VOL. XXX. VETERINARY SURGEON, '1‘ hornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. I T Siigenn, J K blips Wt Sztigeon & McEWeu ~\\'ill he Alu‘ge stncknf Funeral Furnishing kept at. bath places IBEBAL PMNTNS as PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,0NT. Licensed Auctionear ! 11:61:43un of Y0 k Quads sold on canaignm 0 General sales .scoc at-o promptly itbe dad to at. rensonank rages†ï¬egï¬-lreuce Uniunv Ie G R Gaalngn SQRLH‘EWOngenX {or the above License Auctioneex for thJConnty or You re- po-mmlly 801101138 you: pn‘ mange and friendly .uduance sales awn-med o the shorted notice um at reuouabemtas. P. Address King RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL JOHN R. CAMPBELL, manned \uctioneern for the County of York a 1.19:1 “sanded no on shorceatnoticenud a. ran muscle rates Patronage solicited J. H. SANDERSGN. Having a complete X-ray and sLutie electricity apparatus. I am able to locate foreign hndies in the body, and examine fractures uf hum-s. Also tn treat. NERVOUS DISEASES, (innoxxe liumuuxrxsn, Monan GRowcms, such as Cancew. etc. “Hing a graduate of Moorï¬eld's Eye Hospital. England. I am prawn-ed to qumine the interior of the vyes for Pupil nf and J. H inter pmp Llls by (huh-rinkch .& Embnlmors h VETERINARY SURGEOB RICHMOND HILL J. EARLE NEWTON Pianist IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY HURSDAY MORN 1N6 ()Z'ï¬ Munvy tn Instruction in Piano-playing and Thmu'y mi! of A. S. Vngt. Mus. Doc. (Piano) (1 J. H. Anger, F. R. C. O. (Thcnry) Money to Loan. BUSINESS CARDS‘ DR. S. J. BOYD RICH MOND III LL, ONTARIO /‘- Dl‘ per annum, in adv-amen] WRIGHT BROS @112 gihgral rty. Apply 9. )‘chAHON, ï¬rm}. if W. "A ï¬ï¬Eï¬Eï¬E E} c n ï¬st, Eon-on LE Pnornxsron CM-lton and Yang? Sts , To n » 11 L0 in Richmrmd Hill on Vv‘cd 'lnsddy Inf ezuzh wwk. , next drmr north of Stand- :u-d Bunk. LInurs-â€"3.30 a. m. m 5 p. m. day and night promptly tended to. I. ll. [’1 entice. n. G. 1:â€);me OH 31f etcriuargt THE LIBERAL OFFICE :. etc. lunte of :lnugl. I interim- AT THE mm J a. m. [.0 5 p. m. Wm ; ï¬ve per cent. mortga ge‘ â€"furm J K McEwen Weapon Z Rirhmnnd Hill Ofï¬ce. muth»v-:\st nur uf Lnxne Bldg., vvel-y Thu: afu-rnuun. BARPJSTER, SuucrroR, NOTARY, Em. Tot-«mm Oflit'v. 33 Richmond St. \Vvst, \Vesloy Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce. Standard Bank Building, every Saturday aller- 'l'm- \‘71‘3‘t‘ Ric“ Bank [100]). 8:“ a Islvl'b and Solicitors. Mouev to loan onland undabatbel mortgages at lowest rates Aururnufl'zceâ€"Remmvéaiiuribe old post 0313.: one door west 0! the entrance to the Outanu Bank Newman'th ofï¬ceâ€"Three dual-s south of the p 15% oriï¬ce '1‘ 1123132111szon G BTV MORGAN Aurore. Newmarket LENNOX & MORG NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON. K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. ML‘LOCK BOULTBEF Muplo, Thursday aflernnnn. Money to imm at, Fisc Per (,‘rnL (5,71) G G SLindsey.K C A G F lmwreuce W Ridom. Wadsworth JAS: N EVVTON Mulock, Lee, Millikan &j Clark i [SS Private Barristersï¬oiicitors. Notaries. 3m. Hume Life Building (furmorly Free hold Lt)an Bldg. ). Cur. Adelaide & Victoria. Sts.. Turouto. Richmonu Hill )nmmerci stableman. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. travelling public. Good rooms Iâ€"Iarry Wright. PROPRIETOR. Sum: ‘ T0 LOAN .n‘ LOWEST HATES N OTA RY I’UBLI C, OOKMXESIONEF IN THE ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ICIJGI‘N' NEIIJIAS Phcno Main 311 COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. J. M. LAING Barrisber, Solicitor, Etc Tm-nnm 003w, 36 Tummto sir-0M. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C- ssuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOSD HILL POST OFFICE. Bun-isle] s. Solicitux's, Etc. ‘ I DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS, 3V. Gumm- King & Yunge Streets, TORONTO. i RICHMOND HILL, ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1.907 H. A. N- ICHOLLS Every accommodation for the THE PALMER HOUSE J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC THORNHII enton, Dunn & Boultbee Barrist Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth, NI . '1‘1? 1*] IVY nmnissinnel, Cnnveynncer, etc. Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer nf Marriage Licenses. NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers, S: -I ict nrs, Etc WILLIAM COOK and Trust Funds to loan at lowest current, rates. 25:11:11. Traveling In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials. Liberty; in alltk‘éngs, CharityԠ$ster Phone Main 2984 Thu] sday Attentive I AN for l (Jumcmnâ€"Thmnasâ€"Thnt the treas- ured- he nutburized to pay to J. '1‘. Saigeun for insuring the Township Hull, stable and shed in connection) lhuwwith the sum of $15.00.â€"02u1~ied. Czuuewnâ€"Thuluasâ€"That the x-eeve and Councillor VVilliznns hp a (‘Ullllllifr toe Ln gu to Thmnhill in l‘t’ft‘l't-‘YH‘C to ditch in from of B. Mussleumu’s prnp~ erty. The alww' cnnncil rut-t at ihu ann- ship Hull nu Tuesday. October 8. Members all present, Reeve Devins in the chair. Minulm of but, him-Ling mud and :uluptml. Lnnghuusv â€"â€" \V'illiums â€"â€" That the treasurer pay the fulluwing rmul nc- cnunls:- Julm Suirlvr. pop-mm bridge zit. Pinn-Grme i . . . . Chas. Bulnn’rr, I‘vpuiriny bridge at l’lm-Gruu- .. Julin “'liitmure. drawing plank frmn Maple .. . . . . i . . . . . 3 00 Hutchinmn A: Fenwick, puuing in sewer pipi- and repairing (:ulvmts, luis 10am! ll, cun.5 10 73 John Unwzm, rcpairing rum] :5 7 00 280 planer . . . . . . . 1.. John Clau-ksmi. 2 teams, 7 hours on grader. mun nperucing grader 7 hours. hulf cost, (lig- ging ditches. lots 5 and (5, cans. 8 and 9 . . . . . . . . . . ... John 1... Card, 400 ft. hemlock plank delivered at, Kleinhnrg .l. R. \Vilsun, repairing bridge, hauling plank, and ï¬lling :1 [Il'lmcht‘s with gravel, lots 2gand‘21,cnn.6 305(1)!) Bale-s, 1 day with team opening diLclies lots 3." and 36, comb . . . . . . . . . Henrv Espey. l duy’rs \vm-k Henry Espey and Jns. Bnles, re- pairing nnd ï¬lling in Wash- nut-s. lots 23 and 20. mm. 3 .. Jamel» Olnrey, cleaning out ditches (in Thnrnhill sideline Walter Bowen. putting in arch lots 10 and 11, run. 3. . . . . . \Valter Bowen, drawing plnnk fur l’ll iilge near Cheri-y's . . . . Vanter Bowen. putting up guardrail. lot, 14. con. 2 . . .. John McKay, 39 lnnds gravel .. U. Cowper. hauling plunk for Maple. and putting mine on Kleinhmg bridge, etc . . . . . . Williams â€" Cm twasmer pay the accounts:â€" 'I. F. McMahon, for Voter’s Lists, printing, advertising. etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . $127 25 Cameron â€" \Villiams â€"- That. the Uensurer be authorized to nccept, the bonds of the collvctnlsâ€"Thos. A. Cousins and Dugnld McDonaldâ€"the. some being considered satisfactory by this (:4mneiLâ€"Cm-riod. Williumsâ€"Thnnmsâ€"That the tx~ezxs~ urn- he unthuriznd u: nay t.†Andlvw McNeil fur the, Vaughan & King Plow- mun‘s Associatiuu the sum of $20.» Carried. Uumorun â€"â€" Longhous‘e - That (he clerk he and is hereby instructed [u vmpluy P. S. Gibson. 0. E., to make u. burn-y (If de-viutiun on townline bo~ tween 8th and 91b cuns.,:md the bums- mox- is hereby uuLhm-izud to pay to \Vm. Keir the sum nf $50 upon ex- ecutinu of Kim cuuvoyunce of the said desiulinn, King tuwnuhip to pay half cost uf said sun ey and purchase mulley. Our home druggists say they will eithersupply the ingredients or mix the prescription ready to take if our readers ask them, Thoro is so much Rheumatism here in our neighborhood nuw that the fol- lmving advice by an eminentzuuwaï¬w who “‘I itvs for rmidels of a large East,- ex'n daily paper, will be highly appre- ciuted by those who suffer :â€" GeL frnm :my good pharmacy one- lmlf mince Fluid Extract Dandelion, one mince Cmnpuund Knrgon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sax-supu~ rilla. Shake these well in a bottle and Lake in teaspoon doses after each meal and at, bedtime; also drink plenty of gum] water. ..... p Page who will fail to ï¬nd ready relief in this simple home-made mixture, and in must cases a. permanent care is the result. This simple recipe is said to strength- en and cleanse the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys so that they can ï¬lter and strain from the blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, which cause not- only Rheumatism‘ hut numerous other diseases. Eveiy man or woman here who feels that their Kidneys are not, active. or who sutfers from any urinary trouble What- eVei-, should not hesitate to make up this mixture as it is certain to do mach goud, and may save you from much misery nnd suffering after while. ’l‘he'rtounuil adjourned to meo: Nov. 12, at, IU u. m. rribâ€"is c1;;inied that there are few vic- tims of this dread and torturous dis- VAEGHAN COUNCIL MAKE [T YOURSELF. n-pui r1 ng U â€"()an~ivd. Emmi-on â€" That, the 11: fullowmg generle 10 10 10 00 75 00 12 50 3 90 16 ()0 100 300 (350 200 Cmnmuni:m services “‘PI‘P. held in St. Andrew’s chm-ch on Sunday. The swnmm was [n-cuchvd by Rev. \V. G. Back to u. vm-y large congregation. Theseservicva u-ncluded Mr. Buck‘s! pastorate in this place, and he and Mrs. Buck win lom‘e shortly for his mew chm-go at Eglintun. Much regret, is felt. by the whole cummunity at thcirdwpm-mre, as during the nsvvn years tho-w; have been hem they have vudcured themselves, not. only to the nmnlwrsnf their mvn CODgr9gatinn, but, also Lu thuso of the other churches. The best wishes of all go tu their new fin-M 0t l‘lhul'. The p lpils uf the Public school are practising for their annual cuncvrt, (,0 be_gi\'9_n {but}; '[leanS’giyillg>Dlly. Mr. J. G. McDonaldw hasnhveâ€"n un- pointvd u judge uf echuol children’s wng “LIVnodhLidge Fair. Mrs. Thus. Difï¬mrth of Toronto apelntn few days last, week visiting “39)dein»tly9_yillnge. _ Miss Ethel Hm-Iis of Torontu is \‘ii- iting her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. J. \Vatsm. The Liu-rm'y night, of the Epwnrth League vi the Methodist. chmch, on Oct. 14th, gave the following pmgxam. )horns, The Maple Leaf. Mr. aner is dning such a rushing business ' grain that, at one time his machine fused to work. But in n slam-t, time ewrything was running smuothlynguin. The rush uf grain continues. and highvst priCus are paid. The farmers dolivu-ing grain to the Elevator are taking away a quan~ tity of anal. This is like killing two hixds with one stone. Mr. John Shem'down is kept busy teaming coal and wood, though the latter is hard tn g9?“ L. lmws & Suns had another car of lumber in last wvek. The Radial line tn the station is be- ing hustlvd uluug and will be ready in almut a week’s Lime. A8 stnh'd hefm-e. the Railway cr-m- pany are unable to erect n dwellingim- age-ht. W. Smith, but, instead, will make improvements for comfort dur- ing the winter. Mr. Muckuy had a twb days thresh- ing which show»! :1 huge stuck in rear of his barnâ€"mu largest in the neigh- borhnod. A two-plank \vulk from town tn st: Linn would he. very convenient, espec- iaxljy in muggiijitber. Supt. F. 1‘21. Spadial went north on Tuesday to inspect, new road north nf Parry Sound. They expect. to open for traï¬ï¬cahuntJnn. lst, ’US,Lh10ugh to SndhnI-V. M120. H. Stiver of Unionville, of the ï¬rm of Stivex' & Runner, drove ovvr yesterday und was pleased to ï¬nd everything humming around the station. , The Richmond Hill curlers mot in McDuuuld’s shop Saturday t-chin'g and reorganized fur the coming curlâ€" ing season. President (J, P, “’iIt-y in the chum The secretary's report, shvwvd a membership last season uf 37. The auditors report, showed receipts $79.30, expenditure $70.25, leaving a balance on hnnd of $9.051 The election hf ofï¬cers resulted as follows :â€" Pun-0n, J. Slater, reeve of Mark- ham Tuw nshig. President, ' . A. anou. lst. Vice Pres., G. Guwiv. 2nd Vicn Pvt-3., A. G. Savage. Treas., G. A. McDonald. Secy., T. F. McMahon. Committee of Management. C. P. Will-y, H. A. Nicholls. E. Barker, J. H. Sanderson, and the above ofï¬cers. Auditorsâ€" Norman Glass. Julm Brydnn. Representatives fur 1908â€" The President. and H. A. Nicholls. On motion the membership fee was placed at $1.50. and the sscremx-y Was instructed to have printed 60 Ine'm- bershigtickgts. Pruym’. R~uding by Mr. Mnnkman Solo by Mr. Oliver, Land of uple. Reading by Miss Morrison. Reading by Miss Rupert. Duet, by Mr. and Mrs Jones. Reading by Miss June's. Rmding by Miss L. Richmdson. Gud Save The King. CURLERS REORGANHZE. C. N. 0. STATION. Maple. iver, Land of The Morrison. Rupert. Mrs Jones. Jones. Mr. W’. L. Purvis. Chi(‘f Licenae‘,.'in- Rpector for Turnnm, \vhu was criticized in Mr. Starr’s repurt, has resigned hiu pusiLion. ' " Tho shont-thv-chuted'nnd weenie dips at the Exhibition grounds, Tux-unto. wm‘e hlnwn dawn \V'vdnvsdny night during the, storm. the damage heir-g (-stinmwd at about $30,000. Rev. Dr. Putts. the Educutimml Susy reteu-y of 111+- Melh’ndiqt. Church a}:- pvm-s tn ho gradually <inkingf 'he has been unconscinng for more than n. vivka and is growing weaker every 1 fly. 1The London Muir- ‘uael and British America Fire Inns; 1 Cos. \Vintm- Guudsâ€" Con] days and com evenings nu‘w dvmnnd heavy cluthing. Men’s heavy \Vtml and ï¬erce-lined un- de-rwem- from 500. to $1 a. g:ll'll]é‘,'li. \Vunwn’s vests. drawm's. and combim "(ions from 2513. up. Naughtun Br03., Elgin Milk. Are said often to be buried six feet under ground. But many times women call on their lamily physicians, suffering, as they imagine. one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, another from liver or kidâ€" ney disease, another from nervous pros. tration, another with pain here and there‘ and in this way they present. alike in themselves and their easyâ€"going or overâ€" busy doctor, separate diseases, for which he, assuming them to be such. prescribeq his pills and potions. In reality. they ,are all only symptom: caused by some uterine disease. The p iclan. orant of the cause of suï¬ermg, eps up ' until large bills are in de. T erlng (â€"13}. f’IEFéETé'FEVox-iié’ï¬Ã©gciipiion f a scientiï¬c medigine, 9argf_gl_ly_ de_vise_d_ b7 ‘pe :5 es mg symp- toms. and Snstitutin comfort. instead of prolonged misery. t. has been well said, that "a diseaseiknown is_ha.lf cprqd." __ an ex erlenced and skillful physlclaï¬â€˜ and a a ted to woman’s delicate system. It is ma eof native American medicinal roots and is pgrfectlx harmless 19 “5' eï¬ects in. s 8in 7 _ s a. 1gowerful Invigorating tonic “Far Vorite rescription" imparts strength to the whole system and to the 0 ans disâ€" tinctly feminine in particular. or over- worked, “wornâ€"out. " runâ€"down," debm» tated teachers. milllners, dressmakena7 seamstresses. "shopâ€" iris." house-keeper; nursing mothers, an feeble women genâ€" erally, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the greatest. earthly boon. being unv- equaled as an appetizing cordial and reâ€" storative topic. London and Lancashire Ass. 00. As a. soothing. and strengthening nerv- lne “Favorite rescriptlon"is une ualed- and is invaluable in allaying an su duing nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion. nervous prostmtlon, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms. St. Vitus‘z dance, and other distressin , nervous symptoms commonly amen ant. upon functional and organic disease of the uterus. It induces reireshing sleet? and relievgs' men‘tn'l‘nnxlcty and des ncy. n_n_n_. _..a, - VD}: Fig-Ee-"svifl'éï¬isiï¬i Pellets i‘nvigorai/a the stomach, liver and bowels. One to three a (1962. Easy to take as candy. DOGTORS MISTAKES RICHMOND HILL Farm Implements DEERING [Single copies, 3 ct:. News Notes. AGENT FOR arm 1! mn and I6