Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Oct 1907, p. 4

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[f you ask a person how he got mph :1 severe cold he will almost in- variably tell, you he caught it in Fleming's refrigerator ears. It may be some Elmsolation to know that the open cars will be replaced by closed ones in about me weeks. Manager Fleming may be like some people we know. They light their furnace on a certain day each *fi‘oal‘ no matter how cold or how mild \h‘e weather may be. But possibly. the city cars are regulated by the moou. ‘Miss Anna. (‘TKér‘awvH spent 9. fnw days last, week with flit'lld‘d in (Ir- V. k’:¥‘,l,,\‘,,,,, I.~ , ,ll ,IA ) Messru. Cousins and .lncl non Rhippt-d a cur-loud of hugs tn Tomato List. week. and lulu: anulhr: >11 hmd H'dd)’ for shipment. Mr. Alhcrb Hamilton and. Mus» A. Hamill-on drove over to Wondhzidge fur and u-pm‘l, a good limo. Mr. I). Kerswel! is laid up with a stun-c attack of acintir rhvumntism hut, is getting along \‘m y nim-ly. \Nm-k has been commenced on Hm» m‘w concrete arch bring hem. Thu Mobmpolitun Railway [mu- on: gum: uf wm-kmon, whilu (he cmm! y cnmwfl h-u'e umlllwr gang. and Un- wmk is must-easing rapidly with wry hUte in mnvonience Lu traffic. A ml'nstnn', upvmdate b14313,ng pl unused The monthly mvetiug of the. Wom- t‘n‘s Missiuumy Sock-[y was hold on \Vodnesduy of last won-k at (hm home M‘Ml's. Gux‘xuw. Tho Indit-a purpose haldiuga pumpkin pie snout In Noâ€" \ crux bur. li'nstcr Jimmy Eva-swell, want a dzlugflnus ape-rs. days ugu for an :cmietiun is umund again lm‘kmg qu rd nlkhnugh his arm is yet Mr. J. S. Mt‘Nuu‘ has IL un‘th (h‘uudJury in past month. Om- of our supp htcrtmiurk has at, In: Mrs. G. L. Millur spent last; week at her hmue in TUI'UHLU. Mr. Millzu‘ wentdown on Saturday and remained an Mundny. Tbepul it of St. Andre-w‘u church was prom: 19d Hun-um. on Sunday lust “y Rev. J. 0. Brunt-L. The inductiun W. G. Buck tn his new charge Rt Eglillton Ltmk place on 'i‘m'adny. Quitt- n nmnlner fx‘uu) here xt-tvmled Hie anniversary svxvicvs at, ()m‘rville on Sunday nfleruuon and evening. Mr. Burt. Jackson lI-ft this week for StvlJm; Alhccm. when: he will do set- tlet's dutius on hia humostond‘ l he penned Members generally should attend the kind of meetings referred to above. It is not enough for a man to say he will vote on all 'moral questions when an opportunity presents itself. A man should not only vote, but he gloul‘d work. and work intelligently. Those who attend party conventions and nominations usually get a great start ahead of those who remain at home. To start in time is like start- ing at the fountain head. Why is ittuat so few of our license com- missioneis and inspectors are staunch temperance men? It must be be- cqueeadvocntcs of temperance are less active than the liquor party when appointments are to he made. Lot no church keep a 1mm from do- ing his duty as a citizen. IL is bet- ter (0 take part in paliticai meetings "on if one does not carry his point, than to remain. at home and com~ plain of the work dong by others. The Toronto Daily Star says that Mr. William Burton is mentioned as summer to Licen c Inspector Pur- via in Toronto. The Star thinks that Mr. Burton can fill the bill, and sums upche Situation an follows:â€" “Mr. Burton possesses the three great qualifications required for a city job «He is a Conservative, he is an Or- angeman and he bag a good char. neter." Rev. Dr. Chown who preached in the Methodist church 12st Sunday, pointed out the folly of some pro- fessing Christians absenting them- uclvos from pokiticnl conventions and nominations. There are many reas- ons whv clergyman and church @319 fiiherni. RICHMOND HILL. 0mm ital: mhhm the § Elgin M111 Maple. .1 pnsodly-conl'irm lu‘t miccumbed 3 been ‘01 MIN ,whn un-h-r Jim :1. {1-H nl' hm 'u'm lite conbmt in a. nuns: n :wrung «I, tor Um nu‘n up vacancy 24, 1907 the Slumucll troubles. Kent and Kid- ney ailments. can be quickly corrected with u pn-scriptinn known tn drug- gists (werywhele as Dr. Slump‘s Re- sturntive. The prompt and surpris- ing relief which this remedy imme- diau-ly brings is entirely due to its Re- su-z-ntiveacLimI upon the controlling nvrwsofthe Stomach etc. “1'. A. Sandi-tame. ‘ Mr. A‘ F. BFBAn of Tutuntn 599le 3 (NW dztys at Elgiu Mills last, week. Mr. D. Blnnu :md Mash-1' Got-den Sloan Vinith in Tornntuvver Sunday. " Padgetâ€"Nigbâ€" that this Council adjoin-n to meat on Saturday, Nov, 16 at 10 a. m. McLean, 10 yds . . . Lappâ€" Pudgetâ€" tb Revsm- be appointed giving out of concrete account. of surge. Miss“; Effie and Ff]: \Vest (inrmley visited Frank Atkinson on Sntu: Mu. Brodie of llcadfl the fauna! of a brother Wm. Jonns‘Div. 61 pex F. Goal:- well, 200de A .. Alex. Russell. per Jos. Bond, 50 yds.,. . \Vm. Hos-lu- pPrJos. Bond 35 yds Thus. LileLiDiy. 52. per J. B. Mr. Paldget. introdncvd In hyvlnw to “ULTUW $2000 fruit) the Sovoreign Bank. to meet. cum-an expenditure. which was read three times and pugsvd. M153 visit («2 week. 0n un-tion of Mr. Padget. seconded by Mr. Nigh, a large number ()f gen- eral accuunts were ("dared to he paid. Lnppâ€"Morrisuuâ€"thztt the following gravel accounts he paid :â€" Tillman Reesoru Div. 56. 97 yds, .l. \V. Ehy ,...$ 9 70 “1'. J. Mitchell, 11 )‘ds . . . . . . . . 1 It) Div. 52. Francis Sbm-ry. 24 yds . 2 4|) Div. 56. Fred Fucey 14 yds .. .. l 40 Div. 56. Jcnna Ramm- 79 vds. . .. 7 90 Div. 56. JL nua Rainm- 79 vds.. .. Div. 47. J. \‘V. Wurriner 59 yds. Div. 70. I). D. Keilinglnn 38yds. Div. 39. \V. Carmthvrs. 50 yds. Div. 57. Alex Douglas. 126 yds. . Div. 12 GM). Brown, 101$ yds.. Div. 62. D. A. Clendeuuiug 32 yds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Div. 58. J. A. Mitchell. 73 yds.. Div. 64. J. G. Hoover. 90 yds. . . , Div. 46. David Runer 48 yds . . . Div. 59, Daniel Conunr 10 yds .. Div. 48. J. K. Miller. 87 yds .. . Div. 71 Jus. Luwrie, '78 yds .. Div. 63. Grid Brownsiwrger, 66 yds . .. . . Div. 65. Henry Grove 56 yds. . . Guu'el \la‘t'd to wake tile . . . . . . Lappâ€"Mm‘risnnmthat Mr. Pudth he cmumissionertn repair bridge at, Buttonville and post rmflcvs that the bridge is unme for thrvshiug engines and fun-hiding them crossing same pending repairs. Nighâ€"Padgt‘tâ€" that Mr. Morrisun be appointed couxmissinner tn repair hill on [mt 31 cum. 8 ; amount payable onhis m-dvr when Work is cmuple-ted. Div. Div. Div. Div. Div. Div. Div Dlv Div Div Div Div Nighâ€"Pndgetâ€" that Mr. Morrison be appuintod a. commissioner to repair bridge opposite 10L28. own. 10; mman payable on his order when work is (ruinpleted. Padgetâ€"Mm-risunâ€" that Mr. Nigh he appointed ('mu’r to open ditch npp. Lot 32. Gun 9; amount, puyAMe (HI order of coxu'r when Wolk is complet- ed. Nighâ€"Murrisonâ€" that Mr. Padget i be appuinted a (‘nunnissinnel' to sell small trees between lots 30 and 35, con. 2. Padgetâ€"Nighâ€"tlmt the mover be a commissioner to repair bridge opp. Lot: 28, con. 3; :uununt, payable un ox‘dei'of cmmmssinner when work is Coglplefl-‘d. F1171" Alex. Frasvr. Soc. Aloxnndex- Muir Memorial re forming (‘orxuuiuves u» unlicib cnnu-ihutions for the fund. Council met at Unionville an Sutur- duy. Oct. 12. with all the members pl-Escut and RgevaSanr it} the chair». Cmmnunicutiuna received 2â€"fmm F. Lorne Button, re open ditch running through his father‘s, asking that it, be Changed to a tile drain. Our burg is sLill upholding its repu- tation as a horse~dealing (at-litre. sever- al deals having gone through here lately. megratul/ations Sammy! lutf M: Nnughtop. Reeve l'ugsley left. Tuesdayur qucia. indium Head and act‘s in the “fest. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. are the best, mixed paints on the market. Made in 60 different tints. Always ready for use. ISLflND CITY FLOOR PflINTS ary hard in 8 hours. Always reliable, economical and durable. FOR SALE BY 1 When You Paint Use The Best Painfi‘. Blanche Dunn of Pittsburg. hm: friend. Miss Burnett lust PERSONALS J. A. Mitchell. 73 yds J. G. Hum-H.510 yds.. David R:lu)er 48 yds . Daniel Conunr 10 yds J. K. Miller. 87 yds .. N: Thursday . NICHOLLS, Richmond Hill that Mr. Tillman ad to (WL‘ see the be Lyle, a d keep RSI g {game} €572“); Lh $118 95 a trip other 91" of Mrs. 20 00 12 til) 10 15 3 20 7 30 9 ()0 4 80 1 OH 8 70 1 10 2 4|) 1 40 7 90 5 70 3 80 5 0|) 660 560 8U On Thursday. October 31, in addiâ€" tion tn the regular service a late car will leave Newrmwket for'l‘nmnm and intermediate points at 10.45 p. In. A. late car will Msn leave North Toronto for Newman-ket and intenm-diute points at 11.30 p. m. 17-2 cattle and hogs. Paints SATURDAY, Nov. 2â€" Auction sale of car load of colts. fillies, stpers. fresh milk cows, and a few work horses at Maple Hotel. Terms 10 months. Suigenu & MtEwen aucts. For sale at the C. Stationuor delivered village:â€"-â€" Also file. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. A weak Stomach. causing dyspepsia, a WPiâ€"lk heart with palpitation or inter- mittent pulse. always mean weak Stomach nerves. m- wenk Heart. nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr'. Shnop‘s Restorative and Sf'k‘ how quickly thvso ailments disappear. Dr. Shunp of Racine, “'is.. will mail samples Ewe. “'rite for them. A test will tell. Yuurbealth is certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by \V. A. Sandi-b son. - STEAM COAL NUT, STOVE, F'URVACE Best Scranton coal. L Rev. and Mrs. J. C Bell of Picker- mg left; yesterday after spending :1 few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Goad. Mrs. S. \V. Weldon and baby are also visiting fur a. couple of weeks at Duffcrin Grove. Newmarket Eraâ€"Mrs. Jams-s Baker and dnugfitennf C:ll'l‘\iHP, and Mrs. Bond ome-(Into. aunt of Mr. Chas. Kirby. nlsn Mrs. Tyndall of Richmond Hill unspent \Vednesdny with Mrs. Chas. Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Humor of Toronto. Miss Bertie \Villinms of Jucksun’s Point. and Mr. Munm of \Vilcnx. Susk., spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. \V. Hewisun. The Misses Hunter nf Tm‘onto came up to see- their uncle, Mr. T. M. Henry Principal 0f mu' High Schnnl, who we regret, tn sav has hem) confined to his mum thmngh ilhmsS. Mr. and Mrs. Russell, fm'morly of Markham. have tukvu up residence on the (turner 0f Yonge and Richmond streets. Mr. Stephens of the Standard Bank. Toronto, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Stirling at, their new heme “Friedanheim.” Mrs. Sloan spent over Sunday at, lenidge. She was accompanied back by her mother, Mrs Hamiltun. who had visited in len'ldge for the previous month. Miss Maude I’m-k91- of Toronto spent Tuesday and \Vednosday of this week with Mrs. Stirling and Mrs. Allen. Mrs. \Villinm Stevenson and her son Ambruse visited thvir uncle Mr. .Tnhn Bastard from Friday till Sunday. The teachers in the two lower de- partments in the Public Schan visit- ed schmnls in Toronto last Friday. Rinans Ta Ripaus Ta RipanaTabnies cure bad breath. R‘mans 'I‘ahuies cure consripauon. Rio ans Tab ules. J. H. BAKER Bran and Victor Feed'for Pure Prepared CQ‘AL For threshing engines. NOTIC‘E Auction Sales. diz ziness‘ WWW: Wmaux magma in the Family H Weekly Mail and Empire, with premium “Golgotha” 7 5 C The Toronto Daily Vvorld . 4 months Co, The Daily Globe, one year 2 ‘ 50 York County only i "’ The Daily Mail and Em- Fire, one year (York T 0%DW) I l he ome - ourna , one 2:" yearâ€" fiQC. The Daily Star, received % 5) 5 on day of publication - N The Daily Star, not reoeiv- 1 {MO ' ed clay of publication o 0 The Toronto Daily World , 4. months The Daily Globe, one year York County only Subscriptions for weekly ami daily papers taken at “The Liberal” Office. Note the following-- Weekly Globe, with illustrated edi- tion, till Jan. 1, 1909 G mt 83mm The Local Newspalper is part of every household. It is your fiiend and benefacton In fact it is part of every home. vegetables, its dairy, or its forestsâ€"411 tact a love of lies deep in {arm dailv. e; Ch Your Local Weekly and one of the Best Agricultural Daily Newspa- pers in Canada, almost given away, Townm Daily Till January 1, 1908. for 69 cents All the men love the old farm, its stock, its fruit, its week. every heart. The VV-‘orld is up-to-clatc as a Special pages are given to Agriculture twice SubSCIibe at The Liberal Office, and The Liberafi DG IT_NGW ald and ‘ Newstpape‘m P AN'E THE.- big the abreast of the times. The [)3in paper from the centres is necess man who wants to be the farm

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