. seen at Tun: LinnRAL ()l'rice. #537500 Dru} AGES“ Mr. John \Vakelielrl who recently ‘ Hm"? Misnm' “f Mimch “:33 awarded $2500 damages in the Assrze. purchased the Alhin residence on Ar- i hold street. moved into his new home -with his bride yesterday. Mr. Nicholle; is advertising another very desirable properly on Mill Strut-IN for sale. At the price. it should not. be very long on the market. Two first prises and three second prizes came to Tronch‘s Carriage \Vorks from Markham Fair in the wagon and carriage departments. FTCâ€"it. mun. Four barrels of snows, also Some winter apples. Apply to \Vm. Har- rison, Itichlriond Hill. 15-1 Mr. \V. H. l‘tigsley, A. .l. Hume and T. A. Lanion as l‘eeve. clerk and assessor respectively will meet this evening to select jurynrcn for the variou: courts. Cider on Monday. 'l‘uesdayfiVednesâ€" diiy and Thursday of each week is beâ€" itig made at l’rntt‘s Chopping,r and Sawing mills, York Mills. under the management of Mr. R. Thompson. Success magazine for October begins with many new features of more than ordinary importance. There are a number of good tiction stories in this issue, and a large number of useful and practical household departments. The Aurora High School Football , team came down Friday afternoon and played a tie with the Richmond Hill High School team. The match was played on the cattle ranch, for- merly known as the Richmond Hill Park. The semi-annual meeting of the Ontario Curlers~ Association will be. held at the Granite Club, Church St., Toronto, on Tuesday, October 15. at 11 a. In. Representatives from liicli- riiond Hill club. t). P. \Yiley and H. A. Nicliolls. Cheapness without \vortli is high priced. Atkinson k Switzer. A cement tank is being made in Arnold Street. the measurement. of which is as folloWs: 105 feet long. 7 feet wide and 9 feet deep. \Vliicli form in the Public school will tell us the number of gallons the new recep- tacle will hold ? The funeral of Miss AliCe I. Reid, who died in Toronto on Monday. took place yesterday. Interment in the ictoria Square cemetery. The ser- vice was conducted by Rev. Dr. Neal of \Vestrninster Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. A. l’. Brace. The staff wishes to publish THE LIB- ERAL on \Vednesdny of next week iii- stead of the usual day. Thursday. Will our correspondents and those having news items kindly Send in or hand in one day earlier than usualâ€" not later than Tuesday evening. CURLERS‘ MEETING. The annual meetingr of the Rich- mond Hill Curling Club will be held in McDonald's shop on Saturday even- ing of this week, at 8.30. The. audit- ors‘ report will be read. officers elect- ed. and other business transacted. Everybody welcome. Menâ€"Don‘t forget that we still car- rv our well-known Combination Tan Leather Lined \Vateiuproof Boot at $3.00. Although this boot costs us more money now. we have not raised ‘the price yet. Do you want a pair at the old price? All sizes 0 to 11. Naughton Bros.. Elgiii Mills. The \V. M. S. Tuesday afternoon packed “the box" with clothing and other useful articles to be. sent to the North Country. A ten cent tea fol- lowed, after which Mrs. Allen gave a most interesting and instructive ad- dress on “\Vork among the French of Quebec." A southbound work our ran into a. drove of cattle belonging to Thomas Mahony of Bt‘llllflVt‘ll and John Dean of Thornliill, last Thursday r-vtning about 7 o‘clock. near Glen Grove. kill- ing four of Mr. Maliony‘s and one of_ The car wa< thrown from '. Mr. Dean‘s. the track and into the ditch. but no person was serioust illjlll't‘tt. AMERICAN HOME MO The proprietor of the KTHLY. American Home Monthly writes that the above . journal will be the same price to Can- :rdiau Subscribers as to American. not« withstanding the new postal regula- tions. namely $l a year. The oetober number just to hand furnishes a lot of good reading. The annual llai-vth Home Thanks- {rivinc St"‘\‘:"i\‘ will bu llt‘lil at the Methodist ("rich on Sunday next. rim. Dr. \vm. «anti-am .\l. .»~...‘i.. L. B. will preach inori: 1;: :ll lil.:."l and eye- ning at-T. 1w '«V’ll oll' 'iinqs will be taken at each service. Special service of song by il;~ choir throughout the (luv. l l l lover Sunday at Claremont and re- l turned Monday. Mrs. Robert Bestard of Davisvillc Court on Tuesday against the York Radial Railway Company for injuries sustained by jumping from a car. The plaintil't' was a. passenger on the front seat of a car. and he claimed his llfv was placed in jeopardy while rounding a curve in the track. when another Radial car ran into the car in which he was seated. Misuer in- jured hiinsell by jumpingr from the car. which was going at about the rate of 15 miles an hour. HARVEST HUME. The Buttonville Methodist church will hold its annual Harvest Home Seivices on Sunday and Monday, 00- tober 13 and H. Rev. H. ’l‘. Ferguson. B. A., B. 1).. of East Toronto. will preach on Sunday, 13th. at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Mrs. \\" bite and daugh- ter of Markham will sing at these ser- vices. Un Monday evening a. harvest home supper will be served from 5 to 7.30 p. m. At 8 p. in. an excellent pro- gramme will be rendered consisting of addresses by Revs. A. P. Brace. Richmond Ilill: F. Rae, Unionville. and F. C. Keam. Newton Brook. Miss Stella Campbell of Newton Brook Will recite. The famous Blight Male Quar- tette of Toronto will supply music for theentertainment. Admission, adults, 2.3 cents; children, 15 cents. A SUCCESSFU I. PRIZE \‘VINNER. Mr. R. S. Frisby of Victoria Square maintains his reputation as a breeder- and prize-taker. At Markham Fair last week he won cash prizes to the amount of $24.50. He secured lst and 2nd prizes for sow over 1 yin: lst for SIHV under 1 yin; lst, 2nd, and 3rd for sow under 6 mos.; and 2nd for male over 1 yr. He also took first for goose wheat. first for timothy seed. and second on white oats. Mr. Fi'isby was, however, unfortunate in losing :5 bushel of timothy seed. with the first- prize ticket left in bag. The owner‘s name was steiiriled on a bag which was turned inside out. This was doubtless taken by mistake by some exhibitor. If taken in any other way. the person giving information that will lead to its recovery will be snit-‘ ably rewarded. Mr. Frisby was equal- ly successful‘at Newrnarket Fair. A Weak Stomach. causing dyspepsia. a weak heart with palpitation or inter- mittent pulse. always mean Weak Stomach nerves. or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative and see how quickly these ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop of Racine, W'is., will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth ““° simple trial. Sold by W'. A. Sztndzi: son. MXRRIAGES. GIBBONSâ€" LYNETTâ€" At St. Mary’s Church, on Monday. October 7, by the pastor. Rev. Father Grant,Jewell A. Lynett. daughter of the late Dav. id Lynett of this place, to Joseph Gibbons of Aurora. Brannon ALb‘. W Mr. J. Hoover was the guest of Mr. J. Bastard on Tuesday. Rev. P; Jones of Maple was calling on friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. Clarkson McDonald'spent a» day or two in Stoufiville last week. Mr. Richard Vanderburgh left Tues- day on a trip to the NortlrWest. Mr. and Mia/George Graiiiger spent over Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. J. Brownlec spent a few days in the City and returned Monday eve- uing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright spent ; \isitcd her brother-in-luv.‘, Mr. J. , Bestard, this week. 2 Mrs. Spence Pickering and her son. 3 Oscar. of Parkdale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bestanl on Tuesday. Mrs. L. B. Montgomery of Silver Creek. I\. Y.. visited with her sister, é Mrs. Isaac Cr-Osby. this: week. Mrs. H. F. Hopper of Toronto came ‘ up Saturday and visited for a few"; days with old friends here. l Mr. Frank MrDonald and Mr. Mor- ley Barker of Stoutfvillc Were here. on 1 Sunday and drove home Sunday night. . Thr- supplemental resultc of the Uriâ€" 1 i‘.’t‘l>it_\' ot Toronto Show that Mr. \V. I). Brave ha.“ fully C(‘lllplt‘ile his son , ond year in medicine. i Mrs. \Vm. Martin and :‘hiidseii who I have spent the stil'tlilr 1' .L‘. Streetsville visiiel a few rl..y~: new but returned Saturday for another manta. Mr. Arthur Boyle and Mr. Sltlney _ Boyle left 'l'hursday ftvi‘ a visit with their biotir'r in Montreal. Th.- liytm. - utirpmes i: in fining for s- :._e time. i +++++++++++++++++++++++++J Mr. John H. Robinson, editor of the Evening Telegram; Mrs.~ Robinsori. ‘ and Mrs. John Eyer and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. VVr-ight lust Satur- day. Mr. Chas. E. Hopper was elected 3 chairman of a board oi students foi-nn-d for the purpose, of securing a lollege “Yell,” at b‘. P. S. on Monday lust. ! Mr. 1). E. Stortup. biin for the.T. Eaton Company, visited his parents llt'l'!‘ Tuesday. previous to starting on a trip to Eur-ope. in the interest of the firm. ' Miss Edna Alcombrack, who has been attending the Richmond Hill High School the past year, entered Trinity College on \Vednesdav of last week. Mr. Robert Rutherford and wife and two daughters, Hazel and Roxey Ruby. of Strange. spent over night at the home of Mr. F. Elliott "The \Vil- lmvs." Rev. E. II. Toye preached Sabbath School Anniversary sermons at. Cen- treville last Sunday. His Work on the circuit here was taken by Rev Mr. Logan of the London Conferei’ice. Miss Boak of Buffalo has been visit- ing friends in Toronto and vicinity. lIlHU her sister, Mrs. Leonard of Kettle- by, and is now spending a few days with the Misses Elliott at “The \Vilâ€" lows." Rev. A. P. Brace attended the 90. sale held in the Methodist church. Au- rora, under the auspices of the \V. M. S. similar to the one held here in the spring. Mr. Brace spoke at the. evening meeting. Reports from B. C. papers tell that Rev. A. J. Brace. General secretary of Y. M. C. A. at Victoria. recently in the aquatic sports took the Premier’s Medal for swimming and life saving and championship of Vancouver Island. Messrs. Harry Blanchard. John Michael and Robert Haifey are home for a few days after spending,r two weeks in the vicinity of Brantford. Preston. Galt and \Vaterloo. They were preparing the soil for the plant- ing of nursery stock sold by a firm managed by Mr. John Hafi’ey. The above purpose returning later in the season to plant the trees and shrubs. ; .,.,., Don’t have a falling out with '- your hair. It might leave you! ; Then what? That would mean thin, scraggly,» uneven, rough { 7 hair. Keep our hair at homel Z. Fasten it tig rly to your s’caipi ‘ ' You can easilydo it with Ayer’s . Hair Vigor. It is something ‘ . more than a simple hair dress- . ing. It is a hair medicine, a - . hair tonic, a hair food. The best kind of a testimonial- “ Bold. tor over sixty years." 1.0.0 .. Levon, mu. mmtmon or SARSAPAIILLA. Pl L LS. CHERRY PEG I'OIAL. i Practical Education is essential to success in the business world of to-ciav. The srhool that provides the hast training along those lines is the British American Business College YONGE Jr McGlLL STS . TORONTO Superior courses in all subjects. Students assisted to positions. Enter- any time. Write for catalogue. T. H. WATSON, Principal .1. .1. i I 4. ~1- 4° 4' ll; 4° 1 4- £- + if q. 4' 4° '5- 4° 4° Our stock is now com- plete. Fine range of Men’s Overcoats and Suits. We satisiy all our purchasers with the .‘Broadway. Fit guaran- teed. Full stock of Men's Furnishings, "Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Rubber Boots, and Overshoes for men, women, and chil- dren, and prices equal our qualityâ€"Th H+MWW++++HM ++++++ 4. V. 0 h with Best. ARM. SAVAG l1 +°l°+++++++W+++++é+++++é++ iv°b+4°+fi°+H++W++++++++++ u () utfitrtor Richmond Hill ; a +4";- 5< :4‘-'2°-i°-3°-i°-'~ :- '~+++~:v»:-+~2-»:--r+â€"“+ , Ripans Tabii‘rea.‘ l Ripaus Tatuies: at druggists. «â€"++++~z++g~+++++¢+++++++++ H++++++++++++++++++++++++ fro. S . ++°§°++++++ M++~3°+4°HH+MN+H°+++H++++' r+++++++++++++++ ++++++MMHWHWM+ +++++~i~++++++++é++++fi New Fall and. ' Winter Goods Arriving Daily Special Values: .1. '1' '1- + -i- 4- + -i- 4. + g ‘E or- 'i' i + '1‘ 'i' 0!. q. 4- E '1' '1' 0‘. . . 3: We advertise to induce you to q. o:- vrsrt our store and see our stock. i We rely upon our goods and prices g 4- + c? to make sales when they are brought to your notice. We mean just'as much when we talk to you in our advertising as we do when you hear us talk over the counter, only by this means we' t alk to more people. We quote: Heavy, striped. 36-inch Flannelette, IIC. yd. Cream, white, and pink Saxony, IOC. per yd. Heavy, Loch Lomond, Shirtings, at 10, 12}, 15. and 17c. yd. The best standard cotton Shirts at I5c. yd. Men’s heavy. well-made vests at 79c. Men’s brown corduroy vests, $1.80. Atkinson & vaiizer Oct. 10, 1907. '1' °l° 4. + 4° 4° 4. 4° 4‘ 4. 4° 4° '1' I + I ‘1' 1 4° 4. °§° i 4° °i° 4' 21‘. 4° °§°+'P°§°*Â¥~§°'+'i°+++~§°++++++++é++°§°m+w++ +‘§‘++M++++++++++++~§°++++~i°+i° #401-++4°++++4°+P+++++++++++++ -+°!°°i-+ +++++ int-Mr ‘7 M++++++++~z~++~w++++++++++++++r~r++++e~++++++++++ W+W++MW¢H++H+M MWH++++++H+H+++H+++ .g. in '1' -!° '1- i '1' 4' '12 4° i 4° 33 +4"?+°§-++++++Mé+++++++++++++M++++M+°§+++m++°§°+ i ~1- '.‘ Ԥ' ~§~++°§°++++°§u§°+++++ . +§++++++++ ++’§"’r++‘§‘+4~°§°°§°+++++W++é+++++ ++++++++++++++4 ++++++~§°+++°€° ++~P+rl°+ M+++°§°4°+4~I°++MHM+ W Richmond Hill Hardware Slate We solicit your order for Ranges and Heaters. And assure you satisfaction in quality and price. Sample line of pocket cutlery at cost. Tinsmithing in all its branches. ll l m. â€".â€"-4 AT COLLEGE . J0) v . BRlTlS BUSINESS COLLEGE, TORON l‘U. Practical and tltrvt‘ou.‘ remorthrm‘]. C_) :n‘nti:ir-.l. and hintriculatiou. Y. M. (J. A. tree. 83.00 rmlwuy hm punt if it)” rnper UH'L' 1.1mm. ,rrluze: a R. A. FAROUHARSON. B.A.. image and Bloor ’l‘oronfc. .â€" Sun A quantity of elder applrs wanted lit the Rirlimonri Hill C!(‘-".l.."ly t'llv; Mill. Arnold St. Conruieirzing Tire day October 15, Cider will be made i» . the public every Tr. CIday. Thorâ€"day and Saturday. I". LYNETT. Ti. “- yuang Ferrets. full grown. Apply to ‘ \VM. EON E. Carr\ 1110. 1'13 ale, C . m . _._. .._.._ ..._. v.__ .7 __....._4 l 15?. Manager. Liii re s» Iii-feeding; base turner stove, g , w, A A7 # ,__‘______, WA , oxen attached, in fair condition. « R. \V. MUYLE. ' ‘8, (xvii. 1. Vaughan C Sweet to Eat it @361de mm. LriL. g 13-1. /’..v

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