t}. T. Pitt Itltt naturism The Port of Kittamat May Be Chosen t Temporarily. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C... says: Recent reports from the north have given rise to a great amount. of speculation with regard to the (L’l‘d’. proposed terminals at Princu Itupert. The manner in which the properties at that point are being handled and the .secrecy with which the .:n)t‘i-titioiis are, being carried on by them have served to strengthen the. belief that within a :short time something of a radical na- ture will be announced. For some. time past the belief has been growing that .another port will be de\e!opvd for handling G. '1‘. 1’. business at l‘aciflc ~lermiinils. before the development ol‘l Prince Rupert is proceeded with. n is claimed by men who have made a careful study of the situation up the. north shore. and who know the lay if the land there, that in all probability .a port will be opened at the head of Itittanial. arm. for handling construc- tion material and supplies. This belief rts baSed on several circumstances. and is being backed strongly by men who have invested in properties in that to- vcslity. In the. ï¬rst place the cost at constructing the line connecting the upper waters of the Skccna with the .Fraser, via the Bulkley River, the Ne- FLE\V .UIOI'IVD ST. PAUL‘S. 'Illitish Army Airship Afford; Lorn’on a Sensation. A despateh from London says: Lon- (ion is talking of only one thingâ€"the flight of the British army airship. Nulli .Sectnnllis. which on Saturday travelled to London from Farnborough. 32 miles southwest of the metropolis. sailed around the dome oi St. ‘aul's Cathed- l‘al. circled about, a number of Govern- ment buildings in the West End. CI‘CSSk‘d the river to Surrey. and ï¬nally dc- .Lscended on the grounds of the Crystal Palace. The airship's iii-mile flight from Farnborough to London was ac- complished in just a little over an hour and a half. Hundreds of thousands watched its progress through the city and the. wonderful manmuvres it exe- cuted. The airship crossed the Thames at Blackfriars bridge. and headed for St. Paul's. Gracefully circling St. Paul's dome on an even keel. the air- ship was headed for the \\'ar Oï¬ice. Its route was down Ludgatevllill. acmss Ludgate Circus and on from there over Fleet street and the Strand to Trafal- gar square. The airship travelled at - the rate of about. ï¬fteen miles an hour. The Union Jack fluttered astern. I-‘rom Trafalgar Square the airship moved ra- fully and under complete ointrot to the new War Ofï¬ce. It passed over that building. then circled about West- minster Abbey and the Houses of Par- Iinnn‘nt. and then rcr‘rosscd the Thames. It was estimated that the. wind against which the ship travelled sometimes had 0 [Ul‘t‘t‘ Of lWOh’e miles an hour. The maximum speed attained going with the wind was between 23 and 2t miles an hour. andagainst the wind the speed was from five to seven miles an hour. H- .The Government will probatst send a hamster to Japan to deal with the tin-l migration question. The Police Committee of Montreal re. fused to investigate charges of graft. against the forceI saying they were an insult. choco'and their branches, will to tre- nn-ndous. running into the millions l-ll' construction alone. This does nut in» clude the cost. of transpt'n-ting the sup- plies. The second point in the L'utllt‘il- tion is that rumor has it mat the t.. 'I'. P. is looking for the pt‘isscss‘on of a charter for a railway up the Kltltlllllll valley. which was granted some time ago. The grade through this valley is an easy one. less than one per cent. and would cut off a considerable length of most ditlicult construction. Iran the head water of the Kittainat there woutt‘ l‘t. no great diï¬icully in locating a line to connect with the east slope of the I" ckies. 'l‘hc adaption .of Kiltnmat would short- en the route by about titty mites. re» suiting III a cruisctpiriil. reduction in the rust of construction. while entailing a longer sea voyage to reach its more inland w::ters. Expenditures which have already teen made at Prime Itupcrt indicate that i! will not be abandoned. though its dew velopmenl may be delayed. It is under- stodd that G. T. I’. ofï¬cials are attempt- ing to get possession ot more suitable ‘.and at the head of the arm and those on the ground are reluctant to part with their holdings. SIIQT IN THE II.\('.I(. An Italian Murdered at IIcrve) Junction. Quebec. A despatch from Quebec says: News reached town late on \\'ednesday even- ing of what appears to have been the CCldâ€"lthOdvd murder oi an Italian by a ItHow-countryman at Ilr‘rvey Junction. on the line of the Great Northern Rail. way. The victim. whose name has not. transpired. was engaged on the Trans- centinental Railway. Accrvrding to he details received the man had gone to the home. of another Italian to spend the night. and while he was ascending the stairs to his room he was shot in the back by the keeper of the house. wound was almost immediately fatal. 'lhe motive for the crime is unknown. The murderer was taken in charge by the high constable and brought to Three Rivers. up, ..._..__. SUGAR KILLS SHORT LEGS. The. Two Men Are Indians and Fought Near Maple Creek. A despatch from Maple Creek. Sash. says: An Indian was found dead at “aim-works Camp. ï¬ve miles from here, or Thursday. His name was Short Legs. It is supposrd that another Indian named ‘ Sugar struck Short Legs with an axe while both were inehriatcd. Already Mounted Police are sCouring the adja- cent piains in order to effect the arrest ‘ of the Indian. Sugar. who is :~u>‘pv.‘clt‘d to be the guilty party. >X4-..__ FREE l\l.\IL DELIVERY. Three Mme Cities to Get it in a 1:9... “vet‘s. A despatch from Ottawa say": The extension of the free letter carrier de- livery is being steadily increased by the I’estoï¬ire l)epartment., Berlin. h‘unl- iv rd. I’cterhoro. Slratford. Calgary and Edmonton have been added this summer. while (lharlotteh‘iwn. Guelph and \\‘ind- sor will be given free letter delivery in ‘hc course of a few weeks. lllllttllU , llt Sll FlSllEltllllt- Thirteen Out of Twenty-Three Taken 0E Wreck. A despalch from London says' Throughout \\'cdneriia_v and 'I‘hursvlay lh: ï¬shermen on the coast of Ireland. aided by Coast guards and volunteer helpers. Worked with the greatest cou- tape and devotion to rescue the crew of the French ship Icon Xlll.. whit-Ir \xrnt ashore in a gale on Spanish l‘uint.‘ I!) nightfall they succeeded in >:t\’l.lt'_‘.' and timing thirtern. hilt nine are stiit clinu'i‘g tw tln fl gin" There is held). however. that they \ 1.. be resyied Ill_ lcw tide. : During the «‘I (\\’ / wvrc without iv- d since ' i (lay lttvt'lltllgl. They were t‘x:...t (P4 .a: hunger and exposure. 'lh:~ \\ ("k l’em‘idllwl in mam t“- s. s. notably in the s-‘tf~.lt ‘ r"_t‘ til ‘lw‘ li“"ll"l‘<. “‘0 '05:; t' ‘lh‘ Ft. c- t‘.. rtm ~ n 1h:- ‘ ‘ ' -n Xlll.. w. - .--i . .(. t t‘l to the stores bring s'il-zn "tint . '- ‘ \‘It I‘.‘ \'~.'~.-1els of the .Qpanish Armada. .Qhe was barely 2.3†yards m’l‘ shore. but a not of rocks ctrnipcllcd the rcs‘uei's to make a detour vi a nii’r in a. i to get near lb‘i‘. 'l‘lte lrnve fishermen. rowing sn'all ital“. ink to a Iandsmttn mire il‘ l... tn a rural than on the “3;; \"lllL‘lI l '\ tlrt‘ l .\l':an‘ic. Fine Fr ‘: 'l'lie‘ ‘ Nl§\\' YtlltK \‘v'llliAT f\l.\l'll\'l7.'l‘. raging - r-tsn‘ .hnt. IN t} MARKETS BREADS'I'UFFS. 'l‘orinto. (let. H.râ€"v\\intcr \\’lienti.\'0. wintw. {'8' outside; No. :3 red or mixed. [.l'lt in 97/15“. _‘\l:mil«bd Wheatâ€"No. t northern. $l.hr.'2; .\'o, 2, shes/1.2; lnhu puts. lill'l"_\'vl“ll'ltl. din: to The. according to grade. 5) (lillm'rrNo. '2 white, 50¢; mixed, We 0‘. l-fltli‘. lty“ 77.30 outside. l'ttl» Quiet ut She outside. (Loin \<I. 2 yellow American. WC '0 T: 'Jldutttu tri'iglils; Nu. :2 )‘L‘lluw. 75‘ N t. ‘J lnlxt‘tl 73} '. ulll’ritiltttll'gt, 1):) pop (lent, patent. 511.35 hid lul’ export; Manitoba patent, ï¬tcltll lrand. 3.35% .md patent. 1‘â€. strong hnkwl's'. K [irritin 421.50 to $4†.dnn'ls. £526.50 in A" Zn in bulk outside; u titltiN'l'ltY l’lltftllllcli littllft'-â€"<\ttlt‘l\'t‘t firm. with good ll“â€" nvand. tireamcry. prints . . . . . . . 2tcto 313: do solids . . L’L’ttto‘litc l‘airy prints ‘EZCtOMc do solids titrtoilic tilictseWS'mnly at Tb“ tor large and II:"’- fir twins in job lots here. .light" Lvle to in in case lots. I‘it'ltry-AChoicv lite v-hi'hcns are intolth at Se to tr: and hens from 60 to 7t Ducks. 73;“ to or. l‘otnto ‘t'Ali'lSli't‘llx are quoted at 700 to 75,- in car lots (.t] tiack. and Ontarios til ("ring I) 700. llaled Hayâ€"Steady at SIG to $17 in C12] l<|l\ on track lit-re. Eatcd Stra\vâ€"r.\‘leuity at $3 to $9.50 on track. PROVISIONS. Ines-ct llogswss’rfi for ligiil\'.'t'iglil..s .73 l.) $23 lO.‘ liï¬l‘~ in . ticrces. I’Ve‘ ‘ /':L 1 tubs. rat‘s. 2%.: Km ikmi and Itry Salted Meatskliong {gear bacon. llr ti tilgr‘ for tons and raises: hams. medium and light. 1.30 to tidal-z heavy. Ittgt: to the: backs. 16%.}: lt lie: shoulders. Itii‘q’c to lie; rolls. Iii/21'; breakfast bacon. IRE/21' to Itic. (men meats out of pickle. 1; less than smoked. ".4 m- hlt'lN'l‘Rlikl. MARKETS. .\lon!r":tl. Oct. R.~'l‘htre were no new tit‘VCl‘ttlltlvlllS in the local tlour situa- tiun. the undertone to the market to in; strong. (‘hoit-e spring wheat patents. $3.90: seconds, $3.3M; winttr \vl’rent patents. .S .3 to $3.33: straight rollers. $i.75 to Shirt: do.. in bags. $2.25 to $3.35; extras. . I‘orkâ€"Ileavy Canada. shortâ€"cut mess. in tiert-cs. quoted at $253.50 tr, Silt; heavy Canada short-cut mess. in barrels, #22.- 5*! to :3 l: t'anadzl. short-0111. mes?†in half lnrie $ll.;'itl to $l].7.'i; tianiida. shortâ€"cut harks. $11.50 to 5511.75. Lardâ€"(t)impound. in Heroes of L75 11;. 93.9,- h- 93.;c: parchnnnt-linzd boxes. 5-: tin. him,- to the: tubs. StJ tbs. net I“: In lttlï¬tT: “Mud litllls'. 20‘ HS. IICl. ll‘t‘ l-l 1H}{;l': tin pails. ‘20 1b.; n'mss. 9);" to Mfr: tins. 3 to It) lbs... in cases lt‘ht' Lt“. ltl,‘./_,'.‘. Sunk-I'd \le'it=â€"â€"Il:un.<. 23 lbs. and inwards. 123.2%}; do., 18 to 23 lbs. 12‘40 lit “(:2 (lat. 12 to 15 liS.. 111.20 to 136; (tn. 9 to I: It»; l'n‘ to 1319-: do large hams. hone nut. rztllvtl. tins: do.. small. Itic; thivk. Iti‘, \\‘.‘n'l‘~r bacon. l-tc: do... th t k. 121.;c. Windsor bacon. hacks. the: :»pi~td rolled bacon. honeh-ss. short. 12c: din. lung. lily: to 130; \\'ill.- tshlre bacon. 50-h». sides. 15c. Eggï¬~§Hll§ of selretx-d were made at ‘23‘C ti 2%. No. I at the to ï¬ne, sec- tnds at Itic to 103311: (Zinescgllohlers Listed 12%0 to 12-7413 if" ï¬nest \\'«.\lt‘l'll. l'Ilgc hi 135/6 for .'I‘t.\‘.'nships. and 123240 to lflvlgc for One- hot". Rutteeruotations tzt-day are: lec. 27in: ’I‘-t\\'nsliips. Igc. ls. Que- I\' w York. Oct. 9.!-\\'ln iiiâ€"Spot ï¬rm; .\'«1. ‘2 I‘tLl. Slh’ï¬N elevator: .\'<t. 2 red. rib-5%. l.«l.lt. (llltttlll No. l northern Im- luth. $l.lT7,. inhh. attuit: .\'-i. ‘2 hard winttr. $1.05â€; f.o.h. afloat. BUFFALO .\l.\lll\'li'l‘. Buffalo. Oct. S_i\\'healA-.\‘pring ï¬rm- e:. No. 1 Northern. $l.t~2}«.§: \\'intwr film: .\'-i. red. SIN‘Z. (Zornâ€"lower; N-i. 2 white (iii) e: N-i. :3 yellow. (14- " :) (\zt‘is Firm: N4. :3 ill \td. Bulge; ,\'-_.. 2 white. hike. llililï¬ï¬‚" shut} to shin, tut-TXâ€. 2. :ll)._;c. Liana} fi'vlglits r Steady. l..l\'l". S'I'OtiK .\I\l‘d\'|-'.'l‘.\'. 'I‘- rentâ€. ()3‘. S.~llvn\jv dclivrz'i.< «I r: tile. mostly of inferior quality. ware tht- \\'I‘\l\i‘.'l Market to-dzty, 1w rived a. ’l'lr niart . for the per classvs was “\t' ‘- wit ’«I out dud. with an t-asiwr ft. 'l ltv til ' " «I k'ftltllk‘i'S \.\«-t;l tivt‘ngafn and at in. only to le 1.-.‘:‘.‘.in.t‘.t\vn ‘t “I .f . :i- p r lit. The vx~t l w-.\ and swine .llle swamped. ;. .rt 1er h c. i'tnnml :J :i st:ii.tl:-titt.l Tut- err-w if t ne of the swamped Show and hills lull prrttv >‘r-znlv in. l.. ::t< wire llit‘iii<cl\'cs l‘irely rv-sbtiul t A I †\"-I‘v_‘ 13H chm l ‘ ' lllrlwitl. l-llt. In H 3 dam}! ‘ 3.703 side.) :ttId‘ ‘ " i't-siz'uwt their w-n it‘ll cams. If-wvru'knl ruin did » - I ’ ' save theinw'vos. \\‘hrn :lflfld tin-tn to tlt‘\' lid in 't.ey I33“ \ :v Idil. and 3.t!lCt:.‘ . . sti‘f‘t'x‘sg v.‘§‘h ‘wu n‘. In ah‘dt‘d. ._‘..w:.rds the 53‘» re ' « s .h [:1.\it‘i‘l‘.-"‘.lit. _. ‘o f' 'f 7'" 'nnn ii-«l ' a nut Fill a tttllttlll‘tl Sunday Morning Blaze in a York Street Lodging House. A despalch from Toronto >\\'ltl and sudden outbreak of Inn in 11 t:-ilor's store at tilt} York street in lln' early hours of Sunday morning woke tln twelve occupants of the hon~e from their sleep. and in the panic whit-ti en- sued .\lt‘.\. Harliacl (h'cnstein. wife of the occupant, and her daughter. Jenny. aged NV. recrivrd injuries. from which they died afttr their icinoval to St. Itchael \ Hospital: Innis I’irnstein. agle tlnrty-siv. a willinetan‘iht-r. is delirious in St. Michael's ll~i.sp.tal, his mind lilt- liingv'ulx hy his suffering; his wide. ltcclel. who was rescued from death by snit‘malion by the .i'n'omptitudc of 1‘. t1. .\lo\\:it (2N1). in the hospital \Vttli burns; I'rank Schwartz. aged eighteen. MIVS. is l l A n t'iilttr. who [raped from a tliirthstciriy window I) the pavement. was Iadly turned about. the face and eyes an.l his lt't‘l smashed by the impact: .-\I‘ll-iltt‘ (lieenfeld. a Itoumnnian tailor. aged thirty. sustained injuriu; to his tN't l’Y leaping from a .sttt-oinl-stan'cy window into a pile of broken plate glass. and five others. Mira lsazics, aged twenty- (an; I) rra Isaars. aged twenty-live: thir- I'y (lrenstein, tailor. aged twenty-eight; t l:tt‘:l (trenstt-in. aged eighteen months, :nd l‘wnjtimin lensluin. aged twenty- rttziw‘. who had arrived in the house in in New York but a few hours before. are all in St. Michael's Hospital Stitlr‘P mg from burns and injuries received \'.ll|lt) attempting to (‘>L‘tl](‘. ________________â€"â€"___..__.._.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_\. Itl'SSILV 'I‘IIUN HELD (1’. The Dynamite Set on Fire the Mail Car and a (loach. A d-Sll’ltCll from Odessa says: A train having on hoard over 1‘00 passengers \\'<'t.\ held up on 'l‘uesday night l"\' :t land of robbers. who opened the mail cat by exploding dynamite. The explo- sion set the car on fire. and the flame; cmnmunicalcd to ’a crowded passenger car. with the result that a number of women and children were badly burned ln'tore they ct'iuld (scape. While the robbers were trying to blow open the safe in the mail car they were attacked by some gendarnn‘s. who were passengers on the train. .\ liltin- lcr on both sides were wounded. but the robbers escaped. The mini car burned nninterruptedly tr: ï¬ve hours. destroying all the mail and baggage. The lenses are consider- ed to be heavy. Four men suspected corned in the. robbery later in the day. of being con- were arrested v he “'INNII’EG ESTIMATES T 00 [40“]. Ifxperimenflal Farm Director More “heat for Milling. A despatch from Ottawa Sa‘ . Dr. Saunders. director of Experimental l’ilI‘IiIS. who is keeping in close touch with crop conditions in Western (Zan- ada through a host of correspoinlenls scattered over the three provinces, is inclined to the belief that the \\'inni- peg estimate of only 43.000000 bushels of wheat lit for milling is below the cstll mate. llr. Founders places the pro- bable crop at between titty and sixty million l-ushels. and a considerable quantity in addition for feed. \\'inui- peg titl\'lt.‘1'S place the inferior grain at '23 million bushels. ltceent reports to the U‘nlrnl Farm vary in their terms. The Brandon district reports an aver- crop. Moosejaw. a fair cropâ€"bet- indced. than was expected: the In- Ilead district promises only a halt while around llattleford the out- is greatly improved. _____ 11.- I’IIOI’. OSLI‘III SCORES DOCTORS. Says ’I‘hey Neglect ’I'heir [Zealtliâ€"W't'orlt or Smoke Too Much. Predicts tttrl) than crop. Iriok .\ despulch from London says: l‘ro- fessor tlslcr. addressing the studt'nls at St. Mary's llt shitul, said that suc- cess in the medical l)l"l.r(‘<rltlll was targer :i (Ititstitin of g-tl‘l health. II] this matter; he added. dorttns were no» furious sinners. If they did not work lutl hard they sitnllu'd tun mil l1 and, were inilil‘l rxnt about t-x: rt-is'. The l rst students sound to pay the least atten- tion to nature's l:~v.'<. 5.4 , 'l‘he (irni'id 'I‘runk l‘aciti- will build a Stalwart hralge at Fort \\‘ilh:nn. Silliiii‘t tililttltlt I Oll'I‘I.Ot)K I’OII OCEAN BUSINESS. Shipping Companies Are Over “'inter Prospects. \Vorried A despatch from Montreal says: Some of the ocean steamship companies are considerably worried over the outlook for an unprofitable winter‘s trade. and. according to the statements i'nade by prt‘nninent oflieials. it is considered likely that some of the lines doing business between (Zanada and the British Isles. am well as I‘Iuropcan ports. will withdraw a number of their vessels from the Can- adian route during the winter, as presentl indications point to a stark seacond There appears to be little or no producetl ii sight for exporh while the oceant rates are unprecedentcdly low. espe-' cially for this time oi the year. BOOK K I‘ll-ZI’ER \\'.\S EASY. One Thief Iinticcd IIim Out and Confcd-' crate Cleaned Till. A despateti from Montreal says: Two stick thieves got $1.10 for a few minutes' [trek (.ity Tobacco t‘o's unite. In the: early morning a man called at the otlice when only the Imokkecpt‘r was there. He said he had come to ï¬x the sidewalk. and got. the la’iokkeeprr to help him measure the same. Then be. thanked him and made off. \\'hilo the. hookâ€" ke-eper was out another man had been' hi and cleaned out the tilt, and no trace of tln'lll has been found. __ ~+__-_ SIIO’I‘ IN TIIIC ’I‘IIitIII. Laqucrre Fatally \VOIIDG’TI “'hile Hunting in Quebec. .-\ despair-h fr'tm Quebec says: .’\n0~ tlit‘r hunting 'fatnlity is reported. tlit‘ third since tln‘ bunnni.r season opened a [L'\\' days ago. The victim of the latest accident. was a man named .htseph Ar- .seno Inqin‘u‘re. 3'2 years of age. belong- ing to tlrondinrs. Larpn‘rrc and a party oi friends were out hunting on Sunday ailerntn’m. haqiierre was engagrd in exâ€" Joseph :nnining a rille whet it sun-ariin went oil. The shot did no damage. but the rebound of the gun caused another shot to go off. and the charge entered |.a- (pierre's thigh. 'I‘he wounded man died on 'l‘uesday. v p‘. INTO CELIA R. SCORE I‘IZLI. Floor of Guelph Houst- Collapsed During Auction Sale. _‘\ tll‘SIrttlL'lt from titli'lpli, 0nt., says: The falling ill a floor in the housi- of .\11:_ (I. I". hoe. (gum-n Strrct. during tlr' t'tlllt'\t' of an auctiun >tllt‘ on 'I‘hnrs- (l:i_ Il'z’i'l,~ll:tlt"-l t)\’t'l‘ .‘t S'Ul'r‘ Ur ll."llrlt', n'mtly l:l.lir~. lltltl th i‘i'l’ur. lt took quite a tinn to get. lluin all out again. ntnl it was found that whitt- a number had rt-erfved hruisw. none wt re serious- Iv hurt. An ttdcily gtnllrman named Maln'incy had his leg cut and was badly shaken up. ‘ O Said Western Federation Instigated the Bomb Outrage. A despot 'h frrzn Rake:- t'ilty. (regain.- .\JZ_\SZ 'l':.w \\\>tcin l‘«t:r..';nn I \I ~;- .1; \‘.:-> act-n4 d . t ins!" t l g llinhy Ii. l‘.i«‘.\':i. Ivi'n. if in s M-rzty. .n :11 II lizvlii l.t'l.‘ if: ‘:.- \L'.. 1;: \‘\il '~‘-tl\ l t \‘ .\ 'Il ‘ lav " M. _‘ t i. x ‘5- :-i I- ' l . , -.' ‘ ': 'lt.‘ ‘ - .l. ‘ ‘ tfs'. ‘l s - ' \ fr :i . y _ I 7 I by I, .‘I x 7 l ‘ . . .. . .I . .a ‘ 't, t t - an a i . 1 RE 12" ; \' ‘ 7. H! r v ‘ ' < _ s 1. -. \ ‘ «i lttl i ’ I ‘ t b J Lu _t . , t _t.t