«will furnish prize listsand entry forms ‘12 Rwanda-n HILL. On. Oct. 17. 1907 J The recent deliverance of Dr. Beattie Nesbitt-, registrar for West Toronto, hascreaiel'qmte a stir in I’rovinci‘al politics. looked upon as an attack on the Whitney Government and l‘Qh'erpolicy. The World or Mori- daysizes up the situation as follows: “fit is deï¬nitely stated, though not oflicially, that the provincial cabinet will this week deal with the situa tion arising'hut of the speech of Dr. Boattie Nesbitt at Gravenhurst, in which the 4, registrar hinted that "John Rockefeller's Boy" was at work withinhnd without the cabinet to prevent 'the realization of the cheap power policy of the Govern- ment. In faetthere is to be an in- vestigation which may investigate not only the Gravenhurst incident but go deeply into several matters that have nothing in particular to do wit‘i Nlitics, ending with the dismissal of Dr. Nesbitt." its ATTRACTIVE PRIZE LIST. Ovvr ten thousand dollars are of- fered in cash prizes at the Ontario Provincial \Vinta-r Fair to be held at thielplr. December 9th to 13th. 1907. Th- following are the different dc- partmeots of the Fair and the amount of prize Inn'no'y alotted to each : lircf Uattlr . .. .. . $1400 00 Dairy Cattle... . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 00 Sharp . .. 185000 Swine. . . .... 1450 00 Live Poultry .. . . . . ... 2350 Oil Dressed Poultry and Specials 900 00 Seeds ' 550 ()1) Judging Colnpelition..... . .. 220 00 Total . ..$i0020 00. There are classes and prizvs for all the leading pure-breeds and also for grades. crosses and drcssrd carcasses. In addition to the cash pr'izrs there are special prim-s consisting bf val. tutble silver clips, medals. trophies and N s for competition in th * m-cd‘au thts. will have a va 9 of more that$2.0lll). These The specials for the poultry depart- ments will he published in a. separate list which will be ready for distribu- tionahout November 10th. Poultry cxhihit-ors who wish to have their ex- hibits in competition for these specials Y; ould send. their contribution to A. ‘ 1 \Vcsi.ervrlt. Sectzetary. Toronto. before October 18th.. The Secretary Ireeof charge to any intendingr ex- hlhltnl‘. â€"â€"‘oo-â€"â€"â€" To check a cold. quickly. get from vom- dr-nggist some little Oandy Cold Tablets calch Proventics. Drnggists werywhere are now dispensing Pro- vcnlrcs. for they are not, only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preventics “contain no Quinine. no g‘txalivc, nothing harsh nor sickening. Sllretrat the "snooze. stage" Preven- ucs will prevent Pneumonia. Bron- chitis. La Grippc. etc. Hence thr- mune. Preventics. Good for feverish children. 48 Preventrcs 25 cts. Trial Boxcsï¬cents. Sold by \V. A. San- dcrson. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"QoOâ€"â€"v Carrville. Mrs. Jas. Hunt. has returned home after spending a couple of wet-ks in Chicago. Miss M'healey. dispenser in the Sick Children's Hospital. Toronto. was the nest of Miss Beatty at “The Elms" .rst Week. Miss Harvey of Toronto visited with Miss Ethel Paterson at Cedar Grove last. week. Miss 1.in Rearnan spent a {cw days with friends in Toronto recently. Those who attended service here last. Sunday evening were proï¬ted by an interesting and impressive sermon on “Daniel,†preached by Rev. 1’. Juries. Mrs. Beatty and Mrs. Gooch of To. mnto lefton Monday after spending a few days very pleasantly with Mrs. “'m. Cook of The Elms. Mrs. Blake and Miss Ella Blake vis- ited with friends in Toronto last week. Anniversary services will he held in .the church here next Sunday. 0ct._2(_). commencing at; 2.30 and 7p. at. Ser- mone will he preached by Rev. S. W. Dean of Fred Victor Mission. Toronto. and further pastor on this circuit. Music will be furnished by the choir- :issistcd by Mrs. Hollingshcad and Mr. Young of Newmarket. and Mr. Hartly Galloway of Toronto. A song service has also been arranged to be given iui~ ruediatcly before the regular owning service. commencing at 6.45. 9.5 PERSONALS. ‘Jlr. E. Mason Toronto, spent over Sunday in the village. hire. Geo. Billing: of Aurora spent, The speech is their Point‘s will not Crack, Peel nor Chalk if properly applied. They are made in 60 different tints, and are absolutely the best Island City Pure Prepared Paints are best for every purpose. in8 hours. FOR SALE BY H. A. NICHO Mrs.John Hutchinson of this village and her daughter Mrs. Montgomery of Silver Creek. N. Y.. have been visit- ing relatives in Aurora. this week. Mrs. Switzcr and Miss \Viley have boon appointed delegate-s to attend the Provincial \V. (.‘I. ' ‘. U. convention in Cornwall on the 7th of November. Mr. H. A. Nicholls represented the Richmond Hill curlers at the semi- annual meeting of the Ontario (hir-lcrs‘ Association held in Toronto on Tues- day. Mr. A. L Skcclc who has been fail- ing in health for a long time has been very weak within 1hr- prtst few days. He has not left his bid for three weeks, Mrs. James Harris of “'oodstock. was has been visiting for a few weeks with relatives at 'l‘ln-rnhill is staying with Mrs. John Harris herr- during the illness of the latter's husband. Reeve Pugsley is making prepara- tion fora trip to the \Vest. the early part of next week. his destination be- ing Indian Head. He purposes being back in time for the November ses- sion,of the County Council. .. >___ Stomachtroubles, Heart and lid- ney ailments. can be quit-kl} cor‘rcricd with a prescription known to drug- gists ererywherc as Dr. Shoop's Hr- storalive. The prompt Hid surpris- ing relief which. this rcmcdy immeâ€" Dgtalt‘elydrriiigs is entirely due to its Re- storatire action upon the controlling nerves of the Stomach. etc. ’v'. A. Sanderson. PHENOMENA 4 NUMBER OF DEER. Mr. P. H. Cox of Roscdale speaking on his return from a four days trip round Bolger Lake and Magnutewan River. says :â€"“l read a publication is- sued by the Canadian Northern Ont- ario Railway from which I found they intended running trains through to the Magnetewan and Still Rivers for a few days before the open season for hunters. Idecided to go up in ad- vance and sec how far the reports about deer up there were true. Had I not seen for myself. I could not have bolievedit possible that there could he dccr anywhere in such numbers. “"0 started them up in all directions. and 1 saw at least 50. but the woods bring thick. we could not see half we started. The area of the country is so great that. the number of hunters going up there will be lost in it. I certainly council hunters to commu- nicate with the Canadian Northern people in Toronto bchre deciding to go anywhere else for deer shooting and got their maps. â€"â€"â€"oaoâ€"â€" Job lot of men‘s negligce and stiff bosom shirts, regular 50c.. 75c.. and $1 goods, your choice for 390. Atkin- son a: Switzet'. GORDONâ€"MCGREGOR. The following marriage notice is taken from The Saltcoats Recorder. Saskatchewan. The groom was a former resident of Maple :-â€" “The home of Mr. John McGregor of Per- ley, was the scene of a. very happy gathering on the evening of Thursday the 29th ult. when Jennie his eldest daughter and Mr. Herb Gordon were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed at four o'clock in the presence of a group of well-wishing friends and companions. The bride who looked charming. was becoming- ly dressed in white, and was accom- panied by her sister Crissie as brides- maid. The groom was supported by his brother Robert. Immediately af- ter the knot was tied and congratula- tions extended. the company sat down [on very enjoyable dinner. provided in the hounteous manner which is characteristic of the M:Gregor borne. The highly esteemed young couple were the recipients of many presents which \vrrcthe expression of the un- feigned good-will in which they are held. The groom's present to the bride wasa handsmnc gold bracech ‘ and that» to the bridesmaid a locket and chain. The Rev. H. Feir acted as ofï¬ciating minister. After spendingr a Very happy evening with theiri friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were cs- I cor-ted to their own home llt'dl by, and Saturday at Mr. M. Ransom'e. ivf‘t “'llh 4* ï¬nâ€: QXPI'USSl‘HI “f th" ' i wrsb. that earth‘s full run-an o: hup- , Ykliss Lena Ransom 6P0!!! from Sat piness might be theirs." l urdny till Monday in Toronto. { _,. _ v bliss Keith Hill of Elmvale is visit l ' . 1 A 1 f; T12 ing for a few days with Mrs. D. Hill. I Richmg‘i‘g‘rgéi "' i ‘ i Sir. and Mrs W. 0. Patterson of i Perry. Wyomian N- Y-- have “con , Fall \Vlrcat si (.4 $1 mil visiting fm‘ “ few d-‘WK with Mrs. Pub" Goose \Vlreat . . . . . -- as U tcrsou at Patterson. l Bum-y . . , . . . .. . “ 8; -‘ Si .lr. L. Olaffcy. teacher in the ‘rcnâ€"' Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H 3% ‘- .5.) ; iral Business College. Toronto. Spent Peasc . . . . . . . . . . “ §ll " 85 over Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. Rye . . . . . . . . . ., . “ It: ' 0') Naughtoc. Eigin Mills. Buckwht‘at . .. . . " 5e " t1? LLS, Richmond Hi1 mixed paints on the market. 3 Island City Floor Paints dry Auction Sales. ‘) 9 ~â€"râ€" TonsnAY, Oct. farm stock. inrplrmcnts &c on lot 2 I iy if A Auction sale of 11‘ (ion. 3, Vaughan. the property of James Fraser. Tcrms 12 months. Ew In. auctioneers. WANTED Saleat one o'clock. Saigon" (K: Pl (. An organist and choir leader for tho Richmond Hill Presbyterian church. Apply to REV. .l. A. GRANT. thn Mans:- or to \VM. INNES. “Ctâ€"jest. 16-2 For sale at the C. N. 0. Station, or delivered in the village:â€" STEAM COAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FURVACE Best Scranton coal. ‘Also file. ' l cattle and hogs. Bran and Victor Feed for All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. O YEARu’ XPERIENCE a: I TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketcnnnd description may quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an invention is probably patentable. Communicrv Hons strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents «out free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice. without chm-2e in the Scientific Enema. A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms. $3 a year: four months. 81. Sold by ull newsdealcrs. sum 6’. Cassia-“oars. New York Branch Ofï¬ce. 6% 1“ SL. “'ashinrzton. T). C. _.~ 7.. . Recently Enlarged WiTH a (a; ‘ low Gazetteer of the World 3i mm-c than 2-3.0!» titles. breed on the .' cti‘. LUIL’US l‘ulLL‘ll‘d. ice! Bictionacy 3 over 10.000 noted . ï¬crtb, etc. T‘hIL. rc. ljvluoatmu. Tacoma cure bad breath. - 5 care constipation. s mic nausea. ‘16 {1.6 5,098 New Words r I l l l a l l ,1 _ «u .. ._-\.. ...r... .n Gret The Liberal 1 .‘J D ill I“, 1 Toronto Dally World Till January 1, 1908. for Si) cents Your Local Weekly and one of the Best Agricultural Datin Newspa- pers in Canada. almost given away. ,.._...f.¢~.~_._._- a". m The Local Newspaper is Tl e Drily paper from the It is your friend and benefactor. part of every household. bi(r centres is necessar' to h the man who wants to be in fact it is part of every home. abreast of the times. All the men love the old farm, its stock, its fruit, its vegetables, its dairy, or its forestsâ€"in fact a love ol the farm lies deep in every heart. The \Vorid is up-todaie as it larm dailv. Special pages are given to Agriculttne twice 6; ch wet k. Subscribe at The Liberal Ofï¬ce, and N 0 iii DO IT w What about Newspapers 9 Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken at “The Liberal†Ofï¬ce. Note the following-- Weekly Globe, with illustrated ecli- tion, tillJan. 1, 1909 6 Weekly Mail and Empire, With premium “Golgotha.†C Allie. 9.59 2.50 The Toronto Daily World till Jan. 1, 1908 The Daily Globe, one year The Daily Mail and Em- pire, one year The Home Journal, one r" year ' _ $60. The Daily Star, received t- 0 ,P’ on day of publication 524- NE) The Daily Star, not reeeiv- *5 {‘9 ed day of publication 43 o t) ’ F r Sale i “n S 1 (3,31 0 v s or a. 92 . eat-p A housc. but“). and stable; ’siilr ru‘o _ r ‘ ‘ ,.,.f _].V ‘ arr-cs ()l land. on Millstn- ltirlmwrd ‘I-‘le'f' E“ l-Ifslghw'bui'nvr'st'nI ) very dn>:111h|‘, Ht. ._ U'.'Ul'l (1. .PI‘ llt‘(.,‘lll Villi‘ -'"i‘l;~(;i rl".'I. AWN; ,0 ‘ l i b. u. not Ln, n.‘ A. .\'l('llHLi..\‘. l.ot 1H, .- .31. 1. "ml list ttr- A): tit. \ aligl‘mn ‘15.;