Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Oct 1907, p. 1

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Having (I. complete Xâ€"ray and static electricity apparatus. I am able t0 locan‘fm-t-ign bodies in the body, and examinv fm mums nf bones. Also to treat Namvo Is DISEASES, CHRONIC RHEUMA'I‘ISM, MORE“) Gnowrae, such as Umvvrs, (-Lc. ‘ Being n. graduate of Moorfleld’s Eye Huspiul, England. I amprepnred to qulhi'w [hf‘ interior of the eyes for (Risen-u». .md Lust for glassefi. If 8. patient ihnulll require glasses 1 Older than fur him. Sow :uul throat, work :1. snpninlrn Money to 1mm. at, five per interest on first. mortgageâ€" px-upel‘py. _ Offi H‘ (‘Ornr\;(~‘-ll-itt;;|t tn Lhk tan and C. N. O. Railan s A large stock of u mam-takers a: Embnlmors, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Silas st: unable Pupil and J J T Ssigeon, Maple J. ll. (’3 entice. Licenced Auctioneer for the Com Goods 8011 on consignment. Germ «toe eta promptly “tended to u. ran-35 Residence Unionvme ‘6: it Gouldmg, Newton Brook: goon»: Calls USE ruls by day and night promptly tended to. 'l‘x’n‘onto “fill he in Richmond Hill un \Ved nosday of each week. Office, next dom- ma‘th of Scand- m‘rl Bunk. VOL. XXX. 352ml. ii I" WI ' ' AN D’E‘RSO‘N like :1 List, Undertake J. MRIE‘NEWTUN Pianist L'HURSDAY MORNING 1 25130011, J E McEWen Maple \Voaton Snigeon a; McEwan. 035011 \uctioueets for the County of York as $t537h16llhnnnuhnrfnno.n\>: ...... . - ___ Instruction in VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL 0175:” Hmu‘s RICH MOND HILL, ONTARIO goney to Loan. EHAL PRINTING a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,0N1‘. ‘6 5-11 In: why. . ppl): nr' BUSINESS GA WRIGHT BROS {N R. CA by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. {actioneets for the County of York udedhoonshortestnotiveand a. 1-634 rates PMrouage solicited :mcknf Funeral FL kept at both place u‘nishing S per annum, in advance.] ‘FERINARY IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY i‘. MGMAHON. I). G. BLOUGH, l‘hors Carlton and THE LIBE Eamon d: Pnox'nzmon Anger S. J. BOYD 'Qat, work :1. specialty SANDERSON. n Y’iann-pmying and Theory 'ngt, Mus. Doc. (Pimm) r, I“. R. C. 0. (Theory). ttzrisam‘y int. tn the 'Metroimli Railway stations. AT THE 30 a. m. to 5 ffiiibml ERAL OFFICE rthe County of Yo I: at. General sale}: ‘ dad to at. reasonnnlt S CARDS. SURGEON, :lnill. MPBELL, huge S e per cent. £388“me . agent {or the m ut- stablemun. Harry Wright PROPRIETOR. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. coxxzsszosnnmraz HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Every accommodation for ravelling public. Good room )nmmercial Travellers. Am JAS. NEV‘VTON RI. TEEFY. ' NOTARY PUBLIC Baxristera, Solicitors. Notari HORNE Building; {fnrmr G G S Lindsey.K C A G F Lawrence W Ridout Wausworth COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC Mouev to loan enland andcpat‘bel mortgagesab IOWOEL rat a Auroraofliceâ€"Remuxed to a old post ofizo.’ one door was; of the enhance to the Outuno Bunk Newmarkm wakesâ€"Three doors aunt-b of the pan office T Bunnmu-Laxxox G S'rv Mnnmn Mulock, Lee, Millikan Clark NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST. E. TORONTO, Can:de FRANK BENTON. K. G. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULOCK BOULTHEF ISSUERMARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN MILLS Private and Trust, Funds to luwust current rules. LENNOX & Mth‘A’N BARHISTER, Homcnoa. NOTARY, ETC. memm Ofl‘icv. 33 Richmond St. \Vvst, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Office. Standard Bank Building, every Saturday alftvrâ€" nunn. Muplv, Thursday afternoon Money to (mm at Fivv Pvl- L' Richmond Hill Office. wutha-nst, 1-0: nox- uf Lux-nv Bldg., l-vory Thmsdn afternoon. THE PALMER HOUSE Muxny H. A N- ICHULLS an an» uuuulug \wrmeny 1"1'89 hold Loan Bldg), Cor. Adelaide & Victoria Sts. . Tux-ohm. llfll THORNHILL mg Commissioner, Cnnveynllcer. 6 Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Phone Main 311 DOMINION BANK CHAMBERS W . EDWARD FRANCIS ichmonu Hill Tau-mm) Officv, 36'1‘1 J. M. LAING Barrister, Solicitor, liltc Lindsey. Lawrence W adsworth. NOTARY PUBI enton. Dunn & Boififigé RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, OC'IOBE Barristers and Solicitors. Corner King & 3;LI'1’xst(-X‘s, Snlhrturs, Etc NOTARY PUBLIC u-ristels. Solicitors, Etc T0 LOAN AT LOWEST RATI- ILUAM COOK WK'I'A Ig‘u‘ilding (fm'mex-ly F TORONTO. Aurora £tnnl. In Essenlialc, Unity; in S'rv Manon; rontn 5m Phone Main 2.984 ‘11- Gem, ( ties, M. JIC Newmarket St reels, 1mm at ‘anudu. the ‘ which the kidneys fail to finer nut. Anyone can easily 'prepare this at home and M, small cost. I Druggists in this town and vicinity. lwhen shown the presuiptipn, stated that. they can either supply these in~ gredients. or if our readers prefer, ‘ they will compound the mixture for I 1. 12m. Just try :his simple homemade mix- ture at the first sign nf Rheumatism, or if your back aches or you feel that. l the kidneys me nut acting just right. This is said to be a. splendid kidney xegulatnr, and almost. certain remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, which is caused by uric acid in the blood. which the kidneys fail to finer nut. idaynne can easily 'prepare this at \Ve buy close enough to meet. ‘ competitore’ prices. Atkinson & SW zer. tx-nct Dnfidefinn, one ounce Compuund Kargun, t‘m-ee ounces Compound Syrup Sarsapurilla. Mix by shaking in n hottleund take a teaspoon after meals and at bedtime. Just try this simple home madp mSv. Get from any good phayngxcy_qpe-half ounce Fluid Ex- Now is the time when the ductm- gets busy. and the patent, medicine umnufucturvrsleap the harvest. un- leSS great care is takvn to dress warm- ly and keep the feet dry. This is the adviceuf an old eminent authority. who says that Rheumatism and Kid- ney trouble weather is here. and H.150 tells what, to do in case pf an attack. N0 sliglned wru-k detect. Though absent, 1mm beyond he‘ll w Dear one») to come. :mvur the gate Of puradisv in heaven's estate, \thm he- has left behind ; His (-hildrvn who for years have bc At home in heaven, so safe within Again with joy he‘ll find. 'A must, proficient. artisan ' y A master hand to wm k and plum An expe-rt with altistic pun ; A u ‘ - 4n.- n r“' S A sk'illful :llt‘hilgfllflg \thteve-r he would undertake), Felv equlgl a helm-r finish make, A faithful huslmnd evm- true, Vth Inn-d his home and sll'qu‘ to do Th9 lwst. ho Cullld, its \u-ul in View, Ti” failing health dvlnu-rrd. He was repaid by kindest mu-e. That lure ('uuld plan. 01- Stem ice share, As lung as life was spared. He will lw missed by [many here, A l‘t’Sidt-‘ht lung living near. WHIL to und fro. frmn year to y( rammux' mm: many grown, From buyband unto nmnhuod known; His Manwlvss living all must uwn, N0 ill repm'ts Lu mar: Befm-e UN World he- walked erect, Cmnmnnding m crywlm-v respect, “’hn knew him anu- and fur. 0ft sevn upun our SU'PH.; In uhux'rlx, his plum: will empty he, \Vhere he frequentud faithfully, Till health Wuuld not permit. He trusted in fib‘d‘. Familiar nntn many gm From buyhnnd unto mun His Manwlvss living all I A quiet noighhm-o-‘m- was fnund. Obligng kind tn thusc :uunnd; In all his dealings nprig’h‘r, sound: And rmne could charge with fraud A christian humble in his walk. His faith did not consist in mm, A quiet Sht-ILIJ‘I‘H] lifo; Prulnngvd‘ no dnnht, to great 9r length, By her whn watched his rhhing strength. His czu-vful faithful wife. For "Sure than three score 3 ten. The tinw "Huth’d unto men. He lived :nnung his kith :md . H v H r1""“"‘./7 Or when He shull n-nmvv; He sees and knows just wth is hvst, And Lukes His childlen home Lu rust, To (hm-ll with Him uhm‘v. Nor herds their hmrlfvit g1 iv-f; In pt-ucrfu] nest, his imdy “PR ('munnxnvd, his spirit hie-s “'iu-I-v anguish linds lulit-f. \Vlu-l-e flvsh will nu mm‘ev hamper mind : \Vitll ail mirth’s trnulrlvs ll-fr, behind ; Nu fl'iliilif’s Ln hunt or hind, Or \wukness o‘er («mm-ml ; \Vlu-w Jesus will a \VPICOHIP givp. \Vilh Him. and earth's l-odumued tu live \Vhere rupture [ills his Sun]. God took him who-n ho p389“! away, Pm'miued nut a lingering stay; His prm‘idvncv nnne dare guinsny, A hush of sndnvss hum-1's n‘e-r Anuthvr humv, npr-n the door The signal hnngw, of cmpo hvfm-r That smne-nm- lie-s within : “7h” rvm-nlly that hunw hnd hf \thrv Iowa! 0st meet, with I 'H'I'vn. “'herz- glmlnvss 0ft had bt’l‘l). The Hudumd and HH- Futhel'dour, In “akvh-ss slnmhpr dm‘s not. hear Th!- wm-ping (luvs, whu gthhI-r nwu P. L. GRANT. Richmond Hill. Oct. 19, 1907. IN MEMORY OF MR. JOHN HARRIS. SHAKE IN A BOTTLE. Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” 11nd Irft. with hwu-ta have been, \vitbm ; 9:118 and- Grant, pastor of the Presbyteliaux church. The funeral was conducted under masonic honors, the service be- ing read by W. Bro. Lamon, R. W. Bro. Bx-unton and R. W. Bro. Nich- nlls. Most of the brethren from the home lodge were present, and depu tatinnsalsn came from Aux-om, NPW- man-ken, Thornhill. Sharon and other places to Show the last tribute of 1-0- spect to the departed’brotber.’ ' Aftex'the ccrem'ony was conclude-d the remains were-placed in the heume 21 nd driven to Tux-onto to be taken to Z-chixde, N. Y., for interment in the took his dcmib October 2], 1881. Although of a quiet, Hamil/lg nature his genial manners won him many Very warm friends, who will regret. that another link with the golden past has been suudered. The funeral strvice held at his lute a‘esidence lVedneaday afternoon at {io'clock was conducted by Rev. J. A‘. Le::gue,M1's. (Run) Halvkm' of Buffalu, the tum-hers and Schulars of Rose Avemm Public Schnn], ’l‘uruntn. and fI-um Mr. and Mrs. George Dean, I Jamison Ava, Tumntu. .u. Le: January 20,1902. In June, {875: 8e: came at. memher of King Solomon's Chqptfir, No. 8. R. 0., Tm‘nnm, but mvmhm' of the lodge. Aflm- filling the Wm-dons’ chairs he was installed Master of the Lodge, June 24, 1868, find was made an Honorary Member Mr. Skeele wus very dew:th to fra- ternal societies, more especially to the Masonic Order. In 1848 he became a memhvr of the hide-prudent 0rch- uf Odd Fellnws at. Springville. N. Y. He first, saw the light in MuSery at Spl'ingville, N. Y., June 9, 1855. On January 20, 1857. he tunk his demit from Spi-ingville Lodge, and became ussuciulod with Vaughan Lodge at Maple. On April 6. 1865., he nfliliatod with Richmond Lodge. No. 23, G.R.C.. A. F. & A. ILL. and was ill? oldest, mvmhm- uf the lodge. After filling {lire Wm-Qeqs’ cl_mirs he was installed One of the oldest and must highly rvspvcted residents of Richmond. Hill passed away on Mundny waning. Aug. 21. in the persmr of Audrmv Lunmis Skeelc, son of the late Rev. 8. A. Skeele. 0f va England stuck, the suhji-ct. of this sketch was hum at Gwyn. Chenungu (‘~u., N. Y., February 23, 1520. and was thus in his 85th year. In Junu:u'y.1855.he left Arcade-,N.Y., in the cmpluy nf Capt. Putter-sun, brother (if the lute Peter Puttersnn, Esq” and came to Canada, settling in Richmund Hill, where he made his pvrmum-nt home. Mr. Skrele wus twice married. In 1848, at. Frm-dnm, N. Y.. he married Aldiua Nichols, who died at, China, N. Y.. 1554. In 1861 he married Mary Angeli, at, Lansing. Mich. There were no childer by the first nun-rings: but five by [hf' second nuu'l'izlgv. The tvm daughters have horn dead mzmy yours. Of the suns, Clarence is at home, James at Cayuga, and \Viihur zit Re inst. Susk. Mrs. James Newmn and 1‘: rs. Andrew Newtnn are niece-s. The funeral sem'ices'were crnndut'ted by Rev, A. P. Brae», assisted by the Rev. W. Dunn. The floral tributes were nuuwnnus and lwaulifnl. Ann-m2 Lht-m were Wreaths fmm his childwn, from the W. (l. ’P. U., Epwm-th Y , ,, ‘II 11‘ _ Iv . _ _. , his Christian (‘xperience he set up a fmnily :lltnr in his home, and (mntinllvd to nlmorve it up (n the nun-ninng the day of the accident that rrsulted in closing his Lime hm'e un mirth. As a. ciLizn) he gas of :1 retiring (lis- posilinn strictly honest in all his deal- ings with others and hunm'able in ull his trnnsnctinns. Asun architect. and builder Mr. Hun-is was widely knuwn. Evidences of his industry and skill me :Ill nrnund us.” mmth the Methodist Chm-ch tower and spire and the erec- tion uf the Industrial Hume. vanmr- ket. “is unfm-tmmte‘ fall frmn :1 tree in his garden hnstenvd the inm‘itublv. 0n the 15th inst. he passed f1 mn time to eternity. His and was peace. “Blessed arc the dmd who (lie in the Lord.” M r. Harris leaves a. widow. fuurtlaughlers and two sons to be- mnnn his loss. Mr. John lmy Harris, whme re- mains were fullmvv-(l tn the tmnh liv :1. long cuncmxrsv (if relatives and friends laxxt Friday, was born in the City of Limdcm, England. Dec. 19, 1829. He mine with hin‘ parents when H. lud to Richmond Hill and has lived nearly ullhislife in this vicinity. He was lllul‘l'lt'd tn Miss Catharine Field of Ningm-;I,Angnst 28. 1862. His wife (lt‘L‘t‘HSNl Nov. 21874. Ho WilS again muniml Feli. 26, 1880, to Miss Amelia \V. \‘i'nlfl’ uf\\'nndst0ck. Mr. Harris gzzivv his hmu-t, to God and his hand to the Methodist, Church under the min- isti-atinn of the Int» Rev. Jnh-n Hunt in 1856. Thim'gh all the years of u long life he has endenvun-(l to main- tain a Chi-i-Linn character. faithful tn the nhligutiuns (if the Church 01" his rhulcP. and punctual in his atten- denceutits Sl‘l'V-lCé’fi. Vex-y early in DIED IN HIS 88th YEAR. IN MEMORIAM ER 24, 1.907 con eluded the hezuse e uakeu to iTheLondon Muir *ual and British 1 AméricaFire Ins. J ,' Cos. London and »_ Lancashire Ass. . ‘CO. . Dr. Pierce’s great. thousand-page Illus- trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free. p3per-bound, for 31 one cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 50 stamps. ‘ "Hess Dr. Pierce as above. The "Golden Medical Discovery " has 3 specific curative efl'ect upon all mucous surfaces and hence cures eaten-h, no matter where located or what stage it may have reached. In Nasal Catarrh it is well to cleanse the passages with Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy fluid while. using the “Discovery " as a constitutional rem- edy. Why the "Golden Medical Discow ery" cures cater-rim] diseases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic organs will be plain to you if you will read a. booklet of extracts from the writ- ings of eminent medical authorities, en- dorsing its ingredients and explaining their curative properties. It is mailed free on request.[ Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. This booklet gives all the ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce‘s medicines from which it will be seen that they contain not a. drop of alcohol. pure, tri_pleâ€"refl ned glycerine being used instead. Nu matter what style. size, kind or prico ul' shne yuix \Viln‘N-‘WVP have it. ' If you are hard to fit Jun an: :L “gunk” on shows give us at trial. We guaran~ tm- sntisfn ~Linn. “'9 :uhvnys have the size. Naughtnn’s at the Elgi_n. cures "wea'k stomach," indigestion, ‘or dyspepsia, torpld liver, bad, thin and 1m- pure blood and other diseases of the orâ€" gagg‘of digestipn and nutrition. Editing a newspaper is a nice thng- If \Vl‘ publish jokes people say We an mttle-hminod. If We don‘t, wading fussils. If we publish migmul mutter they any Wu give them not, l’nou'gh selections. If we give thvm svlectinns they say we are» too lazy to write. If we re-muin at the office we ought, lu be outJ-mking fé‘r 'm'lws‘. If \ve-Rv out, than we are xnvtq‘tlending Ln hurl inesa. If we* wear old clothes they laugh at m. If wv 'wfi-ar grmd clut‘hra tlwy any WP have a pull. an, what. are We todn? Just as likvlv as' nnL smne (me will any \vé purlnined this. from an vahnnge. If we deny. it. zjnme person might doubt our vemu-r ny. ' The blow which knocked out Corbett Was a, revelation to the prize fighters. From the earliest days of the ring the knock-out blow was aimed for the jaw, the temple or the jugular vein. Stomach punches were thrown in to worry and weary the fighter, but if a. scientific m u had told \one of the old fighters that t a most vulnerabie‘spot was the region of the stomach; he’d have laughed at him for an ignoremus. Dr. Pierce is bringing ho oto t e public a parallel fact; that. tb 5 ma is the most vulnerable organ out of he pr e ring as well as In it. We protect urh '1 e, throats, feet and lungs. but the ve are utterly indifl‘er» em. to, until dise e finds the solar plexus and knoclgs us out. Make your stomach ETerce’s Gglge X0“ pmxo uu )r - '01 s I on mo v i "60] en Medlca iscovery" RICH MON D H I‘LL NEVVSPAPER-P ng g pg gtg Farm Implements DEERING 'l‘he Knock-out Blow. AGENT FOR [Single copies, 3 cts. and MAN‘ S TROU Bil-1'3} 17

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