and gut, fnpnd th \vrre any nn‘hul'd. and fl nit. broke 21 standing. I Mr. John F residents. 5111 days ago whi :L man nf his j a.- ladder in m The last number of the Elmmle Lance shows a large three-column di4- play advertisement for James Hill. General Merchant. Mr. Hill i; :ulwr Using}; clearing sale of $9,000 worth at rmdy-tn-wem‘ clothing, hunts and shueshhuts. men's and lutliPs' fur «mats. ruï¬s. etc. Elmvalo is only :1 small village, but all the business mon ad; vm'cise, and apparently do a: large trade. \Ve wish our fill'lne!‘ citizen uvory success in his new busiru-s. \Vhy is it, that so few want to live in the country amymm-e ? Cities are full (If pPople whn live frum "hand to mouth,†and “'hr-su-I bola] wealth is represented by the clothing they have nn. Years go hy and those persmls m-verhuveu home. They lose that independence that the pl-mxd owner of- u. farm has. If there is (me neodod ru. form it. is to keep people on ï¬ll-1m \Ve will make m ynur meusme 3 (km winter-weight pure Scotch Twevd Suit, for $15.95; Style, ï¬t]. and sewings ï¬rstmhiss. Atkinson & Switzm'. fru'm it. is to keep 1 md away from cities Asa mnveniontz help to the busy hunsewife wlmdovs must of the du- nwstic shopping. :1 little unto-bunk will bu flaunt] useful. In it she should enter the Sim of shut-s. hosiery. under- wure. collars. gloves, hats. &c., for Mach member of th? family: also any special styles or brands. and the num- ln-rnf yards of vm‘iuus articles, thus uvuiding mistakes in shopping as well as saving in time. The will of Michm-l Naughtuu of the Township of Vaughan. York County. leaves his whole estate. $13,750. in trust. to his widow, Mun-V Juno Naugh- tnn. At her dvath thu property, which consists uf 11ml estate in Vaughzm Tuwnship, Ln be divided equally among the three suns and one daughter of dvcmsud.â€"-Slur. At, :1 mvoting of the Public Library L‘nnrd held Munduy owning it was de- cidvd (.0 make :Lpplicnliun to the [Ed- mxllinnal Do-puHmt-nt for another 'l‘mvvlling’ Library. IL was alsn dv- vidod to lmld an entertainment- in the )lusnnic Hull (:n the- mom’ng nf 'J‘hzmksrriving Day. Thursday. ()cl. 3]. “(ind ta vnt, l'rmu um' uwn village and {mm Tux-unto. ()7) Sunday next R9v.~ Dr. Chnwn Gvnm-al Secretary of ’I‘anex-ance am Mural Reï¬ll-m, will px-nach in “N .‘le-Lhndisp churn-h how morning am' u-vvning. He will also preach at Vic- hniu Square at 2.15 p. In. At. “It mm'ning servicv hHl'e Douglas Uhmvn, the infant son 0f Rev. and Mrs. Bule will be baptized. Rev. Mr. Bruce has [won imitvd to upon up lhu lmzul npliun campaign in Urilliu nvxt Mnmluy, at, a mass meet.- 1ng uf all the churchvs and vuung ptmplv’s suciolies and temperance urguuizutimm of that place. Mr. Ur:er has lwvn requestle tn give his locturv "Him Devil in SulnLiuu.†\Vnrd (‘omr‘s Ln hand that, Mrs. Mut- lhew Humm- (-f \Vhiuhurch was found dead in he'r had lust Sunni-day morning. Strungu Lu say. the hus- Imnd (livd undon- similm' (-ircmnsLances :1 few years ugn. 'l‘hu fumin forum-r- ly livml on what is known as the ly Iin-(l on “what Urrunrd me, Elg "annoy s \\ m In Unhappy wnuld In- an npprnpl-inte- Imnu ï¬rm of Atkinsun (K. Su‘iizm'. “I: Srhnol are busy l‘ht‘st‘ (lays ing for :1. public ('Ult‘l'lnilllllt’l] givvn nn [51-May evening the Nmu-mhur. 'l‘lwy prnpnse stn fund l0plll1.‘h:u~c hunks for n Hem-n] kiln-my. Flulher IIULIL Im-r by muLuh w Saturday Tlmrnl Nglintun yuu un- int-waxing lunpvrly. This is {he thu [.110 mun- lw fm- pruln-rty. \Vumlhl if]: ‘ Flnil Thluaxlny ul‘ lhxs “H \Ve l'l‘gl‘l‘l In Mr. Juhn Hana a day (:zll‘livl‘ Ii: in gh 9 Ir“! til (1 harms. Swim-I mlv WWN up _ . ,_ ' ‘ K u my... 0n Hm: Mr. n-n up the 'illin m-xt {:cummu HILL, 0x12, Oct. 17 Mn Buy Th ledivs' Fl ‘. 65. and ALL FROM A PE John H mts. sut’f urn whic 1 nf his 5‘ v\ll organist; and ('h« i! in 1111- Pl'l‘Sllvlt‘l'L‘lll HA Ef 14 :‘g 115%: twlchm's mm] are i md W11 CLEARING SA LE. PUB L10 LI BR AR Y. HI Harri-n As \H- 1. H‘Iim~ [his \Vl'l‘k “'9 pm tiuxluls (,f funm 1i†He he \x has f1 lav next R9V.~ Dr. Chnwn, rotary nf ’l‘anex-ance and Yul-m, will prnm‘h in the churn-h how morning and He will also preach at Vic~ we at 2.15 p. In. At. the them and pupils uf the Pub- I'. are busy these days practis- puhlic ('U‘t‘l'tailllllt’lll to he [Vi-ilhy evening the 8th of 'Hwy pmpnse starting :1 H Fx-ntlmll Tmun (nu the gruuuds of gmm's tn 0. TI :u‘ris. one m‘ed‘un an :11 may rm JiDrm-v. IL was alsu dw- lnn enLH-LuinIm-nt in “)9 =11] (:n the waning nf 1.; Day, Thursday. Oct. 31. frmu um' uwn village and (Ill! ho: )th NA UGHTON‘S \VILL. \Vm th ‘llâ€˜ï¬ mm b and ('hLil‘ lvndm- want,- rvshytel'iun church. Su- mum to re shoe ’us not actured. 3k reac Ho llll is known in Mills. It,†Night 1m» dk whi ART Invu‘hnnts and “ \‘illllt' of ynur fuct, th hth-I- umnd there will uu‘ LHL ('li‘ ce'i \V ed It] n {o the Ed- fm- another was alsu do- nmt-nt. in [hr- H‘oning nf [hr- Ntkinsun 19 return lintuu on unted in his Ir the dvft‘Mt-E’d £le fula death r tn [In-s ' llnuhl :ulunm ilS DI . “(Yr l’u Elie - Inter. Hulk: (11‘ HI 1907 the m-l va-uftvr your the Family Herald and “'ewkly Star of Montreal goes nn gelling lwtter and better and Conse- quenlly growing in circulation. It is simply marvelous the value one can get in that great weekly. It is a wonâ€" derful m‘nnlxinatiun of u world‘s news- paper. family magazine and agricul- tural pupwâ€"all three in nne and each the hc-st of its kind. The Family Her- ald and \Veekly Star at one dollar a year is certainly big value. In the last issue the puhlisllm-s are making g an ungent appeal to all subscribers t0 » renew early this full as the enormous rush in December and January com~ pletvly ties tlwm up. u pour 11m. he rz'ceiwd until the 1 ing after the day of puhlh Daily Star will ho sent. 12 1 $1.50. if you lean. yum- m-d oveninguf publication may paper. (I the paper with the pun by adding another 75 ciLhN-case. The Star glmra pen in the fullvwing wards elegant, antven Karat S( Pen. whit‘h is beautifully 011‘ hr) sent. tn old and new 511 At post uï¬ices where the paper can- Ymt he rz'ceivc-d until the nvxl: mmn- ingnfwl- the day of publication The Daily Star will ho sent. 12 months fox $1.50. if you lean. ynm- m-der at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce. If subscribers wish a fountain pun they can get nun hy udd- ing 50 (‘vnbax $2.00fu1- bnt'n. Rvsidents (If Richmund Hill and other tuwns wth the pnppr is received an the m( Here are prices vary favor-able to thin consumer: TUUHIIUPS. 10c. can; 01'?“ n1 Cnrn. 9c. can; Pens, 3 cans fur 250. These are first-class gundSâ€"this you! ’5 pack. Extra Granulated Sugar, 21 lbs. fur $1. Atkinson & Switzer. “‘PPK'S LIBERAL :N follows :â€" 105“ lung, 7 f widv, 9ft dovp. The ques- tion was asked : “How many gallons Would it hold P" The ï¬rst correct 50- lntiun was handed in by Rav Grant and VVllllP Patton of the Puhlioschonl. Allowing 6; gallons of water in n cu- bic fool the :InSWPI is 4134§ gallons. IL might be interesting. but mm'e dif- ï¬rult to compute». to know how many days it would take a man and ten 1n tn ï¬ll the tank with wnte-r from Boyle's Pond. \Vhy not make use of the windmill to ï¬ll some hf the tanks? CORRECT SOLUTION. The dinwnsinus of a new oe-m tank on Arnold St. was given in l WPPk’S LIBERAL :N follows :â€" 1f lung, 7 f widv, 9ft dovp. The q]: tion was asked : “How many guilt Would it huh] P" The ï¬rst correct Iutiun Washzmded in by Rav Gr; and Willi? Patlun of the Puhlioscm Allowing 6; gallons of water in n ‘ TheDvpnrtment of Agriculture at Ottawa has just issue-d a Cumpn-hen- sive and anthnrntive \vmk rm “Th9 Farm “’H-ds 01" Canada," that should sex-\‘oztnseful pmpnsm It is well il- lustrate-d. with .‘l life-hismry of vvery kind of weed cmnmnn to the Domin- inn, and an account of the host moth- uds 0f comm-ling :md vxtmminnting it. The lmnk will he sent, free tn suhrmls 0f agriculture, high schonls, rural sclmnls and all kinds of ngrian tuml organizations and farmers' clubs. IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. anrv Miller and Mr. Bel-t an- per 31-9 among thnse at the Nnrth End \vlm are improving the appear- ance and adding to thp cmnfnl-b of their l'lxsidvnuvs. Mr. Hopper has put a stoma fuundntinn under his house and has painth huth house and shup. A vvnlent, foundation adds to the warmth of Mr. Milim’s homo, and a modern veranda just Pl‘Pf‘U‘d by L. In- m’snK’Snns greatly impmvus [be up- puu 1-:1 nee. : Richman Hill'J 1 now ride-r mill H by tho pmpx-h-tm trx'van-y. The (11L “'9 the zm' 'n’s high {Phrhllk‘ll :lin Buols at, $2.75; it and klp Bnnts. S Specinl value in mmx's Ready-tn- \ku' Overt-nuts :md Suits. Exmnine the Style and quality of the (“‘Pl‘CllzitS we :u-v selling at $6.95 and $9.50. and the suits at $11.25. Atkinson & Swit- 'I‘uhlot. known by I. “~th He Dr. Shut-pi: let<. Pain Simply nI:‘: unle Mum] pu'ssin whm-v pain exists. I): ache Tnhlets quickly In natural hlnnd pn'sun'v nwdintelydupurls. \'Racine, \Visq and gvt: ago. Lav-gr: lmx 25L W. A. Sanderson. i ï¬fty ( Richman Hill's lull-st iminstly is u now ville-r mill H-vctl-«l on Arnold st. by tho pI-upx-it-tm' (If, and lll'lll'ily tho trx'wunH-y. The manage-r. Mr. F. Lym‘lt. is udvcl'lising for H lingo quunLily of ciilr-r apple‘s. The ï¬rm mints tn make mm) gullnns for them- st-lw-s, and thy will grind fur custmn- m-s 1m Tuesdav. Thmsday and Sutur- (lny of Hill‘ll wet-k. Pauli will he tnkvn to lump lhu mill lhnmughly clan-In. sun] (‘lHtmnr-rs may lely on [e mixing the best of satisfaction. arrh Hum-d Sun. n v nrv nm'e In (In huslm- '. hut ynu are just, us ercnnnt‘ [N “10014 lllld print†wilJmut buying as ifynu bought lhr- entire stuck. Umm- in. Alkinsuu & Swilzur. “'0 :II'P hm'e to (In business, but are just, us \vvlcmm- In "1001; Pain anywlww >ainful pmiutls. I‘ ll pains will he I) thoroughly suf ‘nhlt‘t. known :hme :I<l)1~. Shv inter ETS BETTER EVERY YEAR and law PEN AND PAPER 'J? \V CIDER MILL. \thtpvex lin «Linn may have the rwiLh the fountain another 75 cents in Star guarantees the 'h.’ {h v. pain in the head, Nvln-nlgia, tnutl‘mchv, prmnprly stuppvd hy nfv little Pink Candy by Dxnggisls ('vmy- uu-p‘s ledm‘lle Tab- nly mvnns (mngeslionâ€" pll‘SSlng‘ at, The point ts. Dr. Slump‘s Head- ickly vqunlizv this un- n'smw. and pain im- 'l5. “"1 lie Dr. Slump, 1d gvt :1 frre trial punk- mx 25cts.â€"â€" Dl'llggists. Wurds 2-â€" “This amt Solid Gold ully chased will new subscribers n-‘s subsmiszivn Iitmnnl “'onl-lilmd $1. _:' Bouts :It .5 for H large npplvs. The ï¬rm gullnns for them- ‘ grind fur (-ustmn- nsday and Sutur- Palm will he mill (hnmughly s may lely on [e itisffltti'â€). and men a new cement $1.75; It-top {16.1 vy 82.50. “‘M l ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ One your has pnseed, but still we miss him. Friends nny think the wound is lwnlml. But they little: know the sm rmv Lies within the heart, concealed. HOPPER-In Inving nwmm'y nf va-y F. anpvr \vhu departed this life, Oct. 15 1906. Superior coursea in :x assiuted to pnsiciunv. Write for catalogue is essential tn sum-ass in the business world of 90-day. The nrhool that. provides the best training along thaw lines is the LEPPARDâ€"On October 12. Bmhurn, wife, of Charles Leppnrd of Mount Alhm-t. and daughter of thr‘ late John Ramadan, in her 53rd ymu'. anorai at Thm-nhill, Monday. from Tun-nu). Practical Education Audion tlvl Sarto, Ther Gimrdinn gel. l’rnspice. An Episllv of Knl'chisll, ()au‘ï¬lier Tum-s; Slmkcspom, Macbeth. A wx-nk Stomach, causing dyspepsia, u \vvuk hum-t, with palpitntimi or inter- mittent pulse. always ll~ll':ll] \vvnk Stmmuth nvx'ves. or weak Hmu't nerves. Sn-vnglhen those inside or contrulling le‘l‘es with Dr. Slmnp‘s R!‘S[()I‘&ll-l\‘(‘ and see how quickly thust- ailments disnppL-nr. Dr. Shonp of Racine. VVis.. will mail samples free. \Vrite fur them. A test will tell. Ymn-lwnllh is cvl‘lninly worth this simple ll'inl. Sultl by \V. A. Sunderâ€" son. Full stoek of Men's Furnishings, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Rubber Boots, and Overshoes for men, wo'men, an’d chil- dren, and prices equal with our qualityâ€"The Best. Unless there is daily action of the bowels, poisonous product: are absorbed, causing head- ache. billouanesa; nausea. d Bpepsln, and thus preventing the Sarsapnrma rum doing its best mrk. Ayer'a Pills are lust pills. Act. gemly, :11 vegemblo. Our stock is now com- plete. Fine range of Men’s Overcoats and Suits. We satisiy all our purchasers with the (Broadway. Fit guaran- teed. The solvctions for memorization for the next Entrance exam. a1~e:-~Im;nl Kindly Light; A Psalm of Life : Flow Gently Sweet Afton; 'l‘he annilage: Elegy \Vrittr-n In 2:. Country (Jhurrrh Yul-(l; Thv Btu-annt Buy, Yo Murin- ('I'S 0f England. For .luniur Tenthm's the fullmving :u-olhusvle-ctinns in Eng- lish :â€"'l‘t-nnysnn. 'l‘hs- Poet, The Lady of Shulutt. ()vnnne. Th0 Epic 0f Mm-(vd‘Arthur. St. Agnes’ Emu The Voyage. "Brtmk, BH-nk. Break," In the Valley uf the Cnnteretz: Brown- ing. My Last Dnchrss, How thvy Brought the Gum] vas from lent: in Aix, lmvv Among the Ruins, Hume Thoughts from uln'und. Up at u Villa, Alldlt'al (ivl Sarto, The Guardian An- gel. l’rnspice. An Epistle- of Knrchish. AHMER-â€"\\‘Issw.\Essrmâ€" At Blonr Street Prpshvtvrinn Chm-ch, annn- to. on \Vednesday Oct. 9th. 1907. by Rev. \V. G. \Vallace. I). D., Eliz- abeth. eldest daughter of Rev. (7. L, \Visswuvsser. Sherwood, Lu Eli Lah- mer. Venom, Ont. British American Business College YONGE & McGlLL 51‘s . TORONTO 7 mm VIGOR. AGUE cune. CHERRY PECTORAL. We have no secret: I We pubuah \ho formulas or all our medicinal. undo bf .1. o. Ayér 6;!†1.0;:1f mm. A no mutacmrerl of IN MEMORIAM. MARRIAGES. T. M. WATSON, Principal DEATHS. in all sqjxjecm EXAMS. Eiter Students any tune. \VIFE. 351mm - 395m“. Saiurdayt Nov The Next Sitting of Divxsjon Court for N0. 3, County 0f York, will he held in the Court Room, BUSINESS COLLEGE, TORON 1‘â€. Practical and momma: Shorthaud Matriculation. Y. M. C. A. free. $3.00 railway (an) uaid if this paper mu R. A. FARQUHARSOS. B.A.. Yonge and Blour 5:5" Toronto BY MAIL +++++++++++++ +++++++fgg§mw++Â¥++++++M 4 RICHMOND HILL §+++++++++++++++++++ ++$+++++++++++++++++++++ )nmmencir +++$++++++ And assure you satisfaction 1n quality and price. ’Finsnlithing in all its branches Richmond féiï¬l ï¬ardware Stare Oct. 10, 1907. Atkimm 6: Swine? Heavy, striped. 36-.nch Flannelette, IIC. yd Cream, white, and pink Saxony, 10c. per yd Heavy, Loch Lomond, Shirtings, at 10, 12:} I5, and 17c. yd. The best standard cotton Shirtings at I5C. yd, Men's heavy, well-made vests at 790. Men’s brown corduroy vests, $I.80. We quote: We solicit your order for New Fail and Winter Goods Arriving Daily Special Values _0X._. Sample line of pocket cutlery at cost. C. EEGULES ! Ranges and Heaters at, 0 v+++++++++++++x~+++++++j++ r++++4 +4-+++++++++++++++ +‘ 10a. m r1110}; “'0 mean just as much when We talk to you in our advertising as we do when you hear us talk over the counter, only by this means we talk to more people. \Ve advertise to induce you to visit our store and see our stock. We rely upon our goods and prices to make sales when they are brought to your notice. BRITISH 'CANADIAN Igo at, the Richmond Hill Greimery nun, Arnnld St. Commencing day. Octubur 15, Cider wiH be xm the public every Tuesday. I‘h‘ and Saturday. Lax-ets 5 :mgplriay- cf i'+++++++++++++++++++++++ rouge Shonhand, C-‘sgnm ercial. and .1 if this wager mun binned. Address &+++++++++++++++++ Wanted C Sweet to Eat AT COLLEGE I »:-+++++~:~++++ )pk ules wnntw mery Cid. Manage ++ mde fu mrsda mm +4“